Wingblade |
The sudden spike in Kaoru's sweat and the change in his demeanor indicated a flight or fight reaction in the... boy? His scent was waay off, but maybe he was a late bloomer and hadn't hit puberty yet.
Shayera resisted the temptation to go on alert herself; her senses told her nothing vaguely threatening was nearby with the possible exception of Alexis, and she certainly wasn't the cause of it.
Testing a sudden theory, Shayera takes a few steps back, making sure that Kaoru had several opportunities to flee if he was that determined.
"I'm going to call Bronwyn, make sure she knows where we are," she announces unnecessarily, and pulls out her phone from her purse. She puts it to her ear after making a show of dialing it and turns herself to the side. She trains her other senses to see how Kaoru reacts.
Kaoru Miyamoto |
As soon as the girl spoke, another spike of adrenaline hit Kaoru's system. Danger! Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! But she was backing off to make a call. Maybe they could get away if they left now?
She spoke softly enough so that "only" Alexis could hear her. "I think we should leave. Now. Quickly. I...can't explain. But I think we're in danger." She started to edge back towards the far end of the tree, eyes still trained on the newcomer as she discreetly but urgently waved for Alexis to follow her.
Wingblade |
Shayera checks her own presence, confirms that her wings are hidden, and that her cultivated image of a fashion-obsessed teenager is in full force.
If it's not me, then what? And if it's me, then he's got something going on as well. Maybe an enhanced prey sense? I had wanted to try to get him alone to pass on the message... Ugh. The last time I chased someone trying to run from me, I got body-slammed through a building.
Glancing down and giving her current pretty dress its last rites why is it that whenever I dress down, those clothes never get ruined??, Shayera tucks away her phone and starts moving toward Alexis and Kaoru.
"Hey, Alexis? Could you wait here for the others? I'd like to talk with Kaoru for a real quick sec."
Add the Team.
Shaun hesitates. She was making good points. "Fine, he growls, "but that doesn't change ta' fact that you're full of s%#@, Alex. I'm Scottish, through and through, an' if yea' insult me again by claimin' I'm not, I'll-!"
He freezes mid threat. WHAT am I DOING!?
His expression softens considerably as he sighs. "Sorry. Look, just, leave me alone, a'ight? I don't need any more trouble than I got." He starts walking away without waiting for a response.
- - -
History Class
He really didn't want to go to class.
I've completely f~&!ed everything up. Literally a room full of people I'm trying to be nice to, and I just end up being an a*&$!@#. F!ing great, just outstanding... He'd managed to grab a seat in the back, which let him more thoroughly ignore whatever stupid class he was in now and try to pick through the whole new batch of worms currently working their way down his throat. And knowing my luck, one of them's gonna report me for being a perv, or that Alexandra girl'll call me a bully, and I'll get expelled just as there was one f+!$ing ray of hope. Sounds about f$%+ing right... He was really regretting not wearing something with sleeves today, his nose was running like an open faucet.
As if on cue, a small package of tissues slides across the shared desk towards him, prodded along by a pudgy finger.
Wiping his eyes, Shaun follows the hand to it's owner, a familiar stout figure currently wearing a weird mix of apprehension and compassion. "I-I-I know how much it sucks to get laughed at," glasses whispered.
With a sigh, Shaun takes the Kleenex and starts wiping his nose. "...thanks..."
Some of the nerd's worry seems to dissipate. "Yeah, of course!" He reaches a hand out for a shake towards Shaun. "Name's Engelbert Gayle."
The Scotsman ignores the hand and collapses back into his arms. "...Shaun."
A little after the next period began, Bronwyn poked her head into Shaun's history course. "Mr. Abernathy? Can I borrow Shaun for a couple minutes? It's a quick acclimation thing, I'll have him right back to you."
"That's DR. Abernathy Ms. Pascal." the rail of a man corrects. "But yes, you may borrow him."
Shaun wipes his eyes and jams his sunglasses back on before standing. Engelbert watches with now-unreluctant concern on his face as the towering redhead shuffles out the door.
Outside in the hall, Shaun's mouth is thin, terse line on his face. "What?" His voice is dripping with bitterness.
Alexandra E. Walker |
![Shema Sarwar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9539-Sehema_90.jpeg)
A scathign retort dies on her tongue, as Alexandra watches Shaun deflate. okay is all she says, as he takes his leave.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of school~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Alexandra was walking to her car, when she saw Puppy girl in a dress,s standing off to the side of another group. I should be nice to somebody today.
Hey. your dress is very pretty Alexandra said, Smiling at Reaver's latest crime against humanity. Have you been adjusting to Halcyon okay?
Alexis AKA Mercy |
"...Are you two fighting?" Alexis asked as both Kaoru and Shayera stood off intensely with one another. She didn't understand what got Kaoru so defensive, but she stepped in figuratively to intervene. "This is Shayera. She's my friend. She saved me from...a bad place. So you should be friends with her too, okay?" She urged Kaoru. She tried to figure out why Kaoru didn't like Shayera, but it baffled her. It was also frustrating.
