The Balladeer |
The roc responds to the dwarf's call by circling around over Marikel's head and filling the gap in the barricade. It snaps at the half-orc, and its beak comes away bloody as the half-orc collapses to the ground.
Skyreaver moves & attacks
Round 2 init: Carbonel (delaying), Alicia, Enemy #3, Dorn, Enemy #2, Skyreaver, Vhailor, Marikel (readying), Enemy #1
The Balladeer |
With the roc downing the nearest foe and no others in his line of sight, Vhailor preserves the charges in his master's wand.
Vhailor delays
Round 2 init: Carbonel (delaying), Alicia, Enemy #3, Dorn, Enemy #2, Skyreaver, Vhailor (delaying), Marikel, Enemy #1
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
Map is unchanged
The Balladeer |
Marikel's blade carves a bloody line up the female half-orc's arm. "Gaan! Waarsku die ander!" she shouts to her trailing companion.
The other half-orc turns and heads quickly down the hill.
Marikel moves & attacks
Enemy #1 double-moves to AF49
Round 3 init: Carbonel (delaying), Alicia, Enemy #3, Dorn, Enemy #2, Skyreaver, Vhailor (delaying), Marikel, Enemy #1
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
Alicia Dawnblade |
![Agathion-Blooded Aasimar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9424-Aasimar_90.jpeg)
Alicia spins on her heel as her companions engage her pursuers. Catching sight of one fleeing away, she darts back the way she came, drawing a small hand-sized crossbow as she moves.
Double-move to AN59, drawing her hand crossbow as part of one move action.
"Don't let that one in the back escape! He's going to warn more of them! Marikel, there's a Patrolman behind the well--he might still be alive," she calls.
The Balladeer |
By my (and MapTool's) count, that's a 55-foot-move, Ali. She can make it to AN58 or AM59 if you want to; just let me know to move her.
Alicia gives chase to the retreating half-orc.
In answer to Ali's directive, Vhailor moves to the edge of the barricade and, taxing the wand's range to its utmost, sends an arcane bullet speeding after the half-orc.
The female whom Marikel cut bares her teeth, drawing a greataxe from a sling across her back, and slashes wickedly at the priest, but his armor turns the blade.
Alicia double-moves, drawing weapon
Vhailor moves to AO66 & uses wand 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Enemy #3 draws weapon & attacks Marikel 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Round 3 init: Carbonel (delaying), Alicia, Vhailor, Enemy #3, Dorn, Enemy #2, Skyreaver, Marikel, Enemy #1
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
Dorn Desslach |
"You got it, lass!" Dorn then takes off in said direction. "Reaver! Ewch yn cael iddo! Torrwch oddi ar ei ddianc!"
Double move to AK 57. I believe that's 60'. If not, move me as close as possible to there.
Skyreaver takes off in the direction of the fleeing half-orc, passing him by and hovering in the path of the humanoid at a distance that is just beyond him, awaiting for him to come near.
Fly speed is 80': Double move(Probably just go with 15' beyond him)
The Balladeer |
Dorn also gives chase to the fleeing half-orc, but Skyreaver quickly overtakes his master.
Dorn double-moves
Skyreaver double-moves
Round 3 init: Carbonel (delaying), Alicia, Vhailor, Enemy #3, Dorn, Enemy #2, Skyreaver, Marikel, Enemy #1
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
Dorn, "head him off at the pass" doesn't seem to fall under the rubric of any of the tricks Reaver knows. You could "push" him to do it, but that would require a move action, rather than a free action. I'm treating this as a Flank command. In future, when you're handling your companion as a free action, could you indicate which trick you're using in the OOC? You can always use a move action and Handle Animal to get him to do more elaborate things.
Marikel Selentin |
![Shoanti Fighter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/S01_Shoanti_Versus_Ogre_HI.jpg)
"How did you make it this far? Because you're not getting any further."
Marikel steps around his opponent (AM63) and swings wide with his sword, trying to keep his shield between himself and the greataxe.
Masterwork Longsword: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
The Balladeer |
"We don't have to get any further," she growls back, "only wait for the front gate to fall and cut off the defenders as they retreat."
Alarmed by the flapping of large wings approaching his shoulder, the fleeing half-orc dodges, ducks, and weaves toward the door of a nearby building.
