Skyfall - Colonies of the Shining Sea

Game Master Corerue

Battle at the lift

Crosses vs

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Di Still waiting on your response, will be moving the scene along soon if no reply comes, if you need information let me know.

Tyrn Still your turn. You broke the grapple and are allowed to act normally, you are prone but so is your opponent. Will move scene along tomorrow if no reply comes.

Cassian, Ael, Mir

The man looks at the fallen soldier outside the door and nods at Cassian's words. "Well if'n you don't mind I need to reach him, your lady here knocked him out of the room with her staff. But as I have already promised, no funny business. I will see if the Captain will speak with ya all." It's obvious he doesn't like Cassian's arrogance but he isn't complaining as he crawls over to the other downed man.

As he sets his hand outside the door a single rifle crack causes him to scramble back for a moment as a rifle round slams into the wall. Leaving behind a small penetrating mark in the wall. The medic recovers quickly and yells. "GOD'S DAMN THE NEXT MAN WHO SHOOTS AT ME! I'LL BLOODY STITCH YOUR FACE SHUT I WILL!" He takes a moment for the echo to subside and then starts crawling outside the door again, this time however no rifle crack sounds. The sound of murmuring does echo up the hallway however. It's easy to tell their is a lot of surprised talk going on.

He reaches the downed man and gets to work, checking him for broken bones and other injuries with his uncovered hands before pulling out a glass bottle. Removing the metal and cork stopper from the top. He reaches down and angles the down man's head forward and waves the top of the bottle under their nose.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

The man stirs but doesn't open his eyes, merely batting at the foul smelling bottle under his nose. He snaps awake though when the medic slaps him upside the head then, in a bewildered state, the man's eyes snap open and before he starts to panic the medic grabs him by the font of his collar and shakes him hard. Getting his attention off Aurora and her crackling staff as he speaks. "Nows not the time for napping igit. Get the Captain, don't dawdle." The man scrambles off on hands and knees, leaving behind his rifle and several rounds rolling on the ground. Once out of sight however you can hear him running down the corridor, leaving the medic and the two injured men behind.

The medic crawls back into the room, moving between the two downed men as he ensures they are both still breathing. He changes one bloodied bandage on the officer that Mirri had tore up with her claws. You all look towards the door at the sound of approaching footsteps, not the normal footsteps of a soldier but someone with an elegant and light step to their stride. Less then a minute later a man rounds the corner and stands in the doorway. He's clean cut and has a regal air about him as he takes in the sights of the room in an instant, looking primarily at Mirri and Aurora. His clothing is nearly as spotless as the soldiers that assailed you.

Perception 15:

His clothing is wrinkled, it's obvious he's been sleeping in his clothes.

Perception 20:

Their dark spots under his eyes, he appears to be exhausted despite his powerful presence.

1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29

Sense Motive DC 29:

He's sizing you all up, whether or not he can take you on is unknown, but he is most definitely assessing your abilities from the doorway.

He stands with his hands clasped behind his back, a strange looking pistol holstered on his right hip and a thin looking blade strapped on his left. His stance is open with his feet spread apart as he watches you all, he doesn't salute or anything along friendly terms before he speaks in a commanding and assertive voice. "Are ye alright?" When the medic nods he speaks again. "Captain Lionel George Carroll, 16th Lord Petre. Who by chance are you and your assigned company?" He says the last words with some doubt as to the validity of the idea that any of you belong to a military company.

Male Human, Cygnan

Sorry for the wait, my friend. Been busy for me. I started running a zombie-apocalypse game in recognition of the holiday, so that + school = Forgetfulness. Sorry if my post if short, I figured it'd be best just to get him moving a long without much narrative. It's a battle anyways, so it doesn't really require one.

Tyrn rolls to his side and gets to his feet (move action) and attempts to plunge his sword into the hulking humanoid's heart.

Expend round of Arch. Luck +1. If my memory serves me correct, I should have 5 or 4 uses left.

Attack: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 8 + 1 = 18
If 18 hits this mofo while he's flat-footed, then he can suck on...
DMG: 1d6 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + (5) + 2 = 10 ....THIS!!!

Anti-climatic.... :(

Female Human Time Thief 6 [Current HP 37 Total HP 37, Init +5, Perception +9, AC 20/15/15]

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

We don't even understand how we got here. I am Aelessar.

I shrug, That's it: just Aelessar.

Now would you explain why, by all Her stars, did you attack us?



Your strikes causes the rifle to recoil as if you struck a person, however it doesn't stay away as it spins around and attempts to strike you with its damaged stock...

Rifle Stock Slam: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

1d4 ⇒ 2

However the strike goes wide and misses Leon completely.


With your opponent shattered you press into the room and are shocked at what you find.

The chain gun continues to rain death down on the Red Shield's airship, who in turn fire back with an assortment of poorly placed rounds and their deck mounted chaingun. What surprises you is that there isn't anyone manning the chaingun, it appears to be firing itself...

Chained to its stock is an odd looking lantern that glows a pale necrotite green and doesn't appear to be too sturdy...

In the corner lays a dead man, still clutching his rifle, the symbol of Cygnus is emblazoned on his destroyed breastplate and his dead eyes stare straight ahead. Still wide eyed and reflecting the fear of his hopefully swift death.

K-Arcana DC 20 +5 since your from Cryx and may have some familiarity:

This is a type of Soul Cage, in the form of a lantern that literal houses souls. It's a horrible necromantic item utilized by the Lich Lords of Cryx to capture the souls of the living to use to power their spells, enchant weapons and for many other nefarious means. Owning such an item is both a boon and a curse as it is unknown what side effects may exists if any.

It wasn't an uncommon sight to see a Lich Lords minions scavenging across a battlefield, harvesting the souls of the dying and slaying those who were still clinging to life so that they could capture their soul before it ascended to Urcaen.

Ael Only:

When you mention your name he looks at you so quickly, that despite all his airs its clear as day at least to you, that he recognized your name and responded quickly. Too Quickly. He is good however at playing it casual, why though your not sure...

Lionel looks to Ael, his gaze sweeping over her once more as he listened to her speak. He gave a short chuckle, almost sounding like a harumph of displeasure at her words before responding in his strange accent. "Don't know who she is but sounds like you are in the same stretch as we are Aelessar. However we moved to apprehend you because for the last..." He pulls out a pocket watch, checks it briefly before placing back in his breast pocket. "thirty one days, seventeen hours, fifty one minutes and twenty seven seconds we have been subjected to random, violent assaults by creatures that are dead, driven mad or..." It's the first time his voice falters, but his pause isn't long as he changes topic. "We didn't know what suddenly popped in our back door so I sent the boys to check it out..."

The Medic continues to hop to and fro, checking and changing bandages, completely ignoring or quietly listening to all of you talk. However he isn't making any more noise then he needs to as he tries to seemingly vanishes beneath your gaze...

He suddenly notices Bera, who is now rising to her feet, shaky but finally awake. He arcs an eyebrow, whether he was surprised or not was anyone's guess, finally he gives another harumph and quietly assess your companions...

Sense Motive dc 18:

Bera's appearance clearly surprises him but he hides it well, so well that he play's it off as completely normal despite the curiosity dancing in his eyes.

Sense Motive dc 14:

He isn't surprised by Aurora, in fact he looks like he recognizes her. At least her form and is attempting to play it off calmly as if her appearance surprised or interested him...

Tyrn No problem! knew you were busy so I wasn't trying to be too pushy, just getting things moving along is all. :) Nice to hear you started a game, is it on the boards or tabletop at home?

