[RPG Superstar] Doom Comes to Dustpawn (Inactive)

Game Master Mike Kimmel

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RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

So for the limit on the cost of a single item, is that the total price, or can we use the crafting cost if we craft it? Because with my 4000 gp double hackbut, that keeps me from getting more than a +1 unless I use the crafting cost.

James, you gonna roll up Chag Dustpawn? Oread isn't bad for Pally, except that CHA hit right? Great role playing opportunity.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Crunch is here.

Story coming up later.

Grand Lodge

I am looking to play fighter 3/Cleric 3/Holy Vindicator 3. Was originally thinking Pally 5/Vindicator 4 but thought it might be good to have more spell power and channel opportunities in the party by adding Cleric.

Definitely choosing earth deity of some sort, but may pick something different than Abadar. Maybe our two churches though different were looking to work together.

Grand Lodge

Hmmm now I am not so sure. I need to chew on a couple of things.

James R. Casey wrote:
Hmmm now I am not so sure. I need to chew on a couple of things.

Let me know if there is some synergy anyone needs from my character. Is there a spell you need from me to make you uber? etc.

Sure, sure, everyone wants to be a Juggernaut!

Anyone playing a Dhampir? You're hosed, buy a wand, hahaha.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Well, now that I've chosen the name, the old link is not working anymore, so here is Taragoth.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I finished statting up the animal companion, but the dwarf himself still needs a few finishing touches.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Ok, just found out that "taragot" is a romanian musical instrument similar to the clarinet. Gotta find a new name. :P

When are we planning to start?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Pedro Coelho wrote:
Ok, just found out that "taragot" is a romanian musical instrument similar to the clarinet. Gotta find a new name. :P

Why? I knew a girl in college named "Flute." It seemed to work for her.

Ok folks, I need advice on spells to have ready on scrolls, I'm not usually the cleric, so advice is welcome.

RPG Superstar 2014

Stonelord is cool (and definitely in the Immovable Object category), but a little thematically off for me. I'm planning on having a surface dwarf, so getting away from the rock/earth ties. (Which is fine... seems like we've got our earthy dudes covered ;) )

I'm looking at the Sacred Shield paladin variant, and may take some Stalwart Defender levels.

I should be able to get some actual crunch down on paper in the next day or two, and ditto with my background; I need to do a little reading first. Then I just need to figure out the best way to get my sheet up on the screen and legible; I've been spoiled by Obsidian Portal. :)

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

If you want my advice, do it as macros (see my profile for examples). It's a huge time saver for PBP, especially if you're going to have multiple attacks and various iterations.

Jessamy's a better example for higher level, where I've tried to use every possible attack variation I might have...

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Is there a way to Empower a spell with the dice macros?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Not that I'm aware of. I'd roll normally and then multiply by 1.5.

Grand Lodge

Can we get a list of party classes? I am still on the fence though leaning toward playing Zahir's oread brother. Two Oread clerics woot!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I've got most of the crunch nailed down, but I still don't know where I stand on gear; I don't know if I can squeeze in that +2 weapon or not, based on what Mike says about crafting costs.

11,500 gp is the maximum value of any given magic item, so a +2 weapon (8,300 plus the cost of the weapon) should be fine.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Mike the GM wrote:
11,500 gp is the maximum value of any given magic item, so a +2 weapon (8,300 plus the cost of the weapon) should be fine.

But my double hackbut has a base price of 4000, meaning a +2 version is 12,300. If I craft it using Gunsmithing, it brings the cost down to 10,300. (or if I take Craft Arms and Armor, I can just squeak in with a +1 Holy double hackbut at 11,150 crafting cost).

I see what you mean. If you want to spend the feats on crafting, that's fine by me.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

OK, I'll probably stick with just Gunsmithing for a +1 reliable weapon, and pick up Craft Wondrous Item for the other stuff (nothing big-ticket though).

I'll be playing Wizard 9 (enchanter). I probably won't be doing a lot of summoning, just since it sounds like there'll be a lot of us already and it's tough for the GM to keep track of everything.