Marikel 5-foot-steps & attacks
Enemy #1 withdraws to AB50
Round 4 init: Carbonel (delaying), Alicia, Vhailor, Enemy #3, Dorn, Enemy #2, Skyreaver, Marikel, Enemy #1
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
The Balladeer |
The female half-orc coughs and looks down in surprise as the tip of Ali's rapier protrudes bloodily from the front of her throat. As Alicia withdraws the thin blade, however, somehow the half-orc does not fall.
Alicia moves, drawing weapon, & attacks
Round 4 init: Carbonel (delaying), Alicia, Vhailor, Enemy #3, Dorn, Enemy #2, Skyreaver, Marikel, Enemy #1
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
The Balladeer |
As Alicia withdraws the thin blade, however, somehow the half-orc does not fall.
Instead, she turns on her heel and brings the head of her axe down in a vicious chop that slices open a gash on Ali's leg. Only then does the half-orc teeter and fall onto the blood-spattered road.
Vhailor delays
Enemy #3 attacks Alicia 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 damage 1d12 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Round 4 init: Carbonel (delaying), Alicia, Vhailor (delaying), Enemy #3, Dorn, Enemy #2, Skyreaver, Marikel, Enemy #1
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
Map is unchanged, but Enemy #3 is now unconscious. I didn't capture a whole new map just to X her out.
Dorn Desslach |
Seeing the half-orc about to enter the building, Dorn shakes his head, "Oh no ya don't, lad," and charges at him, hoping to get to him before he enters. "Reaver! Ymosodiad!"
Charge(included in all below) to AC 50
Mwk Warhammer: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
AC 16; 31/31 hp's
Skyreaver moves in and snaps at the lone half-orc.
Fly to AC 49
Bite: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
AC 25; Hp's 10/10
Dorn Desslach |
As the half-orc falls, the dwarf grins, proud of himself. Turning toward the others, "I GOT 'EM! WE'RE GOOD!" he yells toward the others, nodding. He just now remember something, "PADRE! THERE'S A LAD ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE WELL WHO'S FALLEN! YA MIGHT WANT TA CHECK ON HIM!" Turning back to the fallen half-orc, "Alright, let's see what ya got that we may be useful to us, hm?" He then rummages through the belongings of the humanoid.
Skyreaver lands next to him and rests a moment, preening himself while he does.
Marikel Selentin |
![Shoanti Fighter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/S01_Shoanti_Versus_Ogre_HI.jpg)
"SHUT UP! There's more!" hisses Marikel towards the Dwarf.
With a quick glance at Alicia, he darts forward to where he can see the fallen figure behind the well. He murmurs a quick prayer to Iomedae and points to the fallen warrior, before turning back to Alicia's fallen opponent and doing the same.
Move to AI59 and cast stabilise this round on the fallen patrolman. Next round, stabilise the orc.
Vhailor Falk |
![Arnistolientar Popswicker](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9211-Arnisto.jpg)
Apologies for flakiness
Vhailor keeps close by Marikel, trusting in the taller ones actions to both keep him safe as well as provide best means of guidance with respect to how to proceed. Carbonel appears more animated than usual... preening himself and presenting predatory nature.
The Balladeer |
Enemy #5 1d20 ⇒ 7
Enemy #6 1d20 ⇒ 3
Enemy #7 1d20 ⇒ 4
roll-off: Enemy #4 1d20 ⇒ 6 Enemy #5 1d20 ⇒ 6
roll-off: Enemy #4 1d20 ⇒ 16 Enemy #5 1d20 ⇒ 4
Dorn finds that, besides his weapons and armor, the fallen half-orc has a vial in his pouch; the dwarf has just picked it up curiously when the door in front of which his victim fell opens, revealing more half-orcs.
One quickly moves to stand over the fallen half-orc on the doorstep, swinging a battleaxe at the dwarf from behind a wooden shield.
Enemy #4 moves & opens door
Enemy #5 moves
Enemy #7 moves & attacks Dorn 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Enemy #6 moves
Round 7 init: Carbonel (delaying?), Dorn, Alicia, Skyreaver, Vhailor, Marikel, Enemy #4, Enemy #5, Enemy #7, Enemy #6
Dorn, you acquired a vial from enemy #1 and can also have one of these three weapons: dagger, greatsword, or longspear. Marikel, you cast stabilize on the Patrolman and enemy #3. Vhailor, you moved near Marikel and can take one more round of actions if you wish. Alicia, you have two rounds of actions to take before the door opens: you can take two items from the female half-orc (she has weapons and vials) or do something else.
