"Peacemaker Campaign Saga" for the Shadowlands Campaign Setting

Game Master BlackStarStudios

The game begins in Mtol Daerine, the largest and most cosmopolitan city in Saemyyr and the home of the Brotherhood of Magus. A murder is committed with ties back to the Brotherhood and a mysterious death which occurred five years ago.

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All Aneuryn Daethol Gamedesigner 5th, Publisher 1st

This will be our OOC thread.

Male Belaran Tegan (Halfling) nomad Brotherhood Adept 5 (Order of Mahrka)

Aha! So this is where I can mention how I will be kicking butt and taking names.

All Aneuryn Daethol Gamedesigner 5th, Publisher 1st

Pretty much! It's where you can post Out of Character comments, questions, etc. and also where non-player's in the game can leave questions and comments for us!

Female Human (Valgaard) Oracle 5

Posting, to see if this will help stick Aegwyn in the Character list.

Male Human (Dardish ethnicity) Antipaladin 5

Likewise posting to get officially added to the character list.

Male Human (Dardish ethnicity) Antipaladin 5

Concept stuff, as requested:

A lesser nephew of the royal house of Dard, Varan Urquman was spurned by his father as a failure for his utter lack of talent for the arcane arts. As a young man, he became an acolyte in the Church of Ialdabaōth and soon after began his training as an Archon of the Lord of Misrule. After several years’ schooling in Urqumant, followed by nearly a half-decade of (mis)adventures in the Tar Sequin port city of Tarina and in Vól Drathac, a Toráni city on the ragged edge of the nightmarish Shadowlands, he has arrived in Mtol Dærine, to serve there as one of Ialdabaōth’s holy warriors. Two years on, and Varan is well-established in the bustling metropolis as a paladin to the Dark Lord, also known to the Mtol Dærask as Il-Malokh.

Aegwyn, you're not quite yet picked up on the player list. Post your character concept in the Gameplay tab and hopefully that will get you good to go along with your other posts!



Male Human (Karsab ethnicity) Brotherhood Adept 4/Aristocrat 1

Character Updated:
...to level Awesome!

Oh, and one more thing:
Explosive Runes! Just getting that outta my system now!! Enjoy the show!

Male Belaran Tegan (Halfling) nomad Brotherhood Adept 5 (Order of Mahrka)

After careful consideration, I have determined that I will probably not be kicking anyone's butt (in fact, there is a very real risk of my own butt getting kicked if it comes to it).

Though I *will* likely take some names. And say them ominously from time to time.

Male Human (Karsab ethnicity) Brotherhood Adept 4/Aristocrat 1

Varan, is there any chance you can swap out your pic? I know it sounds weird, but you have the exact same pic as another character in my other PbP, who goes by Vaghn. I'd prefer not to get the two confused and every time I see it, I think, well, there's Vaghn! If not, I completely understand!

We also need to figure out which language rules we're going to use so I can either adjust or chill.

Hey guys,

After a brief discussion with Bijannar, I am thinking of possibly using Sean Reynolds's alternative leveling system for Experience Points and character advancement. Still have to figure out how this works, but I use it in my face-to-face campaigns and players really like it and I am hoping it creates less work for me (and you) in tracking XP.

What do you guys think?

If you don't know the system, you can read about it here: http://www.seankreynolds.com/rpgfiles/misc/AlternativeLevelAdvancement.pdf

Male Belaran Tegan (Halfling) nomad Brotherhood Adept 5 (Order of Mahrka)

Works for me.

Male Belaran Tegan (Halfling) nomad Brotherhood Adept 5 (Order of Mahrka)

Language Rules, according to the GM a few minutes ago, are:

Advanced Rules, plus the following*:

- Any character of a class that specifically uses scrolls, books, or recipes gains one free Orthography at 1st level. This Orthography must belong to the character's native tongue. (In this campaign, that should apply to Aegwyn, Bijannar, and Toranindracar)

- We ALL get one free Dialect in our native MT, in addition to the free MT itself.

*these may end up as regular parts of the Advanced Rules.

Male Human (Dardish ethnicity) Antipaladin 5
Bijannar Su-Sin wrote:

Varan, is there any chance you can swap out your pic?

No problem! Changed, as requested.

Male Human (Dardish ethnicity) Antipaladin 5

Quick question: is there some dice roller that we're using here on the boards to determine randomized character creation stuff like hit points, or am I just busting out a set of dice at home?

Female Human (Valgaard) Oracle 5
Varan Urquman wrote:
Quick question: is there some dice roller that we're using here on the boards to determine randomized character creation stuff like hit points, or am I just busting out a set of dice at home?

