Boolar Rejic |
Wizards can't use CLW wands (Yet. Come on Healer's Handbook...) without a high UMD check. The Investigator can use it.
Speaking of our Investigator how does he have +13 initiative?
+2 from Dex.
+2 from a trait probably.
+4 from Improved Initiative maybe.
+1 from an ioun stone.
Afaik there is no alternate human racial trait that helps. Not enough feats to get Improved Initiative, Skill Focus, and Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) for a +4 to Init familiar.
I love high initiative characters so really want to know how it was done.
Lord Arthur Ockham |
I just forgot to edit my vital stats line. I had copied/pasted it from Benedictus, my wizard who has (this time, for real) a +13 bonus to init. I will update my vital stats as soon as possible.
Boolar Rejic |
That explains it. Unless we get another player it looks like you get to hold the CLW wands.
Lord Arthur Ockham |
Okay, character's sheet is now linked in the profile. Also, a few major changes compared to the info presented above and the stats noted by the GM at the top of the page.
Faction: Sovereign Court instead of Grand Lodge
Initiative modifier: +4 instead of +13
Perception modifier: +4 (+5 traps) instead of +6. Passive Perception is 14 (15 for traps).
Thank you, and let's see you guys tomorrow! I'm eager to see what this experiment will produce!
"Spark" |
GAH!!! I entered Spark in another game that shouldn't have started til tomorrow and it started today... only at intros but technically that means we've started... do you mind if i switch out spark for another (also martially oriented) character? also 1st lvl with 0 xp. Please let me know and I'll post with that character so you can change the init and perc lists above.
DoubleGold |
Still have over an hour to prepare, this game is pretty much a dungeon crawl all the way through, so its the best one to pick for speed running, where you won't do a whole lot of roleplay other than with each other, don't even need links to monsters, just copy and past everything, after all half of these monsters are customized instead of ones you find on the that pathfinderogc
Boolar Rejic |
We could use a link to the map at the top of the thread. And the Init/Perception needs to be updated since Lord Arthur Ockham updated his stats and Spark switched characters.
Imojin |
same here!
DoubleGold |
I did lose my original account that signs into google docs, so I've been reusing maps or rather old documents and haven't created new ones. Ignore the hand drawn map and scroll down, that hand drawn is for my Mummy's Mask Game. We are the digital map I was able to copy and past onto the board.
DoubleGold |
If you want to copy and past your image, remember to right click and bring to front using order, otherwise you will disappear behind the map.
Boolar Rejic |
I'll pick up a Bullsseye Lantern and some oil. I can buy some other gear if someone want to carry it.
DoubleGold |
I'm giving the introduction now, so you can all roleplay for a half hour if you want.
DoubleGold |
Everyone is on the map, make sure to look over your character and you have what you want, you still have 25 minutes to adjust anything at all on your character, cause once 11:00 hits, no more adjustments can be made.
Please Make active perception checks as you move from room to room, don't rely on your passives to catch everything.
Imojin |
I think I'm ready - put second icon on the map for mount.
DoubleGold |
Thanks for letting me know, I redid order so your guy will actually fit on top of your mount, I redid bring to front you, so really your guy has priority, instead of the mount being on top of you. You're small sized as you made him so if you cover up another creature, you'll still see part of it.
Boolar Rejic |
I bought the lantern. 30 feet bright light. I'll hold it. I only need 1 hand free to cast.
DoubleGold |
It started, 1st combat. Good idea Boolar, yes you need light or darkvision to see in the tower
Boolar Rejic |
I'm amused that the squishy wizard is clothed in neon colors and is holding a bullseye lantern. I might nickname him Target if he lives.
DoubleGold |
It is chaos, like I expected, but I'm still able to keep track of rounds and init and combats, just not moving as fast as I expected, still we'll likely get this done in two hours.
Boolar Rejic |
Note that Boolar is mostly using his school ability Force Missile. He has only used Magic Missile on the spider. I'm tracking how many of each.
DoubleGold |
I copied and pasted it here, since loot found will be lost in the fast moving game, since you can use the masterwork stuff in game. Also that local check of 19 was 1 off from identifying it.
After the combat, the heroes search the area and with the help of detect magic they find
masterwork silver
dagger, a masterwork light steel shield emblazoned with
a leaping dolphin, and a banner depicting a bird made of
living flame.
Boolar Rejic |
Lord Arthur Ockham got a 26 on his check. It was in the middle of other rolls.
DoubleGold |
A DC 20 Knowledge (local) check recognizes
the banner as belonging to the Band of the Phoenix, one
of Absalom’s most famous hunting lodges during the Age
of Blades.
DoubleGold |
As we are nearing three hours, we will do 2 more combat, then it is normal speed from here on out. It should be done within a week though, given you've cleared out nearly three floors.
Boolar Rejic |
Did you count my Magic Missile damage in round 2 of the skeleton fight?
DoubleGold |
No, you did not magic missile it in round 2
Here is what you found in the skeleton room
Treasure: The altars still contain their silver altar
services, worth 100 gp altogether, as well as two silver
holy symbols of Nethys. In addition, a divine scroll rests
atop each altar: a scroll of shatter on the black altar, and a
scroll of shield other on the white altar.
Imojin |
my connection just sucks today... takes forever to reload pages, or make posts... sigh
Imojin |
thanks - but still, I've had to delete a lot of posts because they were ninja'd sigh
DoubleGold |
Well, now it will be normal pbp speed from here on out, so no more ninjaeing, chaos and hassle, so once combat is over, you bet I won't update till tommorrow at least.
Imojin |
awww... i was having fun despite my connection issues... but I can understand 3 hours of this might be hard on you as gm, and you have other things to do no doubt... thanks for doing this with us... too bad we didn't finish in 2 hours though.
DoubleGold |
Not to mention chaos and missed posts, which is what I kind of expected in fast PBP.
Boolar Rejic |
Not a bad dungeon crawl. I clearly should have taken knowledge nature.
Imojin |
I'm in class tomorrow morning, so I can't, sorry, at least not til afternoon pacific time when i get home.
DoubleGold |
Thanks guys. I post on here daily, so could even do this again tomorrow for an hour straight or more.
That was a one time deal, though I couldn't see this taking us past next Tuesday given you all only have four rooms left. And no I didn't read any posts yet in gameplay to resist posting there, was just checking all my games for posts updates.
Boolar Rejic |
Summon swarm is a full round action so he just started casting it.
His concentration to continue casting is 10 + the dmg (12) + the spell level, So his 21 failed anyway.
As for how I'm getting 3 missiles:
Level 1
Spell Focus + Spell Specialization +2 caster levels to Magic Missile.
Gifted Adept +1 caster level to Magic Missile.
Varisian Tattoo +1 caster level to Evocation spells.