The Desert Sage |

Darkness falls once again on the Uwaga Highlands and the old monastery to Sarenrae settles once more into the uneasy silence of the desert night. In the open hallway at the western end of the church the small campfire snaps and crackles quietly. The hall is unoccupied, save for one mercenary standing guard at a window near the chapel sanctuary, well away from the light of the flame. Seeing the four of you enter the hallway, he nods his greasy head once in your direction and politely leaves, proceeding east down the hallway adjoining the courtyard on a long, slow patrol.
There is time for you to reflect and discuss the things you have heard - Almah has graciously offered you all a night of rest following your scouting.
It's been a while since we last gamed, so here are some of the things you've accomplished (feel free to add anything I've forgotten):
Exploring the Highlands had a few highlights:
- A ruined fortress in the north bore the sign of a pack of gnolls, but also a set of fresh human tracks. The gnolls had apparently broken camp hurriedly and left in clusters in several different directions. The human prints arrived from the south and left in the same direction.
- In the pesh fields surrounding Kelmarane, one of you discovered the rotting remains of the pugwampi corpse that Dashki once kept by a noose on his walking stick.
- Exploring some falls that the locals believe to be haunted revealed a nixie named Beshvi. Although she was initially hostile, you successfully fought her off and then won her acceptance by befriending (sort of...) her giant albino cave solifugid. Beshvi proved to be old and a wellspring of local knowledge. She informed you that a great evil had come to Kelmarane 20 years ago and madness and violence had gripped the people of the battlemarket. An army of men from the south quelled the rioting masses and killed their leader - a cleric. The town was left desolate and then inhabited by a tribe of gnolls. Not long ago "A man who is not a man but is more than a man" came to Kelmarane, killed the gnoll chieftain, and took control of the Kulldis tribe. The battlemarket was shortly thereafter reopened to a much seedier and disreputable lot than before. Beshvi was encouraged by your proposal to rid the town of its gnoll inhabitants and desired to aid you - giving you a ring of protection and even offering to send her "pet" with you. The encounter left you with much to think about and much to discuss with Almah.
Upon your return, a few items of importance were brought to your attention:
- the geier nesting in the courtyard had returned to its nest and, while unsure and suspicious of the monastery inhabitants, had settled back into its nest without incident.
- A peryton had flown from Kelmarane earlier this morning and flown over the monastery on a wide circuit of the Uwaga Highlands. It seemed to spot a few members of the party who were not quick enough to duck for cover and immediately flew back to Kelmarane, landing in one of the largest buildings there.
Almah was initially grateful for your work, but became defensive and angry when you began to let on that you knew more than she had told you. She arranged a meeting with all of you and Garavel after supper where she, at the bidding of Garavel, told you what she knew:
- She confirmed Beshvi's story that a great evil had come to Kelmarane and clarified that the army was, in fact, Pactmaster guards who retook the town and locked the evil being behind a magically sealed door beneath the church in Kelmarane.
- She also revealed that, though she was descended from a wealthy family, her father and uncles had squandered their fortunes. This expedition was her last attempt to keep her family from going completely bankrupt.
- Finally she revealed that she possessed a key to the door containing the evil beneath Kelmarane and that it was the only known way to break the seal. Once the gnolls and their leader were driven from the town, she would ask you to rid the town of the evil presence once and for all.
- The end of your meeting concerned Dashki and the peryton. You are quite certain it was he who warned the gnolls in the fortress to the north and Almah confirmed that she has rarely seen him of late. She remains steadfastly hesitant to doubt him, but grants you permission to do whatever is necessary if his actions prove to be detrimental to the group.
- Almah was uncertain about how to address the peryton's discovery and different suggestions were made: you could stay and fight, launch an attack, or relocate to the fortress in the mountains. Almah promised to think on the matter and report her decision to you in the morning before she dismissed you.

Ahnekhet Anubu |

Despite being exhausted, Ahnekhet still lays awake, staring at the darkness of the ceiling, his right hand resting on Tempest and his left idly tracing the strange growths on his arm. I need to see if Almah or perhaps Zastoran are familiar with... what has happened to me. Ask them in the morning. Remember.
At the sound of the knock, the tall elf swiftly and quietly rises from his bed roll and carefully makes his way to the door so as to not disturb his companions. What now?
He opens the door a crack and before acknowledging their vistor flatly says, It's late.

