Gax |

Gax is still suspicious, and speaks slowly and reluctantly. Alright, he says, You can follow along. We're on our way to visit two witnesses of a crime who are at the home of one of this town's prominent residents. If you are willing to wait outside while we ask them some questions I see no reason why you can't join us. Just a second and we can be off.
Gax returns to the room the group met Henneska in to grab the map of the city on which Henneska marked his house.
As he gets back to the room, Gax says [b] Okay, I think we're ready to be off. Gax then leaves the inn and uses the map to find his way to Henneskas house, not hurrying, so that whoever chooses to follow him can.

Averin Cadash |

Once he was back with the others, he announced, "My friend makes a good point, I believe that it is our duty to assist you in this."

DMBen |

You arrive at the house with no trouble. When you arrive a man comes out to greet you. He eyes your weapons disdainfully as you approach. When you get closer, he gives a start, seeing Gax' horns and Durren's coloring. Finally he walks up to your group and asks, What business do you have with Master Henneska?

Tobiaal ald Kheled'Askech |

I will step to the left side of Gax slightly and look around to take in a general over view of the area perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31 while listening to the interchange of "niceties" I want to get a general feel for guy. sense motive 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

DMBen |

The man looks startled as he reads the note. He looks up at you all for a moment before reading it again. Then you must be here for the-- he cuts off abruptly. No, I will let you speak of your business with them. Follow me. The man leads you to a small enclosure at the side of the house. This is where the off duty guards sleep. Gerram and Fendsir are inside.
Along the way there you can see the gardens are well tended, and full of all sorts of flowers and trees. You pass a few people along the way, but they all seen to've going somewhere worth something to do. Overall, you can tell that this place is run with order.

Bullpup Rustycap |

Bullpup follows at the back of the group looking around at gardens and the people as well
The following checks are to see more about the surroundings and possible things that bullpup might find interesting.
Perception :1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
SOF :1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Gax |

Gax pauses for a moment and looks at Averin and Durren with a crafty smile on his face. Friend Kharn, he says, gesturing towards Averin and Durren, These two men were hoping you would regale them with a story while Bullpup, Tobiaal and I go inside to talk with with some men who will help us on our mission.
Gax doesn't wait for Kharn to begin before he enters the room himself and waits for Bullpup and Tobiaal to enter. If/when they do, he closes it firmly behind them.

Bullpup Rustycap |

I like helpful, will they help destroy the dark furry naked tails with me, more help always good
Bullpup rattles on until the door is closed but stays next to Gax at the moment since he was included.
Perception :1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
SOF :1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Averin Cadash |

Averin's eyes went wide as he heard that he was to babysit one of this strange group of strangers. He tried in vain to avoid rolling his eyes, but did anyway. He also spoke a little louder than he'd intended when he said, "This should be rich." He stood near the door, and drew his halberd, apparently more willing to guard the door than listen to the other. He did, at least, make a small gesture toward Kharn, as he said, "I am curious to hear the story you'll tell."

Averin Cadash |

Well, he did mention a Makavian and a Khorne Berserker, and I'm about to encourage him.
Averin knew better. He should be keeping his halberd between himself and a man like this, but he was sure that a man this touched must be harmless. "What do we want to hear, eh? How about something funny?"

DMBen |

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
1d4 ⇒ 4

Gax |

Gax waits for an opportune moment when the dice are lying on the table unattended, and attempts to use mage hand to pick the dice up, have them float slowly over to him and circle around his head. He makes no attempt to hide the way he absconds with the dice, and in fact stands boldly in the center of the room with a serene smile on his face as he floats the dice to him.
As he does this he looks at the assembled men to see if any have obvious injuries that may tell him which two are Gerram and Fendsir. Perception 1d20 ⇒ 17

--Kharn-- |

so i went to the grocery store and i went to get some miiiilk.....duh duh duh duh. so anyway i got there and the store clerk looked at me and said "well hey there are you here to get some milk?" DUN DUH DUH DA DAH. and i said "well what if i am" DEE de de dee dee. and he said "well i was just askin ya know cause you forgot last time remember" Dun duh da duh. and i said "ohh thanks, uhh yeah" so i went through the Aisles dun dun duh, past the bread dun dun duh, past the cold cuts dun dun duh, past the cookies dee nee dee nee nee, past the ketchup buhn na nuh na, past the frozen dinners BUH NA..., one of them by the way looked really good it had three mini hamburgers and some corn AND GET THIS TATOR TOTS AND CHOCOLATE PUDDING, all the four major food groups dun dun dun duh da duh, two hours later i came to the dairy case and i got some MILK DUN DA LA DA DA DA DA NA DA, and i brought it home and Timmy said "oh you remebered the milk" and i said "YUP" and then all of a sudden he said "HEY, DID YOU LOOK AT THE EXP....THE EXPERATION DATE SAYS TOMMORROW! DUN DUN DUN DA DAH" so i had to drink a whole gallon of milk in one day and go back and get some more so...um you gotta watch those experation dates there buster.

