Temple of Elemental Evil - Delving the depths of the Abyss on Golarian.

Game Master Tirion Jörðhár

The classic AD&D Temple of Elemental Evil - with a Pathfinder and Golarian twist.

Village of Hommlet - with building numbers <-- Legend in Campaign Info

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Hobbit [hp = 19/22; AC14/T14/ff11; F +1; R+3; W+4 CMD 12]

Braden perks up at the talk of action, "Let's head out right after second breakfast tomorrow."

After Tybek has drunk about half of the ale, the big guy who you think was Zert walks over:

Hope you enjoy that ale, much better than that cheap Mehato stuff. You all look like adventurers. I'm an adventurer too. Where you planning on going?

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)
Zert wrote:
"Hope you enjoy that ale, much better than that cheap Mehato stuff."

"Aye, yae got that richt! Oi'm frae Maheto, but Oi can't say much fer the ale! Oi'm much obliged tae yae. Thanks!"

Zert wrote:
"You all look like adventurers. I'm an adventurer too. Where you planning on going?"

"Yer only an adventurer?!" Tybek says with clear disappointment on his face. "Oi thought yae was goin tae ask us tae dae a job fer the gud o' the town and mebbae pay us a rich fortune. It looks like Oi'm plannin tae gae and live out on the street if Oi cannae earn some gold soon! Dae yae hae any recommendations on whair we can gae to find some wealth aroond here?!"

Profile not in use

Glorfin keeps his silence as Tybek exchanges words with the large one that approached them.

@ Tybek - Zert looks at you: Well, there's always goblins about. I also hear that kobolds live in the hills.

[(HP 20/26 | AC15 T11 FF13 CMD16 | F+2 R+4 W+2 | Inish +1 Per +3 S.M. +5) Female Suli Bard 3
DM Chaos wrote:

Yup, not a lot of entertainment out here unless some wandering Bard comes through.

@ Ranim - Yeh, I hope he's okay. Hmm, yeh, I kin swing an axe real good. My brudder Otis taught me.

"Perhaps some time I'll have to watch you work then. I would be interested in hearing more about this evil he was fighting though. Perhaps I could compose a song to help you remember him?"

Out of curiousity, what time is it at this point? I think my impression may be different than circumstance.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)

"Aye, we thought o' that, but the fella o'er at the castle buildin table warned me tae nae incite the gobbies or the wee dug men or we'd be welcome in hommolet nae mair! He acted like they already had an understandin and they didnae want tae upset the delicate peaceful balance! Ach, Oi wonder if mebbae they hae a wee arrangement where they're all scratchin each ither's back while they rob the merchants and innocents tae help pay fer that damn castle! Ach, it's disgustin tae think aboot! Whae ever heard o'bein run oota toon fer killin dug men?!"

@ Ranim - Sorry, 'm just a farma'. But I dreams a fightn' da evil like ma brudder Otis. But I likes songs 'n pretty gals.

@ Tybek/Glorfin - Yer gonna listen t' them in the corner. Na, ya gotta take the fight to these goblins. I know where they have a cave a few hours from here. If ya kill em, then they won't bother the goofs in the corner. Zert gives the two castle builders a dirty look.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)
Zert wrote:
"Yer gonna listen t' them in the corner? Na, ya gotta take the fight to these goblins. I know where they have a cave a few hours from here. If ya kill em, then they won't bother the goofs in the corner. "

"Ach Aye! That's whit Oi say!" Tybek says as he slams his fist down on the table. "Now yer talkin! We cannae rid the land o' the pesky gobbies and help the true folk o' the land! What dae yae say tae that, Glorfin?"

Turning to Zert, Tybek questions, "Dae yae hae a map or something tae help oos get tae this cave yae speak aboot?"

HP 25/25; Per +12 (+2 outside); AC 16, Touch 14, Flat 13; Gimpy HP 28/28; Per +6; AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14

Maegge, pleased with their animals' arrangements, returns inside the tavern. Wary of Arindale's strange mood from earlier, he instead joins Braden and the two dwarfs but seeing them in the middle of a conversation about fighting goblins decides not to talk: surely dwarfs would know better than he about how to fight in a cave.

Profile not in use

Glorfin does not share Tybek's overt enthusiasm "And why would you offer such information? Are simple goblins beyond your ability to fight?"

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 Gauging if his response is truthful or falsely given.


