[PFS/DMK/YotS] 7-02 Six Seconds to Midnight (Inactive)

Game Master Kludde

Maps and handouts

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| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected


Dark Archive

Male Human (Jadwiga) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7 Barbarian 1 | HP 72/72 | AC:23 T:15 FF:18 CMD: 16 | F+9 R+10 W+7 | Init +5 | Perc +10

Dancing hut dot.

Silver Crusade

M Elven Wizard (Evoker)-6 | AC 13 (17 w/mage armor) T 12 FF 11 | HP 27/27 | F +2 R +4 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Arcane archer (similar to, but not the Prestige class)

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14


VC - Sydney, Australia

/tba dot!

HP 51/51 | AC:19 T:11 FF:17 CMD: 23 | F+9 R+7 (evasion) W+3 (+4 Enchantment) | Init +2 | Perc +5 (low-light, scent)

Wolf dot

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

The incessant beat of hammer against anvils and weaponry greets entrants into Smine’s Weaponworks, a smithy of great repute in the town of Tymon in the River Kingdoms, along with an oppressive wave of heat and the acrid smell of coal. A broad-shouldered dwarf, face and arms smudged with soot from the furnaces, smiles broadly, proclaiming in a voice harsh with years of yelling, “Ah! I was expecting you lot! Step inside my office. I have refreshments.”

He steps inside a cozy office, gesturing at several chairs, ranging from an overstuffed chaise to a sparse and undecorated rocking chair. After rinsing his face off in a nearby basin of water, he pours out several glasses of water, immediately quaffing one for himself before refilling it and sitting down to his desk. “Venture-Captain Holgarin Smine, at your service. Guessing the Lodge got my message. You don’t look too fresh-faced for this mission.” Finishing the rest of his drink, he wipes the corner of his mouth with a clean cloth.

“ I’ll be quick about it. You’ve got a bit of travel ahead of you. One of the mayors of Uringen, Lady Aurelia Ogden, wants the Society’s help—with an experiment she’s been doing. The clock tower of Uringen has drawn all sorts of researchers. It hasn’t worked quite right from the get-go. It makes a whole piece of the town disappear. Four clock faces, each with a different way of counting time. All displaying a different time—until now. The mayor thinks that those faces might finally join up. What’s going to happen when it does is anybody’s guess. She doesn’t have the staff she needs to record it properly. That’s where the Society comes in.”

“Uringen’s alchemical goods are some of the best. In exchange for recording the experiment’s effects, and dealing with unexpected issues, Mayor Ogden will give the Society a discount. But there’s something else that the Society wants. You heard about the mishap with the Sky Key? How it’s not working correctly? Turns out, that clock tower might have something that can fix it. Scholars call that something ‘temporal essence.’ Fetch at least one vial of the stuff. Ogden says the best time to collect it is in the middle of the clock face alignment. I’ve arranged for travel to Embeth Forest. When you get there, you’ll be meeting Jamel Visser. Visser’s the leader of the local forest guides. They call themselves the Embeth Travelers. Don’t dawdle. You’ve got to make it to Uringen before the clock faces align. The boat will get you to Visser in a little over 2 weeks if you don’t run in to trouble. The clocks align in 3 weeks.

“Any questions…or refills?”

Dark Archive

Male Human (Jadwiga) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7 Barbarian 1 | HP 72/72 | AC:23 T:15 FF:18 CMD: 16 | F+9 R+10 W+7 | Init +5 | Perc +10

"Looks like there's plenty of road ahead of us, we'd better leave soon. However, I'd like to know what is known about the clock's properties, or if they were any precedent?"

Any Knowledge / Gather info check at this point?

Silver Crusade

M Elven Wizard (Evoker)-6 | AC 13 (17 w/mage armor) T 12 FF 11 | HP 27/27 | F +2 R +4 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc +7

"I am interested in the means to gather this 'temporal essence' and if there are any known side effects. Wouldn't want to accidentally wind up 4,000 years in the past!" the elf wizard asks as he drinks his water.

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

Marra looks excited, "ohh, It would be great to visit the past! How far is it from where the boat drops us to Uringen? Would you advise that we acquire mounts for the trip?"

Dark Archive

Male Halfling Alchemist (Grenadier) 7 [ HP 61/61 | AC 20/T13/F18 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +4 | Perception +17 ]

No time right now, but dotting nonetheless...

