Viluki |

Alright we need adventure ideas...
Presenting three campaign ideas, each incorporating themes from steampunk tradition.
For many heroes things go absolutely swell, riches, fame and beautiful women. They live lives of luxury in fancy mansions and have not a care in the world... You unfortunately are not one of those adventurers, your life has been bad the day you were born.
One thing brought you altogether, you all owe baby faced Nelson a lot of money. This Goreaux loan shark controls all the crime in Urbana and you ended up in debt to him one way or another, now baby faced Nelson is angry... You've failed to pay back your loan and the shark ain't happy...
Now you and your fellow debtors have decided that you have to escape the manic grip of baby faced Nelson, but first you have to escape his base of operations: Urbana...
You have only three days to scrape up the necessary gold (100 per ticket) to escape Urbana on the Jolly Dodger, a zeppelin bound somewhere else... All while evading the the Goreaux crime boss.
Theme and tone: This adventure idea takes root from watching around the world in eighty days, this emphasizes the funnier, optimistic elements of steampunk. The PCs race across the world of aden in a desperate bid to escape their creditor, a megalomaniac Goreaux with the resources to back up his staggering ego.
While light hearted this should not be an "easy" campaign by any stretch, your foe while an incapable combatant has the resources to send all manner of enemies against you, ultimately the conflict will end in the ultimate showdown between you and your irate creditor...
This campaign is inspired by the movie and the book, while we don't need thirteen players the theme is the same. A bunch of desperate warriors and mercenaries defending a village from the threat of darkfall spawned horrors.
And perhaps even defeating them.
Theme: This is designed to be a grimdark epic married to steampunk, it should be brutal, ugly, deadly and yet heroic. The players must stand against those who were once men but now corrupted by the darkfall, mutants, fallen and worse await them...
Big trouble in little Hawaii is based in the Misland Republics, the PCs are successful adventurers who have decided to retire to the paradise of the Misland isles. They have come for the sunny beaches, the beautiful native women and the relaxation of sleeping in a hammock with said women.
Yet our adventurers turned retirees face a problem, big trouble is brewing in the Misland Isles and if they want to truly retire their going to have to face it down.
Themes: Your retiree adventurers looking to enjoy the good life, women, song and wine as the old saying goes. However your retirement is in jeopardy, whatever force is brewing it threatens to evict you from your hard earned retirement... And you aren't going to let anything ruin your retirement, time to strap your boots on and kick em in the balls like the good old days...
Another theme is small town life, the players should become invested in this small town they are retiring to. Romance, residence, gossip and basically the whole shebang of small-town life.
Note that these are just ideas and will probably be changed, although I do have an idea for big trouble. With some modifications (to both the AP and probably the idea) big trouble could be run as a Rise of the Runelords campaign.
You would have to change the villains to an extent but the darkfall is an easy fall-back for this.
Question want to me to run by you a list of players who would be interested or just invite them to the thread?

Oceanshieldwolf |

Hey Vil!!!
Uhrm - the chief attraction for me of the steam/gear/clockpunk genre is
- airship travel and combat on-deck of said vessels;
- urban(e) intrigue/city based mystery;
- technological and bio-weapon terrors;
- class warfare (hate those nobs!!! - you ever seen a steampunk cosplay chimneysweep? - no it's always nobs tricked out in finery, pneumatic weaponry, clockgears and goggles)
- exploration.
As for actual campaign ideas -
* military intelligence/subterfuge/behind enemy lines/espionage
* journey to the centre of the skies/twenty thousand grindylows and a bathysphere
* Gearhearts of Darkness/Apocalypse Then, especially if Kurtz is a warforged (feels a bit like Eberron's Lord of Blades
Let me simmer for a while and I'm sure more will rise to the surface.... But if you mash a bit of post-apocalyptica in I'm even more yours...

DM Bloodgargler |

Actually I have a few ideas which would work in the setting, and be along the lines of what's been suggested.
I'd like to get an idea of the characters you would like to play before I flesh out an idea. I'd prefer to start with level 2 characters. Other than that, if you have preferences on character creation parameters let me know so we can recruit.

