The Shipwrecked and the Vaults of Madness

Game Master chavamana

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Male Human Cavalier 17

Round 1:

Initiative Zaine 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Initiative Tulip 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Zaine drops to a knee. "Said I was gonna shoot you," he says, pulling back the hammer of his musket and waiting for the geiers to get close before firing.

That's a challenge

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
2d12 + 12 ⇒ (8, 12) + 12 = 32

As the geiers go past, Tulip tries to plug one out of the sky with her jaws.

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
1d8 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Male Human Warpriest 17

round 1:

Before Round 1, if Aine gets out her bow, Faith will give her a Blessing of Destruction (+3 damage). Ditto Zaine, if there is sufficient time for two pre-combat actions. If not, then Aine is Faith's combat buddy, so she gets the buff.

Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Faith casts Shield of Faith on himself as a Swift Action using Fervor for an additional +3 AC

"Here birdy birdy," Faith calls out. "Here birdy birdy birdy."

Faith pulls Charity and attacks whatever vulture is closest to him, giving preference to the large old ones.

to hit: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
to hurt: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Female Azata touched Aasimar Ranger 17

Round 1:

Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Comp Bow1: 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 12 - 2 - 2 + 1 = 27
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 = 9
Comp Bow2: 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 12 - 2 - 2 + 1 = 11
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 = 11
Comp Bow3: 1d20 + 7 - 2 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 7 - 2 - 2 + 1 = 17
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 = 11

Once the geiers make there presence obvious, namely once the pair drops below the 500-ft mark, Faith blesses both Zaine's gun and Áine's bow giving them a little divine guidance.

Zaine drops to a knee. "Said I was gonna shoot you," he says, pulling back the hammer of his musket and waiting for the geiers to get close before firing. The geiers plummets to the ground, smashing like a melon in the open clearing where you'd been planning on camping.

"Here birdy birdy," Faith calls out. "Here birdy birdy birdy."

Áine shoots three times, dropping the second bird, which falls into the ankheg field. Seconds later the ground erupts a odds bug creature which sprays acid on the corpse prior to chomping into the bird.

The small vultures remain in the sky circling, obviously ready to drop down and dispose of the corpse in your camp.

Pakshee looks around at what would have been a very nice camping site - but is now more than a bit blood-spattered, but also somewhat close to the ankheg chumming ground. "Maybe we go a little bit further?"

Assuming you move on a bit, the well-trained survival senses of the group are able to find another more than suitable camping site, even in the growing dark.

The Approach to Kalabuto

Three days after you convince the vultures that you are far from an easy meal, you know you'll be in Kalabuto by dark. Just a few hours out of the city, you a tall and leafless boab tree stands alone in a clearing, its wood burnt black. A circle of tiny bones surrounds the tree. Over a dozen human bodies hang from the branches, making grisly silhouettes against the blue sky. More bodies lie on the ground at the base of the tree, frayed ropes still around their necks. A circle of tiny bones surrounds the tree.

A) K: local DC 15:
There is a Mzali tradition that when you are at war, you display the bodies of your enemy dead. This well could be such a site.
B) Perception DC 25:
You are about 100 feet out from the tree when you notice that one of the corpses on the ground under a frayed rope twitches, just the tiniest bit of movement.

Male Human Cavalier 17

"These are likely enemy dead. So we should be safe." Zaine pats Tulip on the neck.

Female Azata touched Aasimar Ranger 17

The Approach to Kalabuto


Perception: 1d20 + 13 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 13 + 4 = 28

About a 100' out from the tree, a smile begins to play around Áine's lips. She glances sideways at Faith, "Your lucky day, my friend." she says, running a hand down the length of her bow, then nocking an arrow.
Áine casts Gravity Bow

Zaine Kildare wrote:
"These are likely enemy dead. So we should be safe." Zaine pats Tulip on the neck.

The corner of Áine's mouth quirks, "Yup. Likely enemy and undead. All good." She continues forward.

