The Rebellion, with Space Duck

Game Master Ace Matthews

El Mappo

GM Screen:

[dice=Perc Alexis]1d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Perc Amara]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Perc Mira]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Perc Septima]1d20+5[/dice]

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Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

Alexis taps her pouch and ponders. After a momet she speaks up.

"Well...Normally I am not one to rush into fights and such....However the night of Ashes has left me with nothing. My home, all the memories I made with my family? All ash and rubble, save from what few things I could scavange.....Also imagine it! Being able to chronicle a rebellion from the inside! Watch it grow and make records that could snap futures and be read of centuries.....Well I think I have convinced myself. Plus if I didn't I would probably be killed by thrunes guards since I may have.....information he doesn't like on certain parts of history he would rather keep secret."

Alexis smirks. A cause worth fighting for. She never thought she would go from basic librarian to rebel but hey, who does?

HP: 16/16 Human Oracle 2 Init +4 AC/FF/T 15/15/10 | F+1 R+1 W+5 | Perc +6 | Diplomacy/Bluff +11

Septima finally ends her long silence and glances from the man to Alexis. "Well, we both have that in common. My family home may currently be intact, but my parents are...Not. I was hoping to find out more on their deaths but..." She stops, not wanting to admit that she lost her nerve in the crowd (and the ensuing RIOT)

She crosses her arms, grimacing. "If it means stopping others from the same date, I'll do it."

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Inner Monologue:
Okay, Mira. Seems like everyone around you has completely forgotten where they keep their common sense and are have grown way too much of a spine. Rebellion? Open rebellion? That gets people killed! Or doghoused, which is just as bad! And Thrune has an army, while they have... four people. Not including herself. It's a bad idea, a terrible idea, and it's going to get them all killed. They'll just be three (admittedly cute?) heads rolling on the ground, and also Amara's head rolling as well. And yeah, she's lost her favorite hangout with this new order and all, but that's not worth dying for. Best to just go against the flow and say--

"Okay, you convinced me. I'm in."

More inner monologue:
Wait, did she just agree? Why did she agree? Gods, why did she agree? Just going with the flow is only going to get you killed, Mira! But you can't just let down people who are relying on you, either... Maybe it'll be fine if she just waits for everything to go bad and then leaves. Yeah, that's fine. That's totally her plan.

...who is she kidding, she has no plan and she's going to die everything is terrible.

But darn it, she's going to stand by her word. Even if she only gave it because everyone else in the room already had. Only a jerk breaks a promise!

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

Alexis smiles wide.

"Sensational! I don't know how this is hon a go down yet but I already feel excited! That or I am still on an Adrinaline high from earlier, are my hands shaking?" She looks at her hands in concern but still smiling.

The obligatory "we're doomed" moment lol. Also if my spelling gets odd it's because my new phone update changed everything so my auto correct has become a pain in my ass again and will straight up change words even if they make sense.

Rexus wipes a tear away. "Oh my, how the gods have smiled on me after such a dark time! It would seem we have a rebellion on our hands! It is interesting that you take so much pleasure in chronicling the event, my dear. You see, I come to you merely a week after discovering that my parents are- *ahem* -were members of the Sacred Order of Archivists. I was approached by a halfling woman by the name of Laria Longroads shortly after the Night of ashes, when my family's estate burned to the ground. She gave me a coffer and a letter, a contingency my mother had left behind." He gets a bit choked up and hands a letter to the PC's to read.
My dearest son,
If you are reading this, what I have feared has come to pass and I am dead. For many years, I have belonged to the Sacred Order of Archivists and have worked to free Kintargo from Chelish rule. I have learned much about Kintargo’s secret history, and fear the time will soon come when the city needs the return of its Silver Ravens. You have likely not heard of the Silver Ravens—few have. Mentions of them have been redacted by the agents of House Thrune, but during the civil war, the Ravens worked to ensure Kintargo’s safety. They were heroes in their day, and I fear that Kintargo needs their kind again. Do not believe the government’s claims that Lord-Mayor Bainilus abandoned us! Darker things are afoot, and I fear that all who work against Thrune may find themselves in danger in the days ahead. The Silver Ravens maintained numerous hideouts within Kintargo’s walls during the civil war. I have located one such site—the chambers below a building known today as the Fair Fortune Livery. If you are reading this, I was unable to seek further answers there myself. Gather heroes to your side, my son, and search below the livery. There, if my research is correct, you will find something to teach you more of the Silver Ravens and their legacy.

