Temple of Elemental Evil - Delving the depths of the Abyss on Golarian.

Game Master Tirion Jörðhár

The classic AD&D Temple of Elemental Evil - with a Pathfinder and Golarian twist.

Village of Hommlet - with building numbers <-- Legend in Campaign Info

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Male Human Cleric 3 (FC) AC 20 HP 29/29 F: +5 R: +2 W:+5 Perc: +2

Arindale gives the Dwarf a big grin and raises his glass to him thinking, Well done! That's less leg work we need to do now. The people around here will be falling over themselves to come talk to we heroes!.

Hobbit [hp = 19/22; AC14/T14/ff11; F +1; R+3; W+4 CMD 12]

Cooking1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

HP 25/25; Per +12 (+2 outside); AC 16, Touch 14, Flat 13; Gimpy HP 28/28; Per +6; AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14

If possible, Aid Another: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

@ Tybek - one of the men, who looks to be on this third or fourth mug of stout already responds to your question: Hic, well dwarf, we're build'n a castle so evil 'll be too scare'd t'bother Hommlet. We's work'n on the rampart t'day. He then takes another swig of his stout and makes a sour face. Boy this stuff has a bite. If yer from Maheto, y'all got some ter'ble stout.


Sorry - thought you walked through the room after your pronouncement.

@ all - after making his rather unexpected pronouncement, the crowd is full of murmurs.
Perception DC12:

You hear one of the local say: What a strange dwarf, did you see his eyes?

Perception DC15:

You hear another local say: My brother thought he saw some bandits watching the farmers to the east of town the day before yesterday.

Another responds: I heard they were not bandits, but goblins or some dog like humanoid.

Perception DC18:

You hear another local say: The bandits never attack town, why should we help this strange dwarf? It would probably just direct their attention to us.

Another responds to this one: The strange thing is that they seem to only attack some caravans. There are several caravans that never get attacked.

Sense Motive DC18:

You sense that the locals are concerned about the bandits, but do not seem overly worried.

@ Braden & Maegge
After finishing your cooking experiment (I really am not sure what you are cooking), the result is not the most appetizing looking food. It tastes decent and while Braden feels it is of exceptional quality, Maegge's more refined taste quickly realizes that it could have been much better. The Goodwife politely takes a small bite and then looking at the mess that was made, shoes you both out of the kitchen.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)

Sense Motive 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

One of the Men wrote:
"Hic, well dwarf, we're build'n a castle so evil 'll be too scare'd t'bother Hommlet. We's work'n on the rampart t'day."

"Who are yae buildin a castle fer? Dae yae hae a Lord o' the toon that wants tae live in it? Oi heard that evil daesnae want tae attack the toon anaway!"

Man wrote:
"Boy this stuff has a bite. If yer from Maheto, y'all got some ter'ble stout. "

"Aye, if yer not careful, it'll leave its bite marks on yae!"

HP 25/25; Per +12 (+2 outside); AC 16, Touch 14, Flat 13; Gimpy HP 28/28; Per +6; AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Maegge stumbles out of the kitchen fast ahead of the goodwife's broom. He turned to Braden and said, "Your last one was better. You must've left it on too long and burned it."

Catching only a single thread of the conversation, he looks perplexed. What about whose eyes?

Male Human Cleric 3 (FC) AC 20 HP 29/29 F: +5 R: +2 W:+5 Perc: +2

sense motive 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
perception 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Poke - it is very quiet all the sudden.

@ Tybek - There be no lord here. It's fer them in the corner. He points his thumb at the two late comers sitting in the corner. Not sure they needs a fort in Hommlet, but work's work.

HP 25/25; Per +12 (+2 outside); AC 16, Touch 14, Flat 13; Gimpy HP 28/28; Per +6; AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14

Hey, I'm here. Too much, probably, judging by the list of actionables on my desk that I'm otherwise ignoring.

Male Human Cleric 3 (FC) AC 20 HP 29/29 F: +5 R: +2 W:+5 Perc: +2

I think we have pretty much done what we can tonight. We have heard some rumors of where the bandits are but nothing immediately actionable at the moment and no one seems to be approaching us yet. Looks like we need to get a good nights rest, wake up and sell what goods we can and go bandit hunting...

