[Mythic Playtest] So Cold (Inactive)

Game Master Big OM

Stranded in the middle of Irrisen...

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It is early morning in the frozen lands of Irrisen and you are standing a stones throw from the ice cold waters of Glacier Lake where Marbleflow River empties itself into the lake. You seem to be the lone survivors of the capsized ship that were taking you four and other slaves to the capital.

Searching among the stranded ship you find the equipment your captures confiscated from you during your enslavement. Finally having proper protection from the cold you look among each other and the land entombed in a permanent winter, now only shivering from the thought of what to do and where to go.

Lets kick this of. Your two main problems atm the climate and food.

HP 88 | AC 24 | PD 19 | MD 17 | Init:+8 | Recoveries 2/3 (5d8+4) Elf Ranger 5

Elantier has seven days rations and boots of winterland. Also cold weather outfit.

Elantier gathers his gear, doing a quick inventory. He keeps an eye on his fellow captives, sizing them up. His scans their surroundings, looking for clues as to where to go and what to do now.

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
Survival: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP 36/36| 19 (21 with shield raised) | Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +5 | Per +7 | Spd 25 ft. |Hero Points: 2

Dot, Reknar has no food but is cold resistant same as Endure Elements, from the Barb archetype.

Male Dwarf Survivalist/Scout 5, mythic champion 2 -AC 19/15/14, F+3/R+9/W+1, Init +25/+5, Per +8 - HP 55/58


Joran has Endure Elements from the survivalist archetype, 10 days trail rations, Hardy from the survivalist archetype, and Endurance feat.

Joran gathers up his belongings as well, not minding the weight in the least. He looks through his pack again to make sure the delicate navigational instruments weren't damaged.

"Well, at least we'll be able to tell where we're goin'." He looks around at the others who escaped. "I'm Joran Benmoir, a... chosen one of sorts, if I can be so bold. Not my place to say, really, but it's amazin' how well those two words sum up the life I've led so far."

F+2/R+5/W+5 35/35HP AC 15 Wizard (Foresight) 5/Archmage 2. MP 5/5 HP 35/35 Prescience 9/9

Zorariel also has boots of the Winterlands and NO FOOD (see backstory)

Zorariel roots desperately through his pack, finally putting on a pair of soft looking slippers.

"We need to get away from here" Zorariel starts pre-emptively, squinting away across the lake "They will find us here eventually. Also, food. We need food."

"Wait - have I told you who I am yet? I haven't have I."

"Does anyone know how to hunt, or fish, as we walk? My skills are inadequate for this blighted land."

"Did I say I was Zorariel yet? I'm a seer. A see-er of futures and a wizard of the Arcanarium."

HP 88 | AC 24 | PD 19 | MD 17 | Init:+8 | Recoveries 2/3 (5d8+4) Elf Ranger 5

Elantier looks at the others, but answers Zorariel's questions.
I am Elantier, well met, I have a few rations and I am what some would say wise to the woods. I have experience foraging for food, though not this far north. I agree, we should leave this place as soon as possible. What say you others, are you ready, will we travel together.

F+2/R+5/W+5 35/35HP AC 15 Wizard (Foresight) 5/Archmage 2. MP 5/5 HP 35/35 Prescience 9/9

Are there NPCs here as well, or just the four of us?
"Well met Elantier. Nice to meet you. Where should we travel to? I was headed to the Crown of the World."

Male Dwarf Survivalist/Scout 5, mythic champion 2 -AC 19/15/14, F+3/R+9/W+1, Init +25/+5, Per +8 - HP 55/58

"Aye, I know how to live off the land well enough. Can be a hospitable place, if you know what you're about." Joran replies.

"As to where we're goin', I think 'tis best to find out where we are first. Then we can move up from there."

F+2/R+5/W+5 35/35HP AC 15 Wizard (Foresight) 5/Archmage 2. MP 5/5 HP 35/35 Prescience 9/9

Knowledge:Geography to recognize regional terrain features/Know location of nearest community or noteworthy site. Spend Mythic point for Feat Of Intelligence knowledge:Geography: 1d20 + 10 + 20 ⇒ (20) + 10 + 20 = 50
"Oh that's easy." Zorariel looks at sky, pulls a compass out of his pocket and scrutinizes it, then dips a finger in the lake.
Made the DC by THIRTY!

Just to make one thin clear, foraiging in Irrisen is not as easy as further south. This will influence DC's. I'll elaborate in the discussion thread if you want.

The morning sun is still fighting for dominance but the visibility is good as there is no wind or snowfall. You still notice the biting cold of the night waning, it however does not bother you now that you have your gear back.

Before you lies the vast winter landscape of Irrisen. Behind you is the cold waters of Glacier lake and to your left runs the Marbleflow river.

Elantier and those of you with compasses notice that the Lake lies to the north.

