Realms of Agartha PbP

Game Master Emperor7

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Yeah, I spent yesterday driving. 16 hours...yuck. But worth it to go spend time with Moorluck and Solnes. And today I was being lazy and slept in. :) And I'm sure Jiminy can have some of the cake. ;) lol. There's probably gonna be lots left over.

To quote Uncle Ryo, Pics or it didn't happen! Have fun today!

Go ahead and sleep in if you need it, my vengence can wait... And I'm sure Jiminy will want to rejoin everyone soon! ;)

...Afternoon all.

What vengeance?

Tam's Narrator wrote:

...Afternoon all.

What vengeance?

*jedi mind trick*

No one said anything about vengeance.
*jedi mind trick*

Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
Tam's Narrator wrote:

...Afternoon all.

What vengeance?

*jedi mind trick*

No one said anything about vengeance.
*jedi mind trick*

I thought I was the only jedi here...and what have I told you about trying to use the jedi mind trick on a jedi? ;)

Aananda wrote:
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
Tam's Narrator wrote:

...Afternoon all.

What vengeance?

*jedi mind trick*

No one said anything about vengeance.
*jedi mind trick*
I thought I was the only jedi here...and what have I told you about trying to use the jedi mind trick on a jedi? ;)

I can mess with minds too, it's just easier on those without brai- training. Less tiring too. Never said I was using it on you, since you are not the target...

Eventful. I think that's an appropriate word for this week. Eventful, yeah.

"There is no emotion, there is only peace..."

[N.B.] And a very belated 'Happy Birthday', Aananda. I hope you had a great day of it :)

Since everyone should be on line today, I have a surprise for everyone!

I tried to find ones that fit everybody. I'm saving Jiminy's until I know everyone is online.

M Dwarf Rogue 9/Ranger 3
Agarthian Storyteller wrote:

Since everyone should be on line today, I have a surprise for everyone!

** spoiler omitted **

I tried to find ones that fit everybody. I'm saving Jiminy's until I know everyone is online.

No earbuds at work. Arrrgghh! Must be sneaky.

EDIT:listened at lunch. Funny stuff! :) Good fits. Kannic can be either, depending on his mood.

What do you think, do they fit?

Awesome songs, Ryo. :) Took me forever to get through all of that with all the interruptions I get here, but I finally managed it. :)

As I'm in the same boat as Kannic regarding playability at the office, I have a question: Is the music supposed to be the key thing, or the video footage itself?

Little bit of both, Tamrin.

And now, for the one you've all been waiting for: Jiminy Sunwake's Theme Song AMV!

Agarthian Storyteller wrote:
And now, for the one you've all been waiting for: Jiminy Sunwake's Theme Song AMV!

lol. Classic. :)

Agarthian Storyteller wrote:
And now, for the one you've all been waiting for: Jiminy Sunwake's Theme Song AMV!

Jiminy likes. It's a happy tune, and it has little furry animals in it. Jiminy likes little furry animals, at least until they die. Then he has to bring them back, but sometimes they come back mean and bite Jiminy's finger, so he has to burn their little bodies, or turn them loose in people's houses. That's so much fun. People try to kill them and the little dead furry thing just gets up and runs away, only to sneak back later. It's also funny when the people's pets try to eat the little dead furry thing and it gnaws its way out of its stomach, but before the pet dies it usually jumps around and dances and makes funny noises. and the people are like 'what is up with you?', 'cause they don't know that there's a little dead furry thing inside of their pet. Isn't that cool?

Punchin' out for the day - g'night all.

Morning everyone.

M Dwarf Rogue 9/Ranger 3
Agarthian Storyteller wrote:
Morning everyone.


*yawn* morning

Morning all.

Please, move the story on a bit, I need time to ready the fire I'll be throwing at Tamr- targets. Yes, targets.

We're already in the city wandering around, so you should be able to do whatever it is you're doing.

We're a person down in my department today, so I can't guarantee I'll be able to post much, considering how busy this week has been so far. But it is the good kind of busy, so no complaints here...

