Tong Kai |
Oops there is a miscalculation with AC, but my touch is 12, not 13.
Kai sidesteps the first attack, but the second swing of the net catches his blade and yanks it free of his grasp. He looks shocked for a moment, but then jumps back pulls a short bow from his back and nocks an arrow."You have my blade, but I'm not without other means."
Move: steps back 10', Minor: draw bow, Standard: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9/1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Tophan Stormcaller |
+ 1 DEX, ...?
Toph scowls but ducks under the shaft. He springs forward at a surprising speed, the turf underfoot twisting and bunching with the power of his surge.
He swings his net just ahead of himself with his momentum, catching Kai finally in its folds. With triumphant glee, he grips the strands of the net, holding the Nagaji close.
Charge 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Tophan Stormcaller |
Therein lies my confusion, but alas, NA does not add to touch armor except against brilliant energy weapons.
Toph smiles as the Nagaji struggles; many foes falsely believe the net is simple twine, and that they may escape with sheer strength. Though, the Ronin had made a reasonable effort.
That bow is your undoing, samurai.
Toph grips the front of Kai's armor, his smile deepening, but his scaled foe is slippery as an eel, and his grip is tenuous at best. He scowls, but holds the net strings tightly, and passes his brass knife to his teeth.
Grapple 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Tophan Stormcaller |
No, it's good to iron these out now.
Sorry, but you can't stumble anywhere without an opposed STR check. If that's what that was, then 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Toph strikes in anger with a truly devastating open palm to Kai's chest, driving his breath from his body with a semiaudible "whoof", shaking the samurai to his core and lifting him from his feet. If Toph didn't hold the net, it's likely the large Nagaji may have even achieved flight.
Attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 271d4 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Confirmation 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 221d4 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Total damage= 15
Man, I sure roll when it counts... Ouch.
Tong Kai |
Ouch, that'll leave a mark. And I apologize again, my DM apparently had some rule changes I wasn't informed of.
Kai lands on the ground with a resounding thud still confined in the net. He manages to push himself onto all fours and through gritted teeth manages to speak. "You fight well. Your strength is impressive." He attempts to bow, and then slipping the net off himself he walks back over and leans against the edge of the building holding his chest.
Karval |
Karval nods. "I believe I will fight next. Toph, would you care for a small brawl?"
The hobgoblin sits nearby. He is smiling, but this isn't the smile from the chess match--this is an intentional, calculated smile. "I think it would be illuminating. I won't use my magic if you won't use yours."
Tophan Stormcaller |
Toph laughs, his chest rising and falling as he catches his breath. He nods and bows, taking his place by his trident. He knows this will be more a test of finesse and strategy than prowess. He folds his net back onto his gauntleted left hand, and wields his trident reversed.
Initiative 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (20) - 2 = 18
Wow. How does that even happen?
Karval |
Yeah, you're getting some nice rolls.
Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Karval eyes Tophal, still wearing the small smile. His stance is wary. His sword has not been drawn. "Well, then..."
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Trying to determine whether Toph is going to throw the net (which I'm betting on) or attack with the trident. Karval's standard action will depend on his assumption.
Gui Lang 鬼狼 |
Good call on the tripping AOO Toph, never thought about that before. Got to read up on rules for nets and entangle and that feat. Very cool character...
DreamAtelier: Yeah she hasn't posted anything yet, but I know she has an alias for the character. I've seen her post with it in other online games. She either lost interest or is waiting for the real game to start. -shrug-
Two questions @ Toph:
1:So qouting the Net Adept feat: "You can treat a net as a one-handed melee reach weapon with a 10-foot reach. Further, you take no penalty on melee attack rolls for using an unfolded net...." Doesn't this change it from a ranged touch attack, to a normal strength based non touch melee attack?
At least by my reading of it, you give up the touch part to be able to threaten with it and lose the penalty for not folding. Or are you assuming it can be used either way at your option? I so, I don't think that's the right assumption, as it gives you all the benefits and none of the penalties (AoOs, no -4 and touch attacks? O_o)
2:Where does it say that you can make the rope length anything other than 10'? I.e. If you wanna hold someone within 5' of you what kind of action is it? Can you pull someone from 10' into 5' without the Net Maneuvering feat? If so, why and what kind of action is it?
Not trying to sound combative, just curious and want to fully understand the rules everyone uses before we get into the real game.
Karval |
Karval nods very slightly.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22.
That's good for 5 feet, in case it matters.
Tophan Stormcaller |
1) I'm using that assumption as it deals no damage, and it makes sense to me thematically, but I see the argument for a normal melee attack. It only threatens if no one is IN it, however.
Effectively, the feat reduces the unfolded penalty by 4, balanced with the EWP feat's reduction.
2) I've been using the rule that the rope is as long as the distance between you and the target; I'm assuming a "pull" combat maneuver is the new standard to reel in an opponent; in 3.5, my net and trident gladiator used opposed strength rolls to reel in foes, which is based on the listed strength check to move beyond the 10' range of the rope.
