Alton Goodbarrel |
Alton moves and sits to the side of the crowd, closing his eyes he lets himself get lost in the music and begins softly humming along with the chord changes.
This is something I do a lot
GM Dust |
After Rosemary and Mint finish their performance, the few people in the crowd clap and toss a few coins into their jar before departing.
Mint sighs. "Well, it's better than nothing, I suppose."
"I guess we're having coffee and rolls again tonight," Rosemary says. "Still...we're not going hungry."
"True..." the gnome agrees, starting to pack up their small set up.
Rosalina Luri |
Walking up to the pair Rosa smiles, "That was a really great performance. I've never seen anything like it before, truly truly mesmerizing."
Dropping five gold in their jar she just gets a quiet look on her face before speaking, "What you do for just amazing. I saw so many happy smiling faces in the crowd. You bring something to them that they may not get to experience that often. Anyways, I just wanted you to know how much it meant to me to see your performance tonight."
GM Dust |
The gnome brightens up, tipping her hat back. "Well, thank you kindly, stranger. I haven't seen you here before. You new?"
"Mint..." Rosemary groans. "Don't get involved with the hard luck cases. That's how we ended up performing for pence in the park. Although, thank you for paying for a decent meal for us tonight."
Rosalina Luri |
Looking at the two and listening to their exchange is almost as entertaining as their show. Laughing lightly Rosa says, "Yeah, we're new...but, not hard luck. We were just out and about having some fun before getting down to work tomorrow. The next few days are going to be pretty steady for, we heard about your show and decided to check it out. I'm really glad we did."
Alton Goodbarrel |
"Then I'm making it a feast." Alton said walking up dropping a lone platinum piece in the jar. "From one musician to another I thank you for the journey you sent us on.
GM Dust |
"Well, glad you enjoyed it," Rosemary says, brushing her blonde hair back. "Mint composes the stuff. I just play."
"And you bring such talent to it, dear," Mint says with a smile. "Well, you folks have a good night and be safe. We're usually here every night and we change up our performances every week or so. Hope to see you again."
The two girls head off, carrying their belongings.
Eleanor Sibyl |
If she wasn't dirt poor Eleanor would have shared in the others generosity and given some coin herself.
Reaching for her notebook she scribbles a few notes regarding the musicians before putting it away.
"Hopefully we can make it here fairly often I really enjoyed the show."
Alton Goodbarrel |
"Sleep is for the weak I say, but right now I'm feeling rather weak." Alton stifled a small yawn and followed the others.
sleep for me as well I'll be back in about 7 hours
GM Dust |
Aneirin Hahle |
Nye watches the show, glad to be transported elsewhere for a few moments. After the performance he hangs back, not particularly interested in talking to the players.
Upon waking early, Aneirin washes perfunctorily, cleans his teeth and otherwise completes his toilette before packing his gear carefully. He checks under every piece of furniture to make sure he has not left anything behind.
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Just before leaving, he removes a picture from the wall and writes NYE on the wall in big letters with a piece of charcoal, then smiles to himself and hangs the picture back up.
He heads out and down to the foyer, hands in his key and sits down to wait for the others.
Eleanor Sibyl |
Eleanor spends a little extra time in the shower enjoying the hot water, unsure of her future in the city and the of the next opportunity to relax.
Afterwords she gathers her belongings and heads to the lobby to wait for the others. Humming to the tune still stuck in her head from the night before.
Aneirin Hahle |
Alton Goodbarrel |
"Nuhhhhhh.... Nye I don't want to go to class.... nughh" Alton rolled about in the bed still sleeping."Nughhh... No don't throw the dire bunny at me- OH S@^#!" Alton screamed as he rolled off the bed and hit face first into the floor.
"Owww, that really hurt." Alton leaned up against the bed and rubbed his forehead. "Guess it was time to get up anyways." He dressed himself, gathered his things, and made his way to the lobby.
Alton eyed Nye as he turned in key, suspecting he might have a dire bunny in his bag.
Rosalina Luri |
Rosa wakes up slowly, letting the rays of the sun warm her body. Climbing out of the bed, she decides to enjoy all the amenities the hotel has to offer and takes a nice hot shower, using the Hotel's soaps as she does so. Once all of her more personal needs are taken care of, she goes about the room picking up all of her belongings and heads downstairs to meet up with the others.
Aneirin Hahle |
Nye's eyebrows raise slightly.
