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Can we all make Perception checks or just Bendy?
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
<Don Adams>"Missed it by that much!"</Don Adams>

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Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Hearing a noise, Trig looks up. "There's another key up there."
Looking up, you notice that a small, golden key has been dropped about six inches down from the ceiling through a slit in the stonework. It's attached to some kind of string, by the looks of things. The key is nevertheless 15 feet up and out of easy access.

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"I'd rather not," he replies drily. Handing off the jewelled brass key as well, Bendy pulls out his crossbow, loads his grappling bolt, and shoots at the key on the string, hoping to ensnare it.
Ranged attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

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Li nods appreciatively, having considered the same thing. "Good aim," he says in praise to the little gnome's accuracy.

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"Of course... That works too." Arithas seems slightly disappointed he didn't get to perform his experiment.
I have throw anything! I could have used you as an improvised thrown weapon!!! It would have been awesome! But you had to go all "No one tosses a gnome." on me! ;)

GM Alice |

Bendaxalon inspects the remaining two chests. Honestly, the key looks like it could fit either lock, mysteriously enough. Hold on, did the lock look different to when he compared it with the other key...?
Bendy Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
He tries to stick the key in the keyhole, and suddenly, the entire chest disappears before him, leaving behind nothing but a faint outline. Seems like it's an illusion.
That leaves only the steel chest. The gnome inserts the key and twists it, and the latch clicks open.
Everyone, please make a DC 11 Will save!
Inside the steel chest is a rolled-up map of the Salhar burial vaults beneath Sothis and a plain, off-white wand.

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Will save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Looking down at his blue skin, Li Shuo does not look amused. "Li had date tonight," he says.

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Will vs. DC 11: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 Failure
Spellcraft vs. DC 18: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 Success
Bendy looks at his suddenly blue skin and bursts out laughing. He tries to change their color back with his prestidigitation, and when that fails -- I assume the effect is more than a cantrip -- he turns their outfits a brilliant white, like new-fallen snow, with blood-red accents. He thumps Li on the knee. "You look great!" Picking up the map and wand, he comments, "Of course, knock. Doubtless handy for exploring vaults." He looks at the one he gave the scepter/key to. "I think we're ready to go!"

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Alice, just to be sure -- did the sceptre key or the gold key from the ceiling open the steel chest?
Trig muses, "If this last key or the wand opens the door we may leave. But this is all some sort of test. And although we have maps and a wand, we don't have a charter granting the society permission to explore the Salhar vaults. Will Amenopheus give us the charter for retrieving the map, or is it hidden here?"

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Will save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Khale looks around, then very, very slowly, looks at his hands and arms. Seeing his normal skin color, he grins and sighs in relief.
Looking at Trig, Khale replies, "Perhaps simply finding the map was the test? Maybe we should try the key on the door and see if it works?"

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"Sounds good to me!" Bendy (once again) takes back a key that he had handed off, this time the fake jeweled scepter, and applies it to the exit.
Just trying to keep things moving along.

GM Alice |

As expected, the sceptre key fits in the door leading out of the vault, and you are able to exit the chamber back into the basement of the mansion. The servant remains here, and he smiles knowingly - and also a little apologetically - as you exit the room. "Good, good. I was beginning to worry that I would have to fail you for taking too much time."
"You may keep the map and wand, but please return the keys to me." He looks over the group, noting which of you have had your skin turned blue and scribbling it down in a notepad. "Oh," the servant adds as he writes, "Amenopheus has left for today, if you were looking for him. I suggest you try again tomorrow."
In any case, you're able to leave the mansion and head on to your next task. Where to, Pathfinders?

