Devargo Barvasi

Thomi Gallowshade's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 146 posts (3,753 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 10 aliases.


Looking For A Pro GM?

Play-By-Post is SO ideal for DW, because the 6- results and hard choices get to marinate in the GM's proverbial creative juices a bit before being plopped at the player's feet.

Possibly. One of my two current games (elsewhere) is teetering on the brink of imminent implosion. If it goes under - as I suspect it will - I'll apply.

Onrik is AFK for a few more days, but I think the rest of us have acted, right?

ponder ponder ponder

Away from the computer til tomorrow evening. Will check in then :D

Hello? Anyone home?

Have we lost Praedonus?

Feel better soon! :D

Looking to find a few (active) owners to join a Fantasy (American) Football Dynasty League with IDP, PPR and significant Flex options, hosted via Fleaflicker.

Existing Teams available, pick your Keepers prior to our May draft and bring your A game! 

I used and loved RPGwithme, and would love to see a new iteration of it... although it would have to be usable with non-PF game systems as well.

Wow. Never ever have I been in a group containing a pair of female dwarves. Go us! :D

Swan is actually pretty healy-centric already, with a nifty built-in bonus from her background.

The shaman playbook is not nearly as appealing to me as an offensive class, so most of her advanced moves will be support or further healing.

Has it been decided if we're one table or two yet?

Yay! Thanks sooooo much. :D

I'll toss together a Shaman sheet tomorrow morning, then.

Color me excited!

Actually... are you open to having a Shaman (specifically the Sundered World version), rather than a Shifter?

Definitely fine sticking with a Shifter.

Okay. How do you feel about the Shifter or the Wildkin Beastmaster, class-wise?

Pondering attending this as well, dependent on my available time. Class entirely unknown.

What kind of posting pace are you expecting? I'm comfortable with 1/day, maybe a few quickie responses. More than that is beyond me.

I'd prefer a Tiefling anyways... Race is far more about RP in DW than stats anyways. Let's see how things pan out as far as other players. :D

I think I'd like to step out of my element and play a Thief, possibly the City Thief for more of that lovely fish-out-of-water feel.

How do you feel about Drow or Tieflings as PC races?

Not that you've asked, but I'd love to try Kingmaker, Serpent's Skull, Iron Gods or Giantslayer, as I have no experience with any of them, other than drooling over the covers and the initial promo blurbs.

I've played through Carrion Crown, Jade Regent, and the first half or so of Council of Thieves. I've been DM for Shackled City, Savage Tide, Reign of Winter and also Carrion Crown.

That said, I'll be happy to play in whatever you decide to run, save for Carrion Crown.

I'd LOVE to play in an AP (not Carrion Crown tho) via DW... mashup of my two favourite RPG things!

Looking forward to seeing some more interest. :D

This is stellar, by the way. Can't wait to finish my set of Adventure Decks so I can play this too!

Well done.