GM Alice |

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Here is my 'to buy' list:
Wand of Cure Light Wounds, 2 PP;
replacement equipment (two sunrods, piece of parchment, trail rations x2), 5.2 gp;
MW backpack, 50 gp;
Darkwood Buckler (Small), 178 gp;
Mess Kit, 2 sp, 1 lb.;
Gnome Obsession Log (Sailing), 25 gp, 1 lb;
Waterproof bag (x2), 1 gp., 1 lb.
Alice - Could I have Continual Flame cast on a sling bullet? I think we can keep one non-standard item with continual flame on it, though I don't know about getting it in the first place.
If so, Everburning Sling Bullet, 110.
-1 for 1 Backpack (Small) sold
-2.5 for 1 Buckler (Small) sold
365.9 gp

GM Alice |

Will look into the continual flame casting.
Todric, remember that you can make all Knowledge checks untrained as a standard bard :)
EDIT: Doesn't seem like there's any reason why you couldn't get it cast on a sling bullet.
"Generally speaking, you can pay to have spells cast on you at any time during the scenario so long as you’re in a settlement or have access to a church, temple, shrine, or wandering mystic."
"A character may have one each of the following spells that carries overs from scenario to scenario: continual flame, masterwork transformation, secret chest, and secret page."

GM Alice |

This doesn't change Norine's results, but I'm going to posit that you probably can't use Guidance on a Knowledge check.
Making a Knowledge check is a non-action and represents whether you do or do not know something. It's not something you can just actively choose to do, hence you can't exactly stop to buff yourself before making the check.
If you were doing something like searching a library for information, then I'd allow it, but for normal Knowledge checks, I probably wouldn't.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure this is RAW, so I can't really deny it, hence why it's only a 'posit' at this point. It just doesn't make sense to me.

GM Alice |

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Can you try Firefox or Chrome just for the link? (Mine is kinda wonky on Firefox, as Flash keeps crashing, but it should work otherwise.)
Edit after Mez: Ah. Yeah, bummer about the work PC.

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So, how should we handle conveying information from the Knowledge/Diplomacy rolls? I think Norine would poke a probably very smug-looking Dracothis...

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Drac would readily share his knowledge with anyone who asked. In fact, he would probably share it anyway, being a historian and an archaeologist. I'll post the info in character.

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Just an FYI, I'm taking a stab at GMing online. I'm going to try Reign of Winter, and the recruitment can be found HERE Everyone here have been good players, so I thought I'd point it out :D

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I'm trying to get into a Reign of Winter campaign right now, but if that falls flat (and I should know within a few hours), I'll go give yours a try.

GM Alice |

I will certainly consider it, Mez. Two of the three AP games I was in (Kingmaker and Jade Regent) are kind of dead and I would really love to play Reign of Winter sometime. It all depends on whether I can come up with an interesting character. :)
I'm just waiting on you guys to take action, btw! Nothing much will happen until you decide to head on in the museum.

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Apologies in advance if I seem curt or short over the next couple of weeks. I'm fighting for disability and getting nothing but flack, and we just found out that the store where my wife has worked as a manager for 12 years is closing in November. So we're kind of screwed. I will try not to let it come across in game, but just in case...
Also, if I am holding things up, please feel free to GMPC me.

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Sorry to hear that, Dracothis! :(
Speaking of GMPCing, perhaps we could establish our marching order(s) and let anyone move us along to help advance the story. Ebon, for example, can't post/interact with the computer as much as I can. Normally I would suggest Mez be the 'leader' since he's at his computer a lot, except for the IE problem this time.
A related idea would be to have people be able to make simple decisions, like guiding the party to the left or right door.
So, for example, someone could move the group along all at once through the atrium and to the door leading to the office.
I just checked - it appears that it allows anyone to move anyone.

GM Alice |

That sort of thing would be good, since I doubt anyone has any real qualms exploring wherever (since you'll need to do so in the end anyway if you want your gold and prestige!)
By the way, I hope I'm evoking a spooky enough atmosphere for this... it really needs some mysterious horror background music or something about it. :)

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If Norine or Tod are able to see the maps, I have no problem with them taking leader role. They are on the computer only a smidge less than I, so they can keep things moving nicely. Just say something like, Hey Mez, lets check this door, and I'll be good for it. Mez can cast light, would Tod/Drac/Ebon be interested in playing the part of lit arrow assistant for the times Mez checks through doors?

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Ebon would prefer both hands on his sword, but will definitely go along with the rest. XD
He's a hit first question later type, but is also respectful of his friends and will abide by their rules unless he sees no choice in the matter.

GM Alice |

Quick note on how I run combats/initiative taken from another game I run...
I will roll initiative to save time. Combat will then proceed in blocks. For the first round, players who come before the enemy block will post in any order, and I will resolve their actions as well as the enemy’s actions. Afterwards, players will post in a single block in any order.
For example:
Player : Initiative
Fighter : 20
Rogue : 16
Goblins : 14
Cleric : 12
Wizard : 8
Fighter and Rogue will post in any order, and I will resolve their actions and the goblins. Then all players can post in any order.
Make sense?

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Alice, How did you put the dots on the monster icons, by the way? Is it a d20 feature?
I was using TokenTool to make tokens for Maptool, but it didn't have that feature.
Strategically, I have no idea what I am doing in this battle. We were really surrounded. XD

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Hey, if I may advertise here (and in the other game I'm in), I was hoping to GM a run of To Delve the Dungeon Deep since I had such a good time in Derek's game and it seems a nice, small classic dungeon crawl. But, unfortunately, the recruiting thread has dropped off the front page without attracting any players (so far). (I thought we would have enough time to start it by Aug. 14th and finished by Sept. 30th.)
I was probably either too honest about my newness and/or too restrictive seeming in regards to applications (I said "preferably 1) new to PbP and/or 2) not in any other PbP games yet", as I was trying to give new people a chance.).
But, if you know of someone who would like to run that adventure, perhaps you could send them by: GM FurtiveZoog's PbP PFS First Steps - Part II: To Delve the Dungeon Deep.

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Looks like I will get a full group for the scenario, if all who said they will do show up. :)
Double-checking something for a friend, though: Are aasimar legal for PFS play? From the "Additional Resources" page regarding the ARG, it says:
"Aasimars: all alternate racial traits, favored class options, racial archetypes, racial equipment, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play."
But, besides Tieflings, there are a lot of races I never see played...

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ok...checking in if you have space for a magic-user. Thanks for the offer, but if you are already too far into the game, I understand...maybe the next one!! If not, throw me in wherever will be good...still waiting to receive my info from the last game, thought I will not be going up any levels, I might alter some equipment or purchase a wand of some kind (depending on PP's received)

GM Alice |

@Norine, Yep, aasimar are legal without a race boon, as with all the alternate heritages (provided you own the appropriate books). Tengu, Aasimar, and Tiefling are all able to be played freely, aside from the core races.
@Targost, you're welcome to join in! I'll get you introduced to the scene momentarily. You're one late Pathfinder!

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Sorry about the scarf comment, Targost. For being so small, gnomes can have very big mouths.
Is there a possibility of an Int check to think of a scarf, just in general not wanting to breathe in the mists?

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Heh heh. Drac will make second level after this venture! I ran a game on Saturday in his name.

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Hey I'm wondering how that works. I have a game tonight that I might need a level 1 character for, but the one I want to use is in a different PBP (that also barely started).