Rise of the Runelords (Inactive)

Game Master DireMerc




Casting: When casting a spell defensivly if you fail you do not automaticly lose the spell, rather you provoke an attack as you normally would for not casting defensive. If you are hit you must make a concentration check dc 10+damage taken if you fail this check you lose the spell.

Fumble: If you roll a natural 1 on your attack roll, make a dexterity check. If you get less than 10 you fumble. If you get more than 10 your attack simply misses very badly. If you roll a natural 20 you get your attack back, roll another attack roll!

Super crits: If you roll a natural 20 on a critical and when you roll another 20 to confirm this is a super crit, increase your weapons modifier by 1. (ex: X2 becomes X3)

Many rolls will be handled by the GM in secret.(don't worry, I don't fudge.)
Any result that can influence the character behavior will not be rolled open.
Rolls that will be handled by the GM:
Sense Motive.

if you make the check I will send you a pm or make a post and put it in a spoiler depending on the situation.

Sometimes I will roll Initiative others I will ask you to roll depending on the situation. In some situation (rarely) I will bypass init entirely and have you all go first and enemies second or have enemies go first and you all go after.

Combat rules:
I'm a fair GM, I dont roll combat in secret, I don't change results, I don't ignore bad calls from the characters.
Sometimes, character dies, but I'm not a player killer, if I think that an encounter will be easy handled, when it should be more challenging, I will make it a more challenging, if the party it's not prepared to face something, I will drop hints, if they insist... well killing one or two players never made me lack sleep...

I'm a GM that do not punish the character for trying something new or cool, or even strange. Visual appealing actions are encouraged, the dc will of course depend on what are you trying, but you can try! If what you want to do is wicked cool, I can even bend the game mechanics to allow it! The most importat part is: You are villains. Villains are smart, resourceful and have style! Have you ever seen a memorable villain that could just swing his sword and do nothing more?

Posting Rate
If it could be done, I expect 1/day posting, if you can post more, it will really good.
During weekend, this rule does not apply. If you are able to post, great! But dont stress over this, everyone need some time to rest (In my case, I need time to play and DM :D on my tabletop games).

Level up
Aside from character creation, when you level up, if you want something not from core rulebook, you'll need to search it inside the game. basicly what you need to do is just show in game your character is searching for that knowledge. This rule is not meant to prohibit anything, I just don't like something like this: "Character always as a full caster, never picked up a sword in his entire life, and then he gain a new level and says: Master, I'll level up as a fighter now..."

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Male Elf Conjurer 7 (Init -1 | Perc +6 | hp 23/27 | AC 13/9/13 | Saves 3/3/8)

That's true; I thought you might be keeping your talents a secret.

He's not keeping secrets he just didn't see the point in presenting his resume yet. "It's a long journey. Time for that on the water and road."

Male Human Vigilante (Faceless Enforcer) 7

Hehe, so we're even in most cases, and with buffs I can get +1 morale, +2 luck and +2 sacred, making us even in the best case again :) This is going to be interesting! I don't have a falcon though.

DM - Andras had roughly 2K gp left over from the starting wealth, I'll be able to check more precisely later. I'm going to play it as the last minute purchases Andras does back ar the temple, now that he knows he is going up against ogres. I will leave it up to you to decide what the temple actually has in stock. Hope it's fine with you.

-Posted with Wayfinder

go for it.

Before collecting Withers and loading up The Baron, Lord Zohan spends the afternoon doing research on two topics: How can he make normal bolts into fire bolts and how can he ride a horse? He'll consult knowledgeable people in the fields.
He imagines they must make saddles for inept riders and breed horses that are especially easy to handle, even if it costs him a little more.
He learns of master craftspeople who make permanently enchanted weapons and ammunition but are fewer options for temporary enchantments. Perhaps an alchemical solution?
@DireMerc. How do you feel about the 3P spells temporary enchantment i, ii and iii on the PFSRD?

I cannot find them.

Male Elf Conjurer 7 (Init -1 | Perc +6 | hp 23/27 | AC 13/9/13 | Saves 3/3/8)

temporary enchantment I

At the advice of his betters, he'll also pick up a military saddle.

I will allow Temporary Enchantment I but not the later versions II, III ect...

Male Elf Conjurer 7 (Init -1 | Perc +6 | hp 23/27 | AC 13/9/13 | Saves 3/3/8)

Sounds good to me. Thanks. With your permission, Lord Zohan would basically purchase a scroll of it and learn it from the scroll, using part of the trip to copy it into his spellbook.
3rd-level arcane spell = 375gp to buy scroll.
Take 10 on Spellcraft for a result of 25 (DC = 15+spell level = 18)
3 hours and 90 gp in materials to copy 3rd-level spell into spellbook.

And 20 gp for military saddle to help him not humiliate himself on the horse.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Magus/7 (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +5 ; Init +1 ; Perception +0)

GM: Any chance we could talk you into adding a link to that Map of Varisia to the "Campaign Info" tab?

hmm I didn't realize I hadn't put a link to my images in there yet thanks for pointing it out.

http://paizo.com/prd/skills/diplomacy.html wrote:

Quoted material here....