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Looks like we're waiting for Scarlet anyway. Knowledge checks are Arcana, History and Local

Dark Archive

Male Human (Jadwiga) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7 Barbarian 1 | HP 72/72 | AC:23 T:15 FF:18 CMD: 16 | F+9 R+10 W+7 | Init +5 | Perc +10

Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Silver Crusade

M Elven Wizard (Evoker)-6 | AC 13 (17 w/mage armor) T 12 FF 11 | HP 27/27 | F +2 R +4 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Kn(arcana): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25
Kn(history): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Kn(local): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

K(Arcana): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
K(History ): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
K(Local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

I only know about the tower. One of the founders of the town built it. Great piece of work—even if it’s not dwarven,” Smine says with a wink. “It combines magic and machinery. I’m no wizard; can’t tell you more than that. It causes a piece of the town to disappear and reappear—or at least. At least, people in Uringen say that’s what it does.

Skarn, Rhanloi:

Uringen’s alchemists are renowned through the Inner Sea for the effectiveness of their elixirs and potions.

The clock tower that stands in the center of Uringen doesn’t tell the same time on all its faces, and one of the faces always spins wildly out of control.

The town of Uringen was founded in 4637 ar by an Ulfen skald name Birji Uringen


The grig Mather Nithra has made numerous threats on the people of Uringen as well as on travelers through Embeth Forest.

Hold off on buying any alchemical goods until you get to Uringen. No sense wasting your money. Don’t go blabbing that you’re with the Society while you’re in Tymon. Locals don’t know about this lodge.

You can grab supplies before you leave.

After an uneventful trip along the Sellen River, the group arrives near the edge of the Embeth Forest.

A sturdy wooden pier stretches over the western bank of the
fast-moving river, where a river barge offloads several crates
of labeled goods. Nearby, a camp laid out in a rough semicircle
bustles with activity, its borders marked off by covered wagons and tarpaulins. Water from a recent downpour collects in the
canvas’ folds and in puddles on the ground.

A group of travellers directs the adventurers to a Jamel Visser, who is standing by the central campfire. Dressed in plain forester’s garb, as well as a worn but well-kept suit of leather armor and a longbow, he listens to the two scouts with a pensive look on his face. At the party approaches, he turns to greet them.

“Well met, travelers. Smine sent word of your arrival, expressing the urgency of your journey, but we will have to delay your departure. On our trip here, we ran afoul of that blasted grig’s traps, and we won’t be able to leave until we’ve fixed things up.”

K(Nature) DC 25:

These forests contain some benevolent fey, who occasionally assist those who provide them offerings of bread, honey, milk, or alcoholic beverages.

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

K(Nature): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

The little halfling looks up from her 3ft stature, "Is there anything we could do to expedite the fix?"

The Exchange

Scouting SOP:
Dist: 30-60' ahead of party /Move spd:20'. Stealth Scar Take10=34. Pop Take10=35. Perception Scar Take10=29 (33 v Traps)+Trap spotter Pop Take10=26+Detect Magic & Evil
UBar1/URog9, HP96/96 - AC 23, T 17, FF 23/ F+9, R+14, W+8/ CMD 24, CMB +7/ Per +19(Dk Vis), Init +9, Mv 40
F/Lyrakien, HP48/48- AC22,T16,FF18/DR 5(evil)Immune elec, petrify;Res cold & fire 10/ F6,R10,W6/CMD 16,CMB 9/DV 60 ft., LL vis vision; Perc +16 , Init +8, Move 30/60ft
Constant det evil & magic

Know Nature (Aid first who wants it) 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Scarlet caught up to the group a little late - "Seemed there was a job needed someone handy with locks" she offers by way of apology.

The slightly feline woman then gets to entertaining the rest of the fellow travellers with acts of legerdemain and acrobatics to while away the time.

"Traps you say?" her interest piqued "Tell us more about these traps and what lay ahead? What is a Grig, and why is it laying tricks traps and snares?"

Silver Crusade

M Elven Wizard (Evoker)-6 | AC 13 (17 w/mage armor) T 12 FF 11 | HP 27/27 | F +2 R +4 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc +7

On the trip along the Sellen River, Rhanloi tells the rest of his party what he knows about the area they are travelling to. "As you may have heard, Uringen’s alchemists are renowned for the effectiveness of their elixirs and potions. That's why Venture-Captain Smine told us not to bother purchasing these items before we arrived. The town of Uringen was founded in 4637 AR by an Ulfen skald name Birji Uringen. From what I've heard, the clock tower that stands in the center of Uringen doesn’t tell the same time on all its faces, and one of the faces always spins wildly out of control."

