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Each of you Pathfinders have received a special summons- to Dtang Ma (a nation in Tian Xia) at the request of Venture Captian Amara Li herself. Your local Venture-Captain has special teleportation spells ready for you. The area is ruled by a coven of power wizards, and arriving here is the easiest part of your duties.
Once arriving (to a place that several of you have never been to before), you are lead to a serene outdoor garden where your teammates and Venture Captain Li await.
Here is a change for everyone to introduce themselves.

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Ok, this is the standard 7th level cleric pre-gen but named for my lantern lodge character who is just shy of level 3. I am assuming I can change the name but nothing else...ok and gender?
In the corner, appears to be a half-elf with a hint of wild in his appearance, especially his silvery hair and sideburns. His armor has bits of horn and covered with markings from the far East.
"Hrrmm, yes, greetings Venture Captain Amara Li. It has been many months since you assigned me to my first mission. It is good to see you again. How can I be of service to the cause? "
He turns and nods to greet each of the others in the group as they enter the garden.

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Jezebel bows deeply, "I am honored Venture Captain Li. I have not seen your lovely face since you last asked me to fetch a certain jade sword for you. I hope the time has been kind, and rewarding."
Once the formalities have been taken care of, Jezebel asks, "How may we be of service to you, Mistress?"

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A young man with a bearing of light and easy grace enters. While he's clearly a Taldane, he's wearing a simple hakama and bears an unusually lightweight sword of Tian make. His dark hair is worn long and loose, showing to those in the know that despite the appearance, he's no noble samurai but a common warrior. He gives Captain Li a deep bow of respect before speaking in Tien.
He switches back to Taldane to speak to the group. "Oh, I'm sorry, sometimes I forget myself. Greetings to you, I am Riley Tralgador."

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The dwarf in the cape with a red cap looks somewhat awkward to speak to strangers. He finishes a sandwich he carried with him on the journey and states:
"Jory Redcap, archer and scout. I like to be up front where I can notice things."
He looks like he would like to continue, but steps back and fiddles with a beautiful longbow.

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The Venture Captain makes small talk to all that ask her questions. She is polite, pleasant even. But you all quickly realize that there is something else on her mind.
Once all of the Pathfinders have arrived, Li starts to speak:
When first I arrived in Absalom two years ago, I had a simple but nuanced mission: to increase communication and sharing of resources between the Pathfinder Society and its counterpart in Tian Xia by establishing the Lantern Lodge’s position on the other side of the world.
She pauses briefly to sip her tea, before adding,
Amara’s voice reveals her satisfaction as she says,More than a year ago we successfully purchased and restored the house known as Hinojai, which was once a base for the Way of the Kirin. When we acquired Hinojai, it was as much a gambit to attract the attention of the remaining agents of the Way of the Kirin as it was an opportune acquisition of real estate. And indeed, a man claiming to be an agent of the Way recently contacted me by leaving me a message here.
Although the Way of the Kirin fell into ruin with the fall of Lung Wa a century ago, its far-reaching resources remain valuable, and it still commands great respect. If the Pathfinder Society could ally itself with the Way, the relationship would be of immense benefit to both organizations.
Pathfinders, we are on the cusp of just such an alliance. In a day’s time, we shall meet with this representative from the Way of the Kirin, and you are to act as security for me and ensure that the meeting is a success. I do not expect any trouble from the Way, but after all of the betrayals and double-crosses that the Society has experienced over the past few years, I worry that this is an elaborate setup by the Aspis Consortium. I have arranged for us all to be transported to the site early tomorrow morning,
so take care of any errands you have in Ramparassad this afternoon. There are no settlements near our destination, and we will be spending the night there. I expect you understand
the need to be fully prepared.
Amara Li stares into the dregs of her tea as though she were attempting to discern some lost thoughts in the green leaves floating at the cups bottom, then looks up.
Ah yes—before the negotiations begin in earnest, I will host a formal tea ceremony to set the tone. I encourage you to participate, though doing so is not required. I would, however, expect you to dress appropriately for the event.
With that she stands and waits to accept any questions.

