Darne Naelareon |

Darne made his way towards the great chamber. He was feeling fairly nervous and giddy at the same time, the latter causing a bit of guilt to surface. He shook his head as he walked with purpose towards the great chamber.
He entered the room with a rough shove of the doors, not caring if they closed behind him or not. His hair was pulled back in a simple braid and his face had been set in a stern look by the time he had entered. He took a quick moment to look about at the men seated before the table before taking his own place at the head.
"Gentlemen... I hope that all has been well in our absence but I am afraid we bring with us a bit of work to be done and given the urgency of some of it I wish to get the full council's opinions on the matters and introduce some new members to the rest of you." he said as he looked about and waited for everyone to speak or acknowledge before continuing.
Once everyone present had done so, he made motion for a page to go out and bring in the newcomers.
Just giving a moment for the others to respond before everyone new comes in

Marcus Stormborn |

Turning his gaze towards Darne, Marcus stands up and bows towards new Lord before taking his seat again.

The Warlord |

Every man in attendance rose to greet their lord and be seated again.
"We have doubled the guard lord Naelareon, we keep close eye on any new faces if at all that come to our lands and as always we keep a tight grip on the road" Ser Tobin reports.
Ser Corrad and Ser Manrel nod in approval.
Maester Lucen interrupts "We need people that can find information among our own lands to root out any of the Faith that may have already be hiding here before."
"They will pass as any other smallfolk" Ereth anger noticeable.

Ser Weyland Wylde |

Prior to Darne Entering
Weyland needs to speak with Darne, Lord Naelareon now. But he will wait for all prying ears to be gone. The Tournament taught him that once can never be too careful.
Weyland nods to Ser Corrad, "My thanks for you Ser, you are a fine instructor a fine student is only as good as his teacher. In the time that I can steal away with him I shall teach him the longblade but his duties are to you as is proper for a Squire. I am sure he will make both you and I and of course this House proud.
I must concur with Maester Lucen, an education is vital, especially an education about the Seven. We must not allow these Fanatics to direct the narrative of what the Seven desire, we must take it back from them".
Weyland then turns to Marcus, "I too found a young damsel to woo, a Lady Charlton. They are a banner House of the Frey's. I think a marriage between her and I would ease tensions with the Frey's after what took place between Darne and "the Furious Frey. No doubt he will also seek to target me for some form of retribution".
After Darne Enters.
Weyland stands and bows to Lord Naelareon. He takes a seat until Maester Lucen speaks and then stands again, "Here I believe I must part ways with the Maester's wisdom. It is not enough to root out spies of the Faith Militant, they themselves must be burned out at the source. I wish I too was there with Ser Marcus to defeat these Fanatics. Now, I am healthy enough to be and more than willing to go do what must be done!"

Darne Naelareon |

Darne looked around the room and saw the passion that had swept the House in the wake of his father's passing. He motioned for everyone to sit and settle before standing himself.
"Intelligence...could have intercepted the attack on our house at the the Tully's faire. Intelligence could have prevented the poisoning of most of the House's present. But Intelligence will not be enough this time. I will not tolerate another attack from the shadows at the heart of our House while our sword is at work...This is why, I have agreed with Lady Naelareon into bringing a few new members into our council." he said at length before sitting down and motioning the page to do his job.

The Warlord |

Before Darne enters
A smug smile crosses Ser Corrad's face "Thank you Ser Weyland I do my best with him, but he is a fine and natural with horse, lance, and sword" turning to look at Lucen "You heard that, he is under my care, so I decide if he need to start reading now or not!"
Maester Lucen blushes red knowing this to be true, but will not just leave such retort unanswered "Indeed, that does not mean that while we are here he could do some reading and writing once every few days, after all he needs to rest the body, and he can exercise his mind"
"You are more stubborn than Ser Marcus in some things Maester Lucen"
Once Darne enters
"The education of the seven coming from a Maester is merely historical and some factual things, but nothing that anyone that reads the seven pointed star book cannot discern themselves" Maester Lucen has developed a small tick as he slightly licks his top lip when thinking like savoring the thought somehow would aid him "Perhaps we need our own septon" Lucen can only shrug "People will listen to me, but not like they would or believe it with their hearts as if spoken from a septon"
Ser Ereth and Ser Manrel stand and walk toward the door that connects the great hall to the great chamber "Lord Naelareon will receive you now" there eyes are judgemental and measuring you for your worth well before you even enter, and continue to do so, as they both rest a hand in the pommel of their swords.
New players, present yourselves

Brynjolvar Ironeyes |

Bryn looks from side to side as he enters the room, forcing himself to step forward with confidence. Under his breath, he whispers to his companion. "Be properly differential, dear. Our lives may depend on it."
When he gets close to Darne's throne, Bryn drops to a knee and then bows his head for a long moment, before looking to the young lord and smiling.
"Lord Naelareon, word reached my companion and I of recent troubles here in your court, involving some fanatics? I am here to pledge my support, and if accepted, you'll find that I can offer you my ears and eyes, and that I rarely misjudge the contents of one's character."

