
Noro * Kasuri's page

304 posts. Organized Play character for Edward Sobel.

Full Name

Noro Kasuri


HP 126/126 170/170 (rage) , AC:19, T: 14, FF: 17, CMD: 30 (34 vs grapple), F: +10 , R: +5, W: +3,


Init +2, Pereption +14, CG Female Human Barbarian Lvl 11, CMB Grapple +24








Aquan, Common, Dwarven, Tien, Varisian

Strength 20
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 11
Charisma 10

About Noro * Kasuri

Noro KasuriPFS number: 9406-3Faction – The Exchange
AKA: The Iron Maiden - Pirate of the Shackles Captain of the “Malevolent Grace”
XP: 30 (need to level: 33)

Female human barbarian (brutal pugilist, drunken brute) 11 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 78)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +14
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 deflection, +2 Dex)
{raging AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 deflection, +2 Dex, -2 rage)}
hp 126 (11d12+44)
{raging hp 170 (11d12+88)}
Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +3 (+5 vs. channeled negative energy and inflict spells)
{raging: Fort +14, Ref +5, Will +6 (+8 vs. channeled negative energy and inflict spells)}
Defensive Abilities improved savage grapple; DR 2/—; Resist negative energy 5

Speed 30 ft.
. . unarmed strike +20/+15/+10 (1d3+9 {plus rend 2d6})
. . {raging: unarmed strike +25/+20/+15 (1d6+14 (plus rend 2d6))}
. . {raging: unarmed strike +23/+23/+18/+13 (1d6+14/1d6+10/1d6+14)}
. . wushu dart +15/+10 (1d3+5)
. . {raging: wushu dart +17/+12 (1d3+7)}
. . wushu dart +13/+8 (1d3+5 / range 10’)
. . {raging: wushu dart +13/+8 (1d3+8 / range 10’)}

Special Attacks rage (30 rounds/day), rage powers (battle roar, brawler[APG], brawler, greater[APG], intimidating glare, knockdown[APG], strength surge +11), Boar style +2d6 damage if two or more unarmed strikes hit
Str 20, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 10
{raging: Str 26, Dex 14, Con 24, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 10}
Base Atk +11; CMB +16 (+24 grapple); CMD 30 (34 vs. grapple, 31 vs. trip)
{raging: CMB +19 (+27 grapple); CMD 31 (35 vs. grapple, 32 vs. trip)}

Feats Boar Style[UC], Extra Rage Power[APG], Greater Grapple, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike), Raging Vitality
Traits berserker of the society, quain martial artist

Acrobatics +15
Bluff +0 (+2 in Magnimar and in the cities and towns allied with it)
Climb +9 (+12 raging)
Craft (tattoo) +11
Diplomacy +0 (-2 while in Varisia, +2 in Magnimar and in the cities and towns allied with it)
Escape Artist +1 (+2 competence to break a grapple)
Handle Animal +4
Intimidate +14 (+16 while in Varisia, +16 in Magnimar and in the cities and towns allied with it)
Knowledge (geography) +3
Knowledge (local) +2
Knowledge (nature) +5
Linguistics +4
Perception +14
Profession (merchant) +2
Profession (sailor) +20
Survival +6
Swim +11 (+14 raging)

Languages Aquan, Common, Dwarven, Tien, Varisian
SQ pit fighter (CMB grapple), pit fighter (CMD Grapple), pit fighter (CMD Trip), raging drunk, Greater Rage
animal totem tattoo (dragon)
cloak of the hedge wizard (abjuration)[UE]
potion of cure light wounds (2)
potion of cure moderate wounds
potion of cure serious wounds
potion of inflict serious wounds
potion of lesser restoration
+1 brawling chain shirt
wushu dart[UC] (5)
+1 furious amulet of mighty fists
armbands of the brawler[UE]
belt of strength and Constitution +2
besmara's tricorne
dark life ring
ring of protection +2
wand of cure Light wounds (CL 1, 45 charges)
Lenses of Situational Sight
belt pouch
masterwork artisan's tools
sealord wine (per bottle) [UE]
shadow lodge ring (worth 150 gp)
Varisian tax collector ring (worth 75 gp)
14,931 gp

