Unfinished Business

Game Master Trup

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Male Enigma/20

They found you. You don’t know how they found you, or why they are still after you, but those questions are drowned out by the violence of their actions. They came wearing uniforms of the soldier mercenaries of Tallow Genetics, and they took your world apart.


They came during the day, asking you to surrender. When you refused, they began the killing. Men and women who worshipped you were cut down by hails of bullets. You might have been able to kill the solider had it not been for the man who was made of fire. He came with the soldiers and together, they nearly killed you, you only just manage to escape with your life.

You are recuperating with another group who venerates you as a vampire lord when one of the followers hesitantly offers you a red envelope. He explains that he was told to extend to you this invitation, but has no idea how the man knew about you.

Inside the envelope are these words.

Great Vampire Lord,
I do hope that this letter finds you in good health. I know of the attacks being perpetrated against you and your flock of followers, and I know even more about those that commit the atrocities against you. I can help you punish them for all they have done to you. All I need is your trust.
-The Infernal

Below the letter are directions to a unknown location.


You are barely alive, barely conscious as your body repairs itself from the damage. You had worked late in the clinic, helping the unfortunates who came in when the mercenaries struck. You had no choice but to fight them, protecting the innocent people caught in the crossfire. But there was the mercenary who made came and laughed as he did something impossible. His eyes blazed with energy, and the clinic was suddenly consumed in a huge explosion.

You don’t know how you survived the blast, but you do know you aren’t there anymore. You are in a beautiful room covered in silk sheets and blankets. A older man stands next to the bed and smiles as you come to. ”Good to see you up… I hope you find your new accommodations comfortable?”


The punks ambushed you, and they seriously thought it would work? The mercenaries used bullets, explosives, whatever it took, and you didn’t feel a thing as you stomped them into the ground. Well, the rocket launchers had hurt a bit, that’s what prompted you to fly off as fast as you did. Well, the rocket launchers and the huge werewolf like creature that nearly tore your head off, metal and all.

You wanted revenge on them so bad, but now they have monstrosities like that? You are seriously wondering how you will have any chance against Tallow Genetics alone when you hear it. It is a radio signal, but it is seemingly directed straight to you and no one else.

” I know you can hear me Marcus. I know you want vengeance for your sister. I know that you hate them as much as I do. Come, join me in my mansion and we will discuss how to deal with the problem of those that did this to you.”
Directions and the address of the mansion are being sent with the radio signal.

Siege Breaker:

When they came, they showed no mercy. You hid in the junkyard as the killed old man Henry, and managed to stay hidden from all of them except one. A man with armor as black as the night sky, and eyes burning red with rage. He had a large black sword that he used, and you two met, fighting each other. You barely escaped with your life from that fight; it was obvious that man was a much better fighter than you.

Attempting to go to your foster family was no use either, the house was burnt down to the ground, and you aren’t sure if they are still alive or dead within the burnt out rubble. You do notice something that terrifies you however. Stuck in the tree outside the home, is a single gleaming scalpel. There is a note attached to it that simply states. We’re coming

A man’s voice rings out from behind you in the midst of this, “This… they really went all out on you didn’t they? I can help you Kit… I’m a friend.”

Kit Reynard:

Those little… You spent so much money looking for information on them, thinking they were dead and they just pop up out of nowhere like this? Especially when you were on the job it just makes things worse. You had been planning on stealing an ancient treasure of something or another when they showed up.

You managed to evade the soldiers, and their hulking giant of a man, and disappear into the streets. You made your way to one of the many safe houses you have and lock yourself in. That’s when you notice the cell phone. It’s not yours, and it most certainly shouldn’t be here, sitting on a table in front of you. It begins ringing almost immediately.

Not sure as to why, you answer the phone. A voice on the other end answers cheerfully ”Hello kitty, I know your having a rough night, but maybe you would be interested in not running for your life like a scared little girl? I have some friends and we are all planning a get together where we will be making some very interesting decisions regarding your old buddies Tallow Genetics. Believe me, you will be very interested in what is going to be said here. Programmed into the cell phone you are holding are directions to this party of mine. I hope to see you there…”

Before you can respond, the line goes dead, leaving you very confused, with a brand new cell phone.

Star Light:

There was pain involved, lots of pain. The man who came for you seemed to be able to give pain just with a touch. He resisted everything you did to combat him but he kept coming, ignoring all the damage, and brought more pain to you. You thought you would die, but he was suddenly blasted away from you by a powerful wave of energy. As you began to sink into unconsciousness you heard desperate voices calling you name.