Do not let my death be in vain. Stand up for Kintargo. Bring the Silver Ravens back to life!

Once you have all had a chance to read it, he speaks up.
"It would seem a logical next step is to investigate the livery. That said, Miss Longroads has offered bunks in her establishment for myself and anyone assisting in this cause. Perhaps I should make arrangements there. I'm a bit frail to go into the fray myself mind you, and none too proud to admit it.

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Amara reads the letter, a good bit slower than the rest. When she finishes, she looks up at the others.

"What in the hells is a 'livery'?"

HP: 16/16 Human Oracle 2 Init +4 AC/FF/T 15/15/10 | F+1 R+1 W+5 | Perc +6 | Diplomacy/Bluff +11

"I think he means a...Stable."

"Indeed, a stable for rent as it were."

I legit had to look it up to make sure I wasn't way off xD

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Poor Amara. She tries.

Well, why didn't she just say that?

Amara's face furrows in irritation. She simply grunts in acknowledgment.

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

Alexis eyes widen at the mention of the silver ravens. Her father had told her stories from books of old. Books she lost in the fire. He always seems so proud to speak of them. But seeing this did make it clear why he was wary of speaking of them in crowds. She nodded thoughtfully.
"Considering the only other definition is clothing worn by servants. The silver ravens huh? Hmmm so they weren't just stories huh dad?" The last line leaving her lips almost like a whisper. "In any case Investigating the Livery while our friend Rexus procures Us sleeping arrangements would be the smartest method, better to jump on this clue early to avoid risk of it being discovered by our lovely friend thrune." Alexis smiles. She was half truthful. She was also excited about studying an actual base for the silver ravens. Not just stories read at night but the real thing!

Did edit this because I was gonna clarify that it meant stable but Rexus did before I got to post so I altered the sentence she said to make since in the situation. I didn't know livery was an Stable either, Let alone cloths servants where.

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

"Okay, then..."

Mira takes a deep breath, and puts her hands together with her fingers stretched out. If they're doing this, she wants to make sure they do things without people dying. She points them towards Rexus. "We need a place to stay, so definitely get in touch with her to hole us up."

She points her hands at Alexis next. "Also, we'll need magic. You do magic, right? Get something ready. I've never seen a basement that wasn't chock full of Rodents of Unusual Size, at least. And maybe something that can clean horse dung."

Then Septima. "You too. RoUS bites are nasty. Amara's got a pickaxe and I can hit things with a sap, so you've got two people to hide behind and make awesome." That's what people who cast cure tended to do, right? Right.

And then, Amara. "...You just... You just keep doing what you're doing." Drawing her hands towards her, she touches her thumbs to her chest without pulling them apart from where they're closed together. "And me, I'm going to sell what we copped today, then spend the rest of the night sketching out possible formations. We'll go tomorrow, when we're fresh. Don't suppose we have a map of this place, do we?"

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

Alexis grips her own chin and thinks.

"Hmmm some prep time wouldn't hurt. Also a chance to sleep in a real bed and get a real meal.....I am okay with this, though I do fear that if Thrune has chosen to capture your parents and/or cohorts they may have been forced to give the location of the hideout, Or may do so soon. Call me paranoid or stuck in fantasy books but I just don't want to lose any info.....I will leave it a diplomatic decision, what do you two think? Some prep time? Or Leave immediately?" Alexis smiles calmly. She personally would like to rest however procrastinating on these issues can be just as dangerous as being reckless.

She does look to Rexus.

"Though I admit having a map would be crucial. If you have, or can acquire one, that would be fantastic. If not we could manage." Alexis, while smart maybe is being to optimistic about this. But her smile is genuine!

HP: 16/16 Human Oracle 2 Init +4 AC/FF/T 15/15/10 | F+1 R+1 W+5 | Perc +6 | Diplomacy/Bluff +11

Septima sighs and holds her brow. "Hmm... Mira has a point. I do feel rather...Well, drained. I would rather rest before any extra excursions."

