[GD5] GM Lari's Serpents Rise (Standard) (Inactive)

Game Master Dhenn

Grand Lodge Campus Map
Skyreach Vaults-Standard
Hao Jin Tapestry Chamber


Silver Crusade

Hi everyone,

There are a number of people looking to run Serpent's Ire, the new pregen special. I wanted to provide people the opportunity to play its predecessor, Serpent's Rise, if they missed it the first time around, or wanted to give it another shot in Core.

This uses level 7 pregens, and the chronicle sheet is tier 6-8.

If you'd be interested in joining please post with the following:

  • Name
  • PFS #
  • Have you played in a past game I ran?
  • Preferred Mode of Play (Standard, Core, or No Preference)
  • Have you played or run this before? If yes, please include the character you played in spoiler tags (a class or description is fine if you forget the name/role).

    If there's enough interest for both Standard and Core tables, I'll run both, but only an individual player at one of the two tables.

    The game will technically begin with the rest of the gameday on 8/27, but my first post will likely be on the 29th or 30th due to travel.

    If you have any questions, let me know. Otherwise, let's be some bad guys!

  • Would love to take part, I missed out on it last year since i was GMing in the same spot.

    no to both

    Name Oliver
    PFS # 91931
    Have you played in a past game I ran? No
    Preferred Mode of Play (Standard, Core, or No Preference)Standard
    Have you played or run this before? No

    Thanks for offering it

    Liberty's Edge

    Name: Adam Horne
    PFS #: 204997
    Have you played in a past game I ran?: No, but would like to change that.
    Preferred Mode of Play (Standard, Core, or No Preference): No Preference
    Have you played or run this before?: No

    Silver Crusade

    Name: Capricornus
    PFS #61161
    Have you played in a past game I ran?: No
    Preferred Mode of Play (Standard, Core, or No Preference): No preference
    Have you played or run this before?: No

    Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

    Name: Tarondor
    PFS #2405
    Have you played in a past game I ran?: No
    Preferred Mode of Play (Standard, Core, or No Preference): Standard
    Have you played or run this before?: No

    Name: Magabeus
    PFS# 24861
    Have you played in a past game I ran? I don't think so
    Preferred Mode of Play (Standard, Core, or No Preference): Core
    Have you played or run this before? If yes, please include the character you played in spoiler tags (a class or description is fine if you forget the name/role).

    Played as the vengeful slayer, Marnarius

    Silver Crusade

    So far we have:

    Core Preference (1/6)

  • Magabeus

    Standard Preference (3/6)

  • Z..D..
  • Oykiv
  • Tarondor

    No Preference

  • Ietsuna
  • Capricornus

    Tables need at least four to fire, so Standard is definitely happening. It's very early, so I expect Core will fill as well. A couple housekeeping points:

    As you probably know, this uses level 7 pregens. They tie into a number of season 7 scenarios, some of which you may have already played. I think the fairest way to decide roles will be to let the dice decide, with two caveats.

    For those of you who have already played this once (so far just Magabeus), I'll reroll a result that means you'd play the same character again. Additionally, the pregens vary from pretty straightforward to extremely complex. If anyone is not comfortable playing a character that might require more system mastery, let me know. Most of your names are familiar from these forums, so I'm not too concerned.

    As I understand it, the status of Serpent's Ire at the Gameday is still up in the air. If it's being run in slot 2, I'll try to get this done by then, but there's a lot to do in this

    Normally, I don't worry too much about IC/OOC separation. In this case, I'm going to try something a little different, in an attempt to produce the right atmosphere for the scenario. If the party splits, or if there's information only one of you knows, I'll put it in spoilers like below. You can choose to share that information IC if you wish. I'll trust you to respect those, and ask that you use them as well. Once we're done, you can read through and see what all your companions were up to.


    Shaggy & Scooby:

    Edit: One additional point of note. The Season 8 Guide has adjusted pregen rules. You'll need to determine which character is getting credit for this in the beginning. Should your pregen die or otherwise need conditions cleared, you'll be on the hook for the first 2,000 gp. After that you can sell the pregen gear for half. If somehow that's not enough, you'll have to cover the remainder.

  • Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

    Can you open Gameplay for dotting so I won't forget I'm in this game?

    I wouldn't mind a crack at this in core mode.

    Name: Miteke
    PFS# 141936
    Have you played in a past game I ran? Yes, in The Phantom Phenomenom as Kyra.
    Preferred Mode of Play: Core
    Have you played or run this before? Yes, in classic mode as Marnarius/Gazwyr. We got out butts handed to us and I want a rematch.

    Rules question:

    If I hav a core character already playing in the same GD5 slot, may I chose to have the credit assigned to that character?

    The Exchange

    I'm still new to PFS but got invited to a Serpent's Ire game for the second session, so I'd like to try this one too. Feel free to give me the simplest character. I haven't played anything at level 7 yet- only level 4 pregens. I understand this is a pretty deadly scenario so I will try to not mess it up for everyone!

    Name: Dave
    PFS ID: 161871
    Have you played in a past game I ran? No
    Preferred Mode of Play: Standard
    Have you played or run this before? No

    Silver Crusade

    Tarondor, it is now open.

    Tarondor, Deraev, Z...D..., and Oykiv can go dot in over there.

    Magabeus and Miteke feel free to dot in over here. Core Gameplay Thread.

    Ietsuna and Capricornus Hang tight for now. Right now it looks like you'll go Core, but we'll see how things go.

    Sovereign Court

    I am happy to help fill-out the CORE table :-)

    Liberty's Edge

    Fine with core

    Are there any openings left for Standard?

    Silver Crusade

    Wherever I'm needed I'm good.

    [Edit]Oh, wait, If I play Core, does that Chronicle have to go to a Core Campaign character? If so I'd prefer Standard...

    Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

    Yes, it does.

    Silver Crusade

    Ok. Capricornus and d'Eon can go over to the gameplay thread and check in. That leaves Standard full at 6 players.

    Ietsuna and Luke can head over to the Core thread to check in. Core is now at 4/6.

    What the heck, I wouldn't mind a CORE run through of this (awesome) scenario if there're still slots.

    I've played Shohiraj before in 'Classic' mode. Like her, but wouldn't mind trying another Aspis agent.

    Sovereign Court

    Name Andrew
    PFS # 116986
    Have you played in a past game I ran? No
    Preferred Mode of Play (Standard, Core, or No Preference) Core
    Have you played or run this before? Yes

    Play info:
    I played the Slayer. My only specific request would be not to play the Wizard or Rogue (saw them played, didn't seem enjoyable for me)

    Silver Crusade

    Awesome! Zoomba and Andrew can snag the last two Core spots. Both tables are now full. Come on over to the Core thread linked above!

    Recruitment closed

    I didn`t see the suggestion to dot and thenks GM Lari for the reminder.

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