Morgan's Ford - the beginnings of a legend (Inactive)

Game Master wanderer82

When war is long over and the 'heroes' are gone, who will stand up to the horrors of the world?

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male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

A chance for you all to ask questions, and me to post campaign notes.

Male Human (Barisman) Fighter (Viking) 1 |HP 13/13 | AC 19(T13/FF16)|CMB 4; CMD +17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3, Perception 1, Sense motive 1, Stealth 1

So! Let's see what we've got here:
-An elven Alchemist and town healer
-A halfling scout with something to prove
-A scawny wizard-wannabe
-A preacher
-A smith
-And a bargeman with a bad rep

Male Human Cleric (Evangelist) of Light! 1 |HP 5/9 | AC 14(T10/FF14)|CMB +2; CMD 12 | Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5 | Init +0 | Perception +3

We've got the Light Rastavar and its Radiance is all we need!

Congrats to everyone who made the cut. Glad to see Rast and Alex did as well.

Female Elf Alchemist(Mind Chemist/Psychonaut) 1 |HP 9/9 | AC 16(T13/FF13)|CMB +0; CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 | Initiative +3, Perception +7, Sense motive +1

Hello fellow villagers!

Thanks for choosing me Wanderer.

Ok, as far as I know my sheet is complete. I can't see any mistakes if there are some.

Male Halfling HP 17/28 AC21/14/14 Fort:+7 Ref: +5 Will: +2 Acrobatics +3, Bluff+2,Diplomacy+7,handle animal+7, Intimidate+3,Ride+6,Stealth +3,Sense Motive +4

*slips through to dot the thread throwing a wink the Ahq'ira*
So glad to see you all here!
I did have a question cause i sort of loosely plan a leveling progression. How do you feel about multiclassing mr. Wanderer?
I only ask because i could see a dabbling of ranger that meshes in with his scouting archtype, but I dont mind straight roguing it either.

Male Human Wizard (Transmuter) 1 | |HP 6/6 | AC 12(T11/FF11)|CMB -1; CMD +0 | Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +4 | Init +1, Perception/Sense motive+2

Congrats to all who were selected.

And who you calling a wannabe? I AM a wizard.

Not sure who I might know, I'll have to read everyone's fluff a little closer and see if there's someone who I would cross paths with regularly.

Male Human (Barisman) Fighter (Viking) 1 |HP 13/13 | AC 19(T13/FF16)|CMB 4; CMD +17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3, Perception 1, Sense motive 1, Stealth 1

I've already made suggestions for Alistar and Alex to associate with Rast. Darry and Evan would be slightly harder to attach to Rast but if the two of you have suggestions I am all ears.

Male Halfling HP 17/28 AC21/14/14 Fort:+7 Ref: +5 Will: +2 Acrobatics +3, Bluff+2,Diplomacy+7,handle animal+7, Intimidate+3,Ride+6,Stealth +3,Sense Motive +4

Well it seems Rast was a bit of a troublemaker in his youth... so was Darry. There could be something there. Then again, Its not a large town but they dont necessarily have to 'know' one another well, as long as they have links to the others I would imagine it will all work out in the end.

Female Elf Alchemist(Mind Chemist/Psychonaut) 1 |HP 9/9 | AC 16(T13/FF13)|CMB +0; CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 | Initiative +3, Perception +7, Sense motive +1

I reckon I would know Evan from 'wizard school' or whatever this village has of the equivalent. Since one of my alternate racial traits is Envoy which gives me four arcane spells once a day I would have been taught them by some learned elder or something since my father is just an alchemist.

Male Human Wizard (Transmuter) 1 | |HP 6/6 | AC 12(T11/FF11)|CMB -1; CMD +0 | Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +4 | Init +1, Perception/Sense motive+2

I'd agree I'd know Ahq'ira from wizard/scholarly type pursuits, likely Reynard as well. I've probably conversed with Alistar in the town square on more than one occasion too.

As Darry said, we don't need to actually know everybody, but I'd guess we've probably heard of the people we don't know. Doesn't look like anybody really keeps a low profile. For example I'd probably heard of Rast from the flood incident in his past.

