Tora no Senaka - The Back of the Tiger (Inactive)

Game Master Dreaming Warforged

Trouble with Goblins can lead to a lot of places, even the other side of the world...
Jade Regent AP, now in volume 3 - The Hungry Storm

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Congratulations to the players who've made it. I must say that you're writing truly humbled me. I feel a great privilege to work with you in creating this epic tale.

First, some of you didn't pick a craft or profession linked with your described occupation in Sandpoint. Please adjust your sheet accordingly.

We'll also make sure that most knowledges are covered. Same goes for language, but mostly, I'd like to make sure Ulfen and Goblinoid are covered. If that's not possible, there will be ways around it. I personally don't like Common as a concept and, if all are on board, we'll dump it, allowing you an extra language, but also removing the possibility to always have a language in common.

I'll edit the post as my final selection is made.

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

I added Profession (Stable Master) to his skills, dropping swim, in case Handle Animal doesn't cover that well enough.

Male AC 17/To11/FF16, HP: 30/37 Human (Varisian/Tian mix) Cavalier 4

I believe Izumi's character sheet is complete, but please let me know if there's anything I missed, if something needs to be updated, or any other problems.

I look forward to playing this with you guys.

As far as the common thing goes: The reason why common is what it is is largely due to the Taldan empire (as Common is Taldan). If we are to drop the 'common' tongue, I assume Taldan would replace it, and simply be far less widespread (being spoken mostly by folks right along the inner sea)?

Pavel wrote:
I added Profession (Stable Master) to his skills, dropping swim, in case Handle Animal doesn't cover that well enough.

That's perfect.

Liberty's Edge

(AC 19/t14/ff18, hp 62 of 68) Shoanti Cleric (of Erastil) 8

Woo, made it in! Thanks!

I tried so hard to make Garand work as a Nature Oracle, but, wow, the reduced saves, different ability focus (more Cha, less Wis) and loss of the bow kinda slew me. So, Druid he is and always shall be.

I really loved the flavor of the Natural Divination revelation, so I might just make Garand into haruspicy as a flavor thing, even if it gives him no bonus.

From a meta-perspective, it's probably for the best that he didn't go Nature Oracle, since having a high-Cha character in a party of average-Cha characters could mess with the relationship mechanics.


Sorin as an Abjurer is neat. I bet that ability to swap Fire Resistance to Cold Resistance is gonna come in handy, at some point!

Campaign Trait-wise, we've got;
Maddigan - Raith (H hungry ghost Monk, Childhood Crush (Ameiko))

ZetaGilgamesh - Sorin Salward (1/2E abjurer Wizard, Caravan Guard (Sandru))

FireclawDrake - Izumi Chosokate (H Cavalier, Childhood Crush (Ameiko))

James Keegan - Pavel (H Ranger, Caravan Guard (Sandru))

Set - Garand Stone-of-the-Moon (H bear shaman Druid, TBA)

Ameiko's milkshake has all the boys coming to her yard, it seems, and we've also got a pair of Caravan Guards whose primary relationship tie will be to Sandru.

My three preferred options were; Childhood Crush (Sandru), Rescued (Kora) and Student Survivalist (Shalelu). Sandru's already gonna have two people with relationship ties to him, through Caravan Guard, and I was a little uncertain as to whether I was up for role-playing a same-sex attraction anyway. Plus it could get a bit yakkety-sax if three of the five of us had Childhood Crushes... We've got no other healer, so Rescued (Kora), which gives a smidge of extra healing, probably makes the most sense, party-wise. Poor Shalelu. She's the NPC that nobody invites to the prom!

Male(s) 27 Ducks in a James suit Duck 27/ Expert 5

Yeah, true. I could switch to a Shalelu trait that makes sense, too so that we have everyone covered- it's weird, but she seemed popular with everyone else that applied, so I thought I'd go for Sandru.

Male Tiefling (Devil Blood) Magus 1 (Blackblade Kensai)

Nice. I made it. Thanks for the chance.

I'll have everything complete and ready with a new alias with the proper name ready to go shortly. I don't like to create an alias unless I'm sure I'll use it because the board doesn't allow you to erase them. I'm so glad you picked a reasonable number of characters. Another good sign.