Lily… Lily… Wake up…

Coming awake you found yourself in a small room that is extremely beautiful. (as Star Light would find beautiful) and are rather comfortable in the fluffy bed provided. ”Wake up… ah! You are awake. Good. I think it is time we start getting introductions in order. Oh… and don’t worry, you are among friends Lily”

Trup wrote:
They found you. You don’t know how they found you, or why they are still after you, but those questions are drowned out by the violence of their actions. They came wearing uniforms of the soldier mercenaries of Tallow Genetics, and they took your world apart.

I know you can hear me Marcus. I know you want vengeance for your sister. I know that you hate them as much as I do. Come, join me in my mansion and we will discuss how to deal with the problem of those that did this to you.”

Directions and the address of the mansion are being sent with the radio signal.

Where did the ambush take place and where is the mansion from here? My first post is ready to go. It does hinge on that info so when you get to it that would be awesome.

Male Enigma/20


The mansion is just outside of chicago, I wasn't sure as to where to have the ambush take place(Not sure where Marcus lives) But it doesn't matter. The signal will find you no matter where you would have liked the ambush to take place at.

Act 1 - They came to the school

They had come for her at the school, of course they had, the moment she shore them thought the class room window, she know why. She would go with them with out a fight. three men in uniforms not government or police but Tallow Genetics security. They just looked at her, they knew she would just come, she could do nothing her, not with the children around. She stood up, and signed to the class assistant, who was now worriedly looking at the three men.

"I'm sorry Margret, I have to go, some thing has come up and I do not have time to explain. Please tell Jill that I will not be in tomorrow."

She picked up her bag and headed to the door, one of the men opened it, and indication she should walk with the other two down the hall way. As she did he fell in behind. The only thought in her head was.

Must get away from the school, just away, I can do nothing here, not here

just as she was about to go out the mean door Jill came in,

"Lilly is there a problem?"

O god just go run, please run you have no idea, no idea

She signed to Jill

"No, Im sorry some thing has come up, I am going to have to take some time off work, I hope you understand, its my brother hes very sick, so I have to go see him."

It was a lie of course but it was all she could think of.

"O sorry I did not know you had a brother, well of course I understand"

One of the men had gone past her and had opened the front door.

She walked past Jill into the street and the waiting car, the door was opened for her just as she was getting in Jill called out.

"Email what your plans or Lilly I will have to know when you will be coming back"

Lilly nodded and got in the car.

The drive was long and she stat with moving, once they where away from built up areas she would shift, just move from here to some place far away, but they most have known what she was thinking, they kept to the city. But then a glimmer of hope, she knew the road they where on and soon it walk take them past a large park this time of day there would be few about and she could go.

But they had other plans just as she made her mind up pain came, the man next to her placed his hand on her lag and her world became pain. She lost control,

A moment and the hart of start started to grown, she could see it all in slow-motion, the seat and the man to her left starting to change shape, twisting and darkening. Then his skull exploded as the blood boiled in his veins. Then the shock-wave of her expiation hit the body of the car, plastic melted, glass shattered, steel warped and then the gas tank went up but even the peaces of the explosion could not getaway fast enough, she fort for control and shifted the cars accelerating shrapnel shell into N-space. To the bystanders looking on its seems a car had just exploded and then winked out of existence to b replaced by a small star, burning a whole in the ash-felt and melting the road signs.
Two of the men and the driver had perished she knew that, more death to add to her tally she felt the same of it but the PAIN! was still there and then she could see, so was he, inside her HOW?

::O god stop, please stop the pain, I do not want to kill more, please stop, you don't understand::

She sent this thought into his head

::"PLEASE!! THE PAIN IS MAKING ME LOSE CONTROL every one will die! please stop..::

She was begging him now, she could see the street, see them run and scream in fear, looking at the Alien, the alien killing them.

But he would not stop and she could not stop him, not with out...

O god, O god, stop please stop the pain, kill me just kill me end this. I can not help this, he's making me, some how hes to strong.

Then he was gone, a wave of energy blasting him away, she could see him reseeding, but to much, it was all to much, she fell into darkness, unconsciousness, as she did so one thought,
is this death?

Then desperate voices calling her name.

Lily… Lily… Wake up…

She awake and found herself in a small and what looked to a an extremely beautiful room. She was laying naked in of all things comfortable fluffy bed. One moment pain and death then this what...

then a flash of the dead means faces the sounds of the screams of onlookers, for a moment the look of a woman holding her child running looking back at the Alien. Then a voice.

”Wake up… ah! You are awake. Good. I think it is time we start getting introductions in order. Oh… and don’t worry, you are among friends Lily”

she looked for who was talking,

"Is this a trick?... where the hell am I?..."

She gets out of bed and looks around, holding a bad sheet to hide her nudity.

She signed

"Where I'm I and who are you?"

Trup wrote:
They found you. You don’t know how they found you, or why they are still after you, but those questions are drowned out by the violence of their actions. They came wearing uniforms of the soldier mercenaries of Tallow Genetics, and they took your world apart.