Gather Information: You can also use Diplomacy to gather information about a specific topic or individual. To do this, you must spend at least 1d4 hours canvassing people at local taverns, markets, and gathering places. The DC of this check depends on the obscurity of the information sought, but for most commonly known facts or rumors it is 10. For obscure or secret knowledge, the DC might increase to 20 or higher. The GM might rule that some topics are simply unknown to common folk.

Just a heads up. It's not like we don't have time on the boat. Actually...

Male Human Vigilante (Faceless Enforcer) 7

Not sure what's the rush - I was under an impression we just saved 4 days by choosing to take a boat so could spend 1d4 hours in town... But I'm happy to move on if the group thinks it's best, especially since we haven't got much to glean from a roll of 10...

Still alive, posting shortly. Weekend was a bit of a pain in the proverbial ass and I've missed so much! Gah!

No no, no rush. It was just that you threw it in conjunction with a question and it's a common misconception that gather information is an instant check when asking somebody a question to get some info. It's just a regular diplomacy check :P

Zohan, you just described a gather information check but didn't put down a roll.

I'm fine with that I sent him the info he got by pm

I will post this for everyone to give you a bit of info about the town....

Turtleback Ferry is a small township perched on the rain-drenched
north shore of Claybottom Lake. Three distinctive ferries crafted
from the shells of giant turtles slain by Autek Lavendy, one of the
town’s founders, make Turtleback Ferry the central trading town
for the region. Nearly 80 miles from the next town of equitable size
(Ilsurian), Turtleback Ferry has nominally been under Magnimarian
rule for 45 years, an arrangement the settlement agreed to in return
for protection from the region’s ogres and ogrekin.
Yet Turtleback Ferry remains independent in many ways, for
its remote location ensures that official visits from Magnimar are
few and far between. Turtleback Ferry’s current mayor is an aged
cleric of Erastil named Father Maelin Shreed, a selfless soul who
tends to the village church as both a safe haven for travelers and a
hospital wherein he tends the village’s sick. Turtleback Ferry also
boasts a trading post (The Turtleback General Store), an inn (The
Turtle’s Parlor), a tavern (Bottoms Up), and a smith (Irontooth’s
Metal Goods). Most of the village’s other buildings are the homes
of farmers, hunters, fishers, and trappers.
Visitors to Turtleback Ferry find the locals friendly enough,
although many of them seem nervous and skittish, quick to lock
their doors at night and often overreacting to the sound of dogs
barking or other unexpected noises

DireMerc wrote:
I'm fine with that I sent him the info he got by pm

Worrrd. I just didn't want him to get held up if you wanted one was all.

Wamp. Sorry about the double post.

Zohan: There was no rebuke. You had stated Zohan had walked off before I brought it up.

Male Elf Conjurer 7 (Init -1 | Perc +6 | hp 23/27 | AC 13/9/13 | Saves 3/3/8)

Hi Karla, I saw your post and I'll respond a little later. Lord Zohan is in the middle of questioning a townsperson about the tattoo.

Male Elf Conjurer 7 (Init -1 | Perc +6 | hp 23/27 | AC 13/9/13 | Saves 3/3/8)

Andras, Lord Zohan conveniently stopped there, because I don't know what it stands for, but I suspect Lord Zohan does. Need some help from the memory banks called GM. :-)
Knowledge(history): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20
Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23
Andras' Knowledge (religion) modifier is probably better than Lord Zohan's, so I'll skip that check.

Sihedron Rune
This symbol is known by scholars as the Sihedron Rune

This rune seems to have some special significance to the Thassalonians. It appears here and there on monuments throughout Varisia. It was also found in the catacombs beneath Sandpoint and at Thistletop. It has been theorized that this rune represents Thassalon itself with each point being ascribed to a runelord (there were seven) and perhaps also representing the seven Virtues or Rule: wealth, fertility, honest pride, abundance, eager striving, righteous anger, and well-deserved rest. Other scholars (a smaller group) believe that it represents a corruption of those Virtues and represent greed, lust, boastful pride, gluttony, envy, wrath, and sloth but there is no basis generally accepted for this.

Male Human Vigilante (Faceless Enforcer) 7

Were the Runelords gods, demigods or religious figures, and as such would this info be revealed via a Knowledge (religion) check? Or it is assumed that all our characters know this?

The runelords were I guess you could say kings? The each ruled and equal part of a a massive empire thousands of years ago.

Knowledge history would be the one to apply the most tough knowledge nobility and royalty would also apply.

religion, not really.

As for the symbol it is likely you have seen it if you've been in any ancient ruins in Varisia (the country you are in). Whether you know it's meaning I leave up to you. It's not exactly common knowledge but any scholar who studies ancient ruins could tell you this.

I took another stab at building a cleric for Karla's concept. DireMerc is ok with me making the change. I'll update my sheet tomorrow.