Female Azata touched Aasimar Ranger 17

Or begins firing if the group would prefer taking these things out at range.

Round 1?:

Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Comp Bow1: 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 2 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 12 - 2 - 2 + 4 = 28
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 = 18
Comp Bow2: 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 2 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 12 - 2 - 2 + 4 = 20
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 = 17
Comp Bow3: 1d20 + 7 - 2 - 2 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 7 - 2 - 2 + 4 = 10
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 = 15

If on the other hand we are moving forward, Áine will give advice and a +2 to hit and damage to everybody for 3 rounds with a move action.

Male Human Warpriest 17


perception dc 25: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Faith sneaks a glance at Pakshee, and grins. "Every day's my lucky day, Áine. They just don't all know it."

Áine starts to pick off the undead from a distance, (likely muttering "I hate undead," under her breath as she is wont to do.) She is able get all of the twitching zombies on the ground to fall back to the ground, non-twitchy. When you get close to the ring of bones on the ground - which none of the zombies crossed, you can see that the corpses still hanging from the tree are just as animate as the ones on the ground had been (before introduction of steel and wood).

Heal DC 15:
Although all of the once-humans were killed by obvious signs of violence - all of them seem to have developed lesions post-mortem. This suggests that even though they didn't die of disease, in their undead state they are vectors for the plague.


The pineapple fields and date palm orchards that ring the ruins of an ancient city in which the inhabitants of Kalabuto squat are no where near the size as those that stretched for a full day beyond the walls of Eleder, but it still takes a good hour to troop past the agriculture. While much of the ancient city has been reclaimed by the jungle, both the high places (inhabited by those with money) and a good swath near the river has beaten the ever hungry jungle back.

After a brief argument back in Eleder, Kassata and Glaur agreed on a contact in Kalabuto - a once-miner named Cheiton who they told you to find at the Shrunken Head Tavern. After working your way past overgrown ruins for a bit, you start seeing signs of habitation, including a number of street-rats. Once of them, a skinny girl dressed in pants and a over large shirt grins at you, her teeth bright against the near black of her skin.

She holds up a stone, wood and string bauble, "Good luck charms, only a few copper for a bit of luck."

A) K: local DC 15:
While Kalabuto is decently safe city during the day, a bad element comes out with the dark. Both thugs and slavers have been known to keep an eye on the dark areas of the city to take advantage of the unwary.
B) Sense Motive DC 20:
Although she is trying to be casual, the girl perked up when she saw your group - notably the large dinosaurs.

Male Human Warpriest 17

The Approach to Kalabuto

Faith claps Áine on the shoulder once her work is complete.

"Like shooting fish in a ..." Faith pauses for a moment. "Carnival game?"

He takes a closer look at some of the de-animated dead.

"These things are probably plague vectors," Faith says taking 10. "We shouldn't leave them in the open air. We should finish off any that are still undead, salt them, and burn the bodies."


Sense Motive DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

"I'm always up for luck," Faith says, handing over a few coppers. He leans in, conspiratorially, "Traveling with Tulip and Zephyr here, we make our own luck," and winks.

Female Azata touched Aasimar Ranger 17

The Approach to Kalabuto

Faith Dagger wrote:
"We shouldn't leave them in the open air. We should finish off any that are still undead, salt them, and burn the bodies."

Áine follows Faith's directions to make sure the bodies are disposed of correctly


Áine smiles at the young girl in a friendly sort of way.

Approach to Kalabuto - The Gallow Tree

It takes a while as every corpse that had been strung up to the leafless tree proved to have risen as a plague zombie, but you have the time and you definetely have the skills. All of the undead are put down, then a mass burning is in order.


Faith Dagger wrote:
"I'm always up for luck," Faith says, handing over a few coppers. He leans in, conspiratorially, "Traveling with Tulip and Zephyr here, we make our own luck," and winks.

