Volcano's Land - A New Beginning

Game Master Miner Cotren

Darkness surrounds the land where the peoples of Volcano, River, and Forest live under a Fallen Sky.


Most recent loose ends and summary.

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Female Sylph Chosen One 9 | HP: 103 (-0) | AC: 23 (13 Tch, 22 Fl) {+2 vs nonmagical) | CMD: 23 | F: +15, R: +10, W: +10; Immune Fear,Disease,Charm | Init: +1 | Perc: -2, SM: +5 | Speed: 20ft, Climb: 15ft | Active Conditions: +4 vs Fear/Charm to allies in 10ft;
Detect Evil: At Will, Smite Evil 3/3, Lay on Hands 12/12: Channel 2/2 | Spells: 1st: 3/3 2nd: 2/2

"I suppose its worth a try...but I cannot...just can't condone unwilling sacrifices. If the elen is of able body and mind and willing....I...I don't know. Is there a common ground from the Lady and myself to reconcile?" whispers back to Ibinu.

Shaking her head, she glances back towards the young elder before adding " I do fear this new elder will not be well received...we'll have to tread carefully. Do some damage control of course but we've got to show the others it's appearance is a positive thing."

Dowanhowee shakes her head at Kallik's question. "A crooked tree needs a stubborn wind, a gentle rain, and a patient hand. He is my responsibility." She smiles at you, showing a few green gemstones among yellowing teeth. "I'm sorry to be rude, but I feel I must go to my people, and reassure them the Elder is well. Thanks to you. Please, come back soon, for my sake and the Elder's."

where to now?

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Emissary Phoenix | Active Conditions: Detect Evil | HP: 45/45 | AC 15, Tch 12, Fl 15; +2 vs Evil | CMB: +4, CMD: 14 (Can’t be Tripped) | Fly 60ft (Perfect) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +6; Imp Evasion; +2 vs Evil/Poison | Perc: +2, SM: +6; Darkvision | Guidance: At Will; Touch of Glory: 0/1; Share Will: 1/1 |
1/day Each: Aid, Daylight

Wide eyed at the thought of reconciliation, Etrah stops in his tracks a moment. Rubbing his beak, he watches the blessed duo move forward.

'Well, I would have thought she'd never consider...hmmm. Perhaps there is a way, but she won't like it. She won't like it at all!' considers the phoenix, glancing upwards towards the volcanic peak in the distance.

'I'm still not sure why you feel so strongly about this sylph, Warrior. Is this more a test for me or for her? I thought I knew the answer here but...lately it's not so clear. You truly wish us to sooth your sister? I'd assumed you tired of her barbarism and wished to send her the way of the Sky one...'

Slowly he begins to walk again, 'Well...this is certainly getting interesting. I'll grant you that.'

Quickly Etrah flies back up to the group and rejoins their ranks near Inam.

NG Male Sylph Sorcerer 5 & Dragon Disciple 4 | Mods: Comp Lang, False Life, Mage Armor | HP 73 (-0) Temp 11 | AC/Tch/FF 20/12/18 | CMD: 20 | F/R/W +6/+6/+10 (Elec Resist 5, Fire Resist 10) | Speed 30ft (Fly 60 when cast) | Climb 20 ft | Storm Blood Heal 18/18, Bite & Claws 6/6 | Level 1: 3/7, Level 2: 5/7, Level 3: 1/6, Level 4: 3/3 | Perc: +14 (Dark & Dragon), SM: +2 | Init: +2

Ibinu whispers back, "that's the problem though, I'm sure a lot of the sacrifices were willing... or at least thought they should be. There is a lot of religious fervor going on, just give it a try. Thank you."

It is Emberday, Giantrites the 20th, 1258 VS.
It is nineteenth candle.

On the way back to the Temple, Edoardo speaks to Inam and the rest of you over the intermittent gusts of wind. "The Watches, they are trying too much these days, eh? I know you don't care much for politics, but do you want me to do something about the ones who reach too far?"

Just a friendly reminder that we...retroactively fastforwarded the 5 weeks, so this is the current date.

Female Sylph Chosen One 9 | HP: 103 (-0) | AC: 23 (13 Tch, 22 Fl) {+2 vs nonmagical) | CMD: 23 | F: +15, R: +10, W: +10; Immune Fear,Disease,Charm | Init: +1 | Perc: -2, SM: +5 | Speed: 20ft, Climb: 15ft | Active Conditions: +4 vs Fear/Charm to allies in 10ft;
Detect Evil: At Will, Smite Evil 3/3, Lay on Hands 12/12: Channel 2/2 | Spells: 1st: 3/3 2nd: 2/2

Considering Edoardo's words carefully, Inam frowns. "We'll have to tread softly here. Careful action must be taken... We narrowly avoided a civil war just a few weeks ago and we really don't want to incite another one. I can't believe fear of the...the Lady is all that kept order in this place. There must be a better way to bring order."