I know you can hear me Marcus. I know you want vengeance for your sister. I know that you hate them as much as I do. Come, join me in my mansion and we will discuss how to deal with the problem of those that did this to you.”

Directions and the address of the mansion are being sent with the radio signal.

Marcus is flying at 20,000 feet. He was in Minneapolis, MN at the time of the ambush.

They all died. How did they live? Maybe that was just one of several facilities. It would make sense. So how did they find me? I keep pretty quiet. Nobody knows me here. Someone has a way to find me.

He clenched his jaw in anger.

"WHY?! WHAT DID I DO TO YOU?! he yells to nobody in particular, as he is up where very few would be.

His thoughts returned to the signal.

Mansion huh? Hates them as much as me? We'll see about that. Those directions place it right about.....there!

In less than a minute Marcus arrived on the outskirts of Chicago.

Now for this mansion. Hope it isn’t hard to find.

She felt fine. Well, she felt some pain. But she remembers the explosion. Anyone else might be dead, not assessing mild sensations of inflammation and new flesh knitting together. She prays silently that the people she yelled at to run did so. She might have survived, but she doubted the mercs left anyone alive, left any witnesses.

She tries to assess the rest of the situation--pretty bed aside, is she restrained? Is there anyone else there besides her and the old man?

Rosa does not answer the old man, just examines him, trying to see if he looks familiar. If she is not restrained, she sits up, waiting for him to explain himself--or attack her, whichever came first.


When they came, they showed no mercy. You hid in the junkyard as the killed old man Henry, and managed to stay hidden from all of them except one. A man with armor as black as the night sky, and eyes burning red with rage. He had a large black sword that he used, and you two met, fighting each other. You barely escaped with your life from that fight; it was obvious that man was a much better fighter than you.

Attempting to go to your foster family was no use either, the house was burnt down to the ground, and you aren’t sure if they are still alive or dead within the burnt out rubble. You do notice something that terrifies you however. Stuck in the tree outside the home, is a single gleaming scalpel. There is a note attached to it that simply states. We’re coming

A man’s voice rings out from behind you in the midst of this, “This… they really went all out on you didn’t they? I can help you Kit… I’m a friend.”

Kit raced down the street on an old bike she had stolen from a guy whom had driving past her in the street when she had run, it had been simple a quick smack with the flat of the blade had send the man flying and the bike hers for the taking, riding it hadn't been as easy but she had been able to leave them behind, damn, damn, damn, damn! this is soo.... g@!-d!$n it! Stupid clothes are too sticky can't move right, why do I have to sweat so much... or is it blood., looking down at her hands covered with blood, it was hers and others the blood had been everywhere, though her skin bore no mark of it now, how am I going to explain this, s$$& they are going to scream at me again, maybe even call the cops the is so messed up! she let out a gasp as the bike almost crashed into a building from her lack of attention but after a moment of struggling she got it back on the road.

Kit was lucky so far, they hadn't been able to follow the bike and she had lost them before they had reached their cars, but it hadn't been easy to escape her clothes were torn to shreds were bullets and the other man's giant blade had pierced her skin exposing the things inside her that shouldn't be visible, however the healing factor granted through the Siege breaker had already closed all wounds on her long before she reached her foster parents home, it was just up ahead.

What the... was the thought that flew through Kit's mind when she saw the smoke and she twisted the handle speeding up when she saw that the house was just a few wooden beams framing what had been the house Almost like a Saturday morning cartoon, kit thought in near hysteria then suddenly realized she had no idea how to stop the metal beast pulsing with powers between her legs and in a desperate move tossed herself from the bike letting it continue tumbling down the street crashing through the Petersson's garden shed ripping it apart just a day after Mr. Petersson had finished building it, still not having gotten around to paint it. Kit landed hard on the grass and grabbed Siege breaker with one hand adjusting it so she could roll to a stop, smashing against steps to the front porch with a grunt of pain, then slowly got to her feet the scraps and bruises fading away on her skin as she did then she just stood there swaying for a few moment trying to find her balance again unsure where to run to now, then turned determined to get away, to run to hide when she saw it, the gleam from it beautifully reflected the sunlight, a simple scalpel, it had been used to stick a note to the tree, Kit didn't see the note she just screamed sinking to her knees, her voice breaking, then a voice says “This… they really went all out on you didn’t they? I can help you Kit… I’m a friend.” but Kit didn't make any note of it all her attention focused solely on the scalpel. Siege breaker reacted to Kit and several markings on it glowed a dull red before with the sound of a shattering glass it broke into countless needles that hovered around kit, whom began to curl up into a fetal position, within a split seconds the needles of the blade ripped through her clothes and body tearing both in a brief mist of blood, then the mist was sucked into the rapidly changing form leaving behind a young cat curled up and shivering.

feel free to have the man bring her along or whatever, she wouldn't protest/fight back after all this is very close to her phobia.