GM Alice |

After some consideration, it is determined that the next nearest location would be paying a visit to one Zarta Dralneen in the Ivy District. It's only a short walk from the Salhar Estate, with the surrounding city decor changing only slightly--you notice more public artworks and splashes of greenery here and there, although the overall feel is still quite middle-upper class. You pass by a large, open-air park enroute to your destination, as well as a lively open market largely selling fruits, flowers, fine clothing, and art.
Paracountess Zarta Dralneen's townhouse in the ivy district is a magnificent gothic structure three stories in height. The ebon lacquered double doors wrought with gleaming fixtures greet the party, a prickly brass cone hanging from a chain serving as the door chime. Moments after ringing it, a servant in loose casual attire opens the door, greeting you with a low bow and a quiet welcome; you are clearly expected.
The servant silently leads you through well-appointed sitting rooms, ballrooms, and a grand stairway granting a view of an elaborate study; he does not respond to any questions, and when pressed will only timidly say "My mistress will answer any questions you have once we reach her quarters." It takes some time for you to finally ascend to the third floor of the house, all the while being surrounded by garish Chelaxian opulence. Knocking upon the door and meekly announcing his presence, the servant opens the darkly-stained wooden door and allows you to enter.
A large intricate carpet dominates the marble floor in this sitting room. A chaise sits along the north wall and a desk spans the south-east corner, its chair positioned with its back to the southwest corner of the room. Three comfortable chairs are positioned around a small, low circular table.
Sitting in the chair behind the desk, Paracountess Zarta Dralneen regards you all with a wry smile, putting away a few papers before standing to address the hopeful Pathfinders. She is a strikingly beautiful woman with pale skin and long, dark hair, and wears a shockingly low cut red silk dress that perfectly enhances her figure.
"Aldor, you are dismissed," she calls out over your shoulder, her words like silk. "Close the door behind you and attend to your other tasks." The servant nods silently and skulks away, closing the door behind him with a gentle click.
Zarta then turns her attention to the group, an almost hungry smile crossing her countenance. "It's always so incredibly adorable when I see a fresh-faced bunch of Pathfinders," she says bemusedly, slowly approaching with the eyes of a lioness stalking its prey. "I could eat each and every one of you up. Simply scrumptious." The Paracountess pauses a moment, looking at Bendaxalon with an arched brow. "Well, maybe not you," she says dismissively, vaguely gesturing at the gnome.
BOOM CRAAASH! The sound of something loudly smashing against the wall suddenly emanates from the room beyond Zarta's study, although she pays it little heed, simply pausing for the cacophony to end before continuing.
"Much to my disappointment, I have to assume that this isn't a... pleasure visit, for you're all so terribly overdressed for that manner of occasion. That must mean you're here for that trinket Valsin has been nagging me about." Zarta exaggeratedly sighs. "Seems I can't get that man around these parts anymore," she gestures, sliding her hand down her body and widening the gesture to sweep out and across the room as if her home were a secondary thought. "On the good side, he always sends me all the precious new recruits to sink my teeth into... ah, to be the first for so many~"
Zarta waits for the noises to cease yet again before she continues. The interruption seems to have put her mind on a different track altogether (possibly for the better). "Many think we in Cheliax serve and worship devils, but that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, we use the creatures for their power. They serve us and we sculpt their power in our own interests. The world must come to terms with the order of things. People need to know their place and operate accordingly. It is the only way to make order from this world. Too many people stretch too far beyond their station, making waves and eroding the true order..."
The woman finally seems slightly irritated, the barest hint of a frown marring her calm exterior. "As you may have guessed, a servant is greatly misbehaving. You're going to have to deal with it in order to get the trinket you've all come here for." Zarta moves over to her desk, opening a drawer and withdrawing an exquisite silver letter opener shapped like a dagger. "You might need this to get it to submit," she says with a sly grin as she offers the knife to the group. (Treat this as a mwk silver dagger)
"Might you have any other... pressing business before I allow you to enter my bedchamber?"
Oh my goodness I love roleplaying Zarta Dralneen so much. :D

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Li's eyebrows have crept ever upwards as the flamboyant noblewoman continued to talk. He is both repelled and fascinated by her licentiousness and long-legged appeal. Such behavior would be most shameful in his homeland, but he reflects that it appears much more normal in Avistan.
He has a quiver-full of cold iron arrows, but has no idea whether devils are harmed by such, as he knows demons are. He suspects not, given the presence of the silver letter-opener.
"Devils dangerous business," he says. "One who plays with fire gets burned." Nonetheless, he demonstrates his willingness to subdue the monster by taking up a position near the door, bow in hand.