Then she looked at Shayera. "Um, please don't take Kaoru away by himself. I don't think he would like that. Can we just have a nice conversation?" She asked them both. "Um. Oh! You both know Btonwyn. She's...nice. How...um...do you think she stretches after working out?" She asked trying to lighten the mood.
Pierce The Mask (Kaoru): 2d6 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (4, 1) - 1 + 1 = 5
Then Alexandra came up. She blinked, then smiled at her. Maybe she could defuse the tension!
"Hi Alexandra! Um, do you know Shayera? She's my friend. We're all going to the movies together to watch pirates. Do you want to come with us?"
Wingblade |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Shayera steps back again, letting Alexis try to defuse the situation. Whatever this situation was. She wasn't quite sure.
When Alexandra comes up and Alexis tries to introduce them, Shayera puts on the most saccharine smile she could muster.
"Oh, yes, we've met a time or two," she says with fake sweetness. "What a shock to see you here, Alexandra! Are you going to the movies with us? I'm all tingling with excitement to see it. There's a lot of buzz around it, I hear."
Kaoru Miyamoto |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Kaoru froze. The girl with the scary voice wanted to talk to her alone? Sh*t that couldn't be good. And then it got so much worse; Alexandra was there and she was talking to her in a completely different voice. Not good not good not good. She hurried down the rest of the tree as fast as she could and ran to physically inject herself between Shayera and Alexandra. "Nonono! It'sok. I'llgowithyou." Please don't hurt her. And please don't kill me. Please let this all be some huge misunderstanding. Maybe it's a complete coincidence that she sounds dangerous. Maybe she has a twin sister who's a supervillain I heard on the news somewhere. The girl at least didn't look dangerous. And maybe once they were away she could outrun her. She was wearing heels.
Wingblade |
Awkwardest. Get-together. Ever.
The tension around this tree was so thick her blades would have trouble slicing them in one go. And somehow, Shayera felt that she was at the center of it. Granted, Shayera added a bit to it thanks to her good-natured ribbing of Alexandra, but she owed her for taking a dive last night.
When Kaoru jumped back in between her and Alexandra, Shayera blinks in surprise. He was still afraid... but didn't smell like a male in fright. Way more like a female. His-her voice, too, now stressed, sounded much more feminine. That can't be it, can it? Whatever. Here's my chance. I'm going to pass along the message.
"Okay, great. It's all good. Nothing to be worried about," she says, giving Alexandra a little wave. "I'm just going to chat with Kaoru, here." She walks off with the young Japanese student.
Kaoru Miyamoto |
Awkwardest. Get-together. Ever.
And not everybody's even here yet! :3 Still gotta ramp that tension up a few more notches.
Kaoru obediently followed Shayera, making sure not to turn her back on the other girl. Just in case. But...this is a public area. And there are people right over there. It can't go *too* badly, right? Too many witnesses. Maybe? The annoying voice in the back of her head had started to play a funeral march. NOT HELPING!
Bronwyn Pascal |
The hallway
"Shaun, I'm sorry. I got really pissed off, and I hurt you, and I shouldn't have done that. Using forgiveness as a weapon is really messed up too, and I really shouldn't have done that. I really do believe that when you've hurt me it was out of thoughtlessness, and that you really were just trying to make sure everything was okay with Alexis instead off just being a creeper. I don't want us to be pissed at each other, because I do think you're a person worth knowing and helping.
"So yeah, I'm sorry."
Alexis AKA Mercy |
"A Phone!" Alexis shouted loud enough to get other students glancing in their direction, as she hopped down and blurted that out to Kaoru and Alexis. She looked anxious and worried. Mostly because she was afraid Shayera would make Kaoru run away.
"Um. I know you like computers. And Shayera said she'd buy me a phone. So, um, talk with her about a phone you would recommend for me," Alexis finished, hoping that topic would at least get them to relax mote around each other. She didn't want her friends to fight each other.
Bronwyn Pascal |
After school
Bronwyn came jogging up to a scene with far more tension than she'd expected, at least before Shaun showed up. "Hey guys... Everything okay? Oh. Hi Alexandra..."
Wingblade |
Shayera spins around abruptly at Alexis' shout, then gives her a thumbs up. Computers... Then Whip was right about that part at least. She didn't say what a frightened rabbit he'd be, though.
"So, Kaoru Miyamoto, right? I'm Li Xiu Ying, but call me Shayera. I've got... All right jeez, what is the matter? I didn't, like, run over your dog or something, did I?"
Alexandra E. Walker |
![Shema Sarwar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9539-Sehema_90.jpeg)
Alexandra is surprised to see Shayera there. Oh. I didn't know about the movie. No, I wouldn't want to impose She says., letting Shayera's reaction answer Alexis question. fun as dark-clad strangers sound, I'm pretty tuckered out. Long night. And I already owe Shayera for helping me with a... assignment. I couldn't. she says.
She tries to go, before Kay notices her, or...