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

"Not to mention that it's been over a week... way I figure it, if they were gonna' snap they would have done it by now. Either the guards have come and gone, or they aren't gonna' come at all. What are the odds that--"

Mira pauses, looking down and away from the others as if she's just realized that she was about to step on a caltrop. Amara would likely know why as well, given how superstitious Mira is about her luck.

"On second thought, no. Let's assume that whenever we do go--today or tomorrow--we're going to just happen to have gone at the exact same time that the soldiers have gotten the information and decided to research the place, so we have to deal with the RoUS's and the soldiers."

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Amara nods.

"I'm with Mira. It's best to always assume that the worst is going to happen. Might as well be prepared for it."

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

Alexis nods

"I see. Then we have a plan. When we find a place to sleep I'll spend as much time as I can writing up some scrolls for what may come. Well as much as I can anyway....May also grab some food and drink....real food and drink. The more I speak of it the more I like this plan." The growl from Alexis's stomach echoes a bit louder. She coughs and attempts to pretend it never happened.

[ooc]Also since we are resting what time is it in game? I need to know so I can know how many scrolls I have time to make.

it is almost noon. Plenty of time for a "long rest" or crafting if you choose to go at night, or time to fence your loot and go meet Laria before the adventure. There is a difference in the decision of day or night in this case.

Rexus grimaces. "I suppose if anyone were captured, it would be best to go prepared. I suppose also that would mean the longer you wait, the more chance of being beaten to the punch as it were. Perhaps it may be best to go under the cover of darkness? In any case, The owner of this fine establishment has agreed to leave you be in here for as long as you need, as well as prepare a meal, which by the smell of it should be fairly soon in coming!"

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

"The mages need downtime..." Mira mutters to herself. It's the one unquestionable truth of this world--if you cast spells, you need your beauty sleep to cast more. Going at night would be preferable, but...

"Okay, how's this? Amara, you sell the stuff. You're stronger anyways. I'll take a peek at the livery and see if there's any signs of it getting worked over by the guard. We'll meet back here for dinner, then go as soon as everyone's spell power is all refreshed--or that night if there's no sign of guards? Should work, right?"

She looks around at the others, not sure if there were any other problems she hadn't thought of yet.

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

"That works for me. Odalis' shop isn't too far away, and she won't f@&@ us on the exchange rate. Just toss everything in a sack and I'll pick it up on my way out. I'm gonna go get a hunk of that bread that I smell."

Amara wanders off toward the kitchens to get her snack.

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

Alexis taps her cheek.

"If we leave tonight I'll have to forgo getting scrolls done. Considering how long it takes to get one written up I'll just rest and get everything together later......Also all the food in that kitchen is making me drool so I'm gonna go slink in there." Alexis hurriedly rushes into the kitchen to see what's cooking. At this point it could be grey gruel and she will eat it. As long as it isn't any more trail mix.

So quick question. For getting spells back I'm gonna go with we have to sleep for the dull rest period correct? (which is 8 hours right?) I haven't played a casty like this before. The game with the magus usually had enough time between encounters that you had days to rest being in a caravan and all so I never had to count it out lol.

HP: 16/16 Human Oracle 2 Init +4 AC/FF/T 15/15/10 | F+1 R+1 W+5 | Perc +6 | Diplomacy/Bluff +11

Septima tried to follow the party's conversation... but her nose found much more important priorities. Like specifically, quelling that groan down below.

"Mmm. Yes, of course." She says absently, then high-tails after Alexis.

The shopkeeper is actually a Ratfolk. Rexus introduced him as Trazil just before leaving you to your rest.