Hobbit [hp = 19/22; AC14/T14/ff11; F +1; R+3; W+4 CMD 12]

Braden is surprised at the dramatic announcement; he decides to settle in for the evening.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)
Castle Worker wrote:
"There be no lord here. It's fer them in the corner." He points his thumb at the two late comers sitting in the corner. Not sure they needs a fort in Hommlet, but work's work."

"Aye, thanks fer the tip. Mebbae Oi should hae a talk with them."

Tybek walks up to the corner table and says, "Gud evenin Burne, Rufus. Oi'm Tybek Odeon and Oi'm new tae toon, but Oi understand yer buildin a wee castle. Oi just wantae offer the services of me and m' mates in case yae hae any work o' the dangerous sort that yae need sae brave folk tae take care of! Fer a fair wage, we're willin tae take care o' any wee beastie's that mae be botherin yer work. What dae yae sae tae that?"

Diplomacy 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (17) - 2 = 15

@ Tybek - the taller man in a robe looks at you for a moment.
Good evening Master Tybek. What type of dangerous work would you like? And what type of beasts are you looking to fight?

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)
Taller man in robe wrote:
"Good evening Master Tybek. What type of dangerous work would you like? And what type of beasts are you looking to fight?"

"Well, we've jist arrived in toon, sae let's start with the wee problems first. Mebbae wee dug men or gobbies first and then we'll work up tae yae're bigger problems. We are hopin tae help the toon and the people while earnin a wage tae keep oor life whit we are accustomed tae. We hae six in the company includin maeself, and we've already fought off a half dozen wee gobbies already. Soo, whit jobs dae yae hae fer us, and whit wid yae be willin tae pay fer our services?"

Profile not in use

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Glorfin remains firmly rooted to his seat, slowly savoring the ale that was gifted to him.

@ Tybek - the soldier just sits and watches you while the man in the robes responds.
Master dwarf. I do not know where you are from. Although from your accent, I would guess you are not from the mines of the Five Kings Mountains. But, here in Hommlet, we are not attacked by goblins. The goblins and, what did you call them, dug men, do not bother us. They know that they will lose. Should you wish to attack any of them, that is your choice and we will not stop you from coming and going from Hommlet. But, if you incite them so that they attack us, then you will no longer be welcome here.

If you and your friends should have success against any humanoids, then I will consider whether a reward is appropriate. But, unless you are prepared to clear the entire road from Yanmass to Galt, I would be not be surprised if every hole you clear out was not filled with more vermin the next day.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)
Robed Man wrote:
"Should you wish to attack any of them, that is your choice and we will not stop you from coming and going from Hommlet. But, if you incite them so that they attack us, then you will no longer be welcome here."

"Yae dannae understand! Oi'm tryin tae help yae! Oi wouldnae attack wee dug men jist tae get them tae attack yae! The gobbies are nae different, but a wee bit greener! Oi'm offerin oor services simply tae help yae, but if yae dannae hae nae bother with them, then tell me whit yae dae hae trouble with! We are a flexible group and dannae want tae just be killin vermin fer nae reason at'ool! We jist heard yae were building a wee castle and Oi thought there mae be some special jobs that yae wid need sae help wid. Even if yae hae trouble of a mechanical sort, Oi mae be able tae help. Oi'm frae Maheto and mae Da wis a clockmaker there. When Oi was but a wee thing maeself, Oi took o'er the profession when he was killed! Yae dannae want a clock in yer wee castle dae yae?"

HP 25/25; Per +12 (+2 outside); AC 16, Touch 14, Flat 13; Gimpy HP 28/28; Per +6; AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14

Maegge sits back down with Arindale. Tybek seemed to be engrossed in conversation with some men in the corner, Glorfin looked thoroughly satisifed with himself back against the wall, and Braden had just retired.

"What do you say, Arindale? Another ale?"

Maegge looked around thoughtfully. "Where's Ranim? I thought she'd be back on stage now that we got Tybek off it!" he chuckled.