Hey guys... Everything okay? Oh. Hi Alexandra...
G*~!nit, This is why I'm not nice
Bron... Hey. was just saying Hi to Alexis... Just heading out... She prays that Bron and Shayera would let her go, as opposed to... well, after last night...
Bronwyn Pascal |
Bronwyn put on a determined smile, still pretty warm though. "Nope. You're coming to the movie, Alexandra, surprise!. No mysterious disappearances or sudden stalkerish appearances."
She walked closer so that she wouldn't be casually overheard. "I figure a movie, a little bonding, and then we all talk. Then maybe some pie. Bran sticks out too much for something public like this, but I'm holding his vote. Any vetoes you want to throw in before we make some offers? Between me Bran and Shayera we've gathered pretty much the whole museum crew."
He's quiet for a long time. "...I'm sorry I listened in. Ye'n' Shayera bein'-...that wasn't mine ta' know. I just..." He shrugs. "I don't know what it is about me that just attracts trouble like nails ta'a magnet, but I feel like every time I ry ta' help someone, ta' actual try an' be a nice guy, I get shanked in ta' face."
He half-leans, half-collapses against the wall. "An' I just-...listen, 'bout that Shayera thin', can we talk later? 'Bout that? There's somethin' 'bout Shayera I think ye' should know."
He rubs his temples. "I'm...not ta' best at makin' friends. Hell, aside from Simon I don't think I've got any left at this point. An', if ye're still willin'ta' put up with me, I'd like ta' be friends. Maybe ye' can help me through this school b!*$+~*+ I gotta do now. An' when I say I wanna make it up ta'ya', I mean it. If I can help ya' out of whatever lockdown ye're under, just ask an' I'll do it."
Bronwyn Pascal |
Bronwyn nods solemnly, despite herself a mote of amusement flickering in her eyes. "Shaun, I am entirely certain that the best thing you can do to shorten my grounding is to never say two words to my parents again." More seriously she continued, not letting him off the hook, but without the wounded venom she'd spoken with before. "And hey, bad luck happens. I get that you weren't trying to hear anything about my love life, but then you still talked about it to someone who wasn't listening in, and hadn't heard anything. You talked about something else I do that is a secret to someone who you didn't know, and didn't know whether or not he knew. That's the thoughtlessness that worries me a little about you. That's what could get people hurt." She gave him a real smile, "I know neither of us want that. Hey, you know that movie-thing happening after school? You should come; it should be an interesting group. You should also try very hard not to be the one to let anyone in on secrets that aren't yours. It'll be good practice, movie should be fun too!"
Comfort/Support: 2d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3, 1) + 2 + 1 = 7
Oh, I figure that I cleared Angry for hurting Shaun in that last scene, but didn't actually... y'know say so.
Hex - AKA. Cassie Helious |
After school, Cassie waited in the car park until she saw the others start to appear. Not seeing Bron yet, she decided to wait for her to show, rather than risk the awkwardness of hanging around with only people who couldn't see through her charm. When Shayera showed up she hesitated but then decided to join them, curious about the magical aura she'd detected back in the bathroom.
Very limited posting today - on the road
Kaoru Miyamoto |
Kaoru had spent the last several minutes trying to decide if she actually wanted to see what Bronwyn's response was. There was a good chance things had exploded on her again. As they seemed to keep on doing. She finally convinced herself to look and was relieved to see that this at least would remain uncomplicated. It was pretty easy to pick up the serious comments interspersed with jokes. It was a technique she used often. Or rather, used to use. When she actually had people to use them on. Especially when she had been trying to keep up appearances. But Bronwyn had a lot of friends, so she must have plenty of people she actually knew to talk to about these things. Though she could definitely relate to the world suddenly throwing way too much on your plate. Two girls and an identity crisis later....
Bronwyn had seemed to want to play up the joking attitude, so Kaoru had tried to lean in. Why was interaction somehow easier when you weren't face-to-face? Maybe she should try texting that number Alexandra had given her later....
After school
"So, Kaoru Miyamoto, right? I'm Li Xiu Ying, but call me Shayera. I've got... All right jeez, what is the matter? I didn't, like, run over your dog or something, did I?"
Kaoru noded her head in acknowledgment of her name, almost violently shoving her hands into her pockets in an attempt to stop their adrenaline-fueled shaking.
"I don't have a dog," she said flatly. It was a deflection, but how the hell do you explain this kind of thing to someone? 'Oh sorry, for some reason your voice triggers a panic attack in me, and I have no idea why. By any chance are you a supervillain or supervillain adjacent?' Which of course, if Shayera was, totally wouldn't immediately activate any kind of 'kill all witnesses and eliminate info leak' protocol.
"What did you want to talk to me about?"
Wingblade |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
After school
"I don't have a dog," she said flatly.
"--Anymore?" Shayera interjects, trying to put him at ease with some black humor.
"What did you want to talk to me about?"
