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thanks for turning this on.
what are our options for tiers and what levels are we all playing. Lore is 3rd.

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The new kid is happy to go along with the majority decision. :)
Ruprecht, Lore, Grim, Tomoe, Telurion, all Level 3, I think.
Eadie is a Fighter 2, so I make our APL = (5x3+2)/6 = 2.83
EDIT: If we play down (or up for that matter), does that mean the Level 3's get mid-tier gold under the new rules?

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Starting with Season 4, scenarios are designed for six characters and contain instructions on how to adjust the scenario for four-character parties.
When the APL of a table is between two subtiers (like APL 3 for a Tier 1–5 scenario), a party of four characters must play the lower tier without any adjustments for party size. A party of five to seven characters whose APL is between two subtiers must play the higher tier with the four-character adjustment.
So just to be sure I understand … our APL of 2.83 rounds to 3, which is right between tiers.
Therefore with six PCs, we have to play 4-5 BUT with the scaling adjustment for 4 players.
Is that right, DrGabe?

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"… if they are willin ta hold a wayfarer ... "
Grim, when you say Wayfarers, I assume you mean the Ray Bans smoked goggles brand made famous in the 80’s by Miami Vice and Rick Astley?
**Warning** Suitable for Work, but should NOT be viewed on a full stomach.

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I now make our APL = (4x3+2x2)/6 = 2.67, which still rounds to 3, under the Season 5 rules.
2 fighters, 2 healers, crytbreaker alchemist and bard makes a pretty well-balanced party.
Ruprecht, Lore and Grim have been through most of Thornkeep 1-2 with 4, which I think is a testament to their ability and teamwork. I have adventured with Grim before and I know he will have my back, and I’m pretty sure he knows I will have his. ;)
I think teamwork and party cohesion is very important in getting through these scenarios. I am very comfortable with this group.
Having said that, I think we need to make a decision in gameplay and GO! :) What do you all think?

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A note on procedures
During a combat, please check the Initiative Order. This is usually at the bottom of the post. PC's will have their names in bold. That indicates the active PC who need to post a turn. I personally don't care which order PC's go. Player A may go first in one round while player B in the next. That is ok. At a face to face table that would end up with a delay action with those two players switching spots in the order. As long as you are going before the NPC there is no real difference.
What does matter is people posting extra turns in one combat round. Please only post once per round. It is acceptable that if you will unavailable for a day or so to post your turn or a series of turns. Please do that in the spoiler tags to help avoid confusion.
I will summarize a players turn with narrative. If your turn isn't summarized then one of two things have happened: (1) I made a mistake, please post using a Spoiler tag labeled "GM" or send me a PM. I'll correct the mistake. (2) You made a mistake. Its cool it happens, but I'll just ignore the action and move on (much like at a real table).

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My mother-in-law is in the hospital and not expected to do well. I will be traveling for a few days with unknown internet access... Please feel free to bot me as necessary. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
Lore has 3 fire bolts remaining from her produce flame spell and will throw them one at a time til gone unless needed for healing.

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So sorry to hear that, Lore. We’ll be here when you’re back.

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Woah, Ruprecht. I see you have signed up one of your alts to play in GM Nebten's game on PbP Day.
**Cue Darth Vader Imperial Death March Music**

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Eadie, I've heard that is a tough but great scenario. And I've heard really good things re Nebten as well. Can't wait for it.

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Hello everyone,
I know the timing is not the best, but I wanted to let you all know that starting from today (still have a couple hundred Km to travel) I will be GMing at a Pathfinder Society Con over here in my neck of the woods.
This will last until Sunday evening, and even though I wil probably have access to my PC, I cannot guarantee any decent posting during this period.
Next Monday I will be back in business.

Hayato Ken |

I´m offering The Stolen Heir for Paizo PbP gameday and some did not yhow up. Be welcome to join if interested!

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Sorry, Tomoe I don't quite understand the question.
If you're asking can you play a Level 3 in a Tier 1-2 exclusive like We Be Goblins! Or Master of the Fallen Fortress, I believe the answer is no.
If you're asking do you get out of tier gold for successfully completing a sub-tier 1-2 as a Level 3 in a 1-5 or 1-7 Tier scenario, the latest Guide to Organized Play (pages 32 and 35) seems to say yes.