Male Human Cleric 3 (FC) AC 20 HP 29/29 F: +5 R: +2 W:+5 Perc: +2

I swear, I had no idea he was that bad at the drums. Much more of that and the village would have turned against us! he smiles.

There is still a beer or two left in the pitcher, help yourself.

The beer was watered down again while everyone else was wandering around...not sure what the check is, maybe perception?

HP 25/25; Per +12 (+2 outside); AC 16, Touch 14, Flat 13; Gimpy HP 28/28; Per +6; AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14

Maegge wouldn't notice regardless as he hasn't had a lot of experience with drink - and the first one was quite big for a halfling so he's probably fairly buzzed at this point.

"Thanks," said Maegge pouring himself another before taking a swig. "Ahh, I needed that. So how did you end up at the Spider Queen? I mean, you all know how I did after meeting that tracker guy on the way here...."

@ Tybek - the tall man looks at you again.
You do not understand, if the goblins and . . er, dug men, are attacked, then they will likely decide that we are the cause. It does not take many raids on the outlying farms before the villagers get really annoyed.

If you and your friends want to go exploring somewhere, I would say to go and find the old moathouse. It was destroyed nearly a century ago, but seems to attract nuisances like bandits, and adventurers. I doubt there is anything there, but it will give you all something to do other than scaring the locals with your music.

To find it, just follow the overgrown path just north of the new fort. Oh, and if you want anyone else in your group, ask around, there are more than a few out of work adventurers in this town.

@ Everyone - Just as the tall man finishes talking with Tybek and raises his mug to his lips, the door opens and a big kid with a grin walks in. You hear one of the locals call out: Hey Osler, better hide the brew, Elmo's here.

Hobbit [hp = 19/22; AC14/T14/ff11; F +1; R+3; W+4 CMD 12]

Braden returns with a meat pie in his hands.

"It is still busy. I guess everyone is waitin' for Tybek's drum solo."

Braden will see if anyone is willimg to pay to not hear the drum solo.

Male Human Cleric 3 (FC) AC 20 HP 29/29 F: +5 R: +2 W:+5 Perc: +2
Maegge Weissam wrote:

Maegge wouldn't notice regardless as he hasn't had a lot of experience with drink - and the first one was quite big for a halfling so he's probably fairly buzzed at this point.

"Thanks," said Maegge pouring himself another before taking a swig. "Ahh, I needed that. So how did you end up at the Spider Queen? I mean, you all know how I did after meeting that tracker guy on the way here...."

The smile disappears from Arindale's face and he speaks matter of factly, I was with another adventuring group. We were ambushed by Goblins on the road to Yanmass, I am the only one that survived by fleeing...not very heroic but it was almost over with by the time I realized we were being attacked. As you have seen I am fast...they couldn't catch me or I wouldn't be here either.

He suddenly looks at his 1/4 full ale and proceed to knock it off the table...the mug bouncing across the floor, he then stands and stomps out of the tavern to get some fresh air...

HP 25/25; Per +12 (+2 outside); AC 16, Touch 14, Flat 13; Gimpy HP 28/28; Per +6; AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14

Maegge sits stunned and confused at the sudden turn in events. He'd figured Arindale, at least, would've been happy to sit around talking for the remainder of the evening.

"Braden? I thought you left. Arindale just did; I don't know why but I think I must've said something." He takes another long pull of the watered-down ale. "We've been in here a while, I should check on Gimpy and make sure he's all set for the night. I'll check on your dog, to."

With that, he pulls out some coin to place on the table and heads out to the stable area.

Maegge will spend the remainder of the evening with Gimpy, only returning inside the Inn shortly before it locks up for the night. Unless someone else is out there, Maegge's done for "the night".

Male Human Cleric 3 (FC) AC 20 HP 29/29 F: +5 R: +2 W:+5 Perc: +2

Arindale is standing outside of the Inn in the middle of the street muttering to himself...probably wouldn't notice you if you were to just slip by...