I'm nearing completion on the character, I think. Still have to pick gear and finalize spells.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

I don't want to be a killjoy, but... I'd steer away from crafting feats in the creation of characters, as it may create some serious power imbalance once you start getting evey wondrous item for half-price. In-game, the money economy is offset by the expenditure of time and by the fact that there isn't much downtime to keep creating items; however, when you are building a character from scratch, I believe that is prone to abuse, since time penalties do not apply.

I mean, that's the sort of thing that is a no-no in my home games, but since I'm not the GM this time, I'll defer to Mike's judgment. ;)

Paizo Employee RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Joseph, if you get a chance, please show me your final list of items for approval. I will likely limit you to a total 10-15% cap increase on your "wealth by level," or something like that, to keep things more balanced.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Mike Kimmel wrote:
Joseph, if you get a chance, please show me your final list of items for approval. I will likely limit you to a total 10-15% cap increase on your "wealth by level," or something like that, to keep things more balanced.

...yeah, I don't think I'm going to make that cut with what I'm looking at. I'll drop the feat, and start trimming my gear list (probably starting with my 7k in backup weapons...)

How do you know Dalviss Crenn and why would he ask you for help?

Texillium met Crenn while escorting travelers during the Goblinblood Wars, when their caravan was attacked. Crenn was impressed with Tex's skill with his guns, and they kept in contact afterward.

You are 9th level. What did you do to get there?

Texillium is a veteran of the Goblinblood Wars, where he provided artillery and arcane support. After the war, he settled in Isger, not far from Dustpawn, and keeps busy by using his remote home as a waystation for escaping slaves and political dissidents.

He is the son of an Andoren adventurer who married a Mwangi priestess. They lived for a time in Alkenstar, but his mother missed her magical lifestyle, and they eventually emigrated to Druma.

What is your reputation in Isger? In Dustpawn? Elsewhere?

Texillium is a veteran of the Goblinblood Wars. While some in the area around Dustpawn might recognize him on sight (even more if he chose to wear his medals), he prefers his privacy. However the Chelish and Isgeri governments suspect him of illegal activities, and only his status as a war hero protects him from further scrutiny.

Stats and gear in profile.

Mechanical note: His Forewarned ability as a diviner wizard lets him act always in the surprise round, and sandals of quick reaction let him take a full round in the surprise round, which he'll use to deploy his double hackbut.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Ok, character is finished.

Stats and background can be found here (for real, this time).

The two Oread clerics are coming along! We've been negotiating commonalities of sibling Oread clerics! Think we've about got it!

RPG Superstar 2014

Chug Dustpawn wrote:
And Victoria, again, congrats on the new forum title, it looks great on you!

Why thank you!

And you Earth-boys might have faithful company; my paladin is shaping up to be an Abadar-follower, too.

motteditor wrote:
If you want my advice, do it as macros (see my profile for examples). It's a huge time saver for PBP, especially if you're going to have multiple attacks and various iterations.

Thanks! I'll try that. I haven't done PbP on this type of board before, so anything to make it a little easier.

Should be finishing up the character tonight. Right now just have a jumble of information in my profile, still need to straighten it up, do gear, and apply all the finishing details. Check my math. Etc.

Looking at everyone else's, though, I feel I should warn that I'm on the lower side of optimization. I play pretty simple and straightforward characters since my eyes cross if I pour over character options too long. :)

I'm always torn. I look at the optimization guides and feel like I should do that, and then have to remind myself to just play the character. Who cares if the enchanter isn't mechanically as good as the conjurer if it fits the character?

Still planning to finish up tonight. Just have gear left to do, I think.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

OK, I think Aurelian's all but done. He's still got a few thousand gold, which I figure can be used in part to supplement with spell components if any of them have costs (if that's OK -- otherwise I'll go through all the spells and doublecheck that).

If anyone wants to take a look and let me know if there's anything obvious I'm missing (spells, gear, something else), I can tweak. Still need to pick what spells he has prepared to start, and then fill in a few bookkeeping things, but all the decision making is done.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I'm so in for this! I need to build me a level 9 character though... I'm thinking a channeling-focused character using a bunch of the new Neutral-alignment rules in Champions of Balance.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Updated my character, because I remembered I'm supposed to have opposition schools.