Wynnter Snow |

Deception(Disguise1B): 5d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 6, 5, 2) = 22Drop the 2 for a 20
Deception(Act1B): 5d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2, 5, 1) = 16Drop the 1 for a 15
Wynnter followed her spider's lead as they entered the great hall. Just as they day they had first met, she was dressed like a man. Yet this time the hood of her cloak pulled up in such away that only her lips showed. As he whispered to her, the northern woman couldn't help but smirk arrogantly at her friend. In a hushed calm voice she responded, "It is saddening that you think so poorly of me."
While Brynjolver knelt before their new Lord, Wynnter followed his lead. Though while his attention was on the Lord, she glanced at each of the members within the room from under her hood. She studied them closely as she let her friend speak for them both.
A Maester, the young Lord, and six knights... I don't like it being so cramped.
She tried to read the faces within the room to have some thought of how they saw the two strangers before them.
Awareness(Empathy1B): 5d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 3, 3, 3) = 17Drop the 2 for another 15.
I really hope I did that right...

The Warlord |

You did fine, just specify what the rolls are for normally :)
Awareness results:
Maester Lucen maintains an unreadable mask, other than the clear doubt and indifference. Yet his smile seems to tell you he knows something already of you, and that he won't be as easy to trick.
Ser Corrad is rather skeptical of both of you, but he seems to not notice something is off but can't quite place it with you.
Ser Manrel just looks indifferent, and you can clearly see he wonders how can you even be useful.
Ser Ereth completely ignores you, and he is indifferent.
Lord Naelareon, is indifferent to you, but with hopes to work with you and no danger.
Ser Marcus is indifferent, even tho he will be stern and up right in your face most of your time here.
GM rolls
Lucen: 5d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 5, 4) = 25 - Awareness Notice vs. TN 20 Disguise
Lucen: 5d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 4, 2, 6) = 17 - Awareness Empathy vs. TN 16 Act
Ser Corrad: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 5) = 12 - Awareness Notice vs. TN 16 Act
Ser Manrel: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 1, 2) = 8 - Awareness Notice vs. TN 16 Act
Ser Tobin: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 1) = 17 - Awareness Notice vs. TN 16 Act
Ser Ereth: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 2) = 13 - Awareness Notice vs. TN 16 Act
Maester Lucen stands and takes his place next to lord Naelareon and whispers to his ear.
The hooded person is actually a Woman, not a man

Darne Naelareon |

Darne watched the newcomers arrive and looked at them with about as welcoming a smile as a war table would generally give.
When Lucen whispered in his ear, he frowned a bit and looked sternly at Wynnter in particular. "This is not a ballroom or a Joust, lest you want the others in this room to show off their skills to you as well I would suggest the next time you come before us it is as you are. That is unless you are here to spy on me." he said coldly.
He looked towards Bryn at this point "This House thanks you for your duties and I welcome your abilities personally. With what all has transpired as of late...it seems that we have been lax in our security in a way that a Knight cannot handle. I will not let another tragedy befall our House so quickly after I have taken lead of it." he said with a very stern and matter of fact tone.
He looked around the room "For those unaware..." he began the introductions and motioned everyone to their seats. There were of course seats provided for the newcomers as well. "Now that all the posh and circumstance is done, we have business. Before me has been laid the issues that have been brought to my attention from our time gone and issues that arouse during our time gone." he stated as he laid out a few pieces of parchment with the details of the various 'missions' that were of precedence at this time.
He looked around the table at the others as they began to read over the documents and waited for everyone to finish.
He began to give his own opinion once everyone's attention was back at hand. "The Faith Militant has been giving us trouble, I will agree however I do not wish to go into this blindly. I agree that removing the poison that is their kind from our domain is of vital importance however, I do not wish to see thing strike at our back while we are out fighting the bulk." he started.
He gave pause in case of any roused anger or outbursts.
He continued on once things had been brought back to topic "There is of course also the matter of restoring Ser Ereth's lands and recovering that which is rightfully his. He has giving our House his sword and fought for us once already. Therefore I do not see reason not to help in this accord and show him that the Naelareon house never forgets to reward those who deserve it." he said as he brought about the next document.
He again gave pause for everyone to provide any such outbursts or camaraderie.
He cleared his throat and pressed on with the matters "A griffin has been sighted and taken up claws in the Coldbrook lands. While this is not a matter that is a House Naelareon issue entirely, it is another chance for our House to show it's worth and ability to those around us. This is of course, not as pressing in my opinion as the others...however I see no reason not to send our Huntmaster and a few Rangers out to secure some personal and House honor while we deal with more pressing matters...thoughts?"
Pausing here for the group to talk of the idea of sending off our best Marksman and a few others to deal with this challenge while the rest of us take care of one of the above
He continued on, "There is talk of Bandits in the Durain Forest. There is some dispute as to whose responsibility this is. Which leans to a chance to make it ours..." he said shortly.
He stopped and once again paused for some time before finally breaking his stern face and announcing the last task pressed before the group. "Lastly, there is some joyous occasions to be held as we have the Marriage of my dear sister, the marriage of our own Castellan, the marriage of our ward Ophelia. Though in due time these may move to include more names as a few of us are also working on such strides." he said before finally being seated.
He looked to the group at large "Let's have your wisdom brought forth as to how we proceed."