Viluki |

Definitely a Thunderscout enthusiast here, so the type of game I would go for is a "no dungeon campaign" or "exceedingly large, spacious dungeon campaign". Golemoids are a close second however, a cyborg class with true panache.
Also I searched through the modules list for modules which match the "2-3 module storyline".
On build rules I like the idea of +2 level characters, boosts survivability. Also I think a 20-25 point buy depending on the ultimate campaign idea that comes out, 20 for a more "merciful" (Think say in Arasteen or Le'chiel) campaign or 25 for a "post-apocalyptic" (Aramyst and Urbana) game.
Also I have an idea for speeding up combat if you would like to hear it.

Oceanshieldwolf |

@DM Bloodgargler: In terms of Thunderscape, I'm a big fan of the Seer and the Fallen. I contributed a bunch of Seer archetypes to Kyoudai games for an upcoming product, including one that is close to a Seer/Fallen hybrid... I like to multiclass too.
As for races: I mostly like to play Humans.
I'm also keen to use guns - I've never really used them very much, and although Viluki likes to push me toward them constantly I resist...
All of this is contingent in your campain ideas - I'm very flexible, or to put it another way, I can change my mind and preferences markedly with new inspiration...
Are you open to 3PP classes?

DM Bloodgargler |

Viluki - Certainly open to suggestions for keeping a good pace.
This is what I have been doing...
I roll everyone's initiative.
1st phase = All PCs with initiative above the enemy go first - in whatever order you happen to post.
2nd phase = the enemy.
3rd phase = all PCs with initiative below the enemy.
Oceanshieldwolf - Sounds good. I am not opposed to 3pp classes if it better fits a concept.

Oceanshieldwolf |

Viluki - Certainly open to suggestions for keeping a good pace.
This is what I have been doing...
I roll everyone's initiative.
1st phase = All PCs with initiative above the enemy go first - in whatever order you happen to post.
2nd phase = the enemy.
3rd phase = all PCs with initiative below the enemy.Oceanshieldwolf - Sounds good. I am not opposed to 3pp classes if it better fits a concept.
Combat plan sounds good.
Understood on 3PP - I'll see what the campaign looks like and go from there...

Oceanshieldwolf |

@DM Bloodgargler:
The best guide to running PbP's I have found…
I don't mean to be presumptuous or assume anything about your DMing. Every bit helps. :)
And the fact that your are DM and not GM speaks volumes to an old grognard like me…
(No offense GM Xen'Dragon - I enjoy your game a lot!!!!)

DM Bloodgargler |

Viluki - Yes. I have an account, but have not really used it at all.
Oceanshieldwolf - No doubt. Essential guide.
What I have in mind now would be one-third open terrain, one-third airship, and the rest urban/rural settlement and outskirts.
If you care to start working on a character idea, we can start with these parameters....
25 pt buy
1 trait (any except a campaign trait),
plus treat any one skill as a class skill -or- treat a skill as if you had the technologist feat.
HP - Max first level. Half +1 for subsequent levels

Viluki |

I was thinking that for big combats roll20 could be used in 15-30 minute "mini sessions" (not everyday more like say 1-2 a week at prearranged times) to resolve combat quickly.
Need a sketch of the details for character design, although currently I am seeing a tank ace style character (a Steamwagon with treads instead of wheels and perhaps later on a turret).

Oceanshieldwolf |

If you care to start working on a character idea, we can start with these parameters....
25 pt buy
1 trait (any except a campaign trait),
plus treat any one skill as a class skill -or- treat a skill as if you had the technologist feat.HP - Max first level. Half +1 for subsequent levels
Sounds good! Been so long since I had the chance to build a character with 25 pt. buy rather than something nowhere near what I wanted with 15.... I'm all for challenges, but....

Oceanshieldwolf |

Couldn't get that link to work Vil, but if it is the original Mk IV....well, let's just say that is my favorite tank!
@DM B - would you allow plant races? I was thinking of a Ghoran though without the Natural Magic or Delicious traits.... The RP of 19 is quite hefty...

Oceanshieldwolf |

Ghoran minus Natural Magic and Delicious is OK ... 6 of those 19 RP are for the Ghorus seed ability, and I see its value being completely dependent on the campaign.
Yep. Very dependant. It's a cool ability, but I don't see using it very often. Mind if I reflavor the race a little?
Tadpole tank steamwagon as signature vehicle sounds good. I approve.