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Purchases to make: Tent, Bedroll, Firewood, Twine, Bells. Nice Clothes
What can you tell us of our destination?
Anything in particular to expect?
Will there be any others, yourself and my companions aside?
Knowledge History: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 Way of the Kirin and its interactions with the Lantern Lodge
Knowledge Geography: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24 Determine anything of substance about where we will be headed.
Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 Determine likely creatures of the area.
Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28 Determine magical beasts we may face in the area.
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29 Anything else of import relating to the area, and the house itself. (Haunted?)

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"Hrrmm, yes, you bestow great honor to select us as your guardians good Venture Captain Li. We will ensure your trust is not misplaced and that no harm comes to you. I look forward to the tea ceremony, as I have not been able to enjoy the like since I left my homeland over a year ago. "
Thinking a bit about his purchases, Fendahl poses a couple questions to Amara Li...
"Hrrmm, forgive me for my questions, but when you say arranged transport and our arrival early tomorrow, does that mean the site is close by and we do not need to concern with long overland or see travel nor purchase days of rations? Will the return trip be by the same means and take the same amount of time? Are we expecting to meet anyone in particular, ally or enemy, along the way?"

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Riley gives Fendahl a brief look before bowing. "Li-dono, it will be taken care of. A map of the route we will be taking should be all that is required."
Not saying those aren't good questions, but Riley has an IC code that requires 'service.' To his mind, if Li wants them to know (or at least, to hear it from her) she'd have damn well said so already.
Yeah, it's a quirk. He probably wouldn't be quite that uptight about it with any other VC at least.

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Jory sizes up his companions. His last couple missions he was the most experienced of the group. This time, he realizes he can learn from the more experienced pathfinders.
"I would appreciate any help with my purchases. I just came from a cold weather mission and have cold weather gear and snowshoes. Just tell me where you want me to be. I typically have been up front, but my last two missions involved goblins. Finally, I own no finery. I rent fancy clothes for the Pathfinder Balls."
Jory looks down at his plain monks robes with concern.

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The Venture-Captain is as stunning as she is regal and answers the questions honestly and as completely as she is able.
Fendahl and Riely, it is ok. But, to ensure the utmost secrecy, I will not reveal that until after we have left in the morning. There are too many curious ears in Ramparassad. Don't worry, I will take care of all of the traveling arrangements.
Jezebel, much as the Society has gathered rivals in the Inner Sea, the Way of the Kirin has made many enemies in Tian Xia. The Golden League is a powerful criminal organization with influence throughout Tian Xia. They are masters of subtle manipulation, bribery,thuggery,andassassination. Their enforcers are called Xun— merciless thugs who don’t hesitate to maim or kill a person for the league families they serve. They are easy enough to spot by the nearly full-body tattoos that they favor. Should you see any Xun here in Ramparassad, keep clear.
Jory, dont worry about your dress. Typically one wears a formal court dress or formal armor. I doubt that our contact will be particular about which you choose. You can find someone in the city that will sell you either.
Jezebel- you know much about the local area and the politics between the Golden Leage and the Kirin. You have heard through contact that recently the Golden League toughs have been more visible than usual in Ramparassad, though they have not caused much trouble, yet. It appears at for the time being that they are watching for someone.
However, A Minkai member of the Golden League visited Ramparassad recently—the local Xun all seemed afraid of him. Named Mikogu Shimazi, he is a ruthless man with a reputation for throwing away the lives of his subordinates to accomplish a goal.

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dot - Hi all. Just got the word that we are playing. let me read up and then jump in. I also need to create a populated alias, which might take me a day or so. I have been working in Seattle for 10 days, and am going home to Alabama tomorrow. So things should be back to normal soon.

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A tengu in a breastplate of Tien Xai design enters the room, late to the briefing. The lacquered image on the armor shows a ancient cherry tree in full bloom. The Tengu's arms are are also of Tien Xai make. He wears the Daishō (Katana and Wakizachi) and carries an and ancient and well crafted Nodachi. A re-curved longbow reinforced with horn and bone is slung over a shoulder and a quiver of arrows over the other. An ornate sash embroidered with Tien symbols crosses his breast. As he enters he bows low, which accentuates his different anatomy, and says.
Forgive your humble servant his tardiness. He has only just come from the Tapestry and has not fully recovered from a recent mission there. He hopes you will find him worthy to serve in your personal guard.
The creature quickly takes a seat and listens intently to the questions of the others and the response from Amara Li.