The Warlord |

Ser Manrel fury takes over him at the comments of lord Naelareon towards the hooded person, but he for now will remain were he stands itching for an excuse to show why they call him "the butcher".
"Your bannermen will march with you my lord and help defend your lands as well as our own" says Ser Corrad. To which Ser Manrel can only nood.
"Aye, my lord I will do double watch with the men and walk the damn battlements myself and eat as I do my watch with them, but Naelareon Hall will not fall"
"I can take Garrin and go hunt this griffin for you my lord, should you deem it fit, that House Naelareon has a presence, and will take one of our new representatives if I must. As long as this happens before my wedding, don't want to leave a widow so soon" Ereth chuckles as well as the other men
"You might want to plow those fields before you leave if you marry before you go hunting" Ser Manrel ever vulgar jokes at the ready make Ereth and the others laugh even harder, particularly Ser Tobin that seems to share the sense of humor, but is more reserved.
Maester Lucen and Ser Corrad can only roll their eyes so much before they fall off from dizziness Ser Manrel, that is a matter best left for them to decide and not ours to imagine" and now Ser Manrel can only roll his eyes to Ser Corrad, but says no more.
"Regarding the Durain Forest, my lord it will be complicated, but we must first look into who has the stronger claim and who really contend for it. Many Houses can throw words, but only a handful have the swords or the papers to back it up. It might be best to find which one we would be, or perhaps even support someone for a share of the gains?" Maester Lucen planting another choice over the Durain Forest.
"My men can scour that place with you my lord, we are better at this sort of job" Ser Manrel offers military aid for the campaign.
"There is one question that is not asked yet, my lord." Ser Ereth not quite sure how to say it at first, but after considering for a moment he goes ahead with it "Is your mother getting re married? or Lady Cassondria marriage will be to use the Baneforts to claim lordship to this House as the eldest daughter and thus?"
"The travel from the Westerlands here is short, we would not months in advance if she marched with an army to lord Naelareon's lands" Maester Lucen doesn't believe it possible.
"Well, there is nothing to stop her for trying to gain support of our enemies and other Green houses to get rid of lord Naelareon" Ser Corrad says it with certainty.
Then Maester Lucen pales for a moment "House Naelareon is yet to pick a side. I wouldn't put it pass a proxy war between Greens and Blacks using our House as an experiment, and also to force us to align to either Green or Black"
A slight silence falls in the great chamber that could dim the light, before Ser Ereth breaks the silence "Good thing we have skilled envoys" looking at the new arrivals "The immediate threat is the Faith, those f@&&ing imbeciles that bend the words in the holy book for power"

Marcus Stormborn |

An anger passes over Marcus face and a small window of emotion appears on his face upon hearing the words of Lord Darne about the spying possibility, but soon adapting again his cold, stern expression.
Smirking a bit as Ser Manrel jokes about the marriage, but listening others as they tell their opinions before deciding to speak his own.
"My Lord, it is indeed joyful occassion regarding marriages and coming celebration, but in other hand as you mentioned, there is storm brewing in the horizon and it is not a small one" pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts as Marcus looked at the papers and took notes
"I would advice highest priority to Faith Militant which would mean to increase the maximum amount of our troops. I would like to invest some of our treasure to better our equipments as well increase the amount of training." Marcus explains as he pulls out some piece of paper and giving it to Lord Darne
"Also regarding the Bandits in the Durain Forest, there might be some connection with Faith Militant although that is just my own speculation. The amount of activities, the boldness means they are either getting more rough and being stupid, or they have someone backing them up, which is also worrying." explaining further as he brings both of his hands together and opens them slowly to show his both palms upwards "But it offers us chance to expand also our land and reach on those precious resources, which we could use to better our own militaristic situation as well widen our current stock of expenditures such as getting more farms and maybe new resources of wood. This leads to new chances of dealing business with other Houses as well more possibility with Iron Isles" justifying his point of view and benefits, outweighting negatives.
"However, due to our promise to Ser Ereth" and nodding to Ser Ereth to acknowledge his claim "as I myself recruited him and promised, we could do quite well to help him and secure as such an great ally and as you said my lord, it opens opportunity to show other people and Houses, that House Naelareon keeps its promises and rewards its followers and friends greatly. I would suggest to have it in our top priority among Faith Militant mission" describing to everyone as Marcus eyes all other Sers before returning his gaze towards his Lord
" Regarding the Griffin... I would myself refrain sending our Huntmaster to such a mission, due to possible dangers although the rewards are tempting but I do not have any information regarding that, benefits or detriments"
Thinking for a moment before saying his last words "Also as I do not serve the Seven Faith, I will have to admit that it might be a good idea to consider hiring a septon and building a small chapel, in order to have someone from the side of church, to talk to small folk and prevent foolish ideas and other such nonsense beings spread by Faith Militants. The House is so strong as its people, my Lord and I belive, that we should focus to hammer that "Believe" or Idea, of your people, towards you to be as strong as valyrian steel." finishing his thoughts and looking at others to hear their thoughs

