Shoto Imuri |

As the meeting with the dragon was for lunch, I assume it will. So I will think of a new plan.
Imuri absorbs the information about this dragon-born gaijin stoically. Tell me about this force you are sending. And tell me how your failure today met with the Scarecrow. I am interested in restoring prosperity to you if you remain loyal. More than that, I am interested in seeing you serve the Empire, if discretely, rather than a self-serving criminal and dissembler.

Shoto Imuri |

Okay. It looks like you're gonna get one of those long If-Then posts as Imuri tries to break the game and accomplish more than he ought. Such is the life of a Shoto prodigy. I will return with an email later after this next client appointment.

San Pen |

Instead of following, Azami turns to the Xorn. Greetings honorable Sifu. I trust you are well this interesting morning, Azami offers with a bow. Then to the city police, she also offers a more curt incline of respect.
This day has starrted well. Betterr than yesterrday ended.
spoken quietly to the two palace guards
I know you will join me in mourrning the death of Honorred Inspectorr Cho, who was leaderr to these brrave men. He was slain trreacherrously last night by someone who wishes to slow ourr investigations.
Now come in, I feel we will learrn much this day.
shows way to tea service
Have you met ourr guests?
indicates gaijin

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine's left eyebrow goes up. How many are here?
She rises in a sweep of silk. Grabbing her glaive, in a crash of bells, she sets out for the antechamber.
She sees Izumi directing the display of several painted silks. She looked pale but gives Tokine a weak smile.
Once in the antechamber she sees the collection of guests. The Princess, looking more resplendent and comfortable and her adviser, Rhon, companion Earanthil, and a Dwarf. San Pen looking hale with no seeming lingering effects from our crossing paths with shadow creatures last night. And with him, two palace guards a Tengu Archer and a red headed gaijin samurai with her feet rooted to a mountain..What?..no...simply two palace guards here with San Pen.
She bows to the assembly. "Welcome to our humble temple, your highness and honored guests."
"Princess, I am glad you took me on the invitation for a visit. We have much to show you that might please you, and and painter is available if you have time to discuss your vision."
She moves to Rhon and takes his hands, "So good to see you again Rhon. I hope you had the opportunity to learn much at the gathering last night."
She gives bows and greeting to Earanthil and Gilly.
To San Pen, she also takes his hand and gives a welcoming squeeze to his flinty grip. "Dearest Friend, I am greatly pleased to see you well today. I am glad to see the palace has seen fit to assign you escort fit your station, although knowing your fierce prowess quite personally, it does seem superfluous. But welcome sentries, you are no less honored to be here." She gives Yohei and Azami a courteous bow, but her eyes remain locked on Azami.

San Pen |

quietly to Tokine
Trruthfully, I met them herre. I leave it to them to tell you theirr rreason for visiting.
goes over and distracts the other guests to give Tokine a moment of privacy with the two palace guards
Good morrning, Prrincess. We spoke last night, in Courrt. I am the Imperrial Advisorr, San Pen ( this translates as Three Bowls with the appropriate Linguistics check ), though I am not herre forrmaly. Perrhaps you would intrroduce me to yourr companions.

Kyras Erodal |

Kyras rises, having finished the delicious meal. He is still hungry, though not as much. Keeping a watchful eye for Tokine, he ambles down towards the courtyard. This isn't a meeting that he is invited to, but he is quite curious about this strange group. He leans against a doorway, keeping a very wary look towards Azami, who confiscated his invitation.

Yohei |

Phew, lots going on!
As Azami points out the man that is their quarry, Yohei gives her a look of disbelief, but before he can ask her how she knew that their visit to the Temple would yield such results, his attention is taken away by the crowd of foreigners and before he knows it, he is standing beak to mouth with San Pen himself. Giving a short bow, Yohei smiles warmy at the Xorn. "Top of the morning Sifu, it would seem the Temple is quite the popular locale this morning! Tell me, is Curator Tokine-san throwing some elaborate tea ceremony we weren't invited to?"
Upon hearing of the death of the Inspector, Yohei's smile turns cold and he swallows the cunning jab he was about to lay at the feet of of the gathered City Police and simply gives a solemn nod, following the others into the Temple. Once inside, his eyes immediately lock onto the massive Warbarian in the corner. 'I hope this big fellow comes peacefully... He looks like he'd be trouble if things turned rocky..."