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Hello again everyone,
I am back from the CON - was really an interesting one, as we do not usually have events with this dimension over here.
And man, it was CRAZY fun running the multi-table Siege of the Diamond City - I had never done anything similar, it was quite unique. Won't comment it any further so as not to spoiler it for the ones that haven't played it.
Anyways, I'm BACK!
P.S. Yep, Portugal it is Tomoe ;)

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Thanks Eadie!
The latter was the question!
I´m linguistically lost somewhere between german, english, chinese and japanese, so i can ask or formulate strange sounding things sometimes^^

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Welcome back Eredax. Sounds like you had a great time! and I was glad to help NPC you.. Hope it's okay that I used one of your spells for the day.

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@DrGabe Travelling home today after a ten day break visiting family. If required, I should be able to make a post in 12 hours or so.
@Tomoe No worries! Your English is MUCH better than my German, Japanese or Chinese. Which dialect of Chinese do you speak?
@Eredax Welcome back!

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Enjoy your time!
I speak mandarin, called putonghua, but with a strong southern accent.
Don´t really speak the southern dialects though. Especially not cantonese.
My english is so "strong", sometimes i can´t tell english or german. Especially after reading or watching a movie sometimes, i just forget which language it was. It´s really funny^^

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Oh, I can understand this.
I studied French and German in high school. I had my final oral exam for both classes on the same day, and kept getting the two mixed up. (Sadly, I’ve forgotten it all now – I think languages are a real ‘use it or lose it’ skill).
Technically English is my second language though. My first is Strailyun.
So, is it wrong that I read everyone’s character speaking with an Australian accent? ;)

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Nope. I´m probably gonna be influenced by australian english soon because i get an australian roommate japanese roommate^^
But how can you mix up french and german? That´s blasphemy! :D

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... because i get an australian roommate japanese roommate^^
I hope they bring Tim Tams with them.
But how can you mix up french and german?
Très leicht, mein Monsieur!

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Despite myself, I have a grudging respect for author Mike Shel.
Devils in the season opener of “Year of the Demon?” … gotcha!!
He’s a sneaking, sneaksus. Yes he is, Precious.
And … fire immunity in the last(?) fight! I *groaned* along with you, Lore. ;)

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Well look who snuck in... hehe

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lol, no kidding. Mike I hope that I am serving your scenario well. Any critiques you want to push my way, I can take it! (I hope).
Très leicht, mein Monsieur!
Yeah, the devil down here is the gotcha moment. There is another gotcha moment coming up... that one you probably wont like as much.
The end is near folks, so very near.

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. . .
Shrouded in hooded robes, the red-faced young woman sits in the dust before the circle.
She gathers an upturned green dragon’s skull and commences the ju-ju ceremony by adding:
♆ A pinch of mud from a sorcerer’s tomb, in honor of the dwarves,
♆ Fresh water from the Glass River, in honor of green gremlins,
♆ The essence of light from a lady’s smile, in honor of the gnomes,
♆ Salt water from the Shackles and snow from Irrisen, in honor of dual-cursed oracles,
♆ Blood from the oni, in honor of the kitsune,
♆ Wrathful shadow from a demanding medusa of iron, who lives in a manor starting with ‘G’ … in one of the corrupted realms of the Abyss … in honor of the elves.
She stirs the mixture and holds it aloft, before consuming it. Then she DARES speaketh the Blue Lord’s name …

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I bet there are some razmiran forces showing up and there is a chance of messing up the scenario. That somehow makes a lot of sense.
@DrGabe: Waiting for confirmation if Quinn Reed will go look after the Stolen heir or not^^
Is there some function that points Contributors and staff members at threads where their name is told? Or is that just general narcisism that they are daily searching their name via the search function? :D
This scenario somehow points me to my next buy: Gloves of reconnaisance, THE most OP item in the game^^
Eadie i don´t understand your ritual. You anticipating our afterlives?

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Nope. If we keep going the way we have been, I think we’ll be fine.
The ritual is my (admittedly obtuse) way of saying sorry to Mike Shel, based on his body of work. I have attempted to honor a great group of people at the same time.

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oh I LOVE Gloves of Reconnaissance.... my rogue in S&S grabbed a pair of those as soon as he could afford them!