M Dwarf Rogue 9/Ranger 3

not sure what I want to do right now. I'm on brain overload.

In that case...

Assuming you are not on skimmers and hover bikes.
As Aananda and Company explore the city, a group of children run around the corner, chasing a small ball. They don't see you until it's to late, and you are almost overrun by the short mob. They pass quickly. You are about to move on when you hear a yell of surprise from behind you. You turn to see Ryo...

M Dwarf Rogue 9/Ranger 3
Agarthian Storyteller wrote:

In that case...

Assuming you are not on skimmers and hover bikes.
As Aananda and Company explore the city, a group of children run around the corner, chasing a small ball. They don't see you until it's to late, and you are almost overrun by the short mob. They pass quickly. You are about to move on when you hear a yell of surprise from behind you. You turn to see Ryo...

Is he nekkid in front of the schoolkids again?...

... holding a small boy by his shirt collar. After a moments struggle, Ryo manages to wrench something out of the boy's hand, and tosses it to Tamrin. It's one of his spell shots. Kneeling down to speak to the boy eye-to-eye, Ryo says something and sends the boy away, Ruji leading the way for some reason.

He turns, looking at Tamrin, a glowing red light shining above his left hand. A flick of his finger, and the lights crashes against Tamrin clothing, causing streaks of red and bright neon pink to appear.

"If I didn't like you, and Aananda wouldn't get mad at me, your cloak would be on fire right now."

Ryo's cloak has some small tears, with thorns showing occasionally, and he has a few snake bites on his arm.

"Next time, you dodge snakes and briars while I go look at a city."

"Oh, and did you know you left Jiminy behind?"

Kannic Orefinder wrote:
Agarthian Storyteller wrote:

In that case...

Assuming you are not on skimmers and hover bikes.
As Aananda and Company explore the city, a group of children run around the corner, chasing a small ball. They don't see you until it's to late, and you are almost overrun by the short mob. They pass quickly. You are about to move on when you hear a yell of surprise from behind you. You turn to see Ryo...

Is he nekkid in front of the schoolkids again?...

Shut it you, or I'll have your thieves' tools turn into bells that always whistle at the worst times! And no, he has never been nekkid in front of schoolkids.

Sheesh, try to have a dramatic post and someone has to say something that ruins it...[/grumble]

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:

... holding a small boy by his shirt collar. After a moments struggle, Ryo manages to wrench something out of the boy's hand, and tosses it to Tamrin. It's one of his spell shots. Kneeling down to speak to the boy eye-to-eye, Ryo says something and sends the boy away, Ruji leading the way for some reason.

He turns, looking at Tamrin, a glowing red light shining above his left hand. A flick of his finger, and the lights crashes against Tamrin clothing, causing streaks of red and bright neon pink to appear.

"If I didn't like you, and Aananda wouldn't get mad at me, your cloak would be on fire right now."

Ryo's cloak has some small tears, with thorns showing occasionally, and he has a few snake bites on his arm.

"Next time, you dodge snakes and briars while I go look at a city."

"Oh, and did you know you left Jiminy behind?"

Tam catches the shell.

"Thanks Ryo - Ack!" he yells out as the light washes over him. Blinking, he replies:

"What the hell is your problem!? I thought those kids were your proteges - why wouldn't you want to spend time with them? And why are they at your house at all if you don't!? as he looks down at his now-Technicolor duster with a frustrated sigh.

"And Jiminy was with us, thank you very much, but pulled another disappearing act on our way here. I'm sorry if he showed up on your doorstep, but none of us exactly have much control over that little...whatever he is," correcting himself before he says something uncharitable.

A small familiar voice pipes up from behind Tamrin

"What do you mean, whatever he is? I'm Jiminy, Daddy. Don't you remember? You must be reaaallly old. You're my daddy and Aananda is my my mommy, and Unlce Ryo is my uncle, but he's not either of yours brother, and neither is Uncle Kannic, 'cause he's a dwarf. Unless someone's been naughty sometime in the past. But he seems old so that would be a looonnng time ago. But time is relative, and I'm your relative right? And I've been here the whole time anyways, and there too, but you weren't looking very hard, so I don't know why you didn't want to play with those kids. They seemed to be having fun, but I guess you like to ignore other kids like you me, 'cause you're so old I guess. When's lunch?"