Lotus Jabari |

Lotus wends her way back to her quarters after meeting with Almah and Garavel, her mind swimming with questions and uncertainties. Her body is beyond exhaustion though, so it doesn't take long after laying down before her breathing falls into the soft, steady rhythm of one who is soundly asleep.
Her last thoughts before slipping away were of the mysterious Dashki.
Almah trusts him. Ahnekhet doesn't. He's helped us before, didn't he? With those pugthingies? But we know he's spoken to gnolls. Where has... he been... ...

Siraaj Leonidas |

Siraaj, arms crossed, sleeps soundly despite the turmoil raging through his mind. His body is like a statue, solid and without movement, and the look on his face is one of restless determination.
I will worry about our future some other day. He assured himself prior to sitting down to lean up against the corner of the room, closing his eyes after watching his beloved sister lie down on a hard bedroll.
At the knock, he opens his eyes without moving a muscle, and they follow Anekhet as he answers the door.

Nadia Leonidas |

Nadia lies down on the bedroll and simply stares into the darkness as she conjures up one of her favorite songs her mother used to sing to her to get her to sleep.
The violet ever scents the gale,
Its hues adorn the fairest wreath;
But sweetest through a dewy veil
Its colours glow, its odours breathe.
She sings the tune in her mind, as the music of her nay echoes in her thoughts. Someday soon I might sing you for my own daughter. For now, I fight for freedom.
As she begins to drift off to sleep, the knock awakens her and she simply opens her eyes to the darkness to listen as the door is cracked open and Anekhet speaks.

Garavel01 |

Standing on the other side of the door, clearly visible to Ahnekhet's keen elven eyes despite the gloom of night, is Garavel. He nods in agreement at Ahnekhet's remark.
Or early, depending on one's perspective.
He gestures with his head toward the main hallway and the chapel beyond. The night watch has spotted something you should see. A line of torches approaches our location from the direction of Kelmarane. Almah wants all hands on deck. Ready yourselves and report to the chapel as soon as possible.
With that he turns and walks briskly toward the chapel.

Ahnekhet Anubu |

Ahnekhet watches Garavel wordlessly as the stoic man delivers his news. The elf's gaze follows the man as he fades into the darkness of the corridor beyond.
Sarenrae's holy-
Male Voice: mind your tongue in the Dawnflower's house!
Not wanting to argue, Ahnekhet instead lets out an aggravated grunt. He turns back into the room and his eyes lock with Siraaj's almost immediately.
Torches from Kelmarane. We should prepare for the worst.
As he moves quietly back to his equipment he catches Nadia's glance and directs her attention to Lotus, still sound asleep, with a nod.
I wonder what trouble comes our way...
Male Voice: Do not fear. The Everlight will sustain us.
... shut up.

Siraaj Leonidas |

Siraaj watches Garavel as the he gestures with his head and reveals to the companions the threat which approaches.
He sighs and stands up, picking up his meteor hammer with him. Shaking his head, he chuckles to himself and then looks up at the two men at the door.
Well, what are we waiting for? Let us go send these rodents to whatever foul demon god they worship!

Nadia Leonidas |

Nadia sits up and looks towards the door, watching Garavel as he speaks. As her brother stands, weapon in hand, she sighs along with him.
Is this truly what we escaped the quarry for? To travel far from home and die for another's battle?
As Ahnekhet nods at her, gesturing to Lotus, she gets up, steps over to her and gently wakes her up. When she sleepily looks up at her, Nadia nods towards the men at the door.
Gnolls are making their move to attack us. They approach us now. We must prepare.
Nadia gathers her equipment and begins to prepare for battle. The adrenaline begins to pour into her veins and fire lights up in her eyes.
Perhaps we can end this soon... perhaps freedom is just around the corner.