So I'm going to assume our version of common is the local language common to Sandpoint. I think it is Varisian? I get to take one other language even though I lack an intelligence bonus. Think I might go with goblin. Sort of fits he would learn the language of the enemy he hates the most. And they're local, since he hasn't traveled much. Even though common does make life easy, I do like the feel of not having a common language. English is the real world's common, but everyone does not speak it everywhere you go.

AC 19 Touch 17) FF 16; CMD 23 (25 Grapple) Hp 58/58
+4 dodge bonus FD/ 6/6 ki points

Here is Raith for you to look over. I think everything is done. His Handyman Toolbox I purchased for the same price as Artisan's Tools. Figure they are the standard items you would find in a toolbox for making minor repairs.

Raith speaks Varisian as his base language. Gave him goblin as the language for losing common. Figured he learned some from the locals so he would know when he was fighting them. He has a real hatred of goblins, even if they're friendly.

The shurikens he carries are a real basic design he asked the local blacksmith to make. Not the shuriken of the east, but they do the job.

For the DM:
Some additional character information:
1. Raith's never killed anything. He's never even fought in public or in a real fight. As far as anyone knows he's a local no more capable of fighting than the standard farmer or craftsman. Neither Ameiko nor Belor knows he can fight.

2. You can use Tsuto as you wish. I didn't decide whether he was a pure ghost or a ghost possessing someone to interact with the world physically. Up to you which he is because as far as Raith knows, he is a man watching out for his sister. Use him as you want. I threw him in as a flavor element for you to play with.

Raith: sheet looks good.

One thing about language (I wasn't clear enough) is that I meant you could replace Common with a native language, like Varisian. I meant you don't have to know Taldan/Common.

That way, you can have an extra language if you already had to take a native language, but if you had only Common (you had no extra), it doesn't help.

That means Raith, for example, could have Taldan or Varisian instead of Common, but that doesn't give him an extra language.

Set: I think the link with Koya makes more sense, for all the reasons you've mentioned.

Let me know when you've updated your background to reflect this. When I read it, it was harder for me to get a sense of how Garand is related to the town and its people on a daily basis.

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76
Garand Stone-of-the-Moon wrote:

My three preferred options were; Childhood Crush (Sandru), Rescued (Kora) and Student Survivalist (Shalelu). Sandru's already gonna have two people with relationship ties to him, through Caravan Guard, and I was a little uncertain as to whether I was up for role-playing a same-sex attraction anyway. Plus it could get a bit yakkety-sax if three of the five of us had Childhood Crushes... We've got no other healer, so Rescued (Kora), which gives a smidge of extra healing, probably makes the most sense, party-wise. Poor Shalelu. She's the NPC that nobody invites to the prom!

Posted about this before, but it seems that it got eaten. If we want to have ties to each friendly character, I can switch from a Sandru trait to a Shalelu trait without much alteration.

Dark Archive

Some dude
The Celestial Bureaucracy wrote:

Set: I think the link with Koya makes more sense, for all the reasons you've mentioned.

Let me know when you've updated your background to reflect this. When I read it, it was harder for me to get a sense of how Garand is related to the town and its people on a daily basis.

Here's the updated final bit of backstory, working Koya and 'Rescued' into it.


After a time in Kaer Maga, which he found a spiritually toxic place, where the people with their many babbling tongues and perverted notions of right and wrong hide their shame from the sky above beneath vast ceilings of stone, he found his way south, serving as guard and guide to a caravan led by a Varisian man, Sandru, that he felt laughed too much to be trusted (an overreaction from his previous experiences in Kaer Maga, where there was a knife behind every smile).

Just as the caravan reached Sandpoint, Goblins attacked, and he found himself caught up in the battle, separated from bear-spirit and confused. He slew one, but another cut his leg with a rusty bit of metal, and he fell to be trampled by a panicking horse. He woke to Koya's chanting, which he clung to like a rope, dragging him from the dark waters of the underworld. Bear-spirit was there, having fared much better, and he recognized Koya as a shaman like his companion, and allowed her to perform her healing magics upon Garand, although he allowed no one else to approach. Garand feels that he owes Koya a life-debt, that will not be easily repaid.

Recovering in Sandpoint, allowed to stay in the then-empty lodgings of Shalelu, he found several people whose stories intrigued him and spoke to his own struggles with family and finding one's place in the world, such as Ameiko, exotic woman from an exotic land, not only without kin, but separated from her own people and their ways by uncounted miles, and wise Koya, who seems to have blossomed at an age where most would wither, excited by the prospect of no longer living the life that had been set down for her, and travelling far, to see instead the wonders of the world. Bold Sandru increasingly turns away from the plans his family have for the future, wishing to chart his own path, and the elf Shalelu has turned away not only from a different culture, but a different people entirely, to live among a race that must, at times, seem alien to her.