Brynjolvar Ironeyes |

Bryn was appalled when Wynnter insisted on appearing before Lord Naelareon as she often did, but he knew from experience there was no way to dissuade her. Bryn would just have to be suitably defferntial, and make sure to distance himself from the girl if her head ended up on the chopping stump. Thankfully, a way to soothe any hurt feelings had occurred to the man before they ever entered court. Clearing his throat, Brynjolvar Ironeyes kept his stare at the ground, but spoke in a measured, friendly tone.
"Forgive my companion, m'Lord. I suspected she'd not be able to fool the court, but I did not argue against her appearance regardless. In truth, it allowed me to undertake my first job for you - to see how your court would react to deception in its midst. And I'm - frankly - thrilled to discover that your banners, knights, and maester are both perceptive and alert. Our enemies will have no end of trouble should they attempt a similar ruse."
It also showed the content of the character of some of your men, Lord Naeraleon. This Ser Manrel is prone to fits of emotion, while this Ser Marcus is an expert at suppressing them.
"As to the matters at hand, not knowing your Huntmaster's abilities, I cannot offer advice about griffons. If you think he and his men can take the creature, then send them - but only if you are positive. To lose such skilled help when bandits and zealots are near would be a... danger."
"There is value in dealing with banditry, even if - no, especially if - such lands are contested. As you say, if we make the bandit problem our problem, and then deal with it successfully... Then the people affected by those bandits are more likely to swear themselves to you, m'Lord."
Bryn cleared his throat again, willing himself to not show too much excitement at his next bit of speechmaking. "The problem with religious zealots, m'Lord, is that they always see themselves as serving a higher law than that of any lord or lady. And thus, for your own legitimacy, they must be rooted out, whenever they begin to take hold, like weeds plucked fine a fine garden walk."
"And Ser Marcus is correct m'Lord. If promises were made to Ser Ereth, they must be fulfilled as soon as possible. The faster, the more lords will flock to bend the knee to you."

Ser Weyland Wylde |

Ser Weyland speaks, "While I am not the tactician that Ser Marcus is, I do not believe we should split our forces. There are many tasks that, if accomplished, would bring Honor and Glory to this House but if we try all at once we may succeed in none.
While the Faith Militant I would like to deal with today, I see the Wisdom of, plucking the weeds, as Ironeyes has stated. Indeed setting up our own Church and Septon would be a good start Ser Marcus towards ensuring that the devoted smallfolk of these lands do not turn against us.
Ser Ereth. suppose we aid you first, how many more men would a return of your lands bring to the Naelareon cause?"
Weyland turns to Maester Lucen, "While we have yet to pick a side, we would seem to lean Green do we not? Matthias' actions certainly seemed to indicate that as well as his outright backing of the Green cause at the Tourney. The Baneforts are decidedly Green. In fact should we choose Green I have begun negotiating a possible alliance with House Roxton that could be of use as well.
Of course, neutrality for now is the best course I would agree. Perhaps there is some way we can send an overture to the Black to assure them that we have not picked any sides at all".

The Warlord |

"Ridiculous!" protested Ser Corrad "Scoundrels will tell you what you want to hear, but they might as well stab you in the back when someone else pays their price"
Ser Manrel agrees with Ser Corrad "Then we would be no different Brynjolvar"
Maester Lucen thought better of it, they are proud knights and no matter what he said would be rebuked and they will hold their stance.
"All men have their uses, but I believe some can have a second chance. Many bandits do it because they have no other way to feed their families. The hard part is distinguishing them from the others if we go through it." approaching Brynjolvar from the back "Also, not something a self respecting knight would be willing to do, other than leave it to the seven to sort them out"
Well said!" Ser Tobin chimes in to "I keep the security around here with the men, and train them. I will not fight with honorless dogs likely to stab me in the back"
If we can tell them apart, but then we would need someone to pass as a bandit for us, but that person would be doing so alone and with no help" Maester Lucen interjects, keeping the door open that Ser Ereth brought.
To which everyone's surprise a younger voice made the best question yet, "So are we fighting the faith, getting married, hunting a griffon or helping Ser Ereth?" looking down as a boy his edge would when embarrased, but showing courage to ask and speak his mind "I am confused Ser Corrad" Chris asks of the knight to which Ser Corrad looks at everyone in turn as much as for help with the answers or perhaps a pause to see if it was going to be him that made the first choice of things that would be done.

Ser Weyland Wylde |

Ser Weyland grins as his son asks a pointed question Leave it to a youth to pierce through the nonsense, the boy is smarter than I was at his age.
"If I would have to choose just now what to do first, I would honor the oath of aid sworn by the House to assist Ser Ereth".