"Please, come in and have a seat everyone. Lunch will be ready soon. My, my, it's been so long since I've had guests. I must say it's been a joy applying my craft to cooking again."
At this point you notice he seems to be cooking in a large pot on an alchemy lab... He sets it before you with large loaves of bread. Taking the lid off, the glorious, cheesy smell fills the room, along with a hint of a spring white wine. He opens a bottle of dandelion fizz and pours you each a glass before cheerfully exclaiming "dig in!"

perception DC 18:

There is a slight Alchemical enhancement to it. If you exceeded 21 with your check, you know it isn't harmful

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

Also I realized that I had mathed my perception like I had put a point into it and I had not, making it a 1 off wisdom alone. Have made the proper adjustment. I'm sorry I seem to keep making these bonehead mistakes orz

" smells heavenly, Thank you sir..." It is clear Alexis is trying to keep calm and not immediately begin slurping this down. She gingerly picks up a spoon and take a small bite. Her face lights up and the next bite is bigger.....then bigger....and soon she is practically gorging herself. Shame? dignity? What are those concepts! Are they tasty? She had eaten sandpaper flavored crumbs for the last 3 days and her hunger begins to override her manners a bit. She notices this halfway through and coughs, Both from eating a bit fast and embarrassment. She whips her mouth with some cloth from her bag.

"I...Appologize for that. I haven't had a good meal in days, I must look really rude."She Sips from her drink, hiding her face as much as she can.

Smooth move Lexi, Meet some potential friends and begin horfing down soup like a gross pig lady, seriously get it together damnit!

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Amara rips a loaf of bread in half and dips it into her bowl, soaking up the liquid before biting into the bread. She nods her approval.

HP: 16/16 Human Oracle 2 Init +4 AC/FF/T 15/15/10 | F+1 R+1 W+5 | Perc +6 | Diplomacy/Bluff +11

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Septima would have commented on the appearance of the shopkeeper, or maybe even on anything else in the room but, her eyes glazed as they stared at steam wafting from the pot. Unlike a certain someone however, Septima keeps her grace as she sits down for lunch...

...though that goes out the window once she starts eating, and quickly starts to gorge, momentarily forgetting all else.

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Mira goes to town on the food for the moment, finding herself incredibly hungry now that she's thinking on it. "Seriously... this is delish! Well made!"

you guys seem to like the number 16 today.

You feel unbelievably satisfied with the strange chowder-fondue hybrid. The heartiness seems to stay with you long after the meal itself is gone.

You each gain 1d6 ⇒ 6 temporary hit points that stay until lost. I'd express that as 6+9/9 in your stat bar.

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Our perception checks can finally drive♥

Mira stands up with a stretch, grinning as she finishes her meal.

"Alright, I guess I have a place to go scope out. See you guys on the other side of things. If I'm not back in two hours, don't bother looking--I'm either dead or I'll find you."

Time to head off to check the outside of the livery for any signs of activity!

Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Amara also gets up and grabs the sack of loot. She slings it over her shoulder and nods her head at Alexis and Septima before heading out the door.

Initiate Shopping Program

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

Alexis waves to everyone who leaves. Leaving just her and septima behind.
Alexis taps her fingers before turning to septima.

"Sooooo.....Septima, I did get that correct, right? What brought you to the Protest? I don't think we asked you.....or at least I did but never got an answer....seriously was it the church? Please don't tell me they burned that down too!" Ah Alexis, still putting her foot in her mouth it would seem.

HP: 16/16 Human Oracle 2 Init +4 AC/FF/T 15/15/10 | F+1 R+1 W+5 | Perc +6 | Diplomacy/Bluff +11

Septima raises her head from her food, her face contorting somewhat. She sighs, closing her eyes for a moment before she opens them with a harsh look. "Tell me, would a holy sister wear something like this?" She says, pulling her right hand from her lap to reveal her signet ring. Are signets supposed to be worn on a particular hand? IDFK, so I'm going to assume the right

"As I keep trying to tell you, I am not some hapless cleric that wandered into danger. I am a Gallus, and I went to the protest for clues to my family's murder. And I know I mentioned that."

She lets out of a breath, guilt nagging at her for spelling it all out so harshly. "Sorry, I... I'm not handling today very well. I didn't expect-" She waves a hand around as if to signal every single odd thing that this morning had brought in a simple gesture.

M Asskicker Brawler/Rogue

Alexis you may attempt an applicable check to know of her family, also, Sense Motive could be useful if you wish.

