Cantion |

"I hope so", Cantion smiled a grim smile at Titaia. Looking down among the bones, the fawn added, "But I'm certain that's what they thought, too."

GM_Solspiral RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |

A thick purple fog rolls in at a rapid pace, even on retreat the of is behind and all around you until each of you are overcome within it. Those of you with great fortitude will be the last to fall into a drugged haze and see the others in your party fall unconscious.
When you awaken you're in a different section of the Labyrinth and you find yourself among a mixture of familiar and unfamiliar company.
Titiana a human Amazonian Sorceress, who meets every gaze with confidence.
Cantion a Fawn wearing the holy symbol of Bacchus, and a serene smile.
Patroclus a human of proportions a sculptor would appreciate, clearly an athlete
Of course you know one another, the other 3 know one another as well. Like the first group you went to the oracle were told you each carried a spark of divine power and were told to find your destiny in the Labyrinth.
Nali a fierce half Minotaur warrior judging by her weapons and the care she has taken with them.
Chalkou a bronze warforge built by Hephisto's forgeflames.
Cyprian a small Wayang who has the look of one quick to a sly wink and quick escape.
The area of the Labyrinth is completely unfamiliar, it's a bit dark and the walls seem to be made of some sort of black opaque glass. There's a consistent beat of drums in the distance which somehow adds to the unsettling feeling you've lost time. You're all also very hungry.

Chalkou |

As he returns to operational status, an emerald fire fills Chalkou's eyes. Looking down, he sees several strangers, as well as the comrades he has traveled with since the Oracle. His head turns slowly as he surveys the strangers and listens. It sounds as though their experience is similar to our own. If they are telling the truth. Slowly, he lowers his warhammer, though he keeps his shield raised, just in case. A low, rumbling voice booms from within his shell. "We too have braved trials within this labyrinth. The Oracle sent us to this place, but we yet have to find what it is we seek. I am Chalkou, sentinel of the Hephaestian forge-temple at Lemnos."

Nali Greenhoof |

Nali growls, standing and nearly smashing her head against the ceiling. Careful! They might be another trick of the cursed maze! she draws her huge sword, the gleaming bronze almost glowing in the dark. If they are I'll be ready for it!
She backs up, examining the walls. She can't swing very wide with these enclosed walls... But she can push them against them... You get near me and the first thing I'm doing is showing you the inside of your head...

Cantion |

Cantion takes Titaia's hand, and gets up. Reluctantly, the fawn shakes of the effects of the drugged haze.
Looking around he notices his comrades plus some new folk: a bronze man(?), a smaller shadowy creature, and a half-mintoaur woman threatening to swing her impressive looking greatsword at the party.
Zeus! Why do I always find females with anger issues?!
"Alright. ALRIGHT!" The cleric holds up his hands in non-aggression. "Let's all calm down. I think we're all friends here. Or at least, not immediately trying to kill each other." Pointing at the half-minotaur, You. Not so much."
Gathering his wits, Cantion continues, Okay! The big metal man..Chalkou, was it, said he..um..she, it, whatever, was sent by the oracle. So were we". The fawn motions to himself, the amazon, and the athlete. "My name is Cantion, proud cleric of Bacchus, Lord of the Vine. This beautiful and dangerous lady is Titaia. And the fighter is Patroclus."
Taking off his backpack, Cantion rummages through it to find a trail ration, and begins devouring it.
"Okay", chomps the fawn, "dark one and fellow horned one, what are your names?"

Nali Greenhoof |

I am Nali, and if this is a trick to gain knowledge of my name then let Mars strike you low.. she growled.
She lowered her sword, and her head, not threatening you with her blade, but rather her curving horns...

Cantion |

I am Nali, and if this is a trick to gain knowledge of my name then let Mars strike you low.. she growled.
"Um..I would rather not get personally involved with Mars. Thanks", spoke Cantion through a stuffed mouth. Smacking his lips, the fawn reaches back into his backpack, and pulls his jug of wine, and takes a refreshing swig.
The cleric offers the jug to the people he knows first, handing it to Patrolcus.Attending to the downward horns of the half-minotaur, Cantion smiles diplomatically, "Nice to meet you, regardless Nali."

Patroclus |

"Thanks. " Patroclus takes a smalls swig from the wineskin in more a show of camaraderie than anything else. The Faun eating reminds him of his own appetite, and he digs in his pack for some rations.
"I was under the impression that Oracles were supposed to know everything. "

Nali Greenhoof |

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22+2 vs Monstrous Humanoids
Nali stops for a moment, listening to the drumming... What is that? It's...
She growls, I don't care your thoughts on Mars, he is the God you pray to in battle, Bacchus is for pleasure and revelry. I have no need for wine... she turns away and listens closer...

