PFS PbP Master of the Fallen Fortress (The Others) (Inactive)

Game Master Revvy Bitterleaf


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Scarab Sages

Hans manages to knock the frog unconscious while it's still blinking its eyes, trying to focus on what's coming from behind the door.

DC 15 Perception check:
A small jade statue of an angelic being lies among the rubbish under a broken table.

So what do you want to do with an unconscious frog?

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Witch(Cartomancer)/2: HP (14/14): AC (13/touch=13/flat=10): Saves (Fort=1/Ref=3/Will=2): Initiative +3: Perception +1: Sense Motive -1

Shall we continue our clockwise sweep of this floor?

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

Is there any reason why we can't take 10 or 20 on the search of the room?

If Lukaas and Nikias wish to french kiss the frog, Hans certainly won't stop them ;-) That said, Hans would prefer to simply release it into the wild when we are done.

I am okay with continuing a clockwise sweep of the level.

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Witch(Cartomancer)/2: HP (14/14): AC (13/touch=13/flat=10): Saves (Fort=1/Ref=3/Will=2): Initiative +3: Perception +1: Sense Motive -1

"Lead the way, Sir Olafsson!"

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

Perception check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Lukaas notices something under the rubble, near a broken table. He retrieves a small jade statue of an human with wings in his back.

That is lovely. I'm not sure about its worth, i'm afraid.

Appraise, untrained: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

Hans nods to Zhoron, and obligingly opens the next door...

Scarab Sages

I don't see any reason why you shouldn't take your time to search the room.

Lukaas thinks the statue might be worth something between 1 and 200 gold..or 3 chickens..something in that order anyways.

Scarab Sages

The door further to the east opens in a small area. It's open to the outside as there is a hole in the side of the tower. You can even look down over the edge into the lower part. You smell a faint odor of bat guano coming from below.

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

Hans wrinkles his nose in disgust at the acrid stench of guano.

"Well, it doesn't look like there is anything here. Let's go back the other way."

He then closes the door, and goes back to the only remaining unexplored door...

Scarab Sages

Male Tiefling Conjurer 2 HP (5/14) Resist cold/elec/fire 5;AC (15, touch 11, ff 15, CMD 11) saves (1/1/3) , Init. +7, Per. +6, SM +0

Shoris enters the room behind Lukaas. He peers over Lukaas' shoulder as he picks up the statue. When Lukaas indicates that he doesn't know how much it's worth, Shoris attempts to figure it out.
Appraise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Scarab Sages

Shoris is able to determine it will be worth around 100 gp

Scarab Sages

Hans opens the next door which leads into a room with;

A brazier of glowing coals sits in the center of this room, its acrid smoke mixing with the ever-present troglodyte stench.
A few knives, pokers, and other metal implements lie atop a rusty iron box nearby.
Next to the brazier stands a troglodyte wielding a javelin. He's a bit bigger then the troglodytes you've encountered up till now. He looks at you and hisses in anger.

Fort save vs poison (unless you made a previous check, in which case your immune to the stench now) DC 13 or become sickened again

Init Shoris: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Init Zhoron: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Init Nikias: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Init Lukaas: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Init Olafsson: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Init Tulok: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8

All of you

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer 1 HP (9/9) AC(11, Touch 11, FF 10, CMD 9) Saves(2/1/2) Init. +1, Per. +5, SM +5

Nikias walks into the room, and with a pinch of sand, colors fly forth from his hand striking the creature. "Perhaps we can avoid more injury, this one looks rather larger."

Color Spray Save is DC 15

Scarab Sages

Will save Tulok: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Blinded by Nikias's colors the troglodyte falls to the ground unconscious.

Scarab Sages

Male Tiefling Conjurer 2 HP (5/14) Resist cold/elec/fire 5;AC (15, touch 11, ff 15, CMD 11) saves (1/1/3) , Init. +7, Per. +6, SM +0

Shoris maneuvers into the room. He unleashes yet another orb of acid.
attack roll: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5; damage: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

"Well played, Nikias."

Hans then moves into the room, and prepares to finish-off the insensate Trog.

