PbP GameDay 2: The Confirmation
Game Master
Explore. Report. Cooperate.
Male Arrancar
if i could, for later, get everyone's
1) PFS#
2) Faction
3) Fame/PP
4) Starting XP
gameplay thread is also open.
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
Faction: grand lodge
Fame/ PP: 2PP 2Fame
Starting Xp: 1
should have list of purchases up soon
Male Traveller Gnome Bard (Songhealer) 3 - AC 15 (T 12 FF 14) | HP 21/21 | F +3 R +5 W +4 | Init +3 | Perception +8
1) 85191-1
2) Grand Lodge
3) 10 fame / 8 pp
4) 5
I should probably buy stuff...
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
ok so as of now
master work cold iron glaive 316
four- mirrored armor 45
wand of cure light wounds 2pp
sling with 10 bullets 1sp
studded leather armor 12.5gp
ci morning star 8gp
heavy wooden shield 3.5 GP
Male Arrancar
you're still level 1, Liara. you can technically rebuild and get full price back for the studded leather, morning star, and heavy shield.
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
HP 66/66 | AC 25 | T 14 | FF 24 | CMD 18 | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +15
Currently in her first PbP
Starting Xp will be 2 if she doesn't die lol
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
out of curiosity if we finish this campaign early and still have enough time left in the game day what are the chances of you running another one?
Male Arrancar
i was thinking about running we be goblins after...
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
so half the party has checked in.. can't wait till this thing kicks off
also how is ashia doing after that last game breakup cuatro?
Male Arrancar
she's feeling depressed and doesn't want to go among the living anymore... not really though. definitely going.
HP 66/66 | AC 25 | T 14 | FF 24 | CMD 18 | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +15
Well looks like i made it through her first session.. She'll be sporting a brand new cure light wand into this one!
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
@ cuartro hah pun
congrats yep CLW wands never leave home without one I know one of my characters used one ~ 15 times in siege of the diamond city lol hopefully this one will not be as intense
Human (Ulfen) Bloodrager 1
Checking in with my Bloodrager, to replace Poz. Korvin's still something of a rough draft, but he exists at least.
Number: 85191-2
Faction: Sczarni (maybe)
Fame/PP: 0/0
XP: 0
HP 66/66 | AC 25 | T 14 | FF 24 | CMD 18 | Fort +9 | Ref +4 | Will +13 | Init +5 | Perc +15
Pre-session Purchases-610 gps to start
Wand of Cure Light(2PP)
Healers Kit(50gp)
Mwk Backpack(50gp)
Alchemist Flask(20gp)
Cure Light Potion(2)(100gp)
Touch of the Sea Potion(50gp)
Pro Evil Scroll(25gp)
Comp Lang Scroll(25gp)
Endure Elements Scroll(25gp)
Obscuring Mist Scroll(25gp)
Bless Scroll(25gp)
Total 595
Armored Coat(25) +15 = 40gp
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
@ Korvin that is a rather interesting build lol hope you don't blow thru all of your weapons lol (then again that may be a good thing lol)
Human (Ulfen) Bloodrager 1
Liara Vashj wrote: @ Korvin that is a rather interesting build lol hope you don't blow thru all of your weapons lol (then again that may be a good thing lol) There's a reason he's CN and abberation-blooded. He's got a very bizarre outlook on things. Hence the unusual choice of weaponry. On the other hand, if he rolls a 20, things explode.
I don't actually know if I even intend on playing him past first or second level. The need for magical weapons kindof breaks him, because it will get expensive quickly to keep stocking and repairing them. (How do you repair a broken weapon in PFS anyway?) I do expect him to be fun within that range, though!
Edit: I also expect to be buying a wand of mending ASAP...
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
out of curiosity blue dove has azura taken any damage in the scenarios she has played in?
Male Arrancar
umm... azura doesn't get hit. her bardic might is too mighty.
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
or maybe her Liara/Lexia meat shield is not fast enough :)
Female Musetouched Aasimar HP 29/29 | With Shield AC 22, T 13, FF 19 | Bard 4 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 |HP 29|Fort +2 , Ref +7, Will +3| Init +5 | Percep +3, Sense Motive(VP Sing) +13
Come to think of it, I do not think she has ever taken a hit. But thanks ever so much for pointing that out!
*looks over her shoulder at the target now painted on her back and notes the paintbrush clutched in Liara's manipulative fingers* =P
Azura's new build is finalized and new gear purchased! Going to try her as an Archer Bard and see how that plays. I'm sure her final build will be aasimar, just have to decide if I like damage support or controlling better. ^_^
Male Arrancar
sorry, guys. been busy this weekend, and i have to work soon. we'll get started tomorrow.
