GM Mug |

Andjela Daywalker |

Andjela meets the man's gaze. Does anyone have a ripe tomato? I'm sure someone brought one to throw... or eat. If you'd give the defendant back that blade and ask him to peel said tomato, we'll see just how capable he is.
As to the... face. I would have no idea. But, it was positively identified by a credible witness with local knowledge, Sir.

Danica Quinn |

Danica sits an listens not liking where the prosecutor is taking the argument. SHe is then relieved on how well the paladin can handle herself and offers her a smirk and nods.
Danica also starts to gaze around the audience hoping to find a young university worker that may have the potential to save a monster.
Perception, spotting the university worker: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

Anna Dunsany |

Kimberly Snow |

Kimberly goes back to the table like ordered but sits as best she can in view of Mr Beast.
She leans over to talk to the Barrister Kaple I don't like him, anyone can hold a knife, you need to use it to eat don't ya? that was just stupid
Kimberly sit there a bit longer then she covers her eyes like playing peek-a-boo. as she whispers some celestial words. when she opens them she scans the room especially the mean barrister and the judges.
cast see alignment for evil

GM Mug |

Otto's lips thin as Andjela brings up the skills needed to peel a tomato, and he abandons that line of questioning.
The prosecutor smirks at Andjela's inability to present the witness, turning back to the judges with a flourish, "She has 'no idea' how to prove to us, here today, that this face even belonged to anyone from Morast!" He glances up, probably in triumph, and looks back to the judges.
About then Kimberly does her casting, and The Holy Sister of Justice, until now intently scanning the room, jerks her head towards Kimberly and stares directly at her. "STOP!" she cries in a loud voice, raising both arms above her head, her heavy robes standing stiffly alongside her arms. The entire court falls silent, the Herald even going so far as to take up his greatsword in alert. She lets her arms fall, all eyes on her, and some following her gaze to you. "Who is responsible for this child!?" she yells to the hushed room.

GM Mug |

Just a reminder of the reason behind the encroaching hubub.
A gray-robed priestess, Kimberly recognizes her as a priestess of Pharasma, sits in a stool on one side of the judges table her eyes constantly scanning the room and public area above....
... The Priestess, he explains, is present to ensure that no magic is used at the trial unless requested or approved by the justices. ...

Andjela Daywalker |

I am Paladin, Holy Sister... As such, I am responsible for every soul in this room. I do know her.
But I am no more responsible for her than I am for you. She is an Oracle of Pharasma.

Kimberly Snow |

Kimberly gets up. Nobody sir, I'll leave
She walks out the door to sit outside the courtroom
i actually forgot that part

Danica Quinn |

Courtroom - Perception DC18: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
"Kimberly! Wait! I will escort you out." Danica stands and approaches the girl. She puts her arm around the girls shoulder and walks her out. "That was unnecessary. We have to abide by the laws of the court." Danica puts on a show in front of all.
When they are out of the court Danica leans in closely and whispers,"Get Tolvan and Anna and go to the Defense's office. Two doors down there is the Prosecutor's office. I need you guys to investigate what is in there. He looks way too concerned about what is in there. I can not leave."
I'm assuming the officers are not part of the courtroom itself.

Anna Dunsany |

climb: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Tolvan |

** spoiler omitted **
Otto's lips thin as Andjela brings up the skills needed to peel a tomato, and he abandons that line of questioning.
The prosecutor smirks at Andjela's inability to present the witness, turning back to the judges with a flourish, "She has 'no idea' how to prove to us, here today, that this face even belonged to anyone from Morast!" He glances up, probably in triumph, and looks back to the judges.
Tolvan, quite until now, interjects still quietly, but hopefully loud enough for Andjela to hear. Lazne can verify where the mask came from.
Just a comment - the way this is being played out is sort of a memory test for Andjela, and since its stretched over a number of real days that makes it much harder.

