Neverwinter Tales (Inactive)

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Silver Crusade

I am checking to see if anyone would like to play in a Neverwinter homebrew game using 4E rules. All WotC material is usable for this. I am looking for 4-6 players.

Dark Archive

I'd be interested in putting forward a LazyLord, if there's a sufficiently competent weapon... err, melee combatant...

Silver Crusade

Lots of combat to be is Neverwinter !

Probably going to submit a sorcerer. Themes + backgrounds allowed?

Silver Crusade

Yes they are.

Hi, I might interested; I am thinking a Razorclaw Shifter Ranger, what is the array and is it a play-by-post?

I'm down! I just reacquired a fully functional character builder. Throw up some deets son!

I'd be very interested. I'd be looking to play a Paladin (I just recently got the Divine Handbook and am dying to try some of the classes out).

This will be a play by post. And the array will be the bottem array in the builder.

If you guys roll ups PC's please include a back story with your theme. I am looking to get the game going by Friday.

Could I ask which builder you are referring to by "the bottom array in the builder"?

Level 1 I assume? Any math fixes?

Also, any reason why you're using array vs. point buy?

Padawan09 wrote:
Could I ask which builder you are referring to by "the bottom array in the builder"?

Most likely the Online Builder- so 16,16,12,11,11,8 (I personally prefer 16,16,13,11,10,8 or 18, 13, 13, 10, 10, 8 as my arrays when using point buy, as most strikers basically need the 18 in order to be the most effective)

Hey Berenzen,
You are right about the array piece, I was thinking about something else when I was looking at the builder. You can use the point buy in using the 22 point system found on pg 17 of PH1, or you can use the array of 18,14,11,10,10,8. I am trying this system of giving players options for builds. Hope that helps with Character creation, please keep in mind we playing in Neverwinter, so a Warforged Vampire or Pixie Hexblade will need a good story.

Okay, Point-buy; perfect... anyone okay with a non-optimized character? Because 4e tends to murder non-optimized PCs fairly quickly, nothing much just 12 CHA and 12 INT( I think ... I'm gonna have to try Pathguy and see what I can come up with. ;)

Edit: Actually scratch the two twelves, it would've murdered my PC, also IDK about the online stuff, but is being an explorer and being from Baldur's gate okay with you, it's actually the only place from FR I'm kinda familiar with. I am making an alias for her now; I will be done and posting tommorrow w/ her the day after tommorrow. just fleshing backstory now.

Welcome aboard Awaken...

A couple of questions.

Which pantheon of gods are you using? (Divine Powers only has listings for the standard D&D pantheon, and not having the Faerun gods' domains makes it hard to know which domain feats I'd be able to take)

Is this going to take place before, during, or after the Spellplague? And if after, how long after?

Would this be played over voice chat + chat or how? Im quite new to all of this and want to get a foot into some game :O

This will after the Spellplague I will be using the Neverwinter Campaign guide for a source, the FR setting book can be used as well.

Wicked Sencho
This will be play by post,

I will be using Roll20 for the map stuff. I will also create an Obsidian Portal for this as well.

I am actually still kind of new to this site, what are roll20 and an Obsidian Portal?

roll 20 is great website for running a table top OP is more a less a campaign site it will have wiki and adventure log.

Some thoughts on character options
Heir of Delzoun, Scion of Shadow, Ililyanbruen Guardian. These would be good if anyone wants to roll up with these.

Here it is

Valinae, Seeker of Knowledge:

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Valenae, Seeker of Knowledge, level 1
Eladrin, Avenger
Avenger's Censure Option: Censure of Pursuit
Detective (Detective Benefit)
Theme: Sohei

STR 13, CON 10, DEX 17, INT 12, WIS 17, CHA 8

STR 13, CON 10, DEX 15, INT 10, WIS 17, CHA 8

AC: 16 Fort: 12 Ref: 14 Will: 15
HP: 24 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 6

Acrobatics +9, Insight +10, Perception +10, Religion +7, Stealth +9

Arcana +3, Athletics +1, Bluff –1, Diplomacy –1, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +0, Heal +3, History +3, Intimidate –1, Nature +3, Streetwise –1, Thievery +3

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Sohei Attack: Sohei Flurry
Eladrin Racial Power: Fey Step
Avenger Feature: Abjure Undead
Avenger Feature: Divine Guidance
Avenger Feature: Oath of Enmity
Avenger Attack 1: Overwhelming Strike
Avenger Attack 1: Radiant Vengeance
Avenger Attack 1: Whirlwind Charge
Avenger Attack 1: Aspect of Might

Power of Skill

Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing)
Longspear x1
====== End ======