The armored, over muscled hulk ignores your strike entirely. However it bleeds like any normal person would, spurting a good enough amount of blood to indicate its powerful heart contained inside its over muscled frame.

As it lumbers to its feet you are able to get another strike in...

AoO Tyrn against opponent... Tyrn's attack: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 9 + 1 = 16

Damage: 1d6 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + (4) + 2 = 8

which conects with ease, giving the creature another brutal slash which causes it to shutter and fall to the floor. Even you are unable to hide your surprise that something so large could go down that easy. It's then that you notice it's been injured already, a deep gash across its back reveal's bone and muscle tissue. This things spine is visible as well, nearly severed by the hit it received by who knows what...

The serpent sisters continue to fight doggedly on, one thrashing and collidiing with her over muscled opponent. While the other rains spells of force on him, producing several bolts of light that slam into it and batter the mechanized creature back to the floor.

You don't have long before you feel the gentle press of naked flesh against your back, followed by a pair of long arms that reach down past you neck and dangle just in front of your chest as she squeezes you back against her bosom. "What say you and I ditch the scaly twins hmmm~..." The teasing way she says it is a cruel temptation in the abysmal atmosphere of the room you awoke in and the hard fighting going on both within and outside the room. She follows it up though with a strange warning. "I'd avoid that one though..." She gestures with one of her delicate looking fingers to a nearby containment tub in the wall. "It's a lot bigger on the inside..."

Apologies XD All:

Some of the NPC's you will encounter are the characters of my old friends from years, back and this girl here is a doosey. She is shameless, was created shamelessly and played shamelessly. However she was a bad ass character up until the day the group disbanded! If my posts get a little uncomfortable let me know and I will tone it down. :) We're here to have fun and she is a fun one~ Especially picking on former old man Tyrn!

Reminders for Tyrn, the Serpent Sisters are still fighting, however they are keeping their opponent pinned for now. Thier is still fighting going on outside the room, the sound of metal being smashed up is evident... You also have a seemingly naked demon, half? woman pressing against you and several more tubes in the room to check. I can repost the tubes info if you want. Let me know and I will get it done and save you the time. :)

Your also invited to a Wrath of the Righteous campaign I will be starting for the gamers in this group only. At least so long as we get enough for a party. It should go a lot faster then this as I will have my materials on hand instead of most of the material being destroyed...

But let me know and good luck in RL bud, glad to still have ya around. :)

No K:Arcane

Aurora upon seeing the strange lantern angling from the chaingun she takes a step towards it but then thinks better against it not knowing what physical contact to its necrotic energy could do. Even to one of her particular ancestry. With a flick of her wrist a shuriken lands in her palm and she flings it at the lantern.

attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
damage: 1d2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16

attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
damage: 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Leon swings his katana smashing the animated remains of the gun into scraps of metal and wood he stands calmly as he looks around to check for anymore surpirses.

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18

Male Human, Cygnan

No worries, sir. I'm a big-boy and I'm all about fun! haha. I love incorporating characters already developed into other games. Lucky for her, Tyrn is CN and has no qualms about allying with potentially dangerous naked demon-women. Haha.

What a fascinating biology these hulks possess. If circumstances were different, I'd thoroughly enjoy an extensive autopsy-

His thought is broken with the calamity still occurring in the room, and with the sudden warm embrace from his mysterious "ally".

"Hah! My dear, you are a treat! But we've only just met... And could we conceivably abandon those that share a common enemy with us? Strength in numbers and all."

Directing his attention to the tube she pointed out... "And what manner of creature is that that I should be afraid of? Regardless, I will heed your advice. You seem to have... been around."

"In a more appropriate time, I would like to know what manner of creature you are. For now, we should assist our scaly friends. From the sounds of it, we may need them."

Tyrn will attempt to engage in combat with the other hulk by flanking him and dishing out another sneak attack, assuming the demon-babe allows him. I will await the next post to see. Also, you have a PM from me.

Male Human, Cygnan

Okay, you have three PM's from me. Haha.

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Identify Accent of the soldiers
Knowledge (Geography): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

"Your back door?" Cassian interjects suddenly, smiling smugly all the while. "So this area must be fortified. Did it cost you all of thirty one days, seventeen hours, fifty one minutes and twenty seven seconds to establish that? How many of those bastards have you killed?"

"O! Apologies, I am Cassian Vespertine," he stifles a snort of a chuckle and gives the captain the slightest hint of a bow. "My assigned company remains to be of no particular importance at this juncture, only our lives. Myself and my associates mean only to escape this prison. What about you and your fellows?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Female Human Time Thief 6 [Current HP 37 Total HP 37, Init +5, Perception +9, AC 20/15/15]

sense motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Cassian, Ael and Mir

Lionel clasps his arms behind his back, his steely resolve hardens even further when he hears of your plans to escape. His response is instantaneous and well practiced.

"We will defend the heart with all the force we can muster, the fortifications were already in place when we arrived. This place was the sight of a slaughter where the forces who held this place prior paid the ultimate price for their heroism and undying courage. They fearlessly defended this place and so will we." He mumbles the last answer to Cassians questions, as if unwilling to admit how outnumbered they were. "Hundreds..."

He gestures to the doorway his attitude brightening a smidgen.. "Let's start off on a different foot, it's clear your not bent to the master and we are allies in this right mess. I'd rather have my guns aimed in the right direction anyways. What say you Cassian and Lady Aelessaer? Besides I'm sure your famished and luckily we have tea and biscuits."

The medic is still working dutifully away, sparing a glance every now and again while under the watchful eye of Bera, Aurora and Mir. He pulls at his collar every once and awhile and quietly complains, mostly to himself, about how hot it was in this room...



Vincent is just wrapping up her fight with the other animated rifle as you destroy yours, as she stands up she gives you a weak smile of triumphant as the foxhole becomes suddenly quiet. You can make out the sound of glass breaking from within the foxhole behind you. However a thunderous rifle crack is all the warning you get before Vincent drops to the ground clutching her side as she tumbles into the poorly made ditch your standing in. Your eyes however were quick enough to make out the direction of the flash and it was the same green flash of the snipers rifle from earlier save for the fact they are now within 100 feet of your position...

Initiative please.

ini sniper, Vincent incapacitated.: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31


Your shuriken barely scratches the lantern and in response to your attack the chain gun leans back and starts to pivot, trying to bring the barrel inside the foxhole. Which at this range would be seriously deadly as its accuracy would be lethal...

Initiative please

ini chain gun.: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16

Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
As that's a crit I'll move twice to get fully into the foxhole and out of his firing range.
If that brings me to Aurora I'll attack the lantern myself

Attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Crit confirm: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Crit: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Total 40 points of damage10

Leon quickly ducks into the foxhole upon arriving in the chaingun station he sees it moving on its own towards Aurora. He acts quickly his blade swinging for the strange lantern....

Multi Post - All Players


K-Check - Geography:

Adding a little more for when you possible meet more.

Their accent is a mix of Cygnian and Imperial, it's still unlike anything you've heard of and each man varies. Some of their voices end their sentences on high notes. Slur their words as if they were drunk, yet everyone understands what their saying save for you and your allies. And some have an extremely energetic, high way of speaking that mixes the above accents together and makes for a really hard time deciphering exactly what they said.