The girl's eyes get wide and she hands over five of the small trinkets. "They have to be seen to bring you luck." The girl says with a grin. She pauses before she moves off, "They are very good luck charms." Her eyes straying to the dinosaurs before moving off into the dark.

You find the Shrunken Head Tavern on the riverside boardwalk between an exotic hardwoods warehouse and a small copper foundry looking a great deal like a repurposed warehouse. Inside the large tavern floor, smoke seeps up from tallow candles but does little to proved good illumination. A number of dark skinned women and men dressed in brightly colored costumes work the floor of the tavern, shepherding drinks and occasionally getting up on a table to dance.

Off near the side of the room you see a burly dwarf his shoulder marked with the mining tatoo.

A) Sense Motive DC 20:
The girl was *very* happy about selling Faith the trinkets.
B) K: local DC 15:
The serving staff are all wearing the traditional outfits of the spirit dancers.
B) K: local DC 20:
The dances they are doing look to be a bastardized version of the the sacred dances of the spirit dancers.

Male Human Cavalier 17

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

"You want something to drink?" Zaine asks Sasha. "Or are we going to be stern and wary?"

Male Human Warpriest 17


Faith offers around the trinkets. "Anyone else feel like being marked for luck?" Faith asks.

He strings a trinket around his neck.

Sense Motive DC 20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Apparently Faith's street-rat Senses are strong

Faith makes his way across the room to the dwarf. "Are you Cheiton?" he asks. Not exactly quietly, but not so loudly that it starts out in the middle of a tavern.

Female Azata touched Aasimar Ranger 17


Faith Dagger wrote:
Faith offers around the trinkets. "Anyone else feel like being marked for luck?" Faith asks.

Áine takes one and wears it at her throat.

Faith makes his way across the room to the dwarf. "Are you Cheiton?" he asks. Not exactly quietly, but not so loudly that it starts out in the middle of a tavern.

Áine follows a bit behind Faith, though her eyes stray to the dancers as she tries to mimic some of their motions untrained dance: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19..and actually isn't so bad, though obviously not practiced does that max out at 10 or 15? and whether or not there is any music, she hums to the beat Perform Sing: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 trying to show appreciation for what she sees and hopefully not offending anyone -Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Male Human Cavalier 17


Faith Dagger wrote:

Faith offers around the trinkets. "Anyone else feel like being marked for luck?" Faith asks.

He strings a trinket around his neck.

"When in Westcrown," Zaine says, accepting the trinket. "Of course, the suspicious soul wonders if we aren't labeling ourselves as easy marks."

Female Azata touched Aasimar Ranger 17


Zaine Kildare wrote:
He strings a trinket around his neck.
"When in Westcrown," Zaine says, accepting the trinket. "Of course, the suspicious soul wonders if we aren't labeling ourselves as easy marks."

Áine grin indicates that's exactly what she was thinking she was doing.

Zaine Kildare wrote:
"You want something to drink?" Zaine asks Sasha. "Or are we going to be stern and wary?"

Sasha looks concerned about the dinosaur companions, just for a minute, when Athyra - decidedly - heads towards a stable with Jaji. The tall woman with her oddly accent and off cadence, "Jaji, I will make sure they are safe." The wild woman looking at the noise and sound from the tavern with distaste.

Sasha smiles at Zaine, "A drink," her fingers find the good luck charm around Zaine's neck, clearly remembering his words, "but only a small one." A quick kiss.

Faith Dagger wrote:
Faith makes his way across the room to the dwarf. "Are you Cheiton?" he asks. Not exactly quietly, but not so loudly that it starts out in the middle of a tavern.

The dwarf straightens up a bit, "Depends." He downs a quarter of the beer in front of him, "What is tiptoeing through the Tulips?"

Male Human Cavalier 17

Sasha looks concerned about the dinosaur companions, just for a minute, when Athyra - decidedly - heads towards a stable with Jaji. The tall woman with her oddly accent and off cadence, "Jaji, I will make sure they are safe." The wild woman looking at the noise and sound from the tavern with distaste.