Dorn Desslach |
"SHUT UP! There's more!" hisses Marikel towards the Dwarf.
With a quick glance at Alicia, he darts forward to where he can see the fallen figure behind the well. He murmurs a quick prayer to Iomedae and points to the fallen warrior, before turning back to Alicia's fallen opponent and doing the same.
Turning his attention in the direction of the healer as he says something, a questioning look forms as he turns his attention to Skyreaver. "What did he say? 'Shut the door' or something?" Shrugging, he returns to the task at hand finding a vial and multiple weapons. "Ooh, a spear. That'll come in handy." After retrieving it, he stands up and the next thing he sees is the door open and a number of half-orcs behind it. Sighing, "Aw crap. But the door was already shut! That just doesn't make sense!" Dorn retreats back and calls for Skyreaver to follow him as he does.
Withdraw to AH 54
Also calling Skryreaver to come to him. Which would be one of his tricks.
The roc takes to the air and follows the dwarf.
Fly to AI 53
The Balladeer |
Surprised by the new enemies, Dorn moves toward the others to regroup and commands Skyreaver to follow.
Dorn withdraws
Round 7 init: Carbonel (delaying), Dorn, Alicia, Skyreaver, Vhailor, Marikel, Enemy #4, Enemy #5, Enemy #7, Enemy #6
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
Dorn, Skyreaver will comply on his initiative, right after Alicia's turn. For ease of slotting in the new arrivals to the combat, I just went back to the party's original initiative rolls before the delays and readys.
Ali, the lead half-orc out the door now has no soft cover, and a 30-foot-move in his direction will reduce your range penalty with the hand crossbow to -2.
The Balladeer |
Ali, I'm going to move you to AI57 instead because AJ55 puts Dorn back between you and your target as soft cover.
Ali moves closer and shoots, her tiny bolt burying itself in the flesh of the half-orc's upper arm neatly despite the distance.
Skyreaver obeys Dorn's command and retreats to his side.
Vhailor waits to see what the priest will do.
Alicia moves & attacks
Skyreaver moves
Vhailor delays
Round 7 init: Carbonel (delaying), Dorn, Alicia, Skyreaver, Vhailor (delaying), Marikel, Enemy #4, Enemy #5, Enemy #7, Enemy #6
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
Marikel Selentin |
![Shoanti Fighter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/S01_Shoanti_Versus_Ogre_HI.jpg)
"Too late."
Marikel shakes his head.
"I noticed," he scowls storming off towards the orcs.He holds his sword aloft to Iomedae then points it at the lead orc and a glowing replica of his sword rushes at the orc who attacked Dane.
spiritual weapon: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
(Move to AG57 - I remembered my 20' movement this time. Cast spiritual weapon at Orc7)
The Balladeer |
Iomedae's weapon materializes near the half-orc in the doorway, who just manages to interpose his shield as the force blade slashes at it.
Marikel moves & casts
Round 7 init: Carbonel (delaying), Dorn, Alicia, Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor (delaying), Enemy #4, Enemy #5, Enemy #7, Enemy #6
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
spiritual weapon (expires round 9) (Marikel)
Going to act now, Vhailor, or continue to delay?
The Balladeer |
Vhailor follows the priest, readying his own spell.
The visible half-orc retreats into the building, trying to get away from both the magic weapon and Alicia's stinging bolts.
As he vacates the doorway, another half-orc charges through, holding a battleaxe in one hand and drawing a javelin with the other, which he throws toward the dwarf.
Two more half-orcs emerge from the building and take up positions on either side of the javelin-thrower, one brandishing a scimitar and another a shortspear, both carrying shields.
Vhailor moves & readies
Enemy #4 delays
Enemy #5 delays
Enemy #7 moves inside the buildling (last seen in AA50)
Enemy #6 moves & attacks Dorn 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Enemy #4 moves & readies
Enemy #5 moves & readies
Round 8 init: Carbonel (delaying), Dorn, Alicia, Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor, Enemy #7, Enemy #6, Enemy #4, Enemy #5
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
spiritual weapon (expires round 9) (Marikel)
Dorn Desslach |
Dropping his head in frustration, he looks back up, clearly annoyed, "Aw c'mon, ya just gonna stand there and throw things?! That's pathetic!" Dorn moves toward the half-orc on the edge, yelling at Skyreaver as he does. "Reaver! Amgylchynwch bod un!" he says, motioning to the one he swings his hammer at when he nears him.