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

As for sense motive I'm gonna keep that at a taking ten to know Alexis pushed an nerve, something I'm sure is obvious to anyone who isn't actively ignoring the situation or something. As for knowledge I will roll local. I would roll a sense motive to get and get more but considering Alexis's meager +1 to sense motive it wouldn't help much.

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 I am gonna assume that's enough to know the gist of what happened to her family, not everything but yeah.

Oh smooth move jackass! Why didn't you notice that! Shes been wearing that fot a while! She isn't even really dressed like a nun a-.....Dont do it......dont correct her....Dont!

"Um most clerics actually.....can fight" DAMNIT "Bu-But that is far from relavent I'm deeply sorry I have insulted you. And about your family. I heard about what happened while on the street. Dreadful....Was it your family that had you learn the holy arts? I mean there isn't many ways to learn healing magics.....or the Infernal for that matter, though I guess it's not too off but it seems inconsistent likes it's a first la-" Alexis stops with a shocked look. shame fills her face immediately.

"I am doing it again....sorry I have a.....problem with attempting to pry into people's business. Father always told me to only ask simple questions. Boring ones, because my curiosity could hurt people...."Alexis clicked her tonge, embarassed.

Appraise DC 10:
The pendants are worth 30gp each, making the haul worth an actual value of 345gp, plus what's already in coin.

Anyone can attempt that check untrained before Amara leaves the shop, but it is a form of knowledge, so no taking 10.

Unfortunately, Amara's usual fence had closed up shop for the protest and was nowhere to be found. After some thought, though, she made her way to the Gold & Silver Curio Shop nearby in Old Kintargo. A bald man looked over her wares and gave it some thought. "Best I can offer is like a hundred and fifty pieces on the lot."

While Amara was mulling it over, the shopkeeper had to step away for a moment. A greasy looking man in red and black moved over to her and whispered. "I happen to have more immediate use for those items you happened across... perhaps 200 pieces would suit you better? Turn him down and meet me outside." You notice that he is wearing a silver Thrune cross, much like the bronze ones in the bag.

Outside is very public, so the chances of him trying something stupid are low. The question is, haggle with the shopkeep, or sell back to the Group?

Spot Mira: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

No one is even looking for intruders at the livery. Mira has free reign about it for now. The run down building has a rusty chain and padlock on the front door. I'll have to post the flavor text after work tomorrow with any info, what is it you're looking for?

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Appraise: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (10) - 2 = 8

Appraise failed by less than 5. If you fail the check by less than 5, you determine the price of that item to within 20% of its actual value.

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Appraise: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Mira lets her know they're worth 30 gold a pop before she leaves.

As for what Mira's looking for, she's out to see if there's signs of people going in or out, a guard posted... if it seems like there's no human activity she's even willing to go so far as to try peeking in through a door or window or something. Her main focus is 'have the guards started picking it over for something.'

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Oh cool, Amara will 100% take Mira's word for it. She's willing to accept a small drop in value for used goods, but she sure as hell isn't accepting less than half. Haggling with the merchant it is.

Amara scoffs at the merchant.

"Don't insult me. This haul is easily worth twice that. 300."

HP: 16/16 Human Oracle 2 Init +4 AC/FF/T 15/15/10 | F+1 R+1 W+5 | Perc +6 | Diplomacy/Bluff +11

Now that the truth is out, Septima can't help but feel a little bit of guilt for being so blunt with the woman. After all, it was an honest (if a bit weird) mistake.

"No, no. It's fine. My mother knew a little, so she passed it onto me." She pauses, pursing her lips. "Today has been the first day I've used it for more than sprains...So I can't say I'm exactly expertly trained."

She raises her head, acting as though her healing was literally the only thing Alexis asked about.

Oh, yes. Let's tell her how I woke up last week babbling in hellspeak. I'm sure that's a great topic to bring up to someone I barely know.

"Tell me, is your father where you got your books from? I mean, your shop. Mother took me there on occasion. ...I'm sorry to hear about it

Female Human HP 14/14+6Temp Arcanist 2 Initiative 8 AC/FF/T 13/11/12 F+1 Ref+2 Will+4| perception +1

Alexis eyes brighten a bit.

Oh good she doesn't hate you.