GM Mug |

You also notice a closed door leading from the Prosecutors office into the judges office. Your memory reminds you that a similar door is in Kaples Defense Office, sandwiching the justice's office between the Prosecution and Defense offices. But the judge's office has no outer window, probably for security. In fact, you see a window about 20' to the east, which most likely opens into the Defense's Office.
I assume you don't want to go into the Prosecutor's office with those witnesses inside. :)
I figured you did, that's why I put the reminder. Sadly the Chief Justice is not so understanding...
The Holy Sister frowns at Andjela's words and it seems with regret she turns to the Chief Justice, "The child was casting your honor, I did not wait to determine the spell. I do not know her."
The elderly Chief Justice forestalls Kimberly leaving for a moment, and turns his piercing gaze at Kaple, occasionally looking at Andjela. "Barrister Kaple, this mockery of Justice ultimately falls on you. As the girl was brought in and sits at your table, presumably at your forbearance. Therefor the standard fine of 1000gp is assigned to you sir, as will the 2500gp fine if there is another such infraction." The crowd boos Kaple as they realize what had happened, and when the hear the assignation of the fine, they gasp in shock. Kaple turns a bit white, but he nods with a jerk of his head, "As you say your honor, I did bring her hear, but I am confident the girl meant no ha..."
The Herald cuts him off, "ENOUGH! The Chief Judge has spoken!" and Kaple quickly falls silent. The chief judge starts to speak once more, but Judge Daramid, who looked positively sick to her stomach, raises her voice for the first time today, turning to the Chief Judge, "Your honor, may I suggest the girl wait in the Meeting Room, as we are nearly done here today. After the evidence is heard our Holy Sister can interview the girl, with the aid of her magic, to determine the innocent mistake behind the casting?" The chief judge looks down his nose at Daramid, clearly unhappy (as is the Prosecutor), "A strange request, especially coming from a judge. I presume you suggest this as an alternative to me throwing out the defenses evidence presented today?" Judge Daramid keeps her feature expressionless, "I have found some of what they presented compelling, and it seems a waste to throw it out on a young girls mistake."
The chief steeples his fingers, "Highly irregular and personally I disagree... but we are a panel of judges for a reason. Aldaar, what say you?" he asks the militant looking second judge. Judge Aldar looks at his colleagues a moment, and then at Kimberly, clearly weighing things. Finally he announces, "Due to the foreign nature of the offender, and the evidence presented by the Paladin thus far, I am agreeable to the Holy Sister establishing the girls innocence or guilt. Young lady, please sit in the room the guard takes you to and wait for the Holy Sister."
Assuming Kimberly goes along for continuities sake...
A guard politely escorts Kimberly, unless she objects, to (A17) a plain office with many chairs just off the courtroom, allowing Danica to follow them as well.
Posting a map, Tolvan and Danica have been inside the defenses office, which is indeed directly off the courtroom, as is the Justices office, and the prosecutors office. **MAP of Courthouse**

Kimberly Snow |

[dice=Courtroom - Perception DC18]1d20+13
"Kimberly! Wait! I will escort you out." Danica stands and approaches the girl. She puts her arm around the girls shoulder and walks her out. "That was unnecessary. We have to abide by the laws of the court." Danica puts on a show in front of all.
When they are out of the court Danica leans in closely and whispers,"Get Tolvan and Anna and go to the Defense's office. Two doors down there is the Prosecutor's office. I need you guys to investigate what is in there. He looks way too concerned about what is in there. I can not leave."
I'm assuming the officers are not part of the courtroom itself.
Kimberly appears upset over the incident not at the court people but at herself. I've never been in this kind of place. I just wanted to make sure everything fair.
Kimberly goes with Dancia

GM Mug |

Tolvan, quite until now, interjects still quietly, but hopefully loud enough for Andjela to hear. Lazne can verify where the mask came from.
Just a comment - the way this is being played out is sort of a memory test for Andjela, and since its stretched over a number of real days that makes it much harder.
I agree it's playing out that way, but there's no reason she has to recall these things on her own. But the prosecution wouldn't draw attention to something damaging to him. You guys can remind her, in OOC or in-game. I just realized Kaple would possibly know as well, since you explained the evidence to him. I hadn't thought of that till now since we sort of glossed over the knowledge transfer, and he may not have known it was specifically Lazne who identified the face. I prefer you guys working together to present the evidence, especially in the cross examination portion, which has no diplo checks. I excluded those from this portion specifically thinking everyone could assist with cross, rather than only Andjela.
EDIT: And it looks like we need to make sure people are in the right place before continuing. I'll wait to see if Kimberly see's my post before going on.