Turning towards her trusted guard, her friend, she offers a tired smile. "We have to do something to protect the people though. Is this an isolated issue? Is it a wide spread problem?"

Her mind wandering back to the recent encounter with the 'Cauldron Lady's' effigy, her expession falters "Have I just changed the focus of the Holy War? Is this how So Khong's fall began?"

Stopping so suddenly Etrah runs into her and nearly crashes to the ground, she stares up towards the volcano above the city. 'I need your guidance. Please tell me what to do!' Silently staring at the burning embers, her mothers words ring out in her mind. 'Have I failed you? Is that why you took my family's forge? Are you punishing my line?!'

Dropping her eyes to the dirt ground, she begins to slowly follow the group again. Silently, her mouth works, but no words come out as she evaluates the situation...one encounter at a time...

NG Male Sylph Sorcerer 5 & Dragon Disciple 4 | Mods: Comp Lang, False Life, Mage Armor | HP 73 (-0) Temp 11 | AC/Tch/FF 20/12/18 | CMD: 20 | F/R/W +6/+6/+10 (Elec Resist 5, Fire Resist 10) | Speed 30ft (Fly 60 when cast) | Climb 20 ft | Storm Blood Heal 18/18, Bite & Claws 6/6 | Level 1: 3/7, Level 2: 5/7, Level 3: 1/6, Level 4: 3/3 | Perc: +14 (Dark & Dragon), SM: +2 | Init: +2

Ibinu adds his thoughts, "that is a pretty high need. Hearth needs stability. We should talk to The Captain of the Guard and the council about the Watch situation when we get an opportunity. Leadership needs to be strong. One fancy speech here or there isn't going to do anything but forestall the inevitable."

He looks around at the current task, "let's put that on a high priority to try to get some stability and cooperation out in the town guard. I know I want to take a look at the situation with the mithral makers too as getting something going again from them in the long term is important." He looks at Inam and adds, "and maybe they would have thoughts about your vague flame question you asked about earlier?"

He whispers to Inam in sylph when they get a second, "ord a mhaolú cruthaitheacht. Má filleann muid ar an gcineál sin sochaí, caillfimid ár gcumas chun ár dtreo amach as trioblóide a chruthú agus ní bheidh sé marbhántach go dtí go mbeidh sé marbh cinnte."

"order stifles creativity. If we return to that kind of society, we will lose our opportunity to invent our way out of trouble and just stagnate until the darkness takes us all."

Edoardo considers Inam's question. Noticing the sylph's distress, he says quietly, "The Ardere Watch," he jerks a thumb towards your captives, "are the biggest problem. Too tied to the old money, to the old ways. If we get them to fall in line, the other Watches won't be a problem. I'll give it more though and, eh, we can talk more later."

Feel free to continue the conversation, but all signs of interest point toward talking to Dove about what to do with the captives and the larger problem of the Watches

You make the short trek from the 'Stem' Slums back to the Temple. None of the former fire-elen give you any resistance, though the lieutenant shoots dark looks at Kallik now and again.

Unlike the Slums, the Temple courtyards are free of snow, evidence of tireless sylphan sweepers that keep these streets clean. Ifrits dominate the scene here, a striking contrast to the nearby Slums. The brass bell tolls the hour from above, calling the faithful and the poor alike to partake of ashbread. The purples and pinks of evening peaklight pulse from far-off Volcano, lending a blush of color to slate-gray clouds hundreds of miles away.

Edoardo makes a small sign to Sophia, who nods and finds a mediator in green robes. The mediator, a young ifrit ele, bows deeply and heads off to the refectory. You climb six tiers of tall, wide stairs, the repetitive motion reminding you of the long day you have had. At the entrance to the former inquisitor tier, the statue of the Cauldron Lady, this one stone, stands faceless and blank, apparently in the middle of Inam's ordered renovations. The cauldron is likewise bare; the bones of the impure have been chiseled off and removed.

You find Dove's quarters nearby the Council Chambers. A tired voice bids you enter after you knock.

The room is austere. Until recently, this was an inquisitor's chambers, and nothing remains of that time except the obsidian walls. A surprisingly cheap-looking desk stands in the middle of the spacious room, flanked by two sturdy tables piled with paperwork and writing utensils. Dove briskly finishes the document he is working on, and stands.