She gives you a momentary squeeze as she sulks momentarily, before giving a sensual chuckle. "Oh I doubt she'd harm you, she's just clingy is all. After how long many of u shave been locked away you could say we're just... lonely. You may not realize it yet but you are in the women's ward of this infernal temple..." You realize now that her voice always has a tantalizing effect on your senses. She circles slowly around you, running one finger across the back of your neck and along your left shoulder as she comes to stand on your left. "Creature? Words hurt you know~" She smirks at the ongoing fighting and grimaces as the noise gets worse. Finally with a sigh she disappears in a burst of smokey shadows, which vanish as quickly as they formed.

She looks over to where your both watching the Serpent twins combat their mechanized opponent, who finally appears to be gaining the upper hand. Slamming the gladiator styled sister into the floor and slamming its fist into her chest as her sister unleashes another torrent of flame against its back. Her attacks appear to be less effective...

A blackblade runs across the mechanized humanoids shoulders, sending it crashing to the floor and narrowly missing the prone scaled sister. Standing behind him is the white haired woman, who smiles smugly as her long forked tail dances excitedly behind her. She was carrying the blade with the one glaring eye, which seemed to dart back and forth as it took in the room constantly.

She gives Tyrn a wink and vanishes in a burst of smoky shadows, followed by silence as the fighting in the hallway ceases as well. The door to the room slides shut as the claw falls limply with its attached owner to the floor. As soon as the door shut she appeared standing nonchalantly next to Tyrn once more, inspecting her nails as if she'd done nothing at all.

The scaly twins gather themselves and stand on the opposite side of the room, collecting their gear and glaring at the woman standing next to you. They seem extremely hostile in regards to her, she however returns their affections with a smirk as she runs her hand through her luxurious hair. The skin tight clothing she is wearing leaves little to the imagination.


A lot of things happen all at once...

Leon bursts into the confined Foxhole, seizes the moment when the Chain gun leans back and slams his blade into the glowing lantern. Shattering it...

The lantern, which appears to have been some sort of necromantic item, releases a wail akin to that of a hundred souls crying out in anguish. The sudden burst of negative energy explodes outward, covering the entire hill and nearly snuffs out Vincents life in an instant. Leaving her barely clutching to life on the beach as a dark form approached, rifle loaded and ready to fire...


For the next hour you may apply the effects of the Vampire template to your character.

The lanterns necromantic origins have temporarily left you feeling supercharged and more powerful then ever before and... your completely healed.


Before your very eyes your husband undergoes a terrible transformation, his body becomes more statuesque. His features more defined, along with his vampiric fangs and his eyes take on a horrible red glow as the necromantic energy within the lantern washes over you all.

As the wave of dark energy strikes you, you feel a strange warmth wash over your body. The Skyblade shines like never before, all of its inner workings glowing like a lantern as it seems to convert the dark energy into something else. Your injuries knit themselves back together. Your scar you gained back on the Flesh Galley disappears as if it never had occurred and every fiber of your being becomes stronger...

However the warmth you feel causes your heart to race and before you realize it your head hits the roof of the foxhole. Looking down you see your feet have left the ground...

For the next hour apply the simple advanced template to Aurora alongwith the Element-infused template (Air)

The moment comes and goes all too quickly, leaving you both standing there with the now inert chain gun resting barrel up...

Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16

Leon feels the new necromantic energies rush through his body. His senses seem sharper then normal. He blinks in confusion as Aurora floats up to the top of the foxhole. "I'm not sure what just happened...but we don't have time to stop that sniper is outside."

He says as he looks back towards where he left Vincent lying on the ground.

That was freaking awesome!

Human Skyborne Sorcerer 1/ Myterious Stranger Musket Master Gunslinger 4; HP 46/46, AC 22/18/14, Init +8, Perception +9, F7/ R11/ W6
DM Corerue wrote:


From your vigil you catch the eyes with the standard bearer of the battle clerics who is looking up as Smitties battered vessel as it started to pass them by. In that moment he salutes you, thrusting the standard skyward his shout drowned out by the combat going on around them. Despite being surrounded, outnumbered and terribly injured, these men were not going to retreat.

Your aid however had helped them immensely and saved them from dying for no reason, now thay at least had a chance to turn the tide...
Due to the extremely long rifle ranges to get out of ground range or a safe distance would put negatives on your fusillades and it would take a few rounds as Airships are not quick at fast ascensions. Least of all as damaged as Smitties old girl lol. I will post the following and make adjustments once I get your response.

Joey's attack: 1d20 ⇒ 3

Your soldiers rally around your command, many things happen at once and rifles are once more pointed downward at the enemy amassed below. You hear the airship grown underneath you as Smitty bellows. "Right Lass! Shes in terrible shape but she's holding together. I'll relay yuor orders to the boys down below!"

The grappler smashes into the side of the Raker but does little damage to its crew and fails to change its course despite the small hole that was formed by the impact. They're still in bound and by the look of the amassed pirates on deck they outnumber you nearly four to one...

Your gunners, undeterred by the coming Raker, tear great holes in the undead lines down below. Huge gaps form and then something miraculous happens. From the outbuildings that appeared to had been sealed the doors burst open as a veritable flood of Morrowan Paladin's and Sword Priests take the fight to the street. By the look of them these men are all injured but within the first few seconds several small squads form and appear to be holding as the undead appear unable to regroup quickly enough. The savage onslaught continues as your flaming fuel bombs rain down and shatter a small squad of undead riflemen, reducing them to burning body parts and smoldering bones.

The Raker is close enough now that you can see the pirates teeming on deck, many have taken refuge behind guard rails but they all appear to be heavily armed and ready to board...

The fighting is so fierce on the ground that Smitties Ariship receives little attention from ground fire as the clerics fight with renewed vigor and the undead struggle to regroup.

Too Long to OOC:
Ok, first, let me please apologize for my absence y'all. I still really love this character, and am very much enjoying this cool, unique game and story line and all the writing in it. It's has continually seemed more and more clear though that, for whatever reason, Di's storyline has been less of a priority for you Corerue. Back when I was keeping track, I think she was averaging receiving 1 update to 2-3 for what you were giving the others. I think that is mainly what dimmed my enthusiasm. As an example, I'm still waiting, what, 2-3 months now for the stats of Di's enemies. Not trying to make you feel bad or anything, as I know how much you have to juggle and keep track of, especially with players in multiple locations. But seriously, no hard feelings, just saying where I was coming from. With that all said though, I'm happy to continue on, and hopefully we'll both be able to keep Di's game humming. Deal? : )

Diyeana locks eyes with the standard bearer, the knowledge clear in both of their eyes, even from a distance, that she would very likely never see him again in this world. His bravery, the bravery of all his brothers and sisters down below, warms her heart and fills it with a fierce pride. Saluting him, saluting them all, her trademark devil-may-care grin spreads wide across her face as she raises her rifle and shouts at the top of her voice "FOR CYGNUS!! FOR LIFE!!!"

Every single person aboard Smitty's ship who is able to looks over to her, follows her line of sight, and then echos her cheer, louder and louder, until it rocks the ship and tidal waves out towards all those who hear it. Intimidate?: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23 (+ bonus for whole ship doing it? :D )

With the arrival of the Paladins and Sword Priests, Diyeana knows that the valiant warriors below her now at least have a chance to survive to fight another day. Now, she knows she must see to the survival of her crew. Without missing a beat she whips her longgun around and aims it at he oncoming Raker, bellowing out orders as she does "Alright boys and girls, let's sweep this Cryxian s#!t off that dungheap of a ship before it even gets here! Bombers, grab your guns and join in on the fun! Joey, bash 'em again!"