Nali Greenhoof |

Nali growls. On your feet, Drunk! It's goblins! Now for now it's hard to tell what kind... she says, sliding her sword away and drawing her spear.

Cantion |

The fawn has his jug of wine returned to him, and deftly places it back in his pack. Picking his quarter staff off the ground, Cantion muses, "I imagine the gods wish for a demonstration of their newly formed oraclic heroes. Let's not disappoint, shall we?"

GM_Solspiral RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |

Since I do not want to hold things up and Brian is unlikely to post if he hasn't already and he's on vacation this week I'll possibly reintroduce him later as I'm contigency planning for up to 8 at this point we're going with a little more GM Fiat here.
Using the noise as a distraction Cyprian decides to use Stealth and shadow the party for a time. Using distraction and the fact that it is dimly lit here I'm adding a +5 modifier to his normal score Stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (19) + 21 = 40

Nali Greenhoof |

Nali Scoffs, her pride insulted. My, You DARE! So, Amazonian? Tell me, Have you ever truly fought for your people? In a bloody War? Where the only thing you pray for is Victory, and that you may survive to see another? Hm? she growls, forgetting the sounds of drums to instead defend herself. Until then you do not dare treat me as a LESSER! she puffs. I shall call the Drunk whatever I want! And I want to call him what he is!

Chalkou |

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Chalkou nods and steps to impose his considerable bulk between the women. "Patroclus is wise. We should prepare to fight these drummers now. We can return to impolite word-smithing later." He pauses infinitesimally. "They are fanning out. I also detect the sound of hooves and singing."

Cantion |

The fawn signs, "Lord Bacchus, why did you curse me with such handsome features that women who meet me must fight over my muscular frame?!"
Cantion continues, "The man in bronze is right. I would recommend a circled back-to-back stance, that way the goblins can't flank us, and we keep the stance until we find a more defensible position."

GM_Solspiral RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |

The drumming continues to get louder as does the clopping sound of a horse on the run. Soon a profile familiar to many of you turns a corner about 120 feet away and there's Charger the Centaur, determinedly speeding away from the sounding of drums and now a chorus of battle cries. On his back sits a striking woman with raven black hair and a bow she's frantically firing from Centaur-back.
A group of eight moth winged goblins fly over the side wall that runs along the length of the corridor you're all in landing about 30 feet ahead of Charger and 90 from the main group.
Two of them set for a charge with some kind of long spear, while the other four seem to be waiting with Javelins for Charger to close.
@Charger you full moved this round and your companion shot a bow.
@Rest of group, enemies are 90ft away but have not noted your presence (being focused on their hunt) you have an entire surprise round you may act in not particular order then we'll begin initiatives
Basically you're looking at a 160 long corridor that's 40 ft wide. The ground is gravel, the walls to either side are Obsidian and 30ft tall. To your rear there's a fork where this corridor branches in 4 directions soft left, hard left, soft right and hard right. Charger just made a hard left to arrive at this corridor and even from this distance would recognize the profiles of his allies.

Nali Greenhoof |

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Finally, something to kill... she sighs, growling as she readies her spear for a charge, bracing it against the ground. She smiles, glad to soon be in battle.

Cyprian Numida |

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Cyprian Starts moving back towards the right corridor, slightly slow as he is staying hidden attempting to arrange himself in a flanking position with Patroclus.

Charger Nessius |

Great, more enemies! Nessius thinks, his tactical options dwindling rapidly.
to his companion, he shouts back to her. "More up front! Going to try to break through!"
Well, this can end badly for me, or awesomely!
-Posted with Wayfinder

Charger Nessius |

"Oh thank the gods! Some familiar faces! And they're NOT trying to kill me." he calls out, adjusting his course slightly.
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Alexandra Canto |

While her Tauric companion pauses for a moment Alexandra takes the moment to fire a couple arrows (burning a mythic pool point) licking both arrows.
first shot: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 sleep poison DC 12
the goblin dodges, barely
second shot: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 sleep poison DC 12
Goblin is hit squarely fort save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 but makes his save.
"Juno's c*^t, I only hit one sorry, this bunch are dodgier then those others."