"A pleasure to see friendly faces, although," he continues as you bring in your captives, "it appears you have thought ahead and cancelled that pleasure out with a balance of unfriendly faces. Very just of you. Might I assume this has something to do with the...activity concerning roots and bells this afternoon? Might've these overly ardent Adreres decided to start heroically attacking oreads until they found the perpetrators of said incident?" His thin, pale face is hard as he looks over the guards, none of which make eye contact with him.

female NG Oread Phantom of Rage HP 54/54 |AC-18 T-12 FF-16 DR 5/slashing. DR 5/magic| F+7 R+3 W+5 |CMB+13CMD 24| Init+1 | Perc +5|

Sighing and begining the long walk to the temple. Need to check on Egret. Figure out what they did with the guards, figure out what that thing was.. Tomas.. wasn't I supposed to meet with him? Do I check on the others first?

Heading to Tomas first

NG Male Sylph Sorcerer 5 & Dragon Disciple 4 | Mods: Comp Lang, False Life, Mage Armor | HP 73 (-0) Temp 11 | AC/Tch/FF 20/12/18 | CMD: 20 | F/R/W +6/+6/+10 (Elec Resist 5, Fire Resist 10) | Speed 30ft (Fly 60 when cast) | Climb 20 ft | Storm Blood Heal 18/18, Bite & Claws 6/6 | Level 1: 3/7, Level 2: 5/7, Level 3: 1/6, Level 4: 3/3 | Perc: +14 (Dark & Dragon), SM: +2 | Init: +2

Ibinu jumps in before anyone else, "an astute observation that it was related to that. Fortunately I think that they may not be directly to blame for everything. It turns out that the uh tree... er young elder I believe is what it is called... was the one who perpetrated the incident in order to right some wrongs. Things went sortove downhill for a brief moment as I believe an avatar of the cauldron lady ended up being released. It appears that it had some form of influence over these guards and all of them attacked the tree."

He takes a breath and wraps up his summary, "we fought the avatar off and she fled, severely weakened. We prevented bloodshed or severe harm to the tree and now I guess someone has to sort out all this mess."

Mutagen still up? It has a 60 minute duration.

Yep, still up

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Dove's eyes search the captives, as well as the Blessed. He quirks a thin black eyebrow. "Where is Kallik, if I may be so bold to ask? Since we are speaking of elens with unresolved anger issues that were exacerbated by outside forces, it would be beneficial for her to be present. A learning experience, if I might utilize an overused phrase."

Kallik, you split with your friends and head toward the fourth tier. The Ardere lieutenant locks eyes with you before he disappears from your view. For an ifrit, his anger is strangely cold.

Around the corner, the same hideous efreet statues greet you outside the double-door, lamenting their betrayal of Volcano with screaming, cracked maws. Inside, a familiar sight greets you - the same musty tomes you have seen for weeks on end, lit by the red cantrips of the ifrit librarians. Like magpies searching for trinkets, the dozen or so of Tomas Crosso's hand-picked librarians scuttle throughout the stacks and shelves that stretch the length of a brutbreve field. The few whispered conversations seem loud in this space.

In roughly the center of the room, Crosso converses with some of these fellow ifrits, pointing with awkward enthusiasm toward the corners of the library. His exaggerated hand gestures are easy to spot, even from the entrance. It is a rare moment to see him so gregarious.

Indeed, as soon as he sees you, his shoulders hunch ever so slightly, like a shy turtle retracting into his shell. Despite the weeks you have spent here researching, Crosso has not gotten over the mixture of awe and fear that you seem to invoke in him.

Red hair sticking in three different directions, his round glasses never on completely straight, Crosso comes over and, as always, sticks his hand out as if to shake yours. He quickly brings it back, as if surprised to see it there. "Miss Kallik! I certainly hope I did not keep you waiting. May I inform you of my latest findings, or were you here on other business?"

Female Sylph Chosen One 9 | HP: 103 (-0) | AC: 23 (13 Tch, 22 Fl) {+2 vs nonmagical) | CMD: 23 | F: +15, R: +10, W: +10; Immune Fear,Disease,Charm | Init: +1 | Perc: -2, SM: +5 | Speed: 20ft, Climb: 15ft | Active Conditions: +4 vs Fear/Charm to allies in 10ft;
Detect Evil: At Will, Smite Evil 3/3, Lay on Hands 12/12: Channel 2/2 | Spells: 1st: 3/3 2nd: 2/2

"Kallik? Why she's..." begins the sylph, turning around. For the first time, she realizes the chiseled companion is missing in action. "Well...uh..."

Blushing she stammers, "She was just here...I mean...or was she...uh...I think she had to see that thing about...uh...you know...that el.."

"We could send her your way once she has a free moment." she finishes.

'Smooth. No one suspected a thing... Of course you knew she didn't accompany your troupe back to the temple.' considers Inam.