Lotus Jabari |

As Nadia gently bends over her, Lotus stirs, her eyelashes fluttering as she struggles to awaken.
hmmm...? Haleen? What is it? It's early isn't i-
oh. Nadia. Lotus' eyes snap into focus as the recognition of Nadia brings her rushing from wherever her mind had been.
Of course. What's- what's wrong?
Seeing the deliberateness that the others showcase as they prepare themselves, she quickly rises from her bed roll and falls into a quick routine of various stretches before gathering up her things.
As the party leaves to meet in the chapel, Lotus offers up a quick prayer to Irori before following Nadia out the door of their chamber.

Ahnekhet Anubu |

Ahnekhet stalks through the dark corridors of the ruined and repurposed monestary, Tempest gripped firmly in his right hand. The moldy growths spiraling up his arm make a slow march up past his elbow. As his teal eyes look up through one of the many breaches in the roof to the starry sky above, he absent-mindedly brushes at the mold with his free hand.
If blood is to be spilt tonight, Gorum grant me the strength to spill much of it.
A flash in the sky, the brilliant but transient appearance of a shooting star, catches his eye just before he glances back to the darkened halls around him.
And Sarenrae grant me the wisdom to know whose to spill.
She will.
Ahnekhet shakes his head briefly, a subtle gesture, then continues on to the chapel in grim silence.

The Desert Sage |

As you enter the hallway leading to the chapel you find you are not the only ones heading to see what has disturbed your slumber. One of the two guards posted at Almah's quarters is double-timing ahead of you and three mercenaries stumble gracelessly out of their room, looking quizzically at you as you pass. Dullen, the heftiest male and the first mercenary into the hall rubs a string of drool from his chin with a greasy hand and mumbles 'Sgoin' on? as you pass him.
The fire in the nave has been kicked out and the embers are strewn westerly in the direction of the ancient, rotted doors. A single, strategically placed torch burns in a sconce at the entrance to the chapel, its flames invisible to all but those inside the monastery.
Garavel stands at the entrance, in conversation with Almah and a mercenary, a rather shifty and dangerous-looking female named Kallien. Almah's eyes are fastened on her as she relates something to them. Garavel's head is turned slightly, staring intently out a window at the north end of the chapel. As you approach, some of Kallien's hushed words reach your ears, though you have to strain to make them out.
Perception Checks
Garavel's head pivots sharply at your approach and he interrupts the woman. Here they are, Almah
Kallien stutters as Siraaj steps into the light and lapses into uncomfortable silence, trying hard not to stare at the man. Almah blinks in surprise, but quickly gathers her composure.
Ah, yes. Good. My apologies for disturbing your slumber, but I'm afraid something has come up that demands your attention. Without waiting for a response she begins walking toward the north window. Please, follow me quickly.
Garavel turns to the guards and mercenaries that arrived before you and continue to file in after you and begins to speak with them in hushed tones as you follow Almah across the sanctuary. The other members of the Caravan appear to be absent.
As Almah reaches the window she stands to the side and gestures outside. Have a look. Kallien spotted them and has been watching them for a few hours. When they began heading in our direction she reported it to Garavel. Can you make anything out?
Out the window a line of torches is visible about a quarter of a mile away.
Make perception checks.

Ahnekhet Anubu |

Perception to overhear Kallien & Almah: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Perception for approaching torches: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22
Ahnekhet looks stoicly at Kallien as he follows away from the other mercenaries and over to the window.
Whoever comes this way, whether they skirted the pesh fields or not, is brazen to approach us in such a manner - telegraphing their presence so.
Without waiting for a response he turns his attention to the approaching dots of light, straining to make out what he may by starlight.

Lotus Jabari |

Perception to overhear Kallien & Almah: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Perception for approaching torches: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
As they approach the window with Almah, the conversation from earlier in the evening rushes back into her mind, causing a queer feeling to gather in the pit of her stomach.
She looks around the chapel quickly, her hair billowing as she whips her head from the left to the right.
Perception for Dashki (is he in the chapel): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Nadia Leonidas |

Trailing not far behind her brother, Nadia pauses along with him as she hears the echoing of hushed voices within the hallway.
Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
As her brother approaches the three near the entrance, she says, What is it, Raj? Is the enemy in sight?
Siraaj turns his head slightly to acknowledge the question, but then Almah speaks up and the two follow her over to the window and she looks out along with him.
Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

The Desert Sage |

Almah nods in agreement at Ahnekhet's observation. I'm not sure what it means or who - or what - it is. I fear they may be from Kelmarane and, if so, are they merely a decoy? From this distance I can't make anything out and neither could anyone else, besides that they appear to be torches carried by someone or something. What do you see?
Perception Check for Dashki: Your quick glance around the chapel sanctuary reveals that all of the mercenaries are present and all but one of Almah's guards. The unkempt gnoll expert, however, is nowhere to be seen... or smelled.

