Morrison 'Gray' Monroe |

"Well... this is a welcome turn of events. One moment I'm..." he paused for a moment as he took in the others, "Being ambushed in a dark alley*, then I'm unconscious, and the next, I'm here."
Grey, a Catfolk named as he is for obvious reasons stands and stretches patting his exquisitely crafted armor and clothing as he looks himself over and feels for the lump he'd expect on the back of his head. "Gonna bloody well send them my cleaning bill." He took in his surroundings, along with the others.
The cat is dressed in a lot of white leather, a bit of brass, some sort of silk that shines slightly in the light, and a bit of blue leather. He has an axe to either side of him, hitched via a belt. Over his shoulder is a tattered piece of black cloth, attached to his shoulder armor via a broach that shows the moon in multiple phases.
Each axe bears a shark with a feline eye etched into the blade, his jerkin is made from the odd blue leather, and the rest of his clothing is made from the silvery-white silk and the white leather.
He seems oddly relaxed despite what's going on. Some might even call it relieved.
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26 *the ambush was actually a guard chase. :3

Hecate, Quiet Techslinger |

Before even bending upright and looking around, Hecate's hand snapped down to her waist, where she felt the familiar comfort of a firearm's grip. She didn't relax, but she did feel better. Very carefully, she drew the weapon, glancing around to get a better sense of her situation.
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
She wasn't entirely sure where she was - there was some greenery (who had grass anymore?), and nice-looking mountains (good survival training places for any soldier, risky enough to be worth it), and several... very odd-looking people. She had far too much training to actually point the gun at any of them, but her reflexes were truly impressive even at the worst of times, and she'd bring the weapon up if she had to. For now, though, she needed to get a sense of the situation... and she carefully checked to clear her position and make sure nothing was behind her before rising to her feet and slowly backing away from the group to get all of them into her line of fire. You couldn't be too careful when you were in a strange location, and any decent person would recognize that. She could always apologize later if she really had to. On the bright side, she was wearing the army's new camouflage armor, so hiding would be much easier.

Agent Pierce Brosnan |

A man in an expensive suit picks himself off the ground, groaning, and mumbling "note to self, no challenging the locals to drinking contests, they're Irish, it's like water to them"
He becomes aware enough to note that he feels grass in his fingers "aaaand I'm outside, grand... " he gets up "aaaand this isn't the town... Where am I?" He checks his person ok, uninjured, I have my guns, six clips of ammo, my travel pack, my flask, my clothes.... But I've been abducted... What's the game here? he puts his hands near his waist so as to be able to QuickDraw his guns and looks around and sees the others "ok... Clearly I'm not in Kansas anymore"

Scath Lynx |

A bulky looking lynx wearing barding that looks like it is made of leaves, and a pack saddle with a few bags attached stirs. Dark dried blood covers his muzzle and paws. Suddenly the feline snaps awake and lurches to it's feet, a buzzsaw growl releasing from it's throat as it looks around seeing strange people.
It hunches low to the ground, the buzzsaw growl continuing as it backs away from the strange folk. Where be? Two legs be cultists too? The feline moves with deliberate purpose, backing away to keep all the creatures in it's line of sight.
Unless the GM says otherwise, everyone might want to preface their statements with what language they are in, as we might not all speak the same languages. Italics above are Scath's thoughts, not speech.

Hecate, Quiet Techslinger |

"...Someone brought a pet?" Hecate asked in Common as she saw Scath, carefully keeping her weapon ready to bring up at a moment's notice. Animals could be fast, though her own reflexes were nothing to scoff at... but at least it was cute. It also seemed smart enough to back away the way she had... honestly, she rather liked it. Maybe they'd sell it to her...

Morrison 'Gray' Monroe |

Gray rolled his eyes and smiled softly. Leave it to Fickle Moon to get you out of the frying pan and dump you into the boiling pot. "Calm down, little one." he said in a soothing voice. Whether or not Scath could understand him, his tone remained that which was used to soothe animals. Not that he had trained in such a thing, so he could be doing it all wrong. Seeing everyone reaching for their weapons reminded Gray of something important. He reached down to where his coin purse should be and made sure it was still attached.