Male Human Cleric (Evangelist) of Light! 1 |HP 5/9 | AC 14(T10/FF14)|CMB +2; CMD 12 | Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5 | Init +0 | Perception +3

I assume that everyone in town has some awareness of Alistar, having listened in on one of his sermons at some point. Even if it was just in passing. Especially those who work down by the docks, as I envision Alistar has spent many an afternoon by the riverside, preaching salvation to those who work there (as their employment prevents them from being able to wonder off).

Alistar may have met Ethan and Alex on a handful of occasions, perhaps as he was collecting supplies for his scrolls. They spend far too much time indoors for Alistar's taste, and has often commented that if they would just approach their salvation with the same commitment that they have show their studies then there is hope yet for them to walk in the Light.

I envision Rastavar and Alistar having a unique relationship. Alistar is aware of the painful events in Rast's past and Rast's subsequent talent for being a delinquent. But Alistar believes that there is a good man inside, and that with Alistar's guidance Rast could overcome the wickedness that drives him to drink. As a result, Alistar pays extra attention to Rast's salvation. Now whether Rast appreciates that is another matter...

Male Human Hexcrafter Magus 1 |HP 9/9 | AC 15(T11/FF14)|CMB +0; CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3 | Initiative +1, Perception +1, Sense Motive +1, SR 6

I've probably seen Alex and Evan kicking around a few scholars or sages when I poke my head about to ask questions about magic. Evan has probably given me a few pointers - although had no sense for me to return the favor for fighting lessons.

I've most likely seen Alistar and his sermons a few times but couldn't muster the courage to sit through one. It had nothing to do with swordplay, nor arcane crafts.

Anyone who needed a weapon probably got a piece of my handywork or has seen me in the weaponsmith's shop timidly taking or giving your orders. Though on the bigger side, I have a lacking of force of personality.

Male Halfling HP 17/28 AC21/14/14 Fort:+7 Ref: +5 Will: +2 Acrobatics +3, Bluff+2,Diplomacy+7,handle animal+7, Intimidate+3,Ride+6,Stealth +3,Sense Motive +4

*grins* and thankfully as befits a good sneak no one notices me hehe... cept poor Ahq'ira who probably sees him too much.

Female Elf Alchemist(Mind Chemist/Psychonaut) 1 |HP 9/9 | AC 16(T13/FF13)|CMB +0; CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 | Initiative +3, Perception +7, Sense motive +1

Pretty much everyone calls me Alex. Not too many people know my real name, it's just easier to say as well.

I'm going to say Evan and Reynard are acquaintances that could be friends.
Darry and Alistar would be the slightly-annoying-but-I-put-up-with ones ;)
Rast I don't know how we have met. :)

Male Human (Barisman) Fighter (Viking) 1 |HP 13/13 | AC 19(T13/FF16)|CMB 4; CMD +17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3, Perception 1, Sense motive 1, Stealth 1

Look up an item called Alchemist's Kindness and you'll see where my mind has gone.

Male Halfling HP 17/28 AC21/14/14 Fort:+7 Ref: +5 Will: +2 Acrobatics +3, Bluff+2,Diplomacy+7,handle animal+7, Intimidate+3,Ride+6,Stealth +3,Sense Motive +4

Annoying? Love of my heart you wound me so *winks* No No its okay I understand it might hurt the sales of your shop if the local boys knew your heart belonged to me. *chuckles*

Male Human Cleric (Evangelist) of Light! 1 |HP 5/9 | AC 14(T10/FF14)|CMB +2; CMD 12 | Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5 | Init +0 | Perception +3

Ha! I just realized Alex's family name is "Dawnray"

On second thought, Alistar likely calls out to them daily to revoke the darkness of study and return once more to the embrace of Light!

Female Elf Alchemist(Mind Chemist/Psychonaut) 1 |HP 9/9 | AC 16(T13/FF13)|CMB +0; CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 | Initiative +3, Perception +7, Sense motive +1

The darkness of study? Is he a madman?

Male Human (Barisman) Fighter (Viking) 1 |HP 13/13 | AC 19(T13/FF16)|CMB 4; CMD +17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3, Perception 1, Sense motive 1, Stealth 1

I talked with the DM some and reworked a few things, Rast now works on the only usable ferry along this stretch of the river. That might not change his dynamic with the others too much but he will be in town now and likely one of the few people around who deals with travelers all that often. However, travelers are increasingly rare these days so he has been almost entirely out of work for a while.
Some more thoughts:

@Alistar: I am amused by the decision to play Shepard Book to my Mal especially since Alistar is both significantly younger than Rast and also has some glaring personality faults of his own. I'll be interested to see where Alistar's faith comes from.

