Sorry the previous results are from the red lacquered chest.
Are yous sure you want to try the steel chest?
The key barely fits in the narrow keyhole in the steel chest. Just as you start to turn the key you can feel it catch on the mechanisms but instead of a click their is a CRUNCH and the key crumbles to pieces in your hand.
Human Bard 5 | HP 36/36 | AC 17; Tch 12; FF 15 | F +3; R +7; W +4 | CMB+3; CMD 15 | Speed 30 ft | Init +9 | MW Longspear: +4 (1d8/x3) | Perc +9
"Oh, my..." Taliesin frowns. "I hope we didn't need that. Should we try that basket? Maybe there's a key in there. I think I saw something move, though...somebody else look," she suggests.
"If there's something alive in the basket, maybe we should pour the acid in it... it might dissolve the basket a little, but it might kill whatever lies in wait for us in there... If there's a key in there, unless it's made of flesh, it shouldn't dissolve. "
Male Human (ulfen) Barbarian/1 AC-16 HP-14 Fort Save +4 (+2 Class +2 Con); Ref Save +2 (+2 Dex); Will Save +2 (+2 Feat)
No. otom doesnt wait for anyone to pour anything on the basket. he slowly looks into the cloth. Lets see if we can use whatever it is moving before we kill it.
As Otom sifts through the basket he finds a small blue stone key etched with runes. As he is pulling his hand out with the key a black snake darts out of the fabric and bites him !
Attack:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 Damage:1d2 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1
So 1 point non-lethal and a fort save please
Before I tell you if its a pass or fail do you want to use a reroll on that?
The Key is etched with runes similar to the glowing runes surrounding the keyhole on the Red chest. When placed in the key hole the rune on the chest glow brighter and the key begins to glow as well.
Who is going to be turning it? I ask for no reason... :)
Kenji will turn the key while Otom is concentrating on his bite wound. "Best keep that little beastie in the basket if we can... maybe we can throw it as a weapon later if we need one."
As the key turns in the lock you feel it catch and the runes on the chest and key flare to an almost blinding brilliance. All around you there is the sound of gears spinning, mechanisms clicking, and bolts sliding into place. The lid slowly raises on its own revealing a small compartment surrounded by clockwork. The compartmnent holds a key forged
into the end of a jeweled scepter.
During the Cacophony of mechanical noises a panel in the center of the ceiling slid open and a small golden key fell out and is now dangling on a string about 15ft off the floor.
Human Bard 5 | HP 36/36 | AC 17; Tch 12; FF 15 | F +3; R +7; W +4 | CMB+3; CMD 15 | Speed 30 ft | Init +9 | MW Longspear: +4 (1d8/x3) | Perc +9
"Now that looks difficult to retrieve," Taliesin says pensively.
"I do have one idea, but it involves using a crossbow I don't think I've ever fired," she says as she removes the crossbow from her back, takes careful aim, and then fires at the string holding the key.
Placing the key in the lock you all feel a rush of energy wash over you standing the hair on your arms on end and giving you goosebumps.
Everyone need to make a DC 11 will save
If you fail:
The tips of your fingers start to turn blue. Not the kind of blue they get from being cold but brilliant blue like you dipped your fingers in ink. The color slowly starts to creep its way up your arms all the way up to your elbow leaving you looking like you are wareing bright blue theater gloves. The Color stays despite any attempt to wash or rub it off.
[edit]I didn't see your post until after I hit submit. You did find the trap but were unable to disable it. It is magical in nature so unless one of you have trap finding you won't be able to get rid of it.
The key attached to the jeweled septer opens the door. The Guard is standing out side and smiles, as he looks at your arms. Follow me please. He leads you back to the main gate and gives you a bow as you leave.
As you travel through the streets towards your last destination the sun sits low in the sky. The city is starting to come to life with people dressed in elaborate costumes and colorful masks. The resisnace of the city are preparing for The Seven Veils Festival.
Arriving at the estate of the Paracountess, a magnificent gothic structure three stories tall. You are greeted at the ebon lacquered double front doors, wrought with gleaming silver fixtures, by a well build male servant dressed in tight pants and a half buttoned shirt. He leads you through the well-appointed sitting rooms, ballrooms, and a grand stairway of the estate without saying a word and ignoring all questions. All the way up on the third floor of the house he opens the door of Zarta’s personal study.
A large intricate carpet dominates the marble floor in this room. A chaise sits along the north wall and a desk spans the southeast corner, its chair positioned with its back to the southwest corner of the room. Three comfortable chairs are positioned around a small, low circular table. Sitting in the chair behind the desk, Paracountess Zarta Dralneen regards the you all with a wry smile, putting away a few papers before addressing you.
Aldor, you are dismissed. Close the door behind you and attend to your other tasks. She then turns her attention to the group. It’s always so incredibly adorable when I see a freshfaced batch of Pathfinders. I mean, look at you scrumptious little teacakes. I could eat each and every one of you up. She stops and gives Kenji a critical look, Well, maybe not you. Zarta points. I assume this isn’t a pleasure visit since most of you are terribly overdressed for that manner of occasion, so that must mean you are here for that trinket Valsin has been nagging me about. Seems I can’t get that man around these parts anymore, she gestures, sliding her hand down her body and widening the gesture to sweep out and across the room as if her home were a secondary thought. On the good side, he always sends me all the precious new recruits.
As the paracountess talks, a cacophony of booms and crashes sounds from beyond the room’s west door. She sometimes pauses at an extended eruption of these noises before continuing with the conversation. I am sure you are all aware of my recent... promotion within the Society. It is now my responsibility to maintain order in the Vaults beneath the Grand Lodge of Absalom. Seek out other dangerous relics, and retrieve them for proper storage and research in the Dark Archive. Study and understand hazardous phenomena, and harness these occurrences’ power for the Societies benefit. Build alliances with like-minded organizations to learn their techniques—or steal these secrets as the situation dictates. Since I am still new to this position I am seeking others who can appreciate the work I do to join me in my... work.
Oh, you sweet young thing! This is one of those, "Its what I can do for you" type offers. The Paracountess says with a coy smile. Noticing that Taliesin was in fact more interested in the noises than here offer Zarta feigns hurt, even putting on a pouty face. Well if all you want is to get Valcin's trinket and be on your way so be it. It in there. One of my servant is greatly misbehaving, so you’re going to have to deal with it in order to get the trinket. You might find this useful. she holds out a small silver letter-open, her pout replaced with a look of boredom.
Since no one else is taking it, Kenji steps forward despite the initial cool reception from the Paracountess and takes the proffered letter opener, curious as to what use such a tool might be in dealing with an unruly servant. "Thank you. I'm sure we'll put this to good use."
The Paracountess laughs to her self, What timid little pathfinders! That is very wise of you, it will probably save your life more than once in your careers. The 'trinket' is a small metal coffer with 7 different types of devious locks. I had a devil summoned, an imp to be exact, to assist me with figuring out the box. Needless to say it was useless. I have sent for a Signifier to come and dispel the beast but it would seem I am not as popular in my old circles. Feel free to destroy the thing, it will be the only way to get the coffer away from it. The Imp and the box are in the next room over. She motions to a set of dark wood double doors.
This will be a quick fight when you are ready so I'm going to skip the map for now if that is OK with everyone.