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RPG Superstar Top 32 only, please
Now that the RPG Superstar dust has settled, let's talk play-by-post!
There was a LOT of interest for this in the Top 32 Guildhall, and I doubt I will be able to accommodate everyone who wants to play. Hopefully some others will step up to GM as well.
I suggested playing a former RPGSS module, but we could also do a homebrew, another module, or even an official PFS game. I've even got Palace of the Vampire Queen and tons of old AD&D modules lying around at home, if we wanted to kick it old school.
I am not sure I want to commit to an entire AP, simply because of how long they are. I'd want to have a good group with a good vibe established before committing to something like that.
So, what do you want to play? This will work a bit like a democracy, in that I will give most consideration to the most popular ideas. But I may also veto ones that don't interest me.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

I'm happy to play almost anything. That said, I'd rather play mid- to higher level (i.e. 8+) if only because so much PBP happens at lower levels. I think I'd enjoy doing Doom Comes to Dustpawn (2012's winner).
In my experience, less-sandbox-style adventures work much better for PBPs.
I think I'm going to stay away from GM'ing for the moment. I'm at three games already and four's my limit.

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I'll play! Preferably a low to mid level adventure (1-10). I'll be fairly busy with work and other things in the coming weeks, so I won't be able to GM this, however.
In my experience, PbPs tend to die sooner or later despite the best of intentions, so it's better to pick a reasonably short adventure. If we finish the adventure and everyone still wants to play, we'll just pick a second adventure of appropriate level and continue.

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You know, a middle ground between doing a module, and meeting my desire for PFS, would be to run a module that is legal for PFS play. Most of those permit you to play with home rules, and a home character, but being able to get credit for PFS to put onto a character.
It's just a thought.
If this plan was implemented, I think I would make a non-PFS character under whatever rules you decide, but one that is very similar to an actual PFS character of mine, so I could feel like he had actually "played" the module when I apply the cert to him.
With that said, I could provide:
Pathfinder Chronicler (Bard-Evangelist)
Merciful Healer
Paladin (err Inquisitor) of Asmodeus
(Of course really, I could play anything needed, and just apply credit to one of these guys, but still, it helps with my versimilitude)
And would prefer mid tier 4-8 maybe. I think the game is most fun around levels 5 or 6. but I'll play most anything with the right folks, but let's avoid like 11+ shall we? The game gets wonky around then, and outside of a well regimented home game could become unmanageable.
Also, don't begin to think I'll be upset if I'm not needed, or my suggestions are absurd. The world stopped revolving around me back in '73 when my little sister was born.

Pedro Coelho RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 |

Hey Mike, not sure if you meant 2014 Top 32 only, but I would be up for a game if you'll all have me. In my defense, I'm a reliable play-by-poster. :)
We tried one last year but it didn't catch momentum. I agree that an AP is probably too ambitious for PbP, so a PF Module would be great.
If you want to keep it between the 2014 Top 32, I understand. ;)

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Doom Comes to Dustpawn sounds good to me too. Since I play pretty much exclusively PFS, I'd rather play something that's not allowed there (like a Spellslinger wizard, or a Vital Strike double-hackbut Gunslinger build).
Which is acceptable in a PFS legal module, and then you can apply credit to a PFS character. Dustpawn qualifies.

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Hey gang! Playing sounds like a lot of fun, but I also know that I'm a little extra busy right now. Please put me in the second tier of players for the time being, and let me know if you (somehow) need someone to fill a spot.
If we do another game this summer, I'm in like you would not believe!
I'm involved in both PFS and home APs, but we often play our home games using PFS guidelines. I'd be up for trying something else!

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Hey Mike, not sure if you meant 2014 Top 32 only, but I would be up for a game if you'll all have me. In my defense, I'm a reliable play-by-poster. :)
We tried one last year but it didn't catch momentum. I agree that an AP is probably too ambitious for PbP, so a PF Module would be great.
If you want to keep it between the 2014 Top 32, I understand. ;)
Let's see: We've got Mike, Jacob, me, Tripp, Pedro and Joseph. So that'd be GM + 5. I certainly hope Pedro can join too. :)

Belladonna Blue RPG Superstar 2014 |

I'm still interested in joining, too, if that doesn't flip the numbers into the danger zone. :)
It's been a long time since I've done PbP, but played in several successful games. I'd also need to familiarize myself with the PFS stuff as I haven't been involved in any of that yet, if the game goes that way.
Mid-range games (4-6th level) are my personal happy place, but I can roll with anything.
I'd play a dwarf. Class irrelevant.

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I'd play a dwarf. Class irrelevant.
Around here we have a running joke that "all dwarves are clerics."
If we play a normal module, using whatever home rules Mike wants, there is no need for anyone to be concerned with learning up the PFS rules. If after the module is complete, you are interested in getting PFS credit for a character, then you could get Mike to sign a cert for a PFS character for you, but still we can play the module using whatever wonky ruleset Mike chooses.