He respects and admires Koya, with her youthful soul and hard-won wisdom, and Sandru, whose cheerful demeanor he has come to see is a mask that hides a heart heavy with the weight of his family's expectations, and Shalelu, who takes the world on her own terms, like a proud hunting cat, coming and going as she pleases.

Ameiko remains a mystery to him, and one that has not yet piqued his interest.

AC 19 Touch 17) FF 16; CMD 23 (25 Grapple) Hp 58/58
+4 dodge bonus FD/ 6/6 ki points
The Celestial Bureaucracy wrote:

Raith: sheet looks good.

One thing about language (I wasn't clear enough) is that I meant you could replace Common with a native language, like Varisian. I meant you don't have to know Taldan/Common.

That way, you can have an extra language if you already had to take a native language, but if you had only Common (you had no extra), it doesn't help.

That means Raith, for example, could have Taldan or Varisian instead of Common, but that doesn't give him an extra language.

As a Varisian human, I received Common and Varisian as my starting tongues. I assumed that you wanted me to replace Common with only Varisian and were allowing me to choose a second language since I lost one language by giving up Common. So do you want me to only have Varisan and simply give up Common? Or is taking Goblin ok as a replacement for the extra language I would have had?

Thanks Set.

Raith: Oops, I wasn't aware of this. I'm from the old way I guess...

So then it's like you said. Your area language replaces Common, you can still take it/Taldan, as it is spoken in many areas (but not so much where you're heading), or pick another, for instance Goblin in Raith's case.

I hope I'm clearer than I think I am...

Please take a look at your different knowledges, in case some fine tuning can be done to cover more obscure ones (it looked pretty good so far, maybe too much geography, but that was expected).

Waiting on Sorin to show up.

AC 19 Touch 17) FF 16; CMD 23 (25 Grapple) Hp 58/58
+4 dodge bonus FD/ 6/6 ki points

Got it. I'll keep Goblin.

I have only Knowledge (Local). Fits with his background. He hasn't been many places. So he mostly knows his own area. He's the kind of guy that likes to know whatever area he goes to, so I'll be building it up as he learns about more areas.

Hopefully Sorin is the high intel sagely geek that knows tons about everything.

Male(s) 27 Ducks in a James suit Duck 27/ Expert 5

Since it makes sense for Garand (as the guide) to have geography, I can swap that for dungeoneering or stick it into swim. Should I switch to a Shalelu trait, DW?

Hp: 21/30; AC:19/19/17 (22 ward, 24 PfE)
(Mage Armor, +2 AC 1/6); DR 10/magic vs. ranged weapons (40pts); Fort+6, Ref+3, Will+5 (+2 vs. enchantments, immune sleep, resist cold 5)
Half-Elven Wizard 6

I am here...just a few hours behind ya'll. I am trying to figure out the same language issue. If Taldan=Common, then I covered the regional languages for Cheliax with that and Infernal. I switched undercommon to Varisian, and I plan for Sorin to learn Minkai as soon as it becomes reasonable.

I dumped Perception(ouch) and picked up Profession (scribe) per your request CB.

@the guys: Sorin has Arcana, History, and Geo as his knowledges. Expect to grab Engineering, Planes and religion as time passes.

Hp: 21/30; AC:19/19/17 (22 ward, 24 PfE)
(Mage Armor, +2 AC 1/6); DR 10/magic vs. ranged weapons (40pts); Fort+6, Ref+3, Will+5 (+2 vs. enchantments, immune sleep, resist cold 5)
Half-Elven Wizard 6

@Garand, do you want to go high d20 for who keeps the profile pic?

AC 19 Touch 17) FF 16; CMD 23 (25 Grapple) Hp 58/58
+4 dodge bonus FD/ 6/6 ki points

Looks like everyone is in the house. Nice.

James Keegan wrote:
Since it makes sense for Garand (as the guide) to have geography, I can swap that for dungeoneering or stick it into swim.

As long as you have at least one knowledge.

James Keegan wrote:
Should I switch to a Shalelu trait, DW?

If you feel it works, then by all means.