Tracked Resources
Lenses of Situational Sight - Green 0/10 (min)
Lenses of Situational Sight - Pink 0/10 (min)
Lenses of Situational Sight - Purple 0/10 (min)
Animal totem tattoo (dragon, 5 minutes/day) - 0/5
Besmara's tricorne (1/day) - 0/1
Endure Elements (1/day) - 0/1
Knockdown (1/rage) (Ex) - 0/1
Potion of cure light wounds - 0/2
Potion of cure moderate wounds - 0/1
Potion of cure serious wounds - 0/1
Potion of inflict serious wounds - 0/1
Potion of lesser restoration - 0/1
Prestidigitation (At will) - 0/0
Rage (30 rounds/day) (Ex) - 0/28
Resistance (At will) - 0/0
Sealord wine (per bottle) - 0/1
Shield (1/day) - 1/1
Speak with Animals (lizards, At will) - 0/0
Strength Surge +10 (1/rage) (Ex) - 0/1
Wushu dart - 0/5
Wand Cure Light Wounds - 0/45
Special Abilities
Battle Roar (Su) When use intimidating glare, foe also takes 1d6 sonic dam.
Boar Style Deal bludgeoning or slashing with unarmed, +2d6 damage if hit with two or more strikes.
Brawler While raging, the barbarian is treated as if she has Improved Unarmed Strike. If she already has the feat, her unarmed strikes deal 1d6 points of damage.
Brawler, Greater While raging, the barbarian is treated as if she has Two-Weapon Fighting when making unarmed strike attacks. A barbarian must have the brawler rage power to select this rage power.
Damage Reduction (2/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Energy Resistance, Negative Energy (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Negative Energy attacks.
Greater Grapple Maintaining a grapple is a move action, allowing you to make 2 checks a round.
Improved Grapple You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when grappling a foe.
Improved Savage Grapple (Ex) Grapples always provoke AoO from you, no grapple penalties, grapple at +1 size.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Intimidating Glare (Ex) The barbarian can make an Intimidate check against one adjacent foe as a move action. If the barbarian successfully demoralizes her opponent, the foe is shaken for 1d4 rounds + 1 round for every 5 points by which the barbarian's check exceeds the DC. (10 + the target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Wisdom modifier.)
Knockdown (1/rage) (Ex) 1/rage, make a Trip maneuver without AoO
Pit Fighter +1 (CMB Grapple) Selected combat maneuver gains +1 CMB or +1 CMB (+2 if not wearing armor)
Pit Fighter +1 (CMD Grapple) Selected combat maneuver gains +1 CMB or +1 CMB (+2 if not wearing armor)
Pit Fighter +1 (CMD Trip) Selected combat maneuver gains +1 CMB or +1 CMB (+2 if not wearing armor)
Rage (28 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Raging Drunk (Ex) Move action: consume alcohol - this round does not count against rounds of rage/day.
Strength Surge +11 (1/rage) (Ex) As an immediate action, gain a bonus to one STR check, CMB or CMD.
Lenses of Situational Sight These wire spectacles are fitted with several ground crystal filters on hinged arms, any combination of which can be moved in front of or away from the lenses as a standard action (one, two, or all three lenses may be positioned at the same time with one action). Each filter grants a specific sense to the wearer when it is placed before one of the lenses. Each set of filters can be used for 10 minutes in 1-minute increments before losing its magical properties. The three sets of lenses are as follows.

Green Lenses: Grant the wearer the benefits of detect magic. The wearer doesn’t need to concentrate to gain the benefits of the spell as long as a source of magic remains in her line of sight for the appropriate number of rounds.

Pink Lenses: Grant the wearer the benefits of see invisibility.

Purple Lenses: Grant the wearer darkvision out to a distance of 60 feet. If the wearer already has darkvision, the range of her darkvision increases by 60 feet while she uses these filters.