"I do apologize for the abruptness of this, but I am a bit concerned about the effigy roaming free. Who knows what poor elen is being assaulted by her hatred now? Would you be able to keep an eye on these poor souls for a bit while Ibinu and I see that she's not stirring up too much trouble? If you feel it necessary a guard detail could be supplied to aid you."

female NG Oread Phantom of Rage HP 54/54 |AC-18 T-12 FF-16 DR 5/slashing. DR 5/magic| F+7 R+3 W+5 |CMB+13CMD 24| Init+1 | Perc +5|

Hmm, I thought I didn't split I stayed behind to talk to the oread's while the other two went on with the 'prisoners.' But this works too. Kallik is far to oblivious to so much that just wondering off is not that out of character for her.

Smiling at the quiet familiarity I will cause less problems here. And her smile grows wider at Tomas's animated motions though when he retreats into his normal behavior her frown returns. Nodding, "If you can make it fast. Somethings have happened and I am hoping you can help me with it." Gotta come back with something or I will have to deal with sad eyes.

Inam, Dove smiles. "While I appreciate the offer and I know full well it was made with consideration and good 'faith', I do have a modicum of previous history when it comes to detaining elens of a criminal nature." He whistles and hums a strange two-toned note. A second later, a thin, shining chain slithers down from a his belt loop. After a few more complex whistles, the chain has tightly wound itself around your captives. Although the fine chain looks more suited for jewelry than restraints, the elens seem unable to move or break it.

Going back to his paperwork, Dove says idly, "I believe you will find your companion in the library, if her routines of the last few weeks are any indication of a continuing trend. A pleasure, as always, friends."

Kallik, after you briefly explain your encounter with the Lady and her whispered threat to find the oracles, Crosso nods and starts to speak. After a few stuttering false starts and wiping his now-sweating brow, he finally says, "Well, I have good news and bad. I found the combination for opening the door - it is really quite simple, but if you perform any of the steps out of order there are all those nasty fiery beams that erupt from the gems."

You now know how to get in. Detect Magic, Guidance, and Stabilize (fire) will all be necessary, along with some chanting, which Crosso describes to you

"The bad news is, there are some defenses beyond the door which are unspecified. It is implied this knowledge was passed on by oral tradition, rather than being written down. The only mention of it is 'The past must be respected before the future can be seen.' I'm sorry I couldn't find anymore than that Miss Kallik."

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NG Male Sylph Sorcerer 5 & Dragon Disciple 4 | Mods: Comp Lang, False Life, Mage Armor | HP 73 (-0) Temp 11 | AC/Tch/FF 20/12/18 | CMD: 20 | F/R/W +6/+6/+10 (Elec Resist 5, Fire Resist 10) | Speed 30ft (Fly 60 when cast) | Climb 20 ft | Storm Blood Heal 18/18, Bite & Claws 6/6 | Level 1: 3/7, Level 2: 5/7, Level 3: 1/6, Level 4: 3/3 | Perc: +14 (Dark & Dragon), SM: +2 | Init: +2
Inam Smithrock wrote:
"If you feel it necessary a guard detail could be supplied to aid you."

If Ibinu could facepalm with just his eyes, that is what would have happened right there. I'm glad Dove didn't take offense at you offering to do his job for him.

Smiling he thanks the Guard Captain, "we shall leave it in your capable hands, Sir. Thank you for the information about our friend, I was wondering what she had been up to. We will take a look there and then pursue our investigation into the threat. Thank you again."

As he is walking out he adds, "oh yes, will you be at the next counsel meeting?"

He leads the way to the library assuming that Inam, in her current frazzled state, isn't the best guide nor is even likely to remember where the library might be located.

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"I will, yes. Should I be expecting possessed inquisitors and spirits of the Cauldron Lady, or should I bring some light cucumber sandwiches?"

female NG Oread Phantom of Rage HP 54/54 |AC-18 T-12 FF-16 DR 5/slashing. DR 5/magic| F+7 R+3 W+5 |CMB+13CMD 24| Init+1 | Perc +5|

Nodding, "Good. Thank you. That is actually very helpful. Thank you so much."

Biting her tongue to stop babbling as soon as she realizes she has started doing so. Smiling at Tomas, "I am very grateful."

Starting to turn to leave before turning back to Tomas, "Have you ever heard or read about something like that happening with the Lady? And do you have a way I can learn more about the Ardere? I seem to have earned their enmity."

Tomas lets loose a high-pitched giggle. "Sorry. Your question is a good one, it's just...I haven't read about phoenixes, planar rifts, and giant trees in Hearth, so what I can and can't find in books may be suspect." He clears his throat and takes a more serious demeanor. "To answer your question, nothing like this, all these...divine events, in over a millennium. The gods have been slumbering, too focused on their own battles with the Dark to bother with miracles anymore. Until the three of you, that is."