The boards here have a dice roller built in:

Javelin! 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 111d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Click the "How to format your text" button under the post for the syntax.

Male Belaran Tegan (Halfling) nomad Brotherhood Adept 5 (Order of Mahrka)

All right! Here goes my hit points!

(Max Hp for 1st lvl) + (4d6) + (Con bonus)
6 + 4d6 + 5 ⇒ 6 + (5, 3, 6, 6) + 5 = 31

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Belaran Tegan (Halfling) nomad Brotherhood Adept 5 (Order of Mahrka)

Sweet biscuits!

Female Human (Valgaard) Oracle 5

Toran is clearly blessed. I can't believe you're rolling d6 and you still get the same hp as me. Well, at least I get shiny armour.

Male Belaran Tegan (Halfling) nomad Brotherhood Adept 5 (Order of Mahrka)
Aegwyn wrote:
Toran is clearly blessed. I can't believe you're rolling d6 and you still get the same hp as me. Well, at least I get shiny armour.

Must be Halfling Luck.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Dardish ethnicity) Antipaladin 5

Neat! Thanks, Aegwyn!

Now, to take this thing for a test-drive:

Varan totally punches the tarrasque! 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
And here's the damage he would've done if he'd hit! 1d3 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

The tarrasque now does this exciting stuff, since it pretty much can't miss: bite for 4d8 + 15 ⇒ (1, 4, 7, 6) + 15 = 33 damage; two claws for 2d12 + 30 ⇒ (7, 7) + 30 = 44 damage; two gores for 2d10 + 30 ⇒ (3, 5) + 30 = 38 damage; tail slap for 3d8 + 7 ⇒ (7, 6, 4) + 7 = 24 damage; and 6 spines for 12d10 + 90 ⇒ (2, 1, 10, 10, 6, 2, 3, 1, 5, 1, 4, 1) + 90 = 136 damage)

Aaaaaaaaand... because Varan has 20 + 4d10 ⇒ 20 + (7, 1, 9, 6) = 43 hp, he is now a fine red smear on an otherwise perfectly lovely patch of desert.


That may have been the single most hilarious use of an online dice mechanism that I have run across. It may be the best use ever.

Well done!



My dorkitude has just reached new heights. I actually contemplated using "Analysts Notebook" to try and map out the various initial connections implicated in the campaign. How's *that* for intrigue!


Male Human (Karsab ethnicity) Brotherhood Adept 4/Aristocrat 1

1) Thanks for swapping out your pic Varan!

2) I'll update my language list once I read the rules.

3) I just took average hit points, hope no one minds. I'll roll, however, if everyone prefers it.


Male Human (Dardish ethnicity) Antipaladin 5
Bijannar Su-Sin wrote:

1) Thanks for swapping out your pic Varan!

3) I just took average hit points, hope no one minds. I'll roll, however, if everyone prefers it.

1). You're quite welcome. I can see how it would be a hassle to have the same pic for two characters with rather similar names.

3). Doesn't bother me, at all.

Male Belaran Tegan (Halfling) nomad Brotherhood Adept 5 (Order of Mahrka)

Nor me.

Dear All,

In keeping with Shadowlands style adventures and in the great tradition of great games like "Baldur's Gate", I'm writing in a number of side-quests into the storyline. These quests range from the simple (help so-and-so collect x amount of special cabbages), to treasure and items, to the acquisition of a safehouse or similar base of operations. It'll be up to you as a party to decide what side-quests you pursue and which ones you don't.

Because the story starts out as a murder mystery, there are going to be a great deal of NPCs, some important, some not, some recurring, some just single encounters. Your journal will be an invaluable tool and you might consider, once the party is formed, having an official records keeper, someone who can keep track of all of the clues, leads, people, and places.

Looking forward to talking to each of you about your backgrounds and *please* try and finish up your character sheets with as much detail as possible! If you need inspiration, definitely check out Bijannar Su-Sin character sheet!



Grand Lodge

Male Human Level 5 Rogue

Thomi Gallowshade at your service my fine cohorts! (see the results in the character section).

I have enough gear to climb, break, burn, smoke, puncture, grab, carry or restrain whatever is in the way of our progress (progress is defined as XP and shiny objects with high resale value).

And I must say that I look rather dashing sneaking around with a bandolier full of daggers!

Bandoliers? Ladies love bandoliers!


Chris, take a look at my Contacts and see if they fit the theme of the campaign.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Level 5 Rogue

Let's see if this works. Thomi pulls out a piece of wire, jiggles it in the keyhole, and....1d20 + 18 ⇒ (18) + 18 = 36.

Easy Peasy!