DM Bloodgargler |

Viluki - Yeah... there will be grunts available as part of the mission. Let me know if you had something more specific in mind... background or whatever. They will most likely be temporarily under your command, but not control.
Oh and I'd forgotten I will look into Roll20 to see how well it would work for me before I open recruitment... (which I think I'll do on Monday).
Oceanshieldwolf - You're already no longer Delicious, so more reflavoring should be alright.

Oceanshieldwolf |

Okay let me know what you guys think - naming conventions are up for discussion - Wildgrafted, Wyrdmesh etc etc
I also made it easier to understand the swaps by positing it as a golemoid archetype, but when finalized will remove "this ability replaces…" schtick and write it up as a Golemoid/Seer Hybrid.
Really only wondering about the Wyrdsight frequency/usage...
The wyldmeld takes an organic and biological approach to the golemoid concept, grafting natural cellular material to the subject. An unlooked for side effect of this process is an attunement to the finer detials of causality and fate, allowing the wyldmeld to act on preternatural instincts and prescient insights.
Class Features
BAB: Full
HD: d10
The wyldmeld’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis) Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Removed the golemoid’s Disable Device, Knowledge (arcane) and Knowledge (engineering). Added Sense Motive and Knowledge (nature) from seer.
Skill Ranks per level: 4 + Int modifier.
Starting Wealth: 4d6X10 gp (average 145 gp). In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less. Averaged the 5d6x10 gp and 3d6x 10 gp of the two…
All of the following are class features of the wyldmeld.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A seer is proficient with all simple weapons, pistols, holdout firearms, and a single exotic, martial or firearm weapon of choice. She is also proficient with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). Replaces goloemoids proficiencies with seer’s.
Energy Reserve (Su): A wyldmeld is adept at utilizing their implants than most, to generate an intense personal reserve of life-force power to facilitate their use. While many implants offer passive effects, some are activated through the use of energy points. The number of points in a wyldmeld’s energy reserve is equal to his level + his Constitution modifier. A wyldmeld can regenerate his energy reserve by resting for 8 hours, once per 24 hour period. As long as the wyldmeld retains at least one point in his energy reserve, his saving throws follow the Seer progression, once the last point is spent they revert to golemoid progression. Tweaked flavor only
Energy Surge (Su): In addition to using energy points to power his various implants, a wyldmeld can also spend an energy point a number of times equal to to do any of the following:
l Cast detect annimals and plants as a spell-like ability, using the wyldmeld’s class level as his caster level. This is a standard action. Replaced detect magic
l Release a burst of hardened shell, chitin, hide, bark or viscosity as a swift action, granting the wyldmeld a +2 deflection bonus to Armor Class until the beginning of his next turn. Flavor tweaked only
l Leverage pressure and torsion gaining a +4 morale bonus to his attack rolls or Strength checks to break inanimate objects, and ignores the first 5 points of hardness when breaking objects. This is a move action. Was swift action
l Spring as a free action allowing him to make any Acrobatics check to jump as if from a running start. Flavor tweaked only
Meld (Ex): A wyldmeld gains implants as a golemoid, but these may be biologically derived symbiotic units or manite steel or stone or a mix of all three. He receives new manite implants up to his maximum allowance free of cost immediately upon leveling. A wyldmeld does not need to solicit aid from a druid or alchemist to gain these new implants. Unlike lesser wyldmelds, a true wyldmeld either spontaneously develops new implants as his symbiotic and artificial body evolves, or simply learns how to safely use implants that were formerly dormant. A wyldmeld may elect to receive a less powerful type of implant in place of a more powerful one if he desires.
Any manite implant effect which imposes a saving throw is equal to 10 + 1⁄2 the wyldmeld’s class level + the wyldmeld’s Constitution modifier. Flavor tweaked slightly to reference biological implants
True Meld (Ex): The defining characteristic of a wyldmeld is its unusually high resistance to the Wasting (described in detail elsewhere in this book). At first level, a wyldmeld’s body is already heavily augmented, with at least half of the original body replaced with symbiotic biological matter, manite-enhanced steel and stone. Most of these implants are prosthetics, functionally identical to the body parts they replace, though a few have enhanced abilities. For the purposes of all rules regarding the Wasting, the wyldmeld counts as a “true wyldmeld.” Any implants granted by this class do not count toward the wyldmeld’s Impact (the amount of implants allowed before a creature begins to show advanced symptoms of the Wasting).