Here are Karlia's answers to the required questions:

How do you know Dalviss Crenn and why would he ask you for help? He once previously contacted me to deal with a summoned creature that was running amok in the town.
You are 9th level. What did you do to get there? I've been sailing the seas of the Shackles for many years as a pirate, but have recently turned from that life in the effort to rid the plane of otherworldly influences. I've considered taking on the Worldwound, but feel that I must train more before I can attempt to deal with that horrible rip in our world.
What is your reputation in Isger? In Dustpawn? Elsewhere? I'm relatively unknown in Isger, but in Dustpawn I'll be recognized for dealing with a summoned devil that was attacking townspeople. This was about six years ago, so townsfolk may not all know of my deeds. My exploits would be familiar to any Free Captain of the Shackles, though I've changed my appearance significantly since my time as a pirate to separate myself from my past.

Alrighty, I have posted a "strong draft" for Chug in his profile.

I need to get some more minor disposable magic items, and who knows what else, but he's basically there.

Probably a thing or two to deconflict with "brother" as well, like "age" and we'll get our combined background posted.

It should be noted that Chug is choosing to leave several cleric spell slots open, so he can learn spells in them during the day if needed. Right now, I believe he has a 2nd and a 4th level spell slot open.

It should also be mentioned that Chug and his brother have expended numerous feats on Teamwork Feats, and will make maximum use of them as we go. So, when establishing marching orders, the two clerics will be walking side by side, or at least adjacent.

Both Chug and Chagh are Fighter-1/Cleric-8. Thus, no 5th level spells, but yes on the 8th level domain powers.

They both wear plate mail and carry tower shields.

Chug is the stronger, and more melee oriented. Chagh is the more bookish (if one can say such of an Oread).

I've never played with James before, so we will all be exploring the Oread twins at the same time, and via this medium. I envision there being some a Raistlin-Caramon thing, but as Clerics, neither are as weak as Raistlin, or as strong as Caramon.

May Abadar have mercy on us all!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

So we have 3 tanks?

I guess that's just more time for me to fish for a crit!

Karlia's stats are now in her profile.

RPG Superstar 2014

OK, sheet is basically done(stole liberally from your format, Jacob, thank you!) though I still want to go in and shore up the organization. It's a bit messy and random, especially class abilities. May also put together a quick reference for my Defensive Stance stuff and make some relevant abilities easier to find. Will probably write up an appearance, too, for reference. She's pretty distinctive.

Open for a replacement trait for Child of the Temple. It's almost useless, but it fits the background and the giant list of traits makes me wanna lie down.

Let me know if anything seems off...

And, yes, between me and the brothers, we can basically form a nice mobile wall. :)

Alright, so questions, questions...

How do you know Dalviss Crenn and why would he ask you for help?

In her duties as a frequent escort and travel companion of Abadar's justicars, Genevar has spent far more time in small town inn rooms than her hometown. Dustpawn has been a natural stop more than once on the way to points southeast of Druma, making Genevar a not-unusual sight in Dalviss Crenn's common room. She makes herself a pleasant guest and he's observed her capability with calming tempers and restoring order, and her reputation over the years has only reinforced that opinion. He knows her skepticism, too, and knows she'll scoff at a space ship, but he also knows that -- unless directly on another assignment -- she'll come. She might not believe, but that kind of event on the edge of town is still a recipe for unrest. Lucky for him, Genevar's off-duty for the season, though she cuts a visit with her brothers short.

You are 9th level. What did you do to get there?

Sher served as a dedicated temple guard to Abadar for some time, eventually graduating to the vaults and being moved to different temples across Druma as her dedication was recognized. She could have gone the way of a justicar, but decided her calling was to protect. Instead, she became a favored escort and bodyguard of a few justicars and traveling clerics and clergymen in want of extra protection. She's traveled all over Druma and far beyond it now; some missions went without event, but there were several occasions where her abilities to protect her ward were put to the test. Regardless of where she ends up on her assignments and duties, once it's done, she always returns home, even if she has to make the return trek alone. More than one bandit party and predator has made the mistake of thinking the lone dwarf an easy target.