Elantier with your best educated guess this weather will last a few days beyond that the weather is to unpredictable.


There is not much doubt in your mind regarding your position the river and lake makes that very clear.

The closest settlement is about 100 miles north east and is the capital Whitethrone.

That roll is just amazing, so let me know what else you want to know. You might want to take a look at Irrisen entry in the campaign setting for inspiration.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP 36/36| 19 (21 with shield raised) | Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +5 | Per +7 | Spd 25 ft. |Hero Points: 2

Well, at least we are rid of those bastards!

It seems all my food was lost in the wreck...

If there is an actual wreck, Reknar will search it, trying to salvage any additional useful materials - and trying also to find any remaining food. If not:

In any case, I should be able to hunt something while we travel, if necessary.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP 36/36| 19 (21 with shield raised) | Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +5 | Per +7 | Spd 25 ft. |Hero Points: 2

Turning to Elantier, he adds:

I agree with you friend, regardless of what we do once we are able to get fully back on our feet, we stand only to gain from travelling together. By the way, since I don't consider being tied up in a damp hole an introduction, I'll state my name for those that do not know it - I am Reknar. It is a pleasure to have shipwrecked with you all! He laughs out loud at the last sentence.

Someone asked if you were the only survivors and you don't notice anyone else.

No, no. No searching the wreck for free food. I'll let you buy food and we'll play it as if you found it searching. But no gold = no food found.

F+2/R+5/W+5 35/35HP AC 15 Wizard (Foresight) 5/Archmage 2. MP 5/5 HP 35/35 Prescience 9/9

Zorariel looks around "I suppose I could draw you a map - no that's silly, I only have one colour ink. Whitethrone is about 100 miles that way - no" he makes a minor adjustment looking at the compass, pointing North east "That way. There are few settlements in Irrisen, so I'm not sure about buying food. We could go West, I suppose, to the Land of the Linnorm Kings - we'd have to get past the border though - and from there we could get boats. East could work too, but the Mammoth Lords may not be more hospitable. South takes us into Varisia, but we'll probably end up climbing a lot of mountains. If we can buy some food and equipment, my preference is actually to go north. I was heading to the crown of the world, and from there we can go to Tian Xia."

"We're not exactly going to blend in in Irrisen. Well - I know a spell that might let me pass for an hour or so, and Reknar might pass as a slave, but other than that we're not. Mostly Humans and Monsters round here."

F+2/R+5/W+5 35/35HP AC 15 Wizard (Foresight) 5/Archmage 2. MP 5/5 HP 35/35 Prescience 9/9

Fossicking around in his pouch Zorariel suddenly presents a cracked and empty bottle of ink.
"No! They broke my bottle! I don't have any ink!"
Suddenly he is with Reknar, rooting through the boat "There must be some here somewhere..."

Muttering to himself he continues
"How am I supposed to write down what I find without ink? What, am I going to remember it? I... Oh, I guess I could remember it. Maybe we can catch something and I can make ink... I know we need to move quickly, but is it worth trying to fish in the lake? And we may need to start thinking about where we're going to sleep. And the boat may be the only flammable substance we find for some time if we want to cook what we find..."

Male Dwarf Survivalist/Scout 5, mythic champion 2 -AC 19/15/14, F+3/R+9/W+1, Init +25/+5, Per +8 - HP 55/58

Joran retrieves the compass and astrolabe to verify the elf's knowledge.

"Not bad. You seem to have a good understanding of where we are. 'Tis quite remarkable. Photographic memory?"

"I was in the lands to the south before I was seized by the slavers. 'Tis likely I'll not return, as we've gone quite a ways. But we should agree ta go somewhere. I've no reason to go to Tian Xia, though."

HP 88 | AC 24 | PD 19 | MD 17 | Init:+8 | Recoveries 2/3 (5d8+4) Elf Ranger 5

Searching among the wreckage, Elantier comes up with some trail ration and waterskins.

Added 24 days Trail Rations (31 total) and 2 Waterskins (4 total)

HP 88 | AC 24 | PD 19 | MD 17 | Init:+8 | Recoveries 2/3 (5d8+4) Elf Ranger 5

I will go where ever the party decides, though I think we must decide quickly.

Male Dwarf Survivalist/Scout 5, mythic champion 2 -AC 19/15/14, F+3/R+9/W+1, Init +25/+5, Per +8 - HP 55/58

"Perhaps we can make for civilization, of some sort. A village nearby? From there we can take stock of our situation and perhaps go our separate ways."

F+2/R+5/W+5 35/35HP AC 15 Wizard (Foresight) 5/Archmage 2. MP 5/5 HP 35/35 Prescience 9/9

"I don't think there are really any villages - not that aren't run by monsters, anyway."
@Big OM - that right?