Working on the backstory now


Some changes

Valinae, Seeker of Knowledge:
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Valinae. Seeker of Knowledge, level 1
Wood Elf, Avenger
Avenger's Censure Option: Censure of Pursuit
Detective (Detective Benefit)
Theme: Sohei

STR 13, CON 11, DEX 18, INT 10, WIS 18, CHA 8

STR 13, CON 11, DEX 16, INT 10, WIS 16, CHA 8

AC: 17 Fort: 12 Ref: 15 Will: 15
HP: 25 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 6

Acrobatics +10, Insight +11, Religion +6, Stealth +10

Arcana +0, Athletics +1, Bluff –1, Diplomacy –1, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance +0, Heal +4, History +0, Intimidate –1, Nature +6, Perception +7, Streetwise –1, Thievery +4

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Sohei Attack: Sohei Flurry
Avenger Feature: Abjure Undead
Avenger Feature: Divine Guidance
Avenger Feature: Oath of Enmity
Avenger Attack 1: Overwhelming Strike
Avenger Attack 1: Radiant Vengeance
Avenger Attack 1: Angelic Alacrity
Avenger Attack 1: Aspect of Might

Level 1: Power of Skill

Falchion x1
Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) x1
Adventurer's Kit
Holy Symbol x1
====== End ======

Looks good.

I just made an alias, the main info is in the more about section...

Mia M. Pierce

Tavar Raham:

Tavar Raham, Paladin of Oghma
Deva, Paladin 1
Languages: Common, Celestial, Elven

STR 12, CON 13, DEX 13, INT 8, WIS 14, CHA 16

STR 12, CON 13, DEX 13, INT 8, WIS 16, CHA 18

AC: 20 Fort: 12 Ref: 14 Will: 15
HP: 28 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 7
Initiative: +1
Speed: 5 (6 -1 Armor)
Resistances: Radiant 5, Necrotic 5

Diplomacy +9, Heal +8, Insight +8, Religion +6

Acrobatics -3, Arcana -1, Athletics -3, Bluff +4, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance -3, History +1, Intimidate +4, Nature +3, Perception +3, Stealth -1, Streetwise +4, Thievery -3

Astral Majesty: +1 to all defenses against bloodied opponents.
Astral Resistance: Gain Resist 5+1/2 level against Radiant and Necrotic.
Immortal Origin: Treated as Immortal for effects that relate to origin.
Memory of A Thousand Lifetimes

Basic Attack: Virtuous Strike
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Paladin Feature: Channel Divinity-Divine Mettle
Paladin Feature: Channel Divinity-Divine Strength
Paladin Feature: Ardent Vow
Paladin Feature: Divine Challenge
Paladin At-Will: Virtuous Strike
Paladin At-Will: Bolstering Strike
Paladin lvl 1 Encounter: Guardian Light
Paladin lvl 1 Daily: Majestic Halo

Astral Fire: +1 feat bonus to damage rolls when using a power w/ the Fire or Radiant keyword.

Plate Armor
Heavy Shield
Holy Symbol
Rations (4 days)
Flint and Steel
6 Gold, 9 Silver

Will hopefully have a back story written up tonight or tomorrow.

Here is Tavar's alias.

What do I have to do if I want to get into Play by Post games? O.o' Would be easier to explain via chat I guess, so my skype is: sencho.dragon

All ou have to do is create your character Kuroki and post it on this thread (most people also make an alias for their character). If the number of people is in the range the DM wants, everyone gets to play!

If not... well then it's a fight to the death, using only a spoon and a foot of yarn... Wait, sorry, wrong forums ;)

If there are too many players, the GM simply looks at who he thinks would best fit in the campaign and the group and selects them to play.

Sencho all you have to do is post in this forum.
Here is who I have so far.
Tavar-Paladin of Oghma
Valinae- Avenger
Mia Marshall Pierce- Ranger
Sencho I will hold a spot for you till Friday..
I will take 1 Person

If we need a leader, I can hammer one out pretty quickly.

It seems that way Berenzen, I'm playing a flashlight Paladin, so very little healing coming from me (Bolstering Strike for myself is about it since I traded LoH for Ardent Vow).

If you would rather run a defender I'm not opposed to working up a Cleric of some sort. (Yea, I use Divine a lot since it's the only Powers book I have haha). Of course, there's always the possibility Sencho will create a Leader and we won't have to worry about it ;)

God damn I made a ranger, now I have to choose something else. But just basicwise, would this one have worked?

Sencho it won't let me in your link.
Also Keep in mind this will be a 1-30 level game for those who want to know!

wow sorry I forgot to check the public icon, should be viewable now

Sencho it looks good!

Here is who I have so far.
Tavar-Paladin of Oghma
Valinae- Avenger
Mia Marshall Pierce- Ranger
Sencho- Ranger
If we get no people thats fine a party of 4 will be good. Please have all Characters with backstory done by Friday or Sat morning. I will then set up the map account and the Obsidian Portal info.