"As for the Ardere Watch, you'd have to ask someone who knows the city better than I do. I hardly know the names of all the Watches, let alone their internal politics. The council member, he's your friend, right? Captain Dove?"

As Kallik is leaving the library, Ibinu and Inam have already left Dove's office. The three Blessed meet right outside the library doors, near the hideous, weeping efreeti statues. Their blind eyes are covered with a thin layer of snow.

female NG Oread Phantom of Rage HP 54/54 |AC-18 T-12 FF-16 DR 5/slashing. DR 5/magic| F+7 R+3 W+5 |CMB+13CMD 24| Init+1 | Perc +5|

Nodding, "Please try and see what you can find."

Turning leaving back into the cold. Visibly perking up when she sees Inam and Ibinu, "I know how to open that door"

NG Male Sylph Sorcerer 5 & Dragon Disciple 4 | Mods: Comp Lang, False Life, Mage Armor | HP 73 (-0) Temp 11 | AC/Tch/FF 20/12/18 | CMD: 20 | F/R/W +6/+6/+10 (Elec Resist 5, Fire Resist 10) | Speed 30ft (Fly 60 when cast) | Climb 20 ft | Storm Blood Heal 18/18, Bite & Claws 6/6 | Level 1: 3/7, Level 2: 5/7, Level 3: 1/6, Level 4: 3/3 | Perc: +14 (Dark & Dragon), SM: +2 | Init: +2

Ibinu smiles at Dove with a chuckle, "hah yes, probably something even stranger... Either way, cucumber sandwiches do sound good." His belly rumbles a bit and he pulls out an apple (or local fruit variant), eating while they walk.

He waves to Kallik and is about to speak when she blurts out her message. His eyes go wide and he replies, "oh good! I uh... can finally get into my office." With a wink he adds, "why don't we go do that right now."

Edoardo, with a few more hand gestures and finger-pointing, seems to summon mediators and priests out of thin air. You are all given food as you walk, nourishing if somewhat bland. Two in charcoal robes chant the blessing of Volcano upon Ibinu and Kallik.

The guard smiles. "Can't have you facing danger with bleeding wounds and empty stomachs, si?"

Ibinu, your poison damage has all been healed
Kallik, you are at full HP

Since it's the weekend, I'm going to plan on holding off the new scene until Sunday or Monday. In the meantime, let me know if there are any other preparations you would make before descending to the basement levels.

NG Male Sylph Sorcerer 5 & Dragon Disciple 4 | Mods: Comp Lang, False Life, Mage Armor | HP 73 (-0) Temp 11 | AC/Tch/FF 20/12/18 | CMD: 20 | F/R/W +6/+6/+10 (Elec Resist 5, Fire Resist 10) | Speed 30ft (Fly 60 when cast) | Climb 20 ft | Storm Blood Heal 18/18, Bite & Claws 6/6 | Level 1: 3/7, Level 2: 5/7, Level 3: 1/6, Level 4: 3/3 | Perc: +14 (Dark & Dragon), SM: +2 | Init: +2

Ibinu thanks the robed priests, "ah, that feels better. I was a bit weak for sure."

He slams back an elixir and starts flipping through his formula book. Last one of False Life. 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

I'm going to be pretty busy this weekend, but this is my minimum prep. Other than that, I need to add the formulas gained from Culkin and check to see if any would be useful to prepare (if so, it would take a minute per prep iirc).

NG Male Sylph Sorcerer 5 & Dragon Disciple 4 | Mods: Comp Lang, False Life, Mage Armor | HP 73 (-0) Temp 11 | AC/Tch/FF 20/12/18 | CMD: 20 | F/R/W +6/+6/+10 (Elec Resist 5, Fire Resist 10) | Speed 30ft (Fly 60 when cast) | Climb 20 ft | Storm Blood Heal 18/18, Bite & Claws 6/6 | Level 1: 3/7, Level 2: 5/7, Level 3: 1/6, Level 4: 3/3 | Perc: +14 (Dark & Dragon), SM: +2 | Init: +2

Ibinu sits and after about a minute of mixing, prepares a single elixir and drinks it. His clothing and skin seem to shimmer and shift into darker shades of reds and blacks, seemingly matching the stone walls of the corridor. He stands and almost blends into the hallway.

Used up an open slot to prepare and drink Blend.