In the campsite, at Vissel's tale, Rhanloi adds, "I have heard about a grig named Mather Nithra, who has made numerous threats on the people of Uringen as well as on travelers through Embeth Forest. Although I've never seen a grig in person, I read that these tiny creatures have gossamer wings, the prickly legs of a cricket, and the upper body of an elven woman. A strange combination sure to have strange magical abilities...Can you tell us why it has such enmity on you?"

Kn(Nature): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Dark Archive

Male Halfling Alchemist (Grenadier) 7 [ HP 61/61 | AC 20/T13/F18 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +4 | Perception +17 ]

Sorry for the delay...

From earlier:Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31

Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

Boram nods at Rhanloi's recollection of the pertinent details as he steps forward. "Master Visser. Do you happen to have any honey, bread, milk, or alcoholic beverages? If so, I suggest you leave an offering for the local fey - they may be of some assistance, either here or on the road ahead."

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

“I’ve got a few problems, to be honest. Deadfall, pits, whatever snares those twisted fey thought of, and that’s just the start. They’ll all need to be cleared or disabled before we go back into the woods.”

“Our mules are sick, probably poisoned, and even some of our hounds have succumbed too. Our healers would be most appreciative if you helped them out.”

“Grigs, they're fey folk. This forest hosts a group of them let by Nithra. I’ve never actually seen him face to…well face, I guess. Just in passing as he hopped away from putting mistletoe in the stew pot. Some fey might clean your house while you slept at night, and I can tell you, he’s not that kind. The fey like to harass us in and out of the woods. We usually catch most of their tricks, but not this time.”

If you want to search for traps, roll a perception check followed by a disable check. If you want to treat the poison, roll a heal check

Silver Crusade

M Elven Wizard (Evoker)-6 | AC 13 (17 w/mage armor) T 12 FF 11 | HP 27/27 | F +2 R +4 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc +7

RHanloi offers to attempt to contact Nithra and speak with him. Elves and the fey had a connection, after all, and Rhanloi had learned their language as part of his upbringing...

"But if I do this, I must know anything your people may have to cause his actions. I know the fey - they are capricious pranksters, but not usually prone to such damaging tricks unless they are responding to a threat or an offence. So tell me why they are fighting you...Oh, and I will need a bottle of your best liquor as an appeasement."

Dark Archive

Male Halfling Alchemist (Grenadier) 7 [ HP 61/61 | AC 20/T13/F18 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +4 | Perception +17 ]

Boram quaffs an extract, then gets to work on finding - and attempting to disable - any traps.

Cast heightened awareness, dropping it for the init bonus, if and when applicable. If he spots a trap, he'll make sure everyone else is out of the way before he attempts to disarm it.
Perception (Heightened Awareness): 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 9 + 2 = 26
Disable Device (Masterwork Thieves' Tools): 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 11 + 2 = 15

The Exchange

Scouting SOP:
Dist: 30-60' ahead of party /Move spd:20'. Stealth Scar Take10=34. Pop Take10=35. Perception Scar Take10=29 (33 v Traps)+Trap spotter Pop Take10=26+Detect Magic & Evil
UBar1/URog9, HP96/96 - AC 23, T 17, FF 23/ F+9, R+14, W+8/ CMD 24, CMB +7/ Per +19(Dk Vis), Init +9, Mv 40
F/Lyrakien, HP48/48- AC22,T16,FF18/DR 5(evil)Immune elec, petrify;Res cold & fire 10/ F6,R10,W6/CMD 16,CMB 9/DV 60 ft., LL vis vision; Perc +16 , Init +8, Move 30/60ft
Constant det evil & magic

Scarlet watches to see how Boram goes with the trap, tools at the ready to have a go if things don't work out...

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

Marra sees what she can do for the sick donkeys and dogs.

take 10 heal check for total of 15

She then helps looks for traps.

perception aid: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Boram finds a nasty projectile trap. As soon as he sits down to disarm it, he triggers the mechanism. A dart whizzes past his head and bores itself into a nearby tree trunk.

