Michael Johnson 66 |

"Might I have your permission, Holy Father, to write to Spain? My nephew, a young man in service to the Archbishop of Seville, is a paladin of devotion and great faith. If he could be brought here I trust he will add strength to our forces."
He pauses, "These Desert Jackals sound like a formidable force Holy Father. Their aid will be most welcome I have no doubt! In the meantime Holy Father, might I speak with your confessor? My heart is troubled after the meeting with the Striga."
Just laying the groundwork for taking Leadership at 9th level and bringing a level 7 Paladin along with us. In this timeline Rodrigo Borgia is a paladin, not a cleric, and takes a more active role in defeating the enemies of the Church.
For Papal history buffs Lucius is effectively replacing Alphonso Borgia/Pope Calixtus III (and Eugene's successor but one) in this timeline. :)
So awesome! I give this my blessing lol!

Pope Eugenius IV |

Dictating to his scribe in his office that day after speaking with the Crusaders of the Catacombs, in Spanish:
In Spanish: To my brother in Christ, Archbishop of Seville Diego de Anaya Maldonado: May the peace of Jesus Christ, Our Lord, be upon you and all the faithful of Holy See of Seville. May the angels, archangels and saints preserve you and keep you in blessed light and glory of God. I write to you to request the aid of the good Don Rodrigo D'Borja, that chivalrous and devout servant of Our Lord. The good Cardinal Inquisitor Lucius D'Borja is his uncle, and is currently in need of his valor and bravery, which Don Rodrigo D'Borja displayed when he protected myself during the recent turmoils within Rome. Please send Don Rodrigo at once to Rome, where his courage and fortitude are needed by his Uncle Lucius. Yours in Christ, Pope Eugenius IV. Have a silver raven send it immediately.

Pope Eugenius IV |

To his scribe: Now transcribe this letter to Henry of Portugal: My dear Prince of Portugal Henry, May the Lord bless your adventurous exploits and spread the word of His mercy through the lips of your Christian explorers. I write to you because a great evil threatens all of Christendom, and the Church is in need of its most potent champions to fight against this grave peril. I know your Desert Jackals have been striking righteous blows against the Arab Slave Trade in Africa, and doing God's work on the Dark Continent, but we have dire need of their cunning and valor here in Europa. Please recall them from Morocco at once, and send them to succor Rome. Yours in Christ, Pope Eugenius. Send this out with the other, at once!

Nicolas Flamel, alchemist |

Doubtless having divined this exact hour of need with precognitive magic, the renowned alchemist and wizard Nicolas Flamel teleports from his laboratory in Paris to the plaza before Saint Peter's Church on Vatican Hill in Rome, and presents himself to the Holy Father with all due reverence.
In Italian: Holy Father, I have come in the hour when I can most be of service to you. I have foreseen this hour in my crystal ball, Your Holiness. You wish to unite one band of brave crusaders with another that is very distant at this moment, yes?

Pope Eugenius IV |

Doubtless having divined this exact hour of need with precognitive magic, the renowned alchemist and wizard Nicolas Flamel teleports from his laboratory in Paris to the plaza before Saint Peter's Church on Vatican Hill in Rome, and presents himself to the Holy Father with all due reverence.
In Italian: Holy Father, I have come in the hour when I can most be of service to you. I have foreseen this hour in my crystal ball, Your Holiness. You wish to unite one band of brave crusaders with another that is very distant at this moment, yes?
Thank you for responding to what can only be the call of Our Lord, Monsieur Flamel... replies Eugenius with some measure of suspicion and wonder at the famed Parisian magician's sudden appearance here in Rome...

Nicolas Flamel, alchemist |

Nicolas Flamel, alchemist wrote:Thank you for responding to what can only be the call of Our Lord, Monsieur Flamel... replies Eugenius with some measure of suspicion and wonder at the famed Parisian magician's sudden appearance here in Rome...Doubtless having divined this exact hour of need with precognitive magic, the renowned alchemist and wizard Nicolas Flamel teleports from his laboratory in Paris to the plaza before Saint Peter's Church on Vatican Hill in Rome, and presents himself to the Holy Father with all due reverence.
In Italian: Holy Father, I have come in the hour when I can most be of service to you. I have foreseen this hour in my crystal ball, Your Holiness. You wish to unite one band of brave crusaders with another that is very distant at this moment, yes?
The work of alchemy is merely decoding what is essentially Divine Providence, Your Holiness... Please, call me Nicolas... responds Flamel, kneeling before the pope to kiss his ring.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Nicholas Flamel produces his personal traveling crystal ball from his magical haversack and conjures up a hazy image in the sphere that coalesces into clarity as he burns a stick of incense and wafts the sweet smoke around the crystal...
The alchemist shows the pope what he seeks: a band of rugged and wily adventurers known as the Desert Jackals, as they ride toward Marrakech in Far Africa...