Shayera suddenly stalls. The boy-who's-probably-a-girl's squirrelish attitude threw her off, and now she's not sure how to make this supposed superhero connect. Should I be cagey? She'll probably bolt if I tell him I'm Wingblade... Ugh. Nothing's easy.
"All right, I've got a friend who told me I should get in touch with you. Actually, it's like a mentor thing. I've got a mentor, and my mentor is apparently good friends with your mentor, and they've talked and said we could help each other out. Or, at least, that you're really good at computers and I'm... not. So, whenever I'm out doing my... extracurricular activities, you could help out whenever I come across a computer issue.
"Oh, and the code is Apocalypse. Damn. I should have led with that."
"Done. One word only, an' it'll be 'bye.'" He smirks slightly.
'Wait, s!!!, did I? Who didn't-?...oh, deja-vu girl. Sorry, my bad. This hangover's got me all kinds of f%&@ed up..." He doffs the sunglasses and rubs his eyes. "Kick me if ye' ever catch me drinkin' before 2, would ya' please? I never wanna do this again..."
Bronwyn's words on thoughtlessness rang truer than she knew. Shaun's face shifts into a look of regret. "Don't be careless...got it...think thin's through..."
He clears his throat, the look gone in a flash. "Uh, yea', I was thinkin'bout comin'ta' that. I need ta' get some meds in me beforehand though. If I walk into a the'ter like this my brain's gonna give out." He mimes an explosion with his hands. "An'yea', I'll try ta' keep my mouth shut."
He nibbles slightly on his lower lip, then tentatively puts a hand on Bronwyn's shoulder. "Thanks...f'bein' willin'ta' put up with me. Not even my old man bothers ta' do that mosta ta' time. Ye' need anythin' just ask. I owe ya'." He smiles, then heads back into class.
Clearing Angry myself, and Bronwyn now has Influence over Shaun.
- - -
After School
...s$*$. I'm lost. He looked around the parking lot, not seeing anybody familiar nearby. He sighed, then pulled out his phone. "Bronwyn...Bronwyn...Bronwyn...there it is."
(hey B its shaun)>
(where we meeting?)>
(i'm in the parking lot)>
Bronwyn Pascal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
'Anything you wanted.' That's a little ominous or... Argh. I hope he doesn't actually have a crush. Nah, probably not. Okay, I shouldn't actually just text explicitly superhero stuff to him... But I should at least let him know to think cape-y thoughts.
Shaun (New Boy): i'm in the parking lot
Bronwyn: This'll sound super extra, but umm... Look for the limo.
Bronwyn: My gf likes to splurge when she's in the mood...
Okay... Getting to text that is totally worth all the bathroom embarrassment. Wow. Still glad we don't have telepaths. Phrasing, jeez.
Kaoru Miyamoto |
I hope he doesn't actually have a crush.
Yes, let's make Kaoru's love life even more complicated, haha. Also, I have no idea what you were going for with that bird-angel thing, but it was entertaining.
Kaoru snorted at Bronwyn's text ramble, shaking her head in amusement. Though she wasn't sure about this 'friend' Bronwyn had mentioned. She sent off a short response before going back to not paying attention to class. And not thinking about the million things she needed to sort out.-----
After school
Kaoru paused, uncertain of what to do with the joke. I liked it though! Her eyes flicked over the girl again. She really didn't seem dangerous. Was her brain just fking with her again? Seriously, didn't play football, so what had she done to offend it recently?
Then Shayera was talking nonsense about mentors. And her mentor being friends with Kaoru's 'mentor' (who the fk is my 'mentor'? I didn't fail the placement exams *that* badly). And...who knew she was good with computers? Seems like it was mostly Bronwyn, Alexandra, and Alexis, none of whom could be considered her mentor. And she wasn't exactly taking any CS courses here. And what the hell kind of extracurriculars was she doing where she needed computer assistance while also being bad with them?
Then she said 'Apocalypse' and it all became clear (or at least the entire thing about mentors and computers became clear). She froze. This was the 'local hero' Delphi had pimped her out to? It didn't explain where the fear came from, but it did confirm that the fear was almost certainly valid. If Shayera were capable of trying to deal with the threats of this city, she would almost certainly be capable of killing her. Why the fk had Delphi said she was 'really good'? Now she was in the terrific position that either she said no and Delphi made her life not worth living or she said yes, screwed up, and possibly risked getting killed for triggering an alarm. Fun, fun times.
At least her body had stopped dropping adrenaline in her every time the girl talked. That didn't stop her stress levels from rising though.
She quickly adopted her politest tone and mildest expression, resituating her posture and body language to match. "I am afraid you do me too much honor with your words of praise. My skills are but paltry and limited, but if one such as yourself believes it would be worthwhile, please allow me to do my utmost to render a satisfactory performance." Ugg, why doesn't English have its own formal language? It always sounds so dumb when I try to translate from Japanese. She then bowed formally from the waist, keeping Shayera just in sight with her periphery, just in case she decided to charge or something.
Bronwyn Pascal |
Bendigeidfran aka Bran the Blessed literally translates to The Blessed Crow.