Nasty dart: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Marra takes some time to treat the poison, but the venom seems to be quite powerful, and takes a bit more effort from her (You didn't make the DC, you can try again).

The rangers lead the party deeper through the forest, until one of them signals a stop Here's another trap. See that pile of logs there? Doesn't look safe to me.

There's still more traps. This one takes a disable roll, you can roll perception find other traps. The donkey are also still sick, so a heal check can be rolled as well.

The Exchange

Scouting SOP:
Dist: 30-60' ahead of party /Move spd:20'. Stealth Scar Take10=34. Pop Take10=35. Perception Scar Take10=29 (33 v Traps)+Trap spotter Pop Take10=26+Detect Magic & Evil
UBar1/URog9, HP96/96 - AC 23, T 17, FF 23/ F+9, R+14, W+8/ CMD 24, CMB +7/ Per +19(Dk Vis), Init +9, Mv 40
F/Lyrakien, HP48/48- AC22,T16,FF18/DR 5(evil)Immune elec, petrify;Res cold & fire 10/ F6,R10,W6/CMD 16,CMB 9/DV 60 ft., LL vis vision; Perc +16 , Init +8, Move 30/60ft
Constant det evil & magic

Scarlet pulls her tools out and gets to work on the trap

Disable Device1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 10 + 2 = 26

Perception (More traps?)
1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 7 + 1 = 24

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Scarlet manages to secure the logs with a few well-struck pegs. Not much further down the road, she spots another, similar pile.

The Exchange

Scouting SOP:
Dist: 30-60' ahead of party /Move spd:20'. Stealth Scar Take10=34. Pop Take10=35. Perception Scar Take10=29 (33 v Traps)+Trap spotter Pop Take10=26+Detect Magic & Evil
UBar1/URog9, HP96/96 - AC 23, T 17, FF 23/ F+9, R+14, W+8/ CMD 24, CMB +7/ Per +19(Dk Vis), Init +9, Mv 40
F/Lyrakien, HP48/48- AC22,T16,FF18/DR 5(evil)Immune elec, petrify;Res cold & fire 10/ F6,R10,W6/CMD 16,CMB 9/DV 60 ft., LL vis vision; Perc +16 , Init +8, Move 30/60ft
Constant det evil & magic

Scarlet takes the same approach as the last pile...

Disable Device 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 10 + 2 = 26

Perception (More traps?)
1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 7 + 1 = 26

"They really don't want you all here, we would like to speak to them, perhaps broker peace?"

Silver Crusade

M Elven Wizard (Evoker)-6 | AC 13 (17 w/mage armor) T 12 FF 11 | HP 27/27 | F +2 R +4 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Rhanloi keeps his eyes open as they travel, occasionally sending his raven familiar ahead to fly past something that looks suspicious.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

Marra does what she can for the animals trying various treatments until she finds one that helps.

heal check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
heal check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
heal check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 cast gallant inspiration to add to the check: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5 total 22.

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Scarlet disables the other trap. After some more moving, and with the help of Rhanloi, she finds another one - a poison dart trap like the one Boram set off.

Meanwhile, Marra is having a hard time treating the animal, though she eventually manages to cure one with a timely dose of inspiration.

With all of these setbacks, and not a single fey in sight, the rangers travel onward, until Visser makes a sign.

Raising his voice over the jingle of yokes and the rattle of wagon wheels, Visser booms out “Halt!” Dismounting from his horse, he gestures down the road. “About half a mile down that road, you’ll be in Uringen. Desna smile on you in that place.”

“Since you’ve been right useful this trip, I was hoping you could carry these reports to Mayors Mieren and Ogden, since you’ll be in town anyway. Put in a good word for you as well, maybe you’ll get something from them for it.”

These reports mostly keep track of what we see. With Uringen so far from anywhere else, it’s good to keep in mind what beasts are wandering about

The town of Uringen is a flurry of activity. Puffs of multicolored smoke rise from tall stone chimneys that emerge from steeply pitched rooftops, and people dressed sharply in black and white shuffle about the town, preparing for the convergence. The divide between the two halves of the town is stark. A wide street, 20 feet across at its widest, separates the static and unstuck portions of the town.

Boarded windows and prominent “closed” signs decorate the static half of the town, whose residents speak in hushed and tense tones. In the unstuck half of the town, excitement and curiosity outweigh fear, and groups of people gather in the streets. Above it all, a four-sided tower looks out upon the town, with an enormous clock face decorating each side at its pinnacle.

