Voyages of the Avanestra

Game Master Tyrn Jade

Explore the universe and discover the mysteries of life in a space-fantasy setting.

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@GM- If i'm not going to be a chaplain then nevermind, not important.
Spent my cash, didn't bother to cost it out individually just deducted 100gp; it should be more than required.

Erast wrote:

@GM- If i'm not going to be a chaplain then nevermind, not important.

Spent my cash, didn't bother to cost it out individually just deducted 100gp; it should be more than required.

What are you referring to, Erast? And you're chaplain, for sure, I thought I mentioned that. I think I'm confused. Haha.

Raal: Haha, DM Canada. That sounds funny. GM Acer saccharum of Canada.

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GM Tsuga canadensis wrote:
Raal: Haha, DM Canada. That sounds funny. GM Acer saccharum of Canada.

I'll just blame you then ;Þ

Good day ya'll. Xan and I are getting his backstory squared away, then I should be ready to boogy. I should have mentioned it earlier, but during this time, if you guys needed to modify anything on your characters you're welcome to. If you wanted to change a class or something let me know, but I'll more than likely allow it before we start. When we start playing obviously not, but around level 5 I like to offer redoes, that way we've sufficiently tested the characters and know what works and what doesn't work. But after that, your elecro-resonance is PERMANENT! ::queue fire and lighting::

Did you guys want to have known each other before hand? Whether it's at the CSA Academy or elsewhere is up to you guys. Some of you could already be CSA graduates but some may have had to enroll in order to qualify as a crew member. All of your backstories are good and swell. Not sure if everyone got this memo, but with your acceptance letters there was an invitation to the Eve of Launch reception at the Celeborn Retreat. Your CSA uniform, with your distinct occupational colors and Runic-rank, and the formal variety have also been delivered to you. We will begin two days prior to launch, during the last couple days of the Unity Festival.

Dibs on the red coat ;)

"That would certainly be fine, but the CSA specifically has you on as a representative and adviser, not to mention you're a powerful atmatic "artist". They would not have you on the ship to necessarily convert anyone, but you certainly are capable of providing counsel to those that would need it and you're also one of the captain's advisers. I guess what I'm saying is, the CSA does not use you as a strong-arm of any particular religion, but they have you on board because of what you represent. By your organization specifically, you are charged with the protection of this realm (the Void) and guidance of the souls within it. :) Does this religion have anything to do with Xenogenesism? Or is it a culturally preserved older religion?"

I took this to mean I don't have any official role as a chaplain.

Male Rhaelian Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Mindchemist, Psychonaut) 3 // Bard (Archivist) 3
Raal wrote:
Dibs on the red coat ;)

That's my line.

Male Rhaelian Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Mindchemist, Psychonaut) 3 // Bard (Archivist) 3

Also, are there any other animi on-board? (I've got a limited number of species that think in different ways than I do to practice with before the real test, so I should make the most of every opportunity, Mathesar thinks to himself.) Is my role as translator going to be replaced in whole or part with "wands" of Tongues?

Erast: Oh, well yeah, the CSA itself does not have you on for those reasons. What you represent culturally and your other abilities had qualified you. You can still act as a chaplain, but just on your own accord. The Avanestra also has a civilian population. So there are those that would like religious services and what not. The CSA would not employ anyone to invoke a particular faith, though.

Mathesar: No, there is only one Animi in the known world. And I wouldn't count on it, regarding your question on your role. You never know what could happen and you need to resort to what you're able to do naturally.

Raal: Haha. Red coat? Final Fantasy reference?

Oh wait, are you referring to Star Trek? I promise the uniforms are not nearly as plain! I envision them similar to the formal SeeD outfit from FFVIII but with different color Rune-ranks along the right breast that indicate the field their occupation is in.

CSA Guard Corp: Crimson

CSA Research Team: Teal

CSA Diplomacy Team: Maroon

CSA Atmatonics and Engineering Team: Navy

CSA Sociology and Anthropology Team: Pearl

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

What's the color for the bridge crew since I'm apparently a ship officer?

Oh, these colors apply to bridge crew as well. I forgot to add CSA Medical Team: Pearl. I meant for Sociology and Anthropology to be Gold.