What is your reputation in Isger? In Dustpawn? Elsewhere?

Isger has seen Genevar a little more frequently than other territories thanks to justicars being drawn to bring the order of Abadar to the restlessness of the region. Those who don't know her name refer to her as the "Justicar's Right Hand" or, in reference to her shield and armor, "The Golden Wall". The region knows her mostly for one particular incident where, while returning home to Druma on her own, Genever came across a group of travelers fleeing over a bridge across the Conercia River with a mixed group of hobgoblins bandits in pursuit; the small group of Isgeri soldiers that attempted to hold them off were losing men. Genevar stepped in and told them to get the travelers to safety, and she would hold the bridge herself. At the foot of that bridge, outnumbered 15-to-1, Genevar held off the bandits long enough for the travelers to escape -- and for half the bandits to flee, realizing they'd never get around her glowing shield before she slowly and steadily cut them down.

Dustpawn has mostly known her as an occasional polite guest, though she has broken up the occasional argument and shown good charity, though never in obvious manners. Her personal pet project has been to look for inroads to have some of Isger's orphans relocated, under escort, to Druma to be raised in Abadar's temples as she was, giving them much better chances to not only serve society, but to be able to take places in civilization and improve their own lot. She hasn't gained much traction so far -- just enough to earn her some enmity with the Church of Asmodeus.

The further away from Druma, the less she has traveled there, and the less well-known she is.

Rather than confuse everyone, I chose a different avatar than my brother even though we are twins. Bookish may be too strong a term, but I certainly would rather be holding a book than my shield!
That's not to say I shrug away from a fight. I am just as eager to wade into combat behind my shield and at my brother's flank; healing and hurting depending on the needs at the time.
I am certainly the fairer looking of us, if that term can even be applied to one of our race. My brother tends to react more quickly and notice things more readily than myself, a byproduct of my. "Bookish" nature.

i will post more Sunday. I am currently in the field with limited comm ability and time.

Bookish is a relative term!

Keep 'em coming! Hoping to start up the game this week.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

So, this is our group:

Aurelian Fache - CG Male human wizard (enchanter) 9
Chagh Dustpawn - LN Male Oread fighter 1/cleric of Abadar 8
Chug Dustpawn - LN Male Oread fighter 1/cleric of Abadar 8
Dagaroth - LN Male human fighter 3/monk 1/sorcerer 1/dragon discile 4
Genevar Tregg - LG Female dwarf paladin of Abadar 7/stalwart defender 2
Karlia Riftbane - N Female human cleric of Besmara 5/envoy of balance 4
Tex "Arcana" Johansson - NG Male human gunslinger 1/wizard (diviner) 1/eldrich knight 7

Looks like Chagh is still missing most of the sheet and the Oread twins still need to weave their backstory with Dustpawn and Dalviss Crenn, is that correct?

Also, it seems we'll disarm traps by setting them off. :)

RPG Superstar 2014

Pedro Coelho wrote:

Also, it seems we'll disarm traps by setting them off. :)

I love the smell of a fire trap to the face in the morning.

You are correct sir, although what Chagh knows may surprise you. I have changed a couple things around with his skills and traits than what is in the profile. I have everything ready, I just need to get home and post it. I was leaving our basic backstory up to zahir although he may not know that. If that is the case I will get something posted late Sunday evening or Monday morning. I am still in the field and only have my phone with me. Which means limited power supply and no character sheets.

I can post a backstory for us, no problem, but not until Monday I fear.

And I will fill in my non magical loot list.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I'll try to finish mine on Monday! Sorry about the delay!

Ready, willing and able, mes amis.

Monsieur Kimmel, perhaps eet would be good to create ze campaign threads so zat we might dot it, so ze PBP, it will come up in ze campaign tabs? (Zat is where I tend to look, so I will respond zat much more quickly when it 'appens, non?)