In the middle of the street between the two halves, a pair of well-dressed figures appears to be locked in a debate, their words clipped and harsh. Their heated conversation is in Skald, with a smattering of words and phrases in Common.

The man rests his hand on the hilt of a rapier at his side, while the woman hooks her thumbs in the wide sash wrapped around her body. A tiny blue-skinned humanoid with iridescent blue butterfly wings flits behind the woman’s head, a miniscule pair of pince nez perched upon his pert nose.

DC 20 Knowledge (local):

The pair are the mayors of Uringen, Knavar Mieren and Aurelia Ogden

DC 15 Knowledge (nature):

The butterfly-winged humanoid is a pixie, a kind of fey creature.

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

Marra nods taking the reports, "Right Mayor Mieren and Ogden, Thanks for the escort."

K(local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
K(Nature): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Seeing the group in the street, the halfling giggles "I've never seen a Pixie wearing eye glasses before! I bet one of them is the mayor." Moving up to the pair of well-dressed debaters the small halfling looks up at the two, "Excuse me, would one of you happen to be Mieren or Ogden?"

sense motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Silver Crusade

M Elven Wizard (Evoker)-6 | AC 13 (17 w/mage armor) T 12 FF 11 | HP 27/27 | F +2 R +4 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Kn(local): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Kn(nature): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

Rhanloi also identifies the pixie, and follows Marra.

The Exchange

Scouting SOP:
Dist: 30-60' ahead of party /Move spd:20'. Stealth Scar Take10=34. Pop Take10=35. Perception Scar Take10=29 (33 v Traps)+Trap spotter Pop Take10=26+Detect Magic & Evil
UBar1/URog9, HP96/96 - AC 23, T 17, FF 23/ F+9, R+14, W+8/ CMD 24, CMB +7/ Per +19(Dk Vis), Init +9, Mv 40
F/Lyrakien, HP48/48- AC22,T16,FF18/DR 5(evil)Immune elec, petrify;Res cold & fire 10/ F6,R10,W6/CMD 16,CMB 9/DV 60 ft., LL vis vision; Perc +16 , Init +8, Move 30/60ft
Constant det evil & magic

Trap Disable 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 10 + 2 = 28
Scarlet smiles as the trap is disabled... she then packs away her tools with a satisfied smirk.


Scarlets takes in the strange Pixie...her tail swishes with interest as she moves forward to see what unfolds...

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

The man crosses his wiry arms over his broad chest as Marra approaches. The woman is approaching her middle years, the barest grace of silver among sun-bleached brown hair at her temples
and crows’-feet around her brown eyes the only real sign
of her age, and welcomes the group with considerable more grace: “Excellent to see that my message was received and heard by the Society! I’m Mayor Aurelia Ogden, and this is my compatriot, Mayor Knavar Mieren. I trust your journey through the Embeth wasn’t too hazardous?”

If you hand over the reports:

“Not unexpected news, but I will leave the details of the guard arrangement with Mieren. Right now, I must focus all my attention on my experiment—and I, for one, am happy that you are here to assist with it,” Ogden finishes, with a pointed glance at Mayor Mieren.

“Your role in the experiment is very straightforward. I will need several people to observe the westward-facing clock, and record everything you see or hear—taste, smell, touch as well if it becomes necessary. As members of the Pathfinder Society, your experience with…unusual situations is legendary, and this alignment will certainly qualify as ‘unusual’—one for your Pathfinder Journals, I hope!”

The PCs have the opportunity to purchase and use enhanced alchemical goods within Uringen. This enhancement increases the saving throw DCs to resist these alchemical items by 2, and it increases the damage dealt by damaging alchemical items by 50%. These alchemical goods do not cost more than normal. These enhancements do not last past the end of the scenario.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Jadwiga) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7 Barbarian 1 | HP 72/72 | AC:23 T:15 FF:18 CMD: 16 | F+9 R+10 W+7 | Init +5 | Perc +10

Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Skarn greets the pair formally in a flawless, native Skald, before reverting to common for the ease of conversation for his companions.

"Greetings, Lady Mayor. The journey was fine for the most part, thanks to our sharp-eyes companions. Nothing out of the usual though. Here are the reports."

"I'll be delighted in assisting you with your experiment. Do you have any insight on how we could collect some temporal essence?"

