Sphene Axinite Clinohumite |

Sir Kane turned to the dragon but did not approach. "Do you understand me? Are you alright?"
Detect Evil, just in case. ;)
Rasping breath blood seeping out of a very deep gash on its shoulder.
"I do understand you kind sir, ". Breath pant breath "and I most definitely not alright, that think hurt me deeply. I feel blood and pain."Again breathing hard she looks over at her new fey freand
" Peacock! I hope by the gods you have magics or skill to aid the wounded, for I am shore in need of such now! not yet one day out the egg and allredy set apon "
She has slumped to the ground, you can see she is in great pain.

Peacock |

"Uh... uh... I don't know. Do I?"
Peacock looks at his hands in confusion, pondering what magic he has, but nothing comes to mind.
This is as bad as that time at the archery range when-
Then, Peacock remembers how the village medic had treated that poor man's arrow injury. Surely this wouldn't be too different...
"I remember a little bit of first aid, but I really can't promise anything."
Peacock quickly fetches some fabric from the fallen gnoll's clothing and attempts to make a makeshift bandage from it to help stop the bleeding.
Untrained Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
He only has vague memories, though, so the result isn't very good.
"It's no use. I can't do it."
Peacock turns to the other two. In the rush of emergency, their strange features barely register. "Is either of you trained in medicine? Sphene needs help, and fast!"

Jazzai Moonbreaker |

"Well, can your magic clean fabric?" Jazzai asks as she makes her way carefully to the two of them.
"Also, we will need water, fresh water if possible, or at least clean. We can treat her wounds in the cave that is near. Let's get her into there and if you can clean any strips of cloth that will help. A kit would be perfect but we can make due without. I can atleast administer care over night to help augment her natural healing. Sir Kane, I can take care of them, if you want to focus on the people here." She motioned to the creatures he was tieing up.
Heal:Long Term Care: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

Sphene Axinite Clinohumite |

The pain is shape but she dos not move away from Peacock as he works.
There is pain and there is pain, but she felt so weak.
"Thank you Peacock"
was all she could muster in a soft voice.
Then the girl, why was she walking like that?, she looked odd, like she was feeling her way.Her hands steady, sour, she had done this before. The pain lessened when asked, she got up slowly and walked to the worth of the cave. Limping, she would not be doing much walking for a wile. Once in the cave she flummery down again,
"I thank you as well freand, call me Sphene, Peacock is a good lad, but I think he may need to see you skill in wound mending."
She winces as the girl works, skilled hands make her feel better. To take her mind of the pain she asks
"so What brings you and your stone golem here may I ask.?"
she says this thinking she known what the strange stone knight is.

Peacock |

I don't think Kane is that obviously stone yet.
"I'll see what I can do..."
Peacock focuses on the cloth gathered from the dead gnoll's clothing, and visualises it as clean as can be, trying to force his newfound magic onto it.
To his surprise, it works, and the dirt and grime soon dissolve to nothing, leaving the cloth pristine.
Prestidigitation, clean.
"This is the best I can do for now," Peacock nods, handing the cloth back to Jazzai.

DM Stalwart |

Using smell and touch, Jazzai identifies a soft moss that works well as a poultice, and binds the wound skillfully with a startlingly clean cloth. Jazzai can feel a heat radiating from the spot of the injury, but it is definitely too soon for an infection to cause a fever.
The last light in the west fades from reds and oranges to purples and blacks, and the stars begin to shine. The temperature drops sharply, and the ruddy light of the small fire sends shadows dancing upon the rocks. A crescent moon rises above the easternmost mountain peak, shedding a pale light upon the world.
The tied up gnolls blink into wakefulness and discover their situation. One begins whimpering -- a dog like whine while the other growls.