This time though, Diyeana does not join in the fusillade as she has a specific target in mind. Her keen eyes searching, she looks for the helmsman, or barring that, whatever undead seems to be acting as captain. Lining up her shot carefully, she aims at the head, lets out her breath and fires, hoping to take her target out in one shot. Surrounding her, her longgunners, with the bombers now back in their ranks, unleash an even more devastating fusillade than the one unleashed on their enemies below.
Perception to spot helmsman: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
FRA+swift action:
-1 grit Focused Aim Lethal Accuracy Rifle attack: 1d20 + 12 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 12 + 2 + 1 = 20
Damage: 1d12 + 2 + 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 2 + (5, 2) + 5 = 24

Fusillade (Everything in each line, up to 200', DC26 Ref for half):
Line 1 Damage: 6d10 + 10 ⇒ (3, 8, 6, 4, 9, 5) + 10 = 45 (plus whatever for 4 extra gunners?)
Line 2 Damage: 6d10 + 10 ⇒ (9, 4, 4, 1, 9, 5) + 10 = 42 (plus whatever for 4 extra gunners?)
Line 3 Damage: 6d10 + 10 ⇒ (6, 4, 10, 7, 3, 6) + 10 = 46 (plus whatever for 4 extra gunners?)
Line 4 Damage: 6d10 + 10 ⇒ (8, 10, 10, 2, 6, 4) + 10 = 50 (plus whatever for 4 extra gunners?)

Female Tabaxi Ranger/ Barbarian 6 (Skirmisher, Natural weapon style/ Invulnerable Rager)

Miri watches the medic work, satisfied to let the more talkative of the group handle the...."parlay?" She was fascinated with the unusual weapons they carried and wielded, but these people were definitely strange to her.

Female Human Time Thief 6 [Current HP 37 Total HP 37, Init +5, Perception +9, AC 20/15/15]

Trying to make it clear that we are all together, I turn to Bera, "What do you think?"

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 9 - 2 = 12
His Wisdom dropped by 5 points so pairing that with his usual joie de vivre makes him pretty open to suggestion. Sorry, everyone. Lol!

"Hmph! 'Undying' is quite an apt word, wouldn't you agree?" he titters cheekily. His eyes are still alight with laughter as he turns to the lovely women of his party. "I don't know about you, but a steaming cup of tea and a biscuit or two sounds delightful. Of course," he adds, again regarding Captain Carroll, "fish or poultry would be preferable."

Raw Charisma (for good measure): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Cruntched by his vanity, Cassian gives Lionel a warm, disarming expression as he gracefully slips Selene into her sheath and makes for the door. He stops and spins on his heel a step away from the threshold, "My ladies?

Posting in this order, Crosses, Casian and Crew and then DI


Apologies if I end up neglecting some of you, it is my fault completely as some of you are easier to post for then others. Di's scene is constantly evolving which is no excuse for lack of keeping her updated. I will try and keep it a one for one for everyone as best I can. I can only do this so long as you guys continue to be the good sports you already are and post steadily on. Apologies for the wait. The flue and food posioning kicked my ass completely and for the last day or so I have been completely useless.

However I am able to force myself back to work and will work to catch things up. Thank you for your continued patience! WotR thread will be up tomorrow morning. We will get that campaign started shortly. Looking forward to it as well. :D


Waiting on a post from Tyrn, as he is busy thats fine and I will progress his story in the next couple of days just to keep him moving forward.


You guys are still located in the Foxhole correct? Just getting my bearings before pressing forward.

Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16

heading towards the exit but officially still in the fox hole


Roger that! Continuing on!

Peering through the single tight entrance to the foxhole you still see Vincent where she fell. Although she appears far paler then before and Leon is shocked at what his eyes could detect now. He could see the flow of life energy as it moved through her body, the places where it coalesced the strongest and even how slow her heart was beating. Each breath was noticeable as well, inviting him...

Enticing him with every slow beat of her heart...

Hunger Will DC 12:

If Fail- For the first time in your life you feel the effects of the Hunger vampire suffer, however it isn't all consuming as you were lead to believe. Vincent in her vulnerable state is a distraction, which occupies your focuses greatly. -5 to perception checks so long as she is within sight, -2 to attack and damage rolls as long as you don't feed.

Success - For the first time in your life you feel the effects of what is better known as the hunger that full blooded vampires suffer from. Whether this is the result of your drastic change is unknown but you are strong enough to rise above it. Besides you had a sniper to kill...

Feel free to share this descriptively with Aurora and apologies if what is happening is confusing at all. But I was trying to make it interesting for the effects of a necromantic item exploding in front of creatures that are healed by dark energy. ;) Thought you'd enjoy that. lol Let me know if you have any questions.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Perception DC 20:

Your enhanced senses allow you to here the smooth slide of a rifle bolt driving into place, another shell loaded and ready. The Sniper is somewhere directly in line with the foxhole, most likely higher up on the beach. From the curved and cramped doorway you cannot see them however.

Roll Initiative if you decide to dash out. Roll a Stealth check as well.


Oh buddy here we go!

Di's speech rallies her gunners like never before, whether this was affected by adrenaline or the sheer sense of accomplishment that a small band like theirs was inflicting so much damage to the enemy. As the fell ash spewing Raker closed the distance the riflemen took aim, preparing for a fusillade and hoping to devastate the enemy line prior to their engagement. As her men and women took aim Di hefted her own rifle and scanned the enemy Raker for their blighted helmsmen and (un)luckily found them.

The dragonscaled bastard looked tall and powerful, obviously blighted by the look of his black eyes and mutated body. It didn't protect him however from Di's lethal accuracy...

Fort versus massive damage DC 15: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

... his head goes back slightly, a confused look frozen forever as her deadly shot ends his life in an instant.

???: 1d100 ⇒ 93

more to come....

continuation of the above post for DI

... his head goes back slightly, a confused look frozen forever as her deadly shot ends his life in an instant.

??? Top 20 succeed: 1d100 ⇒ 93
??? Top 20 fail1d100 ⇒ 35

He doesn't crumple like expected, just stands there for several moments before leaning forward and collapsing onto the wheel of the Raker. The fast moving Cryxian ship begins to react quickly...

Reflex Save dc 26: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22 FAILED!

Causing all of the cryxians on deck to waver and in that moment of indecision and confusion the gunners take the opportunity to unleash the power of their well aimed rifles. In moments the once swarming Raker deck is a mass of blood, pain and death as the fusillade tears through the pirates like a hurricane as a rain of bullets reduces their numbers by over half. Those that remain now fight to hold onto something on the tipping deck as the Raker turns sharper and sharper until it's dead helmsmen finally slides off the wheel. However without a helmsman the ship is unable to right itself alone...

The once overly eager pirates scream and curse the gods as the Raker keeps turning, veering sharply away from the Salvager as the Raker deck continues to approach a 180* change. Those pirates that were too slow are heard screaming as they slide and hit the guardrails, which sends them somersaulting downward into the embattled streets below. To a very certain and messy death.

Impact zone Top 20 = hit:: 1d100 ⇒ 32

As the Raker veers it luckily doesn't run aground on any o the nearby temples, veering so sharply that it starts to ascend skyward and away from the battle below. The remaining enemy vessel's appear to be breaking off and abandoning the assault on the temple district altogether. Beneath Smitties Airship the temple streets appear to be more evenly matched as the Cryxians continue to lose the support they desperately needed to maintain their strong hold on the holy districts streets.

It was almost impossible to be able to get an easy shoot in as the temple district was now the site of a mass battle. To aid any further would require you to disembark from your airship and continue on foot...

Very well done Fusillade, you knocked that Raker crew down to a 1/4 in one go, didn't help you killed the helmsmen ya punk! xD Let me know if you need additional info!