You do not sense that he is lying. But there is something you distrust about him.

@ Anyone sitting with the Dwarves:

In response to Tybek's inquiry: There are lots of goblins around here. Some kobolds in the deeper caves as well. Even gnolls hunt around here. I know where they are, but information is not free. If you let me join you all for a share of the loot, I could show you the way to the goblins.

When Glorfin questions him he simply shrugs: I can fight a few goblins no problem. The problem is that they tend to hunt in packs too big for one man.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)
Zert wrote:
"There are lots of goblins around here. Some kobolds in the deeper caves as well. Even gnolls hunt around here. I know where they are, but information is not free. If you let me join you all for a share of the loot, I could show you the way to the goblins."

"What're yae daein offerin information and then tellin us that yae hae tae come along wid us?! Why wid yae want tae accompany us anyway? Yae dae ken that we hae wee halflins travellin wid us?! They are always stoppin fer breakfast even if they've already ate! They also hae animals that are always crappin on the trail! Tryin tae walk behind 'em is loik tryin tae avoid caltrops in the dark! Sae, tell me why yae're comin tae us with this offer?"

Sense Motive 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

Profile not in use

Glorfin just adds "And what of your other two companions?"

[(HP 20/26 | AC15 T11 FF13 CMD16 | F+2 R+4 W+2 | Inish +1 Per +3 S.M. +5) Female Suli Bard 3
DM Chaos wrote:
@ Ranim - Sorry, 'm just a farma'. But I dreams a fightn' da evil like ma brudder Otis. But I likes songs 'n pretty gals.

Ranim blushes abit at Elmo's words. "I suppose I'll have to continue for awhile then." Ranim will stand and perform a few more songs for the audience.

Hobbit [hp = 19/22; AC14/T14/ff11; F +1; R+3; W+4 CMD 12]

Braden quietly observes the action. Having made himself unwelcome by two of the ladies of Hommlett, Braden decides to keep a low profile and sticks wtih Maegge, finally voicing his opinion,"I say we visit Jaroo again after second breakfast and ask his advice. He is the one source we can trust. We can update him on who we met here. He can give us the background on these people. I do want to start adventuring soon."
Braden rubs his hands together and has a big grin.

Hmmm, I posted a response to most of these yesterday, must have hit the preview and not the post.

Zert just looks at Tybek and shakes his head: You can find the goblins on your own if you wish. I am an adventurer just like you. I am here to make money and make a name for myself.

He then turns to Glorfin: Those two. We are friends and all stay here in the inn. Companions we are not. Someday perhaps we will go out together, but we have not done so yet.

He then leans in and whispers: Kobort's a nice guy, but not all that bright.

@ Ranim - you see Elmo sitting back and enjoying your singing.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)
Zert wrote:
"You can find the goblins on your own if you wish. I am an adventurer just like you. I am here to make money and make a name for myself."

"Aye, aye, Oi believe yae. Yae jist need tae earn sae money loik the rest o' us! Yah, Oi've heard that b'fore. Well, tell me, Zert. Are yae anie gud with an axe? And Oi'm nae talkin aboot usin it tae chop down trees either!"

Zert wrote:
"Kobort's a nice guy, but not all that bright. "

"Aye, yae got that richt mae friend! Oi'd say the lantern is on, but nobody's at the hoose!"

Male Human Cleric 3 (FC) AC 20 HP 29/29 F: +5 R: +2 W:+5 Perc: +2

I am still around, just doesn't seem like a good place to insert myself without being too arbitrary, just waiting for the others to come back with the various stories they have heard.

Zert looks over at Tybek: Axe? Na, I prefer a good sword.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)

"Oi dinnae mean any disrespect, Zert, but gimmae an oor tae talk tae mae company and see whit they say tae acceptin yer offer. Oi dannae how long it'll tak, but it shouldnae be tae long."

Tybek stands up from the table with his drink in hand and says to Glorfin, "Let's see what the others hae tae say, mae friend. Oi also want tae hear yer twa caps worth! Come and join me at Arin's table."

Tybek calls the halflings, Ranim, and Glorfin over to the table with Arindale, and calls a quick meeting.

"Oi've been talkin tae this fella, Zert, and he kens the location o' a gobbie cave. He's agreed tae tell us the location if we'll tak him along wid us. He says he's gud wid a sword, but Oi havnae seen him fight wid it. What dae yae all say tae acceptin the fella? Oi dannae care either way, but it would gie us a place tae start huntin the gobbies!"