Alright, Hathor's sheet is mostly finished. Still a few spells and items missing, but it won't take a lot of time to update that.

How do you know Dalviss Crenn and why would he ask you for help?

"When me 'n Kumador were investigating a cult of Rovagug a few years back, Dalviss gave us room and board tho' we weren't able to pay. An' he helped me find the right people to get clues to track down the cult. Me, I'm a rough, angry dwarf and Kumador here don't talk so much, so folks aren't always so nice to us. So I told him that if his town or inn e'er needs saving, he can count on me. So when I heard he thought it's some creatures from some other.. rock than this one, I thought I'm the right dwarf for this job, an' Kumador thought so too."

You are 9th level. What did you do to get there?

"People think dwarfs are but a race of stone; well me clan is a bit wilder bunch, we revere also the raging skies and seas, and so it happened that great Gozreh spoke to me 'n set me on this path. I've slain giants, I've seen creatures from other places that don't belong here and punched 'em in the face, I've stomped on undead skulls... Oh an' Kumador's a lord among his kin, but he thought it necessary to get involved in people's business and leave the bearly stuff behind so he can too serve Gozreh when he needs our help."

What is your reputation in Isger? In Dustpawn? Elsewhere?

"I don't get along with most people, but where I do good deeds, people remember me. Sometimes.. well let's say humans do things that anger Gozreh an' that ain't a good thing! But here, Dustpawn, yeh I like this place and know Dalviss and a few other good folks."

A Brief History of the Dustpawn Twins

Eighty two years ago (in 4632), Chagh and I were born to a pair of Chelish expatriates of Molthuni descent, who had come to Dustpawn to settle down ten years earlier. However, two events in 4632 caused their parents to have to leave Dustpawn after having lived there for 10 years. The first was the birth of the twins, whose obvious differences from most Varisian children caused certain accusations to be levied against their mother, which their father knew were untrue (because he knew his own bloodline was tainted), but are too hateful to describe here. The second was the declaration by Molthune that it was independant from Cheliax. Being of Molthuni descent, their parents were viewed with a lot of suspicion. Thus, their parents travelled back to Canorate where the boys were raised. Their father died when they were but 42, and mother followed ten years later. Thus orphaned, and long since identified as Dwarf Blooded Oreads, the two lads followed their parents abiding faith in Abadar, renamed themselves with more Oreadish names (including the earthlike sounding name of their birth town, which they had used informally for years), and signed on with some dwarf explorers headed to Rolgrimmdur in The Five Kings Mountains. There they spent years adventuring, mostly underground, where the weak dayseer races simply cannot travel without artificial light.

How do you know Dalviss Crenn and why would he ask you for help?

Crenn? Crenn? Mother used to speak of a kindly woman named Mavis Crenn who had three sons in Dustpawn. She kept up communications with Mavis until she died. Let me check here, ruffles through his backpack and finds some letters, yes in the last letters she had from Mavis, there was mention of a grandson [or son, or great grandson, if the timeline needs it to support] named Dalviss. I can only assume that is the one. Mother and Mavis were the best of friends, perhaps Mavis told her grandson that if he ever needed help to contact us? Indeed, in this letter from Mavis, she makes reference to our chosen names, rather than our given names, so it must be that Mother did tell her all about us.

You are 9th level. What did you do to get there?

As stated above, a considerable amount of underground adventuring with dwarves in The Five Kings Mountains.

What is your reputation in Isger? In Dustpawn? Elsewhere?

I don't imagine we have much of a reputation in Isger, or Dustpawn. As for elsewhere, The Five Kings Mountains have become a home for us, and we are well known as staunch followers of Abadar, and respected as such among the dwarves who usually follow Torag. Our diverse beliefs have never been a problem, and our spells and skills being atypical of other dwarves have always been considered useful if not a bit odd by dwarven adventurers.

Hmmm, now that I've written all that, I might make some slight mods to my character. Like Dwarven Stone Plate maybe, and such, for RP reasons. Shouldn't be anything that will affect mechanics.

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