But I figured as long as I didn't rely on that knowledge being widespread to make her reply fun I could get away with that post :-p
...Okay. That's umm... Why is he bowing to Shayera. Are they going to fight? He looks really afraid. Wait, is Shayera asking him about joining the team? I hadn't even brought him up as a support option yet. How'd she know?
She saw Cassie looking at the pair as well with an odd expression. So she sidled up to distract her and ask a quick question. "So if you unveil to go to the movies, how does that work? Everyone remembers the pretty sorceress at the theater, no one realizes that maybe she looks similar to the girl who sits in front of them in algebra? And if you wanted to make an impression tonight, would that make it too easy for your mom to find you?"
Wingblade |
Shayera arches an eyebrow when Kaoru bows. She picked up on the Rìběn manner of speech, even if he'd still spoken English. Which was good, since Shayera didn't speak Japanese.
"Okay, good. Um, and hey, no need to get all formal. My dad has me behave with Chinese formality, but the instant he's gone, all that ceremony and ritual is out the window."
She sticks out her hand for a shake. "Seriously. Take it easy and relax a bit; I don't bite. Oh, and I guess since you're on board and I've no reason to doubt Whippoorwill, I'm really Wingblade. Nice to meet you. Do you have a hero code name picked out?"
I'd say that's a comfort, since Kaoru still seems shaken by me
Comfort and support: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7
Alexis AKA Mercy |
Alexis was curious about what Bron was whispering to Alexandra. Or what she whispered to Cassie when she came as well. Or what Kaoru and Shayera were talking about. Or where Shaun was at the moment. She hoped that he would come so Kaoru wouldn't feel off put being the only guy there.
She steps over to Alexandra, figuring that she'd be helpful in helping her with Kaoru. She seemed to support her yesterday. "So...this isn't a date. It's a hang out. So I want to hang out and learn about Kaoru. What do you think I should ask him about?"
Provoke Alexandra to give helpful advice: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 5) + 1 = 8
Add a Team to the Pool if she does it, and we need a static tracker for Team somewhere. I'm not sure how much we currently have.
My current count is 3 Team. Should I just put it in my alias tag? Since I'm likely to be the one spending most of it with my ability.
<(My gf likes to splurge when she's in the mood...)
(i thought this was a movie)>
(not prom)>
(still cool though)>
(never been in 1)>
(i call the window seat)>
As he pops an Aspirin into his mouth, Shaun scans the lot for a limo. Unsurprisingly, it was pretty easy to spot as it glided through the school gates. He jogs after it as it rolls towards the front of the school (oh DUH!) and towards a surprisingly large gathering of people he actually recognized. There was Bronwyn, talking with Alexandra (oh boy...) and then deja-vu girl (wait do they know her?). Alexis was dropping out of a tree to talk with Alexandra (oh that's gonna get confusing), and Shayera was talking with...
Standing right there, looking stiff as a board, was Try-Hard. Why the hell is HE here!? Haven't I had enough people criticizing me today!? With significantly less enthusiasm, Shaun follows the pathway to the school entrance, beating the car by a minute or so.
He ultimately joins the gaggle of girls and guy near Bronwyn and Ms. Familiar. As calmly as he can, he wanders over to the two of them. Now he could hear they were talking amongst themselves. He considered jumping into the conversation, but today's previous events reminded him to give them some space. So he just gave Bronwyn a short wave then leaned against the building, trying to stare his way through the back of Try-Hard's head.
Alexandra E. Walker |
![Shema Sarwar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9539-Sehema_90.jpeg)
And why, pray tell, are we all talking? We've collected who we need. you and Shayera have scooped up Puppy girl, and I have the hacker. We team up when it needs a bigger team. Alexandra gripes, but she accedes, on the off chance this is actually a good idea.
Apparently, I am coming Alexandra says to the others.
to Alexis, she says well, Kaoru is a pretty quiet guy. but he likes computers. and he's played some really nice pranks on someone who hurt him. you might be able to get him to tell that story. Or tell him about yourself, and ask him about the part of your life you just shared... honestly, if you are compatible, there will be a pretty quick dialogue that forms. She tells the younger girl. I don't even know If I want her to succeed. but if she does, my whole "Am I Bi" thing gets a lot easier
She sidles over to Shayera, and leans in If you and Bron are planning on skinning me alive for last night, could you at least do it after Kay and ALexis have gone?
Kaoru Miyamoto |
Kaoru slowly straightened, glancing at the proffered hand. It would be rude not to shake it. But she also didn't really want to get within arm's reach of the other girl since that would almost certainly put the kibosh on running away. She didn't really know much about this 'Wingblade' except that Alexandra thought decently of her. And she did seem relatively sincere. But it was still too early for her to disregard her instincts. Especially given that she was basically being blackmailed into this. Though given the whole 'mentor' thing, Wingblade may not know the actual details of what was going on. She had no idea what Delphi had told Wingblade's mentor.