San Pen |

"Top of the morning Sifu, it would seem the Temple is quite the popular locale this morning! Tell me, is Curator Tokine-san throwing some elaborate tea ceremony we weren't invited to?"
Perrhaps not forrmally, but you know you'rre always welcome in any gatherring I join- as long as you rrememberr to let us all get a worrd in as well.
Come in, Lady. It suits you to accompany this rrascal- he needs the good example.

Shoto Imuri |

Okay, what I am looking for now is the word from Daisuke about the personnel he is sending today, and also whether he has already received the instructions going out. Then I will form THE PLAN. Hmmm.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri: Realizing you are still awaiting information, Daisuke looks abashed and continues to speak:
"My only instructions for this mission are to complete it as quickly as possible, and to leave Erodal alive -- he must not be killed, but can be subdued as...effectively as I wish. As I said, I know where he is staying, and he will be easy to spot, so I do not anticipate a great deal of difficulty. As for personnel, I will engage my four top "students." All are skilled ronin with nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking on such a mission. I do not know if you know these warriors. They are the magician Big Hat, the brute Jade Tusk, the swordswoman called Gallows, and...and I have hired a ringer for the fourth kidnapper. I have retained the ninja known as Swift." He says this last with immense and obvious shame in his voice. You have never heard of the others but they sound like typical pseudo-criminal ronin with blunt sobriquets behind which they hide their true identities.
Swift, however, is known to you, as he -- or she -- is known to all the Empire. Daisuke must have spent all his money in an effort to regain his honor with The Scarecrow if he hired Swift. Swift is a creature of silence and magic, a master ninja so stealthy and lightning quick that no one is even sure of his or her size much less anything else. Swift tends not to kill unless provoked, but the criminal nature of what s/he does cannot be denied; kidnapping, extortion, theft, blackmail, and even High Treason are among Swift's crimes.

Erudima del Fana del Solarian |

"Thank you, Nagano-sama. It is a great honor that you have offered to have someone paint my vision for me, in truth I...I am still very new to this, um, 'level'...of faith, I guess? It is only recently I was touched by Sarenrae, after a harrowing experience with Rhon and others on the Isla des las Mil Voces. I hope to be a paladin someday, there is much I can do in the world, especially given my family's resources."
She turns to San Pen. "And thank you, master xorn, for your support at the State Dinner yesterday. I am new to that level of, ah, responsibility...as well."

Rhon Tai |

"I learned a few things, Madame Curator." Rhon says, giving Tokine a significant look. "Hopefully you and Sifu San Pen and I can speak of them later." He smiles at her, and says "But that can wait. First, what happened here? There are guards posted outside and there is blood in the street though the cleaners, it seems, will have that wiped away presently."

DM Downrightamazed |

Gilly, the dwarf, lets out a barking laugh when he spots Kyras. "oh-HO! A Warbanian, if I don't miss my mark! You're a half-breed, I see, but you've got the height and the skin-tone, that's for sure! I'm from Van-Duriss, and it's been ages since I've seen anything reminds me of home. What brings you here, friend?"
At Gilly's question, all four of the gaijin look expectantly at Kyras.

Kyras Erodal |

Bluff 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16
Kyras looks a little bit flustered, but comes up with a passable half-truth to the question. "Just passing through, really. I woke up not too long ago and felt like I'd been asleep for half my life. I set out then and there to explore the world, see where my feet take me. My feet, as it turns out, have taken me to this wonderful place in the presence of the lovely Tokine." He smiles broadly, hoping they don't press further.

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine smiles upon seeing her guest. She motions him to join her with a small wave. "Please Kyras-san, join us. We have the great honor of having Princess Erudima and her entourage visiting. I would like to introduce you. And Sifu San Pen is here as well. Truly a great honor."
smirk! I enjoyed doing that! Tokine is innocent in all this, but I am enjoying it!