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...but still we can play the module using whatever wonky ruleset Mike chooses.
Careful, or I just might use something weird.
I think seven (which would include Victoria and Pedro) is a reasonable number. I have found that having slightly too many people allows for a game to continue without disruption even if a few people drop out for whatever reason.
Of course that means I'll have to up the difficulty if we choose a published adventure, but I'm sure you all don't have a problem with that...
Doom Comes to Dustpawn sounds fun, but it's a bit higher level than some folks requested. Is there another module in the 4-6 level range that we could pick and then vote on them?

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

There's Tears at Bitter Manor (5th); that's one of the new, longer modules, though, so don't know if that's a problem.
Cult of the Ebon Destroyer is 8th level; the Midnight Mirror is 4th; while Realm of the Fellnight Queen is 7th (though I've run that one, so would rather play another, personally).
From Shore to Sea is sixth level, though not a Superstar module.

Pirate Rob |

If you care about PFS credit the only things playable in "campaign" mode (where you can do whatever you want) are the AP legs and Dragon's Demand.
All the old modules only give PFS credit if played with PFS characters using the PFS rules etc.
Depending on how my schedule works out I may be able to help out and run something as well though if the interest gets too big for 1 game.
(RPGSS alternate here)

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If you care about PFS credit the only things playable in "campaign" mode (where you can do whatever you want) are the AP legs and Dragon's Demand.
Turns out you're right! Now why did I assume the modules could work like the APs? That probably made too much sense.
Ok, so since an AP is out, and PFS credit is out, I'll play anything, at any level!

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Executive decision time!
Please vote for your choice between The Midnight Mirror (Sam Zeitlin, RPGSS 2011, level 4 horror investigation) or Doom Comes to Dustpawn (Mike Welham, RPGSS 2012, level 9 cosmic horror investigation).
I have already run Realm of the Fellnight Queen and Cult of the Ebon Destroyers and I'd like to run something new.

Pedro Coelho RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 |

My inner munchkin says Doom Comes to Dustpawn.
[EDIT]Already thinking about a Sorcerer 1/Fighter 4/Dragon Disciple 4... Mike, are you ok with choosing a Vortex Dragon for the draconic bloodline? In practice, it only affects the breath weapon, the rest is flavor.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

I vote for Doom Comes to Dustpawn. I play enough lower-level stuff already. Plus Mike was the winner of my first year of Superstar. :)
No idea what I'll make yet, though. Maybe druid or ranger? I haven't played either class much... I was thinking of a character for Mummy's Mask but he could work better for this.
EDIT: I like the idea of vortex dragon considering Dustpawn's plot line.

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I'm fine with Dustpawn. Fair warning though, as RPGSS competitors, odds are we've all read his proposal. I'm sure the final mod is somewhat different, of course, but yes I read his submission.
As for what I'd play, I'm fine with filling any role necessary. At 9th level, one has the opportunity to play a character that might not have been fun to actually level up.

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So far we have this being batted around:
Pedro: Sorcerer 1/Fighter 4/Dragon Disciple 4
Jacob: Druid or Ranger
Joseph: Musket Master 1/Scryer Wizard 1/Eldritch Knight 7
Victoria: Dwarf (of some sort)
Rich: UNK
Mikko: UNK
Tripp: something not wonky
If I read Pedro and Joseph right, they have melee and ranged damage characters respectively.
What sort of Druid or Ranger Jacob? Ranged? Melee? Summoning?
Victoria sounds like she wants to melee, although fighter can be ranged too obviously.
Rich and Mikko?
I think we need a "face" although Victoria could do that with Paladin.
We likely need a knowledge/investigator type, someone who knows stuff.
We need a healer (I'm not one who believes the threads about how groups that heal in combat are broken).
I suspect we need an arcanist of some sort, although Pedro or Joseph might say they have that covered.
I'm open to suggestions, and really I'll fill any role.

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I approve of all character concepts so far.
I'll post some actual character creation guidelines soon, but for now just assume that I stick to pretty basic character creation (20 pt buy for ability scores, standard wealth by level, max hp at 1st level and high average for additional levels, most Paizo material is OK, 3pp stuff with approval).

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N dwarf barbarian 1 / inquisitor x of Gozreh
As an inquisitor of Gozreh, he investigates perversions of nature, trying to curb Rovagug's (and other similar deities') attempts to corrupt nature. Perhaps some prophesy about aberrant lifeforms brought him to Dustpawn.
Not a dedicated healer, but duct tape a CLW twig on him and out of combat healing is covered. :) Inquisitors I guess have the right skill set for the investigator/face role, but of course, his Cha won't be amazing, so it's only the social skills he gets the Wis bonus on that I'll be focusing on (Intimidate 6 Sense Motive). I'll have a look at the archetypes available, perhaps they allow some customization of the skill list.
Edit: And he's got an animal companion which will also be a melee beast.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Oh, I'll play whatever, for the most part. I'll probably avoid witch, barbarian, inquisitor and rogue, since I'm already playing those in other games, but other than that I'm pretty flexible. I was looking at cavalier earlier. It sounds like we've got a lot of melee combatants, so maybe I'll look for something with a little range instead ... ?