I will try to post the opening tonight (within twelve hours). I tend to group combat, so be careful out there. Also, I'm getting you right at the edge of the marsh, and summarize how you got there. This is to get us quickly in the thick of it.

So who knows who from where?

Garand, Izumi, Raith and Pavel are from around here, right? How do you know each other? What's the link with Sorin?

AC 19 Touch 17) FF 16; CMD 23 (25 Grapple) Hp 58/58
+4 dodge bonus FD/ 6/6 ki points

Raith knows Pavel, they might even be friends. I think they are about the same age and probably occasionally run into each other about town. Raith does repair work at the stables or for caravans when they need it. He's somewhat impressed by Pavel's stories and work as a caravan guard. Makes him think about doing as much himself.

Raith knows Izumi from his association with Ameiko. Probably doesn't care for Izumi's relationshiop with Ameiko and considers him a competitor. Though he feels Izumi's got one up on him being a well-traveled man with some fighting skill. Probably a bit envious of Izumi. Given Izumi's charisma, he probably wins a smile or some kind words from Ameiko more often than Raith. Raith probably resents that, though I imagine he fears Izumi a bit.

Raith's probably seen Garand in passing, but doesn't know the man well seeing as they don't speak the same language. Probably gets a polite nod on the occasions they do see each other.

Probably only met Sorin in passing while doing work for people in the caravan or when Sorin might have visited The Rusty Dragon.

Male AC 17/To11/FF16, HP: 30/37 Human (Varisian/Tian mix) Cavalier 4

Izumi's left Sandpoint behind, so I doubt he had any real friends there. He may be acquainted with the other party members, but I doubt he knows them anymore than having seen them around town.

AC 19 Touch 17) FF 16; CMD 23 (25 Grapple) Hp 58/58
+4 dodge bonus FD/ 6/6 ki points


I made a minor character change. Reduced his charisma to 8 and boosted his intelligence to 12. Added Swim skill. I had to drop Swim for a profession and knowledge skill, so I added it back. Hate having characters without swim. Seems like such a common skill to learn, especially during older times.

Added Tian which which learned from Tsuto during his training and Ameiko while being at the bar with her.

I lowered the charisma to show more of the gruff, quiet personality. Iboosted his intelligence because I picture him being a fairly smart person, even if not particularly educated.

Hp: 21/30; AC:19/19/17 (22 ward, 24 PfE)
(Mage Armor, +2 AC 1/6); DR 10/magic vs. ranged weapons (40pts); Fort+6, Ref+3, Will+5 (+2 vs. enchantments, immune sleep, resist cold 5)
Half-Elven Wizard 6

I thought with Pavel and Sorin both being carvan guards for Sandru, Sorin for nearly two years, that they would be well established comrades. Caravans are large, but after a few weeks of traveling on the road, you get to know everyone pretty well...especially after sitting up long nights on watch with nothing to do but talk in an attempt to stay awake.

Between caravan trips Sorin has been acting as an unofficial Sandpoint scribe for whoever needs assistance. Additionally, he spends a lot of time with Brodert Quink, digging through the man's collection of books. He rents a room from Brodert when in Sandpoint. Evenings are spent in the Rusty Dragon, talking to travelers, reading one of Quink's books or doing some writing.

It makes sense that Raith and Sorin are aquianted but not friends/companions.

Izumi Chosokate wrote:
Izumi's left Sandpoint behind, so I doubt he had any real friends there. He may be acquainted with the other party members, but I doubt he knows them anymore than having seen them around town.

For sure though he knows Raith very well, if only as a rival! If one accepts a mandate to impress Ameiko, the other wouldn't want to be left behind...

Sorin Saldward wrote:

I thought with Pavel and Sorin both being carvan guards for Sandru, Sorin for nearly two years, that they would be well established comrades. Caravans are large, but after a few weeks of traveling on the road, you get to know everyone pretty well...especially after sitting up long nights on watch with nothing to do but talk in an attempt to stay awake.

Between caravan trips Sorin has been acting as an unofficial Sandpoint scribe for whoever needs assistance. Additionally, he spends a lot of time with Brodert Quink, digging through the man's collection of books. He rents a room from Brodert when in Sandpoint. Evenings are spent in the Rusty Dragon, talking to travelers, reading one of Quink's books or doing some writing.

It makes sense that Raith and Sorin are aquianted but not friends/companions.