Averin Cadash |

Averin was clearly trying his best to be polite. Several times his eyes crossed from Kharn to Durren, hoping to discover some meaning in between them. Finding none, he felt the need to reply, if only to put an end to the oppressive silence that had come between the three of them. "Well! Uh, well that was definitely something, wasn't it Durren?

Bullpup Rustycap |

Bullpup hands over the stake and the glass ball and then quickly slips into the room before the Gardner can take the rocks. He follows the group into the room but stays behind Tobiaa like a frightened child would peeking out around him and darting back whenever any of the men look like they are going to look at him.
Perception :1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

DMBen |

5d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 2, 2, 2) = 13
The dice lift and begin to float toward Gax. They get to Gax' end of the hallway before falling to the floor. One of the men stands quickly and comes over. He looks down at the dice exclaiming, Four twos! The man who had been rolling just before three dice floated away reaches across the table grabbing some more coin.
Now, what do you three want?
Sorry about the dice, but Mage hand only allows you to move them 15 feet.

Gax |

Gax makes direct eye contact with the injured man, estimating that he has a 50 percent chance of guessing the man's name right. He says slightly mystically Gerram. I need to speak to you and Fendsir. We've been sent Henneska to seek his family. I need to know everything you can tell me.

DMBen |

The man with the bandage around his head looks to his side. Well Gerram that'd be us. Then the man, apparently Fendsir, stood and said, We'll take care of this Han.
Han walked back down the hall and sat down, while Gerram and Fensir stood and motions Gax and the others back.
We'll step in the dining room for privacy, Gerram says.
As everyone arrives, Gerram motions to take a seat. How can we help?

Gax |

Gax follows along with Gerram and Fendsir.
We've been asked by Henneska to look into the attack, and he said you were witnesses. We need to know what you've seen.
Sense motive on whatever Gerram says, 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3
Sense motive on whatever Fendsir says, 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12

Gax |

Sorry for Averin and Durren for being left out of the conversation. I thought this conversation would have gone quicker so we move on to other things, and the decision to exclude you was an in character one. Hope things aren't discouraging to you, we're glad to have you :)

DMBen |

Sorry about the wait. And I totally forgot about the promise earlier, but I will attempt to rectify that soon.
The men sigh, Well honestly there wasn't much, Fendsir says, All I remember is I was keeping an eye on the grounds when I thought I saw a half-elf ahead of me in the bushes. I went to check, but was knocked out from behind. When I woke up, I ran to check on the house, and they were gone.
Just about the same for me, Gerram says quickly, except I was bound by some sort of spell, I didn't even see the half-elf. The rest is very hazy.

DMBen |

The men stare for a moment, eyebrows knit together. Smell? Gerram asks, What do you mean?
Fendsir thinks for a moment himself. Now that you mention it, I did smell something. Almost like the smell of the river . . . he trails off unsure. As for what he looked like, I didn't get a great look at him before I was hit. But I'm pretty sure his hair was dark brown, seemed to blend in with the trees, and hung down to his shoulders. His skin was light like my own. That's about all I've got. He turns to his friend, Did you get a better look?
Gerram looks away quickly. I didn't see him at all.
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Gax |

Gax is new to town but he thinks back to see if he knows where the nearest river is.
I don't have knowledge (Geography) but I'll take a straight intelligence check on it if I can 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

DMBen |

Fendsir pauses and thinks for a moment, There is a natural cave out there. A day's ride north of--
Gerram interrupts, seemingly frantic, But it couldn't be a hideout for the kidnappers. The goblins live all around there.
Fendsir simply nods his head, He's right. Couldn't be there.

Gax |

Gax looks inquisitively at this exchange. Sense Motive 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
Why bring it up if you don't think it's a possibility? Asks Gax shrewdly. Maybe you should tell us where the cave is so that we can check it out, for the sake of thoroughness.

DMBen |

Fendsir looks at Gax for a moment, puzzlement painting his face. It was the only place I could think of, but I simply forgot the goblins. They infest that area.
As I was about to say, it's a day's ride north of town. Just follow the road. It'll be off toward the river about 35 miles out of town. Just be careful. Like Gerram said, that area is infested with goblins.