As she stands up she can hear a TV News show playing in another room,

"The Fire departments today said there was not need to worry about so called "Radium explosiveness" of local Gas mains after a number of fires across the city, a family was killed in a House as well as three in a car fore in Green Bruck park, City safety officers say very thing is now under control and the gas problem is now longer a hazard to the public. I number of site across the city have been closed for maintenance work, more on that later"

"Fan-freaking-tastic!" Kit yells at the silent cellphone. "First Tallow Genetics's goons, then some mystery voice that acts like it knows everything inviting me to a 'party.' What freaking game are we playing here? And why the heck am I talking to myself?" With the last, Kit takes a deep breath and starts thinking.

Point One: Tallow Genetics knew just where to find me when I'd be off guard. That's bad, way bad. Kit grabs a bottle of water from the fridge. She carefully checks the plastic cap to make sure the seal wasn't tampered with. Paranoid? Hell, yeah. A night like tonight better paranoid than dead.

Point Two: Mystery Voice knew where I'd run. He's gotta have eyes watching me here even if Tallow doesn't. She drinks half the bottle of water in one go. Guess I'm going to his party. Hate to see what he does if I blow him off. Besides, I have to tell him off for calling me "kitty."

Point Three: This safe house is blown, too bad. Safe houses in good neighborhoods are hard to find. Kit goes to the bedroom and opens the secret compartment in the closet. She carefully takes a duffle bag from the compartment and removes some clothes from the bag.

Point Four: I'm going to a party where this party dress won't be out of place. Kit changes into a black body suit, boots, and leather gloves. No point wearing the mask. Tallow's goon squad or Mystery Voice would recognize me with or without it. Normally Kit would wait until she got to the job site before gearing up, but tonight is far from normal. Normally Kit doesn't run like a little girl. She makes sure her whip is on her belt and her pistol is tucked into her boot. Each piece of her other gear is placed in its proper spot and she's good to go.

Point Five: Tallow Genetics will regret coming after me. Don't know what kind of game we're playing, but I like games and I play to win. Dressed and geared up for her kind of game, Kit drinks the last of the water. She quickly scans the safe house. Like any proper safe house, there's nothing of her in it. Still, it sucks losing a hiding hole before you're ready to give it up.

Kit looks at the directions that are loaded in the cellphone. Swell, it won't let me skip ahead to the destination. Blasted GPS. She checks the alleyway behind the safe house. Confident the coast is clear, Kit starts following the directions on her unwanted new phone.

As soon as Vamp finishes reading the letter he crumples it in one hand. "Do not wait for me. Go, and hide." he says to his followers before disappearing. He disposes of the letter somewhere no one will find it on his way to the location indicated. He stops teleporting a hundred yards or so from the address/area and gives the air a good sniffing.

Smell is an accurate acute analytical sense that counters and penetrates concealment for me. -2 per 1000' for checks (Extended 2). Also have darkvision, ultra hearing and distance sense.

Perception 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16

lilly looks around for some thing to put on, wile taking in the room.
She sends her mind out to feel who is around her, just a look to see who she can talk to.

::"Can one here, hear me?"::

Male Enigma/20

Current time at the mansions location, 4:12 PM


You see this mansion in the distance. As you teleport yourself closer to the mansion, smells assail your nose and you can tell that there is quite a large number of people here. Other than that, there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary. Well that is until you smell what must be some kind of metal hurtling closer to the mansion. [Marcus].

Star Light:

Please try to refrain from adding story elements I haven’t added yet without expending your Hero points. I didn’t mind the first post as that was meant to be flexible for everyone. Outside that just go off what I say if you would please.
The man next to the bed smiles and moves a bowl of fruits onto the bed next to you. ”You are among friends Lily. I am no one of importance but you may call me Legion. You will be safe here, especially from those who align themselves with Tallow Genetics. Tonight there will be a gathering of many people who, like you, have been hurt by the evils of Tallow Genetics. I rescued you from being destroyed… many other were not as lucky Lily. I just want you to hear out our proposition to you.”
The old man rises and moves to a wardrobe, opening it up revealing a assortment of clothes from simple to elegant. ” Dinner will be served at 7 PM, and if everyone has arrived by then, we can discuss our plans for the future. I will escort you to dinner when that time arrives. These clothes are all for you. I must take my leave now however. More guests should begin to arrive any moment.”


Flying closer to the mansion, you begin to make out the details. Outside of the mansion near the doors stands several older gentleman who seem to be just… waiting.