49 Fame – The Exchange (54,000 gp limit)
44 Prestige
15 Infamy
09 Disrepute

chronicle sheets::

Hydra Fang Incident (tier 1-2)
Murder on the Silken Caravan (Tier 1-2)
City of Strangers Part II – The Two-fold demise (tier 1-2)
Adventure path #55 – The Wormwood Mutiny (tier 2-4)
Frozen Fingers of Midnight (OOT level 3)
The Paths we choose (OOT level 3)
Among the Dead (tier 3-4)
Pathfinder Module Feast of Ravenmoor (GM credit) (tier2-4)
Citadel of flame (tier 4-5)
The infernal Vault (OOT level 5)
Adventure Path #56 Raiders of the Fever Sea (tier5-7)
The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet (tier 5-6)
The devil we know Part IV – The rules of the swift (tier 6-7)
Season 6 Boon #16 Treasure map (2 of 3 boxes checked)
The Dalsine Affair (tier 6-7)
You Only die twice (OOT level 7)
Glories of the past part 1 – Halls of Dwarven lore (GM credit) (tier 8-9)
Glories of the past part 2 – The price of friendship (GM credit) (tier 8-9)
Pathfinder tales Volume IV – Motley crew
Below the Silver Tarn (tier 7-8)
Adventure path #57 Tempest rising (tier 7-9)
Fingerprints of the Fiends (out of Tier 9)
The Sundered Path - The rats of Round Mountain Pt 1 (Tier 10-11)

Faction card goals:

Season 6: completed 4 goals
Season 7: completed 0 goals (1/5 check for GM)
Season 8: completed 1 goals (2/2 check for non-violent encounter)

Vanities owned:

Tattoo Parlor (10% discount on magical tattoos)
Ship Vanity (enhanced with the Built for Speed Boon from AP #57 chronicle sheet) (total +4 bonus to Profession sailor skill)

animal totem tattoo (dragon):

Totem Transformation (Su) (as a 5th level druid)
May adopt an aspect of the dragon while retaining her normal form. She gains one of the following bonuses:
• movement (fly speed 30 feet [average], the druid must be 5th level to select this bonus)
• senses (low-light vision, +4 racial bonus to Perception)
• toughness (+2 natural armor bonus to AC, Endurance feat)
• natural weapons (bite [1d6] and 2 claws [1d4] for a Medium shaman, +2 bonus on CMB on grapple checks)
While using totem transformation, may speak normally and can cast speak with animals (lizards only) at will. Using this ability is a standard action. Can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her druid level (5). These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be used in 1-minute increments. This is a polymorph effect and cannot be used while the druid is using another polymorph effect, such as wild shape.

character pic:

Backstory Yo Ho Ho A Pirate's life for me...:

Noro Kasuri was born of mixed blood her father was Tien and her mother was Varisian. She is the younger of their two children. Noro grew up on the Kasuri family farm, just outside of Sandpoint. Her father was an honorable man of Tien tradition, and her mother was a Varisian Gypsy.
Noro was your average girl save only one small flaw; she could not correctly say the “s” sound often sounding rather comical. This really would show when she was nervous or anxious. Lou would tease her about it and Noro would respond with a punch to the arm, or gut, or face if she got particularly angry.

Noro and her brother, Lou, were complete opposites. Lou was always reserved and followed father’s strict regime of exercise and training; while Noro was more like her mother, wild and impulsive. Her father was constantly scolding her in an attempt to make her more disciplined, but this only drove her emotionally further from her father. She will always love her father and will never willing do anything to bring dishonor to his name; unfortunately she could never really understand how.

Noro and Lou studied martial combat with their father since they were old enough to walk. He was adamant in teaching the children the old ways and to fight with honor. Lou managed to grasp much of these concepts, but Noro was another story. She didn’t mind learning to fight and stand up for herself she just didn’t have the discipline to know when to avoid a fight and not to attack out of emotion and anger.

Noro would often accompany her mother into town especially to the market. She always enjoyed this time; it was time away from father’s lecturing and his pointless proverbs. Of course they seldom bought much being a family of limited income but the time together is what she really cared about. Noro enjoyed hearing the stories of her mother’s childhood on the open road with her sister, never knowing where the next adventure would be. It was on one of these outings that things changed; some of the other children in Sandpoint began to tease her about her speech, she tried to ignore them but they would not stop. Noro became infuriated and leapt at one of the boys teasing her. With a swift right hook she broke his nose. This did not go over well with her parents. She could only imagine what her father would say.

Noro’s Father was infuriated over the incident and was forced to pay restitution to the family to restore the family honor. Noro was emotionally crushed at the lecture she received from her father. She vowed that she would one day make her father proud and restore her honor in the family.

Noro would work hard at her studies attempting to be calm and reserved like her brother. But at every turn there were the other kids tormenting her again, attempting to urge her on in the hope to see her get angry again. Luckily Lou would intervene on many occasions before it would get to far.