Unless, for some reason, someone wants to keep it alive, in which case he will back off ;-)

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Witch(Cartomancer)/2: HP (14/14): AC (13/touch=13/flat=10): Saves (Fort=1/Ref=3/Will=2): Initiative +3: Perception +1: Sense Motive -1

Zhoron once again draws his trusty bow and unleashes a hopeful shot

ranged basic: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

"Perhaps the gust, created by my arrow, will draw some of his stench away from us!"

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

Well, this isn't exactly a boudoir, and I guess that this troglodyte wasn't about to give us a massage, given the chance. Usually i'm all for pity and forgiveness, but i can't stand torture and torturers.Give him a swift and peaceful death,Hans, that's more than he's worth.

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

Hans nods.

"Very well."

He then steps up, and delivers a coup-de-grace.

4d6 + 20 ⇒ (1, 5, 4, 6) + 20 = 36 Slashing damage.

Wiping down his blade, he turns to the others, saying:

"Let's keep moving."

'Take 20' search of the room = Perception 24.

Scarab Sages

Your combined effort quickly reduces the troglodyte into a puddle.

Hans finds a javelin next to the puddle, a key on a piece of string lying somewhere in the puddle.

Rusty box contents (it's unlocked):
A suit of masterwork studded
leather armor, a masterwork buckler, a masterwork rapier, a shortbow with 15 arrows, a scroll, another scroll and a climber’s kit.

The other door in this room has a lock.

Hans doesn't think the door is trapped..but he can hear some soft groaning and clinging of metal against metal from behind the door. Other then that Hans's search of the room doesn't yield anything else.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer 1 HP (9/9) AC(11, Touch 11, FF 10, CMD 9) Saves(2/1/2) Init. +1, Per. +5, SM +5

Nikias will examine the scrolls.

Scarab Sages

Nikias sees some weird scribblings on them (scrolls with spells on them, so spellcraft to know which spells are on them).

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

I could use the rapier and the suit of least the rapier. Don't know if the armor will fit.

Lukaas knocks at the door, after taking the key on the string

Are you a female prisoner? If so, I just hope you're not decent... I have a key, and i'm not afraid to use it, beware!

Scarab Sages

Lukaas hears some mumbling and grunting in return..but is unable to determine if the sounds are male or female

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer 1 HP (9/9) AC(11, Touch 11, FF 10, CMD 9) Saves(2/1/2) Init. +1, Per. +5, SM +5

spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Scarab Sages

Nikiaas has no clue what's on the first scroll, but the other one has invisibility written on it.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer 1 HP (9/9) AC(11, Touch 11, FF 10, CMD 9) Saves(2/1/2) Init. +1, Per. +5, SM +5

"Looks like an invisibility scroll, and something I can't quite make out. Lukaas you want to take a gander at it?" Offering the unidentified scroll.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12


A few minutes later

It's written "You stink.". Sorry for the bad news, Nikias.

The bard lets out a low, fake laugh

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

Hans sighs, shakes his head at his companions, and then proceeds to try to open the door.

"Whomever is in there sounds distressed; based on the contents of this room, I dare say they have been vigorously tortured..."

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

Yeah, let's get this prisoner free.. But maybe we should check it's not a trap first...

Knocks at the door again

Who are you?

Scarab Sages

Male Tiefling Conjurer 2 HP (5/14) Resist cold/elec/fire 5;AC (15, touch 11, ff 15, CMD 11) saves (1/1/3) , Init. +7, Per. +6, SM +0

After Lukaas' joke, Shoris extends his hand for the scroll that Nikias was unable to identify. "Why don't you let me take a look at it?"
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Scarab Sages

Lukaas hears some aggravated mumbling this time.

Shoris is able to determine that it's a scroll of cure light wounds.

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

"If they have been tortured, they are probably in bad shape, which would limit their ability to respond coherently; they may need that scroll," Hans remarks dryly. "Let's crack open that door and find out what is on the other side..."

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Witch(Cartomancer)/2: HP (14/14): AC (13/touch=13/flat=10): Saves (Fort=1/Ref=3/Will=2): Initiative +3: Perception +1: Sense Motive -1

"Barbarian UP! Let's clear this!"

