PFS 6-08 The Segang Expedition - GM Lamplighter (Inactive)

Game Master Scott Young

Lost Temple map

Tiger hunt map

Jungle trail map

Monkey Attack map

Now recruiting! Submit your character here.

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5.

Rumors of a lost shrine in the Segang Jungle draw the Pathfinder Society’s attention, but the prohibitive cost of sending a team into the wilds of Jalmeray threatens to shut down the expedition before it even begins. Fortunately, a wealthy patron has offered to fund the PCs travel expenses in return for their help in his decades-old quest. Can the Pathfinders balance this new obligation with their exploration of the archaeological site?

Content in “The Segang Expedition” also contributes directly to the ongoing storyline of the Sovereign Court faction.

If I have a character ready in time. If six other people sign up before then, just skip me.

EDIT: he is a level 2 something, currently named Nick Otto Thyme.

Great! I have a 3rd-level Sovereign Court character ready to go (a bard 1/cleric 2).

I also have a few other characters ready to go if preferable for party balance, or if we're going for a lower tier.

Count me in. Either my (by then) level 3 paladin, or my brand new bard.

Opinion poll, which Unchained class would you like to see?

Liberty's Edge

Count me in. Swashbuckler 5

I was going to toss in a Divine Hunter Paladin I've been kicking around for a while, but the table sees to be running to high-tier currently.

Katari level 3
Roland level 5
Sodium level 3
Nohwer level 2

So right now we're right in the middle.

I don't have much (or any) experience with out-of-tier play. It seems like a bad idea to roll a fresh level 1 character into a high-tier scenario.

What are the other players' thoughts? If we thought it was doable, I certainly wouldn't turn down the out-of-tier gold pile that would come with it, but I'd be concerned that I'd pretty much be dead weight in tougher fights.

Since we are currently mid tier, you would help move us closer to low. At the very least you could bare my wand.

If other folks are fine with it, I'd be happy to join up. I want to make sure everyone's fine carrying me ... er ... I mean giving a junior pathfinder a wonderful training opportunity. ;)

Let me know, and—if people are fien with it—I'll register and finalize the character sheet.

Grand Lodge

This is Nohwear. I am rolling up an Unchained Monk. Since I have throw anything, what would you rule is the damage of a piton?

I have a level one Warpriest that hasn't been played if there is a spot available...

[edit]Nevermind, just saw the tier. Good luck

Nick Otto Thyme wrote:
This is Nohwear. I am rolling up an Unchained Monk. Since I have throw anything, what would you rule is the damage of a piton?

Looks like a dagger to me.

Eben TheQuiet wrote:

I don't have much (or any) experience with out-of-tier play. It seems like a bad idea to roll a fresh level 1 character into a high-tier scenario.

What are the other players' thoughts? If we thought it was doable, I certainly wouldn't turn down the out-of-tier gold pile that would come with it, but I'd be concerned that I'd pretty much be dead weight in tougher fights.

I can't say for sure, having never done that before. But I have done the reverse, actually; I've played a level 3 character with other levels 1 and 2 characters in a tier 1-2 game. In that game, I was not awarded the tier 1-2 gold amount, but rather the midpoint between tier 1-2 and tier 4-5 in gold. Iow, it was based on my character's level rather than the group's average level.

So I'd expect you would receive a gold amount based on your level in this game, rather than the group's average level.

Perhaps someone else with more knowledge or experience can collaborate or correct me, however.

Yes, if you play out of the subtier, you get the out-of-tier gold. I think he's more worried about getting killed facing level 4-5 bad guys.

Grand Lodge

I believe that I am finished.

Eh. Given the level disparity—and the fact that I'm still having trouble pinning the character down—I'm withdrawing. You guys have fun.

Sovereign Court

Rapunzel is ready to let down her hair...Level 2 Lore Warden/ Level 2 White Haired Witch.

Ok, so currently we have:

Grigori (played by katari) - level 3
Roland - level 5
Nick - level 2
Rapunzel - level 4
?? (Played by SodiumTelluride) - level 3

Room for one more, playing high tier.

My level 3 is a paladin who may or may not be done with his current scenario in time, and definitely won't if you intend to start in the next few days. If that's the case, I'd be playing a level 1 bard (though if you go high-tier I might just drop out entirely).

Looks like high tier at this point. We can wait for a bit, as we have no other applicants, but I would like to start soon.

Sovereign Court

This is Kartari, signing in with Fr. Grigori Yefimovich.

@GM Lamplighter - Please note that I've included in the Notes spoiler of this profile some New Purchases/Sales made after my last session.

Liberty's Edge

Just in case you have a spot left or somebody drops, I can offer my gnome alchemist (level 5).

Welcome aboard Lymwin! That makes 5, plus Sodium's paladin. When do you think you might be free?

Too long. I'll just drop out.

Doh. Sorry. I guess we have single space still available.

Liberty's Edge

Character updated, thanks for letting me join :)

Discussion thread is open for out-of-character chatter. You will be starting in Absalom.

I do have a level 2 gunslinger which I'm this close to pulling out of her current Crypt of the Everflame campaign. The GM almost never posts more than once in any given day or even any two days, and often goes several days without posting at all. It's been more than a month and, to anyone who's played it, we haven't even reached the crypt yet. So if you wouldn't mind adding another level 2 to the mix, then I'm in.

Sovereign Court

If there is a spot for him, Darius is available ^^.
lvl 3.2 atm.

Hi Darius - sorry, we have our six. I'll keep you on the wait/sub list, though.

Sovereign Court

Oh well. I'm sure Grigori and Darius will butt heads again in another adventure. :)

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