Wow! Thomi is indeed a Master at his craft! You nailed that door! Your contacts look pretty good, although Alvilda Pen’ul and Mersir Namil seem to be in the same business you are. The idea I was working with was the idea that these would be contacts who have nothing to do with your "work" life, but would represent actual friends who you could turn to in a time of need, not because you have a professional relationship with them, but because you have a friendship with them.

I would definitely keep both Alvilda Pen’ul and Mersir Namil, but maybe keep them as professional contacts and come up with two friends. I have a couple of ideas which I can run by you which would help integrate you into the campaign which I'll run by you tomorrow when we chat!



Grand Lodge

Male Human Level 5 Rogue
ShadowlandsGM wrote:

Wow! Thomi is indeed a Master at his craft! You nailed that door! Your contacts look pretty good, although Alvilda Pen’ul and Mersir Namil seem to be in the same business you are. The idea I was working with was the idea that these would be contacts who have nothing to do with your "work" life, but would represent actual friends who you could turn to in a time of need, not because you have a professional relationship with them, but because you have a friendship with them.

I would definitely keep both Alvilda Pen’ul and Mersir Namil, but maybe keep them as professional contacts and come up with two friends. I have a couple of ideas which I can run by you which would help integrate you into the campaign which I'll run by you tomorrow when we chat!



Sounds good. Will have to put on my thinking cap...most of Thomi's contacts have shady dealings. However, he does know a particular cleric at the temple of Elpis that might qualify. And, a there's this interesting lady who has caught his eye......


Male Human (Dardish ethnicity) Antipaladin 5

Hmmmmmmm... I note that we're lacking for someone with a level in a mentalist class. If no one else wants it, I can bite that bullet, but I'll probably change PCs if that's the case; Varan just doesn't fit as a mentalist (not even a psychic warrior or soulknife, really).

Male Belaran Tegan (Halfling) nomad Brotherhood Adept 5 (Order of Mahrka)
Varan Urquman wrote:
Hmmmmmmm... I note that we're lacking for someone with a level in a mentalist class. If no one else wants it, I can bite that bullet...

Chris stated earlier that the mentalist *is* taken care of. Whether that means he changed his mind and didn't need a mentalist in the group after all, or someone is being sneaky about having a mentalist class, Chris was not clear on. ;)

Male Human (Dardish ethnicity) Antipaladin 5

Ah. All good. I must've missed that.

Thanks for the heads-up!

Heya Varan,

No worries on the mentalist. That role has been filled by one of you. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

We need to still have a conversation about Varan and to roleplay through his Prologue sometime in the next two weeks whenever works for you.

Psyched to hear more about him!


Female Human (Valgaard) Oracle 5

And there's now a full backstory and some contact info for Aegwyn. She's a troubled girl, but luckily has her winds to keep her safe and guide her steps.

Male Belaran Tegan (Halfling) nomad Brotherhood Adept 5 (Order of Mahrka)

Profile updated! ... and in typical fashion, I ended up writing a frickin novel for Tor's backstory (and of course contacts). Also, check out the new & shiny sections like Personality Traits!

Chris, of course, please let me know if there's any issues with any of it. I took a few small liberties to further develop a few of the characters mentioned last night, like Cambrech and Valderion. Also, I'm not positive about the Instincts, or even if I've remembered how to properly frame them.

Anyway, I'd say the profile is pretty damn complete now. :)

At least, I hope so. D:

Aegwyn & Toranindracar - Really wonderful prose on your characters! Excellently done and you'll each get XP awards for the time you put into your writing and developing your characters. I wonder, if given your respective backgrounds and contacts if some of them might know each other indirectly (obviously you both know Navza’ar directly)?

Male Human (Karsab ethnicity) Brotherhood Adept 4/Aristocrat 1

Since it doesn't look like we're going to use traditional experience points (favoring Sean's model instead), do all these bonus XPs count as a session? Or are we going to handle this another way? Just curious.


I've been thinking about that too. I think in circumstances like these, where the rewards are more for the players and also too small to warrant going up a quarter-level, that I may have to just keep track of the XP. Alternatively, one of the other systems I use in my face-to-face campaign is the rewarding of "Bonus Tokens". Basically these are given out for very good roleplaying and take the form of a washer or bottle cap that I had to the player and which represent a +2 bonus to any d20 roll. The player then hands the token in when they want to use it. Do you think that would preferable to sums of XP lower than say a quarter level?

Male Belaran Tegan (Halfling) nomad Brotherhood Adept 5 (Order of Mahrka)

A similar option specified in the APG is Hero Points, should you decide you'd like to use them.

Male Human (Karsab ethnicity) Brotherhood Adept 4/Aristocrat 1


Your call. I don't think all this work should be rewarded with a whole quarter level, but I'd hate to see it go by the wayside, either. Like Toran points out, you could just award bonus Hero Points, too (which are better than a simple +2, but are definitely capped by level). In my face to face games, I use them. So, I'd agree with him on this.