Move to AF 50
Mwk Warhammer: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
AC 18; Hp's 31/31
The Balladeer |
As the dwarf approaches, the half-orc jabs out with his spear but fails to hit Dorn.
Dorn, in turn, misses with a swing of his warhammer.
Enemy #5's attacks Dorn, triggered by Dorn's attack 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Dorn moves & attacks
Round 8 init: Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #5, Dorn, Alicia, Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor, Enemy #7, Enemy #6, Enemy #4 (readying)
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
spiritual weapon (expires round 9) (Marikel)
The Balladeer |
Alicia reloads, moving into a new position.
Skyreaver obeys Dorn's command, flapping around to flank with the dwarf. It nips the half-orc in the back of the neck with its sharp beak.
Alicia moves & reloads
Skyreaver moves to AD48 & attacks Enemy #5 (Outflank) 1d20 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 7 + 4 = 24 damage 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Round 8 init: Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #5, Dorn, Alicia, Skyreaver, Marikel, Vhailor, Enemy #7, Enemy #6, Enemy #4 (readying)
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
spiritual weapon (expires round 9) (Marikel)
Unless you redirect your spiritual weapon, Marikel, it will chase the half-orc that fled into the building. Redirecting it would take your move action.
Marikel Selentin |
![Shoanti Fighter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/S01_Shoanti_Versus_Ogre_HI.jpg)
Marikel narrows his eyes at the line of orcs, raises his sword and charges them.
Marikel uses the force of his charge to swing wide at the orc on the right, heedless of his foe's scimitar.
Masterwork Longsword (+2 charge): 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 6 + 2 = 19
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
(Charge to AD51, attack Orc 4)
Vhailor Falk |
![Arnistolientar Popswicker](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9211-Arnisto.jpg)
With a rush of blood and vigor, Vhailor follows in Marikel's wake - drawing near enough that he can reach out with arcane thought and intent to touch one of the brutes intangibly. Focusing mind through thought and gaze he murmurs and wills it's mind quiescent.
Move to AE,55 and daze on Orc #6 (DC 13 negate).
The Balladeer |
The scimitar-wielding half-orc uses the recklessness of the priest's charge to find an opening and draw blood, but it is the last thing he does, as the longsword slashes open his gut and he tumbles atop his entrails to the ground.
Marikel's spiritual weapon cycles quiescently in mid-air, waiting for further direction.
Vhailor attempts to daze the middle half-orc, but his arcane gambit is thwarted by his foe's adrenaline.
The half-orc with the battleaxe takes a step back toward the shelter of the building before swinging at Marikel, wielding his battleaxe in both hands; he slips on a loop of his fallen comrade's intestines, however, and the potentially dangerous blow goes well wide of the priest.
The spear-wielding half-orc jabs again at Dorn, this time piercing tough dwarven flesh, before stepping back in pace with his companion.
Enemy #4 attacks Marikel, triggered by Marikel's approach 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Marikel charges
Vhailor moves & casts: Enemy #6 Will 1d20 ⇒ 18
Enemy #7 ??
Enemy #6 5-foot-steps to AC50 & attacks Marikel 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Enemy #5 attacks Dorn 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 & 5-foot-steps to AD49
Round 9 init: Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #5, Dorn, Alicia, Skyreaver, Enemy #4, Marikel, Vhailor, Enemy #7, Enemy #6
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
spiritual weapon (expires round 9) (Marikel)
Dorn Desslach |
Grimacing in pain, the dwarf shakes his head at the back stepping half-orc. "Oh no ya don't! Ya cannot just stick me and run, lad." The dwarf moves right into the midst of them with a ton of confidence from who knows where, in an attempt to give himself a better chance to get revenge against the one who stuck him like a pig.
Animal Focus(Snake)(Swift); Move to AD 50(AC 20 vs AoO's)(Move); Attack #5(Standard)
Mwk Warhammer: 1d20 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 6 + 4 = 17
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
AC 18; Hp's 27/31; Animal Focus(Snake): 1/10 rnds(Only plan on using it for the required 1 minute); Longstrider
The Balladeer |
The half-orc jabs again with his spear, but Dorn supernaturally slithers out of the way of its point.