You'd have a specific rune-rank that'd state your bridge and officer status. For you, H1, you could fall under a few categories so it's really up to you. Diplomacy or Guard more than likely. The color coding is for easy personnel recognition, so consider them basic indicators of your expertise. All of you guys really can fall under a few categories so it becomes more a matter of what color you'd like on your uniform.

The uniform does not replace your expedition equipment (that which you bought). It only needs to be worn when on duty on the ship.

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

As far as knowing I imagine most people would know of H1 based purely upon her existence. As to who she would know of most likely she would know of everyone based purely on her position.

Damn, I was looking forward to being Father Mulcahy :) Oh well.

That's definitely a safe assumption. You may not know everyone in the party, but you know of them and they know of you and may have even seen you before as you reside in Illia, a prominent Rhaelian city and the location of the Conduit Anchor connecting to Kajiiata. But you guys can definitely arrange to have known each other prior, that is not an issue and has no effect on the main plot that I can foresee. You could have spent part of the past 10 years after First Contact as a teacher at the CSA Academy, and met one of the party members that way. Just giving you an idea of what options are there.

@Erast: Hahaha. I had to Wikipedia Father Mulcahy. Well, like I said, you're more than welcome to play the part. The CSA cannot restrict you on your practices nor what conversations you have with people. In fact, the CSA will do everything in its power to protect your right to share your beliefs in a non-predatory manner, as is recognized under the Adelene Constitution.

Male Rhaelian Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Mindchemist, Psychonaut) 3 // Bard (Archivist) 3
GM Tsuga canadensis wrote:

Oh wait, are you referring to Star Trek? I promise the uniforms are not nearly as plain! I envision them similar to the formal SeeD outfit from FFVIII but with different color Rune-ranks along the right breast that indicate the field their occupation is in.

CSA Guard Corp: Crimson

CSA Research Team: Teal

CSA Diplomacy Team: Maroon

CSA Atmatonics and Engineering Team: Navy

CSA Sociology and Anthropology Team: Pearl

So I'm either Diplomacy Team: Maroon or Sociology and Anthropology Team: Gold.

So what do Rhaelian and Kajiiatan sexual mores look like? (I'd like to know how much I should play up the "Captain Kirk" vibe I've got going.)

Also, is there a swimming pool on-board?

Yup, Star Trek. I'm bait, right? Bur Crimson will do, oh yes, it will do.

Haha. I know who Captain Kirk is! I will admit, my Star Trek expertise is with TNG, but I've of course seen Trouble with Tribbles and I look forward to watching more original Star Trek on those less creative days when I need some inspiration.

And good question, Mathesar! If you're wondering about Rhaelian and Kajiiatan relationships, they can date and certainly copulate (which you have to imagine entire populations living in a world with less social boundaries would tickle those curiosities) but no viable offspring has ever been produced. Also, not much research has been done on the matter either, as a more "don't argue with nature" approach has been taken to the bio-sciences. In that way, scientist are better able to find loop holes in biology and bypass some things, which is how people are able to use permachants (permanent enchantments) without their body melting away trying to reject it. BUT! there are those scientists looking for such a loop-hole in order to create a viable Rhaelian and Kajiiatan off-spring.

Did that answer your question, Mathesar?

Raal: The Crimson will look good! Nice black base with Kajiiatan embroidering on the shoulders, and bearing crimson rune-ranks on the breast and collar signifying your specialty.

Mathesar, I just looked up "sexual mores" and realized I did not answer your question properly. Hopefully the information was still useful ;) As far as dating and fraternizing on the ship, it is totally acceptable. As long as relationships and personal conflicts don't interfere with performance when on duty, then the CSA can take no actions against such cherished freedoms. But, should the extent of such matters spill into the job, then your eligibility can be compromised, and you'll be put in a tube that is shot at the nearest star (just kidding on that last sentence. But you'll definitely get a good ol' fashion CSA spanking).

I'm nearly ready to go guys. I'm going to assume you guys do not know each other personally prior to launch.

I also meant to ask, are you guys ready?


N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver


Male Rhaelian Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Mindchemist, Psychonaut) 3 // Bard (Archivist) 3

Aye, aye, sir!

Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 1 RAGING!!! HP 9/20; AC 16, touch 13, Flat Footed 15; CMD 20; Fort +9, Reflex +3, Will +6; Perception +7; Initiative +4; Rage [7/8]

Hey team, sorry I've been pretty sucky on getting info out to you guys regarding my character. I just got a promotion and now they suddenly expect me to do more work (I'm like: WTF!?) so my free time has been a little less than I'm used to. In an effort to save face, I've thrown together what I hoped to accomplish with my character into a quick couple paragraphs.

30 Second Recap:

Kieran joined the CSA just after graduating Medical College TDB. During basic training he showed excellence in Hand-to-Hand CQC and although several other recruits beat his written exam scores he remained an unparalleled field medic. He was handpicked and assigned to a research team whose purpose was to class and compare organisms from newly charted planets.

Though he is a Doctor and Xenobiologist by profession, his passion is Theology. Dr. Crane proposed that absolute freedom is something that can be achieved before death and that those who are able to do so “ascended” into Archons. This theory was published and received many mixed reactions from both Rhaelians and Kajiitans. He has taken aspects of some archaic beliefs to achieve his goal to be the first Rhaelian to reach absolute freedom in his current skin. His principles are basic but unflinching and place much emphasis on physical purity as well as mental.

He'll definitely be part of the Avanestra's Medical Team though he may have certain privileges with Research. Anyone who planned on going with either of these teams should feel free to shoot me a PM and we can conglomerate our backgrounds into something.

Kieran will fill the role of 'Anvil' fairly well and will be minoring in 'Arm' (fun read btw, TarkXT).

Male Rhaelian Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Mindchemist, Psychonaut) 3 // Bard (Archivist) 3
Kieran Crane wrote:
Kieran will fill the role of 'Anvil' fairly well and will be minoring in 'Arm' (fun read btw, TarkXT).

Mathesar is Arm and Hammer, but I'm not so sure how good he's going to be at either. He's more a skill-monkey/face than a fighter.

I'd say so.

What's all this arm, hammer, and anvil talk? I'm oblivious to this concept. Haha.

So today is my long day. School all day and then work until aboot 10:00 or 10:30 but after that, couchsurfers depending (they may not show up), I can get our first posts in. If they do show up, then tomorrow night I can get our posts in. I just wanted to let you guys know so you aren't waiting too long wondering where your jam is, as I may not have time to check it.

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

They're discussing the philosophy of jolly cooperation in the goal of kicking ass.

As for H1 she's a big HAMMER with a little anvil. I'll be dragging my initiative into rather high places in the very near future (10+ is very easy for her to obtain). She might make a bigger anvil later. It may be worth Mathesar to focus on bombs of the controlling type (smoke and such) since he'll be looking at soem decent dc's with his cognatogen. And he's only one or two bard spells away from things like grease which are also good things to ahve for that role. He can still function in his face/skill monkey role just fine without sacrificing much. Heck given your status as a scientist it might be worth just dumping weapon finnesse for something more suitable to the character. Lingering Performance maybe? Up to you. Just my thoughts. I just don't see you getting much use out of it between me and Raal running around ripping people to pieces.

Given the classes available to you though you can probably perform all three easily enough since much of your offense is focused on one or two scores no matter how you do it as long as you avoid melee.

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

Also H1 is maroon. Because only the most interesting man in the world can get away with being a red shirt on star trek and surviving.

Male Eridani Soulknife/Ranger(wild stalker) 2

So ready for this. Obvious hammer time. Also considering my reach i can anvil pretty well.

Male Rhaelian Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Mindchemist, Psychonaut) 3 // Bard (Archivist) 3
Harbinger One wrote:
It may be worth Mathesar to focus on bombs of the controlling type (smoke and such) since he'll be looking at soem decent dc's with his cognatogen. And he's only one or two bard spells away from things like grease which are also good things to ahve for that role. He can still function in his face/skill monkey role just fine without sacrificing much. Heck given your status as a scientist it might be worth just dumping weapon finnesse for something more suitable to the character. Lingering Performance maybe? Up to you. Just my thoughts. I just don't see you getting much use out of it between me and Raal running around ripping people to pieces.