I will happily provide a leader. Artificer seems like it'd be a good fit, though everyone has a decent basic attack so a Warlord could work too. Anyone have a preference?

Also Sencho, taking a quick look at your sheet, my only real recommendation would be to make sure either your strength or dexterity, whichever you plan to use as your primary attack stat, is at 18 or higher.

Taclords are awesome, that's my personal pick.

I do love me some taclord. I could always hybrid, except ugh no, hybrids.

Oh, here's my character's alias. Basic stats and backstory are up on it

I apologize for being absent the past day and a halfish, life decided to give me a small smack, will get Tavar's background to you ASAP.

And I agree with the assessment of Taclord would be awesome. (Hooray having a CHA based basic attack! :))

Looking forward to the stories and the stats. Final roll call will be tomorrow!

I would be interested, if you still have room. I'm a huge FR fan and the Neverwinter book is one of the best new sourcebooks for FR in a long time. I'm open to running anything you need.

Need a leader type & if you can run background such as scion of shadow or Delzoun heir that would be good.

After much delay by me, without further adieu, no more stalling on my part... I will present him imme... Oh, kinda ruined that without further adieu didn't I? ;)

Tavar's Background:
Tavar was born in his latest incarnation about 100 years ago. Though this is old by human years, he is still quite young in Deva society. He came to Neverwinter after hearing about something called the Spellblight and it triggering a sudden flashback in his mind like he had been there. He remembered feeling a flowing throughout his body, and then total loss of the sensation. It was unlike any sensation he had ever had before. He wanted to find out more about his past life that lost so much, and so he went to Neverwinter in hopes of being able to locate some texts about what he experienced, or possibly even someone real who knew.

When he arrived in Neverwinter, the first thing that struck him was the beauty of the clocks in the city. He had never seen so many so well crafted in one place before. Though he was curious, he kept on track to find the library after asking one of the locals where to find it. When he got there, he asked the librarian about what he felt, she replied quite shortly “We aren't a mage's guild, go talk to them in the Eastern part of the city. So Tavar went to find the mages, describing his feeling. On of the eldest mages spoke up saying, “I remember hearing tales about the Spellblight, or Spellsickness...” At which point some of the other wizards prodded his memory by whispering “Spellplague” to him.

“Ah yes, the Spellplague where every arcane caster and cleric of Mystra, may her divine spark find it's way back, in Faerun lost their powers for many years. In some of our books it describes it almost as a.... a... A 'fwooshing' of their power. Perhaps we could let you read one of the books.” The old mage waved a hand and a book appeared from thin air. “Be very careful with that, it is quite old. Tavar did as he was told, handling the book with great care. He read through the journal learning little tidbits about what happened, though nothing really beyond what was common knowledge about the Plague.

He returned to book to the old wizard, “Thank you very much. It was quite enlightening.” The old man scoffed and said, “You don't have to lie to me boy, bunch of rambling old men like me. I can see the disappointment on your face. Here is another option here in Neverwinter. The Temple to Oghma, God of Knowledge. If anyone were to know it's sure to be Oghma.”

Tavar left to find the Temple of Oghma following the old mage's directions. Eventually he arrived at what looked to be a massive library. Inside were rows upoon rows upon of books, each marked and sorted. He walked up to a male wearing gray robes and asked about Oghma. The priest explained all about Oghma and his domains. Tavar than asked about the Spellblight, the grey robed man walked away for a second and came back with an armful of different books.

During his reading, Tavar felt another surge almost like what he felt during his flashback, but it had more of a consciousness than in the memory. He then saw a strange being who said “I have had my eyes on your race for a long time now, you live your lives, and then live again. I believe you would be an excellent servant, and I can tell you of the Spellblight. Tavar thought about it for a minute, having no idea who it was, but they must be powerful to know what he was looking for when he never told many people. He decided it was worth the risk, and agreed to serve the strange being who hadn't introduced himself.

Over many years, Tavar trained under the strange figure every so often, learning different things from literature to channeling divine energy. As he got better and better, the visits became less frequents until one night when the mysterious being revealed himself as Oghma, and he was training Tavar to be someone who could search for knowledge on his own in this lifetime, but in exchange, he wanted to “interview” Tavar before he reincarnated. Lately all has been quiet, but Tavar recently got an assignment, and he awaits it eagerly after having done little except read for months on end.

@Tavar's Nice I like it.
@Valinae its good I like it.

The Exchange

I miss playing 4E myself, and there's a myriad of roles that interest me. I've never done anything with Neverwinter though in case that's a problem, but I'd be happy to be involved.

@zerombr we need a leader neverwinter is fun..check out the neverwinter page at wotc

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