Dark Archive

Male Halfling Alchemist (Grenadier) 7 [ HP 61/61 | AC 20/T13/F18 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +4 | Perception +17 ]

I don't suppose Boram might benefit from this bonus with alchemical items he makes himself? As in, perhaps it's something in the air, rather than unique alchemical formulae used in the region that he wouldn't have access to?

While the others do their shopping, Boram takes advantage of the available time. He pulls an odd contraption from his backpack - a hybridization funnel - and proceeds to combine the contents of a number of flasks.

Given the time, he'll take 10 minutes per vial and combine alchemist's fire and alkali flasks, up to 2. If anyone else would like him to perform the same task with their alchemical weapons, he will be willing. I assume that, if he combines these enhanced alchemical weapons, the product will also have that same enhanced quality?

Silver Crusade

M Elven Wizard (Evoker)-6 | AC 13 (17 w/mage armor) T 12 FF 11 | HP 27/27 | F +2 R +4 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Rhanloi peruses the alchemical wares, finally purchasing 10 cold-iron blanched arrows.

The Exchange

Scouting SOP:
Dist: 30-60' ahead of party /Move spd:20'. Stealth Scar Take10=34. Pop Take10=35. Perception Scar Take10=29 (33 v Traps)+Trap spotter Pop Take10=26+Detect Magic & Evil
UBar1/URog9, HP96/96 - AC 23, T 17, FF 23/ F+9, R+14, W+8/ CMD 24, CMB +7/ Per +19(Dk Vis), Init +9, Mv 40
F/Lyrakien, HP48/48- AC22,T16,FF18/DR 5(evil)Immune elec, petrify;Res cold & fire 10/ F6,R10,W6/CMD 16,CMB 9/DV 60 ft., LL vis vision; Perc +16 , Init +8, Move 30/60ft
Constant det evil & magic

Scarlet seems more interested in understanding the magical-mechanical nature of the clock... wondering if it is just one gigantic and elaborate trap.

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

The halfling hands over the reports to the mayors.

Marra picks up a holy water 25gp, holy weapon balm 30gp, an acid flask 10gp, and a shard gel 25gp. Then goes sight seeing until the appointed time.

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

I'll rule that the bonus applies to items crafted here as well.

Collect temporal essence? I don't know anything about that. It's observations what we're after. As you might know, when this part of town becomes ‘unstuck,’ as it is referred to in the local vernacular, we lose all sense of how much time has passed. I am hoping that the timepieces I have constructed will allow us to keep track of time while we remain out of phase with the rest of Uringen. While I’m observing my timepieces, I will not be able to pay attention to other events in the tower. That is where you come in.

It is possibel to have a look inside the tower. Of course, it goes without saying that disturbing any of the mechanisms could have catastrophic side effects, so I will ask you to refrain from doing so. If you want a more thorough tour, please see Cerotious,” and she gestures at the pixie accompanying her. The pixie replies with a start, “Yes, of course! Come with me. I would be most happy to show you around.”

You must tired of travel. the mayor continues, If you want to relax, just go to the Oaken Knot Tavern. I shall cover your stay while you are here, seeing as how you have done such a good job for Visser.

Silver Crusade

M Elven Wizard (Evoker)-6 | AC 13 (17 w/mage armor) T 12 FF 11 | HP 27/27 | F +2 R +4 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Rhanloi thanks the mayor, and nods to the pixie. "I would most enjoy the tower tour!"

Dark Archive

Male Halfling Alchemist (Grenadier) 7 [ HP 61/61 | AC 20/T13/F18 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2 (+2 vs. fear) | Init +4 | Perception +17 ]

Boram nods, "A tour would be welcomed by myself, as well."

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

In the center of “unstuck” Uringen stands the Clock Tower, a five-story edifice constructed of blue-gray stone and mottled with pearlescent white blocks. At the very top, the clock faces align to the cardinal directions, while long arms of weather-tarnished metal click out the hour and minute, but the four faces do not depict the same time. The time on the western face moves the most erratically, with its arms swinging backwards and forwards, while the northern face depicts an accurate time. On each floor, glass windows break up the monotony of stone, but even these are covered with arcane scripts and sigils from an eclectic variety of arcane traditions.

