Savage Souls (Inactive)

Game Master rungok

These characters are prepared to die:
Ordric, Count Ethelred
Kearan the Short
Alder Claybourne
Drystan Kressothe
Annalise of Astora

Loot Tracker
Initiative Tracker

Party XP: 6
Next Advance at: 10
Party Rank: Novice (6/20)

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Check In!
Feel free to post here out of character, discuss character histories, and other such things on this thread.

ONE THING: I don't mind there being PVP experiences in my game, but I insist that before any of it actually begins in character, that the players discuss here in the discussion thread what they're goal in doing this is, agree on how it resolves, and hopefully, how this advances either A: the campaign story, or B: Your character's personal development.

Thank you.

In a home tradition I do with Savage Worlds, I am offering a bounty on the following things:
Inventory, Chronicler, and Curator.

Once each rank, if one of the group takes on that role, then the entire party will receive an extra xp point per role fulfilled.

Each role has the following (entirely optional) duties:
Inventory: This player keeps track of the party's loot and money. Since savage worlds is a little loose on how much exact cash you hold, I would appreciate someone taking this on. I will be putting a link to an excel sheet up on the top of the campaign page, where this list can be updated.

Chronicler: This player takes the overall adventures of this rank and creates a "Last time on" post that will be used to sum up the adventure had up until that point. This will be needed every time you hit a new rank as a group.

Curator: This role is most simply for atmosphere building. Whenever the players enter a new location, fight a signature boss, or has a particularly epic moment, the Curator finds art or music or even a youtube clip that captures the feel or fun of the moment and links it so people can get 'into the groove' of the scene. It's not going to be terribly intensive; You can get a lot of mileage out of the Dark Souls Soundtracks, which are on Youtube.

What this means:
If you all take on these roles, then you start each rank with 3 xp right off the bat.

Alias Formatting
I would appreciate it if your stat bars had the following displayed on them:
Your core attributes
Your skills
Your Power Points (if any)
Hollowing (Once Undead)


Ordric checks in!

I will have a PC icon for Alder later today or tomorrow, but I'd like to sign up as the Inventory Master right now.

To that end, would everyone please post here how much money they have left over after buying weapons and armor?

Male Human (Astoran) Knight | Parry 7, Toughness 9 | 1 Wounds | 2 Bennies

"Kearan, Knight of Astora, at your service."

I'd be happy to serve either as Chronicle or Curator, depending on what anyone else wants to do. I enjoy writing up stories, but I also like finding fitting music and artwork.

I have a strong total of 25 coins left from equipment. Huzzah.

The Loot tracker is set up, ZenFox, feel free to modify the sheet however makes it work for you!

We do have a 5th player joining, and a roguish one at that!


ZenFox, 460 left.

GM, I'd like to try Curator role, sounds fun.

Male Human Cleric/Novice
Ag d8, Sm d4, Sp d8, Str d6, Vig d6 | Parry 6, Toughness 7(2) | Faith d10, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6 | 15 PP | Bennies 3, Wounds 0, Fatigue 0, Hollowing 0

Checking in with PC icon.

Thanks, all, for the prompt gold counts!

Hey everyone, This video just came out a few days ago, just in time for my game!

Ag d8 Sm d4 Sp d4 Str d6 Vig d8 Climb d6, Fight d4, Healing d4, Lockpick d4, Notice d4, Repair d4, Shoot d6, Stealth d8, Survival d4, Swim d4, Throw d4, Track d4 Wounds 0 | Fatigue 0 | Charisma +0 Parry 4 Toughness 6

Here with an avatar. Not sure I like it, but it will do for now.

I added the last name Kressothe since “Drystan” was already taken.

90 gold remains after buying gear.

I volunteer for the Chronicler role. Sounds fun. Sorry Kearan the Short. I missed you volunteering for this position before me.

I also reduced Fighting from d6 to d4 in order to gain Lockpicking d4.

Male Human (Astoran) Knight | Parry 7, Toughness 9 | 1 Wounds | 2 Bennies

No, by all means, if you'd like to be Chronicler, take it away! I was offering in case nobody else wanted to do it.

Welcome! Just waiting for our resident fire keeper and we can begin.

Well, that's all three roles taken then! That's great!

Firekeeper reporting in.

Did we get Warmth written up yet? I don't think we did. If you have an idea I would like to hear it.

The gameplay thread is up!

Male Human (Astoran) Knight | Parry 7, Toughness 9 | 1 Wounds | 2 Bennies

Woo! I took a small liberty of attaching myself to Ordric--I know we discussed the possibility of all being related to the same noble house, but I'm not sure if we 100% agreed that's what we'd do. I also assumed that as a noble house we'd have some sort of manor or keep, presumably with a courtyard for training knights.