Jazzai Moonbreaker |

Taking the cloth she smelled it not getting a trace of blood or carrion smell on it. "Thank you Peacock, that is perfect. Cleaner than even boiling it would get."
Soon the dragon was tended too and bandaged as well as she could manage. She exuded a gentle confidence in what she was doing showing no signs of hesitation even on the foriegn creature.
Feeling the temperature drop she would take off her cloak and lays it down making a softer nest with it and would lift Sphene and lay her on it gently using the hood of it to cover the little dragon.
"Stay warm and rest. No getting up for you until I say so." She ordered gently.
"I have no idea what stone golem you are talking about? I don't see one around here. As for why my friend and I are here, we were looking for shelter for the night. Decided to try surviving out on our own for a little while. What about yourself Miss Sphene and Mister Peacock? What brings you out here to enjoy the bounty nature provides?" Her voice was friendly and warm and her hands strong but gentle in their tending. With any move Sphene made Jazzai would look over to her as if checking to make sure she wasn't getting up.
Jazzai knew the young Sphene she was tending happened to be a dragon, by Sir Kane's response, and by her own admission newly hatched. Mister Peacock could fly and had magic and smelled not quite human but she didn't know what yet. That would probably come in time.
Her ears listened to the creatures Sir Kane was working with to see if she could over hear the conversation. By the sounds of the growling she was sure one was more dominant than the other. She still didn't know what the creatures were called, so until she got their names she would call them Carrion Dogmen.

Peacock |

"I can't speak for Miss Dragoness over here, but... I guess the simplest way to explain it is that I'm lost, except I don't even have a place to search for."
Unsure of what the newcomers are, Peacock appears somewhat wary, fetching his quilt and grasping it over his shoulders like a makeshift cloak.
"My wanderings brought me to this valley where I run into her not too long ago, and you two arrived just in time when these creatures snuck up on us while I was wondering where to go from here."
Peacock pauses for a moment, attempting the puzzle out the mystery that were Sir Kane and Jazzai.
"What about the two of you?" he asks.

Sphene Axinite Clinohumite |

Sphene waits. To respond p, the girl had the touch. She felt better, and being given a bed. She could get used to this. But she had not yet given her name or the 'Friend' who looked like a stone like golem thing but was not in the girls view. She felt she best say some thing but hold some back until they said more. She waited to see what they said of them selves, half sleeping half listening.

Jazzai Moonbreaker |

"Well, I am Sir Kane's assistant. I generally interact with people on his behalf because I am less intimidating. You may call me Jazzai." She waves at the rock around them.
"We came for shelter really. We needed a place to stay for the night. We stumbled upon you when they were closing to attack. Fates are strange in the way they lead the lost together." Smiles. "Well, if you are lost, and if Sir Kane is not against it, we could travel together until you decide which path to travel, or at least until you friend Miss Sphene is fully healed. There is strength in numbers. I understand if you do not wish to leave your home Miss Sphene, or you Mister Peacock."

Sphene Axinite Clinohumite |

"To be honest I was thinking of staying but I think the sooner I get to civilised lands the better. It seems the local wild life thinks I'm easy meat Jazzai. I not for you showing up and peacocks help I could be being made into a suit of armour now. So I will travel with you"
She says from her bed.

Peacock |

"I wasn't planning on sticking around here too long myself; I miss having an actual roof over my head, and I'm hoping to find a city that won't pull torches and cold iron poles as soon as they see me. But, anyway, Sir Kane, was it? Wouldn't you be more comfortable if you pulled down that hood? That's got to get irritating after a while, no?"

DM Stalwart |

Not trying to interrupt the conversation; carry on.
The "cave" is actually a recessed area protected by a large overhanging rock. It only goes back about twenty feet before it dead ends in piles of refuse. This sheltered spot would not serve well as a long-term location for one very good reason: there does not appear to be any water source.
Most likely, this site, situated as it is near the caravan road, frequently serves as a temporary shelter for travelers. Numerous old campfire sites dot the cave, and the far back has turned into a small rubbish heap. Sphene's reasoning and Jazzai's insight are both enough to surmise that the dog creatures probably were headed up here to waylay anyone stopping here. None of the creatures are provisioned for a long journey, each carrying only a small waterskin and a pouch of tough jerkey along with their weapons and armor.

Sphene Axinite Clinohumite |

"Ask the dog boys if they know of any magic healing, That would help a lot If they had some"
She says from her bed

Jazzai Moonbreaker |

Looking at Sphene she chuckled lightly and once she had a slight inventory of what they had taken from the Carrion Dogmen she would sniff at the jerky trying to identify what kind of meat it was before even thinking of consuming it. The waterskin she would sniff also. She didn't have food unlike the others but she knew she could make due if this stuff wasn't something she wouldn't eat.
"You know they came most likely to prey on anyone that was camping here. If they did have magic's they would most likely have used them or will use them to injure you further."
She reaches out lightly putting a hand on Sphene to check her body temperature and nods happily before holding the waterskin to Sphene's mouth so she could drink. "Drink, you need the water Miss Sphene." Once she had her fill she would gather the other one and hands it to Peacock. "You too Mister Peacock. Dehydration is the first thing that will put you in danger." Standing after that is done and taking the left over water she would walk out to Sir Kane.
"Sir Kane, They don't have enough food for a long journey. So they may have a camp close. Not to close mind you, or these two may have spotted it." She would tell him. Standing she would head to him with a waterskin walking a little distance away from the prisoners. "Drink." She told him and would leave him with the waterskin before heading down searching for the body of the third Carrion Dogman. Once she found it she would start stripping it of what it had and would slowly carry it back up to the cave.