Mwikali |

A woman rode on the back of a camel,A woman her hair was tightly bound, even the strange colors of white, orange, blue and gray were bound this way amongst the midnight black strands. Her deep almost midnight black skin was visible in her rough traveling dress of green black and yellow. Her eyes were off one blue one brown and on her shoulder was a beautiful exotic bird looking at the book she was reading.Mwikalis' Skin tone and body type
If you looked for weapons or armor she had little to none. the closest thing to them aside her dagger was an old yet exquisite spear not of European make. It was slid into a small leather throng and cup on her saddle. near the tip, recently wrapped ribbons of red, gold, black and green adorned it matching her dress.

Zagathoth |

As soon as the Pope dismisses the Crusaders, Zagathoth hurries back to the palazzo, eats whatever’s readily available, and retires to his chamber to celebrate another successful outing. With fresh dragon’s blood still working through his system, the orc’s already considerable vigor and appetites are heightened to an almost unreasonable level. Once Molly has had her fill he hungrily asks, ”do you have any friends that aren’t married who could join us?”
what’s better than siring a dragon-infused half-orc? Siring two (or three) dragon-infused half-orcs, lol

Wench Molly |

As soon as the Pope dismisses the Crusaders, Zagathoth hurries back to the palazzo, eats whatever’s readily available, and retires to his chamber to celebrate another successful outing. With fresh dragon’s blood still working through his system, the orc’s already considerable vigor and appetites are heightened to an almost unreasonable level. Once Molly has had her fill he hungrily asks, ”do you have any friends that aren’t married who could join us?”
what’s better than siring a dragon-infused half-orc? Siring two (or three) dragon-infused half-orcs, lol
Spent and panting on the bed from their vigorous "celebrating", Molly grins at Zagathoth and hides under the sheets...
Normally, I would scold you for such an improper suggestion, Zaggy... but I might have to start recruiting some of the other girls to help satisfy your superhuman cravings, my big, strong champion!
Zagathoth must succeed on a DC 20 Fortitude save to impregnate Molly; if he succeeds, Molly conceives 1d3 ⇒ 3 blue dragon blooded half orc children, due to be born in late October of 1437...

The Ogon Fox |

Tringelda embraces Ogon Fox as he relays his merciful sentiments regarding the striga's execution, smiling with adoration, and kisses him passionately...
I am so glad that you are a merciful hero, my dear Herr Fox! Our world needs more of your kind, Foxy!
Ogon Fox is surprised by Tringelda's kiss, but responds in kind...when the embrace ends, he suddenly remembers that he stands in the presence not only of his companions but the very Pope Eugenius, Holy Father of all Christendom! He casts his eyes downward, and you are sure he would be blushing if it were possible to see such a thing through all that red fox hair.
"Perhaps we can continue later, in private," he whispers delicately in the Dame's ear. He eyes her seriously, then, and says, "And there is something more I want to tell you about myself."
Fox is ready to reveal his dual identity to this elven lady of whom he is so fond...

Zagathoth |

lol- I meant 2-3 kids by 2-3 different women, but I suppose twins or triplets would work too...
Fort: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
noooo... oh well, we’ll have to try again next time we kill a dragon (or possibly after round 2?)
”I am the champion,” Zagathoth answers with a broad toothy grin. Stealing the sheet, he stands to reveal how ready he is to continue celebrating then offers, ”if you do not want to invite anyone else right now, I’ll go find the healer and see if he can help you continue...”
Boga! I’m gonna need a lesser restoration for my lady, stat.

Tringelda Dame der Greifen |

Tringelda Dame der Greifen wrote:Tringelda embraces Ogon Fox as he relays his merciful sentiments regarding the striga's execution, smiling with adoration, and kisses him passionately...
I am so glad that you are a merciful hero, my dear Herr Fox! Our world needs more of your kind, Foxy!
Ogon Fox is surprised by Tringelda's kiss, but responds in kind...when the embrace ends, he suddenly remembers that he stands in the presence not only of his companions but the very Pope Eugenius, Holy Father of all Christendom! He casts his eyes downward, and you are sure he would be blushing if it were possible to see such a thing through all that red fox hair.
"Perhaps we can continue later, in private," he whispers delicately in the Dame's ear. He eyes her seriously, then, and says, "And there is something more I want to tell you about myself."
Fox is ready to reveal his dual identity to this elven lady of whom he is so fond...
I am flattered and intrigued, my foxy dear... What can it be?