The man smiles as you wake up and moves away from the bed. ”I am glad to see you awake, we were not sure you would pull through, but your body seems quite capable of recovering even from the most severe injuries on its own. I would like to let you know that you are safe, and among friends. I am here to explain to you what happened. You were assaulted by mercenary forces working under the direction of Tallow Genetics. It seems their goal was to either kill or capture you. They failed on both accounts and I was sent to rescue you. I know you have very little reason to trust me, but believe me, all will be explained tonight. “
He motions to a wardrobe in the corner, ”In there you will find whatever suits your tastes I’m sure. There will be a gathering of sorts tonight, with those involved discussing how to end the tyranny of Tallow Genetics. We would be most pleased if you attended. Dinner will be served at 7 PM. I will be back here to escort you at that time if you are interested.” With that, the man leaves.

Siege Breaker:

A Elderly man gently scoops up your cat form and you feel… safe. As if though the man is impressing on your emotions that you are safe. He does not do so forcefully, but gently, letting you feel his intentions.

He carries you to a car and places you in the passenger’s seat before driving away. You’re not sure how long it has been when he stops the car and gently carries you inside an ancient looking mansion. He will place you down on a very comfortable chair in a large room that has no lights on. He then takes a few steps back and patiently waits.


You follow the directions on the GPS, and it leads you directly to a withered old mansion. Approaching the front, one fo the several elderly gentleman approaches you. A chill run through you as you realize that all of these men look exactly the same. ”Ah, Miss Reynard. A pleasure to have you join us. Please, let me show you inside”

Vamp will move close enough to keep his nose on the strange metal person flying towards the mansion. He will observe Marcus' movements through scent. He tries to get close enough to smell how many people exactly are in the manor (and as much detailed information as he can get about them). He's especially keen to know if the fiery man who killed his followers is inside.

Perception 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31

Male Enigma/20


You notice that each of the men in the mansion has the exact same scent with only on exception. The fiery mans scent is nowhere to be found here, and you can't even smell hints of guns for that matter. Delicous smells of food waft through the air as well. There is also a scent that seems.... familiar to you. You can't place it however.

As you move closer you see that one fo the older men has noticed you. He smiles and waves for you to come forward.

After a bit Kitty slowly looks around cautiously taking in the place and studying the man more carefully then stands up and looks at the old man expectantly, her tail slightly raised and softly curved, So what's the deal why am I here? she thinks to herself.

Rosa nods in thanks to the man but lets him depart without further interruption. She takes several breaths, trying to keep herself from the utter sense of panic surrounding her, trying not to let anxiety about the others she left behind, about herself, about what Tallow was up to. She was either legitimately rescued, or the man has his own agenda, but for now she is free and unharmed so she decides she has to work with that and go along with what he says. Either way, she figures he will lead her to learning what Tallow is doing--and how they may be stopped.

She gets up, pausing to examine herself. There is a massive burst of red across her shoulder and chest, which slowly and steadfastly shrinks and turns pink as she watches. The explosion must have nearly blown her arm off. She shakes her head, and breathing deep, this time trying not to become overwhelmed with rage--her past aside, what kind of monsters blow up a clinic serving the desperate and poor?

She dresses, in whatever seems easiest to move in -- trousers, a silk shirt, sensible flats. If her room is unlocked, she leaves to explore the mansion she finds herself in, taking note of stairways, exits--and to see if there's anyone else around, whether allies of the old man or people like her.

And as she thinks of others, she suddenly starts at hearing someone else's voice--in her mind? Was she hallucinating? Rosa calls aloud, "Hello?"

Vamp will teleport right behind him, take a big whiff and then teleport back away. He can do this from a distance of 900 feet. I wanna know everything that the dude has on him. Electronics, poisons, drugs anything.

Male Enigma/20

Siege Breaker:

The elderly man smiles as you begin to look around. "It's ok, you are safe now. No harm will come to you here, I promise.


The door is unlocked and you are able to leave. Outside the door is a long hallway with 4 doors, 2 on each side of the hallway. At the end of the hallway are a set of stairs that seem to head down. No one will answer your callling out.

Male Enigma/20


The man calls out, "Stop worrying. You are among friends here!"

You smell that he has nothing that could be deemed hostile. He carries a cell phone, a watch, and the clothes you see on him.

Vamp will teleport back, this time to about three feet in front of the man. "Is that house full of clones?" he asks the man without preamble.

What happened with Marcus?

Male Enigma/20

Since he has not posted I'm going to assume he is hanging back at a very safe distance. He was flying towardas it but stopped and is hanging high in the air.
The man smiles. "No... no clones, I am them and they are me. I am Legion. I assume you are Jefferson. I welcome you to this mansion and invite you in. We are going to be discussing the issue with Tallow Genetics tonight and your presence has been requested.

You will notice Vamp as you approach the mansion and one of the men offers you his introduction from earlier. You overhear everything said between Vamp and the older man.

Shrugging, Rosa walks slowly down the hallway. If she hears any movement in any of the rooms, she will knock.