Silver Crusade

M Human Rogue 7

After the four days on the boat I don't think I'm a mysterious stranger anymore. We didn't rp it, but I wasn't keeping it close to the chest. It just didn't come up at the mayors. Serra wasn't engaged in conversation with anyone but the mayor. After 8 or 12 meals, however, his name and profession would have been brought up, given that we're colleagues working together.

Let's if I can use Speak With Animals and Call Animal (Owl) to see if they've seen any rather large lumbering figures on a rather large stone building anywhere out that way, shall we?

Lord Zohan: What spells do you have in your spellbook? Do you have spells like haste or enlarge person?

Karla will eventually bug you about those ;)

Male Elf Conjurer 7 (Init -1 | Perc +6 | hp 23/27 | AC 13/9/13 | Saves 3/3/8)

Karla: I didn't realize Hero Lab hadn't exported his spellbook along with his other stats. I've added it to the profile.
Off the top of my head, spells that might be useful include haste, enlarge person, greater magic weapon (though it's a +2 and you might all match or beat that already), bear's endurance, bull's strength, owl's wisdom, invisibility sphere, magic circle against evil.

I agree. Greater Magic Weapon is great on my +1 Spell Storing Greatsword ;)

Karla has it on her usual spell list, but she'll stop once she knows you can cast it for her.

In terms of buffing, I can use Inspire Courage as a move action. With that I could use Prayer or something else like Blessing of Fervor.

Next level, I'll also be able to throw an aura of Heroism as a swift action. Nice Sw, Mv and St buffing combo!

Hey guys. Over the course of the next week it's possible my posting will be short and, perhaps a single weekday, nonexistant. I am a summer student. Friday EARLY am is an organic chemistry exam and a week later is my final.

I am still in this. Just a heads up if I seem at all less than usual.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Magus/7 (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +5 ; Init +1 ; Perception +0)

Lucan is pretty open about his capabilities and things like the contents of his spellbook. (Take the spellbook, though, and there will be hell to pay....)

To that end, feel free to peruse his full-on character sheet which may be found here.

Male Elf Conjurer 7 (Init -1 | Perc +6 | hp 23/27 | AC 13/9/13 | Saves 3/3/8)

I forgot to add temporary enchantment i, which allows me to temporarily enchant a weapon with various +1-equivalent weapon abilities, like flaming and frost, which Lord Zohan learned aboard the boat at Zaddick's request, so he has first dibs on it.

I have very limited healing btw. I can't spontaneously cast cure spells, and my channelling is limited as well by the evangelist archetype.

I'm not sure how Warpriest fares in that department. Perhaps we should all chip in for a wand?

I'm going to be quite busy these days and might have a hard time posting. Please DMPC me as needed.

Male Human Vigilante (Faceless Enforcer) 7

Andras is good for up to 4 x 2d6 channels/day, and can spontaneously cast cure spells up to 3rd level. A wand will come handy - I was hoping someone was prudent enough to get it when we were accepted as two inquisitors :)

Well, you seemed like the prudent type, so I just figured... ;)

I can do 3 x 3d6...

If you need a wand you have enough money to buy one. You each got 300 and you pad out 15 for the ferry so you each have 285 gold left from the up front money.

What do others think? We get one?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Magus/7 (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +5 ; Init +1 ; Perception +0)

Not a bad idea. Let's all pitch in. 750gp / 6 people is 125gp each.

Silver Crusade

M Human Rogue 7

I didn't spend NEARLY all of my starting gold. I can afford that easily. Two, even.

Are we going to use roll20 for this? I really hope we do. I love the aspects provided by tactical play.

Male Elf Conjurer 7 (Init -1 | Perc +6 | hp 23/27 | AC 13/9/13 | Saves 3/3/8)

I'll gladly pitch in. I could handle the 250 gp if we get two.

Silver Crusade

M Human Rogue 7

Woof. *Sight. gosh derned typos.

Ok, so let's go with two, with each divine caster carrying one.

That's 250 gp each.

Male Elf Conjurer 7 (Init -1 | Perc +6 | hp 23/27 | AC 13/9/13 | Saves 3/3/8)

I don't know what roll20 is. I can look it up later, though.

Male Elf Conjurer 7 (Init -1 | Perc +6 | hp 23/27 | AC 13/9/13 | Saves 3/3/8)

Dang Zadderk. Does anyone know the word for 'Ouch!' in Giant?

Male Human Vigilante (Faceless Enforcer) 7

-250gp will leave Andras with just 123gp left... but better poor than dead, I suppose.

Male Elf Conjurer 7 (Init -1 | Perc +6 | hp 23/27 | AC 13/9/13 | Saves 3/3/8)

@Karla Whoops! Well, I'm pretty sure Lucan and Andras can also enhance their own weapons and I don't know if Zadderk or Serra would benefit from it, but it's the only buff I can use at range, so Karla's weapon will be greater magicked all day long. :-) Tomorrow I'll learn something else.

Roll20 is a free virtual tabletop for gaming.

Diremerc, did you miss my surprise round movement? I was first to declare action but you made no mention of anything happening from it either to confirm or deny damage. Also what about roll20?

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