Capt. Carrol doesn't smile at Cassian's remark, not even a tiny bit. He was all business as he nodded at your seeming acceptance to his invitation and, with a fleeting glance at Ael, turned on his heel. Once in the hallway in full open view of the awaiting soldiers he bellowed. "All CLEAR! Return ta your stations! Stretchers to the front we have wounded, no Dawdling!" Within a moment of his word the sound of moving boots on metal is easily heard.


Bera looked very out of it, her dulled eyes looking to Ael as she spoke and after a few moments she nodded and spoke. [smaller}"Ioy aael fuagwf foyyi..."[/smaller] However her words came out in a beastial tongue, one that Ael didn't understand. Bera didn't seem to notice that she wasn't talking clearly and stares in confusion at your confused look.

Aurora pipes in quietly then, looking unsure at Capt. Carroll's backside as he moves into the hallway ahead of you all. [smaller}"My Ibxian is rough but I believe she said we can trust him however she isn't in the best of condition. I say we remain wary..."[/smaller]

Two pairs of men round the corner and halt at the first look at all of you, however they jump to when Capt. Carroll returns, giving one man a swift kick in the rear. [smaller"If'n they die it's on your heads now move ya asses!"[/smaller] He gives a gruff sigh and turns back to move down the hall.

The stretcher bearers move past you all and quickly get to work loading up the injured men under the strict direction of the once nervous Medic. Their lost to view as you round the bend and come into the shocking sight of just what had been awaiting you...

You count at least three scores of men milling about, breaking down what appear to be an advanced Chaingun unlike any that Cassian has ever seen. However that wasn't the only thing that surprises you all. As the turret Cassian and the soldiers had talked about was standing in the center of the hallway. It was an impressive bit of machinery, except as you all enter the hallway fully it starts to change. In less then a minute this Turret transforms into a heavily armored and deadly looking machine with four metal legs supporting its broad frame with a pair of arms that have spiked attachments where the hands should be and a single barrel placed above the glowing symbol of Cyriss on the center of its broad armored chest.

Cassian DC30 Cyriss Tech Roll:

This is a heavy vector known as a Monitor. It is akin to the Heavy Warjacks that the kingdoms use in the Old World but it is far more efficient, deadly and merciless. Unlike the warjacks in the kingdoms, the monitor doesn't require a boiler system to draw power from the steam generated by the loading of water and burning coal to power the jack. This Heavy Vector and every other bit of Cyriss tech draws power from the temple array itself, running completely emission free and without the need to be loaded with fuel ever.

It's close combat rating is off the charts, its two arms sport spike attachments that can reach to outwards of ten feet. If enemies are foolish enough to amass before it it is likely that more then one opponent at a time can be skewered by its spikes. It's single barrel fires heavy rounds that can easily puncture the heaviest armor in the kingdoms, save for Warcasters armor that is.

All and all this machine could easily have crushed you all, save for maybe Aurora as its armor isn't easily penetrated...

Apologies, bed time :(

Cassian Ael Mir continued

Sorry for the brutal misspelling up above, I was really tired but I wanted to get some posts in. :( You guys had waited long enough.

As the moment of surprise lingers the stretcher bearers move past you all and finally Capt. Carroll walks around the machine, completely comfortable with it despite the fact that it was moving. He looked at all of you questioningly. "You passed. Lets settle down for that tea shall we?" He turns and leads you all past the fortification, a series of sandbags have placed at the intersection of the hallway, forming an 8 foot wall with several holes put through it's center for guns and bayonets to be jammed through. While making it difficult for attackers to climb over it.

Capt. Carroll leads you passed the group of men who had faced you mere minutes ago, some glower at you while most look at their feet. Mir and Bera are the center of attention for some as they are the most exotic among you. Ael garners a lot of attention as well, although the men seem to be openly avoiding looking at her for too long.

Some murmuring among the soldiers... Perception DC 25:

Over the hustle and bustle of moving men several conversations break through and despite some being garbled your able to make out some of the conversation before an officer silences the speakers completely.

"... Wasn't she alone?"
"... she's back?"
"Not injured dis time eh?"
"I thought she said dey were all dead? Didn't she?"
"Quiet! There lookin' dis way..."
"The Cap will have our asses if'n they hear so shut it!"
"Wasn't she covered in burns and cuts?"
"Shut it you gits!"

Aurora never makes it past the Turret instead she stands there admiring it as you all continue on. He leads you down the left hand hallway and you find that every door except two is open. The two that are shut are located right on the corner near the fortification and the opposite corner at the next intersection.

Of the doors that are open you get a quick view of an improvised bunk room, a mechanical room, armory, hospital, parts room (Just opposite of the mechanical room and an actual mess hall. Which currently has around two score of men eating and chatting quietly, you see a dozen soldiers turned cook's making food for the soldiers and as you all entered two break off from their duties. Moving quickly and efficiently to bring you all a fresh pot of tea, some biscuits, scones and a glass of milk for Mir.

Seeing the milk Capt. Carroll gives the two men a stern glare, which causes the two to quickly apologize and move to retrieve the glass of milk.

Some of the soldiers also move a couple tables together and bring over more seats for you all, their glances aren't so much as a surprise anymore but they are still uncomfortable. Once the tables were put together, the soldiers pull out the chairs like gentlemen and wait for the ladies to sit before scooting the chair in and moving back to their food. Even Mir and Bera are treated well, despite the unsure looks on the soldiers faces as they acted like gentlemen. Once you were all seated Capt. Carroll took a seat and started pouring tea for each of you.

The smell of food is intoxicating as you all haven't eaten in gods know how long, feeling as if it had been an age since your last meal. Once you all tucked in for a little grub with Capt. Carrol patiently waiting to speak until you've at least had a moment to eat. When he finally spoke he was calm and collected, not a hint of distress as he asked. "So what do you know about this place? We haven't pushed very far into the third floor regrettably. However the continued loss of power is a real bother. As is this core failure business."

Female Human Time Thief 6 [Current HP 37 Total HP 37, Init +5, Perception +9, AC 20/15/15]

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Just read that we levelled so that is a +9

Female Tabaxi Ranger/ Barbarian 6 (Skirmisher, Natural weapon style/ Invulnerable Rager)

Distracted by the foreign of her surroundings, the attention of many of the soldiers and her ravenous hunger, Mirri fails to notice the whispers.

1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14

Thats fine Ael, I'll allow it. :) so you made a DC 25 Perception check~ ;)

Will wait until tomorrow night for other posts or changes, that way you guys have time to think about what you're doing. :)

Male Human, Cygnan

"My word.... What a brilliant display! You just.... You... you are amazing, my dear. Such power... such verve! I'm no stranger to magic, but you use it as if it is an additional limb. What do your people refer to themselves as? And umm... what tricks can you teach me?"

Tyrn's excitement is only multiplied with his renewed vigor. He feels 20 years younger, so his appetite, energy, and overall "mojo" are at levels they haven't been for a while. He then realizes the behavior of his other allies.

"Oh come now, friends! Power is nothing to fear. Sure she could probably decapitate you with a wink of her eye. But how about we don't give her cause to do so? There's no reason why reptiles, humans, and super demon-women can't all be friends."

Turning his attention back toward the demon-babe.

"I say we salvage the tanks. The deceased inhabitants certainly won't be needing their belongings. But before we do that, lets have a formal meet. I am Dr. Tyrn Jade; a scholar and adventurer from my home planet - Earth. Your names and what realm do you hail from? And I suppose in this situation, "when" you are from might be good to know, though I doubt any of us really have an idea, nor would it matter to each other... different ideas of "clocks" and all..."