If she hears nothing or no one answers, she'll head downstairs. Eventually there's supposed to be dinner anyway, right?

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Male Enigma/20

As you begin to head downstairs you notice the gentleman from your room earlier standing next to men who appear exatly the same as he does down to the last detail. They notice your coming downstairs and one moves closer to you and smiles, "Is there anything I can assist you with ms. Sinclair?"

Vamp is not particularly tall, standing around 5'7". He's wearing a black denim vest covered with patches and small spiky metal studs. Underneath it he has a sleeveless black hoodie. His legs are covered in tight black jeans, also heavily patched and mended. On his feet he wears mid calf-height black combat boots. His hair is a messy mohawk of partially dredded hair with some streaks of blonde, red and white here and there. Both his exposed arms are covered in full sleeve multicolored tattoos in a Japanese style. Koi and dragons swim around the faces of Oni in a sea of blood.

"Alright. Call me Vamp. Lead the way, 'Legion'" he responds to the old man.

I sorta already spotted that dope. comments to herself and sits down with a yawn and continues to watch him the tip of her tail slightly twitching, Your move, I am having a really bad day. she thinks in mild irritation.

Marcus lands 75’ away from the man at the car. He just looks at him for a brief moment and then begins walking towards him slowly.

Marcus is still in metal form.

”Take me to the person who called me here. And no tricks or games.” he says bluntly.

"Well, it would be a let down and you weren't expecting me when I got here after following your directions," Kit says to the old man who addressed her. Not that it would really make any difference which one she answered. What the heck are they, clones, robots? Not even twins would be that similar.

Carefully looking at her surroundings, Kit follows the man into the mansion. "Nice place you got here. Your message said something about a 'party'. It will be one weird party if it's just us. Where are the others?"

Preception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 Looking for anything out of the ordinary (other than a senior citizen clone basketball team) on the grounds.

Rosa takes a breath, to look at the men standing there, all alike. She manages a smile. "Just looking around."

She pauses. "Am I your only guest?" She manages a half-smile. "I feel a little out of place."

I hadn't noticed the spoiler above was a joint Vamp/Kit spoiler, thought it was just for Vamp. Time to write a fix-it post.

Just as Kit asks the old man about others coming to the party, she notices the old man's doppleganger talking to a man who identifies himself as Vamp. She looks at Vamp's clothes and thinks, If I ever worried about wearing the wrong clothes to this shindig, I shouldn't have. He definitely didn't. However, she realizes that she'll stand out in her own way. At five foot three, Kit's a bit shorter than Vamp. She keeps her black hair cut short and isn't wearing any makeup or jewelry. Kit's form fitting body suit is intended to help her blend into the shadows, but in a well lit manor like this one... Well, it won't help with blending in. No time for worrying about appearances, may as well move on to the meet and greet.

"So thy name is Legion," Kit says to the old man with a slight grimace. "For thou art many. And you're Vamp and I'm Kit." She bows slightly to the man with varicolored hair.

Hero Points Doouuu, sorry GM will remember that next time

"Dinner will be served at 7 PM, and if everyone has arrived by then, we can discuss our plans for the future. I will escort you to dinner when that time arrives. These clothes are all for you. I must take my leave now however. More guests should begin to arrive any mooooommmmmeeeennnttttt”

Lilly looked at the old man as he talked then


Lilly dos not see the man any more or the room or any thing but..., the other was talking, the Earth fell away and around her stars 1000's of stars, they stood close to one, The orb of a small sun and an 11 year old child, She know this was not real, this was how it was with them, they talking in places and moments outside of normal dimensions, she was 11 again, for that was how the StarSeed 1st meet her.

"Where are we?"

++"I have no name for this place but I think you call is the North Star"

["Are we really here?"

++"We may be or where"

It was always the same, when the two needed to talk it was always out normal, always alien, even the time.

++"The man the pain, we came close to ending, why?"

"I have no idea, the man now with me now says it was the ones that made us, us. He says other will come and we will talk about them, Tallow Genetic."

++"Yes, the one named Legion, what shall we do?"

"We could run, hid, shift to a place they will never find us, but we will not"

A powerful wave of emotion its the both, dread at loss and loneliness, this place and time showed them, vast empty space, no hope or company, only them.

++"No we will not, we shall meet the 'others' and find a way to stay on earth"

"No we will not, we shall meet the 'others' and find a way to stay on earth"

They said as one, once more becoming one mind, they always where one body locked as one.



Lilly nodes her head in agreement indicates she would like him to go outside so she can dress. Assuming he dos. she gets up and walks to the wardrobe. Looking at the them she feels each and takes a few out to hold up to the wardrobe mirror, one takes her fancy and fine evening gown in Pale yellow. She showers and gets herself ready, then waits for him to come and escort her to dinner.