I'm switching Weapon Finesse to Blind-fight. OoC for bombing through smoke bombs at level 3, IC for meeting blind aliens.

Hey guys. I forgot to mention really what to do about languages, but I see already you guys handled it pretty well. Yeah, for now, just put language you have coming to you on hold until I figure out how to treat this. I will introduce 5 languages that are available to pick upon character creation:

1.) UT (Universal Translator): Considered Common in all intents and purposes though it is an actual atmatronic device, or a permachant, that augments brain-wave interpretations. This does not allow communication between anything with a brain, as it can only work if both parties have a UT.

2.) Rhaelese - The tongues of Midgar. If you speak Rhaelese, you speak a modernized version of their ancestral language. This language is considered to have the basic roots of most languages spoken today. This was developed during the pre-contact years, when only remote communication with the Kajiiatans was occurring. It was thought to be easier to communicate when First Contact happened.

3.) Kajii - The tongues of Acceltra. Same reasons here as for the Rhaelians. You can know whatever dialect you'd like of either Rhaelese or Kajii because it is assumed you know the basics of most common languages spoken on the planets. That's why they're titled the tongues of....

4.) Zooksokan - It is the oldest known language and is considered a more "biological" language. Meaning, the actual hominid shape, design, and overall biology, provide the means for this language's emergence. In other words, the Kajiiatans primitive ancestors spoke something very similar to Zooksokan, as well as the Rhaelians. This is not a common language to know, as mostly archaeologists and other scholars would probably know it. This would be important for you, Mathesar and H1.

5.) Felinese - Communicate with cats from ANY planet, and uncover their secret plot to take over all of the universe.... s+%*, I ruined the ending!

This is different for my Eridani, of course.

I can post more later tonight, gents. I have work 3-close. But Gameplay is up! Very basic for now, but you guys can take this time to explore the main cities and let your characters get to know each other. There are also festivities! Except for you Xan. NO FUN FOR YOU! But you'll get a PM. It's times like these where I'm more of a "reactive" than "proactive" DM. I think it's important to switch between the two, so you guys feel you have some hold on this universe.

Hey guys. Long day at work. I realize my post is a little vague (I wrote it minutes before work), but it at least provided a setting. You're welcome to choose where you'd like to be introduced or I can just do it more "proactively". I sometimes forget that I'm more acquainted with this universe, so I'll try not to leave out essential details.

Male Rhaelian Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Mindchemist, Psychonaut) 3 // Bard (Archivist) 3
GM Tsuga canadensis wrote:
4.) Zooksokan - It is the oldest known language and is considered a more "biological" language. Meaning, the actual hominid shape, design, and overall biology, provide the means for this language's emergence. In other words, the Kajiiatans primitive ancestors spoke something very similar to Zooksokan, as well as the Rhaelians. This is not a common language to know, as mostly archaeologists and other scholars would probably know it. This would be important for you, Mathesar and H1.

How complicated is Zooksokan? Are we talking caveman grunts, or a full-blown language (which I assume would be evidence for existence of the Alpha Humanoids)?

GM Tsuga canadensis wrote:
5.) Felinese - Communicate with cats from ANY planet, and uncover their secret plot to take over all of the universe.... s$@!, I ruined the ending!

How smart are these cats?

Zooksokan is basically the Sumerian equivalent of our universe, but even older. It's extremely basic and is nothing too complex, and a way you can think about it is the quantification of primitive humanoid interactions. So to vaguely answer you question, somewhere between paleohumanoid and a structured language. Like the "animal behavior" of humanoids, but more structured. I hope I'm making sense, haha.

These cats are extremely smart and are far superior than any humanoid in existence. They will crush you all with their fury! I'm really just kidding, but it's fun to think about. Maybe I'll save this scenario for a "filler" episode. Haha.

Male Eridani Soulknife/Ranger(wild stalker) 2

I need to roll here cuz it's not working in PM's Noone look but GM


I was 1 low on my perception and stealth before.

Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Know(nat):1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Survival to follow fresh tracks I saw:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Hey star-seekers. Happy Thanksgiving! I will be absent in recognition of the holiday. I will post tomorrow though! Xan, I haven't forgotten about you bud. We coincidentally started on a busy week. Have a safe and happy holiday! I'm thankful for Pathfinder for making 3.5 better :)

Hey guys. Just because we've had a slow start, I'm making the reception on the same day we're in game. Still the same date and everything. It's just the day before launch instead of two days. It honestly makes absolutely no difference, the time did nothing for the plot. I just wanted to give you guys the opportunity explore the cities (yes, you are allowed to go to Kajiiata) and explore "your own" culture first-hand before departing into the new frontier. This week has been crazy so this will help pick up the pace and get the ball rolling. Thank you for your patience. Hope everyone had a nice holiday!

Hello star-seekers. So I plan on dedicating the majority of the day to getting posts in. The reception will not be a huge episode, more just for story and setting. Besides, you guys haven't partied like they party in Illia ;) We have to properly cast off the Avanestra.

So school is almost over for the semester. This is the last week of classes and finals are the next so there may be an extensive break. Sorry for the slow start guys. I also have to prepare for an independent research project for next semester so my brain has shifted from this universe to RL. I wasn't anticipating this to take up so much of my time (which I genuinely enjoy giving, as this is a cool hobby). Hope I haven't lost your interest. Haha. Once winter break is here, I'll have s&#*-loads of time and we can progress much quicker. Again, thanks for your patience.


For Xan the Forgotten:
2d6 ⇒ (2, 6) = 8

GM only please:
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Male Eridani Soulknife/Ranger(wild stalker) 2

xans rolls:

Survival:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Male Rhaelian Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Mindchemist, Psychonaut) 3 // Bard (Archivist) 3

Just so I don't get blind-sided again (the future is clothing-optional, who knew?), a brief paragraph or two on interpersonal and intergender relations, courtship and mating rituals, sexual identity, and mating system(s) in the year 7512 would be nice.

EDIT: Mathesar knows far more about his socially-acceptable options in re: semi-higher status girl crushing on him than I do. For all I know, adding her to his harem, juggling geese together, having her pencil him into her day-planner once a week, or sending her a life-size nude statue of himself are all options that would resolve things. Enacting the Rite of Trygr from "The Adventures of Bo's'n Higgs" to make them blood-sworn is always an option (assuming she's that much of a geek). The frightening thing is that Mathesar could easily outdo me in lists of possible ways society could structure this sort of thing.

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N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

Silly flesh things and your constant preoccupation with reproduction.

Hahaha. Better be careful, H1. You may develop such urges one day and not be able to contain yourself. Who knows, your idea of attraction would be totally unique and maybe not restricted to humanoids ;) I just imagined you grinding a materiagen (new name I'm using for this universe's replicators, as it fits better).

Mathesar, I'd be delighted! Got ya with your pants your down ;). Yeah, anything you guys want to know, you can find out even in game (like accessing a database or something like that) or you can just ask as there's a lot of information to this world and things function differently, so I don't anticipate you guys to understand the environment quite yet. I'll take that more into account next time. I have gaggles of pages about this world.

This game is inspired by the overall progression of life and what I imagine the future and even the far future to be like. One of my observations is that most things seem to natural strive for freedom. Even against chains we can't perceive because of the limits of our biology. So with this concept in mind, the future to me seems to have achieved more individuality and people live their lives for themselves. We are born and fall into an industrialized routine. The future, to me, will not have that. This industrial routine can even be applied to expectations of others. For example, if one were to see someone walk the streets naked today, most people would be offended or even feel assaulted, and may even take legal measures, measures that threaten the freedom of an individual living in his own natural skin, in order to eliminate nudity in public environments. In the future, in most populations within the two worlds, to condemn one's freedom for exposing there natural skin would be considered barbaric. Many factors play into this mindset. Education and information availability opens the minds and creates critically thinking individuals, the virtual end of poverty, which has reduced the crime rate by shocking amounts, and much less regulations from governments, which are more like republic-powered organizations that create civil guidelines to live by. So people, in this new environment available to them, simply did not see the concern or offense, and that clothes virtually only had a cosmetic or practical use (such as keeping warm). The more time went on and more generations are born into this world, more clothes seem to be rebuked. I make the anthroscape seem very nude, and that is not true. People generally wear clothes, but not because they don't want to offend anyone, but to look or feel good. Also, it is uncommon to see multiples of an outfit, because people can afford custom-made clothes on account of resource surpluses and having a near vestigial currency. Groups like the protesters may have an issue with it, but they're from far away lands not keen on current matters of the world.

