Savage Souls (Inactive)

Game Master rungok

These characters are prepared to die:
Ordric, Count Ethelred
Kearan the Short
Alder Claybourne
Drystan Kressothe
Annalise of Astora

Loot Tracker
Initiative Tracker

Party XP: 6
Next Advance at: 10
Party Rank: Novice (6/20)

Current Characters

Verik Vancaskerkin
Alder Claybourne

Male Human Cleric/Novice
Ag d8, Sm d4, Sp d8, Str d6, Vig d6 | Parry 6, Toughness 7(2) | Faith d10, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6 | 15 PP | Bennies 3, Wounds 0, Fatigue 0, Hollowing 0

played by ZenFox42 (68 posts)
Grand Lodge Aleric Hawke

Male HP:9/9; AC:16T: 13FF: 13; F:+0, R:+6, W:+2 Init +4; Perception +6

played by rungok (72 posts)
Annalise of Astora

played by Johnnycat93 (62 posts)
Drystan Kressothe

Ag d8 Sm d4 Sp d4 Str d6 Vig d8 Climb d6, Fight d4, Healing d4, Lockpick d4, Notice d4, Repair d4, Shoot d6, Stealth d8, Survival d4, Swim d4, Throw d4, Track d4 Wounds 0 | Fatigue 0 | Charisma +0 Parry 4 Toughness 6

played by tomtesserae (49 posts)
Grey Maiden
Kearan the Short

Male Human (Astoran) Knight | Parry 7, Toughness 9 | 1 Wounds | 2 Bennies

played by Loup Blanc (156 posts)
Mendev Crusader
Ordric, Count Ethelred


played by Madcaster (79 posts)

Current NPCs

GM Mercanian

played by rungok (350 posts)

Previous Characters

Warmaze Master

Male Outsider (native) Gamer 15 / DM 7 / Author 4
(1,215 posts)
GM JC Spooks

Spooky Skeleton Scarecrow

played by Johnnycat93 (1,615 posts)