[(HP 20/26 | AC15 T11 FF13 CMD16 | F+2 R+4 W+2 | Inish +1 Per +3 S.M. +5) Female Suli Bard 3

Ranim took the interruptions throughout the night with all the grace she could manage. It was part of working in such establishments, she knew. Tybek's unique performance followed by Glorfin's announcement took many eyes off her, a painful blow to her tips for the evening, but hopefully the information would be well worth it. Though she wasn't certain what either of the dwarves ploys were.

Taking a short break after the announcement to allow the crowd to chatter and build anticipation again, she decides the new arrival might be a good time to resume her performance. Before though, she does ask the innkeeper, "So who might the new arrival be, this Elmo?"

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

@ Ranim - The innkeeper looks over at you as he gets another round together for one of the tables.
Elmo, he is a good kid, not too bright though. But strong as an ox. If you are interested, ask him about his brother, he never stops talking about his big brother.

[(HP 20/26 | AC15 T11 FF13 CMD16 | F+2 R+4 W+2 | Inish +1 Per +3 S.M. +5) Female Suli Bard 3

"I suppose I shall have to do so." Ranim moves to begin her performance, thinking to herself, "But first a little fun. Nothing alleviates tension like a little playful teasing, and good kids can be the best victims." Switching gears abit, she decides to try out one of the songs an 'aunt' of hers had taught her amongst the troupe, a raunchy and comedic song full of double entendres. And one her father had forbade her to learn.

Choosing this Elmo as her victim for the evening she breaks out in song, seeing how much embarassment the poor lad could take.

Perform (Singing): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

If Elmo's still here by the time she's done, Ranim will call it for the night with her performances and join him for a drink, mostly to learn what she can of the town, before retiring for the evening. Don't want to hold thing up since looks like everyone's ready for the next day.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)
Robed Man wrote:
"If you and your friends want to go exploring somewhere, I would say to go and find the old moathouse. It was destroyed nearly a century ago, but seems to attract nuisances like bandits, and adventurers. I doubt there is anything there, but it will give you all something to do other than scaring the locals with your music."

"Explorin?! There isnae much money in explorin! Oi was hopin yae had somethin fer us tae dae that yae could pay us fer! As fer makin music, could yae nae hear that Oi was make the rhythm?! Oi'm as steady as a clock! Oi couldnae help that the bard didnae want tae keep up wid me and sing loud enough tae be heard!"

@ Tybek - the man you are talking to arrived after you and Ramin had put on your performance. I am sure that he is very thankful that he missed it.

@ Tybek - The man just shakes his head. Many have made great wealth exploring old ruins. You can beg all you want, but I do not know who you or your friends are and even if I did have work, I doubt that I would offer it to you until I knew why you are here. For all I know, you could be bandits newly come to the area and attempting to infiltrate and steal from within.

DM Rolls:

5d20 ⇒ (15, 7, 2, 1, 7) = 32

@ Ranim - About half way through the show, Elmo is bright red. You are pretty sure that it is not caused by the alcohol, but it is hard to tell.


Give me a Sense Motive roll.

[(HP 20/26 | AC15 T11 FF13 CMD16 | F+2 R+4 W+2 | Inish +1 Per +3 S.M. +5) Female Suli Bard 3

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24


You get the feeling that Elmo is hiding something.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)

I presumed he missed the performance, but he mentioned that I was scaring the locals with my music, thus Tybek naturally becomes defensive.

The Man wrote:
The man just shakes his head. Many have made great wealth exploring old ruins. "You can beg all you want, but I do not know who you or your friends are and even if I did have work, I doubt that I would offer it to you until I knew why you are here. For all I know, you could be bandits newly come to the area and attempting to infiltrate and steal from within"

"Are yae callin me a beggar?! Dae Oi look loik a beggar?!! Oi'm not askin fer yer charity! Oi was jist lookin fer work! Oi'm tryin tae be an honest dwarf and all Oi get is bein accused o' infiltratin, stealin, scarin the people,and inciting the gobbies loik some ruffian. Next yer likly tae accuse me o' feedin the dug men and forgettin tae pick up their shite after them!!! Well, Oi wouldnae want tae werk for yae anyway!"

Tybek turns away and tries to find the others.

Ach where did Arin and the wee folk get auf tae anyway?