Yeah, it's difficult to say. For most rewards I feel that Hero Points are OP (plus I don't agree with all of the conditions of their being granted). That being said, I think in this situation they are better than a +2 token or just letting them go by the Wayside. So, I'd say that Toranindracar, Bijannar, and Aegwyn so far all have 1 Hero Point for developing their characters completely.

I should talk about Instincts briefly. For example of them, look on Toranindracar's character sheet.

An Instinct is something that by virtue of personality, training, or sheer neurosis, your character does on autopilot, by pure instinct. They must have a storytelling background as to WHY your character has developed this instinct and why they act in this manner. The basic idea is from the Burning Wheel RPG.

Imagine you are a thief and for the first few years of your adventuring career you always accidentally set of traps. This resulted in near party death, lots of embarrassment, and some tricky situations. You've learned your lesson. You aren't any better at finding traps, but you are A LOT more diligent about CHECKING for them. Your belief would be worded something like: "I always check for traps whenever I enter a new room".

Sounds pretty straightforward right? Well, Burning Wheel is a lot more RP heavy and likes to remind you, as I will, that sometimes its a bit awkward to always check for traps. You walk into the Duke's palace for a formal dinner and now the thief feels a neurotic urge, bred by years of pain and failure, to walk around the audience hall checking for traps. This mechanic serves two functions, 1) it is a check against the GM by saying "Look, my character has this background, its just automatic that they do this", and the DM has to accept that because we agreed upon it at the beginning. 2) It is a roleplaying mechanism which adds another layer of both interest to your character (why does he ALWAYS check for traps?) and also tension ("Rogue! STOP checking for traps!")

Instincts are normally single sentences and are worded typically with "Always", "Never", or If/Then conditions.

-"If I encounter a creature I have never seen before, then I must collect it as a specimen"
-"Never leave my friends behind"
-"Always flirt with the barmaid".

You will need to create AT LEAST one Instinct for your character and up to three. I'll review them to make sure they are worded properly, but the idea here is that you are guaranteed an autoaction (searching a room) but it makes you slightly neurotic about it ("Tate, we HAVE TO GO! Stop searching the room! There's nothing here!").

Male Belaran Tegan (Halfling) nomad Brotherhood Adept 5 (Order of Mahrka)

Yeah, and as an added note (since I've played in a campaign where Chris used this before)...

It IS possible to fight against your instincts, but following the instinct is the default, and trying to go against them requires a conscious effort, and maybe even, say, a Will check in certain cases.

Hey everyone,

As I continue the work of trying to place in some of the plot points before we officially begin the campaign, a few things have come to my mind.

Spellcasters(basically everyone except Thomi) -
Please be very explicit in stating when you enter a room or a new area about casting either Detect magic, Detect mentalism (Psionics), or both (if you can do that).

This is something which cannot be an Instinct, or at least not initially, but maybe further in the campaign could be taken(Instincts, like Motivations, can and do change in the course of a story).

Bijannar Su-Sin & Varan Urquman - we'll have to have our Skype/phone call in order to finish up your characters and also run you each through your Prologue.

Everyone- Please look over everyone else's character sheets, especially their Contacts and Background and try to see in what way you might already be connected or linked to the other players.

In some cases there are already established links. For example, Toranindracar, Bijannar Su-Sin, and Aegwyn are all connected via Navza'ar. Thomi and Aegwyn are connected to each other through Gwythyr Delwyn. I'll try and work on some other connections, but if you see likely reasons of how your characters may have run into each other, feel free to talk to them on the Gameplay thread.

Looking forward to how this continues to develop!



Male Belaran Tegan (Halfling) nomad Brotherhood Adept 5 (Order of Mahrka)


For some reason, a few days ago, this site stopped tracking whether I have viewed certain posts or not. Yesterday, every time I came to the campaign messageboard, it continued to tell me the "Discussion" thread had 3 new messages, even though I had seen/read them before. Today, after Chris posted one additional message, it told me there were 4 new messages. It continues to say that now, even though I've viewed the thread on 2 different computers several times today. Anyone know how to find the tech support?

Maybe posting this will fix the issue... :\

Male Belaran Tegan (Halfling) nomad Brotherhood Adept 5 (Order of Mahrka)

Tentatively fixed, but we'll see if it updates after someone else posts something.

Yeah, Paizo was doing site maintenance for a a little while and that may have had something to do with it. I had the same problem.

I see you found the Brotherhood Houses?! Did you pick one? What do you think? What's Toaranindracar's ideological leaning?

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