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Bendaxalon feels vaguely relieved at Zarta's dismissal, as he imagines a rabbit would feel at a lion's disdain. At the talk of devils, his brow furrows in concern, and he draws a vial of holy water out of his pack. Taking up a position opposite Li, the colorful sorcerer casts shield on himself when everyone is ready, just before they open the door.
I recommend silver weapon blanch for your cold iron arrows. It adds 5 gp per 10 ammo, but you can keep some cheap arrows handy for ordinary foes.

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Trig works hide to disguise his disgust. This woman was nearly a self-caricature of the conquerors who overran Varisia. Her dress, her accent, her attitude, that smirk, all reminded him of the countless insults hurled daily at his family, his clan, his people.
Let's finish this as quickly as possible.
Trig readies his bow and positions himself at Li's shoulder.

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Elysia looks at the woman in wonder. I wonder if she would help me out. I've never really been very good at the whole dressing up, dressing, down, dressing appropriately thing. And she's so well coordinated! Everything matches. And she smells nice. If ever there was anyone who could give me pointers, it's her.
"Excuse me, ma'am, when we're done, would you have time for a private talk, later?"

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Arithas' jaw drops at the sight of the paracountess. He is just stunned by her dress and manner. But as soon as she begins to speak of Cheliax, and enforcing order, his face becomes hard, and he scowls. "We will do this. But only to compete our mission."

GM Alice |

The Paracountess seems momentarily surprised by Elysia's forward request, but an even larger smile slithers onto her face afterwards. She steps towards Elysia and lays a gentle hand upon the elven lady's arm. "Of course, darling, of course... I am never one to turn down a private rendezvous. I am sure we'll have plenty to... talk about."
As the group readies themselves to enter Zarta's private suite, she comments idly, "Oh, and I advise not trying to tamper with the trinket. It appears to be a seven-lock iron case and is additionally warded with strong magics; through all my study I was unable to bypass the protections. Who knows what would happen if you did..." A sly smile creeps around the corner of Zarta's lips.
With everyone in place, Khale shoves the door open. Zarta's bedroom is decorated in the colours of Cheliax--ebon black and crimson red. Silk, rare woods, and carefully carved marble compose every bit of furniture in the room. Good down now litters the chamber, covering almost every surface; the silken shreds of the cushions that contained it lie about like flayed skin. A post on the massive screened bed is snapped in half, collapsed on the bed and drawing the screened curtains into a ripped slope of formerly fine cloth.
Vials of perfume and crystal jars of other cosmetics sit smashed on the marble floor around the dresser. A prominent fixture in the room, a large "X" made of stout wood sits along the west wall, complete with leather shackles and chains. A table sits to its left strewn with various items intended for pleasure, but outwardly resembling implements of pain, such as a silver-tipped riding crop and... well, you're not quite sure what that one is, and you probably don't want to find out, either.
A tiny, horned devil is zooming around the room here, enraged and totally out of control. In his hands is a small, chained box, no doubt the "trinket" you were sent here to liberate. The imp is currently slamming the box against the far wall over and over, screaming angrily as it does so. All of a sudden it changes tact and flies off towards the other end of the room, bull rushing the wall box-first. It then attempts to toss the box at the floor before swooping down and picking it up again, shaking and biting it. It appears not to have noticed you.
MAP - No formal initiative at the moment, but you can assume that all of you go before the imp if you wish to rush in and attack. The +10 notation means that the imp is 10 feet above the "0" feet box you stand in... so it's about 10 feet above your heads, near the roof.