Wynnter Snow |

Wynnter gave an annoyed sigh as she pushed down her hood and removed the leather tie that held back her medium long pale blonde hair, allowing it to fall over her shoulders. "Oh Ironeyes, don't give praise to those whom have not earned it. Only the Maester saw through my disguise." She told her friend as she removed her cloak and slowly folded it up. "And color me impressed Maester. You are the second one I've ever come across who have seen through my little... act." She smiled slightly as she gave a respectable nod.
Her attention turned to Lord Darne once again. "A threat my Lord? Truly?" She asked, her voice heavy with a hurt. "I am sorry if the way I choose to dress while doing my job upsets you so. But I find it easier to do my job while dressed as a man. A lone woman would draw far more attention then a lone man." She explained respectfully. "And I am a spy my Lord, I am your spy." She shrugged. "I shall... re-frame, from dressing like this in your presents ever again." With that, she let her disguise fully fall away. The only proof left of it was her bound chest.
Wynnter shook her head when they spoke of the Faith Militant. "This never happens in the north..." She muttered as she sighed. "I can work on flushing them out if you'd like. Gathering information is one of my many skills." She informed her new Lord.
She ignored the crude comment, she had heard many of them while being raised in the brothel thus it did not bother her in the slightest.
"Now this, bandit problem... I could help by putting on my disguise... but I honestly don't think it would be the best idea. That is a long term thing and I'd need another person to watch my back and I theirs should it go ill. Honestly I'd be better help with the Griffon. I'm not too bad with a bow." Wynnter pointed out.
"Also, and this might be the northern in me talking, but I don't think you should be welcoming in a septon right now. For this reason," She said as she held up her hand so that no one else would talk as she finished. "Looking at this with the skills I have, and the problem with the Faith Militant, that would be a perfect chance for them to get one of their own among you. Informing your people in their ways slowly, carefully, and methodically." She commented as she sat back in her chair.
"I agree with both Ironeyes, and Ser Marcus. We should fulfill the promise to Ser Ereth first." Wynntered finished. When Chris spoke up asking questions, Wynnter smiled softly. Her smile helped her look far more feminine. When Ser Weyland spoke her, Wynnter nodded and pointed at him. "Agreed." She said.
This took waaaaay longer to reply to then I wished it had... Work has slowed me and made me tired...

Ser Weyland Wylde |

Ser Weyland smiles back at the woman and nods in return.

Darne Naelareon |

Darne listened carefully to what had been said so far. He rubbed his temples a bit as he had hoped there would have been a more one sided lean on which issue to address first and foremost.
All were in agreeance that the two most pressing issues were of course to be addressed with swiftness. He tapped his fingers on the table and looked at the group. Most had wagered it best to look into the possibility of spies and insurgents amongst their own Houses and lands. He looked at the Maester for a moment.
"Maester, between you, Brynjolvar, and Miss Wynnter here...could you scour our lands and insure that there is no Faith Militants amongst us in the time it would take us to take reclaim Ser Ereth's lands? I've not been briefed on the latest census so I am unsure as to how large of an undertaking this may be." he asked giving the Maester time to think and answer.
Insert pause here for the Maester's words and possible players words.
He then looked to Ser Ereth "Do you have any information in regards to your lands and heirlooms. What exactly are we looking at as far as needs to reclaim your honor?" he asked so that the group would better get a view of just what the two major undertakings would entail. Perhaps this would offer a bit more for the group to lean further one way or the other.
He looked around the table. Of his Household, he had received two for the reclamation of Ser Ereth's lands, one for the purging of the Faith, and one who seemed locked on both being just as important. He couldn't do them both at the same time but he didn't want to put out anyone's council so early. He waited and watched for a bit longer to see if this argument would be settled without him having to put his hand into the vote.

Marcus Stormborn |

Sighing and leaning back on his chair, Marcus contemplated all the words and thought about the situation "My Lord, I am still strongly for both of the issues to be done same time, but it seems you have already given a partial solution regarding Faith Militant. I will agree that having Maester and our new members to search for possible enemies is a good choice. It will also serve to see how good they are as they claim. It is only "just" I think" as Marcus turns his face towards them and measures them
"but I will admit that it is best for now to help Ser Ereth." Marcus adds after a while "but I would still consider about the chapel and septon. That is not a bad thing but it could also serve as a boon for us, having official member of faith of Seven and undermining influence of Faith Militant."
Ah, Old Gods do not require ceremonies or these ridiculous prayings. Easy to relax and just take your worries away, serve justice swift and let them judge in the end reminiscing to himself
Hearing Ser Weyland speaking about staying neutral for now but choosing to side with Greens later, made Marcus frown a bit but thinking about it for a second before speaking again "I would... prefer if we kept our neutrality and not choosing sides, no matter the possible influences from outside. There is too much in stage but if we had to, and we had no choice, I would prefer simpler colours over prancing around. The ideas are quite dangerous and new ways of threating forward would mean changing of rules, which would not be so beneficial to our House"

Ser Weyland Wylde |

Ser Weyland turns to Marcus, "The sense I get from, well connected figures, is that it would be difficult to stay neutral. War between these factions is brewing and a side will need to be chosen. Perhaps not yet but in the not too distant future".