Once down into the basement, he starts moving very slowly and carefully, attempting to avoid detection.

stealth + bonus: 1d20 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 3 + 4 = 27

Female Sylph Chosen One 9 | HP: 103 (-0) | AC: 23 (13 Tch, 22 Fl) {+2 vs nonmagical) | CMD: 23 | F: +15, R: +10, W: +10; Immune Fear,Disease,Charm | Init: +1 | Perc: -2, SM: +5 | Speed: 20ft, Climb: 15ft | Active Conditions: +4 vs Fear/Charm to allies in 10ft;
Detect Evil: At Will, Smite Evil 3/3, Lay on Hands 12/12: Channel 2/2 | Spells: 1st: 3/3 2nd: 2/2

Blushing as Captain Dove expertly reminds Inam his skill, she offers a curtsy. "Certainly sir. I think cucumber sandwiches would do nicely as well."

==Basement Venture==

Stealth: 1d20 - 7 ⇒ (20) - 7 = 13
As the head downward, she tries to follow Ibinu's lead; tiptoeing down each stair. Recalling their previous venture, she makes certain to stay ahead of Etrah, weapon at the ready.

"If you see anything strange or out of place, point it out immediately." urges the sylph.

Emissary Phoenix | Active Conditions: Detect Evil | HP: 45/45 | AC 15, Tch 12, Fl 15; +2 vs Evil | CMB: +4, CMD: 14 (Can’t be Tripped) | Fly 60ft (Perfect) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +6; Imp Evasion; +2 vs Evil/Poison | Perc: +2, SM: +6; Darkvision | Guidance: At Will; Touch of Glory: 0/1; Share Will: 1/1 |
1/day Each: Aid, Daylight

At the top of the stairs, Etrah considers a moment the depths below. Quickly he gives Inam a peck on the cheek, filling her with a personal fortitude, before changing shape back into his previous, less obvious chicken.

Touch of Glory on Inam
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

female NG Oread Phantom of Rage HP 54/54 |AC-18 T-12 FF-16 DR 5/slashing. DR 5/magic| F+7 R+3 W+5 |CMB+13CMD 24| Init+1 | Perc +5|

Really? Mumbling, "Thank you," to the priest. Dman.

Before sighing, "I will meet you there." and then running off.

Looking for Bian or Egret. Also sorry for forgetting to post.


Huffing while focused on moving as swiftly as possible to catch up with the others. Taking a moment to normalize her breathing before reaching the stairs.

Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 I am bad at this!

NG Male Sylph Sorcerer 5 & Dragon Disciple 4 | Mods: Comp Lang, False Life, Mage Armor | HP 73 (-0) Temp 11 | AC/Tch/FF 20/12/18 | CMD: 20 | F/R/W +6/+6/+10 (Elec Resist 5, Fire Resist 10) | Speed 30ft (Fly 60 when cast) | Climb 20 ft | Storm Blood Heal 18/18, Bite & Claws 6/6 | Level 1: 3/7, Level 2: 5/7, Level 3: 1/6, Level 4: 3/3 | Perc: +14 (Dark & Dragon), SM: +2 | Init: +2

Fyi, Ibinu doesn't expect you all to stealth. He expects you all to provide the distraction so he can slip through the shadows. :P

Edoardo and the others stay behind you, close enough to come in case of trouble, but also on the lookout for ambushes from hidden foes.

Ibinu keeps to the sides of the long obsidian hallways, difficult to see amidst the unlit gloom.

Inam and Kallik keep to the center of the hallways, one quiet and one loud, as always.

Again you go down into the cursed subterranean bowels of the Temple, the same place where Brinn died, Bian was rescued, Lui lost a foot, Sophia was blinded, Antioco driven mad, Consolota attacked, Ehtain murdered Etrah, and the phoenix was reborn.

The same empty cells, dusty and full of lurking memories, stare at you as you make your way down the long, long halls. Down the echoing stairs, you feel watched, though nothing is there.

Finally, you reach the door to the third level. It is a tall, arched thing, made of thick steel and mithril. Two noble-looking efreet faces are etched into the gray metal - the grinning one on the left has red-gem eyes, the frowning efreet on the right has eyes of reflective black obsidian.

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Kallik gives you all brief instructions on the ritual

Kallik stands in the middle of you, between the two efreet upon the door. Her sturdy contralto, nervous at first, steadies into the root of the chord. The sound of rumbling earth fills the hollow hallways. Extending her magical sense toward the door, Kallik clearly sees where her companions must do their parts.

Ibinu joins with an eager, almost joyful, tenor, building upon Kallik's root. The harmony between the two runs up your spine, blending dark earth and bright air. At Kallik's direction, Ibinu spreads soothing, healing flames upon the trickster efreet with the red eyes.