Hobbit [hp = 19/22; AC14/T14/ff11; F +1; R+3; W+4 CMD 12]

Braden listens carefully to Tybek's every word. It is probably due to the version of common that Tybek speaks. He appends with a nod:
"Going after goblins is a respectable start to an adventuring career and is a task that dwarves are often dedicated to and good at. I would prefer to consult with Jaroo before making our next move. Although he is quite lacking in social skills, we should maximize our use of this asset. Especially as he is involved in our fight rather than committed. I think providing advice is within his boundaries."

HP 25/25; Per +12 (+2 outside); AC 16, Touch 14, Flat 13; Gimpy HP 28/28; Per +6; AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14

The hitherto now silent Maegge adds in, "If there's any goblins, I'm sure Jaroo could help narrow down their exact location."

Adding a moment later in a tone slightly shaded with emotion, "Goblins are bad: they hurt animals. And we'd be showing the town we're really here to help."

Male Human Cleric 3 (FC) AC 20 HP 29/29 F: +5 R: +2 W:+5 Perc: +2

I agree, I am okay with him coming along and killing as many Goblins as we can find if he knows the way! he says coldly...

Braden Montajay wrote:
Braden listens carefully to Tybek's every word. It is probably due to the version of common that Tybek speaks.

I think the version is called uncommon.

I am enjoying the interaction. Once you all have made a decision and decided you are finished talking with the folk, let me know and we can move on to the next day.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)

"Braden, mae wee friend, dae yae think we should all visit Jaroo, or is this a trip thae jist yae and mebbae Maegge should tak? Oi ken that Oi didnae gie 'em the best impression! Even wid mae generous donation tae his poor animal and dyin plant fund, Oi still dannae think he loiks me! But if he gets along wid yae, then gae an' find oot whit he thinks o' Zert! Ach, and while yer at it, try tae find oot if thair is somethin fishy aboot them twa castle builders. Oi still find it queer that they dinnae want us slayin gobbies or wee dug men!" Tybek pulls out his pocket watch and checks the time. "Aye, if yae gae richt noo, yae mae be able tae catch 'em b'fore he gaes tae bed. Oi certainly wouldnae want tae disturb the fella's beauty sleep!"

Male Human Cleric 3 (FC) AC 20 HP 29/29 F: +5 R: +2 W:+5 Perc: +2

Arindale looks Tybek in the eyes, Who cares if Jaroo is worried about the Goblins, he was worried that we would stir them up. If we wipe them out they won't be able to stir up any trouble, so that's what I aim to do!
He was only worried about the town, let's just make sure none of them survive...

He seems to settle on the idea, We should be off for a good nights sleep, Goblins are not the easiest foes in larger numbers. he says to the others.

Profile not in use

Begrudgingly Glorfin leaves his seat to join the others with Tybek, first taking time to re-stow his shield upon his back and hammers at the ready. He listens to the words of his reasonably new found companions carefully and weighs them well.

Responding he cautions "The promise he offers is enticing... but he does not have my trust. There is little to lose, and little else that bids our attention... but I would be clear. I may follow, but he does not walk beside me." adding in thought And you will be measured by your trust in such a man.

Ready to roll on the new day

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)
Glorfin wrote:
"The promise he offers is enticing... but he does not have my trust. There is little to lose, and little else that bids our attention... but I would be clear. I may follow, but he does not walk beside me."

"Well if Oi hear nae other objections, then Oi suppose we'll let 'em bring us there. Mind yae, we should all keep an eye on our belt pouches jist tae be safe!"

Tybek returns to Zert and addresses him, "We wid loik tae tak yae up on yer offer! Mind yae, yae're on a trial basis until yae prove yer worth. We'ill be leaving at approximately noin o'clock in the morning! Be sure tae pack yer gear and yer sword tonight. Fare well until then, Zert! Mebbae Oi'll see yae fer breakfast!"

Tybek will retire to his bed in the common bunk room. He snores nice as loudly as he sleeps.

Zert smiles as you agree to let him test his sword with yours. He then orders another ale before deciding it is time to turn in.

Well all, if we are to be on the hunt for those nasty green things tomorrow, I should get some sleep. I will see you all for breakfast in the morning.