Good points, so Pavel should stay with Sandru. This would be the link for Sorin.

Liberty's Edge

(AC 19/t14/ff18, hp 62 of 68) Shoanti Cleric (of Erastil) 8
Sorin Saldward wrote:
@Garand, do you want to go high d20 for who keeps the profile pic?

I'm not married to this one. Let me rifle through the options and see if I can find another that works for me.

Edit: Found one! And I like this one even better! I must have gotten bored trying to find a suitable one last time...

Male AC 17/To11/FF16, HP: 30/37 Human (Varisian/Tian mix) Cavalier 4
The Celestial Bureaucracy wrote:
For sure though he knows Raith very well, if only as a rival! If one accepts a mandate to impress Ameiko, the other wouldn't want to be left behind...

I doubt Izumi thinks too highly of the scholarly Raith. Ameiko is obviously a woman who likes a man of action! Izumi doesn't see Raith as real competition (though that may change).

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

Switched geography to dungeoneering. I'm good with connections Raith and Sorin have written up. I can take Ulfen in lieu of Common if no one else speaks it- we can say my dad was from the Land of the Linnorm Kings.

Dark Archive

Some dude

Garand speaks Shoanti, Druidic, Elven and Varisian, for now.

He's got Kno-Geography and Kno-Nature covered, but also intends to pick up some ranks in Kno-Religion, eventually.

Hp: 21/30; AC:19/19/17 (22 ward, 24 PfE)
(Mage Armor, +2 AC 1/6); DR 10/magic vs. ranged weapons (40pts); Fort+6, Ref+3, Will+5 (+2 vs. enchantments, immune sleep, resist cold 5)
Half-Elven Wizard 6

Sorin speaks Taldan, Infernal, Draconic, Elven and Varisian.

@Garand: Nice profile pic. Its like it was made for your character.

We're on!

AC 19 Touch 17) FF 16; CMD 23 (25 Grapple) Hp 58/58
+4 dodge bonus FD/ 6/6 ki points

I just noticed. Our only source of healing is a druid. That will be a first for me.

Let's do this.

Male AC 17/To11/FF16, HP: 30/37 Human (Varisian/Tian mix) Cavalier 4

Rangers get some healing - and, more importantly, can use spell completion healing items (such as healing wands).

AC 19 Touch 17) FF 16; CMD 23 (25 Grapple) Hp 58/58
+4 dodge bonus FD/ 6/6 ki points

We're going to have to chip in as a group for a wand or two and be careful. I know Celestial said he likes to run fewer, meaner encounters. That could be rough on us without channel energy. We'll see how we do.

I wanted to start as soon as possible. Don't worry, you can work on your sheet at your own pace.

Regarding taking 10, I don't always like the rules for them. If you're not sure, mention you take 10 if possible, then please roll anyway, if only to save time and a discussion.

Let me know if you're uncomfortable with this.

The dynamics so far are interesting, to say the least. I hope we can harness them into a compelling tale.

Raith Shadar wrote:

I just noticed. Our only source of healing is a druid. That will be a first for me.

Let's do this.

I'm in a Carrion Crown (with James) with no cleric and no druid, only an oracle. It's tough! But it's fun!

AC 19 Touch 17) FF 16; CMD 23 (25 Grapple) Hp 58/58
+4 dodge bonus FD/ 6/6 ki points

I use take 10 because of the number of rolls it takes for climbing if you do otherwise. Normally a climb roll is made for each round of movement. Which could be a lot of rolls on a road. I'll assume because of the nature of PbP, you'll be condensing the number of rolls to speed the process. I'm ok with that.

Just remembering a situation where the climb couldn't even be made with a take 10 for some, took them about 50 rolls to get out of the pit because we had no rope. It got ridiculous. I hope we're better equipped.

I'm thinking marching order:

Pavel (Tracker)
Izumi (Frontline fighter)
Garand and Bear
Raith (Rear Guard)

Hp: 21/30; AC:19/19/17 (22 ward, 24 PfE)
(Mage Armor, +2 AC 1/6); DR 10/magic vs. ranged weapons (40pts); Fort+6, Ref+3, Will+5 (+2 vs. enchantments, immune sleep, resist cold 5)
Half-Elven Wizard 6 rope. We will have to see how this plays out. I think that if we play smartly, we will be ok with only a druid. I think it will be interesting as instead of spontaneous heals, he gets the spontaneous summons, thus he will always have offensive options no matter the underlying spell loadout that he takes.