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Fendahl bows deeply towards Amara Li in Tien fashion...
"Thank you Venture Captain. I have no further questions. I will need to purchase appropriate attire for the tea ceremony, but I am ready otherwise. "
He turns and nods to each of his companions, signifying he is ready when they are.

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Jory turns to Fendahl.
"Maybe you can help me find appropriate attire too?"
Jory bows too. Being from a monastery, it was common practice.

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Smiling to the dwarf...
"Ahh, yes Master Jory. I will see if I can find something for both of us that would be suitable. I have limited funds, so we may have to improvise."
Fendahl as a pregen, only has 42gp so he will need to work within that budget for his clothing.

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Seeing that there are no further questions, Li bows deeply. You are free to purchase any gear that you might need.
Before leaving Li bows deeply to both of you, then speaks softly in Tien.
Most Honorable Ally,
What lies ahead is among the most important events in the brief yet illustrious history of the Lantern Lodge, and I shall accompany you so that we might act as one. Whatever lies ahead, I require that you follow my instructions closely and do everything you can to ensure that the alliance between the Pathfinder Society and the Way of the Kirin comes to fruition.
I want you to know that whatever happens, it has been a great joy and an even greater honor to serve as your patron.
With another bow, she encourages you to ready yourselves for tomorrow.
Grand Lodge, correct?
While walking through a small market, a man in a plain white robe slips a letter in your pocket. He is through the crowd before you can stop him. The letter reads-
In the past I have expressed skepticism of Amara Li’s push to expand the Pathfinder Society’s activities into Tian Xia, but it seems her efforts are finally coming to a head in a way that will greatly benefit the Society. As a result, her mission is your mission. Do everything in your power to ensure Amara’s negotiations with the Way of the Kirin conclude successfully, follow her instructions closely, and ensure that any enemies that threaten the mission are soundly defeated.
-Venture Captain Ambrose
Silver Crusade, right?
While reading your prayer book before leaving, you find a note that has been slipped inside.
Righteous Pathfinder,
Kirin are noble and majestic creatures of the clouds, and I am most interested in an organization that seeks to emulate these creatures. While you are meeting with the representative of the Way of the Kirin, establish a good rapport with him and explain the mission of the Silver Crusade in the Society. Get him to agree to meet with me in the near future so that we might discuss our common interests.
Taldor, right?
Before coming to Tien you were given this letter, it now makes a bit more sense.
Favored Vassal,
The timing of this mission is intolerable. I have far too many tasks in Varisia that demand attention for the Decemvirate to send such a talented agent traipsing about the far side of the world. At least your time need not be wasted, for I understand you will be working closely with Amara Li, a crafty but altogether levelheaded negotiator who can navigate the customs of many nations with ease. No doubt anyone she deigns to meet with will also conduct himself appropriately, and this could serve as an educational opportunity for you. Closely observe how she conducts herself during formal negotiations and report back to me about the finer nuances.
Perhaps we might use these techniques when dealing with the trying self-styled “nobles” of Magnimar.
- Lady Morilla

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Jory buys a quiver of 18 thistle arrows and two smoke arrows (38gp). He also buys an embroidered robe of the finest material with pictograms of local cultural landmarks.
He asks if he can get sturdy, large interior and exterior pockets sewn into the robe.
Let me know cost of robe hopefully silk.

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Right on- sorry I knew one of you couldn't get the site to change, but I couldn't recall who. Yes, look at Fendhal and Sutoku's mission, that is the correct one.
Jory, you can pick something of THIS list, depending on how much money you wish to spend.
Jezebel that is fine.
Anyone else?