Still in her politest tone of voice, she responded. "I am afraid that I have dirtied my hands in my pursuit of higher ground and there may yet be tree sap on them. Were I to shake this hand you have so graciously offered, it might transfer onto you and ruin your most glorious outfit. Though it brings me great shame to refuse your offer, my shame would be greater still were I to be the cause of destruction for such beauty. In regards to a name, I am afraid that one such as I have not yet earned such a privilege as my skills are meager and I fall far short of the title of 'hero'. Was there more business that you wished to discuss or shall I escort you back to the large company of people who seem to be awaiting your return?"
Alexis AKA Mercy |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Alexis nods to Alexandra, glad to have her support and her advice. She smiles and holds her arms out to her. "Thank you. We're friends now," She declares, looking happy as she also points at Cassie. "We're friends now, too!" She tells her, before pointing to Bronwyn. "We were already friends."
She then turns towards the direction that Kaoru and Shayera had gone, and spots Shaun near them. "And he's my friend too. But he needs to stop swearing so much." She bounces on her heels. "And Shayera's my friend, and Kaoru's my friend...I have so many friends now!"
And she laughs. The sound of it is so sudden that it actually makes Alexis choke a little, eyes widened as she tries to come to terms with the completely unfamiliar involuntary reaction.
"...That was weird. Let's go to the movies now, okay?" She says, turning to go....and then turning back. "We need Shayera to get Reginald to drive us. He's a nice guy."
So, I have an idea for running a scene here since the group is now all together. I want to make sure that people would be all right if I put on the GM hat for that.
Hex - AKA. Cassie Helious |
Cassie started when Bron snuck up on her and turned away from Shayera. "Huh? Oh, um, yeah, its kind've hard to understand. Well, its hard for me to understand anyway, but yeah, pretty much.. The charm makes me,... uninteresting? But it also stops people from associating me with,.. me. If you see what I mean? Ummm, yeah I guess I could take it off tonight and it wouldn't be too risky but,... maybe not here? I don't want my mom to know where I'm at school if I can help it."
Go ahead Alexis
Wingblade |
Shayera's demeanor sinks a bit when Kaoru doesn't shake her hand. She slowly withdraws it, and goes about smoothing her dress. "All right, then. Okay,well, it looks like the gang's all here. You're coming along to the movies, right? Maybe you'll be able to relax a bit there."
She turns and starts walking back to the group that has started to gather around the limousine. "Everyone ready? Hi, Shaun, glad you decided to make it." She turns to Cassie, and nods. "Hi, again."
Under his shades, Shaun’s eyes widen. She...considers me a friend? Wha-? Why!? Then the battlegirl laugh-croaks like some kind of hyena-frog hybrid. Oh right. She’s b~@!@!$ crazy. That’s why.
He rolls his eyes as the limo rolls up. What is her deal? And...why did I actually kind of like the “friend” title? He tried his best to suppress the blush this time.
As he approaches the gathering gang, he waves in response to Shayera. ”Hi lass. Thanks f’ta’ ride. Talk about arivin’ in style!”
Kaoru Miyamoto |
Kaoru slowly follows Wingblade back to the veritable mob of people who had gathered for the movie. On the bright side, the group was large enough that it was pretty clear that this wasn't a date. On the other hand, given some of the other members of the group, she wasn't actually sure this would be any less stressful. But at least this way, I'm not leading Alexis on, right?
As she approached, she caught sight of the limo. They weren't...supposed to ride in that were they? She had just kinda figured they'd all grab lyfts or something. A limo split, what, like, 7 ways couldn't be too expensive, could it? She sighed. Her mom was going to kill her for this. Not that they couldn't afford it, but it was rather excessive. I guess this means I'll have to endure another lecture about saving for the future or some such.
She goes to stand next to Alexandra, offering her a quick smile before saying, "Glad you decided to join us."
Alexandra E. Walker |
![Shema Sarwar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9539-Sehema_90.jpeg)
Alexandra leans in toward Kaoru. Okay, quick heads up, ever person in this car has superpowers, or has run around in a ridiculous costume playing at being a hero. I suspect this is not a coincidence... She straightens
Alexandra takes a seat near a window, but next to Kaoru, to prevent anyone else from taking the spot. She Silently gestures for Alexis to take the spot at the far side of Kaoru, giving the girl a smile of encouragement.
Alexis, I haven't heard much about your past. she says, hoping the girl had enough of a cover story to segue into taking about Kay, Where did you live before coming here?
Wingblade |
As everyone piles into the limo, Shayera takes the center seat, but reaches up and hits the sunroof so it opens up. Then she leans back in her seat and accidentally lets her knee bump up against Bronwyn's leg and leaves it there.
She gives Alexandra a warning look when she asks Alexis about her past. "Hey, we're here to have fun and relax."