Brynjolvar Ironeyes |

Bryn nods, secretly pleased that he's been tasked with such an important - and personally satisfying - task.
Of course, m'Lord. I'd be honored to see what weeds we can pull in your absence."

Wynnter Snow |

"I will need to see how talkative your people are before I can tell you how well that task would go." Wynnter said honestly as she leaned foreword slightly, an arrogant smirk slowly forming upon her lips. "But I need to know, am I to pull every weed I find, or follow it back to the roots?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow. She knew the latter would be far more dangerous but it might solve the problem faster, if she could find the root.

Darne Naelareon |

Darne looked back at the two spies and nodded "It will be a fine way to test your skills, make note of the weeds and find their roots. Be prepared to work with the forces we leave behind to secure the roots. We will then deal with the weeds once the threat of any more seeds is secured" he offered before turning back towards the rest of the group.
"It seems the council has more or less reached an accord then. We will leave our Intelligence team to work on dealing with any Faith growing amongst our ranks while we see to it that we reclaim Ser Ereth's rightful place. We shall look into building a chapel and having a Sept trained but that will take some time and dragons." he said as he pulled the parchment paper towards him regarding Ser Ereth's land.
He looked at Ser Weyland and Ser Marcus and gave a rather cold look "My father saw it wise to stay Neutral as long as possible I intend to try and hold the same position. Matthias's actions at the gathering may have colored us a bit green but he has chosen to take another House's name so his actions will represent them instead of our own and they are decidedly Green if memory serves." he said as he looked around the table. "There is still plenty of time left before we're forced to choose a side and allies to win before hand. Our alliances may well dictate our choice at some point." he said finishing his thought.
"Hopefully we will have more information as to the sides and scale of the other matters by the time we finish with our current task." he said feeling that this first meeting went well.

The Warlord |

"I can only do so much lord, I'm already known in your land and I can at least secure the Hall, but the rest will fall easier to them" pointing at the new retainers.
"We don't know how long this endeavor with Ser Ereth might take place, but as long as we can have our lands defended, we can entertain the possibility of helping him" Ser Corrad feels sympathy for Ser Ereth, but he feels the Faith a more pressing concern.
"Do you know were the Faith is Ser Corrad?" Ser Manrel almost accusing tone "I know were Ser Ereth is, but I can't point my sword to an enemy that hides in plain sight, nor can I march on his lands or siege their keeps. The Faith must first be rooted out by... other means... and if we can cut it's head that way so be it, otherwise we are just showing we fear them" Ser Manrel wants to help Ser Ereth, yet he really wants to kill the Faith even more.
"Fine!" Ser Corrad stands a flash of anger "I will stay here my lord and defend your lands with Ser Tobin, and bring some extra men as reinforcements from my House, as I will not have you travel unguarded"
Lucen nods "This will leave the house with two of your council members as well as some of your knights lord Darne"

Wynnter Snow |

Wynnter gave a soft nod to Lord Darne, her smirk changing into a softer smile. "I aim to please, if all goes well Ironeyes and I weave a web so fine nothing will get past without one of us hearing of it."
A small giggle left Wynnter's lips, though she tried to stop it, as she listened to the two knights argue. However she didn't hide the amused look that rested upon her face.
She looked to Ser Tobin and asked, "Do you and Ser Corrad get along well?" as she crossed her arms. "Or will you and he be acting as he and Ser Manrel are now?"

Ser Weyland Wylde |

Ser Weyland remains silent having added all he feels he needs to in council at this time.

Darne Naelareon |

Darne slams his hands down on the table and stands himself after the flash of anger, giving him a cold look "I appreciate your diligence and your worry. Let us not let our Council Meetings come to fists or spitting anger. I will take your advice and your help in this matter. I trust you and your men to see use there and home safely. If your lands or holdings were in danger I would be as pressed to try and put things right...All of you here have earned that respect from my father and you won't have to earn or prove it to me." he said trying to sooth the knights present.
Charisma(Charm: 6d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 5, 2, 5, 5, 4) + 2 = 28 22, not a damn six in the mix. I'm not sure if this an attempt to influence without going into intrigue battle fully (I'm hoping so) but if so my Status is considered 5 for this moment.And I can shift disposition 2 steps instead of one. If needed, as I feel this is an important point to put across to all those present that Darne does feel that everyone at the table has earned the right to have such loyalty shown to them in their time of need, I will spend a DP to get 3DoS on that.