Female Musetouched Aasimar HP 29/29 | With Shield AC 22, T 13, FF 19 | Bard 4 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 |HP 29|Fort +2 , Ref +7, Will +3| Init +5 | Percep +3, Sense Motive(VP Sing) +13
Azura ~bluedove
1) PFS# 85152-3
2) Faction: Andoran
3) Fame/PP: 4 PA/2 PP
4) Starting XP: 2
Looking forward to it! ^_^
Male Arrancar
sorry about the delay guys. i had PMed reyyvin and he was just having trouble finding the thread, so i sent him a direct link to gameplay and waited. he's not coming, but i also lost internet at my house temporarily due to drama. i trekked to campus today for a computer so i'll update in a bit.
Human (Ulfen) Bloodrager 1
I might not be able to post for the next day or two myself.
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
So I have some good news and some bad news
I will be disconnecting my internet for awhile b/c I am due to move soon and will be posting via phone and will be away from my books (boo) but it should only be for a few days while I move back to Texas where I will be able to enjoy 70+ days of payed vacation (yay)
~ sorry for the short notice and inconvenience
Female Musetouched Aasimar HP 29/29 | With Shield AC 22, T 13, FF 19 | Bard 4 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 |HP 29|Fort +2 , Ref +7, Will +3| Init +5 | Percep +3, Sense Motive(VP Sing) +13
Well good luck with the move! What part of Texas are you from/moving to? I've never left the state but lived all over.
Male Arrancar
shouldn't be a problem. my internet access has been a bit sporadic.
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
Thanks for the good wishes
@ azura I am actually coming from North Carolina and am going to be coming back to the Austin area as for leaving Texas I plan not to do so again go awhile
Male Arrancar
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
Male Arrancar
map should be up and editable. i already moved you 20 ft further away from the swarm, Liara.
oh word. i have a bunch of friends in winston and charlotte.
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
back ty for bearing with me
AC16/Touch13/Flatfoot13/CMD 15|CMB +3|HP 10/[10]| Fort:+3 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+4|Percept +6/Sense Motive +7 Male Human (Tien) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1 (Fav)
I am due to fly o/seas on short notice for a project - I will have delayed posting for the next 3 days. I hope this does not equal 'No posting' and will try to put something up.
Male Arrancar
no problem. thanks for the heads up!
Male Arrancar
sorry, guys. i've been really sick and other people called out so i'm still a bit drained from work this weekend. i'll update today though.
Female Musetouched Aasimar HP 29/29 | With Shield AC 22, T 13, FF 19 | Bard 4 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 |HP 29|Fort +2 , Ref +7, Will +3| Init +5 | Percep +3, Sense Motive(VP Sing) +13
Sorry to hear you're under the weather. The pollen has been raping my sinuses lately, so I sympathize. >_<
Male Arrancar
hey guys. out of town for a wedding. will update a little later when i can download the scenario pdf.
Male Arrancar
also, Korvin, do you move closer to address the gillman? i'm considering you all where you are on the map, and it matters a little bit for this encounter.
Human (Ulfen) Bloodrager 1
cuatroespada wrote: also, Korvin, do you move closer to address the gillman? i'm considering you all where you are on the map, and it matters a little bit for this encounter. Oops. I didn't notice the encounter map until you asked. I've moved myself up.
Male Arrancar
np. saw that. i've been trying to communicate that he was deaf without saying it outright, but since you moved up and he was aware you tried to speak to him, it gave him a reason to say it himself.
AC16/Touch13/Flatfoot13/CMD 15|CMB +3|HP 10/[10]| Fort:+3 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+4|Percept +6/Sense Motive +7 Male Human (Tien) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1 (Fav)
Business travel, wife hieing off to Europe and sickness caused a drop in posting. Will be online again soon.
Male Arrancar
sorry about the delay. i work weekends and this one was particularly exhausting. i'll post and update the map when i can get to a real computer.
AC16/Touch13/Flatfoot13/CMD 15|CMB +3|HP 10/[10]| Fort:+3 ;Ref:+2 ;Wil+4|Percept +6/Sense Motive +7 Male Human (Tien) Inquisitor (Heretic) 1 (Fav)
Male Arrancar
i realized that channeling energy is a burst, so you can't hit any of the zombies until they come closer or you go into the next part of the room. if you want to hit all of them, you should both delay until after the zombies have gone.
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
Female Musetouched Aasimar HP 29/29 | With Shield AC 22, T 13, FF 19 | Bard 4 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 |HP 29|Fort +2 , Ref +7, Will +3| Init +5 | Percep +3, Sense Motive(VP Sing) +13
Nice roll, Korvin! Go, go, Gadget Saving Throw! XD
Not to mention, *phew*
1 person marked this as a favorite.
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
lol yeah the narrative afterwards would have been something like
the party pooling together their cumulative strength modifiers drag the large man thru the rest of the cave finding silent relief on downward slopes
female Human (Taldan) Cleric 1 HP 12/12, AC17, T:12/ FF:15 Fort:4 /Ref:2 /Will:7 ICMD 12 I CMB +2I +8per/ +7Int /
So I would like to remind everyone that it may be a good ideal to hurry as the appointed hour is fast approaching