Shoto Imuri |

You just keep sweetening the pot, don't you? SO now my goal is to accomplish my audience with the black dragon without having to leave too early, and then to both impersonate this half-dragon so as to learn more before my escape AND deliver the ninja known as Swift as my gift to the Emperor. So I have to assess my priorities. Coming soon.

Azami Ito |

sense motive roll 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
San Pen leaves them before the Curator, and between Tokine's locked gaze and Erudima's furtive glances, Azami stiffens with discomfort. She wants nothing more than to speak with Erudima of her vision, and hearing her speak of it is distracting.
But all of them, coming together here--suddenly, she is not so certain this was a good idea. That all of them should be assembled together felt orchestrated, a perfect opportunity for an attack, and after yesterday's assault in the streets, she feels more suspicious than ever. Azami scans the room for anyone or anything out of the ordinary...or more out of the ordinary than a xorn, a handful of gaijin, and two palace guards at Cultural Temple.
This is my chance to speak with the princess about her vision, and as long as Kyras comes with us back to the Palace afterwards...all missions will be accomplished. But why does the Curator look at me so? Azami exhales slowly, certain Yohei might swallow his tongue at the breach of protocol that is her next action.
Briefly glancing at Yohei, she speaks up, bowing to Tokine as formally as she can manage, "We have been sent to handle a matter with Kyras Erodel that went unresolved yesterday..." and then she angles herself towards the Princess, "...but I feel compelled to express interest in the vision the Princess described last evening at the Palace."

Shoto Imuri |

The best part is: after it's over, I deliver Swift's body to the Emperor in the name of this dojo. The victory will cleanse Daisuke of his dishonor and secure his loyalty. Of course, an alternative is no one knows Swift is dead, and I cause selective trouble in his/her/its name in the future, so said deeds cannot be traced to me, but instead to my rivals.
I explain the plan to Daisuke and inquire about its soundness. Can we handle Swift? Will he take this moment to turn on his dishonorable employers if it means cleansing in the Emperor's eyes? What does he think?

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine replies to Rhon "It was a matter of the Moon and the Stars. The police have graciously attended our call for aid to prevent anymore blood being spilled in or in front of this temple." Her voice is loud enough that all may hear, as she knows the Palace guards likely wonder at the constabulary presence.
To Azami Tokine states, "I am glad the Palace is taking an interest in all of the attacks that occurred on the city streets yesterday. I am sure Kyras-san has recovered enough that he can relate the details of the brutal attack on his person, although the severity of his wounds were quite great and I have not yet released him from my care. And then I can give you the details of the three attacks I and this temple have suffered as well. " Her tone is flat and holds none of the charm of her earlier greeting.
"As to the Princess, we hope to help her recreate..her..um..yes her vision that led her on the journey to our great city."

Kyras Erodal |

Kyras moves to stand near Tokine, thankful that she is not duplicitous and seems willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. "Absolutely, anything I can do to help your investigation. I was hurt quite badly in the second attempt on my life. I stumbled here, half-dead. Tokine, may Shelyn bless her, saved my life." He gives another brilliant smile to his beautiful host. "Please, ask anything you'd like."

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri: Daisuke bows deeply before you. "Hai, shukun. I have pledged my sword to you, and my sword is my self. Your plan is my plan, I shall do as you propose. Truly I do not know the level of mastery Swift possesses, or how likely it is we may overpower him. But if we can do so before the other three arrive, or engage them to assist us, then I am certain we shall be victorious." He looks ahead into the middle-distance, his voice trembling in shame. "Long have I prayed to my ancestors to show me a way out of my predicament, this life I have allowed myself to slide into, but long have they found me unworthy, until now. I believe they have sent you to allow me one final chance to regain my honor, or at least die an honorable death."

Rhon Tai |

Rhon has had a look of concentration on his face, and as everyone is seated he looks at Tokine and says "So...so there was an...attack, here? Is this okay for me to say out loud? Is that what happened? The streets outside our inn were buzzing with stories of strange things happening last night; winged tengu, " here he favors Yohei with a significant look, "undead in the streets, grey-clad ninja moving about in large groups, and of course the constant talk about all of us gaijin. 'So many gaijin!' they say. So many."
Can't recall if you told Rhon about the attack on your temple at the State Dinner last night, Tokine...