Aananda sighed. "I'm sorry Ryo. If you wanted our help with training Adsila and Ormarr you should have said. As for James, well, Tam's right. He left with us and then went away. And obviously is back now. Yes, James, I know you never left. You never do. You're starting to worry by now I suppose."

Ryo smiles goodnaturedly.

"Hey Tam, your face matches your clothes now!"

"Jiminy said he was left behind, so I left with Adsila and a slice of cake."

"As for your other questions, Adsila and Ormarr are at the point where they just want to see if they can take me down in a fight. They're at my house because they need to practice placing wards, and to help anymore charges that may be placed in my care."

No one else sees the color on Tamrin's clothing, Ryo's just messing with him.

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6
Jiminy Sunwake wrote:

A small familiar voice pipes up from behind Tamrin

"What do you mean, whatever he is? I'm Jiminy, Daddy. Don't you remember? You must be reaaallly old. You're my daddy and Aananda is my my mommy, and Unlce Ryo is my uncle, but he's not either of yours brother, and neither is Uncle Kannic, 'cause he's a dwarf. Unless someone's been naughty sometime in the past. But he seems old so that would be a looonnng time ago. But time is relative, and I'm your relative right? And I've been here the whole time anyways, and there too, but you weren't looking very hard, so I don't know why you didn't want to play with those kids. They seemed to be having fun, but I guess you like to ignore other kids like you me, 'cause you're so old I guess. When's lunch?"

Tam turns around and looks down at Jiminy.

"Just because you manage to teleport yourself into an alley and latch yourself onto the first two reasonably nice people you find doesn't make them your 'parents', or relatives of any kind."

Tamrin Sunwake wrote:
"Just because you manage to teleport yourself into an alley and latch yourself onto the first two reasonably nice people you find doesn't make them your 'parents', or relatives of any kind."

A large grin and knowing laugh comes from Ryo.

Tamrin Sunwake wrote:

Tam turns around and looks down at Jiminy.

"Just because you manage to teleport yourself into an alley and latch yourself onto the first two reasonably nice people you find doesn't make them your 'parents', or relatives of any kind."

"You're a mean Daddy! Why would I choose you?"

Jiminy starts to cry, the sobs slowly turn into giggles then full laughter.

"Yes, Daddy. Whatever you say, Daddy. I'll be a good boy, Daddy. Please don't beat me any more. Yes, I won't tell Mommy about your magic malfunctioning. She won't notice the changes you made to me. Don't send me away again. You'll understand in time. Time. Yes, time will reveal all. It's not your fault. All those deaths..."

His face takes on a blank expression, the tears dried and the redness from his laughter faded.

"So when's lunch? I'm hungry."

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6

Tam is tapping his finger loudly...against the grip of his Caster. He looks like he's about to say something, then lets out a whistling breath, removes his hand from the holster and just walks off instead.

"Hm, I don't think he got my joke.."

"In any case, he shouldn't worry, those colors will fade from his clothes when he forgets about them. It was nice to have a fight with Adila and Ormarr again, wounds or no wounds."

"Anything happen before the kid tried to rob you guys? He's got a bit of talent, if the only way I noticed it was my Seer eyes."

"That's enough, James. No one believes that act, least of all me. And, ummm, Tam,, I don't think he's lying about the ummmm.....anyways, he did something not very..... there were a lot of deaths, but they were your fault, James. Even Ephebe admits it. I don't know why you can't. And now you've put your own existence in danger and....oh, I feel dizzy. Too many timelines," she said and sat down abruptly.