@Alex: Apart from needing the odd Alchemist's Kindness, Rast and Alex probably know each other in passing from a business standpoint. No doubt there are a few alchemical items that, while expensive, could be put to great use on a ferry. Other than having Cure Light Wounds in your formulae book, you don't look to be too invested in healing but the flood and the rumors around it are likely still pretty memorable.

@Darry: Rast was more of a thug in his youth than Darry likely was and was known for passing out the occasional thrashing and having a policy of giving as good as he got so most rumors among the more morally flexible involve staying away from him without a couple of friends to back you up. The practical upshot is that a clever halfling might be able to use the brute if he put his mind to it.

@Reynard: Rast has a nasty looking axe that needs care and maintenance from time to time but as far as you can tell, rarely sees much use. His chainshirt also needs to be scoured of rust and oiled during damper times.

@Alex, Reynard, Evan: The three of you are likely candidates for teaching Rast Sylvan. While not the most clever student, he does show a level of dogged persistence that is impressive. He has a particular talent for picking up potential threats and insults.

Female Elf Alchemist(Mind Chemist/Psychonaut) 1 |HP 9/9 | AC 16(T13/FF13)|CMB +0; CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 | Initiative +3, Perception +7, Sense motive +1

When do we start?

male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

drum roll please.......

Female Elf Alchemist(Mind Chemist/Psychonaut) 1 |HP 9/9 | AC 16(T13/FF13)|CMB +0; CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 | Initiative +3, Perception +7, Sense motive +1

Drum roll

Male Human Cleric (Evangelist) of Light! 1 |HP 5/9 | AC 14(T10/FF14)|CMB +2; CMD 12 | Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5 | Init +0 | Perception +3

I've heard of pausing for dramatic affect, but Damn this is one hell of a long drum roll..


male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

It begins.

Female Elf Alchemist(Mind Chemist/Psychonaut) 1 |HP 9/9 | AC 16(T13/FF13)|CMB +0; CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 | Initiative +3, Perception +7, Sense motive +1

Alistair read the 'how to format your text'. Below the preview cancel and submit post buttons.

Male Human Cleric (Evangelist) of Light! 1 |HP 5/9 | AC 14(T10/FF14)|CMB +2; CMD 12 | Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5 | Init +0 | Perception +3

Perform Oration: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Interesting, thanks Alex

Male Human Cleric (Evangelist) of Light! 1 |HP 5/9 | AC 14(T10/FF14)|CMB +2; CMD 12 | Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5 | Init +0 | Perception +3

Appreciate the info Alex & Darry.

I'll follow suit and bold discourse and italicize internal monologue.

Male Halfling HP 17/28 AC21/14/14 Fort:+7 Ref: +5 Will: +2 Acrobatics +3, Bluff+2,Diplomacy+7,handle animal+7, Intimidate+3,Ride+6,Stealth +3,Sense Motive +4

No worries here to help.... sometimes to your pocketchange other times just to help you know?

male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

Could everyone copy Alex's format and put their vital statistics in their race/class line?

Male Human (Barisman) Fighter (Viking) 1 |HP 13/13 | AC 19(T13/FF16)|CMB 4; CMD +17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3, Perception 1, Sense motive 1, Stealth 1

Yeah, I'll take care of that after work today.

Male Human (Barisman) Fighter (Viking) 1 |HP 13/13 | AC 19(T13/FF16)|CMB 4; CMD +17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3, Perception 1, Sense motive 1, Stealth 1

Hey, DM, do you mind putting a list of the town's NPCs in the campaign tab so we can keep them all straight?

male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

Actually working on fleshing out the town right now, will be up with the map shortly (got Campaign Cartographer debugged)

male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

Town notes posted. More to come.