Sasha smiles at Zaine, "A drink," her fingers find the good luck charm around Zaine's neck, clearly remembering his words, "but only a small one." A quick kiss.

"We'll check on them later," Zaine reassures her. He gets a couple drinks made from the local liquor.

chavamana wrote:
The dwarf straightens up a bit, "Depends." He downs a quarter of the beer in front of him, "What is tiptoeing through the Tulips?"

"Technically speaking," Zaine says, "we tiptoe with the Tulip."

Zaine Kildare wrote:
"Technically speaking," Zaine says, "we tiptoe with the Tulip."

The dwarf smiles into his mug a bit, "Yep, I'm Cheiton." He motions to the nearby bar and one of the dancers brings over a pitcher and some mugs.

"Captain Lewynn got in touch a bit back, told me to expect you." He makes an expansive motion, "If you need anything before you move on or want any messages sent back that is all on me." He motions to the tavern, "Captain said to either open a tab for you here or have you stay in my home, which is just a few streets away."

The dwarf sits up, "So how can I help your grand expedition?" A grin, "Since helping with logistics has been my job since I got tired of mining."

Male Human Cavalier 17
chavamana wrote:
"Captain Lewynn got in touch a bit back, told me to expect you." He makes an expansive motion, "If you need anything before you move on or want any messages sent back that is all on me." He motions to the tavern, "Captain said to either open a tab for you here or have you stay in my home, which is just a few streets away."

"The offer is appreciated, but I want to stay nearer to the animals," Zaine says. "Tulip doesn't like being all that far away from me for too long. As for logistics, I'll cede the floor to the others. Long as I have powder and shot, I'll be just fine."

Male Human Cavalier 17


At some point, later in the evening, Zaine gets a bottle of fruit juice, and a bottle of watered wine, and some snacks, and finds Sasha. "Hey, I was thinking you and I should go out into the stables, spend some time with the kids, and make Athyra feel welcome. I figure she has the most in common with you and I, strange as that is."

Female Azata touched Aasimar Ranger 17
chavamana wrote:

"Captain Lewynn got in touch a bit back, told me to expect you." He makes an expansive motion, "If you need anything before you move on or want any messages sent back that is all on me." He motions to the tavern, "Captain said to either open a tab for you here or have you stay in my home, which is just a few streets away."

The dwarf sits up, "So how can I help your grand expedition?" A grin, "Since helping with logistics has been my job since I got tired of mining."

Áine glances at Faith, not wanting to speak out of turn, "That depends. ..just to clarify, you're only asking about us and not the entire expedition, right?" she takes a breath, "If you're talking near term wants, you can tell them I would absolutely love to get my hands on a Swarm Bane Clasp before entering the Expanse. ...longer term? Well, I can't afford them yet." she says with a self-deprecating snort under her breath and a small shake of the head. She catches herself with a thought, "Oh, and Apprentice Cheating Gloves, yeah, I don't have the gold, but I'll figure out a way to get it if there's one of those available." she chuckles to herself. "Hey, a girl's got to have her comforts," she says in a smaller defensive tone regardless of whether anyone actually gives her a look, "and you wouldn't believe how much of a time & health saver they are in long term boggy situations." she continues rambling, more to herself then those she's with, "Yeah, good supply of anti-plague an' anti-toxin always useful, arrows, but we already told them all 'o that."

Male Human Warpriest 17

The Shrunken Head Tavern

"We are holding up well," Faith says. "I have nothing to add to my colleagues' requests. Information is always welcome, however."

"Are you from this area? What can you tell us of--" Faith gestures vaguely "--other places we may encounter?"

Faith grins at the dwarf. "And please allow me to buy you a drink."

Zaine Kildare wrote:
"The offer is appreciated, but I want to stay nearer to the animals," Zaine says. "Tulip doesn't like being all that far away from me for too long. As for logistics, I'll cede the floor to the others. Long as I have powder and shot, I'll be just fine."