Ahnekhet Anubu |

Note: My perception checks would have had an additional +2 since the subjects are gnolls (I doubt that'll net me any additional information, but figured I'd mention it just in case)
Knowledge check to see if Ahnekhet knows that gnolls have darkvision and thereby would not need torches, let alone 2 a piece (DC = 10 + gnoll's racial HD): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
reroll for trained skill: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Well, it seems Ahnekhet didn't learn anything about gnolls except where best to stab them. Good thing Vardy was paying attention in biology class =\
I forgot to add the +2 bonus from favored enemy into these as well, but I'm guessing Vardy's roll was plenty good enough regardless

The Desert Sage |

Almah looks around the room and then back out the window. Ten? It's fewer than I would have expected from Kelmarane... Her voice trails off for a moment as she watches the flames creep closer. After a moment she turns back to Lotus, I told Garavel to gather the fighters, and they are all accounted for, except for Dashki. He was not in his quarters, which to be honest was not unexpected. He has always wandered at night.

Ahnekhet Anubu |

Ahnekhet turns to Almah as she responds to Lotus and his eyes narrow dangerously at the mention of Dashki's absence.
There is something more troubling than their spartan numbers, Almah. Gnolls can see perfectly fine in the dark, they have no need for torches, let alone two a piece.
He pauses briefly as he considers the implications.
No, those gnolls are carrying torches for some other purpose. Gnolls are filthy but crafty beasts. These ones want to be seen. If they come from Kelmarane, then they are a diversion.

The Desert Sage |

Garavel's head swivels in your direction upon hearing Ahnekhet voice his suspicions. I fear the same. So they are gnolls, then? He asks as he strides toward you.
Almah's face is locked in an expression of deep thought. As Garavel comes abreast of you she glances around and rattles off her thoughts in an urgent tone: Someone find Dashki, he is a gnoll expert, after all. We should post lookouts south, east, and west. If they are a diversion, what in the hells are they drawing our attention from? I want to know... now!

Lotus Jabari |

Lotus' brow furrows in serious concern as Garavel echoes Ahnekhet's suspicions. Her eyes dart nervously from Siraaj to Ahnekhet to the approaching lights in the distance.
After Almah's command to find the wayward Dashki, Lotus' voice trembles as she tries to give voice to her mounting concerns.
Ohhhh... I've go-got a ba-ba-bad feeling abou-about this...

Siraaj Leonidas |

Siraaj stares out the window as he sees what he counts are five gnolls carrying torches in each hand approaching the chapel. He listens to Anekhet speak with Almah, mentioning his theory that the gnolls wish to be seen as they approach.
Anekhet, I think you might be on to something. These gnolls may be a distraction of some form, if they are truly able to see clearly in the dark without any aid of light. I see five so far.
The barbarian grasps at his meteor hammer and removes it from his belt. He wraps it around one hand and allows one end to thud on the hard stone floor.
These creatures are close and they are getting closer. Despite the appearance of mere distraction, they carry weapons. Both ranged and melee. They seek to engage in battle. We must prepare to do likewise. Without delay!

Nadia Leonidas |

Nadia steps back from the window to allow anyone else nearby to step forward and see the threat for themselves. She fits her buckler onto her left arm, but leaves her mace still hanging at her side.
What should we do? If they are meaning to distract us, we need a scout to survey the rest of the area to watch for any sign of a pincer attack.

Siraaj Leonidas |

Siraaj grasps Anekhet's shoulder with his larger, human hand.
Let us look for the skanky fellow. We'll allow Almah's men to scout for any sign of a flank. I have a feeling we won't find this scum, but we will at least be within earshot of the scouts in case they spot something while we look for him. What say you?