Sphene Axinite Clinohumite |

She drinks what she can, then looks on as the girl works.
"Shame they don't have ant thing of use. Best we just eat them then, roast em fist of course"
She chuckles at the joke.

DM Stalwart |

After a moment of hesitation, the Carrion Dogmen lap at the water offered by the blind woman, though their glares are completely lost on her. Their equipment is worn but serviceable, leather armor, spears, and long bows with ten arrows each.
Jazzai is unable to identify the animal that the jerkey used to be, although she's fairly sure it is animal. The dried meat still has tough hairs sticking out of it, and is closer to rawhide than anything fit for human consumption.
The one other notable feature in the cave is, of course, the gold-flecked remains of a large egg. There is still a small pool of liquid in the concave base, and while Jazzai is sure it is not water, it does have a clean, wholesome smell.

DM Stalwart |

Before I forget, 300 xp for each of you. And yes, you're operating on the fast xp progression.
Continue your conversation as you please. I'm moving the time along so you can begin discussing your next move. I don't expect you to do anything more than talk this evening, but if so, let me know.
The night passes without incident, and although there were signs that the Carrion Dogfolk tested their bonds much of the night, Kane's ropes held them fast. The eastern light gives rise to a cool morning, but when the sun rises high, the day will be hot in this basin. Sphene recovers 2 hp and feels much better, even though the wound is still strangely hot.

Sphene Axinite Clinohumite |

Gets up, looks at her wound, it seems some what better
well not bleeding any more.
She looks at the others.
"What you say we get out of here, and look for a safer place to stay, Put the dogs here behind the rock with nothing on but a smile, and head off. I think I'm up for walking, just not flying yet. So what you say fellows"
She dos seem some what happier today

Jazzai Moonbreaker |

Making sure even Kane got water she would chew on the jerky they had. Begger's couldn't be choosers. "Miss Sphene, I would suggest drinking the rest of the liquid in the egg. Highly nutritious for a young hatchling."
She checked the wound frowning at the heat she was feeling from it sniffing it to make sure no infection had set in.

Sphene Axinite Clinohumite |

She dos, hunger driving her on, then she rakes the shell.
"Take it all, it may be worth something"

Peacock |

Peacock gladly drinks, thankful for the fresh water. Much better than the streams he'd had to drink from, as of late. He really regretted not getting a chance to pack before leaving.
That done, he carefully folds the quilt he'd been sleeping in and stuffs it inside the old shirt he'd been carrying it in, slinging the whole thing under his arm.
Peacock works a little magic over the jerky before it's passed around, thinking that he might make it taste a little better. Sure enough, though it's still rough, it tastes of much fresher, well-sizzled steak.
Prestidigitation is cool like that.
"So, does anyone know of a welcoming village not too prone to torches and pitchforks? We'd better get on the road while the day is young."

DM Stalwart |

Jazzai smells nothing off from the wound. Instead, the heat seems a by-product of the dragon's very nature.
When Sphene drinks the liquid, she feels even more restored than the night's rest had provided her. She recovers 1d8 ⇒ 3 hit points. After she's finished, there seems to be enough of the liquid left to fill one of the flasks for an additional dose.

Sphene Axinite Clinohumite |

"Arr that feels better, there is some left, I think its has healing magic, because my wound has closed some"
She moves her foreleg,

Sir Kane Ravencourt |

Kane had interrogated people before. It was never good to do it right away. It was important to let them sit for a while so their minds could wander.
That night he had knelt before them, settling in with his head low and his inhuman eyes catching just enough of the firelight to glow a faint red, like a cat's in the dark. He no longer really 'slept'. He simply let his body lock into place and his mind drifted.
He didn't move, at all, staring at the dog men, all night.
In the morning Kane finally moved, bowing his head and slowly drawing a Pharasman Spiral in the dirt while saying his prayers to the Lady of Graves.
He made sure the gnolls were watching him.
The Lady was not so terrible as most people thought. He knew that.
They didn't.
After they had some time to let the hunger roll in their bellies and the ropes to chafe a bit longer, he finally spoke, which voice sounding much like gravel being slowly ground to sand.
"I know you can understand me. My name is Kane. I am a Knight of Pharasma."
"You attacked an intelligent creature in cold blood. You tried to kill her. That is enough to sentence you to stand before the Lady."
"Your actions have already killed you."
"If you want to earn your lives back, you are going to have to convince me that you are not monsters."