"Your friends," the dwarf says considerately, "best I could have offered them was my living room, so I understand not taking me up on hospitality."

"If you need more ammunition, the captain did get some advance packages sent up the river."

Áine Aiman wrote:
"If you're talking near term wants, you can tell them I would absolutely love to get my hands on a Swarm Bane Clasp before entering the Expanse. ...longer term? Well, I can't afford them yet." she says with a self-deprecating snort under her breath and a small shake of the head. She catches herself with a thought, "Oh, and Apprentice Cheating Gloves, yeah, I don't have the gold, but I'll figure out a way to get it if there's one of those available."

One of the dwarf's eyebrows lift, "Don't think I know anyone in town that has either of those, but if you think you know when you'll have the capital, I can arrange for it to go along with your supplies later."

Faith Dagger wrote:

"We are holding up well," Faith says. "I have nothing to add to my colleagues' requests. Information is always welcome, however."

"Are you from this area? What can you tell us of--" Faith gestures vaguely "--other places we may encounter?"

Faith grins at the dwarf. "And please allow me to buy you a drink."

Cheiton smiles, "Happy to give you any information I have." He motions around at the many ears in the tavern, "How about I serve you a real dinner at my house where we can talk without all and sundry over hearing your plans?"

He motions to Zaine, "Or since it is late, how about we met there for breakfast. I can pull together what I think will be helpful and you all can decide on questions."

"In which case, I'll take you up on the offer of a drink, friend." Giving Faith a bright smile.

Female Azata touched Aasimar Ranger 17
One of the dwarf's eyebrows lift, "Don't think I know anyone in town that has either of those, but if you think you know when you'll have the capital, I can arrange for it to go along with your supplies later."

"Well....if you'll sell some other stuff for me, I can get the clasp." she says a little dubiously, "but...shucks, I guess I got a little carried away." she looks a little down cast. "Maybe I'll send for it later if I get lucky." she says, clearly disappointed.

Áine Aiman wrote:
"Well....if you'll sell some other stuff for me, I can get the clasp." she says a little dubiously, "but...shucks, I guess I got a little carried away." she looks a little down cast. "Maybe I'll send for it later if I get lucky." she says, clearly disappointed.

"I'll make sure to line up a buyer if you know you'll want one in the future."


"The day I went from initiate to priest," Faith says. "It is traditionally the shortest day and longest night of the year. Sitting vigil and contemplating."

"That is the day we will celebrate." Faith looks at Pakshee. "The day I met you is also one to celebrate, but not as a birth day. And we have most of the year until that day comes around again." He puts his hand on hers.

She squeezes his hand, thinking, "We still have a while your vigil day." A little smile, "I hope we will have much to celebrate by then.

Pakshee's Errands

Faith accepts the bite of tiramisu, then offers one to Pakshee. "It is a job that I do gladly. But you are diverting your entire life to follow me into the jungle. Not so easy."

Her head cocks to the side, [b]"I do not think I am giving up much, balanced by what I get being with you."

Sasha grins, finishing the glass of water that she switched to after the very small drink she had when chatting with Cheiton. Stands up to wind an arm around Zaine's waist. She grins, the smile that lights up her face when she is really happy, "Jaji is a sweetie. He's lucky to have grown up with Athyra."

As soon as you step into the stables you hear a questioning chirp - and all of the horses in the stable stomp nervously. Towards the back of the stable is an open area for saddling horses and Tulip happily moves from the middle to greet you. Athyra, charring something meat-y over a smokeless fire, nods in greeting, Jaji at her side. Zephyr chirps sleepily from the rafters.

The horses shuffle in nervous tension - promising that their riders will have difficult mounts the following day.

Male Human Cavalier 17
chavamana wrote:
He motions to Zaine, "Or since it is late, how about we met there for breakfast. I can pull together what I think will be helpful and you all can decide on questions."