Even a low level wyldmeld is immediately recognizable as a heavily augmented being and may face distrust or derision at the hands of those who fear his kind. The Disguise skill can be used to attempt to conceal his artificial nature, though this is as difficult as concealing himself as a member of another race. Obvious use of wyldmeld abilities will, naturally, ruin any attempt at passing for normal. flavor tweaked slightly to reflect biological implants; poison and disease save buff removed
Wyrdsight (Ex): Wyrdsight allows a wyldmeld to glimpse visions of the future, though this gift is frequently difficult to control. Once per twenty-four hour period, the wyldmeld may meditate for one hour in an attempt to glimpse visions of the future. The wyldmeld receives a series of abstract premonitions about possible future challenges. The wyldmeld may use his wyrdsight to empower a number of his prophetic gifts. However, all wyldmelds possess the basic ability to use their wyrdsight to grant minor bonuses to a variety of actions.
By expending one point of his energy pool a wyldmeld may grant a +1 insight bonus to any skill roll, attack roll, or saving throw that he witnesses, applied as an immediate action. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 10th level, and +4 at 15th level. The wyldmeld must declare use of this ability after the roll is made, but before the results are revealed. This ability replaces functionality lost to energy burst, martial weapon proficiency, and lost functionality of true meld (innate +2 bonus on all saving throws against poison and disease).
So a vanilla seer gets to use this [Wis mod + 2x level/day] while as written currently the wyldmeld must share uses of this with energy surge which is half that [Con mod + level/day]? I can’t use the mod + 2/level for the pool as that would be double the vanilla golemoid, but this seems a little gimped. Thoughts?
Wyrd Fate (Ex): At 2nd level, the wyldmeld gains the Seer’s fatebender aura ability. The wyldmeld cannot choose the aura of mystic might. All aura abilities are keyed to Constitution. This ability replaces basic, improved and ultimate combat specialization.
Prophecies (Su): At 3rd level and every odd-numbered level after, the wyldmeld unlocks another aspect of her prophetic gifts. Most of these prophecies permanently add new effects to her wyrdsight and primal fate. A wyldmeld may not select the same prophecy multiple times unless noted. Any prophecy that grants a new aura follows the usual rules regarding auras (range, only one in effect at a time, etc.). All effects of prophecies are keyed to Constitution.
At first, she may only select minor prophecies. Beginning at 9th level, she may select either major or minor prophecies. Beginning at 15th level, she may select master, major, or minor prophecies.
A wyldmeld may not choose the aura of divination or improved aura of mystic might. This ability replaces bonus feats.
So this only progresses at the golemoid's bonus feat rates every four levels rather than the every two levels of the seer…
Interchangeable Parts (Ex): At 5th level, the wyldmeld gains the ability to modify and repurpose some of his implants on the fly. Once per day, he may spend an hour shutting down one of his implants and reallocating parts and energy toward a dormant one. At the end of this time, he must spend three energy points. He may then replace a minor or basic implant of his choice with any implant of the same type. (An artificial body part that is replaced continues to be artificial. It merely becomes a “normal” manite prosthetic that does not count toward the wyldmeld’s maximum number of implants.)
At 13th level, the wyldmeld may replace advanced implants by this same process, for the cost of 6 energy points. At 18th level, he may replace superior implants as well, for the cost of 10 energy points. Only one implant may be replaced per twenty-four hour period.
A wyldmeld can only use this ability on implants granted by the wyldmeld class.
Epiphany (Ex): At 10th and 14th level, the wyldmeld may elect to learn a new prophecy in place of one he already knows. In this manner, he may replace minor prophecies with major ones. At 18th level he may replace a minor or major prophecy with a master prophecy.
True Synthesis (Ex): At 20th level the wyldmeld is virtually indistinguishable from a true biological golem. He becomes immune to critical hits and mind-affecting effects. He may choose to count as either a construct, plant or as his original type – whichever is more beneficial to him - whenever he encounters an effect that specifically targets one or the other type.
1 Energy reserve, energy surge, meld, true meld, wyrdsight
2 primal fate
3 minor prophecy
5 Interchanageable parts
7 Minor prophecy
10 Epiphany
11 Major prophecy
13 Interchangeable parts (greater)
14 Epiphany
15 Master prophecy
18 Interchangeable parts (superior)
19 Master prophecy
20 True Synthesis