DM Stalwart |

The two captives blinked at the cloaked figure. The whimpering one let out a plaintive whine, while the growling one's head sagged.
Growler looked up after a moment. His speech was garbled by his canine muzzle, but he managed to be comprehensible. Chief say prove we warriors. Cubs no more. Go to Prey Rock. Take prize. Head, weapon, shiny coins. Not matter. But no prize, no come back.

Jazzai Moonbreaker |

Checking on her wound she nods and turns to Peacock after unbandaging the wound. "Can you clean these again Mister Peacock. Should only need these for the rest of today to keep dirt from getting into the wound."
She would take an empty waterskin and would carefully pour the remains of the egg's liquid into a container, not having an actual bottle to put it in.
"It is good we have this." once Mister Peacock was done she would rebandage the wound to keep it clean. Her ears tuned to the conversation outside.
"Your wound has healed enough it is safe for travel. Take it easy though. You don't want to open it back up."
Prey Rock, interesting name, and it gave her an idea on what they thought of this place. She stood and took a free strip of material tying it around the waterskin so she could tell which one was for healing and which was for drinking.
Moving to the equipment she would touch all three bows, spears and leather armor. Grouping them together she would tie a strip around a spear. It could make her a good walking stick. Not that she even knew how to use a weapon. "Mister Peacock, Miss Sphene we should take what we can with us. Do we have anything to bundle this stuff together? Also, did you happen to see water near here in your flight last night? We need more water."
Jazzai would make her way back towards Sir Kane and the Carrion Dogmen with a pouch that had the meat, minus what she could stomach down. Placing her hand gently on Sir Kane's shoulder she looked at the Dogmen with her blind eyes.
"Coming of age Ceramony then? Do all your tribesmen go through this test? Or did the Chief send you here as a harder test?"

DM Stalwart |

Growler takes a long look at the hooded figure. He bares his teeth at him. We lost. We expect pink-skin humans, not dragon. Not <faerie>, He doesn't use that word, exactly, but he nods in Peacock's direction as he says it, and the meaning is clear.
Losing wrong. Being strong, not wrong. Our Mother's ways not wrong. Death-lady knows that. Growler is defiant, even knowing his end is near. Whimperer hangs his head, which draws a chiding bark from the other gnoll.
Peacock didn't see any obvious bodies of water during his flight, though he likely wasn't looking in the waning twilight.

Jazzai Moonbreaker |

"Losing is only wrong if you don't learn from it. I am guessing you expected to find more people like me. Easy marks? You planned on killing anyone that was here? And taking what they had? What does your friend think of this?" She said motioning to the whimpering one. If only she knew the language so she could speak with Whimperer. Growler she had to admit had courage despite what may come.
"You also spoke of Mountain Tribes and Green Stone Valley, tell me about them."

Sir Kane Ravencourt |

Kane sighs and shrugs his overly broad shoulders. "The Lady does not care who is right. That power falls to those like me, trained and trusted not to abuse the authority vested in us. Our job is to teach and to judge. You have already been judged. It seems you are unwilling to be taught."
"You believe that might makes right. By that reasoning, I am within my rights to kill you. Do you agree?"

DM Stalwart |

He mewling pup, Growler sneers derisively.
He tilts his head, and those with sight see him study Jazzai's eyes. He makes a movement akin to a shrug, and keeps talking. Mountain tribes all different. Some giant. Some human. Always fighting. Always watching. Harder to win prize.
Green Stone Valley full of <faerie>. Some females go there. Those that come back have magic. Become <growl> Another word that he doesn't seem to know the Common word for, but this time he doesn't have someone to compare it to. The most you can pick up is a slight tinge of respect that laces his tone when he speaks it.
Edit: Didn't see Kane's post
Growler looks without flinching at Kane. He utters a string of gutteral sounds that seem to describe some very unpleasant things. Whimperer shudders a moment and tries to pull away.
That elicited another derisive bark from Growler. He looks at Kane suddenly. Yes. But me kill this one first. Give me kill before I see Death-lady.