The dwarf strikes a ringing blow against the spear-wielder.
Enemy #5 AoO vs. Dorn 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Dorn activates ability, moves & attacks
Round 9 init: Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #5, Dorn, Alicia, Skyreaver, Enemy #4, Marikel, Vhailor, Enemy #7, Enemy #6
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
spiritual weapon (expires round 9) (Marikel)
Animal Focus: Snake (expires round 18) (Dorn)
Alicia Dawnblade |
![Agathion-Blooded Aasimar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9424-Aasimar_90.jpeg)
Alicia dashes forward, rapier in one hand and crossbow in the other. She makes a diving leap over Dorn, then dances around one of the half-orcs before stabbing him in the back.
Tumble to AB49 if I can; AC49 if I can't. Attacking O6 either way.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 11 + 4 = 17
1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 8 + 2 = 13
1d6 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4
Marikel Selentin |
![Shoanti Fighter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/S01_Shoanti_Versus_Ogre_HI.jpg)
Marikel steps around his opponent, attempting to keep them off balance between himself and Alicia and plunges his sword at them.
A quick nod of his head towards the creature beside Dane, and the glowing sword at his side rushes at it and attacks.
(Attack O6, move action to direct spiritual weapon at O4)
Masterwork Longsword (+2 if flanking): 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 6 + 2 = 11
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
spiritual weapon: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
The Balladeer |
Tumble to AB49 if I can; AC49 if I can't. Attacking O6 either way.
By my count, you can't reach either. It's 15 feet of movement to AE50, and using Acrobatics to move through a threatened square without provoking an AoO requires you to move at half-speed so moving into the next square takes her to 25 feet and she'd need 10 more feet for the next square. But there's nowhere for her to stop in the row past AE50 because Dorn, Marikel, and Enemy #5 are occupying those squares. She can end in AE48, 49, or 50; let me know which you prefer.
Alicia joins the scrum and stabs at the spear-wielding half-orc, but the tip of her rapier scrapes across his wooden shield.
Alicia moves & attacks Enemy #5
Round 9 init: Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #5, Dorn, Alicia, Skyreaver, Enemy #4, Marikel, Vhailor, Enemy #7, Enemy #6
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
spiritual weapon (expires round 9) (Marikel)
Animal Focus: Snake (expires round 18) (Dorn)
Skyreaver |
Skyreaver attacks with beak and talons as he hovers, attempting to tear the half-orc to pieces.
Bite: 1d20 + 8 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 8 + 4 = 23
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Talon: 1d20 + 8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 8 + 4 = 16
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Talon: 1d20 + 8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 8 + 4 = 14
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
AC 25; Hp's 10/10
The Balladeer |
Skyreaver does eviscerate the half-orc, messily spraying blood across the melee before letting the body drop limply to the road.
Marikel attempts to finish off the final visible enemy, but neither his physical longsword nor the spiritual one can penetrate the defenses of the half-orc wielding the battleaxe. After its final pivoting slash, the spiritual weapon winks back out of existence.
Skyreaver full-attacks
Marikel attacks & directs spiritual weapon
Round 9 init: Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #5, Dorn, Alicia, Skyreaver, Enemy #4, Marikel, Vhailor, Enemy #7, Enemy #6
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
Animal Focus: Snake (expires round 18) (Dorn)
The Balladeer |
Vhailor tries again to cloud the mind of the half-orc and this time succeeds in deadening its reactions.
Enemy #7 moves (last seen in W52) & ??
Vhailor casts daze: Enemy #6 Will 1d20 ⇒ 10
Enemy #7 ??
Enemy #6 is dazed
Round 10 init: Carbonel (delaying), Enemy #5, Dorn, Alicia, Skyreaver, Enemy #4, Marikel, Vhailor, Enemy #7, Enemy #6
Current effects: longstrider (Dorn)
Animal Focus: Snake (expires round 18) (Dorn)
dazed (expires round 10) (Enemy #6)
Map is unchanged
Dorn Desslach |
Rolling his eyes in annoyance, "Blast! There's one gettin' away inside the building! Finish this one, I'm going after the other. Reaver, attack bod un." He motions to the dazed half-orc and moves by him, giving chase to the retreating half-orc.
Move to Z 51 I guess? That's like 20' of movement or so. Depends on if I see the runner or not.