Kimberly Snow |

** spoiler omitted **
I figured you did, that's why I put the reminder. Sadly the Chief Justice is not so understanding...
The Holy Sister frowns at Andjela's words and it seems with regret she turns to the Chief Justice, "The child was casting your honor, I did not wait to determine the spell. I do not know her."
The elderly Chief Justice forestalls Kimberly leaving for a moment, and turns his piercing gaze at Kaple, occasionally looking at Andjela. "Barrister Kaple, this mockery of Justice ultimately falls on you. As the girl was brought in and sits at your table, presumably at your forbearance. Therefor the standard fine of 1000gp is assigned to you sir, as will the 2500gp fine if there is another such infraction." The crowd boos Kaple as they realize what had happened, and when the hear the assignation of the fine, they gasp in shock. Kaple turns a bit white, but he nods with a jerk of his head, "As you say your honor, I did bring her hear, but I am...
Kimberly goes wherever escorted without a fuss. she wanted to leave on her own but since she was being escorted to a specific spot then she will go there.
Once in the assigned room. she empties her mony pouch on the table. for the fine she tells the guard

Andjela Daywalker |

Did not forget, was waiting for him to ask. Either Lazne is credible...accept the identification/evidence or... not, throw out their main witness/testimony.

GM Mug |

The guard looks at the money for a moment as he drops Kimberly off, "Keep that in your purse for now, miss. That'll be taken care of later." He then closes the door and steps back into the courtroom. Kimberly can hear the goings on pretty clearly, with only a door between her and the proceedings.
Alright then!
Barrister Kaple, after the business with Kimberly has been sorted, stands once more. "Uh, y-y-y-your honors? T-T-T-T-There is one thing w-w-w-w-we have left to ad-ad-ad-ad-ad-address, (gulp) in r-r-r-r-response to Mr Heiger's c-c-c-c-c-cross, if I m-m-m-m-may?" The chief judge waves for him to go on, and Kaple does, "The p-p-p-p-p-prosecution claims we c-c-c-c-cannot identify th-th-th-th-th-th-the skinned-face. W-W-W-W-Well, it is Mr. H-H-H-H-H-H... It is Mr. H-h-h-h-h-HEIGERS, own w-w-w-witness, a Mr. L-L-L-L... Lazne who will s-s-s-settle this. Guard, p-p-p-please bring out Mr. Lazne."
Prosecutor Heiger now looks ill as a guard moves down to the Prosecution Office, and sticks his head in the door, then opens it wide for the familiar face of Lazne to come out once again. "M'I t'be testify-in, Agin!?" he asks as he's escorted forward. Once he's presented at the Defense table Kaple, still a bit pale from his fine, addresses him, "M-M-M-Mr. Lazne, isn't it? W-w-w-w-w-will you please i-i-i-i-i-identify... this fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-face?" and holds up the skin in question. Lazne scrunches up his face and leans closer to it, "Ah shoot, I already done tol'all these fancy folk! It's the dadburn poacher, Nan Klebem! I coulda sworn I jus'hear-ed this dark-haired p'ladin say the same thing not two shakes ago!"
Kaple manages a smile, and nods to the guard to escort Lazne back, which is carried out without much ado. The chief judge inclines his head towards Kaple, "Thank you Barrister, it seems we've identified the face. Barrister Heiger, any other questions for this woman?" A surly Otto Heiger, stands and shakes his head quietly. The judge continues, "Very well then, we are now in Recess. Be here tomorrow morning at 10:00 A.M." and the Herald bangs his gong.
Kaple motions you to follow him to the Meeting room where Kimberly waits, and Judge Aldaar, Judge Daramid and the Holy Sister move there as well. The Beast is led away under the verbal abuse and baying of the still-angry crowd, some hurling insults that'd make a sailors ears burn.
Pausing to catch a breath. Everyone coming in?

GM Mug |

Inside the Meeting Room, Kaple and the judges stand by the wall, and the Holy Sister approaches Kimberly. "Hello little sister, I regret having to meet this way. Please just be honest and we'll get through this quickly." She looks to Aldaarn and proceeds when he nods, murmuring a prayer while clutching her holy symbol.
She turns her full attention to Kimberly now, and asks a series of questions watching Kimberly carefully as she responds.
"Are you a priestess of Pharasma?"
"Did you cast a spell in the courtroom today?"
"What spell was cast?"
"Did Barrister Kaple tell you of the rule to not cast during a trial?"
"With your spell were you seeking to alter any aspect of the trial to benefit the Defense?"

Kimberly Snow |

Kimberly is picking up the money off the table apparently very upset at her own actions.
when everyone enters she moves to a corner like being put in "time out" and remains quiet.