Rhaelian styles have a more Greek/Victorian look, where Kajiiatans have a similar look but more like Elven/Victorian.


Typically, Rhaelians have tendencies toward monogamy. Rather it's more about age. Biologically, species capable of supporting life all year round would want to bang all the time. But this is more in the cultural-sense of things. Any and all forms of courtship are practiced, but predominantly, a Rhaelian family would consist of two parents, male and female, and 1-4 offspring.

Kajiiatans.... well, it's a little different. Kajiiatan families might consist of a household of couples, all really close friends. The group is of very trusted individuals. Forming a family with a friend is not like finding a roommate. It's a tremendous honor, one on par with tradition marriage in our universe. Typical families consist of 2-3 couples, with 1-3 offspring per couple. Kajiiatan residential houses are usually big, and in most cases living life this way has helped conserve living space on their world, allowing their cities to be really dense and not have that "urban sprawl".

As with the Rhaelians, this is not unanimous and other cultures with other practices exist on these worlds, but this is just what is predominant. So you guys can really affiliate anyway you want. It's also not uncommon to find bisexuals. In fact, non-bisexuals are uncommon (things are kind of... Greek that way...). If this makes anyone uncomfortable it has no influence over your characters whatsoever, I just perceive the future to have more and more bisexuals as people become less and less restrictive with themselves and do not fear much judgement from others as judgment is seldom given. I myself prefer the touch of a female, but objectively thinking, it's what I foresee.

Rhaelian dating is similar to Human dating. I don't want to explain too much, as I want to save some of this info for gameplay reasons, but it's safe to assume it's how we bag the dames on Earth. Kick em in the head and drag em home. ::grunts::

Kajiiatans are similar as well, though some differences people would notice is that they don't court over food or something so much, but they give lots of self-created gifts. That might put a Rhaelian female off, as usually a food offering is the proper first move, but Kajiiatans to not see gift offerings as being too forward. Also, they spend dates mostly taking females (or females taking males) to very scenic places. Stimulating Kajiiatan sight is on par with pre-foreplay (know what I mean?). Rather than focusing so much on words and conversation (Rhaelians you can imagine is the opposite, as we as humans tend to hate awkward silences), they focus on what they're seeing and converse that way in a sense.

Response to you EDIT: Haha. No she's not THAT much of a geek. Definitely a cute, smart lady, though her father hinted that you are not the only gentleman she has had over. But, because you are who you are, she has taken a liking to you. You don't have to develop anythign with it. It's just a seed I plant that will grow and add dynamic when on the ship. :) So.... did my "brief" paragraph answer your question? Haha.

Kajiiatan families often create businesses together. Large families were typically wealthier at one point, though such a strata is diluted these days.

What is the Kajiatan and Rhaelian church's attitude to courtship and sex? And what are the rules for acolytes/members/priests? of the churches?

The Sect would favor traditional marriages, as the union is perceived to be witnessed by whatever patron deities.

Since the sect is large though, there are certainly some religions that maybe perceive sex, lust, and urges as a realm to worship. So what exactly Erast would decide for himself (a chaste life, for instance) is dependent on what religions he'd affiliate with. You could just as likely abide by a religion that requires its acolytes to be celibate. The Sect itself may feel like the majority of the population are just too sloppy with how they treat sex, and would rather see marriage in all its forms done in the eyes of higher-beings.

You are free to reference abstract religions that could very well be in the world. For instance, if you just want to spruce up dialogue, I don't mind if you essentially "create" a religion just as something to reference, as long as it doesn't drastically alter the setting or anything. I assume the worlds to be large and heterogenous, but as stated, religion as a whole is either diluted by xenogenesism, preserved in the Sect, or otherwise seldom practiced.


Hey guy. Are waiting for a post from me? I was waiting for either your Climb or Acrobatics check. The tunnel below is illuminated by squishy, disc-like creatures that adhere to the walls of the tunnel. They illuminate brighter when you draw close to them (by whichever means you decide to get down).

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