Wench Molly |

lol- I meant 2-3 kids by 2-3 different women, but I suppose twins or triplets would work too...
noooo... oh well, we’ll have to try again next time we kill a dragon (or possibly after round 2?)”I am the champion,” Zagathoth answers with a broad toothy grin. Stealing the sheet, he stands to reveal how ready he is to continue celebrating then offers, ”if you do not want to invite anyone else right now, I’ll go find the healer and see if he can help you continue...”
Boga! I’m gonna need a lesser restoration for my lady, stat.
Can magic truly restore my virginity, Zaggy? Now that you've deflowered me, I don't know if my flower can withstand a new deflowering...

Zagathoth |

Zagathoth tilts his head and raises an eyebrow as he tries to puzzle through his lover's flowery answer. Giving up, he shrugs and replies, "he can make it so you're not tired or sore anymore... then we can make more sex. You want me to go get him?"

Wench Molly |

Zagathoth tilts his head and raises an eyebrow as he tries to puzzle through his lover's flowery answer. Giving up, he shrugs and replies, "he can make it so you're not tired or sore anymore... then we can make more sex. You want me to go get him?"
This will be interesting... very interesting... You are spoiling me, Zaggy! replies Molly, blushing and biting her bottom lip... Alright, let's see how many more times we can reach the heights of paradise, my insatiable lover!
GM rolls Will save against DC 20 "this is getting weird" feelings...1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Zagathoth |

Dressed, once again, in only a bedsheet, Zagathoth hurries through the halls of the palazzo calling out, "Healer! I need your help! Healer... Boga, where are you?!?"
The loose cotton sheet offers precious little camouflage for the orc's current condition and more than one witness gasps and turns away with flushing cheeks.

Nicolas Flamel, alchemist |

Watching the Desert Jackals through legendary alchemist Nicolas Flamel's crystal ball, Pope Eugenius IV observes them and tries to imagine their conversation as they prepare to raid the palace of the Emir of Marrakech...
Who is that little sprite, there? Eugene asks Nicolas.
He is the Fey Lord Perpireen of the Seelie Court, Your Holiness. A versatile and inventive adventurer by all accounts...

Boga |

Boga sits in his room, making plans for meeting with the Pope. Working with the Cardinal has been enlightening, and he desires to make another push for unification. In the distance he hears his name being called by a strangely desperate Zagathoth. Concerned for one of his cohorts, he springs from his chair and hurries into the hallway, "Zagathoth! I am here!"
Zagathoth steps around the corner and immediately Boga sees he is clothed only in a bedsheet. Boga's eyebrows rise and he immediately stops, "You had me worried. I thought you may be under attack." With a flat expression, he says, "I see that I was wrong."

Nicolas Flamel, alchemist |

I would of course be happy to facilitate telelortations to transport the Crusaders and their gear to the palace of Marrakech, Your Holiness... Perhaps you could call upon Our Lord to intervene with a miracle, transporting all of the Crusaders of the Catacombs, at fully rested and restored vigor, along with all gear they will require to aid in the overthrow of the cruel Mohammedian slavelord?

Pope Eugenius IV |

Once the Crusaders have all arrived in the papal office, some time around 4:00 in the afternoon of Thursday, 18 January, just as the Desert Jackals are sending the ninja Achiko to dimension door into the harem room of the emir's palace, Pope Eugenius IV addresses the Crusaders in English: Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I know it is only a few hours past our last conference, and you have not had much time to rest or attend to personal matters... (here he gives Zagathoth a high-browed glance, as if the Holy Father somehow knew that between the last few hours when he last saw the orc, Zagathoth had spent the entire time "making the sex", or imposing upon poor Boga to restore Molly's lost purity so he can despoil it again...) Yet I fear that I must call upon you already to once more gird yourselves for battle against our Enemy!
More to come later, after your wily GM has assisted a fair damsel in need of company at an oddly late hour...

Pope Eugenius IV |

In the ancient city of Marrakech on the Dark Continent of Africa, an evil emir forces slave gladiators to fight to the death against horrible monsters gathered from the Four Corners of the World! A band of brave and stalwart heroes like yourselves are at this very moment, about to attack this wicked villain in his throne room and free the poor gladiator slaves... In the name of Our Lord, I bid you, the brave and valorous Crusaders of the Catacombs, to take up sword and shield to fight alongside these daring Desert Jackals! Send this vile enemy of God to Hell as you have so many deserving foes in the Catacombs! Free God's children, who might be retrained to fight for God and the Church instead of for the amusement of evil Mohammed worshippers!