Looting all the stuffs! Not necessarily carrying it all, but just seeing what's available on the loot-buffet.

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Carrol’s response (or lack thereof) was by no means a surprise. Cassian’s unwavering levity was more often than not received with the annoyance of his superiors and the disbelief of those he commanded. He had deduced by now that most of the undead creatures these soldiers of Cyriss had been fighting were likely their own at one point. It would seem that the heroes of yesterday’s battle were now the villains of today’s; a hard thing for a stone-faced man to accept.

It was this that he pondered as he brazenly steps to the Captain’s heels, following him outside to greet the dozens of bayoneted rifle barrels fixed on the doorway with little more than his cocksureness pulling at the corners of his mouth. His hands were behind his back with one clasped at the wrist of the other as he strolled through the heavily fortified halls, admiring the tech and efficiency of the soldier’s layout. When alas his eyes caught sight of his vision’s turret the music of his footsteps missed a beat and he found himself sobered by the confirmation of his premonition.

MoG and Sil both had a peculiar relationship with this temple. However, one would be inclined to believe that if it had been of an augural nature, one of both of them could have made some effort to postpone or deflect this from happening; or, perhaps they did and what we’re now facing was the best possible outcome. What can be said with confidence is that they had a ubiquitous view of, at the absolute least, this temple. What I am experiencing must not be unlike the relationship MoG had… (She was inflicted by desperation, as was I… There is still much to be learned in contemplating what she showed me but, unfortunately, now is not the time.) … I’d imagine that if I were to garner some level of control over these visions, I could boost my probability of surviving this horrific mess.

Taking 10 on K-Engineering for: 31 - Success! (I keep forgetting to just take 10 sometimes, WTF?)

He watches with turret’s transformation with a look of restrained concern, his arms now folded at his chest while he smoothes his ‘freshly’ shaved chin contemplatively. The visions will be helpful but only to an extent. An added perspective but nothing compared to the greater picture. Sil on the other hand… She was a part of this temple. Born again by the power of the energies they created here. The Thoon has her now. If she breaks this temple will follow soon after.

Still lost in his thoughts, Cassian continues down through the hall with heavier decisive steps until he and the others finally reach the dining area. It was the glass of milk one timid soldier gave to Mirrianissa that finally jarred him from his brooding and caused him to laugh aloud.

Captain Lionel Carrol wrote:
"So what do you know about this place? We haven't pushed very far into the third floor regrettably. However the continued loss of power is a real bother. As is this core failure business."

”What we know is this: Currently there is an Illithid and a Cephalyx located somewhere in the compound. With them lies the one creature capable of opening every plain and hidden door within these walls. In addition, The Shadow continues to prove itself a monstrous adversary of its own; at this point, an association between the formers and latter remains to be found. The Core is paramount if we are to do anything to either save the temple or simply save ourselves. Tell me about ‘The Subject’ which has proven ‘uncontrollable and will lash out without provocation or reason’ and I will tell you of how I plan to stabilize the core. We have little time in ways of mediation or conflict if you wish to bring yourself and your men back to wherever it was you that you came.”

Female Human Time Thief 6 [Current HP 37 Total HP 37, Init +5, Perception +9, AC 20/15/15]

Always hating the nasty whispers of serve ants and masters, I stiffen at the strange comments of the men. I play them over in my mind, barely taking in much beyond the extraordinary turret.

At Cassian's outburst, I finally put aside my concerns and lean across the table, eager to learn something useful we can do.

camp internet is out, posting from phone, sorry guys posts will be jumbled today... :( Will try and get to each of you as I can.

Cassian, Ael. Mir

The Captain sits drinking his tea casually as you all enjoy what was provided, at Cassian's laugh he looks to Mir. "No disrespect but we didn't know if'n you enjoy a spot of tea or milk." He completely accepts the failure of his men casually, despite the fact he did not ask them to deliver such an item.

As Cassian begins to speak the Captain's eyebrows rise slightly in a questioning way. The faintest smile appears on the edge of his mouth when Cassian speaks of the Core. When Cassian finised speaking Capt. Carrol set his tea down, using his pinky to set it on it's saucer without a sound. He polietly cleared his throat before speaking. "So you do understand the code being sounded within this temple. Interesting. However we know nothing of Illithid's, Cephalyx or this Subject you speak of. Only of the one that calls itself The Master he's tried to break our lines more then once because he wants what we are defending. Besides we don't know where this Core is, so we have held our ground." He picks up his tea and takes another sip before setting it down again. "The Shadow I have heard of but not seen... The only person that knows anything about it is. Indisposed..."

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]
Capt. Carrol wrote:
"So you do understand the code being sounded within this temple."

"That and others as I'm led to believe." Perhaps the message was from the last resistance group stationed in 'The Heart'.

Capt. Carrol wrote:
"The Shadow I have heard of but not seen... The only person that knows anything about it is. Indisposed..."

"Unsurprising. Be thankful you haven't seen it yet else you may find yourself in the comfort the ones who have. Light can keep it at bay but its minions are restless and beyond count." His cup was empty save for a few fibers and tea leaves clinging at the bottom. He takes it upon himself to pour a refill and flags a passing soldier to ask for something heartier than baked treats. "Possible The Master is one of the same creatures called by its chosen name. So what is that you're defending? Must be of some importance."

Posting on work computer, I have a post ready for DI and Tyrn back at camp, so apologies guys. :( Work has internet, camp did not this morning. Hopefully will after work. :(

Cassian, Mir, Ael

If there is any question as to why Capt. Carroll is being so friendly is a) Successful diplo check earlier & b) The turret did shoot your asses up on sight. >:) Feel free to get a little mad that he half tricked you into walking into its line of fire. But can you blame him? >.O

The Captain frowns. "Perhaps that is what happened to him then..." Bera perks up at this mention of someone touched by the Shadow. "When we arrived they were slaughtered to a man, save for one." He stands, leaving his empty teacup where it was. "Apologies for my rudeness but if you wish to see what we are defending, then follow me. We will return here so that you may finish your brunch." Taking whoever decided to accompany him he swiftly leads you back the way you came and leads you down the opposite hallway, which proves to be vastly better guarded as well. Twenty men patrol this lengthy hall, armed to the teeth and are by far more fierce looking then the men you fought an hour ago.

They hardly spare you a glance as you accompany Capt. Carroll, who's swift boot steps eventually lead you to a large double door. He faces it and raps on the door in a series of knocks DC 20 Perception to memorize or Int 12 check. He waits for a moment before he knocks are answered, followed shortly after by the double doors sliding open. A pale blue light emanates from the open doors, bathing you all in its splendor. Your various furs and skin colors appear changed and when you look to the source of the light you are completely awe struck at what you find. It is around this very moment that Aurora steps in behind you all and stops dead in her tracks transfixed by the sight as well... "Impossible..." She barely whispers in disbelief of what she was seeing.

Elves scores of them, appearing to be in suspended animation, sealed away in tubes that line the walls, and four rows that run the length of the deep room. The vibration of a nearby generator catches your attention, revealing that this room had its own separate power supply. However these elves looked young, some no bigger then a human child and all of them were suspended in a water like liquid that glimmered with what could only be a magical property.

The Captain dismisses the twenty odd men who appear to be guarding this chamber. They stand at ease but watch you all warily, they weren't as trusting as their Captain. However none protest if you enter the room. The Captain turns to you all and gestures to the suspended elves. "I can only assume that they are what this Master is after and this is only the first room, the children's room as we have come to call it."