Sptting Glorfin, Tybek walks over and slumps himself down on the seat next to him.

"Ach! Greedy rich bastards! " Tybek sighs a deep breath of frustration and then turns to his companion and says. "Noice speech, Kinsman! Oi loik the way yae come oot and say whit's on yer mind. It avoids all the confusion. Hey, whit yae drinkin? Oi just had a wee blether with those twa rich unfinished castle owners. They didnae hae any work fer us, but they did mention an auld moathouse nae far frae here that they said wid be gud fer explorin. Ha! Can yae picture me as an explorer?"

[(HP 20/26 | AC15 T11 FF13 CMD16 | F+2 R+4 W+2 | Inish +1 Per +3 S.M. +5) Female Suli Bard 3

Following the performance, Ranim retires from performing for the evening and comes to Elmo's table. "Mind a little company for the evening?"

Assuming Elmo doesn't mind. If he does, Ranim won't press the issue and will retire for the evening.

Ranim takes a seat at Elmo's table, ordering another drink. "Hope you didn't mind me selecting you from the crowd. With the grin you had coming in, thought you might've enjoyed a little teasing. Though you seemed to have something else on your mind. Makes someone wonder what that might be?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Profile not in use
Tybek Odeon wrote:
"Hey, whit yae drinkin? Oi just had a wee blether with those twa rich unfinished castle owners. They didnae hae any work fer us, but they did mention an auld moathouse nae far frae here that they said wid be gud fer explorin. Ha! Can yae picture me as an explorer?"

Glorfin offers a nod of recognition as Tybek comes over to his table. Keeping his eyes upon the room he replies "I am finishing what was given to me... a tankard which has the taste of home." sighing as he looks out at the crowd. "This town considers itself safe... they have little in way of defences and none here are truly worried about banditry or attacks... bar those that might profit from them. I trust my heart that some evil grows nearby... but it's shadow has not yet fallen here." taking a final draught and finishing the tankard.

Mulling Tybek's suggestion he responds "There would be little to lose in following their suggestion and judging with our own eyes."


Elmo looks up at you, his eyes a little bleary from the drink.
I miss my brudder Otis. He is a great warrior.

@ Anyone outside - the evening breeze is blowing from the mountains to the north and west as it has for the past few days. It is a pleasant evening and some of the town folk are out and about walking and just enjoying the peaceful evening.

@ Maegge - you find that Gimpy is in a very nice stall and has actually been brushed down and given a good amount of oats and corn as well as alfalfa hay.

@ Glorfin/Tybek - Seeing that Glorfin had finished his ale, the serving girl walks over and says: Looks like you enjoyed that ale Master . . . Glorpin. If you or your companion would like another, the big fellow in the corner offered to buy you each one. She points over at the table where Tybek was annoying the two big guys and the little guy in the robe earlier. You do not know whether she is referring to Zert or Kobort.

Profile not in use

Glorfin smiles at the serving girl and does not challenge her mangling of his name. Instead he responds "I must refuse for mine, but would not hold Tybek from accepting. If your work takes you past their table once more... you may tell them that I am loathe to accept gifts from those who have not yet proffered their name. Tell them they are welcome to come to my table." delivering his message to the lass with a silver coin.

[(HP 20/26 | AC15 T11 FF13 CMD16 | F+2 R+4 W+2 | Inish +1 Per +3 S.M. +5) Female Suli Bard 3

Feeling abit embarassed by the treatment she gave Elmo, she does her best to provide a listening ear. "I'm sorry to hear that. May I ask what happened?"

Elmo just shakes his head. I dunno know where he's now. Went 'venturing 'n I ain't seen 'm in months. Said he's goin' ta fight evil er sump'n like that.

Then Elmo smiles.
He's a great warrior, I'm sure he's ok. Maybe someday I kin be a warrior too.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)
Glorfin wrote:
"I trust my heart that some evil grows nearby... but it's shadow has not yet fallen here."

"Oi wid trust tae yer heart as well, Kinsman! But Oi would even wonder if its shadow has already reached that table o'er there!"

Glorfin wrote:
" "There would be little to lose in following their suggestion and judging with our own eyes."