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Zagathoth |

Boga sits in his room, making plans for meeting with the Pope. Working with the Cardinal has been enlightening, and he desires to make another push for unification. In the distance he hears his name being called by a strangely desperate Zagathoth. Concerned for one of his cohorts, he springs from his chair and hurries into the hallway, "Zagathoth! I am here!"
Zagathoth steps around the corner and immediately Boga sees he is clothed only in a bedsheet. Boga's eyebrows rise and he immediately stops, "You had me worried. I thought you may be under attack." With a flat expression, he says, "I see that I was wrong."
"Not me, my woman- come quick," Zagathoth answers hastily as he begins rushing back towards his bedchamber. As they near his door he explains, "she is too tired and sore to keep making sex, and she doesn't want to have any other womans join us right now, but I can't be done making sex yet. You have to heal her so she won't be tired and sore and we can keep making sex. Please."

Zagathoth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I know it is only a few hours past our last conference, and you have not had much time to rest or attend to personal matters... (here he gives Zagathoth a high-browed glance, as if the Holy Father somehow knew that between the last few hours when he last saw the orc, Zagathoth had spent the entire time "making the sex", or imposing upon poor Boga to restore Molly's lost purity so he can despoil it again...)
Zagathoth smiles his big toothy grin when his holy liege acknowledges his success at making more sex.
...In the name of Our Lord, I bid you, the brave and valorous Crusaders of the Catacombs, to take up sword and shield to fight alongside these daring Desert Jackals! Send this vile enemy of God to Hell as you have so many deserving foes in the Catacombs! Free God's children, who might be retrained to fight for God and the Church instead of for the amusement of evil Mohammed worshippers!
"Padre Pope..." the orc says with a frown, "I am sorry but I don't have a shield, and I could not swing my sword good if I used one..."

Pope Eugenius IV |

The Holy Father considers Johann's concerns a moment and replies: Fear not, my son... An angel of the Lord shall herald your imminent arrival, to allay your new allies' fears and ready them to welcome you as brothers in arms against the forces of the Evil One!

Pope Eugenius IV |

Pope Eugenius IV wrote:Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I know it is only a few hours past our last conference, and you have not had much time to rest or attend to personal matters... (here he gives Zagathoth a high-browed glance, as if the Holy Father somehow knew that between the last few hours when he last saw the orc, Zagathoth had spent the entire time "making the sex", or imposing upon poor Boga to restore Molly's lost purity so he can despoil it again...)Zagathoth smiles his big toothy grin when his holy liege acknowledges his success at making more sex.
Pope Eugenius IV wrote:...In the name of Our Lord, I bid you, the brave and valorous Crusaders of the Catacombs, to take up sword and shield to fight alongside these daring Desert Jackals! Send this vile enemy of God to Hell as you have so many deserving foes in the Catacombs! Free God's children, who might be retrained to fight for God and the Church instead of for the amusement of evil Mohammed worshippers!"Padre Pope..." the orc says with a frown, "I am sorry but I don't have a shield, and I could not swing my sword good if I used one..."
Pope Eugenius smirks at Zagathoth and reassures him, Continue as you have been doing, mighty Zagathoth! God has made you perfectly to wield your keen falchion without a shield, for He shall be your rock and your shield...er, nevermind about the rock part, my son, I can see by your puzzled expression that you may have questions about that...but it is merely what literate folk call a figure of speech. Not to be taken literally... He smiles kindly, not in condescension, but genuinely fond of the hulking orc, and not certain how much of his words the big, child-like warrior comprehended.

![]() |

"The Lord will guide your blade, and turn the blows of our enemies away from you." Lucius says, laying out the Lord's protection in a slightly less metaphorical way.
"The plan is sound Holy Father, I am ready!"

The Ogon Fox |

At the Palazzo D'Borja in Ogon Fox's chamber, prior to the Pope's summons...
"Meine Dame, was ich dir sagen wollte ist ... Nun, es ist besser, es dir zu zeigen. Bitte warte hier einen Moment."
The Ogon Fox moves behind a dressing screen, so that he is hidden from Dame Tringelda.