He looks to Bera as she starts to speak in her guttural language which Aurora translates for Capt. Carroll. "She wishes to see the survivor you spoke of, if you'll allow it that is." The request brings many men to a halt, suspicious eyes dart between their Captain and these newcomers. It's a tense moment before Capt. Carroll's bark gets the men focused back on their tasks. "You've had your glance now back on step!" Once they were back on track he gives Bera a strange look. "Yes, once we are done here..." He looks at her a moment more before showing you around if you wish.

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

When Caroll rises from his seat, Cassian is still chewing down his second scone. He washes his mouth with the freshly poured tea, cursing himself for not giving it a chance to cool, and follows a few steps behind with the rest of quick bread in hand.

In four bites and forty-six paces the scone was gone. He raps his hands together and brushes the crumbs from his mouth as the Captain taps a code into the doors.

Taking 10 on the Int check. Total: 13

"Now isn't that a sight," he says ponderously when the doors slide open and he realizes what it was he was looking at.

Capt. Carroll wrote:
"I can only assume that they are what this Master is after and this is only the first room, the children's room as we have come to call it."

"My instincts surmise that The Master is likely the Thoon Destroyer. Perhaps an Aboleth Master from Great War (not sure if there was a title for it or not) the aberrations waged with the elves. I harbor no doubt that this is what it is after."

"Aurora, what, precisely, are we looking at?"

Female Human Time Thief 6 [Current HP 37 Total HP 37, Init +5, Perception +9, AC 20/15/15]

I interrupt the academic debate, Is this how we were caged? Bera and I?

Mir, Ael, Cassian - Long Post forgive me!
Any part of this post can be discussed in segments but I am unveiling a substantial amount of info, more or less an info dump to get things moving forward more quickly for those less inclined to speak up. Just trying to keep them from getting bored. :(

Capt. Carroll shrugs at Aelessaer's question. "No idea marm, last we knew we were marching across France, walked into a fog bank and found ourselves here." As for what Cassian said Capt. Carroll adds nothing, literally at a loss as to what Cassian was speaking of.

Aurora however looks to Ael and nods. She gives Cassian a sidelong glance ever since he spoke of the Aboleth's. "It's not a cage, ..." She sounded almost offended before continuing. "... it is a Suspension Chamber, mean't to open automatically in the case of a critical failure in the system. All of the chosen were put into suspended animation, however not everyone in this temple is a Chosen. Some are dangerous criminals, injured or test subjects." She looks to the elves, children, adults, elders all contained here and shakes her head. "We were nearly extinct when the fighting was coming to an end. Our race was nearly slaughtered. Yet there are more rooms like this you say Captain?"

Capt. Carroll nods. "Indeed and each is defended by a score of my best. If this Thoon, Abolith or Master wants them, they will pay dearly for it. Thus far his minions haven't breached my lines. This entire floor is under our control and we have the strength to hold it."

He shows you around the room and the adjoining three others as well. Each filled with the same sight, several dozen elves neatly suspended in their chambers and sleeping peacefully despite the hell that surrounded them outside. In the fourth room comes a sight that startles the silent Mir. Tabaxian's are suspended among the elves. Half a dozen in all, pure white fur and slender builds, five females and a single male with the same approximate build.

When they're discovered Aurora looks from Mir to them and immediately takes a defensive posture, why though is unclear. Capt. Carroll isn't surprised in the slightest and it easily explains why he seemed calm around Mir.

He finally lead you down the hall, now even further away from your starting point and to what appeared to be another make shift hospital. Although housed within was a single patient in a massive room. He was strapped to the bed with strong looking restraints and his skin was ashen, almost dead like yet the slow rise and fall of his chest was enough to say he was still alive. He lay there, staring at the ceiling of the room unblinkingly. Every few minutes his attendant tapped him on the forehead, causing him to blink once before resuming his staring at the ceiling. Capt. Carroll leans against the wall of this room and grimaces as if he were disappointed by something. "This is the last survivor..." Bera approaches slowly, gaining the attendants attention and eliciting an almost defensive maneuver from the man. That was until a nod from Carroll put him at ease.

The man looks at all of you and stops when he sees Ael, he approaches and reaches to check her temperature with the side of his hand...

Bera approaches the man and wavers at his bedside, looking unsure for a moment. She speaks quietly and Aurora translates, although she looks like she is having a rough time understanding the guttural speech herself. "She says 'He is becoming like them, lost, somehow he fights and she doesn't understand how." As Aurora speaks Bera stands at the head of the bed and leans over the man before placing her furred hands on either side of the man's head. Each finger is spaced evenly and settled in a perfectly precise spot. The upper part of the mans temple, the front part of his cheek and her pinkies just under his jawline.

Aurora looks shocked for a moment at what Bera was doing, she speaks the guttural language and Bera responds with a mere shake of her head. Aurora starts to walk forward but the man starts to shake, convulsing as Bera tightens her grip on the sides of his head. Even Capt. Carroll Looks somewhat startled as to what was going on. "Crikey, what is she doing that has you in such a huff?"

Aurora looks to all of you her expression grim. "She's delving, which is much more strenous on one of her kind then what she did earlier..."

Capt. Carroll looks lost and pushes off the wall, approaching the anthromorph calmly. The restrained man's mouth opens, his eyes going wide as saucers as he stares up at Bera's muzzled face. Unsettled by the man's obvious distress. The Captain reaches to set a hand on Bera's shoulder. "Time to leave him a..." He never finishes, the moment he touches her he is blown off his feet. An unseen force sends him flying across the room to land heavily against the wall, winded he sits there staring in disbelief at his now burnt hand.

Bera was unphased by what happened as she continued to lean over the ashen skinned and heavily convulsing man. The room became unnaturally cold, plunging so quickly in temperature that your able to see your breath. However nothing phases the Ibixian. Finally the man cries out. "LIGHT EM' UP G@& D&*MIT! LIGHT IT UP!" He strains at his restraints, jarring against them as he struggle to break free and continues to convulse. His shout brings the attention of a few soldiers who look startled but locked and loaded for a fight.

The man cries out again. "THE LIGHT! THE LIGHT OF THE HEART! IT! FEARS! IT!" The walls start to reverberate as an unseen force starts shaking the room. The temperature continues to drop rapidly and Bera appears more and more strained...

DI then Tyrn next

Leon and Aurora are you holding your actions and staying in the foxhole? Just wondering if I missed something~ hate to keep you waiting! :(


The temple grounds is in complete disarray as the remaining Cryxian forces slug it out with the entrenched priesthood. Paladin's of the Wall, Sword Clerics and Morrowan Priests are fighting in small squads through out the district and the temple appears to be holding for now. The earlier struggle has evened out with your intervention and the remaining Rakers appear to be scattering to other battle zones, abandoning their ill fated attempt in crushing the Temple Quarter of the city.

When you ask Smitty what he would need to do to repair the batter Salvager he shakes his head. "Too long, we'd have to set her down and you lot would be slogging it out on foot. Granted if the engine upgrades fail we will be coming down for a landing as well. So its fifty fifty right now Missy..."

Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16
DM Corerue wrote:


Roger that! Continuing on!

Peering through the single tight entrance to the foxhole you still see Vincent where she fell. Although she appears far paler then before and Leon is shocked at what his eyes could detect now. He could see the flow of life energy as it moved through her body, the places where it coalesced the strongest and even how slow her heart was beating. Each breath was noticeable as well, inviting him...

Enticing him with every slow beat of her heart...