Vamp tilts his head sideways while examining Kit, like an animal. Then he gives her a good long sniff from a few feet away.

What does she have on her?

Once he's satisfied that she is what she seems, at least on the surface he will nod and say "Yes, I am Vamp. This weird old dude thinks I'm some dead president." he says motioning to Legion. "Why're you here? Do you know why that metal man is coming here too?" he asks Kit, as they follow Legion.

A cursory glance at Kit shows that she has a belt around her waist, hanging from the belt are a whip and a nylon bag like a fanny pack. Vamp's keen senses detect a metallic odor from the objects in Kit's bag. Detecting a whiff of machine oil and cordite, Vamp notices Kit has a small pistol holstered in her right boot. She carries a cellphone in her hand.

"Sorry, Vamp," Kit says in response to his sniffing. "I didn't have time to shower after spending my afternoon running from heavily armed goons. As soon as I got home, I got a phone call inviting me to a party to discuss Tallow Genetics. No offense, but I'd guess you, me, and the metal man are probably three of Tallow's run away freaks."

She continues following Legion, glancing occasionally at Vamp. "Dead president, huh? And I thought he'd mistaken you for Sherman Hemsley." She gives Vamp a wink and a grin.

Equipment list from character sheet: Camo Clothing, Cell Phone (Smartphone), Hold-out Pistol, Stun Ammo, Lock Release Gun, Toolkit (Basic), Whip. I'll leave it to you if Vamp can pick up any more details than what I put in my post from his super smelling. The toolkit has small items for lockpicking, disabling alarms, etc.

Spell checked:

"Dinner will be served at 7 PM, and if everyone has arrived by then, we can discuss our plans for the future. I will escort you to dinner when that time arrives. These clothes are all for you. I must take my leave now however. More guests should begin to arrive any mooooommmmmeeeennnttttt”

Lilly looked at the old man as he talked then...


The room and every thing fell away, around her stars 1000's of stars, they stood close to one big sun and worlds around it. They where nowhere a fiery orb and an 11 year old girl, She know this was not real, this was how it was with them, they talked in places and moments outside of the norm, in dimensions that just would send any human mad, she was 11 again, for that was how the StarSeed had 1st meet her.

"Where are we?"

++"I have no name for this place but I think you call is the North Star"

"Are we really here?"

++"We maybe or where"

It was always the same, when the two needed to talk it was always alien, alien place, alien time.

++"The man, the pain, we came close to ending, why?"

"I have no idea, the man with me now says it was the ones that made us, US. He says other will come tonight and we will talk about Tallow Genetic, then pain man works for them."

++"Yes, this old man, the one named Legion, what shall we do?"

"We could run, hid, shift to a place they will never find us, but..."

A powerful wave of emotion hits them both, dread, loss and loneliness, this place and time shows them what being alone again means, vast empty space, no hope or company, only time.

++"No we will not go, we shall meet the 'others' and find a way to stay on earth"

"No we will not go, we shall meet the 'others' and find a way to stay on earth"

They said as one, becoming one mind again, locked in one body.



Lilly nodes her head in agreement, then indicates to the old man she would like him to go outside so she can dress. Assuming he dos. she gets up and walks to the wardrobe. Looking at the them she feels each and takes a few out to hold up to the wardrobe mirror, one takes her fancy and fine evening gown in Pale yellow. She showers and gets herself ready, then waits for him to come and escort her to dinner.

Sorry fixed it now I hope

Male Enigma/20

Vamp / Kit / Marcus:

Legion raises his hands (All 8) and in his 4 voices speak out at once, "Gentleman, and woman, all will be explained at dinner tonight. I know you must all be very anxious after the day’s events but if you would just follow your assigned caretakers, we will provide the finest accommodations while you wait"

Two of Legion Hold open the doors while the others invite to escort you in.

Siege Breaker:

The man will say nothing and continue to politely wait


The man smiles and points towards the doors. ”We are expecting several guests for tonight’s dinner. I would not worry about being the only one here.”

Marcus cautiously makes his way in and follows the escort. He reverts from metal form.

Marcus is dressed in a security guard uniform. He has a flashlight, radio, handcuffs, and other small items on a utility belt (he was working when he was attacked).

Kit gets bored with the silent treatment and jumps down from the chair and starts exploring the place.

Star Light looks looks at a clock, wile waiting for the old man to come and show her to the meal. This must be a large place, She gets up and looks out the window.
well we are not under ground that's good, and not long now, who could be the 'others' are he talked about? she sees some figures coming into the building but can not make out who or even what they are.

"Just follow my assigned caretaker," Kit says as she represses a shudder. "Legion, that is way too much like the way they talked in the lab to be reassuring."

Kit then notices that the metallic man has transformed into a security guard. "Whoah, I am so glad I never ran into you professionally," she tells him. "This is going to be one interesting party. Wonder what they've got for dinner."