Marcus Stormborn |

Marcus did not respond due to his stand being already clean: always loyal, always behind his lord, no matter the decision.
He had already worked from his childhood, under the previous Castellan, then serving as Castellan for Lord Domeric and now he would be serving Lord Darne. There was no need for words or appreciation. It was his duty and mission to watch after the interest of his liege and planning for the best while preparing for the worst.
Turning his gaze towards Wynnerd with disapproving look before looking back towards Ser Corrad "I understand your concerns Ser Corrad as well does Lord Darne. I can assure you that shall or should something happen, I will be assisting you. Our focus should be however to get rid of the disease from the heart, first and foremost, before we can focus to burn it from surroundings." Marcus calmly explains as he waves his arm slowly in a circle "If there is war, if there is disease, if there is problems, in the heart of our lands, everyone would see it as a weakness of our Lord and that we do not want and we will not tolerate. Plow and Salt on the enemies, nothing less or more against our enemies" as Marcus finished with his speech and his hand forming an fist, squeezing the imaginery opponents.
"But now, as we all seem to agree, is to help Ser Ereth to claim his home, lands and heritage. By helping him, we help ourself and strenghten our bonds and alliances as well set an example to others" speaking matter-of-factly as he glances at Ser Ereth

The Warlord |

"We all get along just fine, which is what allows us to speak our minds in such way" Ser Tobin replies thinking nothing of it.
No need, you sounded very eloquent and good, besides you are considered even "higher" status for that moment
With all that being said, Ser Ereth starts to talk about the issue he needs help with.
With a deep breath "I' Ser Ereth Ahern, as some call me the "Ruined King"" small pause fot those that didn't know "I come from a now dead House, but I believe my papers and claim to be legitimate. Sickness claimed our lands and now only the tower of our ancient hall is serviceable, and ghost little villages, and thieves that hide in the lands" sorrow is evident in his words "It has been a long time dream from my ancestors to restore our small House back, and I do posses the papers and a legitimate line of succession that fall down to me, the last Ahern, as well as the family sword" pulling out his sword, of beautiful marksmanship, and it may not be valiryan steel, but it's far better than the swords that can be forged in a castle.
"I travel and live as a hedge knight, but no House has ever wanted to help me, or they try to take it from me for their own gains. House Ahern lands are Between House Grell and House Naelareon, but more inwards, not near the sea. While House Grell, claims the lands they have naught the power to defend the area, evidence to support their claim, or anything other than I'm the last one anda hedge knight without support."
Hopeful look in his face, as this will be nothing short of diplomacy and perhaps even skirmish with House Grell "Do you still intend to support me now?" Ser Ereth asks.
Ser Ereth Long Sword is called Faithkeeper. Counts as Exceptional. +1 Damage, but same TN to break as Superior steel long sword

Darne Naelareon |

Darne listened well and looked firmly at Ser Ereth as he spoke. When he had come to his conclusion Darne thought about what little repercussions could come from this. House Grell couldn't defend the area all the same so it's not like they'd be able to stand against all the well and Ser Ereth did have the true and legimate claim.
He tapped his fingers as he though and shook his head as he brought himself to the now. He stood and looked at Ser Ereth directly in the eyes. "I, Lord Darne of House Naelareon, recognize your claim to the lands and home. My House will become your sword and Shield to reclaim that which is rightfully yours and help defend your claim against those who would try to steal it." he said before looking around the room to see how the others received his words.

Ser Weyland Wylde |

"You have Lord Naelareon's word and my sword Ser Ereth".

Wynnter Snow |

Wynnter was quiet for this bit, she knew nothing of warfare thus had nothing to add. Mostly at this point she just watched the faces of each of the men around her. Though after some time she just crossed her legs, placed her fold cloak upon her lap, and began to run her fingers through her hair to flatten it before braiding it. A soft hum coming from her lips as she worked.
Not ganna get much out of Wynnter with battle planning! XD She's no goo at that.

The Warlord |

Wynnter can be useful, someone has to talk to the Grell's. Deals, concessions, or a giant F.U. point and laugh as you run if negotiations fail lol
Ser Ereth contains some tears of happiness, and holds true his voice unbreaking. House Ahern will serve you my lord Darne in return.
If things work, you get a banner House, depending on How things go, the cost of it can be minimal or half, perhaps even free
I'll wait to see if anyone has anything else to say

Marcus Stormborn |

Marcus nods and turns towards Darne "My lord, with that I will need to start prepare our troops for the possible battle. Depending how Grell's will respond to the claims of Ser Ereth now that we are backing him up we want to be cautious. If all goes good and well, we might have this thing completed faster than we thought but... my experience tells me that these things will never go as planned"
Knowledge(Education): 3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5) = 13 information regardings House Grell

Wynnter Snow |

This is true! She's almost as good at charming people as Darne is!
Hmmm responds...
Wynnter's hand stopped running through her hair as an idea popped into her head. "Ser Ereth, you said that they don't defend the land and have done nothing with it correct?" She asked as a smile slowly formed on her lips. "With that in mind, along with the fact everyone can feel a war coming on as by what Ser Marcus and Ser Weyland have spoken of, a wise Lord isn't going to risk the men and resources fighting over land they don't even protect or use with a larger war looming over head. A war that would win the House far more then a little spat over land they can't even defend." She spoke as she locked her arms behind the chair. "Maybe sending a diplomat to speak with the head of House Grell would not be a waist. I would even volunteer to go myself. After all, if this goes to battle I would not be taking part. Warfare is not my strong suit in the slightest, but speaking? I can do that very well." She informed them. "And bringing this to a peaceful resolution would mean more of your forces remain alive and willing to fight, those pesky little Faith Militant or," she reached out with one hand and tapped the paper that spoke of the bandit problem, "take care of some problematic bandits." She said, her proud smirk returning to her lips.