Cerotious eagerly welcomes the party when they arrive at the tower together: Welcome to the Tower—I would be Cerotious, aide-de-camp for Mayor Ogden and advisor of First World affairs to Uringen. Is there anything in particular that makes you curious? The pixie manages to pull off a courtly bow in mid-air as he presents his name and title. Around the butterfly-winged fey, plain-robed apprentices set up delicate apparatuses, while others walk slowly up the wooden stairs to the next floor.

“As you can see, Ogden’s lesser apprentices are moving her timepieces to various places within the Tower, but my focus is here—on the circle. Most of the speculation up to this point thinks that Reckless Rhona messed up her construction…but I don’t think so.”

The pixie flits over to an open windowsill, pointing at the narrow gap between the stonework. “This is not the work of a sloppy person! No! The tower is build on top of a fey circle, and I think that interfered with her design somehow, and that’s why part of the town disappears…I just have to prove that somehow.”

The pixie pauses for a moment, tracing a symbol on one of the white stones embedded in the wall. “Aurelia mentioned that an unbiased and fresh set of eyes might reveal insight otherwise clouded by staring at it too long. As the senior assistant researcher and head pixie on the clock tower deciphering project, I take any potential leads very seriously.

You are free to move around the tower. There are five floors, that can all be searched. The mechanism of the tower can be investigated (K(eng)), or the structure of the tower itself (K(eng) or Craft(stonemasonry).

The Exchange

Scouting SOP:
Dist: 30-60' ahead of party /Move spd:20'. Stealth Scar Take10=34. Pop Take10=35. Perception Scar Take10=29 (33 v Traps)+Trap spotter Pop Take10=26+Detect Magic & Evil
UBar1/URog9, HP96/96 - AC 23, T 17, FF 23/ F+9, R+14, W+8/ CMD 24, CMB +7/ Per +19(Dk Vis), Init +9, Mv 40
F/Lyrakien, HP48/48- AC22,T16,FF18/DR 5(evil)Immune elec, petrify;Res cold & fire 10/ F6,R10,W6/CMD 16,CMB 9/DV 60 ft., LL vis vision; Perc +16 , Init +8, Move 30/60ft
Constant det evil & magic

Hmmm - Scarlet is more interested in looking over the tower and all the clocks working mechanisms incase she finds herself having to disable them - she's keen to find any mechanisms, hunt for magical traps, or find any odd patterns. She's more worried this whole tower is some elaborate trap or the like and would like to know how to 'disarm it' should the time come

Her Take 10 perception is 17, and Disable Device is 22 - will take 20 if possible and time allows.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Jadwiga) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 7 Barbarian 1 | HP 72/72 | AC:23 T:15 FF:18 CMD: 16 | F+9 R+10 W+7 | Init +5 | Perc +10

Skarn isn't trained in any of those skills, but he'll have a look at anything he might fight unusual in the tower, aiding Scarlet in her endeavour.

Perception (aid): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

Marra happily searches the floors, investigates the mechanism and structure of the tower, letting her curiosity run loose.

perception floor 1: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22
perception floor 2: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
perception floor 3: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
perception floor 4: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
perception floor 5: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

K(eng) investigate mechanism: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

K(eng) tower structure: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Silver Crusade

M Elven Wizard (Evoker)-6 | AC 13 (17 w/mage armor) T 12 FF 11 | HP 27/27 | F +2 R +4 W +7 | Init +1 | Perc +7

RHanloi explores each floor slowly, examining the arcane writings and the mechanical gearing, looking for patterns or significance between them. He also asks the pixie about the fey circle - can it be seen? What properties and effects does it have?

Kn(eng) is a 20 if he takes 10. Kn(arcana) is 23 if he takes 10. Spellcraft is 25 to determine properties of magic items - 23 otherwise. =)

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

The gears within the clock tower are extraordinarily intricate. Scarlet notice an anomaly in the mechanism; some of the gears should not be moving at all, or should be moving in the opposite direction, if they worked as typical gears.

Marra takes her time, thoroughly examining every floor (Can you make me a single, extra perception check?). She notices the tower is built out of the crystalline stone known as quartzite instead of the more common granite.

Rhanloi investigates the strange sigils. They're hard to decipher, but within the jumble of markings and glyphs, there seems to be some unusual magic. When pointed out to Cerotius, he makes a whoop of joy Brilliant! The sigils, we've never noticed them, but they looks to be part of Ambros' esoteric time magic. This is a major breakthrough! We'll finally be able to figure out if the tower really can be used to travel through time.

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