Inam, completes the chord with a clear, haunting mezzo-soprano. The words of the slow chant speak of Volcano's divine guidance in times of woe, and as Inam releases her god-given magic into the dour efreeti, the dark eyes glow white.

Both efreet heads, in unison, click slightly to the side, and the door swings silently open. Inside, you see shelves of old urns stacked on either side down a tall, narrow hall.

marching order please

NG Male Sylph Sorcerer 5 & Dragon Disciple 4 | Mods: Comp Lang, False Life, Mage Armor | HP 73 (-0) Temp 11 | AC/Tch/FF 20/12/18 | CMD: 20 | F/R/W +6/+6/+10 (Elec Resist 5, Fire Resist 10) | Speed 30ft (Fly 60 when cast) | Climb 20 ft | Storm Blood Heal 18/18, Bite & Claws 6/6 | Level 1: 3/7, Level 2: 5/7, Level 3: 1/6, Level 4: 3/3 | Perc: +14 (Dark & Dragon), SM: +2 | Init: +2

At the direction, Ibinu applies the fire cantrip to complete his portion of the ritual. Once the door is open he eyes the urns closely and whispers before blending into the background, "be wary. I have a feeling we might by dealing with spirits of some sort... and in my short experience in Hearth, most spirits seem to have anger issues."


female NG Oread Phantom of Rage HP 54/54 |AC-18 T-12 FF-16 DR 5/slashing. DR 5/magic| F+7 R+3 W+5 |CMB+13CMD 24| Init+1 | Perc +5|

Staring at the door and feeling her breathing start to speed back up. Biting her tongue to try and refocus. What if I screw it up? Her breathing slows back down but nothing can be done about the thudding of her heart.

-----After the singing-----

Grinning at Ibinu over her shoulder, "You think?"

Who you gonna call?... Apparently us instead of the ghostbusters. I am fine with first or second. Inam you have a preferance?

Female Sylph Chosen One 9 | HP: 103 (-0) | AC: 23 (13 Tch, 22 Fl) {+2 vs nonmagical) | CMD: 23 | F: +15, R: +10, W: +10; Immune Fear,Disease,Charm | Init: +1 | Perc: -2, SM: +5 | Speed: 20ft, Climb: 15ft | Active Conditions: +4 vs Fear/Charm to allies in 10ft;
Detect Evil: At Will, Smite Evil 3/3, Lay on Hands 12/12: Channel 2/2 | Spells: 1st: 3/3 2nd: 2/2

Doing as instructed with an earnest heart, Inam jumps a little when the door swings open. "Oh! Sorry, uh didn't expect it to work so quickly."

Pausing a moment to take in the image and steady her quaking hand. 'Volcano's will be done. We must figure this out....there are worse things than dieing.' she considers

Taking a slow, purposeful breath, she nods to Ibinu. "You've yet to steer me wrong. Let me take point...at least you'll have a chance to react if things go south." she replies, winking at Kallik.

Emissary Phoenix | Active Conditions: Detect Evil | HP: 45/45 | AC 15, Tch 12, Fl 15; +2 vs Evil | CMB: +4, CMD: 14 (Can’t be Tripped) | Fly 60ft (Perfect) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +6; Imp Evasion; +2 vs Evil/Poison | Perc: +2, SM: +6; Darkvision | Guidance: At Will; Touch of Glory: 0/1; Share Will: 1/1 |
1/day Each: Aid, Daylight

With a silent nod, Etrah reshapes and forms up into his true, celstial form. "Think I'm gonna need all my power for whats to come."

Without another word, he slips behind Kallik, near Ibinu. "Lately, I've been finding you to be the receiver of my magics in battle. Think I'll stick by your side for the moment, if you don't mind."

Will save all - this is necromancy, but NOT fear

NG Male Sylph Sorcerer 5 & Dragon Disciple 4 | Mods: Comp Lang, False Life, Mage Armor | HP 73 (-0) Temp 11 | AC/Tch/FF 20/12/18 | CMD: 20 | F/R/W +6/+6/+10 (Elec Resist 5, Fire Resist 10) | Speed 30ft (Fly 60 when cast) | Climb 20 ft | Storm Blood Heal 18/18, Bite & Claws 6/6 | Level 1: 3/7, Level 2: 5/7, Level 3: 1/6, Level 4: 3/3 | Perc: +14 (Dark & Dragon), SM: +2 | Init: +2

Will Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

female NG Oread Phantom of Rage HP 54/54 |AC-18 T-12 FF-16 DR 5/slashing. DR 5/magic| F+7 R+3 W+5 |CMB+13CMD 24| Init+1 | Perc +5|