Kaoru Miyamoto |
Kaoru raised an eyebrow at Alexandra's statement. It...was not what she had been expecting. She mentally reviewed who was there. Alexis obviously had powers. Wingblade or 'Shayera' was a local hero. Shaun was a wannabe hero. But that still left the other new girl, Cassie, and Bronwyn. Cassie...she didn't really know anything about her except that she was new, played cello, and wanted to pick up bass guitar. But somehow she didn't seem like the caped crusader type. Or like she had any sort of powers. Bronwyn seemed even less likely to run around playing dress up. And if she had powers, what were they? Overwhelming niceness? Supernatural charm? But...Alexandra was a lot more observant than she was. If she said this wasn't a coincidence, she believed her.
Though that did bring into question who had orchestrated this entire thing? Surely Alexis hasn't aggressively asked her out to force her to decline and manipulate her into suggesting a group outing? Was the whole social awkwardness thing just an act? If so, it was very convincing. And also an incredibly sh*tty thing to do.
She had thought sitting in the limo would be incredibly awkward. Mostly due to trying to balance multiple social equations. Maximize distance from person X and Y. Minimize distance from person A. Solve for D. But Alexandra had made seating a lot easier. Even if being wedged between her and Alexis seemed a little...awkward. It did give her a buffer from both Shaun and Wingblade though. Though there also seemed to be some tension between Alexandra and Wingblade. So perhaps Alexandra had wanted her to be a buffer? She could try to do that. She sat up a little straighter, trying to subtly make herself appear bigger. She had very little doubt she wasn't that successful though. It's not exactly like she had the physique of a linebacker or anything. She could sit her backpack on her lap though. Which kind of had a similar effect? Ish?
Alexis AKA Mercy |
In the Limo
"I lived in the barracks." Alexis stated. She looked up at the limo's ceiling, reaching up and poking the cloth cover. "Me and all the young kids. When I was older, they moved me to another barracks. Then I ran away during a work assignment. And then I was moving from camp to camp until Shayera saved me. And now I live with her."
She looked out the window, tracing on the glass with her fingertip. "It was a bad place. I don't ever want to go back." She paused and looked at Kaoru's hands now. "Do you like pirates? I don't know much about them. But they apparently have big wooden ships with cannons and go sailing and bury treasure. It sounds fun. What do you like to do for fun?" She asks towards the asian boy. "I like to read Shakespeare. His plays are difficult to read, but they're fun. I'm going to try reading Romeo and Juliet next. It looks like a good romance."
Gonna wait a day before getting to the scene, and until then, we can certainly navigate towards the pirate movie, and other teenaged drama that may occur. I just ask that nobody have their characters' leave the group until then. Hopefully things will go well!
Bronwyn Pascal |
In the parking lot, Bronwyn's heart melted at Alexis's sudden outburst. That was the sweetest, saddest laugh I've ever heard. God bless you for finding her Shayera, before it was too late.
As they all piled into the limo she couldn't help but give a goofy smile as Shayera discretely 'snuggled up'.
Okay Bron, get it together. Even if... Wow - Does everyone here but Kaoru know we're a couple?
Well, then I am just gonna hold the **crap** out of her hand during the movie. Ahhhh! I could even do that cheesy fake-stretch move! I could-
Wait what's Alexandra whispering?
She kept a carefully bland face as Alexandra gave Kaoru a heads up. It was probably a good idea to warn Kaoru more explicitly, even if she wouldn't have worded it quite that way. Obviously overhearing a whisper across a boisterous limo wasn't the best way to downplay her powers anyways...
Though I don't think Alexandra knows about Cassie? Not that she's beyond taking a guess and stating it as fact :-p
"So wait, I heard pirates, but I haven't paid any attention to previews or release dates or anything. What movie are we actually seeing?"
Kaoru Miyamoto |
Okay Bron, get it together. Even if... Wow - Does everyone here but Kaoru know we're a couple?
Pretty much. Yup. :-P
Kaoru's hands were folded neatly on top of the backpack now sitting in her lap as she listened to the chatter going on around her. Why were adopted kids in barracks? Isn't that, like, child abuse or something? Was Alexis one of those child soldiers they had in Africa? She glanced at Alexis briefly before returning her gaze to some arbitrary point in front of her. Alexis didn't exactly look like she was from Africa. Or do they have those in other places as well? Or...genetic experiment? It would explain the super-strength and crazy healing. Though their psychologists would have to be pretty incompetent if they've had her a while and hadn't properly brainwashed her.
She was surprised to hear that 'Shayera' had apparently adopted Alexis though. Another recruitment tactic? Was she the one behind all of this? She hadn't manipulated Alexis into asking her out, had she? Sown false ideas of what dating was and set her sights on Kaoru? That would be kind of doubly sh*tty.
"I prefer ninjas. Ninjas beat pirates any day." She paused at being asked what she did for fun. She couldn't exactly say play music. Not until she had learned to play some guitar anyway. Instead, she gave a half-shrug. "This and that. Play video games. Watch anime. Nothing that interesting." Not that I'm likely to have time for any of that in the near future. Still gotta look over those files. And start picking up Android development. And maybe try making some things. And learn some new sheet music. And think about...things.