Ahnekhet Anubu |

"I believe my eyes are sharper than anyone else's here. I could easily dispatch those five," he gestures out the window toward the approaching torches, "while the rest of you seek out Dashki. I suspect with them carrying torches in that fashion half of them will be dead before they realize what's happening."
The elf, towering over everyone else in the room, turns to look back toward Siraaj as the burly man claps a meaty hand onto his shoulder. Ahnekhet's eyes are nearly glowing with anticipation.
"But if you'd rather ignore the decoys entirely, Siraaj, I will accompany you as you ask."
He begins to add, "But I suspect we'll find Dash-"
They do not need to hear that, friend. Especially Lotus. Let Time tell what it will.
...but Ahnekhet's voice falters and the rest is lost in an incoherent mumble.

Siraaj Leonidas |

Siraaj lets go of Anekhet's shoulder. Perhaps you are right. If you head off and take the five torch-bearers as easily as you say, then perhaps some of Almah's scouts would be enough to locate Dashki, if he's even here. I am not as stealthy as you, and so I would serve better by being on the front lines of whatever attack is imminent.

The Desert Sage |

Garavel nods, satisfied with your assessment, and turns to Almah. I'll send some scouts to check the other sides of the monastery. Ahnekhet, take the shots at your discretion. If you would prefer to relocate, you may take one or two others with you to stage your ambush. The rest of us will remain here and await word from the scouts. Have your weapons ready.
If no one says anything, Garavel will return to the mercenaries and guards and designate Fixx and Keldon (two Pactmaster Guards) to proceed to scout the southern end of the monastery, Kallien and Utarchus (two mercenaries) to scout the west, and Dullen and Yesper (two mercenaries) to scout east. Remaining in the sanctuary will be: Podarn (Pactmaster Guard), Trevvis (mercenary), Almah, Garavel, and the four of you.
Outside, the gnolls continue to move directly toward the monastery without slowing. They are now 1200 feet away. Anyone still looking out the window may make a perception check.

Siraaj Leonidas |

Siraaj turns his head to peer out the window one last time before he begins to move towards the nearest entrance.
Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
He listens to Garavel speak to Almah as his brow furrows. His hand brushes over his unconventional weapon, almost to remind himself that it's still there.
Where is the nearest entrance to the chapel? Siraaj will head in that direction to prepare to fight the rats head on. Nadia will follow close behind.

The Desert Sage |

As the gnolls come closer you can make out some of their mannerisms a little more clearly. All four of them - and in particular the large one in front - appear to be looking for something. For the most part they look in your direction, presumably at the monastery. Infrequently they glance behind them, and, interestingly enough, it seems as though they are making sure they are not being followed. You also notice they frequently glance slightly east of the monastery. If it were only one gnoll glancing off in that direction, you might not have thought anything of it, but you have seen all of them do it.
As the gnolls come closer you can make out some of their mannerisms a little more clearly. All four of them - and in particular the large one in front - appear to be looking for something. For the most part they look in your direction, presumably at the monastery. Infrequently they glance behind them, and, interestingly enough, it seems as though they are making sure they are not being followed. However, they frequently glance slightly east of the monastery.
If it were only one gnoll glancing off in that direction, you might not have thought anything of it, but you have seen all of them do it - and the closer they get to the monastery, the more frequent the glances to that spot become.

Ahnekhet Anubu |

I had briefly entertained the idea of taking Kallien with Ahnekhet, sending Lotus with Utarchus, and then suggesting Siraaj and Nadia investigate what these confounded gnolls are looking at to the east. BUT - I don't want to do that to you since we are friends, so...
"... What are they doing? They look skittish, more so than they should be if they intend to be seen. Bah. Blasted creatures. Trevvis, are you a decent shot? If so, take up your bow and come with me, we're going to shoot those barking mongrels before they get whatever chance they're hoping for." Ahnekhet veritably spits the word "barking", and it's easy to tell he uses the word in the most insulting way possible.
As he takes up his bow and prepares to hurry out into the night, he turns to Siraaj. "Perhaps you, Nadia, and Lotus should investigate whatever it is those gnolls seem to be looking toward? If I dispatch these five quickly enough I'll join you if you've not already dealt with whatever it might be."