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Will: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Perception: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (4) + 23 = 27
Initiative: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29

Leon is taken aback by what he sees from Vincent, and yet he resists the urge to feed focusing on the sniper who was still on the beach. And with that in mind he bolts out from cover his blade drawn. His eyes scan the beach looking for he snipers hidin spot.


The Demon-babe (LOL) smiles as she runs a hand through her luxurious hair, completely showing off her less well covered side tot eh young Turn. His praise isn't lost on her as she whispers to him with a lusty sensual tone. "Praise gets you everything and More~" She turns to look at the serpentfolk hissing at her and retorts with a hiss of her own. Her new form lost momentarily as she transforms into an ebony scaled and horned creature with wings like a bat. Her forked tongue whips out at the Serpentfolk as her tail whips around in annoyance for their threatening behavior they aimed at her. She was nearly a foot taller in this form as well, towering in the tiny room you were all sealed in once more.

Once they appeared cowed she transformed back into her previous form, running her hands through her white hair this time in annoyance. "If you want him that bad you can have him once I am done with him~" They both react with mixed reactions, looking as if they had been gravely insulted. The more clear headed twin restrains her gladiator of a sister who looks ready to fight the deomn-babe despite the obvious difference in strength.

She chuckles at their change of heart before speaking again. "I don't kill, those things are merely disabled. Whether they are alive is up for debate though... Such disgusting things."

She thinks on your questions before answering. "You best be careful the guardian may not be pleased and as my blade tells me you tried to understand what he was eh? I'd be careful as some items in this place are far more... Violent to intrusion~ So to speak. But your an Earthling~ Hmmm been a long time since I dealt with a True Human. I'm from Aucturn and my name I only give to close friends and time is for those clinging to their short life. I live for the moment and time just ruins it, besides i'm never in a hurry." Her emphasis hangs in the air, as she continues to tempt you into something you don't know if you'll regret or not...

The twins calm down and the more reserved one speaks, her voice barely above a whisper. "Lussstrria." It's all she says whether that is their collective name or homeland is unknown.

The Demon-babe approaches one of the still sealed tubes. Running her finger across it's surface as if fascinated by what it may contain. "So Earthling were you saved because your planet died? Or is there another reason your here~?"

Female Tabaxi Ranger/ Barbarian 6 (Skirmisher, Natural weapon style/ Invulnerable Rager)

Stunned by the appearance of others of her kind amidst the continuing strangeness of this place Miri stares at the Tabaxi held in stasis her mind at a loss as to how they ended up here. Were they from her world in her time or ancient like Ant, from a time of the Great ones?

As she follows the others in deep thought she is snapped out of her daze by the shifting tension of the room they have moved to, the man's hysterics making her hackles rise.

As the room temperature drops, she shivers slightly, glad the warmth of her fur as she shift into a ready crouch, her body reacting to both danger and the increasing cold.

Just to clarify, you went from the rooms with the stasis chambers to a room that was nearly empty except for this man restrained to a bed and his attendant. I missed adding some tables and a chair but mundane items that were included for taking care of this single patient. Any part of the post above can be expanded on through RP if you wish. It was just my way of covering more ground as I said. ;)

Edit 1: And if you don't want to thats all good too! ;D

Female Tabaxi Ranger/ Barbarian 6 (Skirmisher, Natural weapon style/ Invulnerable Rager)
DM Corerue wrote:

Just to clarify, you went from the rooms with the stasis chambers to a room that was nearly empty except for this man restrained to a bed and his attendant. I missed adding some tables and a chair but mundane items that were included for taking care of this single patient. Any part of the post above can be expanded on through RP if you wish. It was just my way of covering more ground as I said. ;)

Edit 1: And if you don't want to thats all good too! ;D


Female Human Time Thief 6 [Current HP 37 Total HP 37, Init +5, Perception +9, AC 20/15/15]

I frown at Aurora's words, what was I? A test subject? I allow the Capt. to lead us around but when the man (medic?) reaches for my face I brush his hand away irritably, unhappy that he feels entitled to intrude on my personal space and wondering if I look pale or feverish.

After the Capt. is blown off his feet I stand between him and Bera, not aggressively but putting myself in the way if he wishes to interrupt again. She's like me: alone, strange, afraid. I trust her. I don't know why but I trust her.

As Bera strains with the survivor a thought appears in my mind, like clouds parting on an idea that has sat in my head for some time: "So, if this this is a temple, which god is it dedicated to?"

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Pacing about the head of the patient's bed, Cassian continues to scratch at his chin contemplatively as Bera sets her powers on a new target. So this is how she was was able to insert herself into my dream and help me overcome MoG. Such a selfless creature to punish herself like this for a stranger.

Aurora wrote:
"She's delving, which is much more strenous on one of her kind then what she did earlier..."

"Is this a shared ability of the Ibxians or is unique to Bera?" he asks in a soft, curious voice.

The situation changed drastically after the Captain is launched across the room and seated like a ragdoll against the wall. "Ummmm..." is about all Cassian could muster before having his attention again capitalized by Bera and her subject.

The Man wrote:

"The Light of the Heart, is it here? Tell us where it is and we will purge the abomination that did this to you. Just tell me WHERE to find it!"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

The medic gives Ael a stern look as she swats him away irritably. He wags a finger at her as he scolds her. "I don't know how ya recove... " He is interrupted by the Captain being knocked back and the injured man's shouts. "Bloody hell! Tell her to quit what she is doing!"

Slam damage Capt. Carroll: 10d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 2, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1) = 26

Capt. Carroll coughs hard, winded from the blow and barely gets back on his feet as Aurora answers Ael's question. "The Maiden of Gears, Cyriss guides this temple."

The convulsing man's shouts bring her to look at him and then to Cassian as he shouts to get the location of the heart. The tense moment heightens as soldiers approach with rifles leveled, confusion reigned as they looked in and saw their Captain injured and Bera doing something to the last remaining survivor from before they instantly go on the defensive. "STOP WHAT YA DOIN'!"

The soldier's shout is met by Capt. Carroll's shaky command. "Stand Down! It's under control NOW STAND DOWN!"

Cassian's voice, causes the man's head to jerk in an inhuman way twisting Bera's hold and make her grunt as he stared at Cassian with his glazed over eyes. A strange look crosses the man's ashened features, as if he just realized something important. "The armor..." Those two words were all he uttered, his head laid back, his eyes dimmed and he gave one last ragged breath. Exhaling some sort of dark mist that dissipated in the bright light of the room.

Moments later Bera let go with a gasp, stumbling back as the man started to thrash with renewed vigor. Inhumanly contorting his arms and twisting as he tried to break his restraints. He tore one arm free and thrashed at his other restraints before being put down by the soldiers. They rushed into the room, leveled their rifles at the turning man and opened fire. Eight rounds hammered him back into his bed, except he didn't go down and lashed out with his free hand at the soldiers. Grabbing at their guns and snapping his teeth at them like a rabid animal. The shots left your ears ringing and you barely heard the last pistol shot from Carroll himself.

A neat blackpenny to the side of the head left the man hanging from his restraints and oozing tar colored blood onto the floor. The room was splattered with it's blood now, so were the soldiers and Bera. Who was still standing and looking on in shock, her eyes wide as saucers.

Capt. Carroll holstered his small and strange looking firearm and coughed hard before he spoke. "Well that was bloody fun. You men clean this up. Scavenger leave the woman alone and quit your babbling." The medic, Scavenger, gives Carroll a strange look before realizing something important as he turns back to Ael. "Apologies Marm standard protocol and all, gotta check the newcomers. Hate ta have ya end up like 'im."

How the turning zombish man looked like...

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