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Riley heads out into town himself. When he does return...well, not too much has changed, actually. The hakama he wore before has been replaced by one of a slightly deeper shade and fine silk, a new scabbard for his weapon (that makes it look slightly larger than it really is) with a gold inlay of rabbits hopping down the side has been added, and his backpack may be slightly more weighed down.
1 Courtier's outfit. (30 GP)
1 scabbard (counting as the required jewelry) (50 GP)
1 dose Allnight (75 GP - eliminates penalties from Fatigued condition, -2 penalty to skill checks)
1 Coffee Pot (3 GP)
40 Coffee (Gonna assume the 'per cup' price can be either an actual cup of coffee or enough beans to make one cup. In Pathfinder, 2 cups can reduce the penalties from Fatigue to -1 for one hour. I'm going to presume onset time means it's not too useful unless drunk in advance, that's what the Allnight is for.) (4 SP)
Total: 158 GP, 4 SP

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After shopping and running errands, you meet up with the Venture Lt the next morning. She has a couple of servants with her. She gathers you all close and reads the words off of a magical scroll- instantly you are all teleported a short distance to a nearby island.
Standing on a black stone pier that juts out from the beach, though years of pounding surf and use make it impossible to discern whether it was magic or skilled hands that constructed the pier. Igneous black sand peppered with chunks of dark gray rock makes up the beach. Further up the hill, the landscape is filled with strange shapes eroded from the charcoal-colored stone. Wild basalt beasts, bizarre pumice chimneys, igneous archways, and twisted stone snakes line the winding mile- long path that crawls up the steep hillside. The black tiles of the lighthouses’s rooftop is just barely visible between two of the more serpentine stone menhirs. A light mist dampens the docks and darkens the stone to a glossy black.
Li looks pleased with her self and motions you all up the hill to the light house. The ighthouse towers above a two-story house. Both structures are made primarily of the local soot-colored basalt. The lighthouse appears to be intact, but the manor has fared less well—its windows lack screens and its roof sags, suggest it has suffered badly from decades of neglect. These structures perch at the edge of a cliff, with the north-facing side of the house supported by tall stilts anchored deep into the cliff.
Li instructs you to look around and make any necessary preparations that you see fit. Iko Tsuneo will be here in a few hours. The servants scurry around the kitchen and start to prepare for the ceremonial tea.

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Here is a key as you look around the house:
A1: The Entrance - you enter from a strong looking wooden door.
A2: The Kitchen - there is a small stove, sink, and various pots and pans. The servants are using these now for the tea.
A3: The Great Hall - Two massive bay windows with window seats topped with ruined silk cushions face north and offer a spectacular view of the ocean and a cluster of smaller islands. An immense fireplace dominates the southern part of the room. (Metagame moment- there is a secret door here that will be reviled soon, don't worry about it.)
A4: Lighthouse Storage - This circular room has a simple wooden door and contains a jumble of old supplies.
A5: Spare Room - This room is devoid of furniture. It does sit over the main door.
A6: Master Bedroom - A large, rotting bed dominates the master bedroom along side a relatively well-preserved desk and chair. The ceiling sags from water damage and the floor in the center of the room slants alarmingly.
A7: The Lightroom - The lighthouse rises 30 feet and is built of the same dark basalt as the nearby house. A slightly arched covered bridge connects the second floors of the two structures. Inside, the lighthouse contains only a small storage area (area A4) and a wooden spiral staircase that winds its way up to the tower’s top. A trapdoor at the top of the stairs exits to a narrow walkway with a railing that encircles the middle of the small room that houses the lantern.
The lighthouse’s lantern is still functional, but the lens and half of the glass panes that would have once protected and focused the flame are now broken from years of bad weather and lack of maintenance.

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Fendahl looks around at the ruined building and servants
strange place for a ceremonial tea. I am sure it has seen better days .
Looking to his companions, he bows...
"Hrrm, yes... if the tea to start soon, even in such a place, we may want to look around before changing into our ceremonial garb. "

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Riley quickly and efficiently checks every room with a careful eye before returning to the group. However, the Taldan man doesn't seem happy. "Far too many ways in and out that we can't, ourselves, use. Five people won't be enough to adequately defend the tower. With twenty we might manage."
He pauses, closing his eyes to think. "Jezebel, do you have a spell that might ward at least the windows against intruders? It doesn't need to be retributive, even just giving us an alert to passage of some kind would be excellent. If not...well, hopefully our guests will also think to bring guards." He pauses. "Perhaps....yes, a few lengths of fishing wire might suffice in a pinch. Otherwise, even after cleanup I shall have to insist that all but one watchman stick to the ground floor. Three will have to be on watch at all times covering the front entrance, the entrance to the lighthouse to watch the Great Hall, and one at the top of the lighthouse to watch for all distant threats."