"A *cleric*. I thought there was something about her. So beautiful. So trapped, and likely misguided. Or perhaps it is I who is misguided. I know I'd like to let her guide me. Somewhere completely ungodly. A small wistful smile plays on Aneirin's lips as he muses on the lady.
Soon he is lost in a reverie as her thinks some more horizontal thoughts about the pale, tattooed woman. Not in her vestments. At all.
Sadly Nye doesn't have the temerity to get up and actually chase her. Probably his only chance of making any sort of introduction before he returns to the downbelow. Durn fool.
Aw heck. Let's let the poor benighted virgin make a Will save to overcome his own shyness. Say DC 18?
Nervy Nye: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Sorry Nye.
Aneirin Hahle |
"Nuhhhhhh.... Nye I don't want to go to class.... nughh" Alton rolled about in the bed still sleeping."Nughhh... No don't throw the dire bunny at me- OH S@^#!" Alton screamed as he rolled off the bed and hit face first into the floor.
"Owww, that really hurt." Alton leaned up against the bed and rubbed his forehead. "Guess it was time to get up anyways." He dressed himself, gathered his things, and made his way to the lobby.
Alton eyed Nye as he turned in key, suspecting he might have a dire bunny in his bag.
Nice one Alton. I think perhaps a security-dire bunny might just be in Nye's bag. Maybe it's because I get to watch Peter Rabbit every night…
Vivian Mulvaney |
Vivian awakens from a more relaxed sleep than any night she can remember in the center. Enjoying the luxury of a steaming hot bath, she feels as if the hot water washes away, not only the sweat and grime of the long train ride, but the restrictions and restraints of the Learning center.
Getting out she looks in the mirror as she dries her hair. Maybe she would get it cut, maybe even color it. They all had an opportunity to be what they chose to be, and she wanted to embrace it fully.
Dressing she makes her way down to the others.
Alton Goodbarrel |
Lets see if Alton can give Nye a push, will go with DC 15 since thats what he rolled
Helping Out Nye: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11
Alton continues to eying Nye still suspecting his involvements with dire bunnies and unaware of his nervous plight.
Rosalina Luri |
Rubbing Mara's head she looks down at her little reptilian friend, "Did you sleep last night Mara? Ya know....if you don't like being alone you can always bunk with me. We better go see what the others are up to and figure out breakfast before we go meet up with Kappy. What do ya say, hungry?" Rosa and Mara walk downstairs together, meeting up with Vi in the elevator.
"Mornin' was your night?"
Amara Nacht |
Amara sleeps for a time, but as usual it is about 6 hours before she wakes again. She showers quickly and heads out to wait at Rosa's room, her back facing the door.
"Hi!" she says when Rosa comes out. "You know I always want food. Meat..." she trails off as they go to meet Vi. She walks on all fours with her tail held up in the air like this.
Rosalina Luri |
Rosa laughs, "I know you do Mara...but, we can't afford to eat like that every day." Looking at Vi she says, "I'm feeling....pretty good. It was probably the best sleep I've had in a good long while. Like Mara here though, I am feeling hungry. Maybe we should head back over to the Kettle for some breakfast before seeing Kappy? I'm gonna want to get some information on those punks we scared off last night."
Alton Goodbarrel |
"I'll split some rabbit with you if they have any Mar-Mar. You might want to try sneak some fruit in your system though." Alton said joining the three girls.
Rosalina Luri |
" we wanna go back to the Copper Kettle, or try something else on our way back to see Kappy? It looked like they had some roadside stands along the way when we passed by there with Ratsome last night. The other question is, are we gonna walk the few miles back to Kappy's place, or do we wanna call Ratsome for a ride once we get something to eat?"
Rosalina Luri |
Foregoing the empty calories of the noodles, Rosa opts instead for some of the more protein packed meat pockets and then stops by the fruit stand to pick some fresh fruit that they can use for nourishment later.
Looking at the others she says, "What does everyone want? Those meat things look good. I think I'll have a couple of those and some fruit for the road."
She's getting 2 "meat pockets" for herself, and about 6 different pieces of fruit. I'm waiting to see what everyone else wants and who needs help paying for theirs
Amara Nacht |
Amara orders 5 of these tacos. Everyone hears the crunch of the shells as they walk to their destination.
"Why didn't Lohne have these? They have the best stuff here!" she says in-between bites.
Aneirin Hahle |
Nye takes his time over selecting three of the shredded meat/corn shells meat pockets he begins devouring immediately and a bunch of mixed fruit he intends to save for "down the road"...