The Desert Sage |

Almah dips her head briefly in approval as Garavel sends an inquisitive glance in her direction. At that, Garavel looks to the four of you. Go. We will watch from here and signal if you are needed.
Trevvis nods once, grabs the bow strung across his back and quickly checks the tension and his arrow supply, then follows Ahnekhet into the hallway leading to the sanctuary. Siraaj, Lotus, and Nadia follow them to the entrances looking out over the western Uwaga Highlands. Outside, Kallien and Utarchus are creeping into the gloom of the night in a sweeping patrol.
Would you gentlemen like a map of the monastery up?

Siraaj Leonidas |

Maps are good, they always help to see things out easier. Go for it!
Siraaj moves his meteor hammer over to his left hand, and wraps it up tightly around his palm, preparing it to strike quickly if needed. He takes the lead ahead of Nadia and Lotus and sets a jogging pace until they reach the outside. At that point, he slows down and slides up against the wall, creeping towards the east.
Stealth 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Ahnekhet Anubu |

Regardless, Trevvis and I will approach to a distance of about 100 ft, which will still put us beyond their darkvision. I don't think they have low-light vision either, so we should be beyond their ability to see.
Even if we are near enough to warrant perception checks on their parts, the Perception DC is +1/10 feet of distance (so +10) and, if they are suitably distracted it'd be another +5 to the DC. So even if our stealth checks are pretty poor, I'm hoping to get a round or two (maybe even 3 if the Fates are kind) of shooting in before they're aware of what's happening.
"Come Trevvis, we have work to do."
Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 (+2 for favored enemy) = 11

The Desert Sage |

I need a little more information from you and I did some rough calculations - are you moving at full speed or at half speed? In order to avoid taking penalties on his stealth check, Trevvis must move at half speed. I suspect the same is true of you, unless you have a ranger ability that overcomes this. If you move at half speed, you can be 320 feet from the monastery when the gnolls close to 420 ft. If you move at full speed, you can be 480 ft from the monastery when the gnolls close to 580 ft. You can also pick a point somewhere less than those distances and wait for them to close within a certain distance, if you would prefer, just let me know.
Trevvis: Stealth Check: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14

The Desert Sage |

It will take one minute, give or take a round, for Ahnekhet and Trevvis to get into position for their ambush and have the gnolls in their desired range.
Siraaj, Nadia and Lotus follow the walls of the monastery south, then east along the southern face. As they pass the window into the old dining hall, a figure just inside draws breath sharply and jumps a bit, cursing under its breath. Damnation! Whispers the figure, and you realize it's just one of the guards, either Fixx or Keldon. I thought you lot were an ambush! Lucky I didn't put an arrow in you - I'm not the best shot, but I can't miss you from here! Anyway, I've just sent Keldon back to report. No sign of anything this direction.
You reach the corner of the southern face of the monastery and the eastern plains lie before you - along with whatever it was the gnolls seemed to be looking for.
Make perception checks --- if you dare!

The Desert Sage |

The gnolls draw nearer and nearer and give no indication that they sense your presence. They continue to regularly glance east of the monastery and periodically over their shoulders.
Trevvis will follow your lead. Should you draw an arrow and fire, he will do the same. If there is anything that you want to do before the gnolls come within 100 ft., feel free to do so. If not, they will continue their march to within your desired range.
As Lotus, Siraaj, and Nadia reach the southeast corner of the monastery, all three peek cautiously around to the eastern side. Unfortunately, Lotus can make out very little in the night. The plains to the east are dotted with shrubbery and shadows, but she sees no movement - nothing that would appear to be of any interest to a gnoll.
But as the brother and sister scan the terrain, a slight, barely perceptible movement at the base of the wall near the northeast corner of the monastery catches their eyes. Both of them snap their gazes to that point simultaneously and are able to make out the crouching form of a human. The man is facing away from them, engrossed in watching something to the north, but they do not need to see his face to know who he is -- Dashki!
As recognition dawns on them, both of them see Dashki slowly reach a hand into his baggy jerkin and withdraw a dagger, his eyes still locked on the northern plains.