You all turn in for the night, I know that Ranim paid for some of your rooms, make sure you keep track if you spent much.

In the morning, you awaken to the smell of breakfast cooking. Breakfast is 3 Wolves for a plain (continental) breakfast, or 6 Wolves for a full breakfast with eggs, bacon, sausage, oatmeal, rolls and flapjacks.

Whoever gets up first and heads downstairs finds that the place has been cleaned up from last night and the only person downstairs is a man in a robe who is intently reading a book while occasionally taking a sip from a cup of coffee. Ostler and his wife are both in the kitchen and he welcomes you when he sees you.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)

Walking up to Ostler, Tybek asks, "Are yae the owner o' this here Inn? Oi hae just a few suggestions tae help yae wid yer business. First o' all, who came up with the name Welcome Wench? Yae wid think this place was an 'or ouse by the like of that name! Yae should consider changin the name tae 'The Mighty Axe' or something that inspires courage and confidence in yer business. Twa, Oi've a concern wid the price yae're sellin the Five Kings Mead! The proice is outrageous! It's loik yae're robbin the people blind. Dannae deny it, Oi ken yae hae a wee monopolae goin an all. Now, Oi dannae mind if yae sell the elven wines at an exorbitant price an all. Oi totally see that some folk loik tae spend their hard earned gold on such luxuries, but Five Kings is nae frivolous! That's a drink that gies strength tae us dwarves and warms oor bellies when the cauld and dampness o' life tries tae tak yer spirit. Oi'll naturally forgive yae fer yer lack o' understandin, but now that Oi've clarified the importance o' such a brew, Oi'll be expected yae tae change yer price accordingly! Noo," Tybek says as he glances at his pocket watch. "It aboot time fer some breakfast. Oi'll hae yer full meal if yae please! We're auf tae hunt gobbies and roust them frae their cave, and Oi cannae dae it on an emptae stomach, noo, can Oi?!"

6 wolves deducted for breakfast.

Hobbit [hp = 19/22; AC14/T14/ff11; F +1; R+3; W+4 CMD 12]

Braden is at the end of his coins and hits Maegge up for a loan. He then orders the full breakfast and speaks to Tybek,
"We gotta sell our stuff from those lumber guys. I need the cash."

As Braden notices a fellow scholar or wizard reading a book, he ambles up to the robed man: "Good morning to you. I see you are a scholar or a learned man. Care to discuss the local area? Being new to Hommlett I am woefully uninformed."

Looking at the man just drinking coffee, "I have never had coffee without taking a generous helping of food with it. It seems strange to me to see coffee trying to function as a full breakfast."

The hobbit is definitely emphatic about the last statement.

Male Human Cleric 3 (FC) AC 20 HP 29/29 F: +5 R: +2 W:+5 Perc: +2
Tybek Odeon wrote:

Walking up to Ostler, Tybek asks, "Are yae the owner o' this here Inn? Oi hae just a few suggestions tae help yae wid yer business. First o' all, who came up with the name Welcome Wench? Yae wid think this place was an 'or ouse by the like of that name! Yae should consider changin the name tae 'The Mighty Axe' or something that inspires courage and confidence in yer business. Twa, Oi've a concern wid the price yae're sellin the Five Kings Mead! The proice is outrageous! It's loik yae're robbin the people blind. Dannae deny it, Oi ken yae hae a wee monopolae goin an all. Now, Oi dannae mind if yae sell the elven wines at an exorbitant price an all. Oi totally see that some folk loik tae spend their hard earned gold on such luxuries, but Five Kings is nae frivolous! That's a drink that gies strength tae us dwarves and warms oor bellies when the cauld and dampness o' life tries tae tak yer spirit. Oi'll naturally forgive yae fer yer lack o' understandin, but now that Oi've clarified the importance o' such a brew, Oi'll be expected yae tae change yer price accordingly! Noo," Tybek says as he glances at his pocket watch. "It aboot time fer some breakfast. Oi'll hae yer full meal if yae please! We're auf tae hunt gobbies and roust them frae their cave, and Oi cannae dae it on an emptae stomach, noo, can Oi?!"

6 wolves deducted for breakfast.

Arindale has been up since dawn...the day's adventure weighing heavily on him, Ty, enough with the b!$++in'. Come sit down and eat and leave them alone. he say grumpily.