Oceanshieldwolf |

That is a very good tweak. I really like it, and it makes perfect thematic sense. If the wyldmeld is prevented from having that 1 hour meditation, they must eat into their innate strength to attempt to power their prescience.
Here's a breakdown:
Say +3 Con + 2 wis, 2nd level:
3 + 2 + (2x2) 4 = 9 pool points. 3+2 physical energy reserve, 2+2 mental/spiritual reserve.
Vanilla golemoid:
Say +5 Con, 2nd level:
5 + 2 = 7 pool points.
The vanilla goleomoid can add +4 to attacks as a swift action 7 times/day.
The wyldmeld loses most martial weapons, heavy armor, detect magic functionality and permanent buffs to poison and disease saves BUT can add +4 to attacks, EXCEPT only as a move action, OR can buff allies rolls by +1 as an immediate action 9 times/day. Unless they can't meditate, in which case is only 5 times/day.

Ommka |

Ok, here is Ommka, OSW's character.
Still need to finalize equipment and finish up a few things.
DMB - do we have any more equipment than 1st level? I'm going with avg. gold for 1st level as I don't want to roll low...

Viluki |

Got stats down now I must think... Dwarven tank pilot...or biker. *scratches beard in preponderance of the eternal question, tank or bike?*
Male dwarf thunder scout 2
CN Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +3 (+5 if mounted); Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +6
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+6 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 17 (2d8+5)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dwarven waraxe +4 (1d10+2)
Ranged rifle +4 (1d10)
Thunder Scout Spells Prepared
0-Level - everheat rune
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14 (12+2), Int 14, Wis 13 (11+2), Cha 10 (12-2)
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 17 (21 vs. bull rush/trip)
Feats Rapid Reload (rifle)
Traits Natural Pilot (+2 initiative when combat begins while piloting), Deft Dodger (+1 Reflex saves)
Skills (*Armor Check Penalty: -4), Craft (machinery) 2 (+7),
*Disable Device 2 (+4), Knowledge (engineering) 2 (+7), Knowledge
(geography) 2 (+7), Knowledge (local) 2 (+7), Perception 2 (+6),
Spellcraft 2 (+7), Survival 2 (+6)
Languages Earthtongue, Eastern Common, Sylfanic, Western
Racial Abilities Defensive Training (+4 dodge vs. giants), Hardy (+2
vs. poison/magic), Stability (+4 CMD vs. bull rush/trip), Greed (+2
to appraise precious gems/metals), Stonecunning (+2 Perception vs.
unusual stonework), Dwarven Weapon Familiarity, Hatred (+1 attack
vs. orcs and goblinoids)
Class Abilities Pilot Training (redirect attacks to herself or vehicle), Signature Vehicle, Thunderscout Techniques (Swift as lightning)
Favored Class Bonus 2/6 of a thunderscout technique
Weapons and Armor rifle, dwarven waraxe, dagger, breastplate,
20 rifle ammunition (standard)
Miscellaneous Equipment backpack, belt pouch, bedroll, driving
goggles, waterskin, engineer’s toolkit, spellbook (contains all 0-level thunder scout spells, plus alarm, repair vehicle, Pilot’s Guile and steambreaker), thieves’ tools, 50 feet hemp rope and grapple, assorted survival gear
Wealth 900 gp

Ommka |

@Viluki: Nice character. I can't decide whether to be a biker moll as part of a biker gang, a biker moll outrider for a thundertank or just a gunner/guard of the tank.
How much would a steambike cost? ;)
I like the essence of bikers - fast, maneuverable and ultracool (especially if I have any ranks in Ride...)
a tank is freaking amazing. Armoured, dread and deadly. Can carry stuff.
Hmm. I just don't know either.