Kit's ready to move on to the dinner. I don't do very well with writing descriptions, so I have a few images of Kit in her "cammo suit." Due to my lack of 3D modelling experience, she came out a little more cyber tech than I intended, but it gets the concept across.


That reference is too ancient for my database lady." Vamp replies to Kit, following after Legion. "Don't worry about your smell, you smell yummy."

So there were more people like me at Tallow. Interesting...

Rosa nods. "Then I'll wait for them. I think I'm feeling a little to antsy to sit alone up in my room."

Rosa walks through the doors the gentlemen indicate, wondering at her hosts' resources to gain such a well equipped mansion. She sits at a table and waits for these other guests to arrive.

Male Enigma/20

7:00 PM

Everyone is gathered in the main hall of the mansion, seated around a large dining room table. Next to each door stands 2 of …Legion. In front of each of you, raised from the table, is a small screen that shows a beautiful flower in full bloom. The screen changes however to the face of a clean cut man with medium cut black hair. His eyes are dark, almost black, and he wears a serious expression. The man on the screen in front of you begins to speak. “Hello. I know that you are all anxious and tired from the day’s events, and I know you are all wondering why you are here. I will explain these things to you. I would like everyone to introduce themselves. Why don’t I go first just to speed things along. My name is Jack Tallow. I am the son of the current President and CEO of Tallow Corporations International, and of Tallow Genetics. There, got that out of the way, who’s next?”

The old man knocks on the door and Lilly follows him down into the dinning room as others start to enter as well. She is on a low cut evening gown and low heel white shoes. She looks around 20-ish tall and slim with long fair hear and blemish free skin, she has no makeup on at all but looks healthy, Her eyes are pale blue. with out a sound she takes a seat and looks at the others as they seat as well. When the screen come up she listens to the man talk and is shocked when he says he is the son the current President and CEO of Tallow Corporations International.

Is this a family power-play then, a fight or all one big trick to get me back into the lab? and who are theses people, why are we here, and he wants us to just say who we are? I'm not using my real name here, no way Ill use the stupid name they gave me in the lab. The old man knows I am Lilly but the rest do not need to

Lilly Signs to the others as well as talking to any one who will let here V TP.

"Our name is StarLight"

You can block starlight from talking to you v mind link at will, you have to be a willing subject for her to do this kind of communication, and hay man shes talking in your head.

an image of Starlight appears in you minds and the words

::"Our name is StarLight"::

"I'm Marcus." he says simply.

Rosa shakes her head, hearing Star Light's mental voice at the same time as her actual voice. That was weird. Did she just--?

She shrugs it off and looks at Marcus as he introduces himself. He was familiar. The guard uniform--that was it. The hospital. She was an EMT at the time, he kept all the crazies from hassling them when they brought people into the ER She nods to him, wondering if he will recognize her.

When it comes to her. "Rosa," she says, and nods to Jack Tallow. "And you better well explain more than that, with that introduction."

ooc: I'm getting an error message when I click on the link for his image.

Marcus nods when Rosa looks his way.

I remember her. She was always a nice girl. Good at her job i'll admit.

Kitty in cat form saunters over to Kit Reynold's and lightly jump up on the table and sits down next to her, careful not to overturn anything.

Just had a think and she would have said just "Star" as her name, also she is mute, But you just gave me a really good idea, she will mouth the words she says but you hear them in your head and not sign when shes using TP. Like the Alien fill of it, thanks

Star looks at every as they talk and nods to them

"Yeah, yeah. I smell yummy," Kit says to Vamp. "You'll need a better line than that. I just can't imagine sweat tinged with adrenaline is 'yummy.'"

When Legion opens the doors to the hall, Kit goes in and waits until Vamp is seated before sitting across the table from him. When a predator says you smell yummy at dinner time, you'd better keep an eye on him. She sits quietly through the first introductions. Kit's blood is chilled when their host identifies himself as Jack Tallow, so she keeps from jumping in with an introduction. The first words will be important, so it's best to let a couple others speak first.

Then the cat scampers nimbly across the table to sit next to Kit. "Hi, there! Aren't you a pretty kitten?" She blurts the words out then realizes she's just used up her all important first impression. "Hello, everyone. I'm Kit Reynard."


"Oh, no you misunderstand." He grins a fangy grin. "I eat people."


Vamp follows Kit and the man in and sits down at least one seat away from all the others. He listens quietly until the man identifies himself, then he leaps up onto the table with a hiss and bears his fangs. "You've got five seconds to explain yourself before I disappear."

As Vamps jumps up on the dinner table scatting plates and what not, Star Light instinctively Teleports behind the closest old man with a very worried look on her face.

TP to old man

::"You said it would be safe."::

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