Tromos Hamaret |
Hello again, Beman! Dotting. Tromos is just about finished up with First Steps, Part I, so he should be ready to go by the 5th.
Tromos Hamaret |
Speaking of, a rules question that came up in the current scenario: Can splash weapons (such as alchemical bombs) be thrown at empty squares?
A missed splash weapon attack against a normal target, however, can land in an empty square, in which case it deals splash damage to all eight adjacent squares.
The splash weapon rules, however, don't seem to make any specific allowance for aimed attacks at empty squares. I assume that any special terrain features with spelled-out AC and hardness, such as a trap-door cover installed in the floor, would at least be valid targets.
In the process of writing this post, I came across general rules for attacking objects. These say that unattended objects have a base AC of 10, to which is added a -5 from their 0 Dex, and an arbitrary -2 on top of that. If a 5x5 cobblestone or clump of dirt counts as an object with AC 3, it seems reasonable that a specific point (grid intersection) would be slightly harder to hit, hence the AC 5. Plus abilities like Ground Breaker imply that the floor can be attacked just like other objects. There's still some debate over whether the ground is a legitimate target for abilities like Defensive Flurry or Cleave, but those seem like specific issues that don't affect the general case.
So, with the object rules in mind, it seems pretty clear to me that splash weapons can indeed be thrown at squares rather than creatures or intersections, but only if said squares are unoccupied. But I typed all this up already, and the question has come up on the forums with people taking both sides of the issue, so might as well get some confirmation ahead of time.
Tromos Hamaret |
Cool. If you did restrict splash weapon attacks to creatures and intersections, I wouldn't have protested, but at future tables I'll probably just assume that terrain is implied to be a legit target. The object rules do leave a lot of wiggle room for DMs to be quite pedantic, though.
Player: I throw an acid flask at the ground.
DM: Alright. The foundation of the Material Plane is a colossal object, so it has -5 AC.
P: Uh, ok, so-
DM: But you're on a cobbled city street, so the ground has total cover. Can't attack it.
P: What? Fine, I attack the cobbles.
DM: A single brick is a diminutive object. 7 AC.
P: I don't care which one I attack, just hit the street!
DM: The street includes several hundred bricks, so it would be a swarm.
P: ...a swarm of diminutive bricks.
DM: Yep. Make your roll.
Anyway, current scenario has concluded, so Tromos is free and clear for gameday. I'm probably going to 1st-level-retrain him to Elf beforehand--Aasimar are neat, but their fluff is just too weird. They're born to human families, but they age like elves? Too heavy.
Guilford Baldwin |
Hi, Derek here with my wizard. I noticed some concern about a lack of healing. I'd be plenty happy to run my lvl 2 cleric. He's a bit battle-oriented but does have a cure wand and good buff spells.
Guilford Baldwin |
I'll b honest, I've been thinking lately that I might want to play the cleric more as I transition him into my top backup character. The only reason I didn't switch was because we already had two inquisitors. I didn't want to crowd the field with holy men. I'll leave it you GM. I'll switch if you let me, but otherwise I'm happy playing Guilford.
Bendaxalon Brillamorrow |
As per PM, here's Bendaxalon! The scenario that he's currently in is cutting things a bit close, but when it finishes he'll be level 2.
Bendaxalon Brillamorrow |
Aha! I didn't recognize you in the Ulfen disguise. Nice to see you here!
For those who are experiencing Bendaxalon for the first time, I went all-out on naming the little guy since he has the Gift of Tongues alternate racial trait, and male gnomes typically choose elaborate names for themselves anyway. He ended up with four names in one: Bendax Brillam + Daxal L'amor + Xalon Morrow = Bendaxalon Brillamorrow. He might use any one of them at any time, but his non-gnome friends mostly just call him Bendy.
As for healing, he can help out-of-combat with UMD +7 and a wand of CLW.
Baltazar Swiftou |
Well, you certainly surpassed my cleric on the matter, not a tongue gifted but a truespeaker...
GM Beman |
This will be a fun scenario; one of those adventures where it's possible (and sometimes preferable) to talk your way out of trouble!
1. Please make sure your PFS # is somewhere in your profile. If you'd prefer not to display it publicly you can PM it to me.