Prince Ricard wrote:
"When you get to the border, seek out my man there. He goes by the name Patches."

What a trustworthy sounding fellow. I'm sure we'll have no trouble from him.

Kearan the Short wrote:

Woo! I took a small liberty of attaching myself to Ordric--I know we discussed the possibility of all being related to the same noble house, but I'm not sure if we 100% agreed that's what we'd do. I also assumed that as a noble house we'd have some sort of manor or keep, presumably with a courtyard for training knights.

Prince Ricard wrote:
"When you get to the border, seek out my man there. He goes by the name Patches."
What a trustworthy sounding fellow. I'm sure we'll have no trouble from him.

Of course, he's actually nicknamed 'TRUSTY' Patches!

Kearan the Short wrote:
Woo! I took a small liberty of attaching myself to Ordric--I know we discussed the possibility of all being related to the same noble house, but I'm not sure if we 100% agreed that's what we'd do.

Not at all! The Ordric is a Count, after all. In fact, if the title of Knight is not hereditary in Astora, Ordirc's father or the older brother might gave Kearan his Knight title.

GM Mercanian wrote:
Of course, he's actually nicknamed 'TRUSTY' Patches!

Well, then there won't be any problems, that's for sure.

Male Human Cleric/Novice
Ag d8, Sm d4, Sp d8, Str d6, Vig d6 | Parry 6, Toughness 7(2) | Faith d10, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6 | 15 PP | Bennies 3, Wounds 0, Fatigue 0, Hollowing 0

Annalise - how much gold do you have left over?

Mercanian - are you using a silver standard for money so that $1 in SW equals one silver coin? Or is the Prince offering us the same as 50 gold coins each, equivalent to $50?

The standard is silver pieces, so while 500 silver would be worth 50 gold coins, the silver coin is usually too 'big' to use in everyday situations.


About the knowledge skill - forgot the word "Nobility" when I created Ordric. It's not late to rename the skill, right?

Nah, not too late. You're good.



Alder Claybourne wrote:

Annalise - how much gold do you have left over?

I dunno, a lot? I literally only bought the sword and the armor.

GM, is there any problem with just making Warmth a trapping or extension of the Heal power that just functions over time?

Nah, that sounds fine to me!

Male Human Cleric/Novice
Ag d8, Sm d4, Sp d8, Str d6, Vig d6 | Parry 6, Toughness 7(2) | Faith d10, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6 | 15 PP | Bennies 3, Wounds 0, Fatigue 0, Hollowing 0

ALL - I've updated the spreadsheet with our available finances. I've listed the values in silver pieces.

Mercanian - just double-checking, $1 in the SW manual equals 1 silver piece, right? And we started with 500 *gold* pieces, or *silver* pieces?

Also, do you allow items from the SW Fantasy Companion? In particular, potions?

In general, how common are magic items available for purchase in this world?

Started with silver, and magic items are easily available to the rich.

-Posted with Wayfinder

OH! Sorry. it's 100 silver pieces to a gold piece.

Male Human Cleric/Novice
Ag d8, Sm d4, Sp d8, Str d6, Vig d6 | Parry 6, Toughness 7(2) | Faith d10, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6 | 15 PP | Bennies 3, Wounds 0, Fatigue 0, Hollowing 0

Mercanian - thanks for the gold/silver info! I've updated the spreadsheet accordingly. What more can you tell me about the Way of the White, to pass on to my comrades?

The way of the white is the religion that follows the deeds of the god Gwyn, lord of sunlight. They are the number 1 supporter of fire keepers and using bonfires to keep back the darkness. Most fire keepers come from their ranks, though fire keepers like Annalise do come from other places too.

It was founded in Thorolund by Allfather Lloyd, who is a god reputed to be related to Gwyn. The way of the white is the theocracy in Thorolund, and has deep influence in Carim. The church has some influence in Astora and other lands, though it doesn't boast any political power there.

Their major tenets of their faith are that Lord Gwyn discovered the first flame and started the age of fire, bringing light and flames to mankind. But a few thousand years ago the first flame started to fade, and he sacrificed himself to bring it back. This is why they support fire keepers and bonfires, as they are a symbolic representation of their god's sacrifice. He has a daughter, Gwynevere, who is referred to as the princess of sunlight. She's married to the flame god Flann. She represents the bounty that sunlight can bring and is viewed as the religion's motherly, loving figure, as well as a fertility symbol in some places.

As 'not stuff you'd tell others really' knowledge, Gwyn had a son, who was a war god, but something happened and Gwyn had his name and likeness struck from existence. No one knows where or who his son is anymore.