Sir Kane Ravencourt |

"Growler, you are judged guilty of marauding and attempted banditry. You are unrepentant and a danger to civilized society. Your sentence is death." Kane says sadly.
Then he pushes the sharp point of his curve-bladed pole arm into the creature's chest.
Coup de Grace.
"The Lady does not decide who is right." Kane says quietly. "Only who is left."
Do any of the rest of you have access to Tongues or Comprehend Languages, or anything like that. There might be hope for this other one."

Jazzai Moonbreaker |

It was clear that what Growler said upset Jazzai as she immediately stepped between the two of them, Growler and Whimper her lips pulled back her teeth bare as she growled/hissed at Growler.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
She wasn't that intimidating but it was clear she would not let him kill his friend. Despite her blindness she was well aware of where they were. Then Kane spoke and delivered judgement. He could see her flinch.
Calming herself she composed herself. "Sir Kane,....I smell the blood." There was strain in her voice but she had also heard the sound of the pole arm entering his chest.
Will Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Turning to the one still tied she knelt and looked at him gently reaching out touching his head. Once he lifted it she would touch her chest.
"Jazzai." She then touched him gently. "What is your name?" She knew he didn't understand but hoped he would slightly understand as she again touched her chest saying her name.
Unfortunately no, Aklo is the only possible enemy language I would know. I don't have magic.

Sir Kane Ravencourt |

Kane remembered what she had done to the landshark. His instincts and training told him to be wary. He had cousins who were Dhampir, so he was familiar with blood-hunger. He also knew well to be extremely watchful of it. Some had the will to avoid sliding into darkness. Others did not. He didn't yet know Jazzai well enough to judge the strength of her convictions.
He watched the other Gnoll patiently, trying to decide what to do next.

Jazzai Moonbreaker |

Jazzai smiles slightly. "Geehuff?" She asked touching him.
In Aklo. "Do you understand me?" It was worth a try after all.

Peacock |

"Do you speak Elven?" Peacock speaks out in the elegant tongue of the elves.
Then, without him as much as thinking about it, a second group of words comes from him. "Or, perhaps, the tongue of those who come from the deepest woods." Sylvan.
Just as he finishes that sentence, Peacock blinks a few times, in shock. "... w-where did that come from? I-I-I'm not supposed to know how to speak that!"
Startled, he begins muttering in Sylvan under his breath, confirming that, indeed, his transformation somehow came with a fluent knowledge of the tongue of the woods.

DM Stalwart |

The gnoll perks up at the sound of Elven words.
The rest of the languages thrown at the pup bounce off without understanding.

Sphene Axinite Clinohumite |

From the other side of the rock, now seeing what is going on Sphenes ear perk up. was that Elven, what is going on over there?

Jazzai Moonbreaker |

Jazzai looks to the others, though she couldn't tell who recognized it.
"It seemed he understood one. I think the one you said Mister Peacock, though it is hard to tell. Can you ask him what his friend told him?" She said still knelt in front of him.

Peacock |

"Ah, good. I will tell my friends." Suddenly, Peacock was really glad he'd learned the language from the elf traders that often came to Dawn's Vale.
"He speaks some elven. I'll try figuring out a little more."
"Why did the other one want to kill you?"

Peacock |

"He sounds scared. I think the other one beat him. He says the other one called him weak, and that he's hurting from burns and because of the ropes."
Peacock isn't sure what to make of this new revelation, and looks to the others for answers.

Sir Kane Ravencourt |

"Ask him if he understands why he is bound. If he is upset at his treatment, that is of no consequence. If he is remorseful and understands why what he did was wrong, we may be able to spare him."
"Do not accuse. Simply question. His answers will inform us of his true beliefs."

Sphene Axinite Clinohumite |

She gets up and comes around the rock to see what's going on with the others.
As soon as she dos she spots one dog boy dead, he's still in ropes,
For some reason deep down in her very bones she feels unhappy about this.
She shakes her head, what's come over her, on the street this happens all the time,
no going soft now.
But still deep down she has a feeling what seems to have been done is wrong.
She fumes down looking on as the others talk, a worried look on her face.
sense motive say DC10 will pick up on the fact she's not happy with what's going on