Looking for feat trees to grab with martial Flex


I'd like to figure out combinations of feats to grab with my Martial Flexibility

I am level 5 and took dirty fighting at first level I want to have a good trip tree and a good grapple tree maybe 3ven a good Disarm tree to grab

I know I have just the beginning of Martial flex but I'd like to have some planned out

Any other feat / feat combos idea to grab would be cool as well

Dark Archive

go-to feats that arent needed all the time, but when you need them they really matter
rat catcher
Dedicated Adversary
Blind Fighting

Name Violation wrote:

go-to feats that arent needed all the time, but when you need them they really matter

rat catcher
Dedicated Adversary
Blind Fighting

Thanks ill keep those in mind

I Know most of the range combat feats i could take. played several Archers in past

Do You have any suggestion for combat Manuvers related feats ?

Besides the obvious Improved & Greater feats ?

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