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Are we using the Pythagorean theorem here, so that an adjacent square at ground level would be 11.18 ft. away, rounding to 10 ft.?
Bendaxalon shows his disinclination to exercise patience or diplomacy with the denizens of the lower planes by trotting across the down-littered floor and throwing his vial of holy water at the little monster.
MA: Move 20' L, L, L, UL
SA: Throw holy water 10'
Ranged touch attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2

GM Alice |

I'm disinclined to worry about exact distances when it comes to 3D terrain because it's a huge pain in the arse to visualise. That sounds about right though.
Bendy lobs the vial of holy water up at the devil, but his throw sails just underneath it and crashes into the wall with a splash instead. The devil jerks up at the attack, spinning around mid-air and glaring down at you. "What are you doing?!" it demands in a gravely voice. "Go away! Get out of mistress's bedroom!"

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"Show letter opener." says Li Shuo in a calm voice. "Devil bound to obey. Talk before fight."
That said, if the little creep attacks, Li Shuo is going to shoot it.

GM Alice |

"No! Go away!!" The imp pokes his tongue out at the group before disappearing. A few moments later you hear a wild screaming coming from above your heads - the imp soon pops back into visibility as it bashes the box into the head of Zarta's bedpost. It appears dented, but not anywhere near being cracked open any time soon.

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Bendaxalon pulls his silver holy symbol of Valani out from under his light jacket. (He is very devout. Also, sometimes it's convenient to let people assume what they will.) The gnome grabs his trusty crossbow and loads his well-used grappling bolt. "Drop the box, pit boy!" Bendy is vaguely aware that Hell and the Abyss are not exactly the same, but frankly it's never been an important distinction to him.

GM Alice |

The imp ignores Bendy, deciding this time to try stabbing the box with its barbed tail.
The box detects as VERY magical; there are two separate auras on it, one bright fiery red, the other a daffodil yellow.
Knowledge Arcana #1: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Knowledge Arcana #2: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Elysia's not sure what type of magic it is, just that the spell effects are very powerful.

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Know(any)1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
"Khale, Bendaxalon, put those away. Let's try sugar before vinegar."
Trig lays down his bow and swings his drum in front of him and steps forward. He begins a desultory tapping on the leather head.
"Master Imp, the box was magically warded by an archmage. Your mistress can not pierce its secrets. And throwing it about the room has not forced it to yield. Stop and think. You must use your brain to solve this."
As Trig speaks his fingers thrum more and more strongly. The rhythm rises and falls and spins back on itself.
Bardic Performance to fascinate: Will save 13

GM Alice |

Will: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
"Mistress couldn't get it out! And thank Asmodeus for that!" The imp spits back acidly, apparently unaffected by Trig's rhythmic drumming. "I've got to get it out and hide it away before any of you mortals can get to it!!!"
It starts tugging at the chain locks surrounding it, flying around in wide circles above your heads in an attempt to fling them off (to little effect). At one point it dives down and leaps upon Zarta's desk drawer, scattering the things on there as it begins to smash the box into the table. You hear loud cracks as the wood begins to snap.

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Momentarily distracted by the big wooden X-frame in the ambassador's bedroom, Li Shuo calms himself, finding his imperturbable center, breathing deep once, twice, holding it and releasing the shot.
Perfect shot, 1st roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Perfect shot, 2nd roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
I'm betting a 19 confirms.
Critical hit damage: 3d8 + 6 ⇒ (2, 8, 6) + 6 = 22 <-Cold Iron arrow, if that matters.
"Sugar fail. Now try vinegar," he says.

GM Alice |

Holy cow. One-shotted even with DR. :)
Li releases a shot that would cause his masters back in Quain to opine at length about. It strikes the imp through the tiny sliver of soft cartilage just where its ears connect to its skull, piercing directly through its brain and out the other side. With a gargled gag the imp crashes to the ground along with the box, splatting on the floor like a hunted bird. Its body then promptly disappears in a puff of acrid smoke, leaving behind nothing but a burned circle on Zarta's floor rug.