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer 1 HP (9/9) AC(11, Touch 11, FF 10, CMD 9) Saves(2/1/2) Init. +1, Per. +5, SM +5

Haha, aye could use a long hot soak after all those trogs. Ah well lets see what is behind the next door than.

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

"Well, *we* did find a key; perhaps we should try that first," Hans says, gesturing towards the key Lukaas took.

Scarab Sages

Using the key might be helpful yeah ;)

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

I was about to use the key... I just paused for dramatic effect, that's all.

Lukass tries the key on the locked door

Scarab Sages

The door opens without a problem.

Within is a blond human male, covered in bruises with a gag in his mouth. He's tied to wall with manacles he cringes as the door opens and tries to get away from you.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

No, it's not an half naked fair lady crying for our help. Too bad for you, eh, mister. Have a nice day!

Jokingly, Lukaas half close the door, before opening it again with a warm concerned smile.

Well, let's see how we can help you, mister. You have suffered enough. Look for some keys, people, i doubt the doorkey will open the manacles too. We may need your prodigious strength, Hans.

Scarab Sages

The lock on the door was a padlock, the same is holding his manacles think that the size of the keyhole is about the same..and you're fairly confident that the key will open both locks

The man blinks a few times and looks at you through his swollen eyes nad you see a little glimmer of hope appear.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

Lukaas tries the key on the manacles, smiling gently at the prisoner

Scarab Sages

The key unlocks the manacles and the man removes his gag, looking up at you through squinting eyes

"And who might you be?"

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

"The people rescuing you," Hans remarks dryly. "My name is Hans Olafsson, and we are a group of independent contractors hired to clear out this tower... luckily for you! Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

Scarab Sages

"Thank you for rescueing me. Sorry If I sounded rude, it turns out..getting beaten does that to me. I am Balenar Forsend, explorer of tower, lover of ladies and not a bad singer if I do say so myself. I had come here to explore this tower so I could report back on it to the Pathfinder Society....but I got caught by some troglodytes before I could make it past the first floor. Did you happen to find my gear anywhere? I feel a bit ..naked, and not in a good way"

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Witch(Cartomancer)/2: HP (14/14): AC (13/touch=13/flat=10): Saves (Fort=1/Ref=3/Will=2): Initiative +3: Perception +1: Sense Motive -1

"I don't remember seeing any gear, but we did bypass the 1st floor. Perhaps we'll come across it on the way out. How long have you been here? How many captors have you seen? Do you remember seeing anything of importance or value while you've been a "guest" here?"

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

Just before Hans says something stupid, we *did* just find a rusty crate full of stuff that probably did not belong to the Trogs; I don't think it would be a huge leap to assume that it is his stuff. That said, if we want to hide that fact from this guy, someone needs to step on Hans' foot to keep him quiet ;-)

Grand Lodge

Male Human Bard (5) HP 38/38;AC 16 FF14 Tch 12;Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; Init+2;Per+7 , SM +5 Perform 12/12

Mimicking Balenar's voice- purposedly badly

"I am Balenar Forsend, explorer of tower, lover of ladies and not a bad singer if I do say so myself". You're too humble, you have forgot the well deserved "Professional troglodyte prisoner" title.

Gives an hearty laugh and slaps Balenar's shoulder-hopefully where it won't sting

You're sounded too much like me for my own convenience, but as people say "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery", so I'm flattered.Let's give the man food and something to drink, for Caillean's sake! When we come back to town, I'll be honored if you agree to be my guest for a night of carousing, Maester Forsend.Nay.. I never do things in half: all of you are my guest next time we are in town. We'll drink the night through.

Scarab Sages

Balenar says:"Seems I've been rescued by my kind of people. If..or should I say..when we make it out of this..I have some people I'd like you to meet"

"And I;m sorry my dear Elf fellow..but I only got to see a very small part of the tower before they beat me and carried me up here..All I know is there are troglodytes in of them a bit bigger then the others..but all of them fearsome opponents..and they stick."

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

"Well, as my colleagues have said, we skipped the first level, but we have cleared out this level and the two below it. Would you like to join us as we finish exploring the tower, or would you prefer to beat a hasty retreat?"

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