All the major settlements you know are headed either by witches, "monsters" or their representatives. There might be a few minor which is not, but you have never heard about them.

Male Dwarf Survivalist/Scout 5, mythic champion 2 -AC 19/15/14, F+3/R+9/W+1, Init +25/+5, Per +8 - HP 55/58

Joran harumphs, crossing his arms over his chest as he considers the problem.

"We'll need food sometime, and a steady supply of it. I'd hazard one of those monster controlled villages as the need requires."

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP 36/36| 19 (21 with shield raised) | Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +5 | Per +7 | Spd 25 ft. |Hero Points: 2
Zorariel wrote:

Zorariel looks around "I suppose I could draw you a map - no that's silly, I only have one colour ink. Whitethrone is about 100 miles that way - no" he makes a minor adjustment looking at the compass, pointing North east "That way. There are few settlements in Irrisen, so I'm not sure about buying food. We could go West, I suppose, to the Land of the Linnorm Kings - we'd have to get past the border though - and from there we could get boats. East could work too, but the Mammoth Lords may not be more hospitable. South takes us into Varisia, but we'll probably end up climbing a lot of mountains. If we can buy some food and equipment, my preference is actually to go north. I was heading to the crown of the world, and from there we can go to Tian Xia."

"We're not exactly going to blend in in Irrisen. Well - I know a spell that might let me pass for an hour or so, and Reknar might pass as a slave, but other than that we're not. Mostly Humans and Monsters round here."

We're not far from my home... Reknar seemed to be somewhat distracted but stands up at the word "slave", turning to Zorariel - No friend, that is a BAD idea, I am no good at passing for a slave, and I will never be.

He then seems to relax somewhat, adding - I... I am a wanderer. Since you seem to be very familiar with our surroundings, I will accompany you wherever you wish to go, at least until we manage to arrange for some provisions - what lies beyond that only time will tell.

As far as the monster infested settlements around here, I have no qualms in bashing a few heads in to avoid starvation - I say, tells us where you believe the nearest settlement to be and we simply start moving - once we get closer we should have the opportunity to scout it out and decide if it poses an option for re-provisioning or not.

I would preferably conduct such a search for a nearby settlement, while heading for the Mammoth Lord's, or the Linnorm Kings lands - hardy and suspicious of strangers as they may be, they will always be more hospitable than the monsters that inhabit this damned land - I would still like to explore it though! He finishes with a broad smile.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP 36/36| 19 (21 with shield raised) | Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +5 | Per +7 | Spd 25 ft. |Hero Points: 2

Dot - anyone there?

HP 88 | AC 24 | PD 19 | MD 17 | Init:+8 | Recoveries 2/3 (5d8+4) Elf Ranger 5

I'm here, couldn't access profile earlier.

Elantier looks at his fellow party members. East or West sounds good to me, though our captors probably wouldn't suspect us to head North.

F+2/R+5/W+5 35/35HP AC 15 Wizard (Foresight) 5/Archmage 2. MP 5/5 HP 35/35 Prescience 9/9

"My preferences, in order, are north, west, east, south" Zorariel explains, looking up from looting
"If we can find a small settlement on the way I may be able to pass myself off as Jadwiga with the use of magic. Everyone keep an eye out for any signs of habitation, oh, and monsters of course."
"Should we try our luck fishing before we start moving?"

Male Dwarf Survivalist/Scout 5, mythic champion 2 -AC 19/15/14, F+3/R+9/W+1, Init +25/+5, Per +8 - HP 55/58

"If anything, I'll eventually go south, But I'll help you lot out before I go back where I was sent. Then again.... perhaps Torag requires some work out here as well."

Joran looks at their surrounding landscapes, trying to determine which of the directions seems the safest and most hospitable for the time being.

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

"Bah, it all looks the same up here. Winter cold and ice in every direction. You elf-folk aren't used to the cold, so let's just pick a direction and get movin'."

I am going to let you reach an agreement and then we'll take it from there.

F+2/R+5/W+5 35/35HP AC 15 Wizard (Foresight) 5/Archmage 2. MP 5/5 HP 35/35 Prescience 9/9

How about we agree to go to whichever border we think we can reach first?

HP 88 | AC 24 | PD 19 | MD 17 | Init:+8 | Recoveries 2/3 (5d8+4) Elf Ranger 5

Sounds good, let's just go and get started.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP 36/36| 19 (21 with shield raised) | Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +5 | Per +7 | Spd 25 ft. |Hero Points: 2

Agreed - move out!

Male Dwarf Survivalist/Scout 5, mythic champion 2 -AC 19/15/14, F+3/R+9/W+1, Init +25/+5, Per +8 - HP 55/58

Joran harumphs and begins moving the exact opposite direction from the shipwreck, holding up his compass to see what direction it is.