2. Please put the following information in the class/level section of your profile: Class Level (archetype) - HP - AC: /T: /FF: - Perception - F: / R: /W: - CMB - CMD - Speed - Init.
3. Faction Missions are no longer given out and a secondary success condition must be met in order to earn that second prestige point.
4. My expectation is that everyone will post at least once every 24 hours during the weekdays. I plan to update the game each morning between 6am and 8am US Eastern Time. If you haven't posted by then I reserve the right to act on behalf of your character.
5. I will be using Google Drive (formerly Google Docs) for all maps. Everyone will have the appropriate permissions to move their own tokens; but if you're posting from a tablet or a phone and are unable to do so just describe as best as you can where you want to move and either I or one of the other players will move your token for you.
6. My assumption is that everyone "Takes 10" on passive rolls like Perception when exploring areas and searching for loot.
7. When combat begins I will roll initiative for the group and post an initiative order.
I think that's about it...time to put the finishing touches on your characters. I'll open up the Gameplay tab later tonight so you can dot the thread and roleplay a bit; but my expectation is that we won't kick down the first door until Monday morning.
Have fun!
Roland Mirks |
Baltazar did not finish the module he is in, so I'll have to play something else. Recently made Barbarian to help the front liners in this module.
Bendaxalon Brillamorrow |
I think that I have Bendy fully leveled and cleaned up. Please tell me if you see any problem areas, while I go work on Dasiji for the other game.
Also, fair warning, he was already getting lots of use out of 1 hour per day of prestidigitation from the SLA, and now he has it as a cantrip. He'll probably have it active every waking hour, just so that he won't have to waste precious seconds casting it when there's an opportunity for some "fun" (by a gnome's definition of fun). He also just bought sleeves of many garments and a traveler's any-tool, so, new toys. Yay!
Guilford Baldwin |
Yes, missing indeed. I've been trying to decide who to play, but for now Guilford's my only free charater that I don't need to keep open, so that decides it!
I am also extremely busy this week at work, and running a game at my FLGS tonite, so I've been preoccupied with that. Sorry!
Hiram Brennan |
I am getting married on Saturday. We are working really hard to get everything together so I might miss a day or so here at the beginning and I will be absent from Saturday (duh) through Wednesday (Oct 12 - 16). I will be very surprised if I get a chance to post during my honeymoon.
Bendaxalon Brillamorrow |
Congratulations! And how dare you! I mean, congratulations. I might miss a day or two here or there because of business trips, which I'm sure is totally equivalent. ;)
Bendaxalon Brillamorrow |
Wow! Congratulations to all of the humans on their pair-bonding and breeding. It is a beautiful thing, except for all of the messy biological parts, which we will politely pretend are also beautiful anyway. (But seriously, best wishes, good luck, congrats, and all that.)
Hiram Brennan |
I'm back! The wedding and reception were beautiful. The honeymoon was beautiful as well with clear skies every day we were on the Oregon Coast. Thanks for the well wishes. Since I know Erik IRL, we will be going to see the little one soon.
Bendaxalon Brillamorrow |
I just recovered from my last trip, and now I find out that I'm leaving for the next one today instead of tomorrow. I'm very sorry, I'll try to post something fast.
Hiram Brennan |
Well my new wife's grandfather just passed away. We are leaving on a very early flight on Tuesday morning to head back east. I'm not sure when I'll be able to update.
Tromos Hamaret |
My condolences to you and your family, Hiram.
So, that was it? How many encounters did we skip through Diplomacy?
Tromos Hamaret |
Huh. Well, good job everyone! Talking our way through things despite no one having any Charisma to speak of.
Tromos Hamaret |
Thanks for the table, Beman.
Any word on chronicle sheets? I'd like to get Tromos into another game within the next couple days.
Tromos Hamaret |
Thanks. Neat boons. I like that there are a unique rewards for multiple resolutions, haven't seen that before. The 'Recruit Zamir' reward seems a bit better than the 'Kill Zamir' one, just enough so to make the players who took the more delicate approach feel justified, but not so much to make the other players feel ripped off entirely (Prestige Award notwithstanding). Mask of the Tiger's Eye seems to be basically a masterwork tool for Intimiate, if anyone was wondering like myself.
If Guilford is still around, would he mind letting Tromos take a peek at his spellbook to jot down a couple extract formulas?