Jacob Trier RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Belladonna Blue wrote:Stonelord?Yes, another dwarf!
I think I'm feeling a paladin. I can go for the 'nicer' social skills and be a tank/face.
The stonelord is not big on social skills (or healing), since the archetype is designed to be able to dump charisma. It is VERY good at being a defender/immovable object, however. Fun archetype.

Chug Dustpawn |

Oops, I meant Rich, we haven't heard what Rich wants, but it sounds like Jacob is ok with Sorc/Wiza, so this is what I think it looks like?
Pedro: Sorcerer 1/Fighter 4/Dragon Disciple 4
Jacob: Sorcerer/Wizard of some sort
Joseph: Musket Master 1/Scryer Wizard 1/Eldritch Knight 7
Victoria: Dwarf Paladin
Rich: ??
Mikko: Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Inquisitor x of Gozreh
Tripp: Oread Earth Cleric
Rich, I think you should be Bard! Be the face, and the knowledge guy!!!

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Hi James, you're the ninth to voice interest and I think I'd like to stop at 7. I believe at least one other person has mentioned being able to run a game, though. You might post again in the Top 32 Guildhall to see if someone would like to start up a second game.
Character creation guidelines coming up later today.

Mike the GM |

Character Creation
Please complete characters by next weekend, if possible. The sooner they are finished, the sooner we can start!
Character Level: 9
Ability Scores: 20 pt purchase method (+1 to one score at level 4 and level 8)
Treasure: 46,000 gp per PC. No single item may be worth more than 11,500 gp.
Traits: Choose two
Hit Points: Max for 1st HD, high average for the remaining (d8=5, d6=4, etc.)
Background: Dalviss Crenn, proprietor of the Mineshaft Inn of Dustpawn (in Isger near the Drumish border), has sent to each of you asking for aid. A meteor recently crashed near Dustpawn, but Dalviss believes it to be a ship from the far reaches of space. The townsfolk scoff at his theory, and so he has turned to you.
Each player must answer these three questions about their PC:
How do you know Dalviss Crenn and why would he ask you for help? (This can be as simple as "I stayed at his inn once" or something more complex.)
You are 9th level. What did you do to get there?
What is your reputation in Isger? In Dustpawn? Elsewhere?
Please crete an alias for your character and post in this thread using that alias. Post the answers to the questions either in your PC's profile or in your post here.
Other GM Requests
Please familiarize yourself with Isger and other locations relevant to your PC's background. If you don't have the Inner Sea World Guide, there is still plenty of free information on the various Pathfinder wikis.
Also, please read this and this.
Questions? Ask away!

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Painlord's manual is great (as is Painlord). He runs players in a couple of my games and I really enjoy playing with him (along with a few other of my "regulars," of course).
I think I've got my character nailed down; I'll post an introductory post when I've got a little more time, though I still have to do the actual build.

Aurelian Fache |

"Ah, but of course I shall come help Dalviss! What kind of friend would I be if I didn't do this thing for 'im?!
"What? 'Oo am I? Surely you are joking? You must 'ave 'eard of ze legendarily enchanting Aurelian Fache! No? What 'orror! Well, zen I shall introduce myself, so zat you may say you 'ave 'ad ze pleasure of meeting me. I am Aurelian Fache, wizard extraordinaire!"
He bows, giving an elaborate flourish with a plumed hat.
"Enchanter, as zey say back 'ome in Galt."
"'Ow do I know Dalvis?" Alas ..." and the immaculately dressed man grimaces for a moment, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "zat, my friend, is a story for anozzair time. Let us say it 'as to do with some ... misunderstandings back 'ome in Isarn and some unsavory accusations of 'ow I came to enjoy ze companionship of ze lovely Madame Littelle if you understand. 'Er 'usband, 'e was quite upset and I 'ad to find somewhere no civilized person would zink to find me. Zus: Dustpawn!"
The undeniably handsome man grins, showing perfect white teeth and giving a what-can-you-do shrug.
"You wish to know what I 'ave done? Really? You 'ave not 'eard of my feats? I 'elped lay ze unquiet souls of ze Wedding Day Chapel in 'Alvon to rest, before traveling to ze village of Ketterak to fight off a group of cultists of Ymeri. But zat reminded me too much of ze sadness in Galt, so I 'ave been traveling since zen."
Aurelian gesticules wildly for a moment, as if trying to encompass all of the Inner Sea region between perfectly manicured hands to show whe he has trod.
"My reputation? It is as a lover, a man zat both women and men wish to know. I am a doer of ze great zings, a gentleman and a scholar, and most importantly of course, never a boring conversationalist at ze dinner table."
Note that the character's not actually built yet in the profile -- this was a character who was in a short-lived PBP that Painlord and I tried to get going.

Chug Dustpawn |

I'm going with LN and Abadar and taking Earth and a Travel domains.
I couldn't find an archetype that really works though. The decent ones would force me to only have one domain, and as an Oread, I'm taking Earth, which isn't great mechanically, so need a second to actually draw spells from.
Right now, my draft character is a little more melee than I think I intend. I intend a support cleric, who isn't afraid to swing the crossbow when necessary.
I'm a lazy gamer, so I'll be statting him up in Hero Lab and putting a text export into the profile, I trust that is acceptable.