"Alright, we're goin' this way! Come hell or ice water!" He is gruff but mostly comical.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP 36/36| 19 (21 with shield raised) | Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +5 | Per +7 | Spd 25 ft. |Hero Points: 2

That's the spirit!! Reknar adds with a good natured slap on the dwarfs' shoulder - Lets get this going then! Lead the way master dwarf.

HP 88 | AC 24 | PD 19 | MD 17 | Init:+8 | Recoveries 2/3 (5d8+4) Elf Ranger 5

Elantier looks at the rest of the party and shrugs as he starts gathering his gear. I have always found dwarves an odd race

Would you mind if I assist Joran. I'm well-versed in woodlore.

Survival: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23 Add +2 more if we are in forest terrain

Male Dwarf Survivalist/Scout 5, mythic champion 2 -AC 19/15/14, F+3/R+9/W+1, Init +25/+5, Per +8 - HP 55/58

"Aye, and I'm versed in simply survivin' off just about anythin'. Help if you like."

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP 36/36| 19 (21 with shield raised) | Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +5 | Per +7 | Spd 25 ft. |Hero Points: 2

Reknar, himself well versed in outdoor orientation and surviving, witnesses the exchange but decides not to pipe in, asking with a broad smile - So fellas, we're moving and that is already good. Who tells me in which direction we are heading then?

HP 88 | AC 24 | PD 19 | MD 17 | Init:+8 | Recoveries 2/3 (5d8+4) Elf Ranger 5

Depends on which bank of the river we were on.

Elantier glances up at the sun and looks around. I believe we are heading East by Southeast. He glances down at the dwarf's compass. Well Master Dwarf, your instrument there will either confirm or disprove my reckoning.

Male Dwarf Survivalist/Scout 5, mythic champion 2 -AC 19/15/14, F+3/R+9/W+1, Init +25/+5, Per +8 - HP 55/58

"Ach, no. If the ship was takin' us northeast to Whitethrone, we've been freed on the west side of the Marbleflow. 'Tis more of a southwesterly direction I was takin'."

Joran looks at the compass and taps it to release the spinning arrow again, after it had momentarily frozen in the wrong direction.

F+2/R+5/W+5 35/35HP AC 15 Wizard (Foresight) 5/Archmage 2. MP 5/5 HP 35/35 Prescience 9/9

Zorariel casually wanders over to Elantier - neither elf leaving tracks in the snow - and Joran
Foresight: 1d20 ⇒ 5take foresight+5 = 10 for aid survival
"I'm afraid my knowledge tends to the academic, but I'm happy to help if I can."

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP 36/36| 19 (21 with shield raised) | Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +5 | Per +7 | Spd 25 ft. |Hero Points: 2

Very well then, southwest it is - Reknar puts in as he walks away with long strides.

F+2/R+5/W+5 35/35HP AC 15 Wizard (Foresight) 5/Archmage 2. MP 5/5 HP 35/35 Prescience 9/9

Zorariel chants a few words, then hurries after Reknar.
casting Mage Armor. Lasts 5 hours.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP 36/36| 19 (21 with shield raised) | Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +5 | Per +7 | Spd 25 ft. |Hero Points: 2

Big OM, are you around?

You are on the west side of the Marbleflow river, just where it empties itself into Glacier Lake. Am I understanding you correct that you want to head southwest? Just being sure before you head off into the frozen wild

Male Dwarf Survivalist/Scout 5, mythic champion 2 -AC 19/15/14, F+3/R+9/W+1, Init +25/+5, Per +8 - HP 55/58

Yes, heading Southwest.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP 36/36| 19 (21 with shield raised) | Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +5 | Per +7 | Spd 25 ft. |Hero Points: 2


F+2/R+5/W+5 35/35HP AC 15 Wizard (Foresight) 5/Archmage 2. MP 5/5 HP 35/35 Prescience 9/9


HP 88 | AC 24 | PD 19 | MD 17 | Init:+8 | Recoveries 2/3 (5d8+4) Elf Ranger 5

Yes sir

F+2/R+5/W+5 35/35HP AC 15 Wizard (Foresight) 5/Archmage 2. MP 5/5 HP 35/35 Prescience 9/9

Y'know, when a DM asks me "am I sure" I get all nervous...

HP 88 | AC 24 | PD 19 | MD 17 | Init:+8 | Recoveries 2/3 (5d8+4) Elf Ranger 5

My thoughts exactly.

HP 88 | AC 24 | PD 19 | MD 17 | Init:+8 | Recoveries 2/3 (5d8+4) Elf Ranger 5

As the party starts trekking southwest, a large gray wolf comes loping at the party. Elantier turns upon seeing the wolf. Aye, Silver Mane, I was wondering when you would track me down. He reaches down and strokes the wolf's ears. How are you old friend? Gentlemen, this is Silver Mane, he is my animal companion you could say.

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