She suddenly realized that that had been a pretty anti-social response to Alexis' question. This whole thing had started because Alexis had apparently wanted to get to know her after all. And...well, that was somewhat unlikely to happen given what that would entail revealing, but she could at least put forth some effort to maintain a proper conversation. "Not really sure I'd call Romeo and Juliet a 'good' romance. It's basically just propaganda for parents to use on kids to warn them of the consequences of what happens if you don't listen to them." If Alexis had somehow lived under a rock long enough not to know the basic gist of the play, it was probably a good idea not to spoil the ending for her. She shrugged again. "But what would I know? Romance isn't really my preferred genre of fiction." There was another pause as she realized she still hadn't really given Alexis anything to respond to. Man, she was bad at this. Ask a question. That's a good default, right? "What makes you like Shakespeare? I never really saw the appeal personally."
Shaun was a bit surprised as some serious seat-jockeying took place. He just tired to get the far-side window seat, not really caring who he ended up sitting with. As soon as the car was in motion, his window was down and his head was hanging out of it. Sure, it wasn't easy on the neck, but he'd always loved doing this, ever since he was a kid. The wind, the speed, it felt great.
As a result though, he pretty well missed the initially bout of conversation in the car. As he leaned back in to tuck the kit under the seat, he cleared his throat. "So, we pickin' this Kaoru character up later? He meetin' us at ta' theater?" Then his eyes glanced up at the sunroof, then snapped to Shayera with a pleading look.
Alexandra E. Walker |
![Shema Sarwar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9539-Sehema_90.jpeg)
Alexandra smiles at Shayera. Girl need to practice her cover story, and she needs an opener with Kaoru. Alexandra thinks I'm helping... I'm being good. I haven't gotten to know her that well. Just a little Ice-breaker. she replies with a smirk. Keep the game going
Then Alexis starts talking, and Alexandra's hope is shattered. Or, maybe she just hasn't been outed by pure luck.. she tries to put her hand on the younger girls, but then she changes tact, sharing a bit about her, and asking about Kaoru. Good work, Shaky start, but you made it work.
I'm playing TattleTale... just... How did I not notice before
Also, Alexandra didn't know about Cassie, until Bronwyn told her this was a superhero thing. she kinda "process of elimination"-ed it down to magic girl after Bron told her she was at the museum.
Hex - AKA. Cassie Helious |
Also, Alexandra didn't know about Cassie, until Bronwyn told her this was a superhero thing. she kinda "process of elimination"-ed it down to magic girl after Bron told her she was at the museum.
Hmmmm,... the charm's supposed to be pretty powerful at not getting you to link them, and seeing Cassie as uninteresting. I think its *maybe* fair to guess there might be something special about her (unleash?) but you shouldn't be able to link Cassie to Magic Girl in your mind that easily....
Alexandra E. Walker |
![Shema Sarwar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9539-Sehema_90.jpeg)
Oh. Yikes. I didn't realize it was that powerful. I just figured I was playing into it by not having Alexandra pick her out as special. also, Bronwyn said "the museum crew is all here"... and she knows who everyone but one is, and their civilian identities/emissaries (still hasn't put Bran together either)...So, one unknown in the museum crew, on unknown in the limo. feels like an "on a silver platter" thing, personally.
Hex - AKA. Cassie Helious |
Hex - AKA. Cassie Helious |
Cassie made sure to take a seat next to Bron, which unfortunately placed her next to Shaun who, for some reason, seemed to be doing an impression of a Labrador. She sat quietly listening to the others talk for a little while, before taking out her phone and sending a quick text.
Cassie: You're SURE they can all be trusted? IDK how strong *it* is if I'm *really* obvious about it!
Bronwyn Pascal |
Cassie (New Girl): You're SURE they can all be trusted? IDK how strong *it* is if I'm *really* obvious about it!
Bronwyn: Ummm. I'm sure, but not SURE.
Bronwyn: Maybe go behind a corner at an appropriate moment if you're not SURE?
Bronwyn: I'll cover if that helps, but I think it'd be good for them to meet-meet you.
Bronwyn: ur choice obvs
Bronwyn gave Shaun a quizzical look. Is he joking? They've met - I was there. Wait, does he have some kind of glamer too? No... Alexis, and Shayera and everyone remember Kaoru just fine.
She locked incredulous eyes with Shaun and pointed her head at Kaoru in an unmistakable gesture.
"I don't know, Kaoru. Sure I'd take a ninja in a fight any day, but come on, for a movie? Swashbucklery, rope swinging, the spray of the sea, passion and quips? Give me any pirate movie any day."
Kaoru Miyamoto |
Kaoru rolled her eyes at Shaun's comment. Seriously, he doesn't even know my name? She considered making a sarcastic comment about it, but changed her mind. She didn't really want to make a scene in front of Wingblade.
"You only say that because movies don't include scents with them. If they did, let's see then how much you'd like a movie about a bunch of people stuck on a boat for weeks at a time. Not to mention the scurvy and bad teeth." Kaoru smirked at Bronwyn before switching to a perfect pirate accent. "Besides, their quips be below parrr."