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6
Aananda wrote:
"That's enough, James. No one believes that act, least of all me. And, ummm, Tam,, I don't think he's lying about the ummmm.....anyways, he did something not very..... there were a lot of deaths, but they were your fault, James. Even Ephebe admits it. I don't know why you can't. And now you've put your own existence in danger and....oh, I feel dizzy. Too many timelines," she said and sat down abruptly.

Dangit.....Perception Roll to hear any of that: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16

EDIT: Not with a '2' I'm not...falgerkarb.

Okay, this just about confirms my suspcion that you two are emailing eachother about this strange version of Family Feud.

Tamrin Sunwake wrote:

Dangit.....Perception Roll to hear any of that: 1d20+14

EDIT: Not with a '2' I'm not...falgerkarb.

The fabulous new colors of your clothing are distracting you, aren't they? ;)

Agarthian Storyteller wrote:
Okay, this just about confirms my suspcion that you three are emailing eachother about this strange version of Family Feud.

Nope. I've had no hand in the whole Jiminy thing.

Tam's Narrator wrote:
Agarthian Storyteller wrote:
Okay, this just about confirms my suspcion that you three are emailing eachother about this strange version of Family Feud.
Nope. I've had no hand in the whole Jiminy thing.

Edited after I saw your Perception post. Probably wouldn't even see the email anyway, with the way you roll... (^O^)

"What deaths? Who's Phoebe? What's a timeline? It sounds like a funny word, but you don't seem to like it. I knew a funny word once, no, it was a name. A name somebody called me once, Farticus, Farticus the King of the Gladiators. What's a gladiator? Is it good to be one? Probably so. Even better to be the king of them. At first I thought they called me that 'cause I ate something bad, but they said they didn't. They wouldn't have lied to me, would they? Daddy could be king of them too, 'cause I said so. It's nice when daddy gets quiet. I always say, parents should be seen and not heard. Yep, that's a good saying. Maybe you need something sweet and then you wouldn't get so dizzy. I know it helps me. By the way, all of those kids weren't really kids. Well, they were kinda, but they had shadows of something different. Did you notice? Probably not, you're up too high in the air."

Agarthian Storyteller wrote:
Okay, this just about confirms my suspcion that you two are emailing eachother about this strange version of Family Feud.

No emails being exchanged at all. I'm just riffing on what bits of the story I've been given. You know a game is going well when it seems like the players are reading each others minds. :)

Tamrin Sunwake wrote:
Aananda wrote:
"That's enough, James. No one believes that act, least of all me. And, ummm, Tam,, I don't think he's lying about the ummmm.....anyways, he did something not very..... there were a lot of deaths, but they were your fault, James. Even Ephebe admits it. I don't know why you can't. And now you've put your own existence in danger and....oh, I feel dizzy. Too many timelines," she said and sat down abruptly.

Dangit.....Perception Roll to hear any of that: 1d20+14

EDIT: Not with a '2' I'm not...falgerkarb.

Spreads his finger and thumb and holds it up against his forehead.

Agarthian Storyteller wrote:
Tam's Narrator wrote:
Agarthian Storyteller wrote:
Okay, this just about confirms my suspcion that you three are emailing eachother about this strange version of Family Feud.
Nope. I've had no hand in the whole Jiminy thing.
Edited after I saw your Perception post. Probably wouldn't even see the email anyway, with the way you roll... (^O^)

My Dice-Fu is weak today, aye... ^.^

Jiminy Sunwake wrote:
Tamrin Sunwake wrote:
Aananda wrote:
"That's enough, James. No one believes that act, least of all me. And, ummm, Tam,, I don't think he's lying about the ummmm.....anyways, he did something not very..... there were a lot of deaths, but they were your fault, James. Even Ephebe admits it. I don't know why you can't. And now you've put your own existence in danger and....oh, I feel dizzy. Too many timelines," she said and sat down abruptly.

Dangit.....Perception Roll to hear any of that: 1d20+14

EDIT: Not with a '2' I'm not...falgerkarb.

Spreads his finger and thumb and holds it up against his forehead.

Psychotic little doppleganger is seriously damaging my calm. O.o

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