Garrett Snow |
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 (Darkvision 60' for what it's worth)
"It could be. From here I can't find a suitable trigger, the paladin admits. You must be their strength. Garrett lets out a slight sigh and looks to the others, I'll go down first to see if I can get a better understanding of this device and the bodies at the bottom of the pit. Wish me luck..."
He sheaths his sword and edges between those surrounding the trapdoor then carefully carefully makes his descent.
If I can't take 20:
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
GM Keeper of Solace |
Havak rushes ahead of Garrett (unless he tries to stop him), and begins climbimg dowm the wall.
normaly, the DC would be 20, but since you cam brace in the corner, it becomes 15.
At the level of the crystal stone, the goblin inspects it closer, and find that it is actually a button. Upon pushing it, the eye symbol on the other stone animates and closes, staying so for just over 10 seconds, then opens again.
Havak holds his position.
GM Keeper of Solace |
As soon as Havak drops the item, he can hear a quick clicking, and then below him, about 2 or 3 feet from the bottom, long curved blades swing out from unseen slots in the wall and spin for several seconds, striking the small object and knocking it out of view.
For further clarification: The total height of the drop is 15 feet. 11 feet from the bottm is the stone with the crystal. 3 feet from the bottom is where the blades spin.
Sansa Allende |
Sansa was somewhat familiar with the area as her beloved Watchtower stood just beyond the grass and dunes. Her dancing lights would continue to work and provide light for Havak and the others without darkvision. She found some wood not far from the group and tested its hardiness, knowing that whatever was used to press against the button needed to hold firmly and not break. Removing the rope from her knapsack, Sansa tied the pieces of wood together well, and, stepping closer to the lip of the hole, she slowly let the rope out until Havak could reach the wood and untie it.
Sansa called down to Havak, "See if you can prop the button with this wood. It seems solid enough from what I can determine."
GM Keeper of Solace |
Havak slides the strudy branch into place and watches for the results. Although a slight impact could knock it free, the eye symbol stays closed. If a bit of care is made, anyone could be lowered down to the bottomw of the pit with relative ease. Havak feel confident he could now climb down to the bottom without fear of the blades.
Anyone who wishes to climb down will have to take additional precautions to avoid the branch, but if the rope is used it should be much easier.
Sansa Allende |
Ensuring the rope is secured and will hold, Sansa declares quietly that will remain above since she is not the best climber and believes too many bodies would congest the space inside the hole.
"Quinn and I will remain here. I will keep an eye on the rope, and if need be, aid in pulling you out."
GM Keeper of Solace |
After touching down on the bottom of the pit, Havak can clearly see that the corpses are the hacked up remains of two goblins, clearly dispatched by the blade trap. Form his position, he can see a 5 foot wide square opening that leads off further to the north, and carries on for another 20 feet before coming to what appears to be a dead end. Like the pit, the walls are bricks of stone, and the floor the same. As he approaches the end of the hallway, the dagger's vibrations pick up, and the light in the pommel once again begins to glow. Elarya has to duck slightly through the first opening, but find that the 20ft hallway accommodates much easier, as the ceiling here is about 7 ft.
Sansa Allende |
Okay, so Havak and Elarya went down into the pit. Sansa and Quinn are atop and waiting there. I have no idea where Amara and Garrett are right now as they have not posted. So Havak, you only have Elarya with you right now ...
Amara Sontan |
Amara decides to brave the pit and eases her way down.
climb: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 hopefully the rope makes it really easy :P
Upon reaching the bottom she edges away from the diced corpses. She hears Havak's request and searches the ground for any tracks that might indicate survivors.
survival: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 1 = 15
She advances carefully on, ever wary for another trap. She examines the area for remains of other intruders that may have triggered a hidden trap. Reaching the apparent end of the hallway she also tries to determine if there is any way to move on.
perception for traps, bones, etc.: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
perception for secret doors: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
GM Keeper of Solace |
Havak approaches the end of the 20 foot hallway and comes close to the end. Moving the dagger around and using as a divining rod, he determines that he gets the most effect from the northeastern wall corner about a foot from the ground.
Amara, just behind inspects the area as well, looking around in the area just below the trapdoor. She finds other bits of corpses, although they are quite small and barely noticeable, having decayed to dirt many many years ago. It seems that besides the goblins, noone has been through this way for a long time.
Elarya looks carefully at the ground watching for further tracks, but the further she moves from the small amount light coming in from above, the more difficult it becomes.
Garrett stands at the ready, holding his position just below the opening.
Above in the open, Quin looks to Sansa with a shimmer in his eyes.
He feels to the young woman with his head cocked slightly while licking his paw. Play? Worry?
i made a few sketches of the area to help clear up any confusing visuals. If you have further questions, feel free to ask.
Sansa Allende |
Sansa cocked her own head in turn at Quinn. "Not the time to play, my small companion. We must be vigilant lest our comrades require help. Who knows what else they may encounter in the pit. We must be ready."
Sansa, leans in a little and looks down, hoping to see something, to warn her companions if need be. Her vision was keener than most, and she counted on catching sight of something before it became a threat.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
GM, what time is it in game at the moment? I'm unsure how much time has lapsed. Thanks.