GM_Solspiral RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |

The goblins are 90 feet form the main body of the party and are facing Charger, until you started shouting at each other they were unaware of you.
They are arranged into two triangular formations of 3 with the rear two from Charger's perspective (nearer two to main party) holding javelins at the ready. The spear point of these 2 formations is a literal spear-man.
The way that they are arranged leaves Charger with a lane to charge through but at the cost of eating readied javelin throws and spear attacks. Since they are set for charger charging either spear man directly risks a world of pain if they hit.
The spearmen are arranged roughly 10ft apart and are both roughly 30ft from charger. Their companions are in the 5ft step diagonal squares to either side. That's about 90 feet form the party (not sure why people were setting for a charge that wasn't coming but do you.)
Realizing that there's more hostiles the injured goblin blows a horn.
@Charger you can go.
@Chalkou you're also free to go.
@Cypherian you notice the two goblins with the net on the wall.
If any of you wanted to change it to move action + set for charge I'm ok with that but after those 2 go I'm rolling initiatives for the group and starting combat rounds.

Charger Nessius |

Perception:net goblins: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Nessius raises his shield. "We are bursting through." he growls. "Get some of them before they stick my flanks!"
IMPROVED OVERRUN: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
I'll spend a mythic point to surge!
Surge!: 1d6 ⇒ 2
I still get to attack an enemy too as part of my charge/overrun, dont i?
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM_Solspiral RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |

Reading over run rules you already hit so roll damage, target is knocked prone and you get to move on through his square.
I'm assuming you went left or right ince you literally charged a spearman down.
Since he had a readied attack he gets an attack off and since the throwers had readied actions to throw on your action they are all going so you likely killed the spearman but it may well hurt. Go ahead and roll normal damage for your 4 hoofs + strength I believe that's 4d6+strength damage.
javelin attack1: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Javelin hits the Viskanyadamage: 1d4 ⇒ 2
javelin attack2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Javelin narrowly misses the Viskanya (lol high ground bonus)
spear attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Unfortunately that's going to hit you squrely Charger and it's a possible crit
confirmation roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
luckily it's not a confirm but unluckily it's still double damage
spear: 1d6 ⇒ 1 so 2 damage... wow dodged a bullet there.
Charger chargers through the group on your left running down the lead spearmen and right by the now empty handed throwers who draw short swords right after charger passes.
The Net guys were hoping the spear man was going to slow the centaur but they still try.
Net: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 missing rather badly they also pull short swords and are flying in the air.
Charger is now 40 feet from the party and about 40-50feet from the goblins chasing him.

Charger Nessius |

overran: 4d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 2, 6, 4) + 7 = 25
Taking two damage and doing 25 isnt bad. I consider this a successful trade of hits!
Looking behind him, he grins. "You alive? Good!" he tells his rider.
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GM_Solspiral RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |

@Chalkou you're fairly close to charger about 10ft, close enough that the gobs are going to attack you too.
G1 is taking to the air as his move action, closing to about 20ft from the Charger and chucking his javlin.
Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
possible crit so confirmation: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Is a crit so eat another... 2! damage quake in terror before the might of my fey goblins!
So Fey template plus Gobo Dex = sick innit...
In Order
G1 23
Cantion 22
G2 22
G3 22
G2 cast Fairie Fire on Charger and Alexandra making them both glow with a green fire
G3 decides to draw his short swrd and fly charge at Chalkou
attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
damage: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Charger 18
G4 18
G5 18
Chalkou 14
Nali 14
G6 13 -2
Titaia 10
Alxandra 9
G7 8
Clyph 6
Cantion and Charger may both act.

GM_Solspiral RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |

Oh, crap. I thought the goblins were all in one group 90 feet away and he was near them.
In that case, Chalkou walks up next to the spear-wielding goblin Charger hasn't already killed.
You were correct he then used a charge trample action and ran them the heck over. Double move for a Centaur is 100ft.. so he was 120 from you meaning he was on 20 ft away :D Gobos are indeed further back and closing in because the buggers aren't normal gobos they have moth wings.

Cantion |

Cantion whinces at Nessius's injuries. Damn! The centaur needs help!
Looking over to the half-minotaur, Cantion remarks "You look bloodthirsty. Here." The cleric intones Bacchus and waves his hands, casting bull's strength on Nali. "Feel free to kick as much goblin ass as you like."

Alexandra Canto |

"I think this is where I get off handsome, if we survive this I owe you a drink and a nice meal."
Move action hold-over to dismount.
"So hi I'm Alexandra, I came in with shiny butt (motioning at Chalkou), scary butt (motioning at Nali), and sneaky butt wherever he's off too. There's a LOT more goblins coming we need to wrap this fight quickly and find a hiding spot or a choke point or each account for like 10 of these little basards."