"Breakfast sounds good to me," says Zaine.

"I probably shouldn't be too nice to Jaji. Tulip wouldn't appreciate it," Zaine says.

He sets down what he brought by the fire. "Hey, Athyra. Brought some stuff to eat and drink. Figured you might enjoy it. Some fruit juice, some wine -- don't worry, I had it watered -- and a few snacks. Looks like you have dinner going."

Zaine greets Tulip with an affectionate nuzzle, going nose-to-nose with the predator. "Hey there, you silly bird."

Then he sits down by the fire, across from Athyra. "Thought we could keep you company for a little while, if that's all right."

Female Azata touched Aasimar Ranger 17
chavamana wrote:
"I'll make sure to line up a buyer if you know you'll want one in the future."

"Maybe you can ask them for me." she starts, looking a little pensive, "I have a more valuable item, an Insistent Doorknocker, that might be useful a lot later on. Could I trade it for the Swarmbane Clasp, then as soon as I have the funds, buy the knocker back at the same price... plus maybe a little interest?" she worries her lower lip a little. "the Clasp is a lot more likely to be useful traversing the jungle." she purses her lips, "don't know what they'll say, but I'd appreciate it if you asked." then her expression softens and becomes more playful, "and I'll join Faith in buying you a drink as well!" as she motions for a waitress.

"I might be able to find someone who could float you a loan with the doorknocker as collatoral." Cheiton says, "I'll look into it while you're in town and let you know if you have any takers."

"Advantage I have with Zephyr," Sasha says seriously, "He's used to be sharing my attention with Tulip."

Athyra moves to lean against Jaji, giving the pair room at the fire. After a moment of back and forth chirps between Jaji and Tulip, Tulip settles down behind Zaine - on the opposite side of the small fire from Jaji. Athyra cuts a small stripe off of the meat before turning it over the fire. She offers the knife to Zaine and Sasha, "It is different to have company," she takes the offered fruit juice, "but not bad as I thought it would be." A little shrug, "But you all are different from all the other humans I've met." She scratches Jaji, the dinosaur chirping happily.

A little sigh, "I hope the second leg doesn't take too long and the rest of your expedition is kind to Jaji."

Male Human Cavalier 17

Zaine stretches out, nearly laying down flat with only his head and shoulders propped against some hay, and lays a hand on Sasha's thigh. It's an affectionate gesture, maybe a little possessive, and entirely unconscious on his part. He accepts the knife, takes a bite, and hands it to Sasha. He drinks the watered wine, taking off his hat and setting it aside.

"Different? How so?"

Sasha tucks herself next to Zaine sitting up after taking a strip of meat.

Athyra thinks for minute, mostly trying to find words. "All the other humans that come into the wild, they only want to hunt." She pats Jaji, "Or to steal egg and sell them to other humans."

She shakes her head, "You have purpose, help, and take good care of our friends. Different." A pause, "Plus the old man says you have purpose."

Male Human Cavalier 17

"Yeah, whoever took Tulip's egg originally was one of those," Zaine says, reaching back to scratch the t-rex's chin. "Suppose I can't be too upset about that, considering we wouldn't have met otherwise."

Zaine thoughtfully chews on the meat. "A purpose? Honestly, I don't really know. I don't think I've ever really had a purpose. Mercenaries exist because there's always fights that happen that people would rather not fight themselves. Or ones they simply can't fight themselves. This? This is a treasure hunt. I don't know if it's a capital-P Purpose or not."

Female Azata touched Aasimar Ranger 17
chavamana wrote:
"I might be able to find someone who could float you a loan with the doorknocker as collatoral." Cheiton says, "I'll look into it while you're in town and let you know if you have any takers."

"Thank you." Áine sighs, "I hate to take out a loan, but it just might be worth it."

