Thaddeus Silverhorn |
HP:21/21 | AC:18 | T:13 | FF:15 | CMD:17 | CMB:+4 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+6 / +7 vs. traps | Will:+4 | Initiative:+3 | Perception:+9+1d6 | Darkvision (120') | Stealth: +11 | Group Loot
Day Job Roll: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 Mwah wah waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
GM - Obermind |
Currency and Loot // MAP
Eben, I feel like I need to flex my GM muscles again - I haven't GMed for some time, except for the occasional PFS scenarios.
My plan for now is throwing a few more PFS scenarios around, preferably some that can be linked for some consistency (I just like it better that way), maybe a module or two, and finally I am decided on tackling an AP.
I have a few of my games that are coming to their conclusion here on the boards, so I'll make my best effort not to pick up any others, and focus on GMing.
Thaddeus Silverhorn |
HP:21/21 | AC:18 | T:13 | FF:15 | CMD:17 | CMB:+4 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+6 / +7 vs. traps | Will:+4 | Initiative:+3 | Perception:+9+1d6 | Darkvision (120') | Stealth: +11 | Group Loot
Eben TheQuiet wrote:
Dude, you already made your Day Job roll back HERE
Oh, yeah, thanks! That's MUCH better!
GM - Obermind |
Currency and Loot // MAP
Guys, you can PM me your e-mail addresses - I will forward you the Chronicle sheets tonight.