Daveth Ashvale |

Daveth raises an eyebrow as he listens in on the men, apparently the camp Ghar wanted him to scout out was only a decoy, with a bit of a frown Daveth decides to trail after the guys as quietly as possible to find out where they were headed the possibility that the pendant Ghar wanted him to collect might not be at a decoy camp was a possibility and perhaps wherever these men were headed might be an encampment that Ghar didn't know about. He also filed away the names that they had mentioned as something he might look into later.
Survival(Tracking) 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
Stealth 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15
-_- wow... just wow... that's twice in a row I get a 1 for my stealth xD

DM Downrightamazed |

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
@Daveth: The two men stroll back to a large merchant encampment, and if they are in any way aware of your presence, they betray no signs of it. They are moving quickly enough and speaking in low enough voices that you can't make out everything they say, but what little you do hear is utterly mundane.
Hanging back in the shadows of a copse of trees so as not to be discovered, you are able to count maybe 60 people in this caravan, with six wagons. Each wagon is covered and there are three sentries standing around keeping a general eye on things.

Azami Ito |

Strangely, Azami is almost relieved that Tokine cuts away the charm from her voice; it allows her to deal with the Curator on a common playing field. She has never felt comfortable around the blue-maned woman. Still, she cannot help but wonder what she has done to offend her --certainly, this means she is offended, yes?
Azami offers a bow to Tokine; it is an effort to keep her tone firm but pleasant --how do these people do this courtesy nonsense all the time? Still, she will try. "Most honorable Curator, I am sorry to hear that you have suffered attacks. I am certain the constabulary is adept with such investigations. We are here to escort Kyras to the Palace." She looks to Kyras briefly, and pulls out a familiar envelope, but does not say anything about it. She turns her regard back to Tokine. "The healers at the Palace will be awed at the power of your restoration when they take his care into their hands."
She now turns to Kyras, "I understand that the attack at the apartments must have kept you from making your report at the Palace. Still, I hope you found what you were seeking with regard to your sister and that Xun Rui Bao did not lead you astray. It is best you gather your items and come with us."
As they move further into the Temple, Azami stiffens at the sight of tea; she even unconsciously backs a step away as all the others are taking their seats. Swallowing uncomfortably, her eyes dart between teacups anxiously, her gaze far away. Thus, when the Princess addresses her, Azami is startled and responds haltingly with "I..I am called Azami Ito....Princess."
She notes San Pen turning to her, and avoids his gaze. Instead, Azami turns back to the table where they sit, raises her hand and says to all, "Hold - are you certain that tea is safe?"

DM Downrightamazed |

*chchchchCHYAK-CHACK! JYAK-jyak JYAK-JYAK! chchchchch JYAK!*
In the silence that hangs in the air after Azami's question, the raucous call of a daurian jackdaw can be heard outside on a nearby roof, loud and metallic.
In some cultures, a jackdaw on the roof is said to predict a new arrival; alternatively, a jackdaw settling on the roof of a house or flying down a chimney is an omen of death and coming across one is considered a bad omen. A jackdaw standing on the vanes of a cathedral tower is meant to foretell rain, and gnomish superstition holds that if jackdaws are seen quarrelling, war will follow.

Kyras Erodal |

Knowledge: Arcana 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Distracted by Azami's question, Kyras registers the call but does not understand its importance. He looks at Azami, up and down. "Of course. I don't mind at all. The search for my sister only turned up only more questions, which I would be most pleased to share. However, I can't simply leave without expressing my gratitude to my host by taking part in her invitation. If you won't mind, of course."
Bluff 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29
Kyras is not pleased and does not really want to go. His request to stay for the invited tea is part stalling, part desire to stay near Tokine.