And I think that you are right on the marching order Raith.

@Celestial. I think that this story will take a while to develop. I think it will get interesting story-wise once we are interacting with the NPCs more. That will allow the Raith/Izumi competition to really get interesting.

Dark Archive

Some dude
The Celestial Bureaucracy wrote:
Raith Shadar wrote:

I just noticed. Our only source of healing is a druid. That will be a first for me.

Let's do this.

I'm in a Carrion Crown (with James) with no cleric and no druid, only an oracle. It's tough! But it's fun!

Carrion Crown with no Cleric? Madness! :)

Anywho, bear (ha, I slay me) in mind that, unlike an Oracle, with their fancy-schmancy three spells a day at 1st level, a Druid only has the one. Adding in the Wisdom bonus, that's *two* cure light wounds a day. Until we can afford a Healer's Kit (too pricy at 1st level with average wealth), Treat Deadly Wounds via the Heal skill is also not much of an option (DC 24, to get 1 hp back. DC 29 to get 4 hp back.).

So, keep an eye on those hit points fellas! And let's try not to take too much falling damage on our way to the encounter, 'cause I'd hate to enter combat having already used up our healing for the day!

As sole healer, Garand is probably not going to get to prepare an actual druid spell (like entangle or charm animals) for a few levels, until we can get the wand of cure light wounds, etc. going, but I'm used to that from previous experiences playing a druid as sole healer.

Fortunately, Garand has a bear and a bow, so he's functional even without spellcasting. :)

AC 19 Touch 17) FF 16; CMD 23 (25 Grapple) Hp 58/58
+4 dodge bonus FD/ 6/6 ki points

We're also not sure how much access Celestial will allow us to purchase magic items. So we might even be stuck shelling out coin for Sorin to make a bunch of scrolls for Garand. Or buying a bunch of potions. I guess we'll see how he handles that.

AC 19 Touch 17) FF 16; CMD 23 (25 Grapple) Hp 58/58
+4 dodge bonus FD/ 6/6 ki points

I keep picturing one of us screaming chupacabra and running back up the trail the way Celestial has set it up.

Male AC 17/To11/FF16, HP: 30/37 Human (Varisian/Tian mix) Cavalier 4

Arrrg it's a dead deer RUNNNN

AC 19 Touch 17) FF 16; CMD 23 (25 Grapple) Hp 58/58
+4 dodge bonus FD/ 6/6 ki points
Izumi Chosokate wrote:
Arrrg it's a dead deer RUNNNN

Haha. Be like the movie Almost Heroes when they saw the squirrel and started blasting away as if their life depended on it. Or Monty Python and the Holy Grail when the rabbit comes out. Though that rabbit was terrifying.

Hp: 21/30; AC:19/19/17 (22 ward, 24 PfE)
(Mage Armor, +2 AC 1/6); DR 10/magic vs. ranged weapons (40pts); Fort+6, Ref+3, Will+5 (+2 vs. enchantments, immune sleep, resist cold 5)
Half-Elven Wizard 6

I think Python is more appropriate. In our case we won't even know that it is a "bad thing" until it starts munching on us...just like the Knights of the Round Table.

Male(s) 27 Ducks in a James suit Duck 27/ Expert 5
The Celestial Bureaucracy wrote:
Raith Shadar wrote:

I just noticed. Our only source of healing is a druid. That will be a first for me.

Let's do this.

I'm in a Carrion Crown (with James) with no cleric and no druid, only an oracle. It's tough! But it's fun!

Well, you know, it's a horror game. How can it be scary if you can just spam out healing or positive energy?

It's working. My "fearless" paladin is not in a good place. He's about to call for his mommy.

Hp: 21/30; AC:19/19/17 (22 ward, 24 PfE)
(Mage Armor, +2 AC 1/6); DR 10/magic vs. ranged weapons (40pts); Fort+6, Ref+3, Will+5 (+2 vs. enchantments, immune sleep, resist cold 5)
Half-Elven Wizard 6

Sorin is with Pavel in being oblivious to the rivalry between Izumi and Raith. He just wasn't around to see enough to pick up that something is going on between them.

Male AC 17/To11/FF16, HP: 30/37 Human (Varisian/Tian mix) Cavalier 4

Not sure Izumi made it too far into the swamp to have useful enough info... Celestial?

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