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"Of course. I suggest we take a pass through the building and the grounds making sure all is clear before we get readied for the festivities. " Turning to the venture captain, Jezebel asks, "Is there somewhere out of your way that would be best served as our staging area? I would like to find some high ground in case of trouble, and ensure the general area is secure. In the mean time, we need a place to store our gear.
Glancing around at the building, Jezebel tries to locate any weak places, and determine whether or not there are likely any hidden rooms, a basement, or easily penetrated places in the walls. She also checks for more defensible areas, and defenses that may be in place but in need of upgrade or repair.
K. Engineering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

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Jezebel learns a few things from looking around the premises. First, there seems to be enough parts in the Lighthouse storage room to build a catapult. While a few pieces are missing, perhaps you could use the furniture from the rest of the house to make up the lost pieces. Secondly, while the master bedroom is in bad shape, it is located just over the main entrance which would make for an excellent murder hole.
Fendahl does recognize that if he is being asked to provide secrutiy for this place, it will be hard withthe poeple present. Though there might be ways to make up for the lost numbers.
Li offers you time to eplore the house and make any arrangments you think are neccessary.
In game terms, talk about a specific area and what type of skills you want to use in that area/room

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Fendahl will check the round tower to see if the lens can be repaired or used for long distance observation.
To no one in particular...
"Hrrmm, well if we are to be attacked, seeing them approach may be half the battle.. "
Also looking for brush or other cover close to the building that could be removed.
perception : 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

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Jory searches the lighthouse thoroughly.
He will especially assess its worth as observation post and sniper spot.
perception : 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

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Jezebel relates her findings to the group, and offers to supervise the construction of the catapult.
"if there is a large scale attack, I think having such an instrument would be most beneficial. I believe we should strip the bedroom's furnishings, and set up murderholes in the bedroom floor.."
Having made her offer, she lets the rest inspect as they see fit, reminding them, "We may not have much spare time, so lets quickly come to an agreement on what should be done. Say meet here again in fifteen minutes?"
If everyone is in agreement, Jezebel heads to the kitchen to look for large pots, and as much oil or other flammable fuel possible as well as spare large kettles, pots, or other vessels that might be used to make vats of boiling oil for the murder holes. Barring that, stuff that can be ignited then poured down on the enemies.
K. Engineer Murder Holes: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
K. Engineer traps for Murder Holes: 1d20 + 9d1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + (12, 19, 8, 20, 17, 6, 10, 7, 18) + 0 = 133

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The inquisitor searches the area for tracks before his group tracks it up and confuses things. I know this location was suppose to be a secret but it is always better to be sure.
Survival: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16
After searching the area for any tracks Sutoku asks Jezebel to help him check the the north-facing side of the house supported by tall stilts anchored deep into the cliff. If these stilts could be damaged easily the whole house could be dropped off the cliff. He does not have knowledge engineering... He will carefully search the cliff area for tracks as well, worried about this vulnerability.
Finally he will note If we have been provided enough parts to build a catapult, perhaps we should do so.

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Jezebel aids the tengu as best she can
Aid Other, Perception (inspect stilts): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
K. Engineering (assess weakness they may pose): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Jezebel will freely share any knowledge she gains with her companion(s).
'I agree, we should get started on the major projects as soon as possible. I suggest catapult, then murder holes, then stuff that will burn or melt those beneath the murder holes."

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Fendahl will assist with the construction o repair of the catapult.
" Hrrmm, very good Master Sutoku. Let me know where I can best help on the engineering...never been my interest until now. "
He also keeps an eye out for objects that could be used to slow or hamper the approach to the building - like make shift caltrops or spikes to seed the outer grounds.

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While the others are busy with traps on the outside, Riley goes about implementing his plans. First, he'll use whatever furniture/wood is available to try to block off the second-story windows. Having done that, he then uses soot from the fires that have already been started to blacken several pieces of rope cut from his own supply, and then ties each to two chairs. With that done, metal and wood detritus is balanced precariously on the chairs, so that tripping over the rope will send them crashing to the ground and greatly amplify the noise made.
Placing the simple 'traps' across the entrance to the lighthouse on the second floor and at the foot of both sets of stairs leading to the first floor. Let me know what rolls need to be made.