Nova Rook |

When Nova awoke she instantly got to her feet and drew her sword, a rapier sharpened on one side to allow for slashing attacks instead of piercing, her hand went to her face black mask was still in it's proper place.
She would look around trying to take in her surroundings and company.
"Where are we?" She demanded from a safe distance if able.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Morrison 'Gray' Monroe |

'Jeeze. You'd think they'd never been knocked out and dragged off somewhere. These guys really need to get their heads straight.' Gray thought as he tried to maintain his friendly, and passive, appearance.
Regardless of whether or not they can understand him, he'd retain the same tone he'd used with the lynx only moments earlier. "We should really put away our weapons before someone gets the wrong idea, and blood gets drawn." He offered to the newest to awaken. He didn't particularly know that the other two were effectively doing the same, though it wouldn't be a distant idea, given that the placement of their weapons mirrored his own.
If he does understand her, however, "We're in the middle of a field I don't believe I've ever been to. As opposed to a city I grew up in." He continued to attempt to offer information to perhaps jog someone's memory. He already felt a twinge of guilt about having lied. If all of them were criminals in some way, then it would be a lot harder to understand what strange experiment the military was attempting with Gray and company. But if he were the only privateer here... then it was best they not get the wrong ideas - or right ones - about what sort of person he was.

Scath Lynx |

Scath looks at 'Gray' and snarls annoyedly. Hecate get's a snarl as well. The animal continues to back off, until it's about 50 ft away. Then it begins to relax, sitting and apparently ignoring the rest as it licks it's exposed fur, cleaning the blood off it's muzzle and claws.
It also licks the blood off it's barding, cleaning the odd material. It looks as if the barding is made of thousands of hardened leaves, all lacquered together. The quality looks exquisite.

Agent Pierce Brosnan |

"Well, I'm not in the pub like I last remember, though pubs and memory seldom mix" he says giving a rougish grin as he straightens his pinstripe suit. He mumbles a few words under his throat causing his hand to glow lightly. He wipes it over himself causing the dirt and grass to disapear. He grins in satisfaction.

Roy McCallow |

The black catfolk who has been laying on the grass, the last to wake up blearily stirs awake.
His eyes slowly open and then close, then open all at once as he sees his surroundings have changed.
He jumps up and away from the others.
A club with a large knot at the end is pulled from a quiver on his back into his hand.
"Who in the bloody hell are you?! Where am I?!"
He points to them all with the shillelagh, keeping them at a distance.
He has on a woolen, black shirt on and a kilt of blue plaid, supported by a belt with several pouches.
On his back is something like a quiver, only that is doesn't contain arrows. It has a blowdart tube, fiddle and bow, a two foot wooden stick and until just now also contained the club he is brandishing.
He speaks Gaelic, something Pierce may have heard recently in Ireland.

Morrison 'Gray' Monroe |

You forgot about the machinesmith :P
Gray looked to the other catfolk as he stood... and drew a weapon. "Oh, for crying out loud... You'd think that people would realize that the very fact that they -have- their weapons means that they're safe. The very fact that they're not sitting in a bloody cell, or hold, or cave, or dungeon... you wake up under a beautiful blue sky, in an idyllic field, and the first thought you go to is bloodshed." The catfolk says into his palm... his fingers lightly touching his forehead, as he shakes his head. "That, or the kidnappers are amateurs, which means that we have even -less- to worry about."

Hecate, Quiet Techslinger |

Hecate thumbed the safety of her weapon off. "Or they're simply not used to talking pets." she observed. "Beautiful things are just distractions from threats. Weapons are far more reliable than strangers." On the bright side, she wasn't actually using her gun... and seemed like she'd be much happier if she didn't need to fire it.

Morrison 'Gray' Monroe |

"Lady. I don't know what kind of wand that is, but trust me, that it's a bad idea to use it. The second you draw it, suit's gonna draw his, mask is going to try to stab one of us, blacky's going to go crazy with his... stick. It's going to go very badly, for everyone involved. Then the lynx is going to get a full belly, and the hunk of metal still on the ground is going to wake up wondering what strange warzone it landed in. Unless that belongs to one of you. And I don't know about you, but I don't want any more holes added to my body... So can we please all just -calm down-?" He looked to each steadily. "My name is Morrison Monroe. Friends call me Gray. So are you friends, or are you going to keep thinking about killing each other?"