Ommka |

I put up the first post of gameplay to give you an idea of premise and what to work toward in your recent background.
Wow. A fantastic initial post and now I am impressed. I can't wait for recruitment. Do you want us to hold off posting until after recruitment?

Viluki |

Scrapping Angus... Say hello to "captain" Herman Schultz.
"Captain" Herman Schultz is a renegade Urbanian tank commander, although most would be surprised that such a man could have become a "renegade and a traitor".
Herman Schultz was like many other recruits for the Iron Guard, eager and willing. Schultz proved himself immensely capable, effective and charismatic. He became a tank commander right out of training and acquitted himself in his first battle bravely.
However the battle's aftermath would be where Schultz's began his renegade path, Schultz like any other military commander of the modern age understood that civilian causalities were inevitable. Modern weapons combined with human error made this a reality of war that no one could change.
Schultz's first and last combat was the liberation of Stromburg, a small town in northeastern Urbana that had long been overrun by Nocturnals and their cultists. It was also home to a massive number of enslaved civilians.
The battle itself went flawlessly, the Urbanian armor crushed the Nocturnals while the army dealt with the cultists in an efficient, admirable manner. After the battle however things went differently, Inquisitor Rudolf Hess of the Order of the eye had accompanied the detachment to oversee the "purging" of the Nocturnal from Stromberg.
Rudolf's method of "purging" was brutal he began the interrogation, torture and outright execution of dozens of suspected Nocturnal sympathizers from the ranks of the "liberated" civilians. This directly went against Herman Schultz's own code of military honor.
In an aside to his gunner, Otto Krepps Schultz's made his views clear, "we came to liberate Stromburg from the terror of the Darkfall...instead we have merely replaced it with a terror of "man-made" origin... If Hess can be called a "man" that is."
After three days of this Schultz's could no longer control his sense of honor, knowing that even the detachment's Commandant could not overrule the Inquisitor Schultz's told the Inquisitor to meet him in an abandoned building. Schultz claimed that he had knowledge of a Darkfall infiltrator in the ranks of the detachment, Hess ever quick to believe in corruption amongst the ranks accompanied Schultz.
Herman Schultz would in that moment become a "renegade and traitor", slamming his dagger right into Hess's backside. Herman Schultz then fled with his conspirators, his tank crew who had all agreed on an escape plan the night previous.
It went without a hitch and they made their way into the Rhannate and now find themselves working as mercenaries. Herman Schultz's actions saved over 400 civilians from the predations of the Inquisition, now however he is a wanted man. While no bounty has been placed upon his head (in order to keep word of treason within the Ironguard quiet) the Inquisition has begun a manhunt to bring in the "traitor" Herman Schultz and his crew...
Herman Schultz and his crew are now mercenaries within the Rhaanate...
GM, here are two homebrewed vehicle features to help in making the "tank". Let me know what you think.
Prerequisites: steamwagon and scuttler only
Turret- You add a turret to your vehicle. You can only add one turret, this turret provides complete cover to those inside it (max 2) and may house 1 light cannon. Those within the turret are effectively blind to the the outside world, the gunner must take a move action to open the turret's hatch to sight a target if he is to hit accurately.
This feature gives also gives complete cover to everyone else in the vehicle, however they are blind to the outside world. Except for the pilot who has a slit to see through, he gains the benefits of cover.
Prerequisites: steamwagon and scuttler only, requires Turret.
Hatches- You add two hatches to your vehicle that allow the use of two gun tripods and their associated weapons. The users of these weapons lose total cover and gain partial cover instead. It is a move action to open/close a hatch.
Male human thunder scout 2
LN Medium humanoid
Init +3 (+5 if mounted); Senses, Perception +5
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+6 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 17 (2d8+5)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee shortsword +2 (1d4/19-20x2)
Ranged rifle +5 (1d10)
Thunder Scout Spells Prepared
0-Level - everheat rune
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16 (14+2), Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 17
Feats Rapid Reload (rifle), Dodge
Traits Natural Pilot (+2 initiative when combat begins while piloting), Bully
Skills (*Armor Check Penalty: -4), Craft (machinery) 2 (+7), Knowledge (engineering) 2 (+7), Knowledge (geography) 2 (+7), Perception 2 (+5), Spellcraft 2 (+7), Use magic device 2 (+7), Intimidate 2 (+8), diplomacy 2 (+4), bluff 2 (+4), Sense motive 2 (+2)
Languages Earthtongue, Eastern Common, Sylfanic, Western
Racial Abilities Defensive Training (+4 dodge vs. giants), Hardy (+2
vs. poison/magic), Stability (+4 CMD vs. bull rush/trip), Greed (+2
to appraise precious gems/metals), Stonecunning (+2 Perception vs.
unusual stonework), Dwarven Weapon Familiarity, Hatred (+1 attack
vs. orcs and goblinoids)
Class Abilities Pilot Training (redirect attacks to herself or vehicle), Signature Vehicle, Thunderscout Techniques (Swift as lightning)
Favored Class Bonus 2/6 of a thunderscout technique
Weapons and Armor rifle, dagger, breastplate,
20 rifle ammunition (standard)
Vehicle, 1 cannon, 2 gunner tripods, 20 round shot (100 gp)
Miscellaneous Equipment backpack, belt pouch, bedroll, driving
goggles, waterskin, engineer’s toolkit, spellbook (contains all 0-level thunder scout spells, plus alarm, repair vehicle, Pilot’s Guile and steambreaker), thieves’ tools, 50 feet hemp rope and grapple, assorted survival gear
Wealth 50 gp