He whispers, Don't you know better than to upset the person who is serving your meals and drinks! Next thing you know we will all be eatin' pig pooh and watered down ale's. Focus...we are going to fight Goblins in their territory, this maybe our last day...

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)
Braden wrote:
"We gotta sell our stuff from those lumber guys. I need the cash."

"Ach Aye! Dannae let yer trousers get in a twist! Oi'll get yae yer share. Lemmae jist sit and enjoy mae breakfast first! Oi promise Oi'll gae out first thing after mae sausages! If yae need a few wolves, lemmae know and Oi can carry yae through til yae get paid!"

Arindale wrote:
"Ty, enough with the b*@!~in'. Come sit down and eat and leave them alone." he say grumpily. He whispers, "Don't you know better than to upset the person who is serving your meals and drinks! Next thing you know we will all be eatin' pig pooh and watered down ale's."

"Ach, Mebbae yer richt! The place daesnae seem sae bad aftair all. But, Oi sometimes cannae help maeself frae speakin mae mind. Ok, mebbae I cannae expect them tae change the name of the place tae the Mighty Axe, but Oi'm hopin tae get a deal on Five Kings Mead as soon as Oi can. Oi dunnae hae much money and Oi've got tae make it last, yae ken! Besides, they wouldnae dare water doon the ale! That wid be a mortal sin! Five Kings is perfection and yae cannae tamper wid that! Yae of all people should ken that!"

Arindale wrote:
"Focus...we are going to fight Goblins in their territory, this maybe our last day..."

"Aye, mebbae yer richt! Oi've got tae focus on the gud things in life! What could be better than a day o' gobbie slalyin?! All Oi can think o' is mebbae a day of wee dug men puntin and gobbie slayin!"

Male Human Cleric 3 (FC) AC 20 HP 29/29 F: +5 R: +2 W:+5 Perc: +2

Cheers to that Ty!

Arindale shuffles his own nearly empty purse and nods his head to Braden's statement, You think we can sell that stuff and get maybe a wand of healing to use? I have seen them in the temple and it could be very useful in the field. I can even use one!

As Tybek begins to accost him, Ostler simply shakes his head: If you do not like my Inn, you are welcome to take your business elsewhere. We are days from the nearest town and have a reputation as one of the best Inns north of Oppara. I do not plan on either changing my name or prices thank you very much Master Dwarf.

@ Braden - the man looks up from his book, rather surprised to see someone wanting to talk with him. I too am quite new to the town. What brings you here my friend?

HP 25/25; Per +12 (+2 outside); AC 16, Touch 14, Flat 13; Gimpy HP 28/28; Per +6; AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14

Maegge comes in from checking on the group's creatures... or maybe sleeping in the stable again; you can't be sure. Sitting down with the rest, he orders the large breakfast as his stomach growls in anticipation.

At Braden's request, he replied, "Oh, certainly, my friend. If we end up fighting, we'll need our strength! Come, come - eat up, now!"

[(HP 20/26 | AC15 T11 FF13 CMD16 | F+2 R+4 W+2 | Inish +1 Per +3 S.M. +5) Female Suli Bard 3

Having had little to contribute to the conversation regarding the goblins herself, Ranim continued performing into the night, bidding Elmo a good evening before retiring herself.

In the morning, Ranim awakens with a soreness in her legs from the dancing, with another in her throat from the singing. Taking the time to prepare for the day, she comes downstairs and lays out a few coins, indicating a plain breakfast, but an extra coin. "Tea, with honey please." Late coming down, she silently joins the others while soothing her throat with the honeyed tea.

Subtracted 4 wolves.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)
Arindale wrote:
"You think we can sell that stuff and get maybe a wand of healing to use? I have seen them in the temple and it could be very useful in the field. I can even use one!"

"Sellin shouldnae be a problem. Oi just hae tae make sure they dannae try tae undercut mae offer! But dannae worry yerself! Oi dealt wid these touts before and ol Tybek Odeon kens jist how tae deal wid them. But whit dae yae need a wand o' healing fer? Oi thought yae cauld dae that wid just yer own drinkin powers and layin on o' hands? Isnae that what the Drunken Hero gies tae all his priests? Oh, and anither thing! Oi jist wanted tae mention that we are not gannae be outside tae much. We're going to mostly be fightin in caves and under the ground in dungeons an such! So, dannae get anything that is only good in a field!"