" Yes, the Luculus Librium was a very historical place, one of the first structure built in Kintargo if my father's lessons on it where truthful. Honestly I tried to look up when the library was constructed and couldn't find much. I mean it's in old records and has been in the family for a long time, but weather it truly was one of the first structure here is unclear." Alexis pauses, realising she just completely went off topic.

"A-anyway the point I was going to get to was that my parents, Specifically my Father, put into my head the love of books and history at a young age. I mean with literally thousands of books available it was pretty inevitable. My father also tried to teach me how to draw and paint but I was never as good as him." Alexis smiled, a look of nostalgia on her face as she seems to be thinking about older times.

Amara I'm gonna need a diplomacy check, unless you so choose to intimidate. Just remember that may have long term repercussions.

This aged stable leans slightly to one side, its roof precariously propped up by aged wooden walls. The air reeks of stale

The front door of the stable is chained shut, but loosely enough that you could squeeze through an easy escape artist check. and the back door doesn't have a lock, but is wedged in the warped door frame. When you inevitably approach the front door to get a peek inside, you are startled when they suddenly swing back and forth with the chains rattling violently!

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Pfft...long-term repercussions. But okay, she'll play nice at first.

Diplomacy: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (16) - 2 = 14

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Mira yelps and falls flat on her arse.

Inner Monologue:
Smooth, Mira. Real smooth. Now anyone around will think you're a godsdamned weirdo. But, hey, at least you've figured out absolutely nothing.

Looking around her, she stands slowly and walks over to the door.

She shakes back, making a rattling noise of her own before waiting to see if she gets any response. She's gotta try to get something more than this, or else what's even the point?

"Look, I have to sell it in my shop and make money, and if you haven't noticed, Thrune stuff isn't exactly popular right now. 185."

You notice the other guy off to the side holding a coin pouch, he produces two platinum pieces from his pocket and drops them in and makes a gesture as if to offer it to you before nonchalantly going back to browsing before the shop keep sees him.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

The doors begin to bleed. Fresh blood pours from the cracks and distant ghastly moans are heard inside. Mira sees her own hands covered in it, and starts to wipe it away, but its gone as quickly as it appeared. In fact all of it is. You are Shaken

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Amara grits her teeth.

"Fine, I'll accept the loss in value of the pendants even if it's a simple matter to melt them down, but not the rest. 240."

HP: 6+16/16 Unchained Rogue 2 Init +7, AC/FF/T 17/15/12 | F+1 R+8 W+0 | Perception +5, +6 vs traps

Mira is far too chickenshit to continue alone, but also far too prideful to let herself retreat without a one liner.

"...Right. Okay. Holy water it is."


"ok, look, I'll offer you a little over standard on the gear, 30 for the beat sticks and 60 for the shackles, only because people are buying that right now. The pendants, I can do 20 a piece. 230. Best I can do."

The shady guy is done being discreet. "I'll pay the full price for the pendants. Better than his markup! 275!"

The two men begin arguing.

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Amara, frustrated, whirls around and addresses the Thrune loyalist.

Self imposed Will save

Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Amara draws Ramón.

"If I didn't respond to you to begin with, I'm not interested. Now get the hell out of here! "

Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

She turns back to the merchant.

"230 is fine." she says flatly.

The Chelish Citizens' Group officer stumbles over himself trying to get away. He tries to leave in a huff, but it is apparent that he's more scared than anything.

The shop owner gives a raspy laugh. "I appreciate the sensibility. Tell ya what, I happen to have a nice leather belt holster for that pick. Promise to come back around and I'll throw it in." he places the holster on the counter along with a pouch containing the sum of gold. "Come back sometime and look around. I run this shop with my old man and my son. One thing I've learned in all my years is that you never know what is gonna come through that door."

HP 21/21 Human Fighter 2, Init +1, AC/FF/T 18/17/11 | CMD 18 (+1 vs disarm and grapple) | F+4 R+1 W+2 | Perception +4 | Intimidate +8

Amara softens a bit and cracks a smile.

"Thanks. I get the feeling that there's gonna be plenty more salvage coming through your door."

She sheathes Ramón, picks up the belt and gold, nods at the merchant and steps into the daylight, headed for the safe house and that delicious chowder.

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