Azami Ito |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 And no way to do those knowledge rolls.
Azami registers the bird's call in the silent moment, but ignores it. She faces Kyras with a cool, firm expression, remembering his acid burning away that boy's flesh. "You are to come with us to the Palace now, and attend the reception this evening. Curator Nagano-sama will understand that orders from the Palace of the Emperor must be obeyed."
Turning back to the table, she sighs with resignation - it is clear she is not happy about what she is about to say. "The dream last night. A red dragon coiled around this temple, inviting me to tea." She motions with her head towards the teapot on the table. And the boat, and the children, and Juro... Her eyes narrow to push away those thoughts as she adds, "Not my usual dream. Of the sunrise." At the last, she looks directly to Erudima.

Erudima del Fana del Solarian |

Erudima looks confused when Azami says her name. "Oh! Oh. I'm sorry...you...you look very much like someone I've seen before. Where are you orginally from, if I may ask? I really don't mean to pry, it's just...this is my first time really away from home, from Mamban, and to see a familiar face is both strange and comforting for me." Eru's look has changed to that of one who is well-acquainted with homesickness, and her eyes are almost a bit pleading as she looks at the flinty-eyed palace guard across the table.
"Not my usual dream. Of the sunrise." At the last, she looks directly to Erudima.
Eru looks stunned. "You dream of the sunrise? How so? How does the dream unfold?"

Shoto Imuri |

Too late to drop by the maho practitioner? What I want from them is very, very specific. After that, I'll go to bed and begin an even longer day.

Azami Ito |

Azami, her eyes flickering between the tea, the Princess, and the room they are in, cautiously nods to the Princess. "You are not wrong. I am from Mamban; I was Rosalyn Portnoy there." Her voice is quiet, and she briefly looks upwards as if paranoid that something else might be listening. "As for the dream, it is always the same. A terribly beautiful sunrise of blood and silver crests the horizon, a beginning of a day unseen, of freedom from a great evil. And also an ebbing, an end of what was. Always the same for two years..." she pauses.
"...Except this morning."

DM Downrightamazed |

Oh and one last thing. Just want to make sure: you do realize that this 'Kyras Erodal' that Daisuke is supposed to capture is one of the other PCs, right? I'm assuming you do, just want to double-check. My apologies if it's a dumb question. :-)

Yohei |

Know Nature: 1d20 ⇒ 5
As the temple fills, Yohei finds himself distracted by the numerous tapestries and painting adorning the walls. As he's admiring a particularly interesting piece depicting a brightly colored dragon soaring through the sky, his concentration is broken by the call of the jackdaw and he turns to see the spread that has been laid out for the gathering.
Walking back to Azami's side, he gives the woman a plaintive look, "Oh come on Ito-san, we can't turn down such fine hospitality! Let's stay for a bit and take a load off, we can deliver the big fellow to the Palace after tea. Besides this will give you more time to catch up with you new friend here." Flashing a smile to the Princess, he bows low and gives her a wink, "Good to meetcha Princess. I'm known as Yohei, of the Palace Guard, though I'm guessing you've already gathered that bit."

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine does not express hostility toward the gaijin guard, just a guarded interest as it were..she gives off a sense of wounded pride, but that is not it exactly.
Tokine composes herself. Much is happening here, but matters will be resolved in proper order. The Princess' needs must be met, then the matter of Kyras. But the gaijin keeps making claims that will be addressed in their proper due. Still, so many attacks happened last night...why such an interest in that one. She then cast a wary eye to the Tengu, he is watching all this, letting her air such procedural matters in front of the Princess. Claiming jurisdiction within Shelyn's Temple in front of the Princess...She drags a plow like an ox, and the Tengu sits back and watches for the farmer to drop the seed in the furrow.
In a pleasant and off-handed voice, "As you say, fights in the streets that have killed a dear friend of mine are a matter for the constabulary. And that you now stand exactly where my dearest associate poured our her life blood as I barely saved her as she writhed from a poison's embrace, is a matter for the constabulary. Logic would then dictate, Kyras being attacked on the street and in a storage unit, would be a matter of the constabulary. Unless you are here to tell me I invited in and then gave respite and sanctuary to a criminal..but then that would be a matter for the constabulary too, wouldn't it...I would hear more of this. We can talk more after tea." She gives a disarmingly pleasant smile and a small nod of her head.
She turns to find Akiko, "Has the tea been prepared in the garden?..Good." In a louder voice, to be heard by all the murmuring parties. "Tea will be in the Garden..this way."
She walks beside Rhon and sets a pace slower than the others following Akikko, who tried to walk as gracefully as she could to lead the crowd of dignitaries. In a soft voice but not secretive "We were indeed attacked, San Pen and I as a distraction and then the Temple itself as a form of art theft. Seems they tried to make off with an unique piece we have just recently acquired from an anonymous donor." She let that hang there a few seconds. "Mind you, thieves were are used to, it was the savagery of the attack that we were not prepared for. Honorless ronin with poison on their blades and in their hearts. If it were not for a trio of equally brutal gaijin, the art might have been successfullu stolen." She gives her kimono sleeve a small tap, and a muffled rap-rap is heard.