After breakfast, Tybek and Arindale travel across town with the mule loaded up with goods to try and fight a place to sell the wares.

Knowledge, Local 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

HP 25/25; Per +12 (+2 outside); AC 16, Touch 14, Flat 13; Gimpy HP 28/28; Per +6; AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14

Since his previous tab-payment, Maegge (and the portion of Braden's food Maegge is covering) is 12 wolves and 6 caps. Deducting from wealth.

Male Human Cleric 3 (FC) AC 20 HP 29/29 F: +5 R: +2 W:+5 Perc: +2

Just before they enter the establishment for sale...Here is Cayden's luck, just think on it and it will help you get the best price for our goods...doesn't hurt to have the help of the gods when you are haggling!

Casts Guidance on Ty...

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)

Is that a freudian slip or what? No, Tybek is not trying to fight a place to sell the wares. He is trying to find a place to sell his wares!

"Ach Aye! Thanks, mae friend! Oi'm always glad tae accept the help o' the Drunken Hero! He always helps me when Oi'm thirsty! Why not at other times as well!"

Hobbit [hp = 19/22; AC14/T14/ff11; F +1; R+3; W+4 CMD 12]

Braden paid 5 wolves for the small room that Maegge and he shared leaving him down to a few wolves.
"Maegge, maybe we get lucky and these goblins will be gourmets. I will never pay off my dog loan at the rate we are going through funds."
Braden resumes his conversation with the book reader.
"I am Braden, a scholar from afar. I am here to seek my fortune and earn my ample meals. How about you?"

A quick inquiry of Ostler and he tells you that the town trader has a shop just north of the bridge.

Let me know who goes and make sure you give me diplomacy (or bluff/intimidate/anything else) rolls.

Assuming you head to the trader's - #13 on the map.

Outside the door, a shield and lantern are suspended from chains. The shield is painted, showing a sword and a cheese. This is the local trading post, wherein a merchant apparently provides for the needs of villagers, travelers and adventurers alike.

@ Braden - The man looks up suddenly surprised to be interrupted.

Excuse me? Can I help you Mister . . . Braden?

Hobbit [hp = 19/22; AC14/T14/ff11; F +1; R+3; W+4 CMD 12]

Braden replies, "I find myself far from home with not many packed books. Is there a a library nearby or a private collection I could peruse?"

@ Braden - The man continues to stare at you as though you are an alien:
No, I do not know of any libraries. You could ask at the temple, but I doubt they would have anything interesting.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)

"Ach! This must bae the place! They dunnae hae a sign wid words on it, but when yae hang a shield wid a block a cheese on it, they must be tellin yae that they're traders. Well, it's that or the cheese protection guild! Har Har Ho Ho!" Tybek laughs at his own wit.

"Now remember, yae hae tae ken how tae work wid these types! Oi've been daein it a lang time and Oi've developed a certain technique o'er the years. Noo watch, and Oi'll show yae how a master daes it!"

Tybek enters with Arindale and approaches someone that looks like he works there.

"Hey yae wid the big nose! Aye, Oi'm talkin tae yae!! Oi've got a mule ootside loaded up wid valuable goods. Sae yae better put awa whatever yae're daein, get auf yer skeeter, and gie oot here an look at em an gie me and mae friend the best damn offer yae got! Cause we've got a lot tae dae today and if yae plan on keepin oor business, which we hope tae gie yae a lot o', yae better be keepin us happy!"

Diplomacy 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1

Male Human Cleric 3 (FC) AC 20 HP 29/29 F: +5 R: +2 W:+5 Perc: +2

Even Arindale's dense mind picks up on the body language of the owner as Tybek insults him...his hope is only the fact that the Dwarf is almost impossible to understand without magic...

He puts his hand on the Dwarf's shoulder and speaks up, What my friend is trying to say is that we would like to sell a few items we recovered adventuring.

diplomacy 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

He then fetches said items and places them on the counter...

HP 25/25; Per +12 (+2 outside); AC 16, Touch 14, Flat 13; Gimpy HP 28/28; Per +6; AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14
Tybek Odeon wrote:
Diplomacy 1d20-2 = (1)-2 = -1


"Braden, look: more bacon!" exclaimed Maegge, hoping to distract the elder halfling from his quickly-becoming-awkward conversation.

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