Karval |
I've been playing for about nine years. 3.5 and Pathfinder.
Karval leaps into the air and aims a kick at Toph.
Unarmed strike (fighting defensively): 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (5) - 2 = 3
Damage, if applicable: 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Toph is easily able to dodge out of the way, though.
Funny--I thought that unarmed strikes provoked attacks of opportunity, but I guess not. Good news for Karval.
Karval has a 16 AC, thanks to defensive fighting. Also, if you attack with the trident, remember a -4 penalty to attacks for nonlethal damage. I'm reminding you because otherwise I'm gonna get my arse even more kicked in this fight. ;P
Tophan Stormcaller |
They do provoke, if the opponent is armed. My last one did not because Kai held only his bow.
Toph dodges easily, catching the back of the hobgoblin's foot as he twists away, but his momentum carries him away from a steady grip. Ducking low, Toph spins off his outer cloak, spreading it low and wide under Karval.
Grapple 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Gui Lang 鬼狼 |
I've been playing since before 3.0 came out. Started with Alternity, then 3.0->3.5, dabbled in 4th and a few years worth of Pathfinder now. Also played various one-offs and short campaigns in other systems. Currently DM a PFS based home game and a science-fantasy modern pathfinder game IRL
Tophan Stormcaller |
I've played as long as I can remember, my first game was with my dad and it was AD&D. I played my own system that included Larp for a few years before playing 3.0 throughout highschool, upgrading to 3.5. Unhappy with 4.0, I've been playing pathfinder two to three times a week irl for about a year.
Toph, wary of the defense, nonetheless charges ahead. At the last second he drops to his hips, sliding across the ground, his trident hugged close. He seems not to fear the blade at all, for as he passes Karval, he holds the trident to the side, hooking both the man's feet. The hobgoblin tastes dirt, and Toph uses his remaining momentum to regain his footing.
Trip 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Karval |
Hang on, don't I have an attack of opportunity? You don't have Improved Trip. :P
Karval swings at Toph with the flat of his blade as the half-orc tries to trip him.
Attack: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (10) - 2 = 8
But the hobgoblin is too slow, and he is swept off his feet. Shouting, Karval swings desperately. He knows he's reached the end of the line, though. The hobgoblin tumbles away.
Attack (-4 prone, -4 defensively): 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (5) - 6 = -1
Acrobatics (DC increased by 5 for full speed, meaning I only succeed on a nat. 17): 1d1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Provokes an AoO, then. AC is 12.
EDIT: Okay, I rechecked. The DC would actually increase by TEN for full speed, which is impossible for Karval to make. I would like to instead swing, miss and not otherwise move, if that's alright. :)
Tophan Stormcaller |
That's the danger of total defense, my friend- you do not get any AoO's.
Toph easily slips past both attacks, surprised, as always, by the wizard's speed and prowess. With a victorious grin, he places his foot on Karval's chest, near his throat, and levels his trident at the downed hobgoblin menacingly.
Grapple, I think DC is 10? 1d20 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 5 - 4 = 11
Karval |
Alright, I got one shot at stopping this...Attack of Opportunity, go!
Attack: 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (17) - 6 = 11
Darn. Close, but no cigar.
Karval swings his scimitar, but the attack is off by a hair. And then he's down.
"Well played, Toph." The hobgoblin tosses his blade aside. "I should have known better than to challenge you in an all-out melee."
Karval |
"I knew what I was getting into. I'm quite fine with magic already, no practice needed. And there was no point in wasting spells. Besides which, it wouldn't have been sporting. Can I get up now?"
I'm assuming Toph was saying that Karval's specialty is magic, while Toph's is the trident. If I'm wrong, I'll edit the post.
Tophan Stormcaller |
Nailed it. Pretty soon I won't have to translate =P
Toph realizes belatedly his foot is still on Karval's chest, so he removes it apologetically and helps his friend up. He gauges the height of the sun in the sky, which has fallen lower still. He looks out at the lake near the horizon, miming a swim, then dusts himself lightly and mops his brow. It is, after all, a warm day.
Edit: PS. Karval, have you considered taking some Magus levels? I don't know how martially-oriented you intend to be, but, it's a thought.
Karval |
I considered magus, but decided against it. Karval isn't a magus, or an eldritch knight, he's a wizard, who is also good at fighting. That being said, I think my next two levels will be fighter. I want to take Dodge and Weapon Focus. Then I'll go back to being a full-time wizard.
Tophan Stormcaller |
Iunno. We'll see when we get there. It's only useful in a narrow range of campaigns, really. Though it is neat.
I'd suggest expanding your niche, with Splintering Weapon, which would be most improvised weapons, or even Distance Thrower. You could also gun for Charging Hurler via Point Blank Shot.
Me'mori |
Ah, sorry.. With all of them posting, I missed your message up there, DreamAtelier. Kanoko is here. I've been holding off on the equipment (save for one spell), and the history, but I'll finish those today. I just don't want to post with her until the game stars so if anything goes wrong, I can still edit the character if necessary.