The Shrunken Head Tavern

Cheiton shrugs with a half smile, "Also depends on if you think you'll be running into more swarms or recalcitrant doors." He motions to one of the bar staff, who comes over. A short conversation later and a semi-feast comes out from the kitchens. "They have rooms for each of you set aside upstairs," the dwarf comments as he digs into the food, then motions to a green leafy dish. "You should try the nightshade, no one makes it better than Inyene." After a good meal and a liberal hand with the drinks, Cheiton takes his leave.

A) Sense Motive DC 20:
Throughout the dinner, a few people come into the tavern clearly upset - pointing at the stable when they talk to the staff. The staff seems amused by the complaints.
A) Sense Motive DC 25:
There are also one or two people who come in, lurk in the shadows - watching the tavern, but you feel their eyes on you more than once.
B) Perception DC 30:
Just a few hours before dawn, when everything has finally gone to ground for the night, you hear the window of your room being opened while you sleep.

Please give me your reaction in a spoiler

Sasha, "In addition to treasure there may be more dinosaurs." She pats Tulip as well, because even new dinosaurs won't make Tulip any less amazing.

Athyra smiles at both answers, "The old man, he say big P purpose." She shakes her head a bit, "Old man mucks about with gods more than Jaji and me." She takes a bit of the fruit drink, smiling at the sweetness. "Important treasure?"

Male Human Cavalier 17

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24

"I figure a treasure's importance is in how you use it."

Female Azata touched Aasimar Ranger 17

The Shrunken Head Tavern

chavamana wrote:
Cheiton shrugs with a half smile, "Also depends on if you think you'll be running into more swarms or recalcitrant doors."

"Well, jungle, plus figured we've got to find the place first...and there's always the chance of finding something worthwhile on the way." she shrugs, "but yeah, that's why I didn't just sell the knocker earlier to get it."


A)Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
B)Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31

Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Áine nudges Faith (or whomever is closest to her) awake and silently puts herself against the wall with the window, nocking a blunt tipped arrow.

The Shrunken Head Tavern has 5 rooms set aside for your group. I'm assuming that Zaine and Sasha are sharing a room as well as Faith and Pakshee.

Athyra leans back against Jaji, offering the raptor the rare section of the meat she cuts from the fire. "It seems to me," she thinks, scratching the dinosaur, "that you do what you need to with or without treasure. At least you didn't think there was any reward when you helped the village defeat the chemosits."

Male Human Cavalier 17

Zaine laughs. "That happens to Tulip and me all the time. We get hired to fight some battle, and it turns out the man doing the hiring is an a!%%+%%, so he's the one who needs to be shot. And then we shoot him. The reward is that said a@$@#+* isn't in the world anymore. Well, that and a meal and somewhere to sleep if we're really lucky."

"By your experience, then, their will be a@%&*&%s where you go to find treasure?"

She smiles a little, "I should make sure Jaji and me don't go soft when we are shepherding your friends."

Male Human Cavalier 17

"There's a!$!!$!s everywhere," Zaine opines, "but treasure draws them like t-rexes to slow-moving sheep."

Zaine pauses, thinking it over. "Of course, that implies we're a%*#&@+s." He shrugs. "I'm at peace with it. What about you, Athyra? What are you doing tagging along? You don't have any material needs. There are plenty of more righteous causes out there if that's your thing."

Female Azata touched Aasimar Ranger 17

Áine casts Glitterdust on the area just outside her window and in the direction of the closest window of the next adjoining room and blasts her signal whistle in the ear of whoever is opening her window.

1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26

Kalabuto - Shrunken Head Tavern Around 3 AM

You are jolted awake by a shrill signal whistle and a brilliant glittery flash outside the window. Outlined by the bright burst of light outside is a armed person, who had been quietly trying to creep towards people to slit throats in the dark.

Round 1 combat actions.

"Righteous?" Athyra gives a little shrug, "I've done what was needed more than what was right."