GM Keeper of Solace |
Sansa, it's probably about noon. You all spent a bit of time doing various things in the moring, and then took under an hour to get here.
Havak, mostly deductively, finds that one of the stones in the bottom corner of the deadend wall is loose, and suspects there is a trap behind of some sort there. Garrett comes to the for as well, and discovers by knocking on the aforementioned wall that the stones are quite a bit thinner than they appear, and the perhaps the wall is, in fact, a door.
Garrett Snow |
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
"This wall... It seems hollow," the young paladin surmises as he bats his gauntlet against the thin stones. "I think we might be able to push it open or break it down. Come, help me push."
Please count this as an Aid Another if someone else rolls higher:
Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Sansa Allende |
Sansa cannot do anything but wait it out above ground in case of danger or emergency. So she sits patiently by the lip of the pit, peering down, Quinn beside her. Occasionally she looks up and about her, surveying the area in case of impending/approaching danger.
Sansa's Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Quinn's Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
GM Keeper of Solace |
Below in the hideout, Garrett and Elarya push hard on the faux wall and it swings up? much easier than either of them had expected, causing them to stumble several feet forward. Beyond, with the aid of Sansa's magical lights, they can both see what lays beyond:
For another 20 feet, there seems to be more corridor, and it opens up into a doorless room beyond. The only object visible within being a 3 foot high pedestal a ways into the room with some square dusty object upon it.
However, it seems Havak was right to suspect a trap, as the floor is about 10 feet further down than they expected here, and lined with spikes!
the pit beyond the door is 10 foot deep, 10 foot long and 5 foot wide(same as the corridor, foot long spikes just up along the bottom. You may make 2 reflex saves to avoid the trap. 1 to jump back before falling in, or failing that catch the lip of the pit and at least take less damage. First is DC 14, second is DC 19. Havak and Amara can each make an aid check to help one person each for the first check by grabbing their arm or clothes.
Garrett Snow |
Y'know I was going to edit my last post to say that Perception check was for traps, but alas...
"One... Two... Three, PUSH!" Garrett shoulders against the loose stone plates and unexpectedly stumbles forward into a well placed pit trap.
Reflex 1 vs DC 14: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10FAIL!
Reflex 2 vs DC 19: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23Success!
Reflex (Aid Another) vs DC 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 Success; +2 to Elarya's 2nd Reflex
Managing to catch hold of the lip, he swings out a free arm to grab Elarya who had fallen with him. His hands fumbled around the strap of her pack but that alone wouldn't be enough to stop her fall.
Havak - If the Aid Another is Reflex than you made the DC and together we bumped Elarya's 2nd save to match the DC. I guess we're waiting for a DM call.
GM Keeper of Solace |
Unfortunately, you could only aid for the first, and that would still miss by one...
Havak grabs onto the hem of Elarya's tunic at the last minute but his grip does not hold and she stumbles past him. Garrett falls also, but quick hands grab the side of the pit, and he tries to maneuver himself to aid the barbarian woman, but his own position makes that difficult. Elarya falls quickly onto the deadly spikes below Spikes!:: 1d6 + 1d8 ⇒ (2) + (1) = 3. The spikes prove to be brittle and although they slash her up, many of them break under her weight, and she is not run through, suffering only minor injuries. Amara stands stunned behind the goblin, unsure of what just happened.
Elarya Whitescale |
Elarya cries out as she's cut in a dozen different places and has the wind knocked from her lungs. She takes a moment to catch her breath, then stands up slowly and carefully, not wanting to add another stinging cut to the "lovely" assortment she was already sporting.
"Did we ever manage to find rope. I'm not looking forward to trying to jump out."
Sansa Allende |
Someone could always shout up to Sansa who's currently sitting at the lip. The floor of the pit is 15ft down from her. Havak is a good climber and he could retrieve it. Just a suggestion.
Here's the posting:
Ensuring the rope is secured and will hold, Sansa declares quietly that will remain above since she is not the best climber and believes too many bodies would congest the space inside the hole.
"Quinn and I will remain here. I will keep an eye on the rope, and if need be, aid in pulling you out."
You guys used the rope to get down the pit.
Elarya Whitescale |
Elarya used the rope to get down. So strange she wouldn't think of it. But alright.
Yeah, but this is the same rope we need to get back up, and I imagine that dropping onto a bunch of spikes, brittle or not, is going to rattle you a bit.
Garrett Snow |
Garrett pulls himself up until there is room enough to swing his legs over the ledge. "Amara," he pants as he rises to his feet. "Throw down some of your rope to Elarya and help me pull her up."
While the huntress unknots the silk rope from her pack, Garrett leans over the edge of the pit to speak with the unlucky barbarian. "You don't look too torn up, Elarya. I've certainly seen you in worst shape," he says gently with a waning smile. After lowering Amara's rope down into the pit, "Carefully. Carefully. Now, I'll need you slowly tie this rope about your waist. When you're ready we'll pull you out of there, okay?"
The maximum Garrett can lift off of the ground is 460 lbs (source)* but just in case:
Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Sansa Allende |
Amara does not have a pack with silk rope as it burned with the rest of the town during our two year slumber. Sansa was the only one scrounging through town looking for rope etc and she has the only rope which you used to climb down into the pit.