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Fendahl finds that after looking through the light house that lantern is still functional, but the lens and half of the glass panes that would have once protected and focused the flame are now broken from years of bad weather and lack of maintenance. It would take several gallons of oil to light the lamp though.
Jory notices that the lighthouse does give a good view to much of the island.
Jezebel spends about half an hour to create the murder holes, anything that comes through the front door uninvited will surely regret it!
Later she helps Sutoku. The two determine that while the house is old and needs some serious repairs, the foundation is stable and firm. It would take a serious effort to break these beams and send the house into the ocean.
Afterwards the two start working on the catapult...
Riley - Craft or Disable Device

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Being done with the murder holes, Jezebel check on the progress of boiling liquids to be places in the bedroom, the moves to supervise the construction of the catapult, using the remains of the bedroom furniture.
K. Engineering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
"Perhaps one of you who is slightly more likable than me should ask Venture Captain Li if she might be able to spare some of her laborers and tools to speed up our efforts, and to bring ammunition up for this thing, once it is rebuilt."

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No tracks found?
Sutoku will spend some time searching the ground floor of the house.
Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15
Any wall that looks suspicious he will use his gloves of reconnaissance on.

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"I will check with Amara Li to see what assistance her servants can offer. "
Going to find the venture captain...
"Pardon me Venture Captain...as we are making preparations for defences of the house, we are starting the construction of a catapult. We could use additional help finding suitable sized rocks to use as ammunition. How many servants could help with this or the boiling of oil?"
diplomacy : 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23

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Sutoko doesn't find any tracks of note. There are numerous footprints all over - most belong to the servants that are already here. Another set belongs to a humanoid of average size.
Together, the Pathfinders are able to finish the catapult and to ready the murder holes. While talking to Li, she does suggest it is time to change into your formal clothes. The Kirin will be arriving soon.
Assuming you finish as quickly as possible and change into your clothes...
The sun starts to dip in the west in the late afternoon. Li has changed into azure light robes and has had the main room cleaned for the ceremony. Soon after, Iko Tsuseno, an elderly man who wears his ceremonial armor lightly climbs the hill effortlessly (and alone).
Tsuseno and Li greet each other in according to their custom. The table is set and all are offered a place at the table to have tea with the two leaders.
Tsuesno is a venerable warrior, but quite in his tone. He politely asks the Pathfinders at the table what their roll is in the society.

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Jezebel changes into her courtesan outfit, wearing her hamaki underneath as a corset. As she and the others prepare, she repeatedly casts 'Prestidigitation" to ensure everyone is clean, neat, and all their garments are in order. She also uses the spell to make sure her own hair, and anyone else who asks hair, is perfect.
Jezebel sits quietly and listens, not speaking a word until asked by Tsueno, "My job is simply to be well informed sir. I read anything I can get my hands on, and I work very hard to keep abreast of important world developments, such as this meeting, Master Tsueno." As she finishes, Jezebel bows politely to let the others know she has finished, and to show respect to the two Masters sitting at the table.
K. Local Tsuesno: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
If Jezebel is prompted, or asked for further information, she will relay any information she has (the polite parts only) about Tsuesno back to him to demonstrate. Otherwise she will share with her fellow Pathfinders after the tea ceremony when they have privacy.

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Is there any chance that Sutoku found something using his Gloves of Reconnaissance? Say that secret door?
Sutoku will activate his Detect Evil inquisitor ability before stepping out of the house and use it to scan both the area and the Kirin as the man closes. Dressed in his best dress armor he will serve as an honor guard for Mistress Li, walking beside her and slightly behind.
Sutoku bows low when introduced to Iko Tsuseno. This one is honored to meed you venerable master. he says formally.
Later at the ceremony Sutoku sits quietly until called upon. When asked about his roll he responds meekly This one is honored to serve the Lantern Lodge with his small gift of swordsmanship. I have served as guard and foot solder and have strived to help the forces of good overcome that of evil in my service to the society. He is tempted to ask of the Kiren, but feels it is not his place to do so at this table.
As Iko Tsuseno speaks Sutoku will sense motive (+13) and use his immediate ability to Discern Lie on specific statements the man makes. He is not particularly suspicious but this is his standard operating procedure as an inquisitor.