Andjela Daywalker |

After a quick glance up at the Iomedaen representative Andjela walks to where she is directed.

Kimberly Snow |

Inside the Meeting Room, Kaple and the judges stand by the wall, and the Holy Sister approaches Kimberly. "Hello little sister, I'm regret having to meet this way. Please just be honest and we'll get through this quickly." She looks to Aldaarn and proceeds when he nods, murmuring a prayer while clutching her holy symbol. ** spoiler omitted **
She turns her full attention to Kimberly now, and asks a series of questions watching Kimberly carefully as she responds.
Kimberly turns to look at the Holy sister almost in tears, afraid of the punishment she may recieve.
[ooc] resposes in italics
"Are you a priestess of Pharasma?"
I am, an Orcale rasied as an orphan in the church of Pharasma in Ravengro. I wanna be a pristess someday.
"Did you cast a spell in the courtroom today?"
yes, but... before she finishes the next question is asked
"What spell was cast?"
I asked Pharasma to show me who was evil she describes a See alignment spell
"Did Barrister Kaple tell you of the rule to not cast during a trial?"
she just nods an affirmative but I forgot, I was scared for beast, everybody was so mean to him just becuase he doesn't look like them. I know what that is like, I was just like him back in Ravengro, everybody hated me and accused me of things I didn't do because I was different.
"With your spell were you seeking to alter any aspect of the trial to benefit the Defense?"
No sir, I wanted to see if evil people were going to hurt Mr. Beast
Kimberly holds out her money pouch this is for the fine the judge said, its all I have

GM Mug |

The Holy Sister regards Kimberly, ignoring the money purse for the moment. After a bit she turns to look at the Judges, "She speaks no lies, I am sure." and pats Kimberly's hand gently before taking her leave. Aldaarn and Daramid exchange a look, until finally Aldaarn turns back to the room, "I am satisfied there was no intended ill-will, but by law and tradition, the fine will stand. Young lady, our account is with Kaple, as he was responsible for your presence in court today. Please, respect our laws or the next offense will permanently ban you from court, cause all evidence from the Defense to be thrown out, and the fine upon Kaple will be... substantial." He turns back to Daramid, "I will inform Ambrose the evidence from today stands." and leaves the room. Daramid looks like she wants to say something, but with Kaple there she just nods to each of you, and takes her leave.

Kimberly Snow |

Kimberly gets up and goes to Kaple. you should not be punished because of me, you take this money. use it to pay your fine. please sir take it.
She hands her money pouch to Kaple

GM Mug |

When she exits Kaple drops heavily into a free chair, and puts his head in his hands, taking a moment to collect himself. He removes the impressive white wig, his head sweaty underneath. "Well, he says without lifting his face, "that went well."
He lifts his face to look at the pouch being handed to him, eyes a little unfocused. "Young lady, the fault is my own. I should have emphasized the importance of the law. I've wondered the same thing you were trying to determine many times myself." and gives a dry chuckle. "No, I jest. Otis is ruthless but I believe him to be an honorable man." He stands and holds his hand out to Andjela, "You should be wearing these robes, not I. You looked and sounded incredible out there today. This can't have been your first time in a courtroom, am I right?" His color is slowly returning as time continues. You notice he left the money pouch on the chair he was sitting in.

Anna Dunsany |

Canny observer: 1d20 + 8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 4 = 17

Anna Dunsany |

Disable Device: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
(And if you want to flex time that, it works for me.)

GM Mug |

When Anna see's the audience from the third floor descend to ground level, she makes her way back to the outside of the Prosecutors office window, listening intently. She hears one voice, probably the prosecutor Heiger, ranting to his two assistants. The volume and clarity is a little hampered by the window, but not much, "What the s#%@ happened in there!? We were doing so well! And who are those volunteer defenders Kaple dragged up, did you get a good look at them? They were clearly professionals, except the little girl. The little idiot nearly won us the day, despite the damage the Paladin had done. I was sure the chief would have thrown out the evidence if Daramid hadn't spoken up, that's not like her. With any luck the Holy Sister will find the girl was up to no good... Bah! Go over the evidence from Hergstag, I don't care if you have to stay up all night! I don't want any surprises in the morning, or you could be looking for a new job! Maybe that s-s-s-stuttering fool Kaple will take you on!" and he stalks from the room.
The three assistants gripe about Heiger for a few minutes, but sit down and get to work, reading statements and going over documents. It's too difficult to see exactly what they're looking at from your vantage point.
The window has been closed the entire time.