The Warlord |

Ereth nods "House Grell is a good House, but the lands of my ancestors are a fair middle point between House Naelareon and them. You probably share that invisible border that neither this House or their can protect. It happen very often that many tracts of land are just assumed or divided between Houses nearby, even if no one has control or presence in that place."
Maester Lucen smiles "A woman has a better chance to negotiate and make it out of there at least alive or be an "honored" guest, compared to sending one of our knights"
Ser Manrel nods "Seven know that if we send someone of any value they might as well take him hostage" noticing the dagger looks of Ser Corrad and turning to look at Wynnter "No disrespect, but while diplomacy and diplomats are useful. Knights can win in trials by combat or jousting to settle things and fight in war"

Darne Naelareon |

Darne tapped his fingers on the table and looked up at the idea of sending a Diplomat. "Hmm, I suppose it couldn't hurt. Though pointing out their weaknesses may cause them to rile up in anger. If you're willing to risk it then I see see no harm in letting you try. Though, negotiations would go smoother if we had something to offer them." he said, his voice trailing off.
He looked over at Ereth at this point. He didn't want to ask him such as his hopes of getting his lands back were just brought up. He pursed his lips before bringing up the uncomfortable idea. "Would there be something of a token to offer their House to keep things...pleasant?" he mentioned.

Darne Naelareon |

Darne holds up a hand "True enough, I am not putting anyone's future in the hands of someone who can't guard what isn't or is theirs. No, I have no plans to hand them anything of worth. My thoughts were something paltry to allow them to save face over this situation." he said smiling a bit sinisterly.
"Let's prepare for the upcoming show of force and if necessary to spill their blood to take back what is rightfully ours."

Wynnter Snow |

Wynnter held up a hand to Ser Manrel, her smirk never leaving her face. "I understand your thinking Ser Manrel, in time your thoughts on my value may change. Though I am not holding my breath for that. For what you value, and what I value, are far different." She remarked before she turned and looked to Darne.
"While I agree, not to give them anything of... true value, if you give them something too paltry they may take it as more of a spit in the face then a gift. So, what we have to ask is this: what does their House need and what does their House want?" Wynnter stated. "If you can answer those questions, you can spin anything in your favor. You may not win, but you will increase the odds of winning substantially."

The Warlord |

Maester Lucen "Perhaps a blade or something similar, like a destrier from your House Ser Corrad"
Ser Corrad slammed a fists in the table "Our horses are among the finests and not just something to give away, but I will be willing to do so if Ser Ereth pays it back when he regains his lands"
"I think it's easier to take one of your House daughters than a horse sometimes Ser Corrad" Manrel japes "Perhaps we could tie your House to House Grell through marriage?"

Darne Naelareon |

Darne winced slightly at the hearing of a horse being a good offering but he regained his composure. "If they would settle for a Horse, then as much as it may pain me...my Onyx would make for a fine prize." he offered.

Wynnter Snow |

Wynnter raised an eyebrow at Lord Darne, the smirk she had kept on her face for most of this council left her lips only to be replaced by a genuine smile.
He'd give up something he prizes for a promise he made to this man? Well my Lord you may not be as terrible as I thought ...
Though her face quickly returned to a neutral expression. "A horse would be far better then a blade... a blade may send the wrong message. But there are other gifts one could give. A full litter of hunting pups would be nice if the head of the House enjoys to hunt. And Ser Corrad the point of a gift if that no one is to pay for it, if it got out that Ser Ereth just paid you for the horse given to the Grell House then it would look like he just bought his lands back." She pointed out.

Ser Weyland Wylde |

Ser Weyland remains silent on this matter, brooding on what he will say to Darne once this Council has come to completion...

Brynjolvar Ironeyes |

Brynjolvar fidgeted while the others talked of gifts, his mind already turning over the possibilities of what could be found about - and used against - the Faith Militant.
Blinking, he concentrated on the task at hand, ransacking his memory from his maester days, trying to recall what he knew of House Grell, what the house lacked, and what its ambitions were.
knowledge: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 1) = 10 10
status, 1B breeding, if applicable: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 2) = 10 9

The Warlord |

They blazon their arms with three red martlets on white bend, on blue.
They are known for their great library, errant knights, and well educated even among other noble Houses.
Breeding is only for intrigues

Marcus Stormborn |

Warlord, just remembered that I did also roll for the knowledge about Grells. Forgot to mention it earlier (result: 13)