Lou was always there for her until he found someone new. There was a new girl in his life, Amieko from the Rusty Dragon. Noro has no idea how or where they met but Lou always had that lovesick puppy dog look whenever she was around. Of course Amieko never seemed to even notice Lou, a fact that Noro would frequently point out. Perhaps, she was just a bit too old for him?

Noro would follow her brother to the Rusty Dragon and spy on him as he would do anything he could to get her attention and fail every time. However once word got around that Lou was pre-occupied Noro was soon again the target of the hazing and bullying.

Finally things got to the point where she decided to hell with the training and the “turn the other cheek” attitude. She tracked down her tormentors to the Sandpoint docks and there outside the Feedbag she challenged them.

Of course the challenge sounded more like a cartoon that a real threat and it was answered with laughter. The boys decided it was time to teach this “not-so-tough” tomboy a lesson. After the first punch Noro flew into a rage finding inner strength she never knew she had. She managed to pummel two of the three boys nearly to unconsciousness the third ran off.

When the fight was over she realized she had a crowd. She was approached by a man asking her if she wanted a job working for him. Noro, not really sure what to do looked around and there among the crowd was her father. Once she saw him he looked to her and there in front on everyone disowned her then he turned and walked away. Noro turned to the man and agreed to work for him.

Soon she was fighting for money. Without realizing it she was work for the Sczarni. Noro found herself, on more than one occasion, in the local garrison jail. She turned to drink and drugs looking for meaning to her life. She finally hit rock bottom when she actually killed a thug on the docks when he commented on her lisp.

Noro escaped jail with the help of the Sczarni but she wanted out, she wanted to turn her life around. Noro needed a way out; A Chance to reclaim her life and restore her family name. Until that day she will never call herself a Kasuri.

The only way to be free of this Sczarni burden is to leave town. So, one night, instead of going to the warehouse to earn her keep, she grabbed a few things and slipped out of town, Noro had made a few friends working the docks and managed to barter passage to Magnimar on board the Orca.

It wasn't long after reaching Magnimar, Noro would soon find that she was fighting for money once more. And Once again mixed up with the Sczarni; Noro's temper would keep her from ever staying out of trouble, She soon was in debt again to people that don't like late payments.

She heard of a ship heading south on a long run she pleaded with the captain to give her passage but to no avail. Then the night before the ship was to leave with the morning tide Noro was being chased down by several thugs from the Underbridge section wanting payback for a few busted noses she gave them the night before. Noro managed to hide among some cargo on the pier next to the Jenivere.

The thugs moved past her, not even noticing her. Taking advantage of the situation Noro attempted to move through the darkened piers, looking to find a safehouse she could hide out in until she could figure out a way out of town.

Slipping into an old warehouse she was all too familiar with; as it doubled as a fight club on certain days of the week, and Noro has had far too many fights there than she cared to remember. But this night there were no fights, someone else was using the warehouse.

Some Chelaxian Tieflings were using the cover of darkness to move slaves. Noro tried to move to a better hiding spot. This kind of thing was best left alone, see nothing, hear nothing. But that plan backfired. Noro was soon among the captives.

It looks like a little raid was made in the Underbridge several of the “slaves” were ones she knew from there.

Unable to escape her bonds, and convinced they used special manacles just for her, Noro was held in the hold of that slave ship for god knows how long. Until that fateful day, the ship came under attack. Could it be her freedom at last?

Noro likes to drink, though I would not consider her an alcoholic (no more than a drunken master would be) and she also makes good use of the drug Barbarian Chew; the drug that she was fed when she was forced to fight for the Sczarni. Her only connection to her family is her brother Lou whom she can only see when she visits the Rusty Dragon. Lou has started working there as a cook in the hopes of gaining Amieko’s attention.
Noro is a tomboy and seldom dresses up, if she even knew how to wear a dress, she wears boy’s clothes and carries many of the mannerisms of a boy. She is frequently barefoot but has been known to wear a soft shoe once in a while. Noro is “Short Fused” and frequently flies into a rage at the slightest insult; she struggles to try and control this rage. Noro hates killing but at times she loses control and it has happened in the past. She still is training in the martial arts but is not as reserved as a monk would be, she fights with raw emotion. She knows the use of many weapons but has always preferred her fists.