DM Bloodgargler |

Give me a day to go over the turret and hatch things.
First thoughts...
Steamwagon and Scuttler both already have gun tripods, so I'd think the Hatches vehicle feature would be a cover upgrade to those manning the tripods.
Turret would have pre-reqs of character level 5 at least, and the complete cover portion would be problematic with some class abilities. That part might be better done with variation from a class archetype.
The rest looks great.

Viluki |

Note GM that the reason why hatches prereg is turret is that the turret effectively turns the vehicle into a self enclosed vehicle except for the slit for pilot viewing. The hatches are akin to tank hatches (e.g if the s+#* hits the fan you can hide) and are required to use the tripods if the vehicle has a turret.
Also I think I've found the tank image... Well it ain't exactly a tank, http://johnsmilitaryhistory.com/M12.jpg.

Yatin the Entomancer |

Glad to have been selected, thank you.
I was a backer for the Kickstarter but have not had a chance to play yet. I wanted to start a game but decided against it since I knew it would be difficult to find players. I decided to start a Dark Sun game (also difficult to find players for). But Thunderscape is still in my sights so maybe once one of my other games are finished...
The thing with PbPs is that they take so long and by the time one is finished, I'll have like 'a lot of games' to select from. Too many games, too little time. Who invented work anyways? :)
OK, back on topic, Yatin is here reporting for duty.
What are we discussing?

Korbinian |

Hi All, Viluki and OSW are familiar faces to me.
this is Tenro's character, a goreaux mechamage. He will ride atop (or fight alongside, as appropriate) a crab-shaped stone golem.
@ Yatin... Dark Sun hard to find players for? I love DS. I must have missed your recruitment (I haven't checked in some time, but I had some games die so I had a little more space freed up).
Regarding Roll20, I may not be able to participate in those fights. I do have an account, but I work monday-friday and I am in the GMT +10 time zone.
As for Thunderscape experience, I have played Steamwrights/Golemoids in a number of low level games. This is my chance to branch out, I have been looking at Thunderscouts and Mechamages.

Yatin the Entomancer |

this is Tenro's character, a goreaux mechamage. He will ride atop (or fight alongside, as appropriate) a crab-shaped stone golem.
I'm looking forward to teaching Korbinian about the supremacy of the insects, way better than crabs. :)
@ Yatin... Dark Sun hard to find players for? I love DS. I must have missed your recruitment (I haven't checked in some time, but I had some games die so I had a little more space freed up).
Well, maybe it's because I made it clear that I expect some real roleplaying (and associated writing) for my games. I ended up taking the five players that submitted characters; I couldn't turn any away. :)
Take a look at what I have going on if you're interested. The turns are on the Gameplay Thread, which is all you have to read to get an idea of what the game is like. The game is fairly new (about 1.5 months into it) but we've covered some decent ground.
Game on!