Toshio Okumura |

A minute passes, and when he steps out from behind the screen, he is the Ogon Fox, no longer. Standing before the lovely elven Dame is none other than the great composer and organist, Toshio Okumura.
"Sie sehen jetzt vollständiger, Tringelda, wer ich bin. Du wusstest, dass der Ogon Fox ein Kitsune ist, und diese Form ist meine natürliche Form. Aber der Name, den ich in meiner menschlichen Gestalt trage, Toshio Okumura - das ist mein richtiger Name. Aber ich bitte dich, meine Dame, meine doppelte Identität geheim zu halten. Die anderen Kreuzfahrer wissen davon, aber sonst niemand."

Tringelda Dame der Greifen |

A minute passes, and when he steps out from behind the screen, he is the Ogon Fox, no longer. Standing before the lovely elven Dame is none other than the great composer and organist, Toshio Okumura.
"Sie sehen jetzt vollständiger, Tringelda, wer ich bin. Du wusstest, dass der Ogon Fox ein Kitsune ist, und diese Form ist meine natürliche Form. Aber der Name, den ich in meiner menschlichen Gestalt trage, Toshio Okumura - das ist mein richtiger Name. Aber ich bitte dich, meine Dame, meine doppelte Identität geheim zu halten. Die anderen Kreuzfahrer wissen davon, aber sonst niemand."
** spoiler omitted **
Trigelda gazes wide-eyed, astonished, at Okumura, then her expression softens into endeared affection once more. She kisses him even more lingeringly on his human lips, then whispers softly into his ear: I promise you, Maestro Okumura--Ogon Fox...Your secret is safe with me, my dearest one...

Michael Johnson 66 |

And so the noble Crusaders of the Catacombs are sent off by divine miracle and arcane wish, fully healed of all recent wounds and with full preparation of spells optimum for the coming battle, to the far throne room of Emir Al'Haaq of Marrakech, evil slavelord and master of the Arena of Death! There, to join forces with another mighty band of cunning heroes known as the Desert Jackals, and put an end to the tyranny of Al'Haaq and the Arena of Death, once and for all!
This officially closes table 1, and concludes Act One of the Saga as experienced by the Crusaders of the Catacombs.

Zagathoth |

I know we haven’t heard from Boga in a while but we’re operating with the understanding that he did offer aid in my hour of need, correct? (And that, as such, Zagathoth will be in for a big surprise upon returning from Africa?)

Michael Johnson 66 |

I know we haven’t heard from Boga in a while but we’re operating with the understanding that he did offer aid in my hour of need, correct? (And that, as such, Zagathoth will be in for a big surprise upon returning from Africa?)
Yes, we'll assume he did lol...

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Zagathoth wrote:I know we haven’t heard from Boga in a while but we’re operating with the understanding that he did offer aid in my hour of need, correct? (And that, as such, Zagathoth will be in for a big surprise upon returning from Africa?)Yes, we'll assume he did lol...
I might have call dibs on another one of the children for the follow-up game (or play Rodrigo 'The Dragontamer' d'Borgia, paladin, friend to Zagathoth and mentor to his little dragon babies. Rodrigo would be a lot more relaxed and open about the needs of the flesh than Lucius so he and Zag would be get on very well! ;))

Michael Johnson 66 |

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:I might have call dibs on another one of the children for the follow-up game (or play Rodrigo 'The Dragontamer' d'Borgia, paladin, friend to Zagathoth and mentor to his little dragon babies. Rodrigo would be a lot more relaxed and open about the needs of the flesh than Lucius so he and Zag would be get on very well! ;))Zagathoth wrote:I know we haven’t heard from Boga in a while but we’re operating with the understanding that he did offer aid in my hour of need, correct? (And that, as such, Zagathoth will be in for a big surprise upon returning from Africa?)Yes, we'll assume he did lol...
So much awesome sauce!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:I might have call dibs on another one of the children for the follow-up game (or play Rodrigo 'The Dragontamer' d'Borgia, paladin, friend to Zagathoth and mentor to his little dragon babies. Rodrigo would be a lot more relaxed and open about the needs of the flesh than Lucius so he and Zag would be get on very well! ;))Zagathoth wrote:I know we haven’t heard from Boga in a while but we’re operating with the understanding that he did offer aid in my hour of need, correct? (And that, as such, Zagathoth will be in for a big surprise upon returning from Africa?)Yes, we'll assume he did lol...
Awesome! Can't wait!

Zagathoth |

lol- unless I find a few more 'volunteers' within the next day or so (or another dragon whose heart I can eat) there's only going to be at most 2-3 dragonblooded half-orcs to go around... (and gods help poor Molly if she is having triplets!)