Will Save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Female Sylph Chosen One 9 | HP: 103 (-0) | AC: 23 (13 Tch, 22 Fl) {+2 vs nonmagical) | CMD: 23 | F: +15, R: +10, W: +10; Immune Fear,Disease,Charm | Init: +1 | Perc: -2, SM: +5 | Speed: 20ft, Climb: 15ft | Active Conditions: +4 vs Fear/Charm to allies in 10ft;
Detect Evil: At Will, Smite Evil 3/3, Lay on Hands 12/12: Channel 2/2 | Spells: 1st: 3/3 2nd: 2/2

Inam Will: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Etrah Will: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

The corridor has an old, dusty smell to it, like a neglected, forgotten room. Urns of desolate black and glaring red regard you, row upon row upon row. You feel nothing at first, making your way carefully past the ancient ashes. Slowly, though, you notice some force resisting your movements. It feels like walking against a stiff wind. A few more yards, and the wind becomes a silent storm. Each step seems to take several minutes. Your muscles burn with exertion.

Calling out to your companions, or even glancing toward them, seems an impossibility. There is only the smooth obsidian floor beneath your feet, the dusty obstinance of dead priests, and the next step, and the next step, and the next

-it happens simultaneously; the two events are inseparable. The resistance disappears, like steam into the air. And, you are now standing in a white marble hallway. The path still lies ahead of you stretching beyond a corner, but the path behind is gone - simply a blank wall, as if it had never been.

Kallik, Inam, Ibinu, and Etrah are all present. There is no sign of Edoardo, Sophia, Lui, or the others.

Ibinu, in the hallway

You still attempt to remain unseen, staying a few paces behind and to the left. There are faded silver plaques beneath some of the urns, but the inscriptions are difficult to make out. As you see one particular plaque that is tarnished nearly black, a ghastly sensation of cold grips your throat. In the back of your mind, you hear a few bitter words rasped out in High Ifrit. Your breath catches in your lungs, and the icy fingers settle against your heart.

You are cursed. You have a -6 penalty to your constitution.

NG Male Sylph Sorcerer 5 & Dragon Disciple 4 | Mods: Comp Lang, False Life, Mage Armor | HP 73 (-0) Temp 11 | AC/Tch/FF 20/12/18 | CMD: 20 | F/R/W +6/+6/+10 (Elec Resist 5, Fire Resist 10) | Speed 30ft (Fly 60 when cast) | Climb 20 ft | Storm Blood Heal 18/18, Bite & Claws 6/6 | Level 1: 3/7, Level 2: 5/7, Level 3: 1/6, Level 4: 3/3 | Perc: +14 (Dark & Dragon), SM: +2 | Init: +2

"Um that was uh really hard to move. You all have..." Ibinu looks behind "...WOAH!"

Regaining his composure the El cracks a smile, "hahahah, we've been in this situation before at least once. No way back, so we move forward!"

He resumes quietly sneaking, for whatever good it may do him.

Stealth + Elixir bonus: 1d20 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 3 + 4 = 16

Around the white corner, Inam sees an old ifrit with a balding pate sitting on the cold floor. He appears to be dozing, mouth open, slumped against the wall. Inam's armor clanks, awakening the old el. Smacking his dry lips, he opens his eyes, squints, and says, without preamble, "Shouldn't your bird be dead?" He frowns, a confused look on his face.

You can still be around the corner in the back if you wish, Ibinu

Not particularly interested in hearing a response, he continues in a cultured accent, "Well, be that as it may, let's get down to brass tacks." The word comes out as brahss.

The old el stands up gruntingly, rocking a few times to help himself up. Bending over, he brushes off his long, white robes, though they seem clean.

"Now then, tell me of your plights, Blessed, and I will advise as I can." His light gray eyes have a far-off quality to them, and he does not look directly at any of you.

how do you know who we are, etc

"Oh come now, everyone knows of the Blessed. It's why you came here, isn't it - we know things?"

Female Sylph Chosen One 9 | HP: 103 (-0) | AC: 23 (13 Tch, 22 Fl) {+2 vs nonmagical) | CMD: 23 | F: +15, R: +10, W: +10; Immune Fear,Disease,Charm | Init: +1 | Perc: -2, SM: +5 | Speed: 20ft, Climb: 15ft | Active Conditions: +4 vs Fear/Charm to allies in 10ft;
Detect Evil: At Will, Smite Evil 3/3, Lay on Hands 12/12: Channel 2/2 | Spells: 1st: 3/3 2nd: 2/2

Do I recognize the older el?

Cautiously, Inam replies "It was...it should be? The Warrior's grace brought back his herald as my training was not completed."

Raising an eye, the sylph inquires "But who are you?"

Glancing backwards she presses "And why do you feel it necessary to trap us?"

No, no one you have ever seen before

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