Male Halfling HP 17/28 AC21/14/14 Fort:+7 Ref: +5 Will: +2 Acrobatics +3, Bluff+2,Diplomacy+7,handle animal+7, Intimidate+3,Ride+6,Stealth +3,Sense Motive +4

Unfortunately something came up and I will be away from home and my computer for a few days, I will try to check my phone tonight and keep involved. If you need to dm pc me please feel free to. I will like I said check at nights.

male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

Thank you for the update.

male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

A map of Morgan's Ford along with basic town description with some key locations is posted in the campaign information section.

The map is also HERE

male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

Whoops! My apologies for the double post, was trying to preview and edit while half asleep.... did not come out so well. But now, for the action!

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Wizard (Transmuter) 1 | |HP 6/6 | AC 12(T11/FF11)|CMB -1; CMD +0 | Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +4 | Init +1, Perception/Sense motive+2

Sorry I've been a little lax in posting lately, work's been a bear (7-days a week about 12hrs a day) but that will all end in less then 2 weeks time.

On another note, how do you want me to handle prepared spells? I threw them in an OOC note in my post for now.

Male Human Cleric (Evangelist) of Light! 1 |HP 5/9 | AC 14(T10/FF14)|CMB +2; CMD 12 | Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5 | Init +0 | Perception +3

I have my cleric spells prepared listed in the Offense section of my profile, but I am new to play by post so it would be good to hear what is the norm or GM preference.

male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

Both options work just fine gentlemen. So long as there is a place where we can reference them.

Male Halfling HP 17/28 AC21/14/14 Fort:+7 Ref: +5 Will: +2 Acrobatics +3, Bluff+2,Diplomacy+7,handle animal+7, Intimidate+3,Ride+6,Stealth +3,Sense Motive +4

I am the worst rogue ever... I cant believe I forgot to get a sap >.<

Male Human Cleric (Evangelist) of Light! 1 |HP 5/9 | AC 14(T10/FF14)|CMB +2; CMD 12 | Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5 | Init +0 | Perception +3

Hi Wanderer, I wasn't sure if you have plans to publish a full pantheon of your realm's gods.

As I needed an opposition force for Illandors, I went with Achlys. In ancient Greek mythology she is the Eternal Night, a personification of misery and sadness. Here, I'm presenting her as the chief agent of the darkness the corrupts one's soul to evil.

But please let me know if you have something else in mind.

Male Human Cleric (Evangelist) of Light! 1 |HP 5/9 | AC 14(T10/FF14)|CMB +2; CMD 12 | Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5 | Init +0 | Perception +3

Just as an FYI, I believe "Readying" any action is itself a standard action regardless of the action being readied.

I only note this as it game up at my table a few months back and many of us were surprised as we had never picked up on that.

Female Elf Alchemist(Mind Chemist/Psychonaut) 1 |HP 9/9 | AC 16(T13/FF13)|CMB +0; CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 | Initiative +3, Perception +7, Sense motive +1

Just realized true strike only lasts for 1 round so I would not have drunk it on the way as I first said.

male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7


male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

So.... anyone have any response to Darry's obvious offer to slit the throats of the bandits....?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Halfling HP 17/28 AC21/14/14 Fort:+7 Ref: +5 Will: +2 Acrobatics +3, Bluff+2,Diplomacy+7,handle animal+7, Intimidate+3,Ride+6,Stealth +3,Sense Motive +4

to save the party from their worries and their feels... :)

Male Human (Barisman) Fighter (Viking) 1 |HP 13/13 | AC 19(T13/FF16)|CMB 4; CMD +17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3, Perception 1, Sense motive 1, Stealth 1

Sorry, I had totally missed that part of Darry's post. I was waiting on the response from Gregor

Male Halfling HP 17/28 AC21/14/14 Fort:+7 Ref: +5 Will: +2 Acrobatics +3, Bluff+2,Diplomacy+7,handle animal+7, Intimidate+3,Ride+6,Stealth +3,Sense Motive +4

Its all good... strangely enough I usually play the "oh no we cant kill the prisoners now that they have surrendered type." It almost feels strange for me to offer such a solution. *lawls*

Female Elf Alchemist(Mind Chemist/Psychonaut) 1 |HP 9/9 | AC 16(T13/FF13)|CMB +0; CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 | Initiative +3, Perception +7, Sense motive +1

Arent you our tracker? How can you justify staying behind anyway?

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