Tokine Nagano |

AT Tea
Tokine sits calmly. Listens to more procedural matters till a cry about the tea. "What do you mean is the tea safe?" This is really too much
She motions Akiko over. "Dear little Akiko. This tea.." She takes the cup and smells the aroma. "Is this the special blend I blessed yesterday at Daiyu-san tea shop..the yiufan blend?

DM Downrightamazed |

Akiko looks horrified. "Madame Nagano-sama! Hai! This is that very tea. It seemed...I do not know, I had an intuition that tea from the mountains, so hardy and flavorful, would taste wonderful on such a day as this. I will replace it immediately if you wish." The attractive and petite young intern awaits Tokine's command, her form and posture perfect.

Rhon Tai |

Earlier, before tea
Rhon hangs back to speak with Tokine, looking more horrified with every passing moment as she describes the events of yesterday. When she speaks of the "anonymous donor" he looks at her over his glasses, gratitude and concern both plain on his face. He gives her a smile, though it is tinged with worry.
Then, as she finishes, Rhon looks suddenly as if he'd been slapped. "A trio of...oh no. Oh those idiots!" he hisses under his breath. He turns to look at Tokine. "Please. Nagano-sama. These...brutal gaijin. Were they a man and two women? The man would have been a big half-elf, an archer..."

Tokine Nagano |

Know(Arcana)->1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Tokine smiles into the cup of tea and takes a satisfying sip before offering a everyone a place at the low table. The tea does wonders to calm her and ground her frayed nerves. "Do not change a thing. You have done very well my dearest."
When the topic turns to dreams, she is paying very close attention. "Azazi, you say you stand on a mountain top facing east. Every morning..facing east...and yet this morning, you were not there?...So you were not standing with your feet encased in ice and rock...?" Tokine seems to drift off a bit in thought, but then come back into focus at Azazi, "The tea? What do you think of the tea?" Her face showing genuine interest in the answer.

Tokine Nagano |

Earlier, before tea
Rhon hangs back to speak with Tokine, looking more horrified with every passing moment as she describes the events of yesterday. When she speaks of the "anonymous donor" he looks at her over his glasses, gratitude and concern both plain on his face. He gives her a smile, though it is tinged with worry.
Then, as she finishes, Rhon looks suddenly as if he'd been slapped. "A trio of...oh no. Oh those idiots!" he hisses under his breath. He turns to look at Tokine. "Please. Nagano-sama. These...brutal gaijin. Were they a man and two women? The man would have been a big half-elf, an archer..."
"That was them..They obeyed my wishes for no blood within the temple..and did defend the temple at a time when it was nearly defenseless. But their methods were ...brutal. So you know them? They said they expected to find someone here. I thought they meant you..be that that for good or ill."

Erudima del Fana del Solarian |

"Portnoy!" Eru says, looking at Azami a little shocked. "That's why I know you. You were Gregor's daughter, no? *sigh* I always envied you. You were so lucky, you always got to go places..." She then brings herself up short as the last part of Azami's statement sinks in. "Wait. Your dream...my vision...they're...they're the same! But how can that be?!" She looks helplessly at Rhon, then at Tokine. "What does this mean?"