Damian Sol |

What at first appeared to be a mound of leaves and grass resolves itself into a man wearing some sort of weird armor. As he sits up, you can see that electricity is playing across the joints. A rather large, oddly-shaped backpack is attached to the armor, and he has a belt that seems mostly made up of small pouches, with a pair of what appear to be small rods, one on either hip. Turning to the assembled group, he asks several questions in a language which none of you understand in a low, husky voice that brings to mind dark alleys and the dangerous men one would find in them.

Morrison 'Gray' Monroe |

"And... I can't even tell if he's -got- a weapon or -is- one." The poor cat looks exasperated.

Scath Lynx |

Scath perks up when he hears the word 'wand', and his eyes narrow as he stares at the woman with her hand on the strange thing on her hip. He notes the same thing on the other man's hip, and mentally pigeonholes them as 'weapon, dangerous, one'.
The cat makes a furball noise at the idea of eating the people here. Eww, all probably have parasites... two legs never take care of self or care what they eat... place look like it have good dear or pheasants.. mmm... pheasant... The lynx looks around suddenly, wondering if there's any nearby waiting to be eaten.
When the metal man sits up, the cat studies him for a long time, having never seen metal before. The others had small amounts of metal, but this one was pure metal.

Damian Sol |

"Where are we? Are any of you from Ciramae? or from Nimgraen? Where did you get that weapon, miss? I've never seen it's like before, and I know my way around weapons."
After checking to see if anyone understands him, The hunter will check his utility belt to insure that none of his gear is missing. He will do this mostly by touch, as everything is marked with a system that will allow him to easily do so.

Hecate, Quiet Techslinger |

Hecate's eyes sparkled slightly as she looked at the suit of armor - she knew what types of things she liked, though it was a bit... well... old-looking. Nothing like the sleek lines and useful power of her own armor. "I don't think he understands us very well..." she mused. They'd probably need to do something about that if this was going to turn out peacefully, though something about his bearing...
On impulse, Hecate moved to the side to get his attention, then gave Damian a salute.

Damian Sol |

The hunter moved to follow her and when she saluted him, he returned the gesture. Although his salute looks more British than American.

Scath Lynx |

Scath watches the metal man move, and listens to him with twitching ears. Then the lynx goes back to cleaning himself up, although he does seem to be paying more attention to the humanoids. Where Sear-ah-may-a? Or Nim-Grain?

Morrison 'Gray' Monroe |

Well, at least there's that. It's not some military experiment, or those two would have already blasted me probably. But the plot does thicken, doesn't it? A pair of military folks... just exactly what we needed. Gray let a single ear twitch, irritated, at the turn of events as the two saluted one another.

Hecate, Quiet Techslinger |

Hecate nodded as she lowered her arm, assuming a well-drilled 'relaxed' pose with her hands behind her back after holstering her weapon. "Yeah, I think he's okay." she said calmly. "One thing we know is to not attack civilians without provocation." ...And anyone who'd be willing to return a salute from a total unknown probably wasn't a thug. Ah, information.

Morrison 'Gray' Monroe |

Not to attack citizens without provocation, huh? What seas did -she- sail? That's pretty much your job description, back home.
His ear flicked a few more times for a moment, then he smiled. "Well, there is that. Also the fact we're in the middle of a Standoff de Sarduvia, and some of us, him included, didn't go for their bloody weapons at all."

Agent Pierce Brosnan |

a spy's gotta know the local languages

Hecate, Quiet Techslinger |

Hecate glanced around slightly, then looked over the group more carefully. All right... two people with cat mods, a pet kitty (cute!), a soldier in armor, a lady right out of a movie, and another guy with a nice gun... huh. Interesting. Especially that gun - she wanted to try it out. Slowly - very slowly - she was willing to accept the idea that they might not be in immediate danger... unless someone went wild, anyway.

Scath Lynx |

Since the GM didn't comment on it, I'm going to assume that 'Common' is 'Common' is 'Common'. The funny thing is, I think Scath understands more languages than anyone here. :) He just can't speak them.
The feline finishes cleaning his muzzle and paws, and continues to work on the armor, getting it clean.