Andjela Daywalker |

Beginner's luck... first time with anything this big. You did a great job laying everything out and prepping me.
Andjela gives him a clap of camaraderie on the shoulder. I'll take care of the money... Their house, their rules, though 1000gp is a bit egregious. What happens tomorrow? Do we hear about today?
We should check on the Beast.

GM Mug |

Kaple shrugs, "If it weren't for my blasted stutter, it wasn't always this bad.... But no matter. Tomorrow is the presentation of Hergstag evidence, so I recommend your make your way there with all haste and see what you can find. If you're half so successful at finding evidence there as you were in Morast, I'll be feeling much better. As for today's evidence, the judges will review it, together and alone, but will reserve ultimate judgement until the very end of the trial, in two days time." The Barrister takes his leave and heads back to his office, just across the courtroom, catching a page to fetch him some food before disappearing back into his office.
Making your way down to the Beast's room he's there eating, and seems quite happy. "Beast like bell." he says around a mouthful of... something, probably referring to the gong occasionally struck by the Herald.

Tolvan |

As the others are busy talking with Kaple and visiting the Beast Tolvan goes and retrieves horses and gear for the trip. It has to be near noon and they have a long way to go and come back all in a day. He is waiting for his team with provisioned horses as they come out.

GM Mug |

Actually the days proceedings ended around 2:30 P.M. :-O Shall we continue the visit with the Beast in flex time and move everyone on to the investigation of Hergstag? Also Danica I forgot to mention, but the university worker was not spotted amongst the crowd inside.

Andjela Daywalker |

Sure. This is the children? Are the trials the whole book?
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Tolvan |

Should we try to get a version of events from the beast before we ride off? Its said he was seen, but they said that last time... The beast has not been much help to date...

Kimberly Snow |

Kimberly leaves the money puch on the chair when she leaves feeling guilty if she took it.
Kimberly will say goodbye to Beast and get ready to head out.
she remains quiet during the trip not talking to anyone

Andjela Daywalker |

Andjela asks softly. Beast... Other place, dead girl child... What happened? Where find her?

Anna Dunsany |

Hey, guys, you'll never believe someone left a big sack of gold coins back there!
Sorry, couldn't resist :)

Andjela Daywalker |

Andjela asks softly. Beast... Other place, dead girl... What happened? Where find her?

GM Mug |

The big and distorted face of Beast turns to Andjela, "Dead girl?" and his features quickly turn depressed, "Live by Ergstag. Ellsa find Beast. Friend." and looks at Kimberly, remembering something or someone long gone. "Bad man come. Beast. Can't. Save. ELLSA!" and then the beast collapses in a jangling heap of tears, his body quaking as he howls his grief. He is inconsolable, despite anyone's effort to bring him back around and coax out more information.

Anna Dunsany |

That's easy; I had to look in each room of the courthouse to find the gang!

Anna Dunsany |

After catching up with the group, Anna gets on her borrowed horse and fumbles a bit with the reigns. Well, you've got the prosecution freaking out. Nice work, though it sounds like you almost blew it with some unsanctioned magic. Gives me an idea. Any way we can make it look like the prosecution team's casting a spell? That'll sink their case quicker than anything we do.
As they near the outskirts of Lepidstadt, Anna looks around. Do we want to meet with the girls at their windmill now, or when we get back?

Tolvan |

Not a bad idea Anna, but their cleric is very thorough at getting to the truth of any casting. So even if we could mask our involvement it would come out that they were innocent. Tolvan obviously sees nothing wrong with fixing this trial to save someone he feels is not guilty.
Sorry but I guess I have forgotten what we know about this crime What girls?

GM Mug |

See the spoiler above... ah heck I'll just repost it since she hit it.
After some light but convincing inquiry about Hergstag, Andjela learns that the village of Hergstag has been abandoned since the attacks, 7 months ago. Until that time, the villagers of Hergstag lived quiet lives and made passable livings farming and hunting. Of the former inhabitants of Hergstag, only three remain in the area. Three sisters named Garrow, Starle, and Flicht now own a small windmill on the outskirts of Lepidstadt and are witnesses for the prosecution.

Danica Quinn |

"Let's ride. We are burning daylight"
Towards Kimberly, "you can ride with me so you don't have to ride the pony."