"Sae, dae yae think we should gae and check oot that moathouse after all? Oi just hope it isnae a trap tae get rid o' us!"

Serving Wench wrote:
"Looks like you enjoyed that ale Master . . . Glorpin. If you or your companion would like another, the big fellow in the corner offered to buy you each one. "

Tybek gives a look of pleasant surprise and replies, "He offered tae buy it fer us?!" The dwarf takes a quick glance at his pocketwatch and exclaims, "Aye! Oi'll hae another ane! Get me a Five Kings if yae please, Lass!" Tybek raises his tankard in toast to the fellows in the corner. "Now that's whit Oi call class! Let's see if we can dae mair business wid them!"

[(HP 20/26 | AC15 T11 FF13 CMD16 | F+2 R+4 W+2 | Inish +1 Per +3 S.M. +5) Female Suli Bard 3
DM Chaos wrote:

Elmo just shakes his head. I dunno know where he's now. Went 'venturing 'n I ain't seen 'm in months. Said he's goin' ta fight evil er sump'n like that.

Then Elmo smiles.
He's a great warrior, I'm sure he's ok. Maybe someday I kin be a warrior too.

"I'm sure he's fine as well. And it looks you're well on your way to becoming a fine warrior too. Did you brother train you before he left? And what of this evil he fought?"

Male Human Cleric 3 (FC) AC 20 HP 29/29 F: +5 R: +2 W:+5 Perc: +2

Arindale returns after a while and sits back down...he eyes the pitcher of beer warily.

Hobbit [hp = 19/22; AC14/T14/ff11; F +1; R+3; W+4 CMD 12]

Braden munches on his pie and walks around the common room with a full pipe. Many times he seems to consider lighting it, but always eventually refrains.

Is the entertainment over?

Yup, not a lot of entertainment out here unless some wandering Bard comes through.

@ Ranim - Yeh, I hope he's okay. Hmm, yeh, I kin swing an axe real good. My brudder Otis taught me.

Profile not in use
Tybek Odeon wrote:

"Sae, dae yae think we should gae and check oot that moathouse after all? Oi just hope it isnae a trap tae get rid o' us!"

"Now that's whit Oi call class! Let's see if we can dae mair business wid them!"

Glorfin tempers his response "Whether they speak truth or falsehood the only way to find out will be through acting upon it. By doing so we will earn either a friend... or a foe."

"Though I would see the men move to greet me before I consider the offer of ale..."

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)

"What did yae say?! Yae wantae wait fer them tae approach first?! Yae dannae think they poisoned the drink dae yae? Even if they did, it cannae be worse than that Maheto stout! Aye, they seem noice enough tae me, but the big fella seems a bit dim witted if yae ask me. He couldnae even understand whit Oi was sayin! Oi dunnae ken much aboot the other fella. He looks smart enough, but he daesnae blether atool!"

Profile not in use

Grunting neutrally Glorfin explains "When I addressed the room those three that offer ale were the most concerned by my words..." shrugging slightly "I would wager they have ties to the banditry in some manner... though fair or foul I cannot discern. That they make contact from shadow rather than openly approach does not salve my worry"

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)

"Well it yae dannae mind, Oi'm gonnae hae the drink jist the same! At the very least, they seem tae hae taken a notice of us! Mebbae that's there way o' introducing themselves! Oi cannae help but think the words will be followin soon. I really dannae care whae comes tae blether, but Oi'm just tired o' feeling as poor as a wee church moose!"

Tybek looks at his pocket watch again and wonders how long it will take for them to make a move and approach their table.

Dwarf Rogue 3 (hp: 31/31, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14, Perception +7 (+9 Traps), Stealth +13)

"Ach?!! Why dae they jist sit their loik lumps on a log?!! Oi thought they heard yae! They bought me a fine drink as well! Oi jist dannae understand whit is taking them so long! Oi'm certain they wantae use us fer the gud o' the land, but they sure are taking their own sweet time don't yae think? Dae yae think Oi should wave them o'er?"

Profile not in use

Glorfin shakes his head slightly "No, they will come or they will not... I would leave the choice theirs."

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