Since the undead have not yet started to show themselves, the other parts of the Way of the White have yet to surface.

I believe we are waiting on the fang boars.


Sorry but I won't be able to post until Monday, at least - the part-time I took turned out to be quite time-consuming. But that's just for two more days. Three max.


I apologize, Anxiety and increased business has made posting regularly difficult for me to accomplish. IF you'll be patient with me, we'll trundle along, it just won't be at any regular or fast pace.

Ag d8 Sm d4 Sp d4 Str d6 Vig d8 Climb d6, Fight d4, Healing d4, Lockpick d4, Notice d4, Repair d4, Shoot d6, Stealth d8, Survival d4, Swim d4, Throw d4, Track d4 Wounds 0 | Fatigue 0 | Charisma +0 Parry 4 Toughness 6

I’ll continue in a slower paced game. No problem :)


Sure. Just take care.

Male Human Cleric/Novice
Ag d8, Sm d4, Sp d8, Str d6, Vig d6 | Parry 6, Toughness 7(2) | Faith d10, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6 | 15 PP | Bennies 3, Wounds 0, Fatigue 0, Hollowing 0

I'm posting this to all of my SW games, I hope the DM doesn't mind...

I’d like to try running a Savage Worlds Necessary Evil (NE) campaign. Executive summary : the PC’s are super-villians, and are Earth’s last defense against a race of aliens that came to visit, wiped out all the Earth’s super-heroes, and are now taking over the Earth.

If you’re interested, please go to Recruitment.

Nah it's fine. I love Necessary Evil.

Male Human (Astoran) Knight | Parry 7, Toughness 9 | 1 Wounds | 2 Bennies

Hey all, posting this in all my games to let people know I'll be away for a few days. My family is headed to camp later today, and I won't have Internet or my computer while I'm there. I should be back and posting Friday afternoon/evening (Eastern Time), but please push the game as needed, botting my character if you need to do so. Thanks!

Drystan? Anyone seen them?

Male Human Cleric/Novice
Ag d8, Sm d4, Sp d8, Str d6, Vig d6 | Parry 6, Toughness 7(2) | Faith d10, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6 | 15 PP | Bennies 3, Wounds 0, Fatigue 0, Hollowing 0

Nope. This is the only game he's in with me. And it's been 20 days since he last posted - maybe send him a PM? I find that *sometimes* works...


I think I'll increase my Vigor as an Advance. That's Vigor d6 -> d8 and Tougness 6 -> 7.

Male Human Cleric/Novice
Ag d8, Sm d4, Sp d8, Str d6, Vig d6 | Parry 6, Toughness 7(2) | Faith d10, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6 | 15 PP | Bennies 3, Wounds 0, Fatigue 0, Hollowing 0

GM Mercanian - since you asked, standing up only takes 2" of Move (which is a Free Action), but readying your weapon is an Action, so the Run would have been the second Action, but neither require rolls, so no MAP.

Also, Wounds do not affect Parry, only Trait ( = Attribute and Skill) rolls and Pace.

Okay thanks. I get confused by the penalties sometimes.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human (Astoran) Knight | Parry 7, Toughness 9 | 1 Wounds | 2 Bennies

As something of a counterpoint to Ordric, I'll boost my Strength at this Advance, going to a d10. (Astora Greatsword, here I come!)

I will boost my smarts to d6

Ag d8 Sm d4 Sp d4 Str d6 Vig d8 Climb d6, Fight d4, Healing d4, Lockpick d4, Notice d4, Repair d4, Shoot d6, Stealth d8, Survival d4, Swim d4, Throw d4, Track d4 Wounds 0 | Fatigue 0 | Charisma +0 Parry 4 Toughness 6

I think I will take the Quick Draw Edge. Next Advance I’ll probably increase Shooting to d8 and Fighting to d6. Though I will listen if anyone offers suggestions.

Male Human Cleric/Novice
Ag d8, Sm d4, Sp d8, Str d6, Vig d6 | Parry 6, Toughness 7(2) | Faith d10, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6 | 15 PP | Bennies 3, Wounds 0, Fatigue 0, Hollowing 0

Increasing Agility to d8.


Sorry. Been dealing with health issues.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Ag d8 Sm d4 Sp d4 Str d6 Vig d8 Climb d6, Fight d4, Healing d4, Lockpick d4, Notice d4, Repair d4, Shoot d6, Stealth d8, Survival d4, Swim d4, Throw d4, Track d4 Wounds 0 | Fatigue 0 | Charisma +0 Parry 4 Toughness 6

I hope you are feeling better GM Mercanian!

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