Morrison 'Gray' Monroe |

Gray's eyes flicker up over the woman's head. He has time for an internal sigh. This is going to suck.
Gray motioned above the woman, "Look out!" even as he was already moving forward. On the one hand, he never went for his weapons... on the other, he was suddenly moving towards the woman...
If gray can, he'll try to help the woman out of the way, via aid another... if it's a reflex save or similar. If he has to, bullrush or reposition or something for pushing her out of the way.
Combat Maneuver of some kind that totally will not happen: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Roy McCallow |

At first Roy holds up the club between himself and the other catfolk tackling people.
Then he looks up.
"Oh, would ya look at that there..."
He motions with the stick to the sensor.
"That there is a scryin eye. Someun's lookin at us. The wee folks were fond of watchin me. Specially at personal times, randy little things that they are."
He smirks then looks up at the thing.
"Ay you up there, move ya looker up n' down if yu can hear me."

Agent Pierce Brosnan |

"You some kind of magician?" Pierce asks surprised, but not disbelieving
setting details, the world I come from has a few mages, mostly Druids and witches

Roy McCallow |

"Good. Now. If yuh would- not if yuh think yuh can or not. I'll tell ya how. Would you be so kind as ta tell us where we are? Up n' down fer yes, left n' right fer no."
He watches the sensor while responding to Pierce.
"And yes, I do know a fair bit a magic. Ya have n't seen the best bit yet either."

Agent Pierce Brosnan |

"I'd take that for a no" the agent says deadpan, holster in his guns. "well then, mr magic man, you got a spell to find out where we are? If not, unless anyone else has a better idea, I say we pick a random direction perhaps south or in the direction of those mountains, and just keep going till we find some kind of town"

Roy McCallow |

"Well you're just right helpful, now aren't ya."
He crosses his arms.
"Sense that's gone, I'll show ya the best bit if ya can promise not ta kill me while I work, Mr...?"
He puts the club back into his quiver type thing and offers his... paw-hand-thing.
"If I can, I got a friend that can help. I'll get a better view ta see what's around."

Morrison 'Gray' Monroe |

Meanwhile, the reaction to Gray's action is still necessary for Gray to react to any actions. *pokes Hecate in case she missed what happened above*

Agent Pierce Brosnan |

The man in the suit checks to be sure there were no extended claws but then takes the offered hand,"Brosnan, Pierce Bronsan, and yes that would be acceptable so long as no threatening action is made by your 'friend'"

Hecate, Quiet Techslinger |

As the grey cat-man came in, Hecate's arm came out in a well-honed technique. Soldiers had many needs... among them the need to knock a target to the ground and carefully subdue them. He didn't seem outright violent - yet - but he had charged her and her response was more instinct than anything else.
Trip: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
And probably a success, if I read his sheet right.
It was only afterwards that she noticed what everyone else had been so interested in. "...Hn."

Morrison 'Gray' Monroe |

"Oof." Gray hit the ground, and did his best to move out of the way of whatever was going to appear, hopping up and slipping to the side.
Kip up as a move that doesn't provoke
He kept an eye on Hecate, as he dusted himself off once again, both ears flicking asynchronously, eyes narrowed. Good to know if she ever needs her life saved it's a waste of time to try. It'd just get us both killed. His tail swished back and forth as he looked up at the sensor, as it was being described.
"Right... coulda bloody said that -before- I tried to save the lady from the thing. Why's it spying on us, do ya think?"
He looked to Suit, "Why south?" he said, making no effort to hide his present irritation at the turn of events.
Added CMD to my stats. I missed that one. :)

Roy McCallow |

"Well e may look scary to the Catholics, but e's a big softy, so long as ya don't get on our bad side."
"Well, they may be who sent us here. Fairly powerful magic."
He turns to the woman.
"Well he's not here yet. And I wouldn't be askin you all where we were if I knew. Just... gimme just a moment. And don't be startled. This might look odd."
He sits on the grass and closes his eyes. He stays there for a moment before he kind of passes out and flops on the ground.
He is asleep, sort of. He's there for a few seconds before licks of orange fire start between his ears sticking out of his driving cap and then seem to ignite thin air. The fire spreads and seems to outline a figure. It seems to be burning backwards, the flames giving it a shape and then disappear after finishing the ends of paws, ears, wings, and tail.
It regards the group watching, sniffs and the flops to the ground.
The catfolk suddenly sits upright.
"N'mya. I'm alright."
He shakes his head and stands up.
"I'm Roy and this is Faobhar."