She smiles a bit, "It is the time of growing, not nesting. My friends can, should, take care of themselves. So I went back to the bad place, death place." She motions to Zaine, Sasha, the tavern where Faith and Aine are (presumably). "Now there is no reason to be at death place. So I want to help those that were able to do what I could not."

"Plus Jaji old. Don't want him to die in a dominance fight."

Female Azata touched Aasimar Ranger 17

Round 1:

Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Comp Bow1: 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 12 - 2 - 2 + 1 + 2 = 30
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 17
Comp Bow2: 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 12 - 2 - 2 + 1 + 2 = 12
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 17
Comp Bow3: 1d20 + 7 - 2 - 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 7 - 2 - 2 + 1 + 2 = 22
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 12

Áine lets fly a barrage of arrows into the face and shoulders of the intruder. She's not in a very forgiving mood.

Male Human Cavalier 17

Round 1:

Initiative 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Zaine pokes his musket out the window and fires, then quickly reloading.

Assuming he's out of 30' range, so not taking Point Blank bonuses. If he's out of 40' range, I'll spend 1 grit for Deadeye.

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
2d12 + 5 ⇒ (6, 4) + 5 = 15

"I suppose that's a good enough reason to do anything," Zaine says. "Me, I just like having people who like dinosaurs around."

Male Human Warpriest 17

round 1:

initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Faith stands up and squints at the figure. ”Surrender or die,” he says. ”I give you a choice, they won’t.”

Faith gestures vaguely in the direction of the others.

1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 12 + 2 = 311d8 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 2 = 6

Shrunken Head Tavern 3 AM - Round 1

Following the shrill whistle and explosive bright light, you hear the slam of arrow into wood - and the softer thuds of arrow perforating flesh. A abbreviated scream and a heavy thud from below.

From the direction of Faith's room, you hear his steady voice, "Surrender or die, I give you a choice, they won’t."

If the probable fate of Áine's intruder hadn't been enough to punctuate Faith's words, there is a familiar loud boom of Zaine's musket.

The person, perched on the windowsill when you let loose with your barrage of arrows, falls backward out of the window.
In response to Faith's offer, the person at the window tosses something at the bed, which poofs into a noxious smoke.

Pakshee Fort Save: 1d20 ⇒ 15

Pakshee's nose curls at the noxious smell but she remains upright sitting in the bed. Grumpily, and more than a little sleepily, she tells the intruder, "You will not hurt Faith."

Fort save DC 15 to avoid paralysis

Zaine's shot hits the intruder's mid section, making him slam against the still, in the next moment Sasha is rolling out of the bed to grab her sabre. The intruder tries to throw a round object at the bed, but Sasha bats it out the window, where it bampfs into disgusting smelling smoke. With an oath the intruder pulls a short sword.

Sasha nods to wholehearted agreement of Zaine's statement. Athyra laughs a little, low in her throat, "The last time Jaji and me went so far, we saw the leaf eaters who could eat the top of trees." A fond smile, "They were so big they didn't even care if Jaji was close to them."

Male Human Cavalier 17

Round 2:

"You picked the wrong room, pal," Zaine says, shooting him again.

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
2d12 + 6 ⇒ (5, 3) + 6 = 14

"Sounds like a thing to see. Maybe someday Tulip and me will make it down there." He turns to Sasha and pats her affectionately on the thigh. "If I'm gonna have any energy to ravage you properly, we should probably turn in."

Female Azata touched Aasimar Ranger 17

Round 2:

Comp Bow1: 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 12 - 2 - 2 + 1 + 2 = 13
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 10
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Áine runs to then hops up on the window sill. If her assailant is still moving she releases an arrow into him, if not, she will scan the area for any other potential attackers and (if none) run down the wall, tuck and roll, and then check for a pulse.

Male Human Warpriest 17

Round 2:

Faith frowns. "So be it."

Fort save DC 15: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

swift action + Fervor for Shield of Faith +3

Faith casts, draws Charity, and attacks the dark figure directly.

to hit: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
to hurt: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

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